Penchant: CH 14*: Inferring a Busy Night

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#15 of Penchant, Predilection

It seems many members of the group have their own things going on this night...

"Hey gloomy, Cheer up!" Pinkie bolted up in front of me from seemingly nowhere, startling me out of my haze.

My heart slowed its startled pounding as I put on an attempt of a smile.

"Now that's worst fake smile I've ever seen... Oh! I know!" Pinkie Pie dashed off into the crowd.

I walked over to one of the tables at the side of the room and stared into a punch bowl, my reflection gazed sadly back.

If I was somehow tied to the fate of Equestria, enough that me not receiving the band of power would have caused a turn for the worse... I still had a role to play. I at least had some time, and that would not be well spent moping away. We all die in the end. And I should technically already be dead... So Equestria was one amazing place to spend whatever length of time I had been given.

I saw a Reflection next to me in the punch bowl and turned on hearing Applejack's voice. "What'cha thinking about?"

"All the things I still have a chance to try." I replied, allowing a real smile to begin.

"Won't ya be busy with all this knight stuff?"

"Oh Applejack," Rarity came into the conversation " You do know it's just a title, not an actual obligation." She looked directly to me, "But it is quite the title my valiant Sir Ike." Rarity looked past me for a second and became fixated on something. " What a statement! I must get a closer look." She quickly departed to go harass some crystal pony for fashion secrets.

Pinkie came back into view, balancing on large rubber ball about the same size as her. Ponies in the crowd turned to look and awkwardly dash out of the way. She wobbly came forward, balancing something on her head as well.

When she was finally in front of me she stopped her roll, nearly falling as she rebalanced. She stood up on two hooves and reached for the platter resting on her head. " Everybody loves Cake! So I thought it might help you smile. But then I thought, what if that isn't enough? So I grabbed this ball... but I couldn't carry both at the same time so I had to... OH SEE already smiling! It worked!" She held the cake platter on one hoof and swung the other to make a point.

At her final exclamation of 'It worked' she lost her balance entirely and came tumbling down. I reached out reflexively and caught her fall, the ball rolled aimlessly away. The cake was a different story. As I caught Pinkie the platter jolted and the entire cake she had brought over went soaring into the air, its arc leading it straight to Rarity.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Rarity looked up with a look of horror as the giant slab of frosted goodness sailed towards her. At the last possible second Rainbow Dash cut across my vision, slamming headfirst into the cake. It splattered into hundreds of tiny chunks and rained down around the room, plenty of it landing on Rarity anyways.

"Eeeeeewwww! Rainbow!" she exclaimed as she landed nearby, face smeared with cake. "I could have caught it with my magic!"

"And?" Rainbow wiped her face off on the last remaining clean portion of Rarity's gown. "What's the fun in that?"

Rarity looked infuriated, but I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the sight.

The crystal mare Rarity was speaking with was quick to diffuse the situation. "Oh Rarity, that gown is such a mess. Lets get you back to my place and get you out of it right away."

Rarity glared one last dagger at Rainbow before turning back to her new friend with a nod and smile. They both departed from sight as Rainbow mouthed "Lesbian" in reference to the Crystal mare.

"Takes one teh know one." Applejack joked with a wink towards Twilight who blushed furiously.

At this we all burst out laughing, all the guests at the social event who weren't already staring now were.

"Everyone is smiling now, Yippee!" Pinkie exclaimed victoriously.

I looked around to the crowd; some looked mildly entertained, while others looked plain irritated.

"Maybe we should leave before we cause any more of a commotion?" I spoke aloud, mostly to myself.

I collected the group and headed outside with them. Twilight, finishing her blushing spree, added herself back into the conversation. "With all the trouble we get into I'm surprised they keep inviting us to events."

Fluttershy, whom I was seeing for the first time that night, emerged from the bushes. "Did I miss something?"

"Only the most heroic cake smash ever!" Rainbow declared.

"Oh no. Is everyone all right?"

"Everyone is great, except Rarity's pride..."

I looked over to Rainbow Dash as she added, "But it looks like she is working out the kinks with her new mare-friend" Rainbow proceeded to make lewd motions to make her point.

"Rainbow!" Twilight scolded as a few crystal ponies walked by staring.

I decided to change the subject. Asking, "So what's everypony's plan for the rest of the night?"

Twilight started. "I have to go to the library. I have so much to read before I go and so little time!" She dashed off to do so, not even excusing herself from the conversation.

While we had been distracted Fluttershy had snuck off back to the animals she was spending time with earlier. I looked to Rainbow who shiftily looked around. " I.. have.. um... stuff, definitely stuff." She also dashed off, headed off the direction where Rarity and her Crystal mare friend had gone.

Applejack laughed at Rainbow's departure, "That's Rainbow Peeps-a-lot Dash all right. I'm gonna see if I can drum up business for the farm with some of the shop owners here." Applejack walked off to the nearest store.

"That leaves you and I" I looked over to Pinkie "So did you have plans?"

"Can we just walk around a little?


And so we did, Pinkie seemed oddly calm as we walked about the city. We passed the library where Twilight was hard at work studying and later saw a shopkeeper putting up a freshly made sign "Coming soon: Ponyville produce". We even caught a glimpse of Fluttershy as she sang a baby animal to sleep.

Pinkie spoke up after a while. " Sometimes it's nice to have a peaceful moment. With all the parties and worrying about keeping everypony happy you can begin to forget what relaxing is like."

"Yeah." I replied contentedly

"I know when there's something wrong with a friend. Do you want to talk about it?"

I stopped; Pinkie had hit right on the mark and I couldn't just lie to her now. "I'm worried... I know there is something looming in the future, something I will eventually have to face. And if I fail... If I mess up in the slightest I may just doom Equestria."

"You wont silly. Just remember that no matter what we will be there for you, all of us. That's a Pinkie promise." Pinkie snuggled up next to me as we sat on a nice patch of grass, looking up into the beginnings of a starry sky.

"You really are a great friend Pinkie, I couldn't ask for anypony better. With you by my side I could smile all day long."

"Ike? Do you... like me?"

"Pinkie, you are the most likeable pony in Equestria." I said, dancing around her actual meaning.

Pinkie looked into my eyes, with a gaze that demanded an answer.

"Ohhh... that kind of like." I joked, pretending I hadn't realized earlier. I stared back and moved forward, planting a quick kiss. "That's a definite yes."

"Oooh. Good." Pinkie broke away. "I have to throw an extra special party for this!" She pointed at a building not far from us. "Main entrance second door on the left."

She didn't give me any chance to respond and joyously hopped away, bouncing in her strange Pinkie Pie way. " Five minutes" she called back to give me a time to show up.

"You know. When you die it will break her heart." A voice spoke behind me.

I wheeled around to see the speaker, the mysterious silver crystal unicorn who had been laced throughout my thoughts today.

"I didn't know what you were talking about earlier... But I do now. The band of power wasn't my choice but soon it will be needed."

"And if the power destroys you before then?"

"I can't let that happen."

"Very well." The crystal unicorn turned to leave.

"Wait, I still need to ask you something."

She looked back and smirked. " Care to try again fumble hooves?" With that she galloped off at full speed.

I didn't have time for this... I needed to get back to Pinkie Pie soon.

I would just have to make it quick then... I dashed after the unnamed unicorn, intent on victory.

She cut into an alleyway and I saw her make a sharp turn. Being far enough back I took a diagonal path two buildings down before trailing her, closing some of the distance.

She looked back to see if she had ditched me yet and gave a little smile at me still being there. She put on some speed using magic and I did as well.

I ran as fast as I could and slowly gained upon her. As I came along side her I shouted over the whipping wind. "I didn't know anyone else could do this!"

"Please, even you can't!" She sent out a blast of wind that made me stumble, losing ground and speed.

I upped my game and sent out a wave of energy towards her hooves. Right before it struck she dove to the side. I tried again, launching several waves of energy to box her in.

This time she didn't even bother to dodge, she just jumped into the air and did a corkscrew motion. Wind energy flew from her in every direction, destroying my waves of energy. Somehow she could sense my attacks. She landed gracefully and took a sharp turn down the next alleyway.

My mind raced as I came along. Last time hadn't gone well. My momentum would just drag me forward again... Wait. Centripetal force! I thought hard and imagined that I was tethered to a central point near the turn. I could feel the tug of the invisible tether as it yanked me in a circle around the turn.

As I rounded the corner I cut the magic holding me and broke away towards the Crystal Unicorn.

Believing she would have ditched me over the turn she had slowed down to a simple gallop and my speed brought me crashing into her.

We tumbled to a halt on the pavement in a tangled mess. As I recovered from the impact I stood up over her. "First a name."

She recovered from her daze and in several swift motions knocked the wind from me before sweeping my legs while rolling out from under me.

"Nice one fumble hooves, see you at training. And the names Kira, Kira Zephyr." She strutted away as I lay there collecting myself.

When she was out of sight I got up and shook myself off. No real harm done, but I knew now that if I were to ever get rid of the name fumble hooves I would have to best her at something.

And if I didn't run back fast I would be late for Pinkie's party.


At approximately one minute and twelve point seven seconds late as I would be told later by Pinkie I burst through the door.

The room was completely dark and I stood there, letting the door close behind me. I couldn't make out much detail but the little light coming past the heavy curtains let me fumble around the room.

As I bumped into a third object I gave up, remembering I could use magic.

As I lit the room with a simple magic glow I saw Pinkie strike a match and light a candle.

"Finally! Once I closed the curtains I couldn't see anymore. But it was too close to five minutes so I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Oh yeah, surprise!"

I looked around, blushing at the romantically lit and decorated room. "Pinkie, you didn't have to do all of this."

"I know. But when I get nervous I like to do things I'm used to. And I am used to decorating for parties. Even if it isn't the normal kind of party. I was just nervous about ruining something and wanted everything to be per..."

I had approached while she spoke and placed a hoof over her mouth to silence her unsure ramblings. I pulled in close and hugged Pinkie tightly. "It's wonderful."

"I feel like I ate butterflies, I wonder what new Pinkie sense this is?"

"It's not Pinkie sense. You just found some-pony you like, maybe even love?" I said, speaking for both of us. I kissed Pinkie Pie and led her back across the room.

I had really grown close to all of these girls and enjoyed all of their personalities and company.

"Are you sure this is what you want Pinkie?"

"I have been wanting to talk to you for days now. And here you are. I realized how I felt when you passed out after fighting the Hydra and wanted so bad to let you know how I..."

I had silenced her again, this time with a quick kiss." You are cute when you ramble, but if you keep going that candle is going to burn out before we can get anything done." I said with a wink.

"So this is when we get some action going to keep the readers from rioting, right?"

"Readers? What are you talking about Pinkie?"

"Oh nothing." Pinkie finished whatever thought path she was on.

Sometimes she could really be strange...



"Get that cute pink flank of yours on the bed."

"Knew it." Pinkie glanced up and gave a wink into the air above us.

I sighed... I would probably never fully know what went on in her head.

She hopped up onto the plush, queen, bed and I followed. The princess certainly had spared no expense in making sure the group was comfortable for their stay.

I lay alongside Pinkie and looked into her eyes. They showed a desire I hadn't noticed before. "This is really what you want? Isn't it?"

She gave a nod.

"Then lets make it fun." I gave her a roguish grin and pulled away. I let my hooves trace her outline as I caressed every inch of her form. At one point even giving her poofy hair a quick nibble, receiving quite the cute giggle.

"It might look like cotton candy but that doesn't mean it is silly pony. And besides, if you are planning to eat me there are better places for you to start."

"I might just have to take you up on that." I said placing a trail of kisses down her stomach. When I got down closer to her pelvis Pinkie expectantly spread her legs a little further apart.

I guided her into a comfortable position and propped a pillow beneath her head before continuing.

My head came back down and Pinkie quivered in excitation as warm breath passed by her nethers. I placed light kisses along her thighs, letting her agonize over how close I was to doing what she desired.

One of her hooves found its way to the back of my head, letting me know how teasing the sensual kisses really were. I alternated between her inner thighs, planting kiss after kiss, slowly drifting closer and closer to where I was desired. I made sure to pause every time, making her squirm in wonder if it was finally coming.

A second hoof joined the first, I could sense the urgency behind the light weight and almost push she was giving. I looked up into her brilliant cerulean eyes and saw the pleading glance she gave; it melted my resistance.

Her hooves were removed as I descended back down and gave the first bold lick, letting her feel it as I slowly grazed her folds with my tongue. I paid extra attention as I found a tiny little nub, giving it a quick flick. I was promptly rewarded for my action with a gasp and a light thrust of her hips.

With my nose so close to her I couldn't help but smell the faint aroma of vanilla. She smelled and even tasted great. I gave another lick to confirm that her wet juices did indeed taste like they smelled, Sweet vanilla.

Pinkie Pie ended my distracted thoughts as she urged me to continue by rubbing a hoof through my mane. I began to lap at her folds to collect all of the wetness possible, she moaned out as my tongue passed over her clit with each sensual lick. Soon though, I discovered that I had entirely removed all of her dampness and replaced it with my own saliva. It wasn't really a problem; I knew where to get more.

Pinkie gasped as my tongue inserted itself between her folds, delving inside of her for more of the sweet nectar. Thrust after thrust I cleaned her out as she squirmed beneath me. Each lick pressing against her smooth walls as the tension built. I pulled back away and concentrated on her clit for a while, sucking and pulling lightly upon it for her reactions.

I could tell she was getting close to something, as her breathing had become nothing but gasps and her body began to quiver in anticipation. Pinkie pushed lightly on the back of my head with both of her hooves now and I thrust my tongue deeply inside of her once again, wiggling it around to feel every surface.

Her grasp on my mane tightened as she practically convulsed under me, juices squirting around my intrusion. The flow pushed my tongue out and I opened my maw to receive it.

I could hear her heavy gasps as she breathily cried out, the flow of juices coming to a trickling halt. I lapped up every drop of the victory I could reach before backing away to let her recover.

Pinkie slowly recovered her breath, blushing deeply. "No... No pony has ever caused that before."

I wiped away a bit of her juice that had dribbled into my chin; I contemplated for a second before licking it off my hoof.

"I'm glad I did. You're the first pony I know of that tastes like dessert."

" Mmm. Sounds yummy. I might have to try for myself sometime."

"You have no idea what images that just created." I closed my eyes and muttered, trying to not let them escape.

Pinkie giggled, "Silly pony, I'm right here and you can feast your eyes all you want."

And so I did, gazing upon her supple and curved form as she lay there. I quickly discovered her gaze was locked upon something as well. My member throbbed as it hung there, just waiting to be put to use.

" Pinkie Pie party rules state that I get to feel that inside of me." She stated matter-o-factly.

"Are you making these up right now?"

"Maybe, but you know you want to."




"Ya have to give em' a chance! They're the best apples in all of Equestria."

"To put it kindly ma'am we prefer to sell products grown in the crystal kingdom." The earth pony shopkeeper said.

"There ain't nothing I can do to convince ya? No offense but your crystal foods aren't all that palatable for us regular ponies."

"Do you perhaps have a sample of your product with you?"

"I usually keep one on me... But that's how I won over the shop on the other side of the city."

"We'll that one there seems plenty fine." The shopkeeper circled Applejack and motioned to her cutie mark and flank with a hoof.

"Your serious?!"

"Do you want my business or not?"

A twinkle entered Applejack's eye. "I don't see why not. Might as well mix business and pleasure. Ya got a place in back?"

"Right here on the counter is fine, I do hope you like it rough."

"From a complete stranger with a chance of being walked in on? Rough is the only way to go." Applejack walked over to the counter and braced herself against it, already a little damp at the thought.




"Mmm. You are such a gracious host. First a bath and then a massage? And what is that shampoo you lathered me up with? It was divine."

Rarity lay stretched out on mat, her lightly damp and shining mane flipped to one side. The crystal mare she had left the part with sat straddled across her, giving a slow but firm massage.

" I will have to get some delivered to you, it's my own special blend that I use at my spa."

"Mmm. Right there, yesss. I might have to come visit next time I'm in the area."

The crystal mare paused on part of her back and worked away a knot.

"That would be wonderful dear. I may just have to buy some of your apparel and ask to have them hoof-delivered just for the excuse to have you around."

"Mmm. Call it a date."

The massaging hooves traveled down to Rarity's flank. Massaging away at her cutie mark, and the area surrounding.

"Ah. Ooh.. Do be careful, massaging my flanks too roughly has a tendency to set me off."

"Like this?" The crystal mare pushed a little harder eliciting a moan from Rarity.

"Oh yes like that.... Please don't stop."

"I don't intend to love."

"Oh my." A deep blush entered Rarity's cheeks as she felt her legs being parted.


Rainbow dash


Shortly after flying off rainbow was distractedly searching for where Rarity had gone off. But as fate decreed she would not find her and instead run into somepony else.

Literally, run into...

Rainbow collided with another Pegasus as she flew low over the rooftops. The tangled pair flailed around in an attempt to slow their descent, succeeding partially. They both fell to the roof and worked on extricating themselves.

After a moment they finally were able to stand back and look at each other.



"What's a wonderbolt doing out here?"

"Ah, nothing big. Just a pit stop on our show tour."

"Funny running into you... I was just looking for a bit of fun, you will have to do."

Rainbow tipped Soarin into his back, barely letting him get settled before jumping on him.

"No fair Dashie, didn't you say I could be on top the next time we met up?"

"Maybe next time. Today I feel like taking a ride on one of my favorite wonderbolts." Rainbow made sure to silence any further complaints by planting a steamy kiss on his muzzle.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

Oh yeah, go right on to 14-2* it helps fix all the terribly frustrating cliffhangers I just caused.