Betting on the Wrong Horse

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#1 of Guests at The Tower


Yes i know its been ages sense i posted anything, but i have been in a creative slump so to speak! So sue me! :P

Anyway, here is what I'm hoping will be the start of a new project! For those of you unaware of his works (AND SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT BEING AWARE) this story takes on a similar theme to my mate Nex_Canis 's world where the mysterious and somewhat enigmatic Nexus Conglomerate is in operation.

Taking place inside a hollowed out, and still quite active volcano. We get to see The Tower Resorts first main level, an entire city built into the mountain where one can have fun, do some gambling and partake in other "unsavory" activity's ;)

I hope you all enjoy! and feel free to comment on who you think would be the next guest to The Tower ;)



(P.s I need a new icon to label my story's with my new equine self. Any suggestions for a good and cheep artist?)

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Greetings one and all! This following file extracted from the "Nexstay Satisfied Customers" folder contains elements that most people would find rather unsavoury! These things include elements of M/M sexual scenarios, transformation, Gambling, Alcohol, and references to prostitution! Now we here at Nexstay prefer to consider ourselves a "family friendly" business, but this does not mean we can't cater to all audiences now does it? Should the previously mentioned acts disturb you or otherwise make you uncomfortable, please close this file and go upon your merry way!

However, should you still have complaints and issues you wish you voice, you may visit me at my office at any time. Just be warned that any irrational or ill-worded comments may result in a "permanent" vacation.

We hope you enjoy your stay...

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The Tower Resort, a modern marvel of engineering that seemed impossible to almost anyone who would have been told about it. However, given the previous exploits of the Nexus Conglomerate and its many sister companies the world has learned that sometimes the impossible can be achieved with enough funds and manpower. Situated in the centre of a still very active volcano The Tower resort is a tourist hot spot location where one can shop at any number of designer label stores along with a few other retailers that are unique to the mountain itself. Also situated along the outer rim of the volcano are also a number of highly acclaimed five star hotel's and spa's with their own unique themes and specialties that send thousands of tourists flocking to the mountain every day. Yet still even with all the resort has to offer, most hotels and shopping experiences are still quite affordable and within a reasonable price range for most family budgets. When the manager was asked just how it is he is able to run such a grand operation that caters to so many different groups, while still making it affordable to the common man, he only had this to say.

_ "We at NexStay pride ourselves on moving mountains, just because we can."_

Betting on the Wrong Horse

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Dan Erickson was in complete awe of what he was looking at right in front of him. After a long drive through a dark tunnel cut into the side of a massive mountain, he was greeted to the sight of a city that could rival Las Vegas built inside the very mountain itself. People and different species of "hybrids" as they liked to be called, walked up and down the streets of the bustling metropolis as the sound of chatter and the ringing sound effects of different casinos echoed through the cave. All the way down the strip there where brightly lit neon signs and holographic displays with flashing lights displaying different casinos and restaurants. Some of the signs and advertisements were even more spectacular the further into the city they went. There were even projections shining along the ceiling of the cavern and a large number of advertisements displayed over a strange glass looking pillar that was situated in what he could assume was the middle of the city.

Setting his bags down for a brief moment he let out a relieved sigh as he took it all in. The sights of the city, the sound of the ambient music as it played across the intercoms, the laugher of people and the smell of food cooking on the breeze. This was just what he needed after a year as an accountant as a corrupt firm. A place to forget about it all and just have some wild bachelor fun before he started up at his new job and his new life next week.

A few moments later he picked up his bags again he let out a satisfied sigh as he began to walk down Main Street, where numerous hotels were lined up, each with their own theme and flashy advertisement. Supposedly his hotel was just a short walk away from one of the resorts main casinos and the restaurant district. Dan grinned slightly as he began to think about just what he would do in the short time he had here. From what he had read from his information booklet, there was more to see and do than he could ever even hope to achieve in just three days; and that's without looking at what any of the other three floors had to offer.

Dan grinned gleefully as he continued onward, watching the people and hybrids as they passed by him, most of them were dressed in casual looking clothes but he did notice a large amount of the hybrids he saw were dressed in neat looking bell-hop attire's with a badges pinned on the front of their vests designating which hotel or restaurant they worked at.

Just then as he was walking by a brightly lit casino, a portly man burst from the front doors; laughing heartily while clenching a handful of dollars in each hand while surrounded by beautiful women who all seemed to be pining for his attention.

"Son of a bitch must have struck it lucky..." said Dan with a smirk as he continued onward.

After walking for a few more minutes and looking at more of what the city had to offer. Dan stopped, reaching up to scratch his short and neatly trimmed back hair. Dan looked around idly for some sort of indication of which direction he should be going. All of the streets seemed to be connected by smaller cut-in alley ways that had plenty of vendors and small restaurants to cater to anyone who passed by. A couple of chance glances though showed that this resort has its own share of more "seedy" areas where some groups of humans and hybrids alike were gathered around in dark corners of alleys dressed in revealing clothing and watching people as they passed by.

Shrugging it off he continued onward towards the middle of the city, keeping his eyes open for any signs or directions of the general area.

*Bing Bong!*

A sudden ringing sound that cut through the roar of the crowds made everyone in the area freeze as their attention was drawn to the massive glass pillar in the middle of the city. The ambient music of the streets began to dim, and the advertisements covering the pillar suddenly faded away as a strange light began to shimmer on the face of the pillar. Suddenly then, a giant screen projected itself for all to see in the city, with a massive number 5.





Dan looked around and saw the crowd cheering to the countdown before he turned his gaze back to the pillar.


The ground suddenly shook and Dan felt the temperature suddenly rise to a sweltering heat. His eyes darted around the area for some sort of explanation; before like a vision from hell, the inside of the column lit up as a gush of molten magma erupted from the ground below and shot up the cylinder like a gunshot.

Dan felt his hair stand on end as he thought the whole place was about to come down around them all, but everyone around him just stood there in awe as they watched the flow of the magma before it slowly began to slink back down into the ground, leaving only a few small splotches of the molten earth stuck to the rim of the inside of the pillar.

The crowd around him let out a loud cheer and applause while Dan stood there dumbstruck. Soon after then everyone went back to their business as if nothing had ever happened. The music had even began to play again, but Dan still couldn't find the will to move after witnessing what most people would consider a world ending catastrophe.

"First time at the Tower?" said a voice from behind him.

Dan jumped slightly at the sudden surprise from behind him and he found himself face to face with a sharply dressed man in a black suit and tie with a number 2 pencil placed in his front jacket pocket.

"Don't bother answering; the look is already all over your face." He continued with an almost mocking grin as his striking blue eyes flashed in the bright lights of the city.

"Ye...yea...Just what was that all about?" Dan stammered slightly as he looked back to the column, expecting it to erupt again any moment.

"Thermal energy my good sir; if you are going to build something inside of an active volcano you would want to take full advantage of it now wouldn't you? Besides it's a real crowd pleaser, all of the destructive power, none of the collateral damage." He said with an almost dismissive shrug.

"I...see..." said Dan, still shaken up by the whole ordeal.

The man's grin subsided slightly, but he still kept a smile on his lips as he examined Dan.

"So, here for a visit then are you? What hotel are you going to be staying at?" he asked as he reached back and scratched the back of his messy looking reddish-brown hair.

"The Racetrack" Dan said with a sigh as he tried to calm his nerves.

"Ah! That is one of my favourites; they have a lovely breakfast buffet and an excellent view of the races every few hours. I'm sure you will enjoy your time there!" he responded with another grin that was almost sinister in appearance.

Dan nodded slightly and backed away slowly, the man in front of him was sending chills down his spine and just being around him was making him feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, but do you work here? I never caught your name..." Dan asked cautiously.

"Ah yes that's right!" the man exclaimed as he clapped his hands together.

Taking another two steps forward, he reached out and seized Dan's hand in a tight grip that caused him to wince in pain as he roughly shook his hand.

"My name is Mr. Z; I keep the books, grease the hands, and keep everything running here in this giant hell hole which is only one critical flaw away from becoming a fiery inferno." He said with a dark grin as he finally released Dan's hand, causing him to gasp in relief as he let go.

Pausing for a moment to shake his hand to try to get the feeling back in his fingers, Dan responded.

"So... you own this whole place?" Dan asked with a sense of hesitancy.

"Yep, I'm the owner of this resort and I'm in charge the entire hotel branch of the Nexus Conglomerate called NexStay. I'm sure you have heard of us before?" he said with a smile as his eyebrow rose.

Dan paused for a moment as he dug through what he could remember. Sure, who hadn't heard of the name before? However the Nexus Conglomerate was always a strange business that seemed to enjoy skipping rope with what most people would consider to be ethical business practices. One day they would be inventing a cure for disease and advocating world peace and then the next day there would be a rumour that they were involved in some bio weapons text gone wrong. After that then it was the creation of DNA splicing and the rapid introduction of Hybrids to society, followed by conspiracy theorists babbling that they forcibly changed entire towns. However the media never seemed to report on anything negative about the company and most of what anyone heard otherwise was all just rumour and conjecture from unreliable sources.

"Hello?" Mr. Z suddenly asked as he waved his hand in front of Dan's face and snapped his fingers.

Dan shook his head slightly and let out a soft cough to cover up the fact that he was daydreaming.

"Sorry, yes I've heard of you before! I'm just surprised that anyone could build something like this in the centre of a volcano!" Dan exclaimed, trying to sound as impressed as possible in front of the person who owned the very mountain he was standing in.

Mr. Z chuckled lightly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small notepad. "Well that's our motto here; we move mountains just because we can!"

Mr. Z then began to hum to some unknown tune as he flipped through the pages of his notepad. Dan tilted his head in confusion as he watched his eyes scan the pages when suddenly he let out a soft groan.

"Ah, I'm sorry I just realized I need to head off to the third floor for an inspection of the Hot Spring resort. It was nice talking to you! Your hotel is just a straight shot down the road, can't miss it!" said Mr Z before he quickly turned around and began rushing off in the opposite direction.

"Thanks!" Dan shouted back.

Mr Z. waved back to Dan as he reached the corner of a nearby casino, but then suddenly he raised his index finger and turned around.

"Have a nice time Dan!" he shouted back before he disappeared behind one of the buildings.

Dan smiled slightly as he turned around and continued to walk down the path towards his hotel. He had to admit, he may have just been paranoid at first. The owner seemed actually like a pretty nice guy. Maybe it was just the fact that he was the owner of this place that made him feel so on edge around him.

Smiling slightly, he looked up at the skyline of Main Street where he saw the long line of signs marking each hotel. A little ways down he could see what looked like a massive golden horse shoe with a large sign underneath. Nodding slightly to himself he continued onward.

However, only after taking a few steps he suddenly stopped as something clicked in his mind and he looked back at the building where Mr. Z had vanished.

"Wait a minute...." He muttered under his breath.

"...when did I tell him my name?"



"You will be in room E12; I'll have someone send up your bags straight away. This is your Bio-Card; please try not to lose it."

Dan regarded the card with a hint of confusion as it was handed to him. The plastic was a light blue color and nearly completely transparent. A strange assortment of moving and dancing lights also danced and zipped across the small surface of the card.

"I hope you will enjoy your stay here at The Racetrack." The man behind the counter said with a friendly grin as he adjusted the cowboy hat on top of his equine head.

"Thank you." Dan responded as he watched a nearby hybrid bell hop rush over and grab his bags and disappear into a nearby service elevator.

The hotel he was staying in seemed fairly high end, even if it was on the listing as one of the cheaper hotels in the entire resort. The whole place had a sort of mixed cowboy and Kentucky Derby theme to it. Even most of the staff seemed to play a part in the theme as well. From the moment Dan had stepped in the door he was surrounded by equine hybrids of all shapes and sizes. Most of them were dressed in western themed outfits save their bare hooves as they clopped on the hard marble floor that covered the welcoming area. Even the walls were painted with images of racetracks and running horses and the vases scattered across the lobby were filled with bright, colourful plants that were carefully cut into the shape of a horseshoes. Looking up he even saw another mural of racing horses around the domed roof of the ceiling, looking as if they were running in circles over and over again.

He began to walk and took a look around the main lobby area; there were a few slot machines with an old western theme to them that were set up in a few different areas around the corners with a few elderly looking couples huddled around them and pulling on the lever every so often. As he rounded a corner though, he was met with a massive atrium style room where a large bar stood at the end with its shelves packed to the brim with alcohol of all shapes, sizes and colors.

To the left of the bar he could also see a set of large windows that looked out into something below with a few tables set out in an orderly fashion. As he walked up to the bar he took a look around, remarking their wide selection of alcohol and the bartender as he polished glasses behind the counter. He then looked out towards the large windows that took up most of the walls on the left side of the room. He let out a gasp before he rushed towards them and nearly pressed his face against the glass. Below him and this entire hotel was a full stadium style track course right outside.

"Beautiful isn't it?" said the bartender from behind the counter as he sat down a glass and smiled at Dan warmly. He was a powerfully built man with a neatly trimmed beard. The buttoned vest he was wearing barely containing his massive chest to a point that there were even few strands of brown chest hair poking out from underneath the rim of his shirt.

"How can they fit something so big in here?" Dan asked as he took a step back and rubbed his eyes.

"Heck if I know buddy, when I started up here about four years ago I asked the same question." He stated with a heavy southern accent as he adjusted the cowboy style hat on his head.

"Far as I can tell, these NexStay guys can do whatever they want and logic is their bitch. Heck did you even know there is a football field up on level two? Even bigger than this one!" said the bartender.

Dan nodded in acknowledgement but still kept his eyes out onto the field, remarking its well-manicured state and the decorative display set in the centre of the field.

The bartender behind him chuckled slightly as he went back to polishing glasses for a few minutes before Dan finally walked away from the window and went back to the bar.

"So, what will you have son?" the bartender asked suddenly as he gathered the row of glasses near him and began placing them under the counter.

Dan paused for a brief moment before he shook his head and turned to face the bartender.

"Uhhh, gin and tonic on the rocks." he stated as he walked up to one of the nearby bar stools and sat down.

"Cash or tab?" asked the bartender as he reached for the wall of liquor behind him and grabbed a clear looking bottle.

"You do tabs here? You must get about a hundred people a day in here" stated Dan with a hint of confusion.

The bartender laughed slightly as he grabbed a glass and filled it with ice.

"Your Bio Card is your tab; you can also use it to place down wagers and buy tokens for the slots. You just have to pay the difference when you check out."

"Oh..." said Dan as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet.

Realizing he didn't have any bills on him and looking to see that the barkeep was already halfway done with his drink Dan shrugged and pulled out the blue card key he had been given.

"I guess tab then..." he said with a brief moment of hesitation.

The barkeep smiled as he took Dan's card and handed him his drink before he walked over to a card scanner and swiped and began pressing a few buttons on the touch screen.

"Why are those things called Bio Cards?" Dan asked as he took his drink and swirled it around in his hand.

The barkeep rose up his index finger for a brief moment as he finished punching in a few more keys before he turned around and handed Dan his card.

"Well your drink was just $3.50 so you probably won't notice much." Said the barkeep as he grabbed a nearby rag and began cleaning more glasses.

Dan shrugged slightly at the vague answer before he reached back and scratched a faint itch at the base of his spine. Getting up off the stool with his drink in hand, he walked over the windows and looked down out towards the racetrack.

There were a few groups of people out on the field, trimming and manicuring the dirt path and the nearby grass. Dan took a sip of his drink and sat it down on the table next to him as he continued to stare out into the big open field.

"Next race is in four hours, looks like you might need a bit of rest first." Said the bartender from behind the bar as he began to organize and shuffle things out of sight.

"Yea...thanks..."said Dan as he reached down and took a big sip of his drink and slammed it down onto the table with a grin on his face.


After having unpacked and settled everything into his modest room, Dan was back outside walking the strip with a smile on his face and wonder in his eyes. As he got closer to very centre of the city, the hotels and casinos he passed by got more and more extravagant and decorative. However he also began to notice a higher number of scantily clad people parading themselves on the street corners. A well-built otter hybrid even passed by him wearing nothing more than a tightly fitting speedo and no one seemed to notice at all.

Those who wore little clothing didn't seem to be "projecting" themselves to the crowd around them however. Most just seemed to be minding their own business and walking with some sort of purpose in mind. Dan just assumed that due to all that fur and the occasional volcanic burst did make the city air rather uncomfortable and hot.

The more seedy looking people however seemed to be dressed in clothes that were made to be revealing. Dan made a mental note to keep an eye out for the difference between the two for later. Sure he had been around here and there, but the thought of paying for sex still remained a taboo in his mind. But the temptation was only growing around him the deeper he went into the city. At one point he had even been approached by a rather skinny and lithe looking fox hybrid wearing only a thin mesh G-string who asked him if he "wanted to have some fun". Dan's cheeks turned bright red when he asked but he calmly refused as he continued his walk, leaving the fox standing on the street before letting out a very audible huff.

Barring the strange under-dressed people, the rest of the streets were fairly clean and only had the occasional vendor set up selling some cheap looking tourist items or the occasional fast food to break up the path. The shops seemed to be bustling and there were constant streams of people and hybrids walking in and out of buildings, either laughing or looking dejected like they had just lost a bet.

"Looks like you can win or lose it all here..." Dan muttered to himself.

Dan felt the ground rumble again slightly and his eyes shot back up to the pillar. However, the holographic screen did not appear. Soon then lava began to slowly climb upwards from below the ground and move up the pillar, casting a strange orange glow over everything in sight. Watching it slowly climb higher and higher, Dan noticed the strange ring of stalactites that surrounded the pillar, where he could see what looked like small windows cut into the stone and strange looking shapes zipping in and out of them.

After watching the lava for a few moments, he shrugged and continued on his way until a small bar with a large picture of a grinning cartoonish donkey caught his attention. The smell of tobacco was heavy on the air around it and Dan could see a few people milling about inside. Feeling curious, Dan went towards the door and was met with the acrid scent of cigars before he could even step inside. He let out a sudden cough as the massive wave of smoke hit his face upon opening the door but he quickly adjusted and smiled even though his eyes were watering through the haze of smoke. If every man has their vices, a good drink and a cigar was Dan's. Although he didn't partake in this habit very often, the few choice moments he got to smoke a fat one and drink with some good company were always welcome.

Walking up to the bar, there stood a, not-surprisingly do Dan, brown furred donkey hybrid with a few boxes of cigar tins on the bar in front of him and a broad cabinet of alcohol behind him.

"What'll you have buddy?" asked the bartender as he grinned, showing off his flat, square teeth.

Dan rubbed his chin for a brief moment, letting out the occasional "hmmm" before he shook his head and looked at the bartender.

"I don't know man, what's the house special? I'm looking for a good smoke and a good drink to start off my vacation." Dan asked casually.

The donkey bartender let out a loud braying laugh that caught Dan off guard as he watched him turn around, his tasselled tail swishing around behind him as he reached down underneath the cabinet. A few moments later he turned back around with a shining golden box with the letters "PI" engraved on the top of the lid and sat it on the table in front of them.

"These here are from one of our other resorts, really smooth with just the right kick to it. Just be warned man, I keep these things in the back because they are our best seller and people tend to get a little...wild when they start puffing on them." Said the donkey with a slight grin as he pulled out a single cigar and handed it to Dan.

Dan regarded the thick cigar with curiosity, looking at the golden seal on the wrapper with the same letters "PI" that were on the box it came in.

"Wild eh? Sounds like my kind of much?" asked Dan with a bit of fire in his eyes.

The bartender grinned as he shut the lid to the box and slid it back underneath the bar.

"Tell ya what, buy a drink and the first one is on the house. Better act fast though if you want some more, once you light that baby up some of our regulars are going to come running." He responded as he looked around into a few corners of the bar were people were gathered.

Dan chuckled slightly as he twirled the cigar in his hand and looked up to the wall of alcohol behind the bartender.

"Something tells me I get an extra charge on the drink" said Dan with a smirk as he nearly set the cigar down onto the table.

However, the bartender intervened and placed his hooflet tipped hand on Dan's before he could place it down onto the table.

"We charge the same as anywhere else buddy, I just like ya is all." Said the donkey with a playful wink as his tail swished behind him.

Dan's hand stopped and he looked up at the donkey before his face turned a bright red he backed away shyly.

" and soda then?" Dan said hesitantly, although his face was still spread into a wide grin.

The bartender smiled as he reached down and grabbed a glass and began preparing his drink. Dan thankfully had remembered his lighter for the trip and reached into his pocket to pull it out along with his wallet. As he opened it and prepared to pull out a few bills he had gotten from an ATM in his hotel, he noticed his blue bio card as it glistened slightly in one of the front most pockets.

"Will that be cash or tab?" asked the bartender with his fully prepared drink in his hand.

Dan hesitated for a brief moment as he looked at the cigar in his hand and the blue card in his wallet.

"Ah what the hell...." He thought to himself

"Tab" said Dan as he handed the card to the bartender.


After spending the next hour at the bar and introducing himself to the barkeep, the two of them found a lot in common with one another until eventually the donkey was kind enough to offer to show him around the city once his shift was over. Dan agreed and spent the next few hours in the smoke filled tavern, socialising with the locals and enjoying the smooth taste of the cigar as he idly puffed it.

The bartender had introduced himself as Frank in one of their many short conversations, broken up by moments he had to run off to help a customer. Apparently he had originally come from another resort to work at The Tower. Then after about three hours Frank traded off with another donkey hybrid whom was covered in chocolate brown fur and a spikey red tipped mane they both went off to hit the strip.

Frank said he was going to give Dan the grand tour, showing him the three major casinos that were wrapped around the base of the glass pillar in the middle of the city and pointing him in the direction of all of the major city districts. After a quick bite to eat and sharing a few laughs over even more drinks, the two of them went on to one of the nearby casinos and tested their luck with a few rounds of poker and blackjack.

Dan could feel his mind growing hazy after the few drinks he had but he could still keep some sort of appearance that he was sober. He had even won a few rounds of blackjack in his drunken haze before he lost all of his winnings plus more on an ill-advised game of poker. But Dan still didn't mind, somewhere in his alcohol dazed brain he still knew he had enough money and the night was only just beginning.

As they stepped outside, they both noticed that the ceiling above seemed to light up with hundreds of little points of lights like stars in the night sky. Frank told Dan that this was to give the city some semblance of timekeeping while they were inside the cavern.

"From what I hear, they even make it so that the magma from down below doesn't come up after a certain time." Frank explained as they went down a side road towards one of the elevators that were set across the city.

After that they met up with a few of Frank's friends and they all went up to the second level of the resort and went to one of the local bars. Dan could faintly remember Frank saying it was a "stallion bar" but after having a few more drinks along the way he was too drunk to care or to even realize it. They spent the next several hours in that club in a blurred haze of alcohol and dancing, coupled with a few gropes and grinding sessions here and there as Dan's inhibitions dropped even lower and lower as the night went on. Had he have been paying attention though however, he would have realized that his clothes were getting tighter and tighter with every drink he bought. But that was the least of his worries.

Frank had been eyeing him nearly the entire time they had been at the club and he always seemed to be not far away whenever they hit the dance floor. Unknown to Dan he had even been sneaking most of the gropes and whispering seductive words into Dan's ear the entire night. Finally towards the end of the night Frank led him out of the club and brought him to his hotel room.


Dan and Frank burst into the room, their lips glued to each other in a passionate kiss as Frank struggled to unbutton Dan's shirt.

Franks tail was writhing behind him as he reared back and kicked the door shut before Dan pulled him down on top of him on the bed. The two of them then continued to kiss while the donkey hybrid ground his groin against Dan's bludge in his jeans.

Dan tried his best to wrap his lips around the donkey's larger muzzle, but he still kept finding himself with Frank's mouth nearly enveloping his own. In his own drunken state he struggled to pull un-button his shirt while still exploring the donkey's body. Frank however would have none of that and when he felt Dan begin to squirm underneath him the donkey broke from his kiss and looked down at Dan with a smirk. He then quickly peeled off his tightly fitting t-shirt and revealed his sculpted torso hidden underneath. The donkey still didn't waste any time after that and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down with a single tug, letting loose a massive brown and black mottled equine cock.

Dan could feel himself practically drooling at the sight of such a massive tool in front of him and he quickly pulled himself from trying to un-button his shirt and wrapped his hands around the giant shaft and buried his face in his leathery sac.

Frank let out a loud pleasured bray of surprise as Dan began sniffing and licking at the donkeys balls while his hands began to explore every inch of the donkey's thick equine cock. Dan moaned as he took in the scent of the virile jack and the light musk of tobacco that had seeped into his fur. Soon then he found himself almost hesitantly pulling away from Franks cock before he looked at the slab of meat in front of him. Dan slowly then began to lean towards the cock, his tongue slowly emerging from his lips before suddenly Franks strong hands placed themselves on Dan's shoulders and pushed him back down onto the bed.

Dan grumbled slightly at the sudden surprise, but was then taken aback as Frank pulled off his jeans with one swift pull, letting loose his own modest cock that seemed almost pathetic when compared against the jacks massive pole. Frank then slowly leaned down and took in a sniff of Dan's own musky crotch before he opened his mouth and took in Dan's entire cock in one quick setting.

Dan let out a loud, pleasured moan as the Donkey bobbed his head up and down while wrapping his dexterous tongue around his shaft inside his muzzle. Dan felt his entire body tingle for the few minutes Frank was working his cock. He even nearly felt himself loose it a couple of times there inside Frank's muzzle. But just as Dan felt himself getting closer to the edge, Frank pulled away, leaving Dan's cock throbbing angrily and leaking precum that was mixed into the remaining saliva that coated his cock.

Then Frank did something unexpected as he climbed on top of Dan and pressed his thick cock against the smaller human and began grinding their two poles together, enticing a moan out of both of them. Dan felt his skin tingle as Frank's fur began to tickle his lower body and legs while Franks cock drooled a small pool of clear pre all over Dan's shirt. Frank continued grinding for a few moments before he stopped and slipped his fingers in-between the openings in Dan's shirt and ripped it open, sending a few buttons flying across the room. With his cock now resting comfortably on Dan's bare chest, he went back to town, holding tight onto Dan's shoulders as he humped his body and spread his precum all over Dan's chest.

Dan couldn't take it anymore after all of the stimulation and soon his cock began to squirt its load over the base of Franks cock. This didn't stop the jack though as he still kept grinding away while Dan felt his strength begin to slowly leave him. Frank was panting heavily and grunting loudly, letting out the occasional bray with every hard thrust that nearly sent the blunted tip of his cock into Dan's face. Dan could only sit there and relish in the feeling as Franks throbbing cock rubbed against his entire pole like a warm pillar of flesh sandwiched between the two of them. The donkey was even still producing more and more pre that began to spill down the sides of Dan's body and onto the bed sheets. It wasn't long after then that the entire room began to reek of musk and sweat as the donkey went to town on the smaller human.

It felt like hours to Dan, hours of hot, passionate sex that sent shivers through his body and through his drunken brain. But in reality it was only after a few more minutes the donkey had begun to hasten his grinding, going faster and faster as more and more precum began to spill from his cock and soak the bed even further. Until finally, with one more huge thrust...


Frank reared up and bellowed as his thick shaft throbbed between them and bean to spray a thick load of yellowed cum that struck the headboard behind them, leaving a streak of cum across Dan's face. But this was only the beginning as Frank shot again and again and again, each fire losing in distance but showing no signs of stopping in volume. The entire bed was quickly being covered in thick shots of yellowed cum, and Dan was lucky that none of the stray shots hit him in the face. Finally though after what felt like the sixth shot, Franks cock finally stopped firing and was reduced to dribbling out what remained of the contents of his balls. Dan gasped as he looked up at the donkey, who looked down at Dan with a satisfied grin on his muzzle before he leaned down and gave Dan one more kiss.


"Uuuugh...." Dan groaned as he tried his best to pull himself from the sheets of his bed.

His head was throbbing and his entire body felt sticky. The last thing he could remember before blacking out was him winning a hand at blackjack and kissing the bartender he had met last night.

The bartender....

Dan felt a shiver go down his spine after he realized he had done that. Sure he was bi, but he had never actually done anything with another man let alone a hybrid before.

Trying to shake the thoughts from his mind, he tried his best to get up, all the while suffering from the worst hangover of his entire life and literally peeling off the sheets from his naked body.

"Wait...Why am I naked?"

Feeling his heartbeat begin to race, he reached over to the bedside table and flicked on a nearby lamp, filling the light with room and revealing the evidence of last night's activities. His clothes were strewn across the floor and there were heavy stains caked into his bed sheets and pillows. The most surprising thing though was the big globs of off-white looking goo that were stuck to the headboard and a few places across the wall.

Dan then reached down and tried to wipe some of the sticky mess that was caked onto his chest and he brought it up to his nose to smell it. It reeked of a potent musk a slight acrid aroma that Dan knew could only be one thing.


Dan groaned audibly as he fell back onto his bed, feeling a moist remainder of last night press itself against his back, causing him to shoot back up into a sitting position before letting out a loud groan of agony as he gripped his head which was currently shooting pain through his skull like a jackhammer.

"First time with a guy and it was some one night fling with a bartender..." Dan grunted through gritted teeth as he slowly pulled himself from his bed and walked over to the bathroom a few feet away.

Stumbling slightly into the shower and turning on what he could only described as "colder than fucking an ice sculpture" setting on the shower; he quickly turned on the heat and let out a relieved gasp as the water instantly warmed itself up and he felt the grime and evidence from last night wash itself away.

Dan stood there for a few moments, trying his best to gather his senses and recall anything he could from last night.

I can't believe I did that last night, I mean what got into me? Sure the guy was cute and I did eyeball him a couple of times. But how did I end up in bed with him? And speaking of whom, where is he now?

Sighing slightly, he reached over and grabbed a nearby loofa and squirted some of the complementary soap he had been given and began scrubbing his body from top to bottom. The bathroom was soon filled with steam as Dan washed off what remained of last night's activities into a pool around his feet before it was drained down below. As he reached up to scrub behind his ears, something didn't feel quite right. The feeling of the loofa scrubbing wasn't the same as what it normally was but he just blamed that on the loofa itself. But as time went on, the smell of the hotels soap was starting to mix with another strange smell, and there was a strange tingling feeling coming from his tailbone and the tips of his toes.

As Dan reached back to try and scrub his back, he found himself struggling to reach all the areas he could before, after some time though he gave up and set the loofa aside and grabbed a bottle of shampoo. He continued to scrub some more, until finally he felt clean enough and he turned the water off. Reaching over to the nearby towel rack, he grabbed a fresh towel and began drying himself off; mumbling slightly while trying to remember what he could from last night.

As he stepped from the shower onto the tile floor, he heard a strange sounding "click" and the feeling of water running down the back of his legs. Dan then looked over to see the bathroom mirror heavily fogged from the shower and he grunted as he reached up and wiped away some of the built up steam, allowing him to see his reflection.

However, his reflection wasn't the same as it was the previous night.

Dan stood back in awe as he looked at his body. He had always tried to keep in moderate shape, but his body never seemed to have the chemistry to ever allow him to gain any definition. But now his body was built like was a regular at the gym. His pectorals stood out proudly on his sculpted chest and the beginnings of a set of six pack abs were beginning to show on his once stomach. His arms also seemed to have grown as well, and there was a new vein popping up from his forearm and leading up to his bicep.

"What the hell...." Dan muttered in confused, yet happy surprise.

But then he noticed something off...

As he turned his head, he saw that there was definitely something wrong with his ears. Their shape has been completely warped into some sort of strange pointed tips and he could feel them twitching slightly as they took in the different sounds of the room. They had even begun to move up his head ever so slightly. He then turned slightly to see if his other ear had become like its brother when suddenly he felt a wet smack on his legs.

Dan shivered at the feeling and slowly looked behind him to see a matted down tail, with long hairs dripping water from his shower onto the floor below.

"...that's new...."


After a small panic attack, Dan was finally able to calm himself down. Taking stock of what had happened in the past two days he could confirm that definitely not this muscular last night and the ears and tail were definitely not something he had before he had gotten to his hotel room last night. He also would have sworn that his cock looked a bit bigger, even though it was still flaccid.

His toes also seemed slightly changed, his nails growing a bit thicker and turning a dark black. His feet even seemed smaller as well, but it wasn't something too noticeable.

After drying himself off and putting on a pair of underwear, which he had to pull down slightly to allow room for his new horse like tail, he paced around the room and tried to think of an explanation.

"Ok...hybrids are created through some sort of crazy gene therapy that requires a big tank and takes days for anything to be seen". Dan muttered to himself, not realising his long flowing tail was swishing behind him as he walked.

"Can it be transmitted through sex? I mean I know I didn't bottom for that guy...someone that big you would remember in the morning especially if it was your first time..." he continued on as his ears twitched slightly, taking in the surrounding sounds of what was going on outside and his footsteps on the ground below.

"I...I just gotta ask someone I guess. The workers are all hybrids so they must have heard something...yea that's gotta be it!" Dan said hopefully as he grabbed a set of clothes from his open suitcase and quickly put them on. He did struggle slightly with his pants as he tried to mauver with his new tail, however thankfully though most jean companies had adapted to the influx of hybrids introduced into society and most pants had a flap that would allow you to fit most small tails through them. Never thinking he would ever have to use such a thing, he was happy he could somehow fit his new appendage in moderate comfort.

After putting on a clean shirt he grabbed his wallet and room key and went out the door, looking out into the open aired garden that surrounded the pool in the centre of the hotel were his room was located. He then quickly rushed out towards the main lobby, passing by a few groggy looking people as they exited their rooms, some of them with similar looking equine appendages now present on their bodies as well. Dan however ignored them as he rushed down the stairs and went into the lobby where there wasn't a single person behind any of the desks.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"


"HELLO?!?" Dan shouted again as he began to rapidly ring a bell in front of him.

Suddenly then a echoing clopping noise began to ring out through the lobby which caused Dan to turn to see a somewhat familiar face.

The bartender from the previous day stood near the entryway to the bar, looking slightly confused and concerned, however it was then Dan realized that the bartender didn't look quite the same as he did the previous day. Gone was the western cowboy hat he had been wearing, showing off his messy looking brown hair where two goat like horns emerged from underneath. His face still looked the same, but he was dressed only in an opened vest and what could only be described as a loin cloth covering his groin, leaving his goat legs free from constriction.

"I...You...What?" Dan stammered out as he approached the bartender

"What's the matter son? Never seen a Satyr hybrid before? I know most of the fella's here are horses, but I got a friend here who got me a job." Said the Bartender with a cocky grin as he folded his arms across his massive chest.

"You didn't look like that yesterday...." Dan muttered as his long tail swished behind him.

"I could say the same thing about you. But this here is just a getup for when the bar gets busy. Gotta say it is a lot more comfortable, especially when the hat wears on you with the horns and most jeans aren't made for these kinds of legs. But the bosses say it's for the kids and whatnot, don't want them sneaking a peek at my junk like the rest of the fellah's get to once the night life hits." The bartender said with a sly wink as he approached Dan, his hooves clopping on the marble floor beneath them.

"So I'm guessing you went a little wild with your Bio Card eh?" asked the Satyr as he examined Dan's changed form.

"Gotta say the look is good on ya, but keep at it and soon you won't be needing shoes anymore." He continued with a slight chuckle as he reached up and stroked his beard.

"What the hell is going on?" Dan stated angrily as his tail swished behind him more rapidly and he felt his blood boil.

The satyr laughed again as he reached down and gave Dan a pat on the shoulder.

"Suppose I should have told ya when you asked yesterday. The Bio Card works just like a tab here, use it on whatever you like as long as you pay out the difference on it come checkout time" he explained.

"That doesn't explain THIS!" said Dan as he reached back and gripped onto his tail and displayed it to the satyr.

The bartender nodded

"I was getting to that...You see, those cards are uplinked to your DNA, some kinda crazy Nexus technology thing. Apparently the more you spend, the more you change. That's why I told you that only $3.50 for a drink wouldn't show much. Usually you got to spend at least $500 for anything really drastic to show up."

"$500?!?" Dan exclaimed loudly as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet and the blue Bio Card.

The card still looked the same as it did before as he pulled it out, however almost instantaneously as his finger touched the surface the dancing lights began to go wild across the screen and began to form an outline of a human man. The outline then slowly began to fill from the base up, stopping just below the knees. Dan stared at the picture with a confused look before he flipped it over to see a new display on the back of the card. A large at the top corner of the card in small print was the words "Limit, $2500" with a larger dollar sign with a series of spinning numbers over the words "Total Debt". The lights continued to streak across the card for a few moments before the dials began to slow down until the display rested at exactly at $613.00.

"Gah!" shouted Dan as he looked at the numbers and the rapid progression of the bar.

The satyr leaned down and looked at the card below and let out a long whistle.

"Looks like you had a hell of a night last night. Shouldn't be anything too bad though, limits at about two grand for this hotel. I hear if you get into the swankier places the limits bigger and you change slower." Stated the Satyr as he leaned back.

"But why change people against their will?" stated Dan with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

The satyr only shrugged dismissively.

"I dunno, to remind people to pay their debts or to not go to wild with their cash? Maybe they get some sick, twisted amusement out of it? Hell if I know, but I do know one thing for sure."

The satyr then leaned down and looked at Dan directly in the eyes.

"If you don't pay off your debt, you go all the way and gotta work it off by working here." Stated the satyr as he stood back up and brushed off his legs.

"Something to think about. Anyway it's been a long night and I better hit the hay." Said the satyr with a slight snicker at the last sentence as he began to walk away.

Dan just stood there dumbstruck with his card in hand, looking at the dancing lights in the background and the picture of the outlined human.


Dan eventually shuffled back to his room, his feet growing increasingly uncomfortable inside his shoes. Upon re-arrival to his room however everything that was once covered in sticky cum or saturated in sweat had merely disappeared, not a single trace from last night. A single card laid on the top of a pillow set in the centre of the bed was the only new thing that had been added. Dan reached down and picked up the card, flipping it over to see a message written in small print.

"A charge of $50 has been made to your Bio Card for damages caused and for a higher grade of cleaning necessary. Thank you for staying at The Racetrack."

"Wha?...." Dan muttered

Suddenly then what felt like a jolt of electricity erupted from the pocket where he kept his wallet that held his Bio Card. He felt his entire body shiver before a warm tingling began to envelop his groin. Dan panicked and quickly took off his belt and undid his pants and pulled down his underwear. His cock suddenly then eagerly bounced free, somehow having grown fully hard after the sudden shock. Dan let out a moan as an envelope of skin began to form around his cock as the flesh grew larger and thicker. Soon however though the head of his cock was completely covered and the new attachment to his body suddenly grew a thin coating of dark brown fur as it attached itself to his abdomen.

"Now what!?" shouted Dan as he reached down and tried to pull back his new sheathe.

Pulling the fold of skin back carefully, he was met with a much more different sight than what he was used to. Gone was his once mushroom shaped tip of his cock and in its place was a wide, flattened flared tip. As Dan tried to pull the skin down further, he felt his groin stir and soon his changed cock began to emerge from its new home of its own volition.

As the shaft emerged, Dan noticed the many new thick veins that had begun to crisscross the now mottled pigment of his equine flesh. As more and more of the flesh began to spill out, Dan felt himself become light headed and he was forced to sit down as his cock continued to grow. As he sat down though, he felt his balls slap against the rim of the bed, causing Dan to flinch slightly before he looked down to examine them. His balls now were much larger than they had ever been before, nearly the size of two small oranges and now covered in a rough, leathery brown skin.

"What the...." Dan said as he experimentally groped on his enlarged balls, sending a shiver down his spine and causing his cock to surge in growth.

It wasn't long then after that his cock had grown up to its full length and he could feel the slight haze of dizziness begin to wear off. Dan looked down at his cock in a strange mixture of curiosity and fear, reaching down and touching the shaft slightly, causing his cock to shiver and a small bead of precum to emerge from the flared tip.

"That's definitely something..." Dan muttered as he slid his finger down the length of his shaft, tracing the lines of his new veins and stopping slightly to feel his new medial ring.

His cock responded well to the stimulation and was soon leaking a small stream of pre that was pooling around at the tip before it ran down the length of his shaft.

Dan found himself groping more and more curious of his changed junk until finally he took his right hand and wrapped it around the base of his shaft, his fingers not even able to touch around the thick shaft.

"Wow...its gotta be over a foot long..." Dan said in surprised awe as he felt his cock throb in his grip.

Slowly then, Dan began to slide his hand up and down his shaft, sending tingles of pleasure throughout his body and causing his balls to tense slightly. Dan had not originally intended this, but it was not very long until he built a steady rhythm with his strokes until he got to the point where he was full blown jacking off. Leaning back onto the bed, Dan gasped as he felt his sensitive cock stimulate him in ways that his previous shaft had never done before. His body temperature began to rise and his precum was leaking more and more until it began to coat his hand. Dan let out a loud moan as he felt his loins stir as the smell of equine musk began to fill the room. His hand started to go faster and faster as time went on, Dan losing all track of the motion and tempo until his hand was nearly a blur on his long cock. He kept at this pace for nearly five minutes, his body high on endorphins and covered in sweat by the time he took a break, but he still yearned for release. But that was then he noticed his other hand, completely free and with nothing to do. Dan smiled smugly as he took both hands and wrapped them back around his cock, letting out a gasp of pleasure as he began to thrust his groin into his hands, his orgasm rapidly approaching as he double fisted his cock, his end getting closer and closer until finally.


Dan shouted as his cock throbbed in his grip, thick globs of yellowed cum firing from his shaft and landing on the wall behind him and all across his chest. Dan panted and moaned as he felt his large balls drain, but still somehow produce enough cum for such a large orgasm. It only took a few minutes however and soon his cock was reduced to a thin stream of oozing cum from its flared tip and Dan was left, his upper body coated in seed along with most of the headboard of his bed.

"Ohhh...ahhh...fuck..." Dan grunted in his orgasm high as he felt his cock begin to shrink in his grip and begin to slide back into its musky home.

Dan laid there for a few moments, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm and the smell of equine pheromones in the air. Smiling softly to himself he began to think of just what he would do now to spend his vacation.



It was two days later and Dan felt more rested than he had in his entire life. However his new appendages may have had a little bit to do with that.

After his first potent jack off session, Dan spent the rest of his time either cooped up in his room, painting the walls an off white color, or on the prowl for someone who would help him relieve his overactive sex drive.

He had also added a few more expenses onto his bio card, resulting in a few more additions to his body. His ears were now squarely on top of his head, fully equine and twitching with every sound they took in. Dan's body had grown even larger than before, causing him to spend even more money on larger clothes to compensate for his increased bulk. However Dan found himself making little effort of hiding his growing bulk, favouring more "revealing" clothes like tank tops and open vests to display his sculpted body and the growing forest of fur that was covering most of his body.

But now, his vacation had now come to an end and it was now time to pay up, although he did give himself a mental reminder to visit a geneticist and check on his options for mods in the coming weeks.

"Alright sir, your total comes to $2,120 dollars, will that be cash or credit?" said the receptionist as he took Dan's bio card from him and punched a few numbers into the computer in front of him.

"Credit." Stated Dan with a grin as he pulled out his credit card from his pocket and handed it to the boy behind the counter.

The receptionist smiled and nodded as he took the card and began punching in a few more numbers. Dan looked away for a brief moment as he watched a particularly large looking horse hybrid passed by and winked at him before he felt someone tapping on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry sir, but it says here that your credit card has been declined" stated the receptionist.

Dan felt his hand stand on end.

"What? Try it again!" Dan argued.

"That's just the thing sir, I've already tried putting in the data several times, it keeps coming up saying that it's been declined." The busboy stated with a bit of worried hesitation.

"What? There must be something wrong, take my debit card instead." Stated Dan as he pulled out another card from his wallet and the bus boy went quickly to work.

Dan huffed as he kept an eye on the bus boy, watching his movements and rapid key strokes before he watched his face turn into a dejected frown.

"I'm sorry sir but it says here that the payment was rejected..." stated the bus boy with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Dan flinched, remembering the bartenders words on what would happen to those who wouldn't pay up. He then quickly snatched the card from the bus boy and stuffed it into his wallet.

"My reservation is still until 2:00pm right?" Dan demanded.

"Y-yes sir! But I just think I should remind you that if your account isn't paid..."

"I KNOW WHAT WILL FUCKING HAPPEN" Dan shouted at the bus boy before he could finish, causing the horse to flinch.

Dan then grabbed his bags and looked up at the clock, it was about 10:00 at the moment, so he had about four hours to go. Rushing off into a corner of the room, Dan pulled out the laptop he had brought with him, strumming his fingers impatiently as he waited for the computer to finish booting up. Finally then after his computer was ready, he accessed his banking account online, only to have his heart sink when he saw the amount of money he had available.

"0.50...?" Dan said with disbelief.

Dan then quickly switched over to his credit card and found that it had been cancelled as well. Dan could feel his heartbeat begin to rise and he pulled out his cell phone and began calling every number he could to try and solve whatever had happened. But no one would ever give him a straight answer on anything, most seemed as lost as he was or seemed dodgy at best. Finally after two hours had passed, Dan let out a groan of depression as he shoved his phone back into his pocket and covered his face with his hands.

"What am I going to do...what am I going to do??!!" Dan shouted into his hands, attracting the attention of a few onlookers before they continued walking by.

Dan then reached into his pocket and pulled out the bio card he had taken back from the bell boy and watched as the image began to re-shape. The human outline was already halfway filled and the number dial had spun to show that his balance was at $1456 dollars.

" the cost of my room...this isn't happening! This isn't happening!!!" Dan shouted as he looked up into the sky, staring at the ceiling of the building praying for some sort of miracle. But that was when he noticed a large plasma screen TV showing five words.

"Next Race in ten minutes"


"Aaaaaaaaaand there off!"

The announcer shouted as a gun shot off into the air and the doors opened wide. Nearly a dozen horse hybrids then went bolting out of the gates, dressed in track apparel that hugged their tight forms heavily while the people in the stadium and booths watched.

Apparently this was the Tower's idea of "Horse Races", but at that very moment Dan really didn't care. As he sat there in the bar, clenching on to his ticket for dear life, he watched the screen with the racers running at full speed across the stadium. He kept his eye on "Lucky 13" a slightly built chestnut stallion wearing a green track uniform with a horseshoe on the back.

"You know, betting everything on a race probably isn't the best idea buddy..." Stated the bartender cautiously as he watched the race alongside Dan.

"I don't see you coming up with any better ideas!' Dan snapped back at the bartender before he pulled his attention back to the races.

"Aaaaaaand its Red Thunder at the lead with Down on the Farm following close behind! Lucky 13 is fighting with Dust Devil for third place and Born Sunny taking up the rear!" the announcer shouted over the intercom as everyone watched and cheered.

"Come on 13!!!" Shouted Dan as he held his ticket up high and kept his eye on the stadium.

The racers were already at the halfway mark and there was already a clear gap of who would be taking the lead on this race, There were only about 5 racers that seemed to be really gunning for the finish line while everyone else trailed a few feet behind. All of the horse hybrids seemed to be giving it their all however, their manes whipping in the wind as they made a mad dash for the finish line.

"It's Red Thunder at the lead! Lucky 13 trailing right behind after passing over Down on the farm! BUT WAIT! Born Sunny is starting to make up for lost time! Leaving Dust Devil in the dust and overtaking Down On the Farm!" the announcer proclaimed with growing enthusiasm as the crowd was whipped into a frenzy.

Dan just kept watching, kept on the tips of his hooves as he leaned closer to the screen, watching the racers decide on what may very well be his fate.

"Lucky 13 at the lead with Red Thunder right behind with Born Sunny an inch away!"

"Come on!!!!!!" Dan shouted pleadingly as the racers got closer and closer to the line until...

"It's Lucky 13! It's Red Thunder! It's Born Sunny!" This could be a photo finish folks! The announcer shouted as the racers got closer and closer to the line until....



Dan's heart stopped as he watched the racers pass the finish line. As the others trailed behind there was a quiet stillness in the stadium while the man over the intercom could be heard mumbling to someone.

"Please....Please...." Dan pleaded.

Finally, there was a loud whistle blown over the intercom and a slight crackling noise before the announcer came back on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...the winner is...."

Dan could have sworn he was about to have a heart attack in the brief moment the announcer hesitated.

"BORN SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!"

As the crowd cheered, Dan crumpled the ticket in his hand and looked up at the happy image of the golden stallion raising his arms up into the air, smiling and shouting in victory.

"Sorry buddy...can't win them all...." Stated the bartender.

Dan only let out a defeated sigh as he looked over to his bio-card, where the numbers were already beginning to spin and the image of a human was already beginning to fill up.

"Need a new bartender?" asked Dan dejectedly as he watched the last inch of the image fill up, and the outline glow a bright orange as the dial stopped right at $2000.

It then began to happen all at once, along with a few other unlucky betters at the bar. The barkeep sighed as he watched Dan gasp and an obvious tent begin to form in his shorts.

The fur that had begun to cover his body then rapidly covered his entire form all the way up to his neck and stopping just before his face. Dan felt his body and feet tighten again as he had done a few times earlier, signifying his new growth and causing the seams of his outfit to rip and tear. Dan let out a loud moan as he felt his body re-position itself and his legs begin to shift to a more digitigrade stance. The seams of his shoes then began to strain and pop, fabric tearing and wearing thin until finally with a loud rip two massive and solid built hooves burst from the remains of his sneakers.

Dan grunted as he looked down at his changed, face, letting out a dejected moan before he felt his jaw snap slightly and his tongue swell up to a much larger size. Soon then he watched as his entire face began to elongate and press forward, his hair growing slightly longer while a long strip began to form down his back. Dan grunted and moaned as his face began to re-construct and his eyes move apart slightly.

Just as his mouth had finished forming, Dan let out one last grunt as he involuntarily flexed, causing what remained of his shirt to rip to shreds, leaving his chest bare for all to see.

After a few short breaths, Dan looked down at his hands and noticed the new white fur that had grown around his changed hands and how long strands of hair had grown in a sort of cuff like pattern.

"So...looks like you're a Clydesdale then eh?" stated the Bartender with a smirk before he looked around the room to see the few other patrons going through their changes.

"Y...yea..." Dan stammered, his mind feeling woozy and his senses being overloaded with his new more powerful nose.

"I don't need any more help around here....but I think I know how to get you on the fast track to getting out of here...if you're interested." Stated the bartender with a bit of hesitation in his voice.

Dan only sighed as he looked down at his changed hands all the way down to his hooves. Turning his attention back to the bartender after a few minutes he managed to form a lopsided smile.

"What have I got to lose?"


Gotta keep running....

_ _ "aaaaaaand its Red Thunder at the lead with Born Sunny trailing behind!"

Just keep running....

_ _ "Dust Devil trailing right behind and Lucky 13 right on his heels!"

Just a few more feet....just a few more....

_ _ "...and finally taking up the rear is our newest competitor, Windshear!"

The crowd cheered as the announcer listed off the names of all of the racers. Now dressed in a bright yellow track suit with the number 101 and the image of a spinning tornado, Dan kept running as fast as he could, but to most it seemed like he couldn't keep up with the smaller and faster breeds of horses. His massive, powerful hooves stomped and left a deep impression in the ground below, kicking up the dirt on the ground and leaving small pitfalls for anyone to trip on.

But that's just what he wanted them to think....


It was the final lap and Dan knew it was time to finally play serious, summoning up his reserves of stamina and strength, he went off like a gunshot, quickly closing the gap between himself and the other racers.

"What's this? Windshear is making a comeback! Who knew a Clydesdale could run that fast!" shouted the announcer, sending a cheer throughout the entire crowd.

Dan cursed mentally to himself for not keeping a steadier pace, but he still pushed himself harder and harder to catch up. In the distance he could see the leaders of the race beginning to waver in strength. Dan kept running and running, passing a large group of horses and instantly jumping himself up in the rankings.

"iiiiiiits Red Thunder and Born Sunny fighting for first with Dust Devil beginning to trail behind with Windshear right behind him!"


_ 4th...._

_ 3rd..._

_ _ Dan counted down mentally to himself as he passed the lead racers one by one until he was neck and neck with the leaders. Born Sunny the golden haired stallion looked at him from the corner of his eye and Dan could see the fear growing within. Red Thunder, the black quarter horse seemed much more focused, but it was obvious to anyone that he was running out of steam.

"It's Red Thunder with Windshear right on him! They are nearing the finish line now folks and it looks like this is going to be another close one!" the announcer cheered as the rest of the crowd joined in with his excitement.

Just a bit more...Just a bit more...

Dan slowly began to close the gap between him and Red Thunder, leaving Born Sunny trailing a few feet behind and Lucky 13 and the rest of the racers in a clustered group taking up the rear.

Come on....Come on.....

_ _ Dan felt like the world was becoming slower and slower as he got closer to the finish line. He could feel his large heart beating in his chest, and the sweat that covered his furry pelt as it slid down his face and along his back. He could see that Red Thunder next to him was in a similar state, his chest heaving and his toned muscles flexing with every slight movement as the stallion pushed himself towards the finish line.

Just a few...more...feet...

_ _ *BANG!!!!*

And then, all of a sudden the world suddenly caught up with him and Dan found himself on the other side of the finish line, still running.

There was a murmur coming from the crowd and nearly all was silent. Dan and the other lead racers all came to a stop and looked up at the giant monitor with their names and numbers displayed next to them and they watched in anticipation.

"Ladies and Gentlemen....the winner is WINDSHEAR!" shouted the announcer just as the screen lit up with the image of Dan smiling along with a display of fireworks erupting from behind the monitor.

Dan sighed in relief and tried his best to catch his breath. The other racers around him cheered as they came up and gave him a pat on the back. All except for Red Thunder who just looked at him with anger in his eyes.

"Way to go man! First real race and you beat ole Thunder!" shouted one of them.

"Looks like we got ourselves a new top runner!" joined another.

Soon the rest of the racers where cheering and shouting his name, and it wasn't long after until the rest of the crowd joined in.


_ _ Dan laughed and smiled with a grin he felt would never fade away. After only a few weeks in training, he was already becoming a celebrity.

The racers then all began to lead Dan towards the locker room they had changed in earlier. Dan had to admit to himself, he wasn't quite sure he would have been able to do this at first, but after that announcer told him that he had won, there was a high level of satisfaction from it.

After things had finally calmed down and the racers went off to their lockers and began to undress. Dan sighed happily as he opened his own and reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out his wallet.

Flipping it open and pulling out a new red Bio Card, he watched as the lights formed into an image of an outline humanoid horse. Dan then gave the card a flip over just as the secondary display appeared. Soon then the dollar sign appeared and several dials began to spin, stopping right at $4234 dollars before a bright "Congratulations!" graphic appeared underneath and a -$500 appeared and disappeared just as the dials began to spin backwards.

Dan sighed to himself as he watched the counter turned backwards. He knew that not only did he have to pay for his room and the money he had spent going wild on his Bio Card before but he also had to pay for lodging at the Tower in the employee area, along with any food and expensive he paid for. It was going to be a long road ahead of him, but he had to admit there where some perks to the job...

"So, first race and you already came out on top? That sure is lucky." Said a voice from behind him.

Speaking of perks...

Dan smirked as he turned around to see the familiar face of Frank the donkey he had met his first day at the resort.

"What can I say? I suck at gambling, but I'm good at running." Responded Dan with a smirk.

"Mmmhmm...and to the victor go the spoils..." Frank said coyly as he reached down and groped Dan's package through his tight fitting spandex track suit.

Dan nickered slightly at the remark and watched as the other racers looked at the two of them and looked at them approvingly. Dan smirked at the sight of this and leaned down and gave the donkey a kiss before he began undressing.

"Your one horny little jackass you know that?" stated Dan with a smirk as he peeled off the one piece suit, leaving his massive chest bare, and only a pair of tightly fitting underwear holding back his growing erection.

"And don't you love it." Responded Frank with a flick of his tail as he reached down and groped Dan's package again through the underwear.

Dan grunted as he felt his loins stir and his underwear began to tent. The donkey then coyly walked away, flicking his tail seductively as he walked towards the showers while taking off a few pieces of clothing and leaving them strewn across the floor.

Dan nickered at the sight and quickly shucked his underwear, letting his growing cock loose as he followed close behind, walking into the steamy showers to see a sight he had grown used to in the past few weeks of training.

Many of the other racers had paired off with each other and with a few others as well. Some were in small groups either jerking each other off while others were preparing to mount their partner. The entire showers smelled of sweat and a masculine musk mixed with the aroma of a barn. A few of the other racers watched as Dan entered and winked playfully before they went back to whatever or whomever they were doing. Dan smiled and nodded at a few of them before he was able to catch the sight of a ropey tail flicking behind a slower curtain before it disappeared inside. Snorting happily to himself, Dan followed suite until he pulled back the shower curtain to see Frank standing naked and waiting for him with a smile on his face.

"Come 'ere stud!" Frank exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Dan, his head barely reaching the much larger equines neck.

Dan nickered in approval as he wrapped his hands around Frank and held him close, his cock already rock hard and drooling as it was sandwiched between the two of them and right next to Franks own thick maleness.

The two of them then broke apart for a brief moment before they started to passionately make out, their muzzles interlocking and tongues dancing with each other's as both of their massive poles began to do a slight "sword fight" as they bumped against one another.

Finally though, Frank caught Dan off guard as he wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and jumped up into the air. However he was able to react in time and quickly caught the donkey and held him up by his legs, with Franks muzzle only inches away from his own.

"Well what are you waiting for..." the donkey said with a wink before he took one free hand and reached back and turned on the dial for the shower.

As water began to cascade down the both of them Dan felt his blood boil in arousal as he began to navigate his throbbing cock towards Frank's hole. The donkey shivered in delight as he gripped onto Dan tightly who held his legs up with his two powerful arms. Dan could feel the donkeys cock throbbing against his chest and drooling precum before it was washed away by the water as he positioned himself right at the donkey's entrance.

Dan shivered as he felt his flare begin to press against the donkey's tight hole and the other equine responded in turn by gripping onto the horse even tighter as he began to sink himself down onto his shaft.

"Ohh fuck....your so much bigger than our first time..." Moaned Frank as he began to slide himself deeper and deeper onto Dan's cock.

"I would have sworn you got smaller..." Dan said with a smirk before he snorted in arousal as he felt more and more of his cock sink into the donkey before he stopped right at the medial ring.

The jackass let out a braying moan as he squirmed in Dan's grip, clenching his hole on the larger equines cock, causing Dan to let out a gasp of pleasure before he began to slowly slide his pole out from inside the donkey until.

"AHHH!" shouted Frank in pleasure as Dan pushed him against the wall and shoved his cock even deeper inside.

Dan then began to pull his cock out again, slowly and gently, teasing every inch of his sensitive cock until once again.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Frank moaned again as he was stuffed with even more of Dan's cock.

This continued on for a while, the Donkey letting out a pleasured moan or a bray as he was pinned against the wall while being skewered by the massive Clydesdale. The two of them were beginning to moan louder and louder as their passions grew, and the steam coming from their stall began to fill the showers even more.

"Fuck...fuck...ride me!" shouted Frank in a pleasured daze as his cock throbbed angrily against Dan's broad chest.

Dan gritted his teeth as he felt his balls tense underneath him. Not wanting to end things right there, he gently sat the donkey down onto the floor and slid his cock out from inside him. Frank seemed almost sad at the lack of Dan's girth inside of him, but that didn't last long after Dan pushed him into leaning forward and began to prod the donkey's hole again with his slick cock. The jackass brayed in approval as he gripped onto the shower curtain in front of him and moaned as he felt Dan's length begin to fill him again.

Taking a free hand, Dan reached down and grabbed Franks cock as he slid more and more of his cock into Frank, his size and bulk overshadowing the smaller donkey as his large hand gripped around the equines generous length. Soon then after he was sliding his own cock back into the tight confines of the donkeys hole all while jerking off his partners thick cock. Frank shivered in pleasure as he felt Dan's flare fill him again, stimulating Dan even more than before.

"Ohh fuck...fffffffuuuuuuhawwwwwww!" brayed Frank as he reached out and gripped onto the curtain in front of him.

Frank brayed and moaned as he felt himself growing closer and closer to the end, his grip on the curtain strengthening until he accidently pulled the curtain down, displaying themselves for anyone to see in the shower.

Dan however didn't care as he continued to ride the donkey, some of the other racers watching and cheering as he mounted the donkey right in front of him. The feeling of it all was becoming overpowering to him. The smells, the senses, the feel of his cock filling Frank was far too much when finally.

"Nnnnnghhhhneighhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Dan whinnied.

Dan's cock flexed and exploded inside the jackasses rear, causing the donkey to loose himself as well as he let out a loud bray and began to spray his load all over the tile floor before it was washed away by the showers.

Dan grunted and clenched as he deposited more and more seed inside of the donkey until finally he pulled out in one rough tug, exciting a moan out of the donkey before he slapped his cock on the donkeys back and sprayed his load all across his back.

The other racers looked at this sight and smiled. Those who hadn't found partners yet were now showing clear arousal and began to migrate towards the pair as they panted and basked in the afterglow of their fucking.

Dan smirked as he saw the crowd grow closer and closer to them, the smell of musk in the room only building even more and his loins not feeling even partially depleted.

Maybe I did bet on the right horse after all...


"Well, wasn't that a close race?"

"Yes sir, and our recorded profits for this race were in the hundreds of thousands."

Mr. Z smiled as he looked down at the racetrack from his luxury booth above the stadium. The entire room was filled with large and expensive looking furniture along with an array of large TV screens, showing different angles of the racers locker rooms. Along with all of their more "wild" activity's in high definition quality.

"I'm thinking that this new episode of "Studs in the Suds" will also sell pretty well this coming weekend. I think maybe I'll send off some clips of it to some of the other resorts to build up hype!"

"Very good sir."

Mr. Z looked at one particular screen, where most of the racers were gathered around the newest recruit, Windshear, A.K.A Dan Erickson. Most of them were gathered around a bench where he lay, sucking off a handsome looking brown donkey while he was getting rimmed by a golden haired stallion while the rest stood around them all, jerking their massive poles and sending droplets of pre all over his massive body.

"The House always wins Dan my boy...the house always wins..."

*Beep Beep! Beep Beep!*

"Sir, the Director is calling on line one."

"Thank you Atomos." Stated Mr Z as he reached over to a nearby button and watched as the widow went dark and a screen flicked on...

"Hey there...boss...."