A Metroid on the Brain 3 - The Rape of the Raptor

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#3 of Chronicles of FinalGamer 1 - Metroid

It is a grave day for James' life to have ever crossed paths with the dreaded Ridley. And it nearly becomes the last day of his very life, until duty intervenes in the form of an invasion.

All Metroid characters are copyrighted to Nintendo, FinalGamer to me.

Awakening several hours later, James found himself sore and sticky on the brig floor, chained still and feeling a bit uncomfortable. He tried to think why he was sore and then he remembered the "fun" the guards had with him. That weird stuff they poured onto him made him beg so cheaply to them, he wrinkled his snout up in utter digust of himself for doing such a thing. But then they were kinda sexy, he thought to himself. Oh goddamit James, don't go Stockholm Syndrome now, you got kidnapped and raped by pirates...SPACE pirates! The worst kind, because you can't just jump out into space and swim to the nearest shore, can ya? No, not unless you got an escape pod, which is harder to steal than a lifeboat what with all the buttons and shit. He shook his thoughts from his mind and tried to steady himself up into a more comfortable position. He should have been more upset by the fact that three space pirates had his way with him, remembering what one of the guards had let slip during the lustful moments before. But he considered two things. 1. He was feeling weirdly excited at being a captive of them, in some strange way. He had had enough excitement back home but this was more adventurous than fighting with trash can lids in the back alley with junkies. This felt more fantastical, more fictional, like a dream to him. He never dreamed he would be on another planet, despite his world having hovercars and virtual reality for the more well-off folk. But he was used to that, that wasn't the future to him. Space was the future. Although there were colonies on other planets near Earth such as Mars and one of the moons of Jupiter, he'd never be rich enough to afford it. The only people who weren't rich on those colonies were ones born there or smuggled there, or both.

  1. That odd chemical poured on him had reversed his "please no" to "oh fuck yes". At least the pirates were kind enough to change his mind into a more happier mode, he couldn't say fairer than that. They could have let him be unwilling instead and just rape him. Then again it was practically the equivalent of a viagra & rohypnol cocktail. His mind tried to tangle with this strange idea. Did he enjoy it? A part of his mind didn't want to for being used in such a way, but then they did make him willing. Even if it was by artificial means and not just the natural way, by some slow seduction and a nice meal. As he was thinking on these two points, the door opened once more and he saw two guards enter, taking the chain off the wall, putting his jeans back on and dragging the raptor wordlessly through corridors. It was obvious he had been molested, the smell of space pirate musk all over him which the guards wrinkled their snouts at. Eventually, he was brought to a solitary door. A very strange looking one, larger than most of the other doors he had seen, marked with clawmarks all over it as if a rampant beast lived here. He was somewhat right in his assumption. "Captain, we have the captive ready." Said one of the guards before the voice of the captain was heard behind the door. "Good, throw him into my quarters." "A-alone?! But sir-" "Do NOT question me, unless you'd enjoy a solid meal of Phazon!" With shaky nods, they opened the door and threw James into the room, who landed heavily on his belly, trying to get up in his bound position.

The dark room looked like a whirlwind within a study. Except without the books. The walls were the same as all of the ship but there were frames along them. A few were of the captain himself painted in magnificent ego-stroking watercolour or photographs and snippets of news articles digitally rendered into permanent frames with titles such as "K-2L Massacre!" and "Federation Sting Fails, Ridley's Tail Deadlier!". There was also a large metallic computer as a semicircular desk, which the purple dragon-thing stood in front of, dominatingly powerful at 8 feet tall with wings spreading out as soon as James' eyes locked on him, imbuing him with a fearful presence. "So...are you enjoying your stay upon my ship, captive?" "Would you be offended more if I just said no, or if I pretended to say yes?" "Surprise me." A cruel smile came from the long beak. "Well, I would like to say, you make good beds but your food service is atrocious. Still waiting for breakfast, lunch and dinner you know, though I did get something to not star-" He was cut off by a hefty swipe of the bony tail to the side of his head, making him fall with a yelp onto his side. As he hit the floor with a crunching groan, the face of the captain turned from a smile to a sneer instantly. "Disrespectful little hatchling...as much as I despise your lack of respect, I am willing to make a deal." "Wh...what deal?" "You will call me sir when you speak to Captain Ridley, boy!" Another tail swipe at the raptor. "Alright, alright Captain!" he said in a sarcastic tone. "NOT Captain!" Another slash of the dagger-like tip of the tail was brought unto him, as well as the smack of claws to the raptor's body. "You are not a member of my crew and you do not deserve to be one either. You are lower than even my most newest recruit!" The dragon space pirate picked up James by the throat and pushed him against the wall. He dragged his back against it hard as he tightened his grip, pinching a claw into the shoulderblade to make it bleed thinly. "Now...WHAT do you say, whelp?" "S-sir! Yes, sir!" An almost instinctive blurt to avoid any more tail lashing. "Good."

He threw his captive across the room, missing the desk by inches to hit against the wall and slide down behind the desk. He tried to hold back his tears from the pain he felt all over him, his back especially. But he had no time to get up before Ridley flew across the room, wings stretched out like a demon king as he leapt on top of James, bearing down on him hard with a bony beak rubbing against the cheek. "Now...let us make a deal...and your chances of walking free away from me will be greatly improved." "Y-yes sir." "Tell me where the Hunter is." "Wh-who?" "Answer the question boy," his tone turned grating and hoarse, "Where...is...the Hunter?" "I...I...the guy in the suit? I told you before, I don't know who he is! I just met him and your guys show up and I just...I didn't know, I'm sorry!" "I take any action against my crew seriously, no matter what your reactions were." He lifted up James once more before slamming him against the wall. His arm looked like bare bones with the thinnest of scaled flesh over them, yet they had a surprising strength within them. "Where is Samus?" "Wh-who's Samus?" "The Hunter you eggsucking bitch, WHERE IS SHE?!?" "I-i-i-what the fuck are you talking about?!" "You were there with her when my crew ambushed her, and you helped her escape. You are her ally and therefore I demand you to tell me her whereabouts or else!" "O-...or else what?" James' lips quivered in rising panic, unable to tell the captain what he wanted and having no idea of how to get out of it. "Or else...judging by the stench of my crew on you...I will give you something far more satisfying...to myself." Something in his tone implied that Ridley would not be so kind to use that chemical stuff his guards had used on him, so he tried rapidly to think of a way out. It was one thing back then, but this would be full-on rape, true pirate style, and he knew what they said. That old saying came to mind. In space, no one can hear you scream. He wasn't even sure if he was off of the surface of Planet Zebes even but whatever the case, he didn't want Ridley fucking him. That skeletal pterodactyl dragon-like body rubbing against him felt creepy enough. Desperately thinking something to get out of this, he suddenly thought of something odd Ridley had said, earlier in his ranting against this Samus character..

"Wait...did you say she?" "What?" "You said...this um Hunter, was a she?" "Yes..." "Wow...totally did not see that, I thought it was a guy, I mean really, nothing obvious in that suit." This observation threw Ridley off slightly so James took the chance. "I mean, seriously, was wandering along, found a guy in a suit, thought to ask directions yanno?" "And...you had no idea Samus was female?" "I didn't even know her NAME until you told me half a minute ago! Really, I don't know anything about this place, I'm just a little raptor who got lost." Ridley was not convinced, knowing that in his line of work, suspicion was good for his health and his career. "I don't believe you." "If I knew Samus was a girl, would I have kept calling her a guy when we first met?" "If you're a very clever ally of hers yes...but to even have an ally is unusual for her." "Why is that unusual?" "She is a lone hunter. She has always been by herself ever since I made her alone, and then...she returns..." He dropped James unceremoniously onto the floor, clasping his long pencil thin claws together as he stared at his framed murals of a most "illustrious" career. "That pathetic human should be dead, should have died back in her days as a hatchling, but those peace-preaching Chozo swooped her away from the colony of K-2L to turn her into the most...castrating experience of my life. I was on my way to ruling the galaxy with perfect records of raids, massacres, wealth and an army. And right at my zenith she struck me down...I didn't even think one little human, a FEMALE human of all things, would be so much trouble, but it just proves I should have been more careful in my raiding. Ironic isn't it?" He turned towards James, his face looking somewhat wistful. "U-uh huh?" "That my carelessness is leading me to my doom. Which is exactly why..." His face turned into a snarl once more as he picked up James and threw him over the desk, walking around this time to stare down upon him. "I am going to be more careful this time. I will not have two hunters arguing over my head. For now...I will rape you, just like I wish to do to her now. And then I will kill you...like I should have done to her long ago." "But...b-but I don't KNOW anything about her for fuck's sake!" "You know too much about me now, and like I said, I will not pay for my carelessness once again by creating a new enemy who walks from my clutches with revenge in his heart. Your heart will be lifeless, and your corpse will be nothing but filled with my seed as a personal reminder to myself. A reminder of always doing every objective...perfectly."

Ridley rubbed his bony hands all over his raptor captive, feeling every part of the body from the snout to the anus. It still felt a little wet still from his guards' fun from before, a cruel chuckle coming from his bent throat. "I...I wasn't even going to say anything if you let me go, I don't CARE what you're doing here, I don't care about this Samus bitch and your fucking carelessness, I just wanna...j-just wanna go home!" He whimpered in panic and frustration at himself, at Ridley, at Zebes, everything. His first real adventure had turned so sour before he even realised where he was. He knew of course pirates were not the nicest of characters, but he was still angered and scared at the same time about this. Ridley merely chuckled. "I don't care. You have reminded me of why I despise that human...and I will thank you...when I fill you, and then slaughter you. Let me tell you a little secret." He bent his beak down towards the raptor's head with a vile murmur. "I never leave my captives alive. I was never going to let you go. Far too great a risk. But I don't kill all of them quickly. It's far more fun watching an inferior little thing like you squirm on my cock." As he said this, he forced James' head between his legs. The raptor soon felt a bump of the bony body start to form near his snout, the scales feeling so ridged and skeletal. It made him shudder, and he only panicked, trying to wrestle his head away from the deceptively strong claws. Soon, he saw a thick purple penis slide from Ridley's body, a lean pointed shaft that slowly became more and more engorged. As Ridley amused himself with vengeful thoughts of lust and abusing his nemesis, James looked up with an angered sneer. "What makes you think I won't bite your dick off before I die?" "Because if you do my young captive, I will make you die even more excruciatingly than before, and I will actually exert some strength into your death. If you don't bite, then I will let you die quick and painlessly with a mere twist of your precious little neck. But if you even nibble a tiny bit...then I will make you feel as if your tongue was strangling your own heart while you drown in your blood. And all while you still taste my seed inside you, mixing with your blood. No matter what you do, I will rape you...the only difference is how much more painful you will make it for yourself."

And with that fearful horrific image in his mind, Ridley let himself become fully aroused at an impressive 11 inches long, a size befitting of a captain, before he held the back of James' neck and pushed his snout against the throbbing erection. The raptor kept his mouth closed in protest. Ridley began to pinch the back of the neck forcefully, harder and harder as his captive grunted with strained teeth, before sharply clawing his back. James screamed and the moment his mouth opened, he was shut up with a face full of cock, unable to pull away from the Space Pirate captain. "Good boy...now...pleasure me before I kill you...reward me for what I should have done..." Ridley smiled down on James as he swallowed what he was given, sucking as good as he could. He could only moan in whimpers as the vile meat, the only part of Ridley that did not look bony at all, ravaged his snout with at first experimentally gentle bucks. Testing the tightness of the mouth and throat, Ridley began to facerape him eagerly, with panting hissing sounds from the long cold beak. A thin long tongue hung out of his beak, claws firmly digging into the back of the raptor's head. "Ohhh...." Ridley was enjoying himself, he hadn't had anyone pleasure his body this way since one very disrespectable recruit was "expelled" from his crew, in the exact same way he was planning to "expel" James from his life. James felt the cock slide back and forth, gagging occasionally whenever Ridley bucked too hard, forcing the shaft into his throat. It felt hot, tight and pulsing, but he was only able to force 7 inches inside before James was visibly choking on it. The pterodactyl-like monster ignored the choking and made several attempts in forcing the raptor's head down to his crotch. The choking turning louder, gags sharp in the air. He was turning hard from the sounds as James could tell from the precum spurting stronger.

"What's the matter?" Ridley mocked his captive as he gripped the head harder. "Am I too big for your little snout, boy? Pathetic...you should be very thankful for what I'm giving you before you die. This...opportunity, the very rare...mmmmph...opportunity to feel me, taste me...carry with you my essence forever." James could only reply in whimpering choking sucks, cheeks puffing in and out as he began to taste the precum. It was a little more bitter than most others he had tasted in his life, and a lot less pleasing a situation, closing his eyes and trying to wish this all away in futility. With the realisation that he was going to die, he tried to make this last as long as he could and prayed that Ridley took a long time to climax. On that note, the pirate pulled his cock from James' mouth, rubbing it stickily all over his head. Precum oozed on his eyelids. "Mmmmm...and now...you become my bitch, and experience this honour for such a short time...a pity." Ridley shoved James down onto the floor and turned him onto his belly, tail in the air with a slickened hole puckering before Ridley's cock. It tightened up in fear, his legs bound and shaking visibly as Ridley slid his bony hands along the naked back, before weighing himself down on top of James. His words were perverted, his tone lewd and sinister to throw the raptor between instinctual lust and deathly fear. "How old are you my little boy?" "Ah...ahhhh....t-t-t-twenty-two..." "Hmmm...a fine age, just on the brink of becoming a full male to be so sadly...cut off in his prime. And all for me here and now. I'm going to enjoy your young...beautiful body..." Without any further comment, Ridley laid on top of his prisoner and shoved his cock inside the raptor, rewarded with a tightened screech from the shuddering body underneath him. Not so much for the pain inside his tailhole, forced open and penetrated deeper than he had ever been in his life, but for the fact that this would be the last thing he would feel before death, according to his captor. His resistance made it all the more painful, feeling like his anal walls were being grated.

"AARRRGH...Ohhhh yessss you are a tight one..." Ridley moaned a chuckle from his beak, which scraped along James' head and cheek before lewdly licking in lust along the neck. He managed to push his 11 inches all the way inside, taking a few moments in experiencing the hot sensation of a tight pulsing unwilling young male around his dominating flesh. Then he slid out all the way, James gasping in tears of relief to be empty for a second before he was filled again. Both his and Ridley's claws scraped the floor, the pirate clasping James' claws within his, squeezing painfully as he rose his hips. As he commenced the raping rhythm upon the raptor, his sickening hisses and throaty gasps synchronising with James' whimpers and screams, the raptor shuddered in disgust when he wasn't feeling the pain inside him. His body jolted in reaction, despite his walls being loose enough to not be incredibly tight. It wasn't just the pain of his tightening spasms fighting against Ridley, but also how he had never taken anything as much as 11 inches before. With every thrust, it felt like someone stabbing his arse and prostate deeply, making him gasp out a squeal of pain. And yet with every thrust into his prostate he oozed precum shamefully, involuntarily so, Ridley noticing such by smell and sight. "You see boy...your body knows what's right, let your mind accept your fate. You might as well enjoy me, before I take your life away." "N...never...f-fuck you...FUCK YOU!" "Too late to say that consi...hhhohhhhh...considering what I'm doing...ohhh such a perfect body you have my lad. So lean and young...you're going to feel exquisitely tight in rigor mortis around me."

Ridley began to work his vocal outbursts louder and louder from hiss to moan, moan to shriek as he lifted his head with wild yellow eyes gleaming triumphantly. His hips slammed their hardest in nearing orgasm, his vicious scythe-like bonetail whipping back and forth with occasional slashes at his desk accidentally. James could only lie there, moaning and oozing, his body in throbbing anguish from the waist down inside him. All he could do was bury his snout into the floor with muffled sniffling tears. Never had he felt his body more violated in his whole life. Never had he been made into such a worthless wretched creature as Ridley had made him feel until then. All he could think of, through the pain and agony that racked through his entire body, was of home. Why had he been taken to this strange place? Why was he not back in Sarah's bar, recovering from an accident when his bike slammed into that military police cruiser? Why was he trapped in a space pirate's ship, to become the fatal victim of their most cruel and heartless captain, a monster in his own right? He was forced to see into the wide grinning teeth, the cold yellow eyes that shined like the lights of a prison yard, and the skeletal abomination that was his body. He screamed, he cried, his body begged for mercy. But it would never come. All he could hope for was the end, which soon came within a mix of blood and tears. Eventually, he made a sudden gasp of pitiful defeat, overshadowed easily by Ridley's climactic screech, shafting all the way with one final thrust, using his entire length. He came within the raptor, filling him with hot thick seed. Ridley panted on top of his death-sentenced prisoner with a deep hiss and a lewd lick along the head. "And that...shall be the greatest moment of your life...which will end now....what was your name again?" "Hhhhh...a-ah...J-james..." "Ahhh...well...mmmph...here lies dear sweet James, under me in body, mind and death." Ridley soon lifted his tail up to slide around his body and rub sinuously against the raptor's side. He could feel the scythelike tip slide along his victim's body, wanting to feel the sweat of fear on it before he gripped the raptor's throat to slowly crush his windpipe. The choking came quickly as he struggled instinctively. Ridley hissed in a sick pleasure, each choking sound his captive made coincided with a tightening around his dick. "Yes....yes...I want your very last breath to be mine, just like your body was." As he began to press the tip of his tail into James' side, making it start to bleed as he choked harder, the ship lurched around them. Ridley fell off balance but scored a shallow slash in James' belly, making him wince. But he was relieved that his captor had let his throat go, coughing violently with an almost retching sound. Whatever distraction it was, James was deeply thankful.