Chance Encounters: High School Junior Year.

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#7 of Chance's Encounters

Chance's Encounters

Chapter Junior Year

By Roofles

Chance was already out the door before his mother could finish. Tears ran down his white and black cheek, his brow scrunched up in fury and the fur on his back still standing up in fight mode. It soon deflated as he jogged a crossed the lawn to the side walk. He stuffed his paws into his pants and kept his head down trying not to have anyone see his tear stained face.

"Damnit." He muttered quickly wiping his eyes with the back of his arm as he saw the one person he didn't want to see waiting for him.

Resting against an old beat of Chevy was a large German Shepherd. Wearing a black studded leather jacket and tight pants. The dog had between two fingers, a lit cigarette. Taking a long draft of it one of his ears flickered standing up as the cat approached; Jasper gave no other sign or indication that he even noticed the cat though.

"You're early." Chance nearly growled turning his head away from him hoping that the dog hadn't noticed.

"A wizard is never early. He arrives when he fuckin' wants too." Jasper said butchering the quote of the moving Chance made him watch.

"Right." Chance rolled his eyes moving past him, trying to go around to the side door. The dog lifted an eyebrow as he passed but Jasper didn't move to stop him, just watched from the corner of his eye as the cat went around popped the side door open and hop in. Or planned too.

The side door had experience a hit and run in the past causing the handle to only partly work. On a good day. And this was clearly not Chance's day.

The cat fought with it before kicking the bottom of the door nearly yelling "fuck" and resting with his head against the glass looking down tears welding back up in his eyes. This only increased his frustrated anger that was sizzling inside of him like over easy eggs and bacon.

"Fuck." Chance muttered again not saying anything else.

Jasper had the decency not to say anything. He understood bad days all too well. So the dog just dropped the cigarette butt to the ground, stamped it out and opened his own door. Scooting inside he shut the door reaching over afterwards and opening the passenger door for the cat. Chance just rested against the window still as it opened.

Chance only moved around the door and inside after Jasper revved the engine, waiting a couple of seconds before fully turning the beat up old rust color car on. The cat took his seat, placed his seat belt on before offering his left hand to the dog.

Jasper got the picture as no words were exchange. He slid a half used cig out and placed it between the cat's fingers. Chance fingers curled around it as he slid it into the corner of his muzzle letting the dog light it. Sliding it from one corner of his muzzle to the other Chance took a long breath of it and blew it out the window. The windowless window of the car.

The dog didn't say anything as he cut a car off and headed down the street. His eyes kept glancing over at the cat that was leaning out the side window.

Chance flicked the butt, asking for another without words just opening his hand once more.

"Go easy with this one. Only got one left." Jasper said pulling another one out for him. Chance turned towards him, keeping his head down, took the lighter and went back to looking out the window.

"Thanks." He muttered looking back out the window and lost in thought.

The cat's immaculate appearance was untarnished to the untrained eye. His whiskers hadn't been straightened, his hair wasn't straight but curly and his fur was air dried leaving it far fluffier than normal. Chance looked far more normal, as an average high schooler should in a public school. Even his cloths hadn't been press ironed. The wrinkles alone gave away his rough Sunday morning.

"Sunday, huh?" Jasper grunted as he turned off one of the side roads and onto a long windy one leading through the forest and up more into the country side.

"Yup." Chance replied now resting back in his seat. He put what was left of the cigarette out on the dash board where several other burnt marks were.


"Yup." Was the flat reply he got?

Jasper grunted at that. The dog wasn't about to comment about it much further let alone for the silver chain cross necklace around the cats neck. The dog didn't get it and didn't try to.

Up in the mountains the car sputtered to a stop. Pulling the emergency break up Jasper fumbled blindly with the side of the three man front seat. After finding the latch and with a good pull the front seat flopped down with a bang providing the two rooms.

Jasper took the keys out tossing them in the cup holder before scooting back, lifting and twisting his legs up onto it and laid back, his shoulders and head rose up against the wall.

Chance undid the front of his pants before joining the dog in the makeshift back seat. He took a seat across from the dog, his legs sticking up onto Jasper's thigh. The dog was tall enough to lounge out across the seat but Chance could never find a comfortable seat rather than just sitting up and leaning back a bit like in a lazy boy that wasn't all the way back.

Jasper lifted a leg up and dropped it onto Chance's leg snapping the cat out of his funk a bit.

"Really?" The cat looked crossed at him as Jasper wiggled his toes at the cat.


"Really?" The cat repeated feeling the corner of his muzzle tug up into a smile.

"Really." The dog said matter of factly. Jasper was frowning at him. This was not up for debate.

"Fine." The cat sighed taking the large hind paw and rocked it back and forth. "You are so fuckin' spoiled." Chance laughed rubbing the dog's sole from the bottom up wards before rocking the whole paw back and forth, rolling it from one side to the other and back slowly until he heard it pop lightly.

Jasper just smiled knowingly and moved the leg over placing his other leg up and onto the cat's lap, somewhat entwining their legs together.

Chance rolled his eyes as he did each toe until they popped, focusing on the whole toes together after. Pressing them down before back until there was a bit of resistance and holding them there for only a few seconds. The cat pushed the paw aside and went to the other one.

"So this morning." Chance began working on the other paw. Jasper had been waiting for him to begin. The task of a paw rub was just a means of keeping Chance's hand busy while he spilled everything out. "I get up. Spend about nearly an hour getting ready and come down stairs to find out that my blue suit wasn't what I was going to wear. Even before I was done getting ready we started with the weekly fight. My mum didn't want the people at church thinking I only had one church cloths or something. As I had worn it the week before." He clarified even though Jasper hadn't asked.

"Mh-Hm." Jasper said playing with Chance's toes now, he was looking down at them idly as if he weren't even listening to the cat. But he was. Chance just needed something to talk at, nothing Jasper said or did could fix what had happened.

"So of course an argument soon starts. Washed or not I'm going to have to change. This would mean I would have to rebrush my fur, leaving me no time to dry it with the fur dryer and of course this only made things worse after I pointed it out." Chance sigh resting his head back and letting the dog's leg fall to his other side.

Jasper lifted up his other leg and placed it between the cat's. He moved his paw down placing it just only above his groin before pressing down with his toes, grinding it as he did so. "There, there little guy."

"Little guy?" Chance said after squirming a bit from the wanted, needed attention.

Jasper just smiled at Chance, placing his hands at the base of his Mohawk shaved head and resting back. He only needed a single foot to help his friend out.

"I'll show you little guy." Chance grumbled raising his hips up and pulling his pants down to his knees. Jasper tail began to wag as he kept his paw on the bulge in the cat's underwear.

The dog figured it was his way of getting his pants off without Chance feeling as if he hadn't been thinking about that the whole time he got into the dog's car. Jasper could smell Chance's arousal on seeing him. Being with him. It only took a single excuse for those pants to come off.

"I don't know." Jasper said moving a hand down to undo the front of his own pants. "Compared to me your kind of..." Jasper held the f out as he slowly zipped his pants down. "Small." He said teasing the cat further.

The two had grown up together and had been the same height for several years. One day Jasper began to grow and Chance found himself left, literally, in his shadow. The cat never fully seemed to get over it.

"Oh you think so, huh?" Chance said pushing himself up and over onto all fours. Jasper kept his hind paw on Chance's chest. The leg slid upwards as the cat crawled closer until Jasper had one leg up and over the cat's shoulder.

Chance rubbed up the dog's leg using his other hand to keep Jasper's other one up. The cat didn't even wait for permission as his muzzle dropped down and licked up the front of the dog's bulge. With a shift the dog let out a throaty murr adjusting his seat on the cushion.

Jasper cursed a bit under his breath, sucking in his gut as that tongue licked over his full bulge.

The warm wet, sand papery tongue pulled at the fabric around the dog's sheath before sliding back down to scoop up the dog's hefty sack contained within the tight gray jockstrap he wore. Chance could taste the accumulation of the day on it, smell the morning jog the dog had taken and feel the warmth of him wash over his face like a musky summer breeze.

Chance had half closed glazed eyes as he nuzzled the bulge, licking at it tenderly with a loving care. This got a kick from the dog who groaned in defeat. "Fine, fine!" Jasper grumbled. He pushed himself up to pull his pants down, fussing with his leg that was still on Chance's shoulder. In the same motion the cat slyly laced a finger through one of the straps on the jock strap and with a strong tug pulled it down off the dog's already dripping member.

Jasper's head was exposed just from the end of his plump, nearly full sheath. The black tip drooled a clear fluid that Chance already had his tongue lapping up like warm milk. The sandy papery tongue pulled lightly on the dog's exposed head.

With a shivering groan of pleasure Jasper felt more of the cat's hot breath wash over bare flesh. His sheath was already overflowing with his dog hood that slid further out for the eager cat to lick. Lapping at the dog's obelisk; Chance scooted closer keeping the dog's leg up. Panting happily Jasper just opened his legs more.

Chance wrapped his lips around Jasper, sliding him to the knot into his short whiskery muzzle. Kissing the forming knot Chance sealed his lips before pulling back and up getting a noticeable reaction from the dog. With a loud wet pop Chance pulled off the still drooling dog's tapered tip, wiping his muzzle off on the back of his hand.

The cat fussed with his pants pulling them off. He did the same with his underwear discarding them to the side and forgetting all about them. They would be kicked under the seat eventually and be left inside the dog's car for a couple of weeks, lost and forgotten with the passage of time. Only to be discovered and kept by Jasper as chew toys.

Chance was already half erect, his barbed shafted glistening with pre like a succulent hot dog out of the microwave. The irony wasn't lost on the cat who moved so that his knees were on either side of the larger dog. Grinding his own self against Jasper the cat leaned in closer, closing what little distance there was between the two.

"See. You're not bigger." The cat purred into the dog's ear grinding himself against the dog now in slow steady rocking motions.

It only increased the dog's leaking pre now oozing from the tip. It spurted and leaked profusely.

"Y-yeah, sure. Whatever." Jasper panted not even caring anymore as the lust began to boiled up in the teenage dog.

Stroking his barbed tip down the dog's length, Chance angled himself down to press against and underneath the dog's sack teasing at his tail hole.

Jasper pulled back chuckling a bit embarrassed by the cat's up forwardness about it all. The inside of the dog's ears turned pink as they folded back and he scooted up, tucking his tail underneath him. "I don't know about that, bud."

"Afraid I'm too big for ya'?" The cat teased pulling back and grinding back against him.

"Let's go with that." Jasper said a bit sheepishly, sliding his leg off the cat's shoulder. He rubbed Chance's sides nosing the top of his head.

The cat purred as the dog nosed his hair taking a breath of his scent. Chance moved ontop of the dog in a smooth clean motion, nosing at Jasper's tan chest between the opening of the leather jacket he was still wearing. Chance wrapped his arms underneath the dog hugging him tightly and rested on top of him.

"Jasper I just..." The cat stopped though.

A strong paw rubbed at the side of Chance's face until the cat was looking down the dog's muzzle and into his eyes. "Fuck 'em?"

"What?" Chance laughed a bit folding his ears back.

The dog nodded to his side. "Fuck 'em." He said again in a husky voice. "You don't need em. Any of em. Never had." The dog rubbed the side of his face now. "Your mom. Those church bastards. All those judgmental fuckers who preach one thing and do another." Jasper continued to pet Chance's face. "You got me."

Chance smiled though he found himself purring anyways. "You mean I'm stuck with you."

"Not yet..." Jasper winked.

At this the cat hiked up his tail making the dog's ears perk.

With a toothy smile Jasper held his sides firmly position himself underneath the cat's tight pink tail hole. Guiding Chance down onto his lap as the dog rubbed up the cat's taint with the tip of his still leaking shaft. Stopping as his spear reached its mark. Jasper's tip punctured Chance who meow'd low, arcing his back as Jasper slowly slid inside him, in one clean fluid motion.

"F-fuck." Chance groaned. "D-don't think I'll ever get used to...this..." He said though his face was twisted into a smile and his chest was already purring. His member was fully erect, twitching now as the dog slipped another inch into him.

Jasper's thick length spread that tight tail hole open for more of his girth to push inside. Chance's thighs tightened and Jasper gave a shove, not stopping until only his knot was inside the cat on top of him. The two stopped to take a breath; breathing each other's breaths.

"Jasper." Chance purred. The windows around them would've been fogged up if it weren't for the side door's missing one. "You're...probably bigger." He admit pulling back to bump the dog's nose.

Jasper licked the front of the cats muzzle. Chance purred some more before pressing against him and as they kissed, Jasper tying the two long into the night.