Kingdom Hearts: The new holder of the Keyblade part 3

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry

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#3 of kingdom hearts

Ten hours later)

N1: Tsume could hear her brother Jake yelling at someone and there were other voices, Tsume turned her head to look at who Jake was yelling at 3 people in the room 2 boys and 1 girl


Voice: will you calm down. She will be fine


Voice two: we told you we can't


Voice three: That will take about an hour or so Jake. But please calm down


Voice one: Shut up you're gonna wake her up


Voice three: Look kid if you don't shut up I will shut you up myself!

Voice two: Oh boy here it comes


Voice two: KNOCK IT OFF!




N1: Tsume tried to sit up but felt a great pain and almost fell out of the bed but someone caught her. Tsume looked up to see Cloud

Cloud: you shouldn't get up when you're hurt Tsume. -Light smile- it's nice to see you again

Tsume: -light blush- I uh....don't know you

N1: that only made Cloud's smile disappear when Tsume said that (awwwww)

Tifa: I didn't think this would happen

Leon: the king must had done a number on her memories like Sora


Tsume: Jake, stop yelling please

Jake: sorry

Cloud: -lays Tsume back in the bed- you don't remember me at all Tsume? Not even them -point to Tifa and Leon-

Tsume: -sigh- n-no ....but why am I here?

Jake: That's what I would like to know and why did you take away my keyblade!

Leon: so you're the new keyblade holder. Great another one to bug me


Leon: you really should stop yelling

Jake: MAKE ME!!!

Tsume: -sighs- JAKE! Please....

Jake: sorry

Awkward silence)

Tifa: OK that Tsume is up I think it's time to tell them what's going on Cloud.

N1: Cloud nods and looks back at Tsume.

Cloud: I'm sure you don't remember but....three years ago Tsume you and two of your friends came to kingdom hearts to complete your destiny as the three keyblade holder. in the end I didn't think you three could do it but you did , in the end the three of you killed Ansem and Freed Riku, you, Sora, Julian, Tsuki went to the king to see if he could get you home he said to do it you had to forget

Tsume: why?

Tifa: he worried maybe you couldn't accept your fate as a keyblade holder

Tsume: -look down sad- I see...

Leon: he wanted you to live a normal life Tsume without worry or being scared

Tsume: it's a little late for the scared part. And anyway why am I back?

Tifa: the gate to kingdom heart is opening up again and a lot of stuff has happened. The king told us not to bring you back but with Sora gone and we don't know where he is, so we need you to go and find him

Tsume: this is too much

Jake: -sigh-

Cloud: if you didn't want to come back why didn't you destroy the portal like your friend told you to?

Tsume: Julian said to but I uh....I just couldn't I felt like if I did I would be missing something in my life but I didn't think it was this

Leon: you have a choice Tsume. You can go home and burn it or you can stay here and help

Tsume: -look up at Leon- you never where a nice guy. -Gets out of bed and walks up to him- I will stay and fight.

N1: that made Leon smirk at Tsume's answer

Tifa: its gonna be nice to have your help again Tsume

Tsume: as a keyblade holder I have a job to do. And no big ass boss is gonna end this world without my keyblade in his FACE

Cloud: -chuckle- now I see why Riku likes you so much

Tsume: Riku?

Leon: -sigh- you don't remember him to? Just how much did the king erase?

Tifa: it looks like all of it

Cloud: what a pain this will be

Jake: so what do we do now?

Leon: we train you two for the upcoming battle.

Somewhere in Hollow Bastion Sora pov)

N1: Sora, Donald and Goofy got to Hollow Bastion and saw that it wasn't the same from the last time they were here

*Sora: its Hollow Bastion *

Goofy: gash , it looks kinda different now

Donald: I hope Leon and the gang are doing ok

N1: then Goofy heard some rattling sounds on the roof and saw two heartless and soon they disappeared. Sora turned to look at both of them

Goofy: uh-oh looks like we're gonna have to do some fighting

N1: soon they came to an open area and saw this round thing bounce up from the ground and disappeared and it would reappear from some were else

Donald: hey what's going on?

Voice: that's the town's defense mechanism

N1: Sora looks up to where the voice was at and saw Yuffie with a big smile


Sora: Yuffie!

Yuffie: look out!

N1: another group of heartless appeared and surrounded them as they got ready to fight once the heartless was beaten Yuffie ran up to them

Yuffie: hey guys! I see your still in top form

Sora: what did you expect? Looks like you're doing ** OK**

Yuffie: well what did YOU expect?

Donald: how are the others?

Yuffie: great!

Sora: hey Yuffie have you see the king and Riku?

Yuffie: nope. But I had a feeling I'd see you guys again

N1: Sora looked at Yuffie and held his hand in front of his face and made his voice deep to kinda make him sound like Leon

Sora: we may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other

Yuffie: is that supposed to be Leon?

N1: Sora just smiled as Donald and Goofy laughed Yuffie smile but soon frown and Sora saw and asked if anything was bothering her

Yuffie: hey Sora....

Sora: yeah?

Yuffie: um do you remember a girl name Tsume?

N1: Sora stood there for a minute to think and soon nods

Sora: of course I remember her, she was a little fire cracker back then. She and her sister Tsuki both were the princesses of kingdom hearts. The princess of ice and thunder

Yuffie: so you do remember her -sigh- that's good

Sora: but...why are you asking

Yuffie: Leon will kill me for saying this but.... (Moves close to Sora and whisper) Tsume is back in kingdom hearts

All three: SHE'S WHAT?!?!?!?!

Yuffie: SHHHH! But the problem is that when she came she didn't remember any of us

Sora: what do you mean she didn't remember?!

Goofy: is she alright?

Yuffie: yeah she is but. -Looks down sad- Leon said that the king erased her memories before sending her and her friends back

Sora: aw no. poor Tsume... does that mean she won't remember me too

N1: Yuffie nod and Sora sighs sadly and remembers all the fun times he had with Tsume and her friends. Tsume was like a little sister to him and now that her memories are gone she won't remember anything

Yuffie: I can take you to her if you like. Everyone's working on stuff at Merlin's house come on -runs off-

N1: Sora, Donald and Goofy followed Yuffie to Merlin's house, once they got there Sora saw aerise , leon and cid



arise: we missed you

Cid: well if you ain't in top shape

Leon: I new it

sora: knew what ?

Leon: a while back , everyone suddenly remembered you guys , all at the same time.

sora: huh? you....remembered? wait ! does that mean you forgot about us !

Donald: thanks

sora: -look around- so uhh where is tsume?

Leon: hm? -growl- yuffie !

yuffie: im sorry I couldn't help it

Leon: -sigh- I knew you could keep your mouth shut

yuffie: -giggle- so um where is tsume ?

Cid: she and jake are in the training room training

sora: training room?

yuffie: yeah I'll show you

Leon: wait. sora

sora: yeah

Leon: ...when you see tsume don't say anything stupid ok


Leon: I mean it sora. she don't remember you so don't say anything that could drive her off the deep end got it

sora: uh yeah sure

at the training room)

yuffie: here we are . the training room

n1: sora looked around and then heard someone call yuffies name and saw a girl with purple hair in odango's wearing a light purple dress and light purple shoes with gloves to match . once she got close sora knew that was tsume

tsume: hey yuffie how's it going ninja girl

yuffie: it's going good . so how your fighting training going ?

tsume: i kick Jake's ass 18 times

jake: -pop out of no were- LIER ! and it was 19 times you beat me !

tsume: -smirk- thanks for cleaning that up jake

jake: your wel- hey . YOU TRICKED ME !

tsume: yeah so what ! what are you gonna do about it !

jake: THE GLOVES ARE COMING OFF !!! taking gloves off and throw them to the ground-

tsume: me to my glove are coming off to ! -taking gloves off and throw them to the ground-

yuffie: uh tsume please don't turn wild on me again

tsume: sorry yuffie- huh?....who's your friend yuffie?

jake: hmm is he your boyfriend?

yuffie: WHAT! no , this is sora . sora meet tsume and her stupid brother jake

jake: you know you want me -smile-

yuffie: whatever -walk away-

jake: aw baby don't go we didn't get to know each other -run after her-

yuffie: STAY AWAY !!!

n1: the door closed and it was only tsume and sora standing there

tsume: so um sora . hungry

sora: -nod-

in the kitchen )

tsume: you sit and i'll cook

sora: well uh are you sure you don't need help?

tsume: yeah im good

n1: as tsume was cooking sora sigh and remember how tsume would normally act when she saw him or when it came to a fight or her cooking ...well it wasn't that good but in the end tsume was still a good friend. but he just didn't understand why the king would do that to her, even if it looked like the right thing to do but why to her ...of all people ** **

tsume: hey sora

sora: huh uh yeah

tsume: you OK?

sora: -smile- yeah why wouldn't I be

tsume: so tell me sora how did you get to be the holder of a keyblade ?

sora: well uh its kinda hard to explain but I guess you can say I was chosen

tsume: you don't say, just like me and my brother ... so tell me how do you want your noodles fried or steam?

sora: uhhhh fried

tsume: yay just like me !

sora: but, tsume

tsume: yeah

sora: your food is um burning

tsume: -look at the stove- AHHHHHHHH NOOOOOO !!!!

minutes later)

tsume: im so sorry

sora: -chuckle- its ok I knew you couldn't cook anyway

tsume: what?

sora: uh I mean ...I couldn't wait to try you cooking , cause you see yuffie told me that you normal suck at cooking. but im not saying that you suck at cooking , i mean i want to try your food if you weren't so bad WAIT I mean uh ,uh -

tsume: .... hmm I guess I'll tell Leon I burn the kitchen down again , then kick yuffie ass


: to late I know

tsume: AH ! how long where you standing there ?

*Leon *

: 5 minutes . -sigh- tsume you know you can't cook why didn't you call for help

tsume: I just wanted to make something for you Leon ....oh and sora to

leon : I'll tell Cid you burn the kitchen down again -walk off-'

tsume: can't you lie and say jake did it !?

jake: -pop in out of no where- who called me ?

sora: -laughs-

n1: seconds later tsume heard a very unhappy ** Cid**

*Cid: -from the bed room- SHE DID WHAT !!!!!!!! *

tsume: and now im dead


** hours later)**

** n1: once everyone eat tsume and yuffie and jake went back to the training room cause Leon told yuffie to make sure tsume and Jake's skills are at high perfection . tsume and the others followed Leon out side for some heartless training**

tsume: um Leon are you sure were ready for this ?

jake: I don't want to die

leon: don't worry that's why you have sora with you guys

tsume: -look at sora and smile- yeah I guess that's true

jake: thats fine but did he have to bring his marching band with him to ?

tsume: jake !

jake: what? a talking duck and dog will sure be helpful to him and us how ?

leon: tsume if a heartless attacks jake leave him to die

sora/tsume: WHAT ?!?!?!

jake: that's it, it's on pretty boy !

leon: I don't have time for this -walk to tsume and pet her on the head- be good tsume

jake: ignore me will you ! OK now it's really on !

tsume: -light blush- Leon stop treating me like a child

leon: sorry but you know if anything happens to you ...someone isn't gonna be happy about this

tsume: aw his just a big ham, im OK with it . really and pulse I have sora and he will be my protector

jake: hello I know you can see me !

leon: well see you guys -walk off-

jake: -low voice- dick

tsume: well his gone , march on people

jake: yeah I hear you.

n1: as tsume and the others walk around the town they ran into a heartless


tsume: look there's one

jake: don't worry tsume i got this one -summon keyblades and kills it- ha-ha ! take that Mr shadow thing

sora: that's wired

tsume: what is ?

sora: don't the shadows attack as a group?

tsume: well from the info i read on them they travel in packs

jake: -jumping around- WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW !!!

sara: should we tell him?

tsume: -look at jake- and what miss this

n1: then hundreds of shadow heartless appear surrounding tsume and the others

jake: -girly scream-

*tsume: OK now where going to die *

*n1: it was that hard of a battle as sora and tsume team up as one and beat the rest of the heartless which took 2 to 3 hours *

tsume: -petting- my god that was a work out

sora: -petting- wow tsume your really strong

tsume: when you spend 10 days in a training room with cloud or Leon then you know your gonna be trained like a dog

jake: -breathing hard-

tsume: you OK jake ?

jake: dyeing ! I-i think i see the light

tsume: -look around then look up and back at jake - jake that's the sun

jake: oh . I knew that

sora: should we go for round 2

tsume: sure

jake: NO ! lets take 10

goffy: but leon said that we have to train-

jake: Leon isn't the boss of me

tsume: jake why can't you be nice

jake: was leon nice when he pushed me into a group of heartless

tsume: , but he said it was an accident

jake: bull tsume , was he nice when cloud and him tried to jump me in the training room

tsume: he was playing jake

*jake: he is so full of bull ! *

sora: clam down jake will take a break

tsume: really ?

sora: yep . ice cream anyone?


