Kyle Sparks, Chapter 7

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#7 of Sparks

More weird stuff happens.


This story series may contain material that some people might consider inappropriate or offensive. If you are the sort of person who feels like they must complain about content of this nature do not read any further. I DO NOT want to hear your complaints, and I WILL NOT respond to any hateful or unnecessary posts or PMs. You choose what you read, I choose what I write. Leave it at that, or just leave. The choice is yours.

Chapter 7

It had been nearly four days since Red Wolf had come up with this crazy idea. Just the thought of it all made Black Wolf bristle with rage. He had been forced to shave for the first time in ages, and his two sons had gone out of their way to make him look human again. It took a lot of shaving and cutting his hair, but as long as he didn't transform for a while they promised he wouldn't have to repeat the process anytime soon.

"I look stupid," Black Wolf said when he looked at himself in the mirror. His thick shoulder length black hair was brushed and combed enough to pull it into a thick braid. Even after just shaving his whole face was covered in thick stubble. "I think you look hot," Kyle said and snuggled up against Black Wolf's shirt-covered chest. There was nothing the guys could do about his dense carpet of body hair, but thankfully a long sleeve shirt made it slightly less noticeable. Under the huge shirt was a wife beater that did little to pad the man's huge muscular torso. It was almost a bit comical, but really Black Wolf did look handsome. He was sorta like a big rough-looking bearish man.

High above Angel City, in a very different bathroom, another man looked at himself nervously in the huge mirror of his private quarters. He was wearing a form fitting white tee shirt that Ben had picked out for him. "Hey Ben," Samson Light called out into his bed room. "You think this guy will like cologne?"

"No," Ben called back. "In fact, you might not want to wear deodorant either; he's into people's natural scent."

Righteous Shield looked back at his reflection and lifted his huge muscular arms. Honestly he'd worn his suit for so long he hadn't really thought much about his life as a normal person. One day, out of the blue, Ben had asked him if he wanted to go on a blind date. The kid had set the whole thing up, and Sam couldn't tell his son no after they had been getting along so well. It sure was odd though, to walk out of his bathroom and look his son in the eyes. Ben sure had shot up like a weed these last few weeks, and he was looking more like a man every day. The thick red stubble on the muscular young man's face made Sam blush just a bit. He had always loved guys with stubble. "No deodorant then," he said and held his arms up for Ben to smell.

Ben sniffed his biological father's arm pits and swooned a bit. "Yup... he'll certainly appreciate that," Ben said gruffly.

"You sure I don't need something?" Sam asked.

"No, you're good," Ben said and handed the man a stylish leather jacket. "You look handsome!" he said and ran a hand through Samson's combed down blond hair. "A little too well kept, but handsome."

"Hey," Samson said and held his hands up in defense, "I'm a hero, what can I say?"

Ben laughed, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Part of him secretly hoped this whole crazy thing worked out in the end. Just thinking about Samson Light as a wolf stirred the beast inside him. Particularly it made his loins harden as he imagined a foursome between his mate and fathers. It had taken quite a bit of convincing to get his parents in on his scheme, but in the end it was Patricia who won them over. "If Righteous Shield is a member of the pack then he won't think twice about Ben being one too! He might even work with the pack to take down the High Court!"

Her argument had worked, and in the end it was the two heroes that had gotten everything set up. They claimed to know "a friend" who might be the perfect guy for Samson whom they had known was gay for years. In fact, most of the Order knew he wasn't interested in women, but nobody ever said anything about it.

Kyle was supposed to be waiting for Ben in a convenient hiding place outside the restaurant. They would stay nearby just in case something went terribly wrong, but Ben doubted anything like that would happen. Kyle didn't have a power watch or any other kind of handy communicator, but he still had a cell phone. Ben sent him a text on his own cell and smiled at the reply. "Big Bad Wolf is in position, how is Super Man?" He asked in the text.

"Super Man is ready to fly," Ben texted and smiled at his own choice of words. So far Kyle and Black wolf were the only ones who knew how it was that Ben knew Righteous Shield. They had been shocked at his confession, but it was Kyle who seemed the most hurt by it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Kyle had asked Ben after Black Wolf had given him a long lecture on loyalty and secrets within the pack. "I... I always thought Electron was just a romantic episode... that there was no way we could ever be together..."

"I'm so sorry Kyle," Ben said and held his mate in his arms as they settled down to sleep that night. "I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid," Ben whispered.

"Afraid of what?" Kyle asked.

"Afraid you would love Electron more than you loved me," Ben whispered.

"I love you both the same, and Red Wolf too," Kyle replied and nuzzled his mate's chest.

Ben had just smiled and pulled Kyle closer to him. "I love you too Kyle," he said before they had both relaxed and fallen asleep in each other's arms.

Thinking of how angry Black Wolf had been only made Ben realize he had done the right thing in telling his mate and wolf father about his secret. He just hoped his gamble would work. Both the order and the pack needed to help each other. The pack lacked leadership while the order lacked an army. They really would need to work together if they hoped to overcome the High Court before they were both wiped out along with all hope of saving Angel City from its new oppressive leadership. Every day more people were being arrested or "purged" by the enforcers. Ben only hoped things wouldn't get any worse before his plan to unite the two super groups came to fruition. He hoped and prayed that this crazy idea would work.


Black Wolf sat alone at a four person table promptly adjusted by the waiting staff to fit his massive frame. He had seen Righteous Shield before, and knew the man was easily the largest natural born super in the whole city. Despite knowing that he hardly felt like a hero could make a good mate for him. He wasn't that impressed by leaders or titles, and any man arrogant enough to call himself Righteous Shield sounded like he would be a pompous ass. "Can I get you some more water or wine sir?" The skinny ass wispy little waiter asked as he walked up to the titanic man sitting alone at the propped up table in the back corner of the restaurant. Black audibly growled at the wispy youth; shooting him a glare that would have scared a veteran Fang. "I'll be fine," he said gruffly.

"Th... thank you sir!" the youth said and skittered away from the angry giant.

After another couple of minutes Black Wolf was about to give up and storm out of the restaurant when the sight of a massive guy clumsily weaving through the tables distracted him. The man was wearing an almost alarmingly casual outfit that made him stick out like a sore thumb in the fancy restaurant. Every time he walked past a table he would accidently bump it and disturb the patrons. He took forever getting across the room due to how damn clumsy he was. Black was actually chuckling softly as he watched the man.

Finally the muscular man reached the table and spotted Black sitting alone. Black had wryly looked away from the approaching hulk of a man, but there was no doubt that this had to be his date. When Black did glance at him he smiled softly and stood up from his comically small chair. "Bruce Black," he said and held his hand out to the man.

"Samson Light," the man said quickly and closed the distance between the two of them. He accepted Bruce's hand and nervously shook with a grip that would have crushed a lesser man's hand. Bruce just smiled and crushed back. "That's quite a grip you've got there," Sam said nervously as they dropped their hands.

"I work out... a lot," Bruce said and smiled at the nervous man. A quick gesture to the seat preceded his next few words, "have a seat Sam."

Sam hurried to join his date at the table and blushed a deep red. A waft of the man's scent drifted towards Bruce. It was strong and uncovered by deodorant and cologne. "Fuck, you smell good," Bruce said and inhaled the scent like it was a drug. The smell was musky and strong, like a man in the prime of his life. In a way it reminded him of Ben's scent, but untainted by the latter male's younger age and immature body. Sure, young cubs had a certain energetic allure, but this was a man in his PRIME; just the thought of dominating that sort of man brought a growl from Bruce's throat.

"Um... thanks," Sam said and tried to ignore his own natural musk. He was glad his date didn't mind him stinking like he did. Personally Sam felt like he reeked.

Bruce started up a polite conversation which was honestly a little hard to keep going. Sam seemed almost comically nervous about this whole affair. It wasn't until after they had ordered their food that Bruce finally decided to ask him if he was alright. "You sure seem nervous," Bruce said as politely as he knew how. "Are you sure you're ok with this whole dating thing?"

Sam sighed and looked away from the hottest man he had ever met in his whole life. He didn't know that Bruce could smell his attraction, but even if he had known it wasn't like him to act confidently around other gay men. "I... I just don't ever go on dates with guys," Sam said softly. "It's not you... I mean it is sort of... because you're hot... oh!" Sam gasped at his slip of the tongue, but Bruce only chuckled at the compliment.

"Thanks," Bruce said and reached down to unbutton his shirt cuffs. They sure were tight against his arms. As Sam watched him he noticed the thick black hair covering the man's whole wrist and hands like a carpet of manly fur. He hadn't ever admitted it to anyone, but hairy guys were a HUGE turn on for him. Just seeing that much hair in one place made the hero blush as he fought his own bulging cock in the tight jeans his son had picked out for him. "I think you're hot too Sam."

"Oh... thanks," Sam said and downed his whole glass of ice water in a single gulp.

After their quick exchange Bruce managed to get Sam talking about something he obviously loved talking about. It seemed ironic, but Sam knew everything there was to know about martial arts and countless other fighting techniques. They started by talking about wrestling, but their conversation quickly progressed to other types of combat which Sam eagerly explained to his date. A slow smile spread across Bruce's lips as he listened to this amusing human. Cocky was NOT the word for Samson Light. In a way he was almost starting to grow on Bruce by the time their food arrived. Neither man could honestly drink enough alcohol to get drunk, but they finished their wine regardless. When the bill finally came Bruce kindly used his own money to pay. He was pretty well off despite how he preferred to live, but that was due more to his many years of operating in the Angel City underground where drugs and favors were traded for cash. Bruce had long since learned that banks wanted too much information for him to bother with them, so instead he kept crazy amounts of cash in his safe houses. It was handy when you needed to pay people to shut up or when you needed a year's worth of groceries.

Apparently pulling out a wad of cash was also a great way to impress your date too. "Wow," Sam said when he saw the money Bruce extracted from his pocket, "you didn't have to pay for me too!" Sam was shocked by his date's generosity.

Bruce shrugged and stood up. "I heard you don't exactly work, so I just figured I'd need to pay for dinner."

Sam was surprised again when Bruce picked up his jacket and helped the man into it. Bruce looked like he could have been a total bad ass, but he was surprisingly polite! As the two men made their way out of the restaurant Sam quickly turned to his date and smiled brightly. "Do you want to catch a movie or something?" Sam shot Bruce his prize winning hero smile.

Bruce's heart melted as he saw Sam's face. "I know a great place pretty close by... we could walk together..." Bruce suggested.

"That would be nice." Sam said and smiled when Bruce offered his arm to the man. Sam blushed as he slipped his own arm into Bruce's and allowed the huge muscle stud to guide him through the streets.

From the alley of the restaurant two pairs of yellow eyes watched as their respective fathers proceeded down the side walk. "All right!" Kyle said and tackled his mate. "You're a genius," he said and planted a huge kiss on the larger man's bristly cheek.

"You helped," Ben said excitedly. "I could practically smell their attraction from outside the restaurant!"

"Maybe they'll fuck on the first date?" Kyle said and growled playfully. "You nail that hero papa wolf!"

Ben rolled his eyes at Kyle's antics. For a guy who looked like he was in his mid twenties Kyle sure could act like a kid sometimes. That was just one of many reasons why Ben liked the smaller wolf so much. He scooped Kyle up in an unexpected steamy hug and kiss. "Maybe we should go celebrate... I know a sweet movie theater around this area."

"You just want to keep up with the real action!" Kyle said in a low sexy growl.

Ben grinned a sharp toothy grin, "who say's I don't want some action for myself?"


Black Wolf was actually in a pretty good mood when he finally got home from his date. It was well past four in the morning, but when he walked into his bed room he found two furry cubs sleeping in his bed. Bruce sighed and growled as he climbed into the bed. He got a few sleepy growls and whines from his two overgrown pups. They were quite docile in their sleep, but Kyle was lucid enough to open his eyes and growl a quick question, "how did the rest of your date go?"

"After the movies we went to the park downtown and talked for a long time," Black explained without offering much detail to the curious cub.

"Anything else?" He asked with a crooked smile followed by a big yawn.

"We kissed before parting ways..." Bruce said gruffly.

"Anything... else?"

"I asked him out on another date you nosey little cub," Bruce said as he pulled his shirt off and dived into the bed. He found Kyle's ass in the red and dark brown mass of fur and in a few short thrust Bruce was quickly turning back into the titanic wolf Kyle knew and loved. A huge slab of red veined wolf cock was shoved roughly into Kyle's ass while Bruce changed. "It's harder than I thought to do this dating shit... but it just might work out in the end."

"Hmm, and if it doesn't?" Kyle accentuated his question with a cute whine on the end.

"I think it will," Black said in his deep rumbling werewolf voice. "Samson is already head over heels for me. He told me I was hot during dinner, and then when we were alone he told me that hairy guys are a big turn on for him."

Kyle chuckled, "no worries there pops, you're the hairiest guy I know. Hell; you're almost not human at all!"

"Hey," Black said with a rough thrust into his son's ass, "I'm a wolf, it's just how I am," he said and continued to fuck Kyle. A powerful cloud of musk was rolling off Black Wolf as he began to push his throbbing cock into the smaller wolf in his arms. There was a powerful yearning need inside the wolf as he ran his paws over Kyle's young furry body. Black was always a rough lover, but tonight his advances were far more passionate. "Fuck Kyle," Black growled, "I really appreciate this."

A soft murr was Kyle's only answer as he lost himself to the fuzzy warmth of his wolf father's cock as it pumped in and out of his ass. He knew better than any other wolf the tender loving side of Black Wolf. More than once in his first week with the man they had spoken about love and companionship. Kyle really did love his wolf father, he loved Black Wolf more than he had ever loved his own father. He wanted Black to experience the embrace of a mate. Knowing how wonderful a mate could be only made Kyle want one for Black even more!

It took Bruce about an hour to work out all his tension and sexual energy on Kyle's backside. A distant part of Bruce couldn't help but imagine fucking Samson like this. Black Wolf didn't realize it, but when he started imagining that it was Samson in his arms his rough thrusts softened, and his growls were occasionally broken by needy whines. Kyle noticed, but he knew his father needed this, so he just let the superior wolf take him like a bitch. Both Kyle and Black secretly hoped that one day it would be Samson in Kyle's place; they both yearned to hear Black mating with Samson. Kyle was particularly interested in joining in on the action, but he knew his father would give his mate his own soul in exchange for his love. Black Wolf had always spoken to his son about his own secret dreams of having a mate of his own.

Lust won out in the end, Black Wolf finally bit into his son's scruff and picked up his pace a bit. Kyle growled low and lusty at the return of his father's normal roughness. He loved it when Black Wolf rode him long and hard! The explosion of cum that resulted from all that pent up lust was particularly pleasurable for the young wolf. Their passionate love making had woken up the red furred beast on the other side of the bed. Before anyone could object Ben had found his father's backside and began drilling his own wolf-hood into that tight black furred ass. Red Wolf didn't waste any time when he was fucking Black or Kyle. His grunts and growls were savage and more like those of an animal than an intelligent wolf monster. Ben's musk joined his father's as he rode the superior wolf. Every five minutes or so Black Wolf would groan in bliss as the pleasure in his backside caused another squirt of cum into the wolf tied to his cock by the huge knot he had shoved in Kyle's ass.

A second gruff growl, and the sound of Red Wolf biting his father, signaled his own explosion into Black Wolf. Kyle could actually hear the lewd pop of his mate knotting his father. Black Wolf lost a few more loads into Kyle while he took Red Wolf's load in his ass. The wonderful sensation of having hot wolf sex relaxed the three beasts. They all huffed and groaned as they shifted their weight around to find a comfortable position to sleep off the time it took for their knots to shrink. It was well past sunrise the next day when the three werewolves would finally wake up, but that was fine; it was the weekend after all.


Morning found Black Wolf up and shaving in his bathroom. Two randy cubs watched from the bathroom doorway as they watched the elder wolf shave off his newly grown facial fur. "I told you not to change and this wouldn't happen," Blue wolf whined and nuzzled Black Wolf from behind.

A low growl was Bruce's only reply as he attacked his face with the razor Kyle had bought him. "I swear this isn't worth bothering with... why can't I just have a beard?" Bruce asked and looked at the two goofy cubs behind him.

"I shave every morning," Red Wolf woofed, "it's not too bad once you get used to it."

"You can let it grow out again once you finish turning Righteous Shield!" Kyle said in a mocking voice.

Bruce growled at the thought of fucking Samson Light. "What if this doesn't work out? What if it's not the right thing to do?"

Kyle and Ben shared a concerned look before they turned to their frowning wolf father. "We thought this might come up..." Kyle said and turned to Ben.

"Listen, Black Wolf, we love you... and you can't hide your emotions from us like you do from the rest of the pack." Bruce growled his annoyance, but he knew the two cubs were right. "Righteous Shield is a powerful hero, but he fights because that's all he knows. He's never loved anyone like he loves you, and I bet he's just as nervous about this as you are!"

Black wolf seriously doubted that Samson Light felt like he did. The man had been ready to fuck as soon as they finished the movie, but something had stopped him from suggesting it to Bruce. He was obviously attracted to Bruce, so why didn't he want to mate with him? Men were far more confusing than wolves. If two wolves wanted to fuck they just did it and got it over with! It wasn't a big deal... you had to get fucked to join the back properly regardless.

"We want you to be happy, and obviously you like Samson... right?"

"Yea," Black Wolf growled as his beard began to thicken on his face.

Kyle smiled as the last hour's worth of shaving was undone in few seconds. "Then tell him if that's what's bugging you!"

Black Wolf snarled at the suggestion. He turned away from his sons and looked at his hairy face. "Fuck," he growled as he reached for his razor again. "So how do you think Righteous Shield will react when he finds out he's been played for a fool by his old enemy Black Wolf? How will he react when he discovers all our lies?"

"If he loves you, than he won't care," Kyle said and shrugged. "If he feels anything like I do then he'll probably only love you more for telling him the truth."

"I can't do that yet... I don't even know if he really loves me," Black Wolf growled as he re-lathered his face and started shaving all over again.

Kyle rolled his eyes as he walked up to his sire. "I think he probably feels the same way about you as you do about him..."

"Speaking about heroes, I need to get up to the fortress and check on Super Man. He's probably just as nervous as you are pops."

"Hey Ben," Kyle said excitedly as his mate turned around to leave. "Do you think you could use your armor and fly as a wolf?"

"Sure I can," Ben said and grinned, "but if I use my watch while transformed it would reveal my wolf side to the other members of the order. We can sense each other when we're using the power of light."

"That must be handy..." Kyle said cheerfully.

Ben just laughed. "Someday I'll give you another ride around town. Maybe when all this shit with the Judges clears up?"

"I'd like that," Kyle said as Ben gave him a sweet goodbye kiss. Kyle turned back to his parent wolf and smiled. Bruce was focusing on shaving, but his scent told his cub that he was worried still. "Speaking of flying... you don't think you got some of that power from Ben do you?"

"I don't know..." Black Wolf said gruffly, too bad Ben can't un-grow his body hair..." Black Wolf growled as he pulled the razor over his bristly face.

Kyle laughed. "He's getting hairier every day! We're all starting to look more like wolves than humans now. Even Timber and Rodney have to shave more now!"

Black Wolf turned to look at Kyle. The cub's hair had grown wildly over the last couple of weeks, and he had developed the same distaste for shaving that his wolf father possessed. A waft of the cub's scent found Black's nose making the superior wolf smile. When he had first turned Kyle he had noticed how close their scents were. After turning Ben the other male had developed an entirely different scent... Some of the lower ranking fangs and thralls couldn't even tell the difference between Kyle and Black Wolf unless they marked something side by side. With his hair grown out, and his beard a hearty two inches long, Kyle looked a lot like Black Wolf had before he had started changing into... whatever he was changing into.

"You know..." Black Wolf said and grinned at his sexy cub, "sometimes I wonder about you Kyle?"

"Why's that?" Kyle asked innocently.

"You remind me of myself when I was your age... but you're smaller than I was."

Kyle wilted at the mixed compliment and insult. He knew he was huge as a wolf, but he felt like his human body was lagging behind. He had grown taller in the last couple of weeks, but not nearly as much as his sire and mate. It was like the other two wolves were just destined to be bigger and stronger. "I'm sorry Black Wolf. I train and train, but I'm just not as strong as you are..."

Black Wolf washed the last of the shaving cream off his face and patted his face dry with his towel. He turned to Kyle and abruptly scooped him up in a huge hug. Kyle was surprised when Black Wolf kissed him aggressively and pushed his tongue into Kyle's mouth. They exchanged a deep slobbery kiss while Kyle ran his hands up under his father's shirt. He loved how exotic Black Wolf felt as a human. Kyle wanted his father to be huge! He wanted his mate to be huge! He wanted his father's mate to be huge too! A surge of electrical energy hit Black Wolf as they made out. Bolts of blue and purple lightning shot through the room as Kyle began to glow in the man's arms.

A strange sensation, like his body was growing larger, made Black Wolf growl savagely. He fought down the urge to transform, but despite his control over his wolf side his growth continued. More and more power surged into the man from the young super in his arms. "Kyle!" Bruce gasped, "what are you... ugh... doing!?"

Kyle tried to shut off the flow of power between himself and Black Wolf, but he couldn't stop himself. As more and more energy flowed into the wolf his body continued to pack on muscle and height. Bruce groaned as his shirt ripped down his back and huge mounds of black fur-covered muscle exploded into the air. "Oh fuck!" Kyle said in shock as he realized his wolf father really was looking more like a wolf now. Black Wolf grunted in pain as his shoes exploded into a million pieces. Instead of human feet Bruce had full blown paws now! His legs cracked loudly and the man gained a solid half foot of height. The explosion of growth shredded the legs of his tan slacks and exposed his completely canine legs to the light of the bathroom.

"Kyle stop!" Black Wolf shouted as his eyes shot open. They were wolf eyes now, not even slightly human in the least!

"I don't know how?" Kyle said in a high pitched whine.

"Calm down! You're filling me with... so much energy!"

Kyle concentrated on the flow of energy between himself and his father. He had transferred power to Bruce and Ben countless times, but that had been like turning on a faucet. This was like a river flowing between the two supers. In a last ditch effort to stop the exchange Kyle pulled away from his sire and fell to his knees. The sight of Black Wolf's furry wolf paws was the last thing Kyle saw before he passed out.