Warm Welcome part 1

Story by DarkSoulsSauron on SoFurry

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Eli was enjoying a well deserved break.

His auction last week was incredibly well received. Both Gloom and

Clockworks had started

a three way bidding war, going out for very large sums of money. In a

way, those few days of tenseness between Soren and himself had been

quite profitable. But he didn't care about that. He just wanted Soren

back to his normal self. He was getting there, but he was still

stressed about his sick Aunt. Soren walked in the

door. He was coming home closer to seven rather than six now, but he

was happy with his new position. He was promoted to a lab assistant

rather than just being a techy, and he was eager to start on the new

experiments and projects now that the fallout from the break in was

over. They found the culprit the Monday after Eli managed to get

Soren to tell him what was going on. Eli had a feeling that the

promotion was recompense for how hard they ran Soren while they

thought he was the culprit. Eli wished he had the ability to cook, as

Soren was always ravenous when he got home.Eli got up and

kissed Soren on his silver cheek. He hung up his jacket and backpack

for him. Soren immediately went to the kitchen and put water on to

boil. He had a red sauce simmering all day, and he was starting to

prepare some hand-rolled meatballs. Eli stayed nearby and savored the

smells. Dinner was ready fast, and they both sat down to eat. Soren

tucked in for a minute, and once he had gotten some food down, slowed

down so he could talk. Eli started with a

simple question that had a lot of meaning underneath. "How are you

today?" He asked this every few days in attempt to coax out

anything that might be simmering beneath the surface. It may be

painful for Soren to talk about it at the time, but Eli wanted to

make sure another meltdown didn't happen. "I'm fine," he

said with a smile as he grabbed Eli's forearm. But it was a different

kind of "I'm fine" from last Sunday. Soren was actually feeling

OK. "The test subjects are doing well. We think we can get them

ready for experimentation in three generations. Then we can start

recollecting the data we lost. I also got to call Aunt Aly on the way

home. She tries to call me when no one is around. She's feeling

terrible but the doctor says that she is reacting well to treatment."Eli smiled. They

finished dinner and cleaned up together. Soren felt like slipping

into Lordran for a while, so he popped in Dark Souls. Eli laid his

head on Soren's lap. He loved to watch Soren play as much as he loved

to play himself. Plus he got to talk to Soren now, and Soren was

always happy when he was exploring Lordran. "Just so you know,"

said Eli, stroking Soren's silver tails, "My parents can't make it

down here. Our schedules just don't match up." Eli heard Soren give

a little sigh of relief. "They're not monsters you know. They do

want to meet you." "Sorry," said

Soren, "I just get nervous when meeting new people. And I was

afraid that they'd be like be my last boyfriend's parents."Eli was curious and

amused. "I told you I came out to them when I was 16. They were all

fine with that. But what do you mean? Were your last boyfriend's

parents that bad?" Soren nodded. "My

first and previous boyfriend, he was a Furret named Milo. He was a

straight A student, an amazing baseball player, a total geek, and

absolutely gorgeous. He was also into guys. However, his parents were

not happy that their role-model son was gay. So after he came out,

his parents were really mad. When he told me, we came up with a

plan."Eli was intrigued.

"Go on... what did you do?" Soren smiled. "It

was straight out of a B romance novel. You'd eat this up. Milo

pretended to date Sasha. It wasn't much of a stretch. She was such a

boy magnet. Milo said his coming out was a bad phase and he got over

it. But whenever he went out with Sasha, we'd just meet at a town

about 10 miles north. His parents didn't care how late he stayed out

as long as he continued to excel at baseball and school. My parents

didn't care either. They thought I was a lost cause anyway." Eli smiled.

"sooo... what did you do?" Soren knew Eli

wanted all the dirty details. "The normal date stuff. Dinner,

movies, long walks... sex." Soren grinned. Eli laughed,

sitting up now to face Soren. "Where?! But you had nowhere to go!"Soren shrugged.

"You know that Sasha's parents travel a lot. Sasha lent us her

place while she stayed with a friend." "Ooo!

That's so illicit,"

squealed Eli. "Was it good?""Fantastic,"

sighed Soren. "Obviously it was my first time with another male.

Hell, it was both of our first times with anyone. We got away

with it four times. He was strong, he was big, and he was...

flexible."Eli gave Soren a

fake pout. "Was he as good as me?"Soren kissed his

partner. "No," he said, quite truthfully. Then he sighed. "It

obviously couldn't last. At the end of our senior year, right after

graduation... Someone saw us kiss. And they told his parents." He

paused and sighed again. "They were so furious. They moved away in

less than a week. They forbade him from leaving the house, using a

phone, or using email. I wish I would've talked to him again. To

apologize. The only bright side was his parents were so mad they

forgot to tell mine what we were doing. When I came out my dad

would've pulled my tuition if it hadn't been too late. If they found

out then I wouldn't even have been able to go to college. But enough

about my old flames. Were you gonna say something else?" Eli returned to

Soren's lap. "My parents want you to come to Thanksgiving." Eli

felt Soren's silver fur bristle a bit. "You can't run from them

forever. You can't expect to live with me like this and not meet my

parents. They're really nice and want to meet the famous Soren Saul

I've told them all about." "I hope you

haven't talked me up too much," said Soren playfully. "I don't

want to meet any unrealistic expectations you set for me." He

paused a minute. "I'm sorry. there's really no good reason for me

to be nervous. I just am. I would love to come. I really would." "Can I tell them

when they call next?" asked Eli, stroking Soren's arm now. The silver fox

nodded. "Who else will be there?""Just us, my

parents, and my sister," said Eli. "Most of my other family

members live out west, so we only visit every other year."Soren sighed. A

smaller crowd would be easier for him to get used to. "Cedar Rapids

isn't too far of a drive. Only about 4 to 5 hours?" "Yeah,"

confirmed Eli. "can we take your car? You get so much better

mileage." Soren nodded, then

sighed. "I just wish you could have met Grandma Jeanne.

Thanksgiving with her was fantastic." "Wasn't she the

one who taught you music?" Soren nodded again.

"She was a widow. My Grandpa Gregory died when he was 57. about 3

years before I was born. Heart attack. He was a chain smoker." Eli nodded, hoping

Soren would say more.Soren began talking

again, turning off the game to give Eli his full attention. He began

to rub his beige shoulders. "She started teaching me after I said I

stopped believing in God. My parents started to act really hostile,

so she took me out of the house under the guise of teaching me

violin. She taught me all about music. And she talked to me about her

faith, or lack thereof."Eli raised an

eyebrow. "She didn't believe either?" Soren shook his

head. "Nope. But she knew that Catholicism was really important to

Grandpa Gregory, so she let him teach it to my mom, even if she

didn't believe herself. No one knew except Grandpa. But when I

stopped believing, she told me all of about it. Whenever I felt too

pressured in the house, I could walk to Grandma's and learn more

music. In five years she taught me violin, piano, cello, bass,

clarinet, trumpet, and saxophone. Almost all those instruments

upstairs are hers. When she died, she left a lot of stuff

specifically for me in her will. My parents were rather furious. They

thought they would get all of her inheritance." Eli felt honored

that Soren was letting him learn music on the instruments that his

grandmother gave him. He felt like Soren was sharing memories, a

legacy, by teaching him music again. "Grandma

was also a big help three year later," continued Soren. "When I

was realizing I was gay. I knew I couldn't tell my parents, and my

brother, Chris, wasn't a good confidant either. We had grown apart

after I lost faith. So I told Grandma about these feelings. And she

said it didn't matter to her. That was one of the best things to

hear. That she still loved me regardless of who I loved.

She started teaching me more about cooking after I got into high

school too. I was basically living with her for my sophomore and

junior years."Eli sat up and

hugged Soren. He knew that Soren's grandmother died before his senior

year of high school. Soren was unfazed though. "You would have

liked her," he said. "she was a better cook than me, and she

loved to dance. She could still dance until right before she got

sick. It was pneumonia. I'm sure she would have loved to meet you."Eli was skeptical.

Soren's cooking was restaurant level when he wasn't rushed. If his

grandmother was better than him, she could've run a five star

restaurant. He decided to return to the topic of Thanksgiving. "You

wanna go through their names again," he asked as he wrapped his

arms around Soren's silver shoulders. "That's a good

idea," said the silver fox. Eli knew Soren was

terrible with names and faces. "You know who my dad is, right?""He's the lawyer.

I've never seen him out of a suit," responded Soren. "his name

is... Logan?"Eli nodded. "That's

right. And you know who my mother is, right?" Soren paused,

thinking. "It's not... Laura... no that's not it. Is it... Lyra?

Doesn't she write children's books?" Eli smiled. "Right

again. By the way, do not call them Mr. and Mrs. Vatra. That's way

too formal. They won't let you get away with it."Soren sighed. "I'll

try. I was just raised like that. Sorry." "And can you

remember my sister," asked Eli. Soren had trouble

with this one. He had never met or even seen Eli's younger sister

outside of photos. "You got me there."Eli sighed. "Her

name is Eleanor, but people call her Elly sometimes. She's into

gymnastics. You'd like her, she's studying Personal Power

Applications." Soren brightened up

with this news. "I was reading about that. There was a journal

about the potential of using inner powers for medicinal purposes."Eli made a swishing

sound and threw his hand over his forehead. "All that sciencey

stuff is Greek to me. Talk to her about it." Soren smiled. "I

look forward to it," said the silver fox, quite genuinely. Eli kissed him on

the cheek. "See, it won't be that bad." The two foxes went to bed

soon after. Eli wrapped his arms and tails around Soren as they

folded themselves into the sheets. They drifted off to sleep,
