Untitled Bea x Snofu

Story by BlackLabelBeatrice on SoFurry

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Oh look, I dug up something old.

This was originally supposed to be a collab with Snofu ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/snofu/ ) but she never got around to finishing her end, the illustrations, so it ended up being just a request.

Snofu's sheep girl Mia and Bea bump shoulders on a warm summer day at a pool, shortly before bumping uglies. /ba-dum-ts

Outside the entrance of a suburban community pool sat a young sheep girl named Mia. She was waiting for a group of friends to meet her there for a day of swimming, and they would be another hour at least. None of them got up as early as she did. She had managed to make it there before the pool was open for business, and the place seemed rather abandoned save the stray lifeguard and young ocelot wandering around waiting for the place to open. He was the ticket boy she guessed, but wasn't sure. She kicked her feet around on the bench she was sitting on with her head tilted to the sky, bored of waiting. She sat for a long time, playing with her curly hair absentmindedly, growing more and more bored by the minute. The pool would open in 5 minutes at this point, and she walked to the gates waiting for someone to come and lift them to let her in. "Why hello there," came the voice of an older woman from behind her. Mia turned to meet an otter girl with wild purple hair carrying a beach towel over her shoulder, partially hiding her black tankini and a sports bag filled with who knows what. Mia's eyes wandered her up and down. The otter was quite a bit taller than her, and she was a fit girl, probably due to her species - otters are natural swimmers and she obviously had spent a great deal of her time swimming. "Don't usually see anybody here this early. Do you come here often?" The otter asked. "Nnnnope! I don't swim that much, I'm just waiting for some friends of mine. My name's Mia, what's yours?"  Asked the peppy sheep, eager to have someone to talk to. "I'm Beatrice, but you can call me Bea," she said, sitting herself onto the wire mesh bench next to the ticket counter. She pulled out a pair of polarized goggles and put them on, lounging back on the bench to soak in the sun while she waited for the pool to open. Mia found herself staring at her. Bea's fur glistened in the light of the early morning summer sun, making little white light lines from the top of her face, down her neck and stomach, then was cut off by the bottoms of her tankini. They didn't really seem to match the bottoms, so Mia thought they might just be covering up the bikini top. She sat down next to her, still admiring her body. Bea glanced down through her goggles and caught the younger girl staring at her. "See something you like, girly?" She startled her, because Mia definitely did see something she liked. "Oh sorry, it's just that you're so in-shape," she deflected. "Did you get all of those muscles from swimming or do you work out?" "A little bit of both I guess. Or maybe a lot of one and a little of the other. I swim every day and hit the gym a couple times a week. I like to stay in shape. What about you? Do you do anything to help keep that cute little body of yours?" She asked, running a webbed finger down Mia's shoulder. The sheep twitched in tactile delight. She didn't expect a clawed finger to feel so gentle. "No not really, I just have a high metabolism I guess," she replied, still feeling Bea's phantom finger marks on her shoulder. "I eat a lot of sugar, my friends all tell me that I am lucky to not be super fat!" To which, Bea chuckled. Mia kept babbling about her eating habits and her friends and anything else she could think of until the young ocelot boy shuffled open the gate and let the two girls in. The entrance to the pool split off into two directions, one for the men's shower room, and one for the women's shower room. Mia followed Bea into the women's showers. The older girl set her bags down in front of a locker and tore her towel off, tossing it into the wooden benches behind her. Mia had only been here a few times before and so did not have a locker. All she had with her was her bikini, which consisted of a tube top, bikini bottom and a towel to cover herself, not that she was feeling all that modest at the moment. Bea simply slipped out of her tankini top and tossed it into her locker, revealing a tan star patch on her shoulder flanked by a fleet of much smaller stars. "Whoa! That's a really cool tattoo!" Mia gushed at Bea's shoulder. "Ohmygod I want one just like that!" The otter girl smiled deviously at her. "You like that, huh?"

"Oh yeah, I always wanted one of those tribal tattoos right above your tail but my friend said they were really trampy. Oh my god, I don't care I think they're really cute. Do you have one of those too?" She asked, as the two of them headed towards the shower. "I don't know, why don't you check for me?" She stopped walking and dropped her bikini bottom, maybe just a little too low, and seductively slow. Mia couldn't see anything through her webbed hand blocking the view, but neither did she find a tattoo. She couldn't say anything through the screen of blush across her face. Bea giggled and pulled her bikini back up. "I take that as a no." Bea strolled into the showers with Mia close in tow. She flicked on one of the shower heads and began rinsing herself off. "Why do we have to do this? You know, shower before we get into the pool? We're just gonna get wet anyway, aren't we?" Asked Mia as she stood underneath her shower head next to Bea. "It's to help wash off germs before you get into the pool. They use a lot of disinfectants and shit in there that could blemish that pretty little body of yours if you don't," Bea said, the shower water beading off her fur, as though there were an invisible force field protecting it from her. Mia wondered why it did that. Again, she Bea caught her staring though. "You really must have some kind of fascination with my body, don't you?" She asked. Mia said nothing, but blushed again. "Well, I just... I dunno." "Well, I like yours too," she said, stepping into Mia's shower space. "Your skin is sooo soft, I don't know if I've felt sheepskin as luxurious as yours." She was standing incredibly close to Mia now, who was trying really hard to figure out if she was feeling embarrassed or just shy. "You must have just sheared this, didn't you?" She asked, rubbing Mia's shoulders. Mia couldn't speak, so she just nodded. "Does that feel good?" Bea asked, and Mia just mumbled something that sounded like a yes. Bea rolled the younger girl's shoulders, massaging them deeply with her firm webbed paws before reaching over and turning the hot water valve open. Steam filled the room quickly, and Mia's sensitive body came alive as soon as the shower hit her. Bea worked her massage down the girl's arms, and back, and neck until she was putty in her grip. "Your time in the shower is also supposed to loosen you up before you jump in the pool, that way you don't cramp. So we need to get you nice-" she sat them both down on the shower bench behind them, with Mia in her lap, still facing the warm cascade. "...and loose.~" Mia's breathing was in the shallows. Bea drug one of her claws down from her shoulder to the top of her tube top, and inched it down until the sheep's chest was exposed. She was flat, and as the steam and spray of the shower hit her now naked chest, she started to grow anxious. Bea circled her index claw around one of the girl's nipples until it hardened while the other paw found it's way down her sides and caressed her creamy belly. Mia let out a tiny little bleat and kissed Bea's arm.   "Getting closer. You're still a little stiff," Bea whispered into Mia's curly wet hair. She slipped the tube top off of her and turned the girl around in her lap so that they were facing each other. Mia's face flushed crimson, she was always just a little self-conscious about how small her breasts were, but Bea seemed to like them a lot. Bea pressed her cheek against the girl's chest and felt Mia's heartbeat. It was fast and erratic, but not as fast as when she slid her tongue across the surface of her breasts and tickled her nipples with it. Mia's teeth clenched. She had never been with another girl before, and had learned how to do it with boys on her own, but was a little disappointed that two girls couldn't do the same on their own. Or so she thought anyway. Bea moved up Mia's chest now, leaving little kisses here and there until she made it to her neck. She kissed it hard, and then bit into it. Mia squealed and threw her hands around Bea's head, pressing her neck into her. The biting hurt, but it was a good hurt. An electric hurt. One that snatched her breath right out of her and made her head buzz with endorphins. Bea held fast to the young girl's neck and let  her own paws glide in between the lamb's waist and bikini bottom. She felt two waistbands. Immediately Bea pulled away and scowled at her. "Oh come on, girl! Everybody knows that you don't wear panties into the pool! We need to get those things off of you right this minute!"  And tumbled the little lamb over onto the shower floor with a 'meep'. Bea stood above her now, looking straight down into her eyes. "Now take them off..." She commanded, and with only the slightest trepidation Mia obliged. She slid her tiny undies and bikini off in one smooth, slow, shy motion, and Bea stood before her sporting an authoritative pokerface, but on the inside she salivated wildly.   "Good," she said, her facial expression morphing back to the softness of before "now let's finish washing you up." She considered the naked wet lamb before her. Her skin red from the heat of the water and her neck bearing the bite mark she left not moments ago. Mia lied almost flat on her back, one leg slightly cocked upwards while the other lay to the side on the tile, exposing her pussy to the heat of the shower water. It made Mia's tummy tingle a bit, and Bea could smell the excited young sheep's scent growing stronger in the air. She knelt down before her, and pulled her by her thighs until she was face to face once more before leaning in and planting a kiss directly on her lips. Mia's eyes went wide at first, but then slowly started to close as she melted into the kiss and threw her arms around Bea's neck. She let the swimmer kiss her for a long time, and didn't break it until Bea did. And then she was at her neck again. Mia braced herself for another bite, but Bea was much gentler than before. She nibbled at her, but playfully this time. She nipped at her neck and collar bone, then licked at her breasts and tummy, leaving a trail of saliva that thrilled the lamb even after Bea had moved on down towards her thighs. Mia inhaled sharply and bit her lip. She knew what came next. Bea kissed both of her soft inner thighs that sent a wave of warmth and excitement through the younger girl before slowly moving between the two and lapping at her tiny little clit. The lamb's body jerked involuntarily. Her back shot upwards as if she were about to do a backflip, but then slowly settled back down onto the tile as Bea worked her tongue into Mia's tiny slit, parting it as she slid deeper and started licking. The younger girl's world went awash in the hot wetness of the shower and Bea's tongue. Her hips bucked rhythmically whenever Bea hit a sweet spot or came out to tease her clit. Mia lowered her hands and tangled them in Bea's hair, as though doing so would put some kind of control over her older lover, but it did nothing outside of exciting the otter. Bea rose slightly, bringing Mia's torso up into the air with her as she continued to eat her out vigorously. In the back of Bea's head she knew that anybody could walk in on her with her face buried in this stranger's pussy, so she thought to finish her off quickly. She pulled her tongue out and ran a claw around Mia's clit before slipping two of them in. Mia yelped loudly and her hips shot straight into Bea's chest at being penetrated, making it difficult for the otter to not accidentally hurt her with her claws. She located the little pink girl's G, and pressed against it hard and with her free paw, kept her quiet by slipping a couple of fingers into her mouth. She held the girl down with her own weight now, one paw fingering her while the other kept her from shrieking too loudly and alerting pool staff. It wasn't that Mia wanted to get them into trouble, it's just that she couldn't help it, it felt so good! She was a screamer with boys too, but they didn't feel this good, even with their obviously longer but less experienced equipment. The otter's fingers tasted clean to her. She felt between them where there was a thin membrane of skin that connected her fingers and played with it with her tongue. She wondered if Bea had done this before because not once had those short little claws hurt her. Moans began to escape Mia at a quicker pace now, and Bea could feel her tummy muscles tighten against her breast, and within moments the younger girl came around her fingers and her other paw could not silence the hard bleat that flew from her. Mia lowered the girl slowly, but couldn't resist tasting her fingers secretly before helping her to her hooves. She stood Mia up and for once the girl was silent, but satisfied. She let Bea wash her up and slip her bikini back on before a group of young furs came in and found them. "Hey Mia! You're here super early! Who's this chick? A friend of yours?" Asked one of them, a young cat girl who dressed in a one-piece polka-dotted affair.   "Oh this is m-" Mia began, but Bea cut her off.   "Yes, I'm a friend of hers, but I was just leaving. I'll see you all in the water!" And with that she walked brazenly out the door and dove into the pool around the corner. Mia watched as she swam with a grace that she herself one day wished to have. She imagined herself in the water with her, swimming in unison and synchronicity with the otter that had found her one morning and taught her so many things about showering before swimming, about what not to wear in the pool, and about how much she could love another woman. She imagined that one day she would see her again, and next time, teach her a thing or two. Mia made many more trips to the pool that summer. THE END