Story by siinica on SoFurry

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#2 of fanfictions

It was a pain putting this up cuz i had typed it all then my comp. messed up and deleted it all so i had to retype it ALL!

(Please no extreamly harsh comments. I would appreciate feedback though.

Please enjoy!)

Chapter 2: First Friend.

I walked over to the couch and sat down. My mother looked toward me with a blank expression and began to speak, "Anna, this is the fifth time this week that..." I lifted my hand into the air as if asking permisson to speak, but without waiting for acceptence I spoke, "Acually, Mom, its the Sixth time." She let out a loud sigh, "That isn't exactly helping your situation Missy." I slowly put my hand down, and put on a blank yet innocence expression, or at least the best one I could put on. "Sorry, please continue.", " Thank you, now this has been the...sixth time this week you've gotten into a fight Anna." "I'm sorry, but its not my fault all the people around here are jackasses." She lifted her fingers, and pressed them against her temples. "Well, not only is that the sixth time you've fought this week but i've also noticed recently that you dont have any friends. I think I know why that is. Its beacuse of what you are. So, while you were at school, I began to search online and I enrolled you into a school that's completly made up of you. So what do you think?" I looked up at her in suprise, "where is this school?". She began to tense up, "Its in California. Its a boarding school. So what do you think? Will you go?" I knew it. She isn't doing this beacuse shes worried about me. Shes doing this beacuse of what I am. She dosent wanna be embaressed or ruin her reputation. Thats the kinda person she is. Thats the kinda person she's always been. This is why I didn't wanna tell her. This is what I was afraid of. "When do I leave?" A sigh of relief left her mouth as she smiled, " We have already enrolled you and bought your train ticket. You'll be leaving towmorrow.", 'Damn, why so soon? I cant bealive she wants me gone that quickly! Wait, she said we...What did she mean by we?' My eyes widened in realization. Once I discovered what she had mean't a twinge of anger stuck through me. " Mom, What did you mean by we? You paid for this by yourself." She looked at me in confusion. "No sweetie your father helped." I knew it. Shes still in denile. "Mom, Dad has been dead for over five years now. You paid for this. Its time to get over it." I said this with so much confidence, yet I myself still haven't gotten over the memory of my beloved father. My mother lowered her head to where her bangs covered her eyes." I think its time you go to your room and pack." Without saying a word I stood up and headed for my room. Passing my mother by, in the corner of my eye I saw a single tear drop go down my mothers fragile cheek.

-The Next Day-

Siting on the couch watching T.V. I heard my mother scream from the other room. "Its three o'clock! Time to go!" The next thing I knew she ran out the frount door and started the car. I turned off the T.V., grabed my bags, and got into the car. After thirty minutes of sitting in a car listening to my mother go on and on about random stuff, which I shall not tell concidering I did not hear them beacuse I was so disinterested in the conversation that I did not pay attention, We finally arived at the train station. My mother gave my a huge hug then, after I said good bye to my hometown, I boarded the train. Not being able to find a vacant seat I stuck my head into one of the seats. Sitting there staring out the window was a girl whom looked about my age (15). She was wearing a pale pink dress, white high heals, and had a white clutch.

Her bright blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail. Her outfit was a complete contridiction of what I was wearing. I had on a white tank top, a shoulder length leather jacket, black cargo pants, combat boots, and biker gloves. "Umm, Hello?" Grabing her attention, She turned toward me with a blank expression on her face. "yes?","Well I was just wondering if I could sit here? There are no vacant seats anywhere and the rest are completely full." Her eyes widened as a huge smile crossed her face. "Absolutly! Sure you can!" She jumped up throwing all of her stuff which was planted all over the area and threw it all into her own seat. I smirked as I put my bags onto the rack above our heads and sat on the seat across from her.

She began to stare at me. She stared at me for a good ten minutes before I decided to acknowlodge her. "So? Whats your name?" She smiled even larger. "My names Angelica! Whats yours?" I looked at her giddy face with a black expression and gave off an emotionless answer. "Anna." She claped her hands together,"Wow, This is so cool i've only been on this trip for a day and already I have a friend!" My eyes slightly widened in suprise. "Friend?..."This hyper girl across from me that goes by the name Angelica... She was my very first friend.

(to be continued)