Winter Recurrence Chapter 2: A Memory of the North

Story by Renfear on SoFurry

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#2 of Winter

AN: Here's chapter two. Hoping we get a little more popular and comments are always always welcome. If you'd like to see something, just leave a comment with a request and we'll see if we can't work it in. A tip of the hat to my co-author, Vausch Greenwich.

The grey wolf in the doorway stood in shocked for a moment as the things he was seeing processed in his head.

"You sick street rat!" the older sibling bellowed, striking Ren across his face. The blow held considerable force, sending the Arctic staggering back. The sudden attack caught Ren unaware, causing a decent amount of his drink to slosh over the sides of the tumbler and onto his paw. Still, the glass held a decent amount of liquid in it; more than enough for the cautious Ren's purposes. As he recovered from the strike, the snowy wolf took the opportunity to size up this newcomer, noticing the intensity in the violet orbs fixed in hatred to his own by a formidable grey wolf of resilient form.

Standing a towering 6'4, sculpted to a picturesque physique that only a hardened warrior could possess, this vindicator would present more than ample threat considering Ren's lack of protection. If Vausch proclaimed himself to be a model alpha compared to his brother then it would be almost as if a mule declared himself a stallion. Every breath this combatant took was slow and deliberate, his form tensing in a fit of rage and readiness, his long, trimmed tail--a mark of an Officer, all of which required to maintain their precious coat to a precise regulation-- swished about in displeasure. His jaw tightened in irritation when the other wolf started to laugh at him! "I'm sorry officer, where are my manners? Did you want a ride on this thick cock of mine too? No reason Vausch needs to hog it all. Why not get those pants off and see what I can do? My little pet here enjoyed it quite a bit, didn't you Vausch?" he asked as his gaze took in all the little details; the shorter cropped fur, straight backed stance, manner of speaking, it all said 'soldier'.

Secretly, the idea of a fight with this newcomer had Ren feeling uneasy. Fortunately, he'd changed his mind earlier or he and Vausch would be knotted. His grip on his glass of booze tightened, ensuring that if struck again, it wouldn't spill. Being only an inch taller than this newly arrived and very stylized canid, Ren's eyes flicked all over the male's body, searching for weaknesses if he needed to defend himself... but the time for that was not yet at hand. "C'mon big boy, get those pants off, let's see what you've got," he practically purred, fondling himself.

Vausch remained to have little or no input on the matter, the musk permeating the air kept him devoid of all thoughts except those revolving around pleasing his Master, 'Rennn..." an intoxicated moan spilled from his maw, his back to the wall tending to his excitement as best he could, wolf spunk cascading down from the tip of his hard shaft. Sliding down the wall, his back arched in thoughts of his new Master.

"Fix your tone boy," pretentious in his tone and appearance, the grey wolf stepped forward, confronting the commoner who dared soil his noble family name. "You have enough to answer for." Judgment would soon befall this defiler. The gaze the grey wolf presented with righteous eyes would do little to intimidate the unrepentant wolves; both Ren and Vausch were ensnared in a miasma of their lust. Its tendrils manipulating them like marionettes in the hands of a perverse puppeteer .

"It is considered a high treason to dye your fur white," curious eyes scanned over the bloodied purity that stood before him, stroking the impressive bulge situated between his strong legs, the musk of his pre-cum staggered the older sibling momentarily, unknown to him those same tendrils began to stroke his swelling sheath as he watched his freshly defiled sibling masturbate with a mixture of both disgust and unwilling arousal. Some unseen force urged him to let go, to give into temptation, but the idea of his duty still held some sway in his mind.

"Now move aside." In a fit of denial his arm shot forward, finding home against the dense white fur of the heavily aroused canine in the doorway. With a firm shove the grey wolf pushed him to the wall, pinning him briefly. "I'm taking my brother and..." the sight of the wolf blatantly groping himself was one thing but when that paw took hold of his own swollen sheath, Dominic's resolve crumbled. Despite his agile form, the grey wolf could not act fast enough to satisfy his insistent need. Their lips met in a most unexpected manner, the chemical connection between the two almost synced perfectly--releasing his inhibitions, the soldier's notably long tail swished around front, wrapping sensually in admittance to his surrender, establishing a primal connection. That short-cropped grey tail and Ren's bushy white tail coiled together. Ren's hungry sex drive homed in on the little details that needed his attention, like those soft lips, the swollen bulge pressed against him and the response of his own untended length. Knowing that this wolf was actually Vausch's brother rather than some kind of tutor or associate would make things even more 'fun'.

The unexpected turn of events was welcome; Ren had been anticipating violence, not this. Still, making out was much more his preferred battlefield. Setting his glass down on the nearby desk, he threw himself passionately into the kiss, paws dropping down to fondle and squeeze the other, currently unnamed male's firm, muscular rump, using that grip to pull their hips together, letting the other canine feel that hard bulge grinding into his clothed sheath. It stroked the lusty Arctic's already raging inner fires, his long, forked tongue slipping out of his mouth and into the other's to explore. Before long,his paws rose up to slip down inside those pants to squeeze that canine rear more directly. "Mmh... This is my... natural color. No dye," he panted out once that kiss finally broke.

There was no protest to Ren's explorations, a soldier typically always took pride in their physique, their body was after all a weapon in itself--having such lusting hands explore his backside triggered hisforbiddenurges once more, "Don't be absurd." Ripping his muzzle from Ren's his body pressed in, confining Ren to a simple grind of their lower regions, a distinct sound of Ren's pants being torn off failed to distract the two, a thick strand of saliva bridging the their lips, "Our Father slain the remain-..." a groan of frustration cut the history lesson short, there was after all a monster bursting through the cotton of the soldier's pants. It pulsed and throbbed in a anxious fashion, inch by inch the leaking appendage spurted growth, "I know it's not real, it's impossible." A frantic panting broke all the former practiced composure, like his younger brother Vausch he was a slave to his own cock, endowment came with a heavy burden, his eleven inches struggling to rise to a straight position the soldier hunched, a rabid snarl curled in his throat, their kiss taking form once more.

Slain the remaining? Ren could fill in the lines were his mind not so lust addled. It truly was his onegreatest weakness. In fact, he'd even killed on occasion, his swollen cock pushing so deep it ruptured organs. Though, that was back when his length hadn't been so compact. "Mmph, just shut up and enjoy," he growled and fortunately, the other wolf did just that. The long sharpened claws of the soldier quickly tore the remaining fabric of Ren's undergarment allowing their monstrous members to touch. Their tongues and tails twined together in a sinuous dance while Ren's paw wrapped around their weeping lengths, stroking them both together as he thrust his hips, making them smear one another in ample fluids, splattering the floor as the very nerves bulging from them sang in stimulation. His other paw moved a bit lower, massaging the other male's balls, teasing them with the slightly rough pads on his fingers. Right then, Ren didn't care about anything but getting a tight hole to fuck.

Briefly, he considered jumping on Vausch again when an even better idea presented itself. Pulling back, he looked into the other male's eyes, panting hard. "Vausch. Let's fuck his brains out."His name being spoken by his Alpha was all it took to command the Timber's immediate attention,

"Dominic?" Mellowed eyesinspected the specimen Ren presently had in his clutches, seeing his brother in a whole new light. While Vausch had lusted over his older brother in the past, Dominic's pride in his pure, virgin status had kept that strictly in the realm of his fantasies. Now though, with that huge length out and grinding against his master's, it wasn't hard to imagine that Dominic would fall prey to the same spell that had so completely captivated the Timber mere moments before.

"Vausch? You cannot be serious." A veneer of skepticism painted the older sibling's maw, "He was too weak to even join the ranks of footmen, too weak to serve." Gloatingly Dominic inched his muzzle forward once more, his hand finding its way to grip Ren's large, overly filled sack. "A Wolf as demanding and able as you should not share chambers with one so weak." With a firm squeeze of Ren's sensitive regions a ripple of pain would crest throughout him, once his muzzle unlatched to respond in any fashion their tongues would meet once more. Dominic paid no mind to what his rival Alpha would feel to him insulting his property-- the weak minded and unable form of the younger Timber, the newest and most eager breeding bitch.

The sharp squeeze to his sack only served to take away the wolf's inhibitions, getting him ready to play dirty. As painfully hard as he was,there was little question of his ability to do so, for Renfear's few arcane talents relied on his state of mind; some spells required a certain amount of passion as fuel and lust was now readily available. As his serpentine tongue pushed its way down the now named male, Dominic's throat, Ren brought up the paw not currently servicing their hard, leaking shafts to trace a symbol with his fingers, infusing it with his physical energy. Most the time, magic was exhausting to use but this was a simple spell and so not much of a drain regardless. Its only purpose, to arouse the other party and right then, Ren wanted Dominic broken to his will just like Vausch and he'd do anything to make that happen, anything to make this big, strong lupine his whimpering bitch. More thananythingelse, Alpha wolves and Stallions had the best tail.

Slowly the arcane mystery crept in its vile potency, the Grey alpha had no chance to prepare, each passing moment though it's incantation forced him to plummet deeper into a mindset of subservience. "What are..." the bewilderment in the gleaming violet of the Alpha's eyes turned to understanding, leaving him in awe, "A real Artic." the kiss was broken and the gleam of the magic began to fade as it's completion took total effect, leaving a haze of desire, a physical need, an addiction that craved fulfilling. "Please," his moaning shuddered, the magic leaving him feeling void and empty with the overwhelming desire to lift his tail, just as eager as Vausch, "I need you inside me!" The moan hastily morphed into a desperate keening plea, breaking from the unbearably arousing touch of the snowy Alpha. Falling down to all fours he began salivating in anticipation, his long luxurious grey tail lifting up to expose what Ren really wanted. The sight of a dominant male's tight tailhole freely offered never failed to rile the Arctic up, but first, the other male had to prove himself.

That was the great beauty of magic, the power to get the snowy male what he wanted (almost always sex) when he wanted. Trotting around in front, he wiped his leaking cock across Dominic's muzzle. "Hm. You want me inside you, huh? Well, I only mount obedient pups, so get over there and mount your brother, show me you can follow orders," he growled, reaching back to give that firm rump a hard slap. That said, he walked over to the other wolf and barked, "Vausch! On all fours, lift your tail for your brother." Ren hefted his hard, leaking cock, pointing it towards the Timber's muzzle, "And I'll be generous and let you suck me off. You'd like that, wouldn't you, slut?" Something about the idea of playing the two against each other just made him so.... happy inside. It was the kind of socially undermining act that brought Ren some of his greatest satisfaction. When it came to sex, nothing was more fun than anarchy.

Dominic felt helpless to resist what would have normally utterly appalled him, having been one of the only brothers to enter the service of the Western Kingdom's military; the insatiable lust most of the Greenwich brothers were plagued by was something he always prided himself on standing above, resisting the temptations he fought so ardently to overcome-but some wars were meant to be lost--badly. "For you," his long protracted tongue traced the outside of his muzzle, taking in the thick cum that so easily influenced him. "I'd do anything for your cock." Vausch sat entranced by the thick pulsing shaft in front of him, "Please Ren, I must have it!" the younger Timber's maw unbarred as wide as jaw would let it, hot steam from his breath sweeping over the blood engorged veins of Ren's endowment.

"Haven't I always told you to keep your disgraceful mouth shut in my presence?!" A roar of challenge rang out at his younger sibling's advance, knocking Vausch forward as he inched toward the object both brothers seemed to quarrel so passionately over. "No!!" an anguished whimper coiled out of his lungs as Dominic snatched his brothers untrimmed, bushy tail, literally dragging his plump supple ass toward him, a streak of cum marking the path of his abduction.

This was perfect, sibling rivalry at its best and it only made Ren harder. Oh, how difficult it was to resist the urge to just go at it... but he held on, barely. His thick red shaft, bobbed just inches away from Vausch's muzzle as he was dragged backwards. "Mmh. Dominic, ruin him," the Arctic ordered, waiting until the younger Timber was close enough to his brother, then stepped forward thrust his swollen shaft past Vausch's lips, paws gripping the back of the younger's head as he bucked in and out, heedless of the other's discomfort. That didn't matter, Dominic's jealousy didn't matter, whether Vausch could take it all without choking didn't matter either. All that did is that Ren had a warm hole to fuck, and that's exactly what he did. A steady stream of precum leaked onto Vausch's tongue and down his throat, leaving him with the overwhelming flavor of the male that had so dominated him.

Dominic had made progress to his own agenda as well, the girth of his freakish eleven inch shaft nudged at his the younger Wolf's tail-hole, still slick and reeking of Ren's last indulgence, Dominic gave no mind to the matted fur around the tight hole that had been glazed with the Arctic's cum. "Look at you Vausch..." he began to slowly massage up the Timber's back, who had been whining in a gasping frenzy for air, his face red from breathlessness, cum spilling out the small exposures that Ren's fat cock didn't take up, "You'd make Markus so proud, don't you think?" his praise almost instantly resonated with the Timber, his Amber portals strained to catch at the bringer of such good news, "I know how badly you want him, show us, show us the same passion you showed Father, you dirty slut." Dominic's soft praises sharpened into a pointed sword; Vausch growled in defiance, being the runt of the pack his affinity to his Father's touch in his young years offered him a comfort from the ridicule of the world. So what if he were to never really be an alpha? Those thoughts would have to wait though, Vausch wanted to prove he was ready, the silky bush of tail he maintained so carefully wrapped like a coil around Dominic's neck, thrusting him forward his contaminated tail-hole stretched with astounding acceptance, a gurgle of defiance rang in the very throat that hosted Ren's powerful thrusts, to his own surprise the Timber downed more, inch and inch a huge bulge in his throat showed each long deliberate thrust of the Arctic.

Vausch could no longer lie to himself, he was never to be an Alpha, never to lead a Pack, rather, he had finally found himself exactly where he was meant to be; with Ren's cock nestled deep inside him whenever his Alpha saw fit to give it to him.

Not only did he have the chance to facefuck the once elitist, egotistical wolf, but Ren was getting to learn about their history in the process. With how well Vausch had sucked down his length, it wasn't surprising to learn that that tail didn't remotely resemble virgin status. Not that it mattered, Ren wasn't picky... though he wasn't about to give Vausch a chance to respond until it was time. His grip on the back of the boy's head tightened, pulling him forward until Vausch's nose was buried in musky white pubic fur. One last spurt of precum as a treat and Ren pulled out, leaving the brown Timber gasping for breath.

Sufficiently slick for his work, Renfear moved around behind to grab Dominic's trimmed tail, lifting it out of the way to give that pert hole a few wet, slobbery licks, just enough to get him slick. He made no other concession before that fat, tapered cock thrust forward, mercilessly spreading Dominic open and without pause, Ren continued to push in, exploring those warm insides until he was buried to the hilt. "There we go... Now do it Dominic, I want Vausch's tailhole gaping wide open by the time you're done with it," he whispered to the other Alpha, bearing down on him so that the bottom male had to bare the weight of not one, but two heavy lupines.

Vausch barely had time to gather breath, his rump arched proudly upward he aimed to prove an alpha could have no greater servant--cock sleeve--or mate. "Ren!!" Again a cramped whimper clamored for his master to return; he was just starting to become entranced to the Snow Wolf's suffocating package.

"Mouth shut!" Dominic blustered in warning, shoving Vausch's face down into a puddle of cum that had found it's escape in the small openings when his mouth and throat was stuffed full. "Nnh fuck!" the Grey Wolf wailed aloud as Ren plunged himself into his virgin tail-hole. It stretched with the authentic adaptability of all of his kin. Unable to describe how splendid it felt, that spunk and eagerness took form in his own needs. Pushing himself deeper than ever before Dominic cooed in bliss, the muscled weight of the Arctic aiding him in violating the young Timber, whose claws had sank into the floorboard, tongue frantically doing it's best to lap up what remained of Ren's essence.

Ren moaned, his blunt claws digging into Dominic's hips, giving better leverage as he moved with that one singular purpose; to claim this strong male as his own. The very idea had him so excited that precum leaked from his tip in a steady stream as he pounded that tight hole. "Nngh, fuck. So tight.... you must be real eager for my cock. You like the feel of a stronger male using you, huh? You like how it feels to lift your tail and submit to someone?" Ren churred into the other's ear, points punctuated by sharp jabs of his hips making the tip of his weeping cock ram the other male's prostate. Reaching down, Ren rubbed a paw over his sack, getting it smelling of his most personal scent, then held that paw over Dominic's nose. "Do you want to get knotted by your Alpha?" he whispered in a hot, breathy voice, the base of his knot teasing the other male's hole with firm rubs.

For a warrior so accustomed to war, the scent of death he was immersed in so long ago at the side of his Father for the glory of House Greenwich-- how was it the very hue of snow his body was wrapped in could disarm him so easily? How could his extinct antagonist cause such deep cravings within? No such Artic before was as primal as the one eroding every bit of the walls he erected to fight what his natural lust screamed for. Where did he come from? "Ren!!" now the eldest's moans were shaking and as hungering Vausch's. "Knot me! I deserve it!" it was due in part to the atrocities Dominic had committed before against Ren's people, the feelings of ecstasy coursing through-out him proved too much. The stream of pre-cum saturating his innards felt indescribable, so primal, totally wrought with an energy only the strongest Alphas could put forth.

"More...More!" Vausch cried in response, his hands braced against the force his now bleeding tail-hole had been enduring, Dominic needed to be sure to appease his newest Alpha, "Quiet!" Dominic lashed out again, his grip on the bushy tail lifting and tightening once more. The poor Timber's suspended rump was reduced to nothing more than a warm shelter for the Grey Alphas thick, sickeningly long wolf-hood.

Another thrust, another hammer blow against those walls, physically and mentally working at breaking down the trimmed, manicured persona of the wolf beneath him. That was the power of his actions is that nothing happened to his prey unwillingly. It was all based around their submission to him, rooted in their own desires, and so the collars around their minds, put there by their own free will was far stronger than the collar of leather on their necks.

Growling, Ren bit into Dominic's shoulder, demonstrating his dominance, letting the other male know that he'd slipped up. "Deserve? You don't deserve it until I say you do. If you want my knot, they I want to hear you screaming that you're my bitch for everyone else to hear, understand? You belong to me now!" That feral snarl accompanied a herculean effort of will to stop Ren's pumping hips. He let Dominic feel nothing but that hard shaft buried under his tail with just a hint of that extra thickness, a three inch addition as well as the load that would follow which he'd never feel without that very necessary act of submission. It was like a pledge, and a very serious matter among wolves. And yet Ren had found through the years that with his cock buried in them and his weight on their back, none could refuse his order. At least, none had so far.

Memories of the past flickered in his mind, and the sudden cease of his Alpha's fervor gave him brief pause for thought, it was unmistakable--a key feature of every Arctic that graced the Western Provinces, the raw, innate appetite to conqueror, to oppress all for their sexual gratifications, confirming their place at the top pedigree. It had been years however, such a protracted length of time since the last of the lusty beasts of the North were seen or heard of, the very color of their fur outlawed. A memory history needed to hold in secrecy, the loss incurred by both sides was great in number. Only through the sadistic, unforgiving guile of the Patriarch of the Greenwich Pack were the beasts vanquished--though in the darkest, murkiest parts of society rumors circled that it couldn't have been true, that the world would have surely contained at least one or two of the procreative demigods.

"Fuuuck!" Dominic roared aloud, the sharp and cruel teeth of his Alpha tearing down into his muscle mass forced him to release Vausch's tail, causing the Timber to crash onto the floor. His back arched as that very quality that threatened the kingdom once before defeated him now. "I'm your bitch! A slave to your cock! I need your knot!" With new found vigor Dominic gripped Vausch's plump rear, parting its sides as much as he could he began to pummel his very own flesh and blood with a thunderous angst. "Ren...Ren!" Dominic howled, desperate for his release as the thick outline of his shaft pressed into Vausch's belly, it wouldn't be long before it would be bursting with an ocean of his brother's own seed.

There they were, those beautiful, glorious words. Just those three little words never failed to excite the Arctic above all else. It was the sweet, sweet sound of absolute submission. Some males found the term degrading but in truth, it wasn't meant to be so. As a male canine, it was simply part of his culture to see anyone who lifted their tail for him as their bitch. Making Dominic scream it to high heaven, that was meant to be degrading and oh, how it turned him on!

"That's right, a slave to my cock! Anything I want from you, I'm going to get," he growled with a solid certainty. Wrapping his arms around Dominic's chest, Ren really started to put his weight and muscle into it, each brutal thrust smashing into that once virgin tailhole with a hard, relentless pace. On and on he railed the wolf, each buck of his hips forcing the male deeper into his well stretched brother. Now in control of the pace, he held nothing back, knowing that Vausch's rear might well be ruined after this from the dual weights bearing down and tenderizing his soft rear. "You gonna cum? You gonna pump your little bro full, slut? I know you want to," he whispered, serpentine tongue tracing the outside of Dominic's ear. "Do it," ordered just before slamming in as hard as he could, forcing his knot to pop into the other male's body, tying with him.

Since he hadn't tied Vausch before out of caution, Ren's release had been paltry. Dominic was getting the full flood; waves upon waves of seed, seemingly endless, not even beginning to taper off until those muscled abs started to bulge out.

Like clockwork, the chain of the now three part wolfpack took effect, as the waves of Wolf seed began to crash into the virgin prostate of the Grey Wolf--the second on the chain. Dominic began to howl, how eagerly he wanted to sing in unison with his new Alpha, it would cement them as a pack, like a virus unchecked the Arctic infected lesser pups his elder and junior one by one.

The same outcome reached 'weakest' wolf of the three, the bottom of the pack; with one last push the older sibling's cock sank in so deeply it reached into the forbidden region of Vausch's stomach. It swelled with the same unending cascade of seed that Vausch had become accustomed to. He adored the way his stomach swelled with hot wolf spunk, his prostate being rhythmically pounded into a euphoric serenade. "Ren!!" Vausch howled, joining the pack. His cum soaked sack throbbed and spasmed before unleashing his own torrent of thick, muddy cum, its puddle soon seeping back to coat Ren and Dominic's feet. The Timber's rump shot upward as his brother's knot sunk in, being so full made moving a task in itself, arching himself at just the precise angle would ensure none of his brother's seed would leak from his tail-hole, it was too precious. Ren's final thrust made Vausch's climax that much more intense; the sheer power behind it rippled through Dominic and into him.

Ren threw his head back and let out a mighty howl of deep timbre. Now things were official; they belonged to him in earnest. It didn't matter that they'd been completely addled when they had, nor how much they might regret it afterwards. Something had been done here that Dominic especially would know was irrevocable. The large wolf's virgin tailhole had been claimed and there was no undoing that. Ren shivered in delighted pleasure with that knowledge. Although, as his senses started returning, the thought crossed his mind that Dominic might take a bit more training than his brother had... And Renfear knew exactly how to do that.