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#5 of Tino's Tales

The following story has been written on and off lately, some of it before my other released works, other parts more recently as I fought with writer's block. It stars the little wolf from Tino's Rival, sort of a prequel about him if you will. As a general warning the story contains scat, of course, duh, have you been on this profile before? :P

A stiff grunt echoed throughout the dimly lit bathroom, as the stall's occupant squeezed out a fresh log of mucky brown through the glory hole his rear was rested against. On the other side, an adorable young wolf cub leaned in closer, his floppy ears hanging to one side as he nuzzled against the cool stall wall. He hummed out a soft coo as he heard the ripple of gas escaping the stallmate next to him. His nose brushed up against the sticky mess as it crawled out of the hole, staining the fur atop his muzzle as he reached up with his tongue.

The little scamp giggled as he felt the warm sludge drop into his mouth, chewing down on it until his favorite bitter taste filled his muzzle. For the last few years he had finally been old enough to roam the mall by himself as his mom shopped, and luckily she always took a couple hours. It was a year ago that he discovered the secret raunchy use of this particular bathroom, and despite what he had been taught all his life, quickly fell in love with it. He hummed quietly to himself as he chomped down on the stranger's crap, seeing if he could guess what each piece of digested food was.

There was something so bizarrely fascinating to him about eating feces, especially when it was supplied by complete strangers. He would spend as much time as he could in this bathroom, servicing occupant after occupant until his stomach could hardly handle any more. The stalls each had two glory holes and on good days he could get through three different men before washing up and meeting back up with his mom. He had easily swallowed down the current turd he was working on, rubbing his cute dirty muzzle back into the hole to catch the next batch of pungent poo.

He caught the shortest glimpse of the stranger's fur, having to guess that he was probably canine in origin. He had little time to reflect on it though, as his mouth was quickly filling up with a big brown heap. His little mouth worked hard and eagerly, his lips now stained chestnut as he swallowed the waste down with a long exhale. He heard the door to the bathroom open, not fearful as one of the mall security guards stood by with a false 'Out of Order' story. The pup knew every person entering this bathroom had been cleared to enter for this exact reason.

He heard the door lock and his interest peaked. The guard never locked the door, except on the rare occasions he was actually relieved to join in. Sure enough there was tap on the stall next to his, and whispers were exchanged before he saw the white rear of the French Bulloxer come into view. It rasped a little, leaving a gassy scent in the air as he heard Doug's voice ring out, "Ok kid, time to see what you're made of" The pup's tail wagged furiously as he crawled back to the stall hole, having known the security guard for a while now, he always wondered if a day like today would ever come.

He poked at the soft pink punker with his tongue, slurping at it impatiently until another fart blasted out into his mouth. His eyes rolled back, loving the overpowering scent. The tight ring of pink flesh stretched open with a wink, squeezing out a thick mound of light brown. The pup scraped his tongue along its edges as it pushed out, snatching it up with teeth as it dropped out. He swallowed a piece of it down as it broke off, sucking on the rest until his hunger took over.

The texture was smooth and slippery, a creamier, bitter centre slipping onto his tongue with each nibble. He felt a few solid bumps at the base of the chunk and had fun swishing them around. As his saliva moistened the turd's wall the bumps broke off, revealing themselves to be corn and pepper chunks.

He gave a hard swallow, clearing away the pile in his mouth before tickling his messy snout against the dog's tail, "More please!" The guard chuckled, loving the greasy slide of the boy's muzzle, "You got it puppy!" His hole rasped out over the pup's nostrils and he felt the boy take a deep inhale, just before another thick turd poked out of his rear. The pup was careful to control his breath as the coiling piece of waste filled up his mouth, the log breaking off just in time for the pup to catch up. He chewed it up in long slowed chews, the mushy chestnut brown breaking way to many lovely details and flavours.

"It tas- s-o good" the pup's words slopped out through mushy chewing, "Can I play with some?" The guard got to his feet and waved his paw against the stall hole, "Sure kiddo, I gotta jet anyhow, play nice with the other boys now!" "Ok" the pup chirped, stroking the rest of Doug's crap tightly over his cute little shaft. A slick brown smear stained the bright red flesh, little pieces sticking onto the tip as his knot flared in excitement.

A new rear rubbed up against the small opening as the boy played with himself, and he rushed towards it as he realized who it was. The Warthog, or in the pup's native tongue, delicious! If there was one thing his past experiences with this stranger had told him, it was that he always had a ton of shit, and it always had a strong odor. Three men in one day was his proven record, but the pup had never serviced the warthog so late in the act before.

His stomach ached a little already and he wasn't entirely sure how well he could handle the hog. He began to hear the mildly uncomfortable grunts the warthog always made, and he cupped out his paws, laying back with his mouth open. With a damp wet fart, a long sludgy trail of near black scat poured over the pup, drowning his chest, paws and face with slippery half-solid muck.

The boy's voice was no longer playful now, instead her gurgled out a long moan, pre dripping from the end of his cock. The stench that came off the hog shit was almost indescribable, the bathroom now filled with the heaviest, foulest air imaginable. The hog's rump continued to rasp, relieving its owner of some gas, the majority of his dump dropped off in one go.

The pup humoured the hog with little sniffs, unaffected by the new scents as he was already stinking so much. Luckily he somehow managed to finish the first pile of dung before another small log pushed its way out. He quickly caught it with the front of his muzzle, slurping it down his throat before letting out a long needed belch. He pushed his nuzzle up against the hole as the warthog stepped away for a moment, feeling him suddenly pat his nose as he said "Sorry kid, that's all I got right now!"

The pup nodded understandingly, his ears flickering as he heard another occupant clear his throat from the other side of the tall. As he peaked over, a thick greyish cock pushed its way through the stall's other hole, barely fitting in the tight squeeze. He desperately grabbed it, his tail wagging ferociously as he stroked it gently, tongue still cleaning up the other stranger's hole. He relished the sounds he heard groaning out of the older occupants, melting in his lips and paw.

He turned his tongue away from the first hole as he crawled over to the cock, rubbing it gently with both hands as his potty mouth gradually fit over the thick head. He felt very naughty as he slurped down on the thick shaft, seeing his first partner's shit stain over it with each gulp of his dirty mouth.

"Hey kid," the hog's voice rasped out from behind him, and he turned to see his eye peeking in, "How about backing that tail up?!" The pup smiled shyly, his tail wagging with the excitement of the two men wanting him. He leaned back against the hole, lifting up his little tail so only his tight pucker was in sight for the hog.

He only had a moment to wait before he could feel the probing of a long tongue, furiously digging its way into his hole. He sighed contently, reaching back out for the cock when it suddenly twitched, a shower of urine pouring out onto his face in a rapid pace. The pup giggled, happily gargling down pints of sour piss; his paw rubbing his little knot as he squeezed out a fart for the mouth on his rear.

The hog sucked it in like a toke, groaning out a deep "That's the stuff cutie boy!" as he stuck his tongue back up the tiny pucker. The hog was already fully hard as he tasted the clean little entrance of the boy's butt, at the same time inhaling the rancid scent of his own shit, staining every inch of the pup's fur.

Waves of the other stranger's stench hit the hog as he inhaled and at once he stiffened up in respect, "Oh's you!" The other stranger laughed out, his piss ending as he left the hole. The pup gave a sad whimper as the cock left, but soon jumped a little in shock as his stall door pushed open.

There stood a powerful looking rhino, and the hog introduced him in a long sigh from the other stall, "Be easy on him Brutus, I know he's cute!" The rhino moved towards the pup, reaching down for his tail as he growled out, "I'll do no such thing!" He held the tail up with one hand, leaning his rear comfortably over the pup's face as if it were a chair.

He laughed as he heard the pup struggle, not unwilling but still very surprised, and without explaining himself the rhino pushed hard, letting a pile of shit blast out of his ass. It piled over the boy's face, blocking everything out of sight as the greenish dark dung covered his pretty eyes, lips, and cheeks.

"Open up!" he commanded, gripping the pup's lips, and he agreed laying his tongue out so Brutus could smear a chunk over it. He rubbed it over the dirty tongue until the saliva made it soggy and weak, the green sludge breaking apart so every bit of corn and grass, and other strange pieces dropped down into the boy's throat.

The pup struggled to keep it all down as the rhino continued to let loose, the rest of his stored up contents rushing out in a long muddy slide. His business was over fairly quick much to the wolf's surprise, the rhino having held it in all day. He looked down with a dirty grin as he viewed the cub anxiously chewing, laughing at his rough swallow as he patted his shoulders, "Have to admit, I'm impressed!"

The rhino turned his head as he heard the sudden shuffling of a newcomer, the jingling of their belt ringing down to the floor as the squiggly tail and pink skin of a chubby pig came into view. The pig's ass leaned with delicacy against the cool stall wall and he cleared his throat to get the group's attention. The pup still moaned and squealed in a muffled fashion; dung covered and panting as he was still ravaged by the warthog's cock. "Brings a whole new meaning to shitpigs doesn't it kid?" The pup could only reply with a nod, still yipping out at the rough treatment of his tight little rear.

The rhino took it upon himself to take care of the newcomer, tongue soon bathing the musky hole between the big chubby cheeks. "C'mon pig, give daddy some chocolate!" Brutus barked out, smoothly smacking the right cheek with his palm before twirling his finger around the curly pink tail. "...and you," he suddenly added, holding his hard shaft over the boy's face, "You need more dick in your diet!"

The pup nodded as he moved his lips up, suckling the tip before letting the rest bury down slowly into his throat. With each thrust upward he splashed around muddy muck and dark saliva, bathing the rhino's smooth shaft in his own shit. Brutus let several low grunts out as he felt the muck slosh around his cock, gasping in delight as his own muzzle was quickly filled with pig shit. It piled out in seconds, thick and dark, filled with a bitter sweet musk that hit the air in waves.

He turned as the pig panted, taking a break from his heavy shit. He smiled down at the muddy boy with a wink, holding open his mouth to show off the dirty chunks of pig shit. The pup opened his own mouth wide as he looked back up at his new mentor, graciously leaning up as the rhino dropped them down into the waiting maw.

The pup shuddered as the long pools of saliva drooled down into his mouth, the chunks of crap falling soon with them for his consumption. He chewed them down gratefully, despite the churning in his stomach as they broke away to strands of carrots and corn and other various pieces. Brutus held out his hand for the last of the pig's contribution, smearing it lovingly over the pup's hard little cock until it was a messy block of sticky brown sludge.

The rhino's shaft was rock solid as he watched the dirty little wolf, Brutus being more excited now than he had been in quite a while. He watched as the cub pawed off, using the coat of scat on his shaft as make shift lubricant. "So kid," the rhino began to stroke his own cock with the smallest bit of pig shit left in his palm, "Ever fancy stopping by my place, got two roomies who would love to help me dirty you up!"

The wolf blushed as he thought over the rhino's offer, clearly in immense pleasure from the little bit of time he had spent with him already. He got to his feet slowly as he staggered to remain standing, blushing as he squeaked out, "I-I'd like that!"