First Day On the Job: Part 3

Story by Thunderdramon on SoFurry

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#4 of First Day on the Job

Annnd now part 3 of this little drabble series. Quite possibly the last part unless I decide to do another one. Well after their little incident, Thunder and Razul seem to be getting along well together. Finding out that Thunder has nothing to do on a Friday night, he decides to change his plans whether he likes it or not.

It was official; working here was amazing.

Thunder didn't expect being a simple gardener for a ghost would be so fun, nor it being so informative as well. He had a few experiments to try out at home, but otherwise, his employer was incredibly happy with him when he found out the extent of the nature dragon's abilities. While the ghost had a habit of coming up to him when his fruit trees weren't bearing any for his morning shakes, overall, it was a fun job.

Then there was Razul. It had been a week since their last skirmish in his room, and it was probably the most fun he'd ever had with the fire dragon. After dealing with the embarrassment of finding out that their entire session was recorded by the ghost (apparently a gengar or something), he had half a mind to quit, but decided not to. If he could deal with Raz's shenanigans the two weeks before, he could deal with a slightly manipulative and perverted boss.

Besides, the sexual escapades of the two dragons were probably the second best part of this job. Either due to Razul or Thunder's part, they fooled around with another whenever they had the chance and had a habit of teasing at any possibly opportunity.

Evening had come and the dragon was just about ready to leave and head home. Before he could even make out of the premises, a pair of familiar red hands slipped up his tank top and began to grope his chest. A blush rose up on the dragon's face as he looked back to see Razul grinning as he squeezed the fuzzy mounds of muscle, occasionally rubbing a finger across his nipples.

"Yo Thundie~ Where ya going so soon?"

The eastern dragon squirmed in his grip, attempting to get out of it, but Raz had also wrapped his tail around the eastern's own, preventing him from moving.

"Home. Just wanna shower and possibly game away the night." He panted lightly.

Razul raised a scaled brow? Really, he had nothing else to do on a Friday night? As he continued fondling the nature dragon's chest, an idea formed.

"If you have no plans, I'm guessing you won't mind if I do this..." Razul rumbled in his ear, one hand reaching down and slipping into his pants and giving his underwear bulge a gentle squeeze. The response was expected; Thunder purred lightly, leaning on Razul's front.

"Hmm...maybe I won'-Hey!"

The sensation was gone in an instant, as was Raz as he ran down the block with something shiny and green in his hand.

Thunder looked down to see the emerald around his neck gone, then turned back to the fleeing dragon and snorted angrily, his face still pink. He was taken advantage of and now Razul had his necklace for whatever reason. Before he could attempt to chase him, Raz shouted from half the block down.

"If you want it back, just visit me at work! You're gonna regret not having plans while I'm around!"

The eastern dragon pinched the bridge of his nose with another angry snort, staring up at the sky. The sun was mostly gone, so he didn't have to worry about needing a change of clothes, but he still needed to get his necklace back. It was incredibly hard to even try making another, and that one had sentimental value. Whatever Razul had in store, he was going to pay for it. Most of the anger leaving the dragon's body, he looked down to see a small card on the floor. It held the exact address and name of the club Razul worked at.

"Guess there's no way out of it." He grumbled, stuffing the card in his pocket and jogging off to the address. The less time he wasted the better. Ignoring his current attire of slightly dirty jeans and a tank top, Thunder was determined to settle their little rivalry.

It took him no more than a half hour to arrive at the club, and after some explaining and dealing with the bouncer and several people who assumed he was one of the dancers, Thunder was settled in one of the private rooms, leaning back in his chair and kicking his foot slowly. He had to admit, the leather chair did feel nice, but he was wondering where the fire drake was, if even was here. The door opened to reveal the dragon in question wearing nothing but a zipped up jacket and leather pants.

Thunder stared for a moment, shuffling around in his seat as Razul came up and began to unzip his jacket, slowly revealing his chiseled torso. As soon as he unzipped his jacket whole, Thunder noticed his necklace hanging over his neck.

Like a switch, his slight arousal turned to annoyance.

"Mind if I have my necklace back?" Thunder scowled.

Razul grinned and crossed his arms over his chest. "Oh, you can have it back, no worry about that. Just one thing I want you do."

He raised a brow.

Razul simply leaned forward on Thunder, grinding his bare chest crotch against his own. "One dance an enjoy the night, that's all. If you can endure that and have some fun with me, I'll maybe give it back." He purred into the dragon's ear, continuing his grinding, arms wrapped around his torso.

Thunder grumbled to himself. He had no other choice but to believe Razul's word, and considering their little skirmishes, he had some weight. Thunder nodded in agreement.

"Good, you won't regret this. Just sit back and enjoy the show..." Razul said huskily, leaning back and giving the dragon a deep kiss before retreating. Seductively swaying his hips and tail, the fire dragon slowly began to undo his pants and show more of himself to the male. Thunder blinked, watching out of sheer curiosity.

His curiosity of how a bulky dragon like him could move so attractively turned into arousal as the leather pants were kicked off, the scaled dragon wearing nothing but an incredibly tight black speedo. Thunder gave a perverse snort as Razul continued dancing. He had to admit, he was unnaturally good at this. Al of the subtle grinding and teasing made the eastern squirm and shuffled around in some attempt to hide the thick bulge in his pants. Razul picked up on this faster than Thunder could react and merely showed his back to the eastern, that familiar muscled rump bouncing slowly, just begging to be squeezed.

Before the nature dragon could even try, the dragon's thick tail settled itself on his crotch, curling around and squeezing it gently. The dragon panted lightly, his hips almost bucking that his tail before he uncurled it and cupped Thunder's chin with a grin.

"Ah Ah Ah~ No touching. At least until later, if you liked what you saw now." Razul finished, twirling one of the dragon's whiskers.

Thunder simply pushed up, sharing another kiss with the fire dragon before sitting back in the leather chair with a smirk. "If that didn't tell you your answer, you're as dense as I think you are." He chuckled.

Razul continued his dance and unrelenting teasing after he finished his lap dance, and long into the night as well.