Coffee Beans ch2

Story by Coffee_Wolf on SoFurry

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There was that silence again, that awkward silence. Oh how I loathed that silence. I was awe struck, my room mate had just admitted that he was gay and that I was the guy he liked. I had to say something, I had to do something, poor Si was still staring at the floor ashamed. "Well, um.. I don't think that..." Uncharacteristically, Simon cut me off, point blank just started talking. "Just, don't put it out of your mind just, give it some time." "What? give it some time? dude this is huge!" I turned around and stormed off to my room. He was right after all, I didn't want to make any rash decisions. I didn't wan't to ruin this if I decided to go for it. My mind was ablaze with thoughts, some of which were very unwelcome. "Ugh, what are you doing, you're not gay of course you're not, are you? NO! Oh God make it stop!" I decided to leave, clear my head for a while you know? I slipped into some black jeans and a white polo shirt (I practically live in the things) before pulling on some black shoes. I opened my bedroom door and walked out slowly, quietly, I wanted to sneak out with no further discussion, but I recieved no such luck. "Where are you going?" asked the fox as he looked up from the floor, still only wearing his boxers. I fealt my eyes scanning over his slender figure before closing my eyes, shaking my head deiscretely and replying. "I'm just going to clear my head, got a lot to think about." With that I pulled on a dark blue hoodie and skulked off into the early hours of the morning, leaving the fox to think about the whole situation aswell.           I walked out the door and headed off down the stairs and out into the freezing night air. letting a small shiver wash over me I started to walk, paws stuffed in my pockets. Not knowing where I was going I just allowed myself to be consumed by thought. "Well, you've never had a girlfriend and as I recall you havn't really wanted one have you? I mean you've never even had a crush for God's sake!" All the evidence was stacking up but I still didn't want to believe it. Eventually I found myself standing outside my favourite coffee place. It was a small business, not a chain like Starbucks or something. Being a 24 hour place (you had to what you could to get cash in this economy) I meandered in. I paced over to the counter to be met by a border collie girl. She was a lot shorter than I was and had well groomed black fur with snow white fur down her front. She smiled and asked what I wanted. "Uh, I'll have an erm.. ah, a caramel latte please." "That'll be £2.80 please sir." I handed her the money after a small curfuffle with my wallet. "That's perfect, go take a seat and your drink will be over in just a sec." With that she smiled and turned around to fix up my drink. As I turned around and scanned the place I realised I was the only person there, the building was deserted. I began to walk over to a table that I had selected near to the window and sat down. I stared at a nearby lamp post for a second before slumping my head into my hands and allowingmy ears to flop flat to my head.

meanwhile in Simon's head "Well, you've well and truly ballsed that up havn't you? But are you really going to let him get away like that?" On reflection, the wolf had never liked me, or anyone for that matter. Wheever I tried to talk to him he just shied away and gave vague answers so I couldn't carry on any kind of coversation. But maybe it was his reclusive nature taht attracted me to him in the first place. Before him I'd never had any interest in guys but I don't know, he just seems so, innocent. Like he's scared he'll say something wrong. "Look you like him as far as I heard he didn't say no, maybe you still got a chance here." But he had gone and I had no idea where. Wait, he was always at that new coffee place and it's 24 hour... got him. I moved into my room and threw on a pair of tight fitting tan trousers and a White tee-shirt. Pulling on some white shoes I ran for the door, totally forgetting my coat. Even though it was freezing it mind, I didn't care a bit.

meanwhile in the grumpy wolf's head  What am I doing here? All I'm doing is sitting twiddling my thumbs and thinking that I'm gay. Well, people say it's a bad thing but is it, really? I mean come on it's not bad, you can't help it, and even if you could you probably wouldn't. Hm, so what if you are, it's just gonna take some getting used to is all. After taht comforting and conclusive thought I took another sip of my coffee. That's when Si burst in panting like he'd been sprinting the whole way here... he had. "Si, what are you..." "Just shush a sec, I really need to tell you this." I complied as he slowly walked over to the table and sat down. He cought his breath and began to speak again. "Lokk, I really think that you should think about this. It took me a while to get my head around it too, but please just give it a chance." I was touched, I was really touched. This fox who I'd never really been very nice too had just ran for his life to tell me to considder liking him without even a guaruntee. He'd done that for me and it made me feel special, like he cared, like someone cared for me. "Hm, I've been giving it some thought too and, well..." I stopped there. I didn't want to say anything else. I just did what I did. I leaned over the table and planted a kiss on his lips. His eyes shot open. My eyes closed. His eyes closed. The moment was perfect. This was what was going to happen, and I was glad that I hadn't ruined it.