The Founders

Story by Drath Marth on SoFurry

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Chapter 1: The weird day.

Well it all started yesterday. This morning I met this weird guy in a black robe in a dream I had. I ignored him at first, but then he came up to me and said, "How is everything going?"

All I said was "None of your business".

He said, "That good hey? hmm".

"What?" I said he just shook his head and said.

"Never mind, just be nicer and I will give you what you're looking for".

"What the crystal?" I said.

"Yes but it's your Crystal," he said and handed it to me.

"CAREFUL," he said but I had grabbed it from him.

"Of wha.... I feel funny," I said.

"Don't fight it let it help you," he said. I did as he said and I felt strange, not quite myself but renewed. Then, as quickly as it started, it stopped.

"It's done, your true name is Devan leader of the Dragon race and I am there King!" he said.

"Are you me, I mean the future me?" I said.

"Not now" he said. "Wait till tomorrow," and he disappeared.

"Kevann, the bus is coming!" said Jack. I got on the bus and we headed for school. Then I woke up.

"What a weird dream." I said and headed up for breakfast. I made it myself as usual, because my mother was always at work in the morning so I looked after myself. I got myself ready for school after the holidays. We stayed at school in our quarters until the holidays the long ones. Back to what happened: I walked to the bus stop and when I got near there, it looked as though time had stopped. When I looked across the road I saw that guy in a black robe with strange markings on it. I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me, so I crossed the road and ignored him and sat down on a bench. But when he said, "How is everything going?" I almost fell off where I was sitting. I quickly got my balance back and said, "None of your business." I was still in shock that my dream came true.

"Ok, sorry I startled you." he said.

"What do you want or what do you need me for?" I said.

"Never mind, it's not important." he said.

"All I want is to find the crystal." I said to myself.

"Why didn't you say that before and another thing, it's your crystal." He said holding it out in his hand with the crystal just sitting there. I was about to take it, but I stopped myself from doing so.

"What's the matter, just take it, it's meant for you." he said.

"I know it is but I don't think I'm ready to accept it yet." I said.

"But you are ready, but if you can't trust me then you can't trust yourself." He said. I looked at him for a moment, then grabbed the crystal from his hand."Nothing's happening." I said.

"Give it time and something will." He said. Sure enough, something did happen that weird sensation came and it felt familiar like the dream after a while it stoped. "Is it finished already?" I said.

"Not yet, it's not as easy as that, that's only the first fragment of your power there's still the other four to come." He said. Then he disappeared but time was still stopped for a few seconds then time started. Kevan the bus is coming, get your stuff quickly and stand in front of me so we can get a seat." Oden said. I quickly grabbed my bag and lined up when the space bus landed. We got on it. "Let's get the front seat." Oden said.

"No, let's just sit in our usual seat ok Oden." I said.

"Alright, lets go there then." Oden said. So we walked about three seats down and sat quietly for a while. "What's up Kevan?" said Oden. I was about to say something but I saw that we were almost there. "Nothing." But I spoke too soon. I saw a beam of light coming for us I acted instinctively, I waited till it hit the ship's engine and I slowed the fall down by using one of my powers. We landed about 5 klomiter walk from the Temple. "Kevan are you and... alright," I heard from my communicator before it blew a fuse. Thankfully I new how to fix it I had fixed it before so it wouldn't break, but I think I dropped it when we crashed. I looked for my bag and I saw it in a tree I used my powers to bring it down. At least my saber still works. "It's changed collour. No that's rite I made two of these." I said to myself. I found my tool kit and fixed the communicator."Kevan are you and Oden ok?"I heard from my communicator. "Yes I'm o.k. but I don't know about... Oden I think he's broken his ankle." I said on the communicator. No response from the trainers, so I went over the creek by the bridge and helped him up. "Thanks Kevan , we need to go to the temple." said Oden.

"Can you walk with that ankle Oden?" I asked.

"No!" said Oden.

"Then lean on me and we will get there." I said. He did we got there at 5:25. "Where have you two been?" one of the trainers named Rainos Math asked. "I had to help my friend to get here because he broke his ankle." I said.

"We'll be the judge of his ankle." Said Morge Katarn.

"Now have something to eat and we'll look after Oden ok." Marcos Rontos said. So I had some food, by the time I finished it was 8:35. I found our sleeping quarters, and found Oden lying in his bed. "We have an extra person in here, but she kept to her self." Oden said. I looked around and saw her near the spare bed. "Good night Oden," I said from my bed I grabbed my bag and got my armour out and tried it on and a black robe fell out. I didn't see it so I put on my armour. "It fits, and is this yours?" I heard the girl say. I looked at the robe and said "It must be thank you." I stuffed it into my bag and took off my armour and went to bed but not without locking my bag. "My name is Mayer what's yours?" Mayer said.

"I'll tell you..." I said but was interrupted by Oden saying. "Go to sleep Kevann." So we all did.