PLeasure Prof 2: Catty Daddy

Story by Sidkah on SoFurry

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Hello All!

Since a good couple of you have wanted more, I got another commission from Grifterwolf on FA

Characters copyright to me and the story was written by Grifterwolf

ENJOY! And Thanks for all your comments and such!

The morning light peered in through the window blinds onto Allen and Brock who were still lying in his bed. Allen yawned a bit and nuzzled against the rabbit's neck softly trying to get back to sleep, his finger gliding through the rugged fur on Brock's chest as the lion rumbled and curled into the warmth.

"Mornin'." Brock said softly.

Yawning again, Allen looked up at the rabbit who loomed over him, both eyes a bright white pasted on the dark background of the room. "Morning." He responded, his fingers gliding slowly across the rabbit's belly. "How long have you been up?"

"About twenty minutes." The rabbit answered. "Internal clock registering this like a school day."

Allen noticed the clock on the side of the bed read ten minutes till six. "You get up at five thirty?" He asked.

"Every morning." Brock answered. "But... this morning I think I'm glad to have a reason to stick in bed." He paused then added. "Did you want some breakfast?"

Allen smirked a bit as his fingers glided across the hunk of meat between the rabbit's legs which almost immediately stood at attention. "Don't mind if I do." He said as he sat up and slowly trailed down Brock's body, admiring its girth and largeness. Unlike many rabbits he'd seen, Brock was built like a brick house and didn't mind a few pounds to express his dominance. He looked like he'd meant to object, but the moment Allen's lips wrapped around the head of his cock, the rabbit fell silent, except for a soft groan that fell from his throat.

Allen's tongue did much of the work, its rough texture on top, then smooth, wet texture underneath gave the rabbit a lot of friction to work with which immediately made it hard as a rock in his mouth. He was fairly new at this, so Allen still had to try and swallow the shaft partly down his throat, causing himself to gag slightly at the musk that flooded his nostrils. He heard Brock's heart beating harder and faster as his tongue wet the balls under his chin and the sweaty and sweet taste of the rabbit's fluids as he came back toward the tip was unbelievable to the lion as his tail swished and his naked rump wiggled in excitement with his first male partner. Brock placed his hand on the rump, which glided up toward the back of the lion's head, pushing rather eagerly downward as his head fell back in a low growling tone. He could hear the sides of the cat's tongue sounding in an audible squishing sound as it reached the end of the shaft and released back upward. Each time Allen pulled free the feline took a breath of air and swallowed what spit from Brock's tip, enticing him to swallow more, even faster.

It didn't take long before the rabbit's toes curled forward hard enough for a soft popping sound to come from his big digits and he bucked rather vigorously once into the lion's mouth before letting off a solid volley of cum that nearly crept up the lion's nose and out. Instead Allen swallowed hard, trying to take every drop without spilling it. Brock's grip tightened on the back of Allen's head as he hissed and growled, spewing his contents into the cat. After several moments, the streams began to subside and the rabbit's grip loosened, allowing Allen to again sit upright. A smile pressed across his lips which was returned by the rabbit.

"You are somethin' else kitty." He turned his eyes to the clock and yawned a bit. "Well I suppose I better get this day started, you should probably get headed home yourself."

"Y-yeah I guess I should." Allen answered, somewhat disappointed.

Brock chuckled and shrugged. "Don't got a problem if you stick around, but I'm not sure if any of your friends would appreciate you shacking up with your ol' teacher for the night."

"No, no you're right." Allen answered. "It was a lot of fun too, but I guess I should head back."

"You're welcome to take a shower before you go..." Brock started, but Allen interjected.

"Oh, nah, it's fine I can take a shower when I get back to the dorm. I really should get going anyway."

Brock chuckled as he rolled to the edge of the bed, Allen admired the rounded muscular backside which exposed itself briefly as Brock scooted to the edge of his bed and stood up. The rabbit stretched and yawned, the slight sounds of popping along his shoulders and back quite clear to the younger feline who slid off the end of the bed and searched the floor for his pants. Brock briefly patted the lion's backside as he made his way into the bathroom, but not before turning back and looking at Allen. "Y'know you're always welcome to come over for a... "study" anytime you'd like." He said. "I could always use the company."

Allen smiled back. "I think I'd like that." He answered.

The morning was cool as Allen made his way down the street. His hands were pressed into the jeans he'd worn to the rabbit's the night before, his shirt was somewhat wrinkled but easily re-wearable and he wasn't wearing anything underneath, feeling his cock flop slightly against the grain of his jeans, giving him a semi-erection as he walked. He sighed through his nose, watching the soft mist escape his nostrils and curl into the sky in front of him which disappeared from sight as it entered the bright illumination of the sun slowly rising in the East.

The neighborhood was quiet at this hour, probably half the people spending a Saturday morning sleeping in, a few cars passed him on the road and Allen pulled his cell phone out. Tapping through a few old messages he noticed a few voice messages from his roommates wondering where he was. He casually texted back that he was on his way back and returned the phone to his pocket. The walk back to the campus wasn't really far, but it was still about a three mile trek, he was quite well warmed up by the time he reached his dorm and climbed the stairs to his floor. Entering his room he peeled his shirt off him and cast it aside, he unfastened and dropped his pants to the floor and stepped out of them before grabbing a towel. Slinging it over his shoulder he pulled the door open and walked down the empty corridor toward the showers. He'd not thought much before about the communal shower that the dorm had, but after his experiences with Brock the night before he wondered exactly how that would effect him in there, and hoped that no one had gotten up for a morning shower.

Grateful that no one else had showed up, Allen quickly moved in and bathed himself. Lingering in the shower a bit longer than he intended he was almost disappointed when the hot water had grown lukewarm and he turned off the faucet to move onto the dryer. After drying he'd managed to wrap a towel around himself when someone else entered the room which made him nearly drop it. A rather impressively built cheetah had entered the room, Allen recognized him from the school's football team and he was definitely against the grain as far as cheetahs went, he was bulky and muscular, he had a long neck about as thick as Allen was at his torso. A pair of blue eyes glanced at the lion who shrank back and headed toward the door.

"Hey." His voice was quite deeper than Allen had expected too, it seemed everything about this guy aroused him and he clenched his hand tighter around his towel to keep it from falling off and to keep from revealing the tent that had suddenly sprung up underneath.

"H-hey." Allen answered as he practically bolted toward the door and out of the room. He sighed and leaned his head against the door for a few moments before moving back toward his room. Exactly what was going on with him today? He'd wondered, and he realized that a whole new candy store had been opened up to him last night, his body only wanted to try the flavor more.

He entered his room and closed his door. Sighing a bit as he sat down in front of his computer, at least checking his email shouldn't be much out of the ordinary. He typed in his address and pulled up his page. Six new emails, five of which were spam messages but the sixth... "Hello?" Allen said to himself as he recognized the message coming from the MMates website. A response to his profile? He tapped the link and logged in, which pulled up the his inbox. Clicking on the message subject "PURR!" He watched the message load for him.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice your profile and find you completely adorable! I'd like to meet up, send me a message kitty and I'll be sure to show you a good time."

The profile's name was "Maneman" and Allen clicked on it out of curiosity. Immediately his jaw dropped open, the profile was for another lion who had some rather raunchy, but not overtly revealing photos of a broad-chested hunk of cat. A grin didn't depart Allen's face through the entire photo session and when he reached the end he reached the inevitable choice to respond to him, or to delete the message. Both were very tempting and he spent several minutes tapping a claw on his mouse, debating in his head whether or not he and Brock were an official couple or if he could play the field. He sighed and found the strength to click on the 'Reply' option:

"Maneman, I gotta say your profile is smoking hot. Sure! Let's meet up!"

It wasn't long before Allen got a response through his email, maneman's name was Gary and he lived only a town over from the college. After a bit of correspondence, they agreed to meet at Tyler's, an upscale restaurant in Gary's town. Allen had heard of the restaurant, he could never afford to eat there on his own, the prices ranged anywhere from eighty to over four-hundred dollars a plate, but on Gary's insistence he finally agreed to meet him for a nice Saturday night dinner.

The rest of the afternoon passed like molasses. Allen kept catching himself staring at the clock, then the clock on his phone, then the clock on his computer. He really didn't have much to fill the day except finding an outfit to get dressed in. He eventually decided on a nice white button up shirt and a pair of khaki trousers with a brown belt. After dressing in the outfit he found a brown jacket his family had given him for his high school graduation that went with the rest of the outfit very nicely. He sprayed a few breaths of cologne on his neck and straightened out his jacket, taking a lint roller and cleaning off the suit as best as he could. It was already six, but he wasn't due to dinner until eight. He knew where he was going, and after getting a few off the wall comments from his roommates and others in his dorm, including the football cheetah who complimented him, Allen departed, hailing a taxi to take him the twenty minute drive to Tyler's.

The sun was still looming low in the sky when Allen arrived at the restaurant, he slipped the cabbie his fair and a tip before sliding out of the seat and standing in front of the double doors leading inside. The frame to the doors stood about three feet taller than him, a dull red band of frosted glass prevented a complete view of the white walled, red carpeted interior. It was then that Allen realized he didn't even know Gary's last name. If the lion already showed up, there'd be no way he could get the waiter to verify who he was, or who Gary was as a matter of fact. Resigning himself to waiting for Gary, Allen sat on the bench directly outside the door and leaned back against the cool wooden backing to wait.

Over thirty minutes passed as Allen waited patiently, his eyes picking up for each car that passed, and each car that let its passengers go at the door, but none of them were the lion in question. He tried texting Gary, but there was no response, simply a blank blue screen that followed his messages.

At the hour mark, the sun had faded completely behind the horizon and it had well passed the time they agreed to meet. Allen sighed, he'd been stood up. As he got up to leave, a figure approaching from the darkness caught his attention;

He was dressed in a dark colored suit and tie, a tan colored vest just barely exposing itself under his suit jacket. The lion's mane was pulled back to resemble a ponytail and the top of his hair was somewhat flat. He had a smile on his face that made Allen's heart skip a beat, and Gary approached him with a similar smile.

"Allen, I'm so sorry I was late getting here." He said. "I've had some unbelievably bad luck today." His voice was deep, but soothing. The man was a smooth talker, and Allen didn't really care, in his mind he'd forgiven the lion the moment he saw him. "Shall we?" He gestured toward the door, extending his arm out.

"But... our reservations were almost an hour ago." Allen explained, confused. "They've probably given our table away by now."

"No worries." Gary said. "I think I can get us in."

Allen blushed and slid his arm under the crook of the other lion's elbow and the pair walked toward the door, which slid open immediately at their presence. The younger lion's face was burning under his fur as he saw people take notice of the two of them. They approached the host at his station, a wolf with white fur and a black suit who was flipping through the catalog on the podium. "Yes, can I help you?"

"Gary, party for two." Gary answered, and the man's finger slid down the register.

"I'm sorry sir, your reservation was over an hour ago and our policy states that reservations not claimed within fifteen minutes of the time are void."

"I think you can make an exception for me Ivan." The wolf looked up and if possible his face had gone somewhat a paler white, his mouth gaped open as his eyes glanced between the two lions. "Unless you've filled my table."

"N-no, not at all! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you!" The wolf stammered.

The lion chuckled. "No, not a problem at all. But I'm sure me and my guest here are quite famished, so if you could squeeze us in..."

The wolf didn't say anything else, he pulled his notebook into his hand and tossed a clean white cloth over his wrist, instantly escorting the two of them into the restaurant. Leading them to a table near the back of the room he took the cloth and spread it over the table. He snapped his fingers and instantly someone appeared to place glasses and silverware onto the table. Gary seated Allen before seating himself directly across from the lion.

"Wow, what service!" Allen exclaimed.

"Have you ever been to a place like this?" Gary asked.

"No, not really." Allen answered and noticed Gary's expression fade.

"Oh well, then I suppose we'll just have to finish it off now before your inexperience hurts our evening."

"What?" Allen answered in a panic, his heart swelling in his chest, he was on the verge of sobbing in his surprise.

Gary belted out a laugh and patted his palm on the other lion's hand. "Whoa! Whoa! I'm kidding, I'm kidding! Frankly speaking, outside of helping run this place, I don't know the first thing about fine dining." He paused at the look Allen shot him. "O-okay, sure I know a few things about it, but let's throw the rules out the window, shall we?" He reached into his breast pocket and produced a long stem rose. "And we'll get off on the right foot."

After eating and talking over various aspects of their lives, Allen found that he and Gary shared much in common, their interests were very similar and Gary had actually attended the college that Allen currently went to. The meal was quite filling and included Allen's first bottle of "real" quality wine. He was surprised when the lion asked him to dance, which Allen graciously accepted, and before he knew it, the two of them were up, dancing on the smooth floor at the center of the room. He couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious by all the eyes on them. But Gary turned Allen's head to face him as they swooped and stepped across the dance floor.

"I... I have a confession to make." Allen said as they danced.


Allen nodded. "You're probably going to hate me, but I answered someone's advertisement on MMates and spent last night with him."

"Mmhmm, did you know him?"

"He actually responded to my advertisement because he's one of my professors and noticed I was on there."

Gary's solemn expression turned into a smirk. "So what did he teach you?"

Allen blushed. "A lot of nice... things."

"Aww, you came out to him?" Gary's tone was somewhat facetious but Allen didn't care, he chuckled at the response and didn't answer. "It's nice to know I've got some competition then." He said.

"Y-you mean you still want to be with me?"

"Hey. I was young once too." The lion answered. "I know what it's like to want to play the field. Try every flavor."

"I just... I feel like I'm being dishonest to the two of you."

"Are you guys officially a couple?"

"Well... no... not really." Allen answered with a shrug. "I mean... I haven't exactly decided."

"Mmm..." Gary purred a bit and pulled Allen into a soft, deep kiss, pressing his body to the younger lion's own as his leading hand lowered a bit down Allen's back. He held the pose for a moment and the lifted his lips with a smile. "Maybe I could help make up your mind."

The drive was quiet, the soft roar of the car's engine over the night-covered roads. Dots of light from the lamps flooded the cab like flashing pulses of light as Allen leaned back on the cool leather seat. Gary's hand gripped the younger lion's thigh clutching it firmly between gear shifts and replacing it on each straightaway or stop at a stop light, which resulted in some heavy, passionate kissing. There was a slowing and a left turn as the pair slid into a driveway and a soft sigh from the larger lion as they came to a stop.

"We're here." He said as he pushed his door open and exited the car. Allen followed and admired the large white house, almost glowing off the light of the moon in the sky.

Allen barely noticed his surroundings though as the pair of them stepped up to the front door and Gary inserted his key into the lock, opening the door as it clicked unlocked. Immediately the cat pulled Allen to the side of the door frame, planting a heavy, passionate kiss on him that made the other lion's tail curl. He returned the kiss, feeling the rough, wet tongue running along the roof of his mouth as his own struggled underneath the soft, sensitive flesh. Gary's hands had pulled Allen's shirt from his trousers and immediately climbed up the warm soft fur on the sides of his belly as he literally pulled it apart with a series of popping as his buttons flew off into the darkness. Allen didn't care, his hands were busy grazing the lion's flat stomach, his broad chest on top of his shirt as their bodies pressed together and the older lion picked him up off the ground, carrying him inside. Allen heard the door slam as Gary's foot shoved it closed, but he didn't hear much over the sound of the feline's rugged sharp inhaling as their bodies pressed together and the younger lion could feel Gary's girth press against his stomach as they embraced.

Somehow, the pair had made it into another room that looked like a bedroom, Allen noticed the large bed that Gary was backing into and the lion seated himself, letting his suit jacket fall off his shoulders and onto the blankets, but their locking muzzles didn't give much. Allen helped the lion unfasten the buttons of his shirt and Gary ruggedly pulled them aside, giving Allen full reign to caress his flat and well defined chest area. Gary purred as he let Allen partly straddle him, though the younger lion had to slide off his lap as he helped unfasten his belt. He wanted to taste this lion he wanted to feel the girth in his mouth and in his ass, anywhere he could have it. Gary's gripping at Allen's backside helped him remember he still had clothes on too, and he surrendered trying to free the male's cock so he could unfasten his own bulging pants. Gary's grin widened a bit as he freed himself, watching the younger lion so eagerly undress himself; so he hadn't worn anything underneath either. Gary opened his trousers and adjusted himself to pull them down around his ankles where he stepped from them.

"Hey, Allen, I could appreciate a little attention here." He said as he grasped his shaft which throbbed visibly before the younger lion.

Allen tried to contain his eagerness, but didn't do too well at it as he leaned forward and clamped his hand around the base before sliding the tip in his mouth abruptly. Gary huffed loudly and growled, his hand resting on the top of the younger lion's head as he twisted his head descending and ascending along the warm thick meat in his mouth. Gary was just as big as Brock was, maybe even a little thicker. He could feel the similarity, aside from the obvious difference of rabbit versus lion cock he purred and rumble. Gary chuckled at the use of the purr as he felt it vibrating his already-presoaked shaft.

"Im-impressive..." He said with an audible grunt and sigh, feeling the tightness of Allen's throat at the tip of his shaft while his lips closed around the base. "Not everyone can get me in there on the first try..." He leaned back and purred, pushing Allen's head into him again and again, feeling the warm lips along his flesh with each restrained thrust he gave. Allen didn't garner a reply he simply remained as he was, slowly filling his maw with the meat and then emptying it again as he returned to the tip. The wetness was so thick that he could feel his hand slipping along the length as he tried to keep hold. "Nnf... not so fast." He grunted slowly pulling Allen from the member and grinning widely at him. "C'mere, will you?" He said, leaning back a bit and offering Allen a place on his lap. Allen obliged, standing up and straddling his bare thighs on top of the other lion's so his erection rubbed against the other felines. Gary pulled him into a bit of an embrace and groaned softly as he pressed their bodies together, sandwiching their cocks between them. "Mmm... that's good." He purred and licked the other lion's ears his breath airy in the younger lion's ears whose claws were working up and down the firm abdomen in front of him.

It didn't take long before Gary's needing led him to pull the other lion closer. Allen scooted forward a bit and seated himself right on the other lion's pike. He winced as Gary held him close and slowly began to sink himself inside. "Ahh-hhahh..." Allen whimpered as he felt the girth slowly fill his hole as he was lifted a bit and allowed to sit again and again.

"Oh, Allen, such a tight fit... I love that." Gary whispered and ran his muzzle along the other lion's shoulder, licking him as he nuzzled into the other male's mane. Gary's arms tightened a bit around Allen's shoulders as he nudged himself in even further and Allen leaned his shoulders back, feeling a scream of pleasure now overtaking the stinging feeling of the pentration. Allen hissed out the sides of his teeth, feeling his balls settle on the lowest point of Gary's stomach. He gaped his mouth as he felt Gary's teeth find his neck and nip down a few times with a passionate growl then lick at his throat tenderly. He could feel a warmth flood his hole, Allen knew that Gary hadn't cum yet, but he was definitely getting there. He gasped and allowed Gary to bounce him a bit, driving his cock deeper into the young lion, making him growl and hiss in pleasure now as beads of precum began to spew from the tip and mesh with the older lion's fur as he rubbed against it.

Gary leaned back and placed a hand on Allen's shoulder, turning him slightly as the pair of them came to a rest on the bed. Gary pressed his torso, his chest and his stomach against Allen's back as they changed positions and gripped his claw hard against Allen's hip as he pressed inward deeply. Allen felt Gary bite down firmly on his shoulder, then up to his neck as he fucked him. Gary felt the exhillaration of the young male and began to pant heavily.

"So... snug... so tight..." He whispered as his head nuzzled against Allen's shoulder as he pressed himself in so hard that his balls felt the pressure. He pulled himself free, almost completely pulling himself from the young lion before pushing in again, giving a long, winding groan as he did so. Allen could feel the other male's grip on the top of his head tighten and loosen with these long, deep lunges and he could feel with it that he too was ready to explode. "Ohhh Allen..." He whispered more urgently now as his hand cupped under the young lion's stomach and he was abruptly twisted face down onto the bed. His rump raised into the air, Allen cried out as he felt the other lion's desperate need increasing, his body was arched upward, being beaten down into the bed by Gary's weight and the force of his thrusts. It was too much, Allen cried out and came hard into the warm blankets he was uncontrollably fucking. He gasped and grunted, trying to push his hips out to the other lion, he felt Gary's claws dig in, a powerful mating bite on his neck and a forced exhale which followed in a copious flooding of the young lion's bowels. He felt the pressure build, he felt the heat of the fluids coursing through his body with enough force to make Allen cum again, even while he was still trying to recover from the first one. It was so passionate that Gary threw his head back from the bite and let out a furious roar that filled the room.

Allen could hardly catch his breath, he felt the warmth flooding him, spilling out between them with a loud wet sound that accompanied Gary's thrusts. It took several minutes before the older lion relaxed enough for Allen to lie down against the bed. Purring, Gary wrapped his arm around Allen's shoulder and pulled him to the side, resting against him with his body pressed flat against the younger one's back, still buried to the hilt in him as they panted sleepily. Just as Allen began to drift off he heard the familiar buzz of his phone from his pants somewhere in the room, it took him a moment to realize his pants were draped over the bed and he lazily pulled the device into his hand and realized that it was a text message from Brock.

"Allen, had a wonderful time with you kitty. Just wonderin' if we could hook up again soon. -Brock"

Allen chuckled a bit and looked at Gary who was reading the text over his shoulder.

"Mmm your other lover hmm?" He asked. Allen nodded and Gary nibbled on the young lion's neck. "Maybe next time we could have him over for--coffee or something."

Allen smirked and returned the phone to his pocket, cuddling back against the other lion who was still warm and felt like he was getting hard again. "Mmm maybe..." He said, somewhat sleepily.

To Be Continued