The Royal Apples - Part XVII

Story by Radical Gopher on SoFurry

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#17 of Apple Chronicles - MLP

The Battle for Equestria begins.


"I believe it's working," said Dr. Goldleaf as he watched over his patient. He was joined by his colleague, Dr. Bluestar who had just finished removing nearly three hundred crystal shards from Big Macintosh. The blue maned unicorn looked. Sure enough, small, black beads of sweat were beginning to form along Lady Starlight's face and muzzle.

"What's her temperature?" he asked.

"It's down almost a full degree and a half, and those are definitely crystals forming," Dr. Goldleaf smiled, lines of worry diminishing slightly with the increased hope. He turned to look at Zecora, a zebra shaman and resident of Ponyville. "Without your mud pack, this wouldn't be happening."

"You must put credit where it's always due. Nature itself deserves its own share too."

"Yes, of course," said the unicorn, "but you brought it to our attention and it appears to be the key to stripping this toxin from our patients. I do wish you'd share with us its location. There are many more ponies who might benefit from its use."

_ _ The zebra shook her head, causing her hoop earrings to jangle. "Its secret I have vowed to keep from those, who might through misuse bring on greater woes."

"Fair enough, but should the need arise might we call on you for assistance?"

"My door is open to all pony folk, but when you come, avoid the Poison Joke."

_ _ "Poison Joke?"

Zecora smiled. "A flower, blue, that grows beside my home, Protecting me from beasts who nearby roam."

"We'll keep that in mind," said Dr. Goldleaf.

Princess Luna broke away from the window where she had been watching Big Mac and came over to join the conversation. "How long do you think Sir Macintosh will sleep?" she asked.

"I'm not certain," Said Dr. Bluestar. "His body's been through something of a traumatic shock, between fighting the toxin and dealing with blood loss when we removed the shards, it could be some time before he awakens..." The doctor was interrupted by a small groan from the red-furred stallion who then partially opened one eye. "...Or not!" he finished, raising both eyebrows.

Luna was instantly by his side, gently brushing his mane back with a hoof, even as one of the nurses scrambled to get a mask over the princess's muzzle. "How are you feeling my love?"

"Ah've felt worse... Ah think," he muttered, then looked up at her. "Course, getting' ta wake up with y'all next ta me is an improvement by anypony's standard."

The alicorn leaned over and kissed Big Mac gently on the forehead. He smiled, then tiredly slipped back into a restful slumber.

"Oh my..." said a quiet voice, "such a lovely performance. Worthy of the great bard, Hoofspear himself."

Everyone in the room turned save Princess Celestia who rolled her eyes then took a deep, calming breath. When they did they found themselves facing a simple brown unicorn with a black and gray beard, mane and tail.

"Good morning, all... Oh, wait! It's afternoon already, isn't it? I'm sorry, I tend to lose track of time when engaged in a really, really big project."

As he was speaking, a small watch, as if on cue, clambered out of his jacket pocket, dropped to the floor and rolled towards the exit under its own power, the watch fob and chain trailing after it like a tail. Without even batting an eyelash Princess Celestia delicately raised a hoof and brought it down on the chain, preventing the watch's escape. She smiled pleasantly.

"Good day to you... 'Professor Pony.' And to what do we own the pleasure of your... company."

"Well, my purpose is two-fold," he explained, levitating the watch back into his pocket and zipping it closed. "First, I wanted to find out how Sir Macintosh was doing."

"He's doing fine," Dr. Bluestar interjected. "We have him passed the crisis and now all he needs is time to rest and recuperate."

"Splendid," the brown unicorn said. "That means the second reason for my visit hasn't been a waste of time or magic."

"And what reason would that be?" asked Princess Luna.

Professor Pony smiled in a sly, if not devious manner. "Why, your fabulous and incredibly unique engagement present mon cher Princesse de la Lune." He put a small whistle to his mouth and blew on it, but no sound came out. Moments later though, there was the clatter of slow, squeaky wheels and around the corner came a small cart with a large rectangular object on it. A cloth curtain was draped over it. The cart was being pushed by a pair of smaller than normal diamond dogs, one of whom had a hunch on his back.

"Here is it, boss," said the taller of the two. "We did good. Got it here without any bumps or oopses." They both stood next to the object, wagging their tails expectantly.

"Yes, you did well my fine canine compadres." Professor Pony reached into another pocket and pulled out a couple of doggy biscuits which he casually tossed to the diamond dogs. "Here you go... a reward for your assistance. They caught the treats in their clawed hands, then quickly left the room, passing by Applejack who was returning from the hospital cafeteria, a small tray with assorted beverages balanced on her back.

"Diamond dogs?" she asked, nearly spilling the drinks as she did a double take. "What in tarnation are they doin' here... and what the hay is that?" She pointed towards the large covered object.

"Ah... Applejack, Element of Honesty. How perfect that you're here for the unveiling. After all, it is a family affair."

"Professor..." Princess Celestia cautioned, "Now may not be the best time for a long, drawn out, grand presentation. Please simply show them what you've made."

"Spoil sport," the unicorn muttered. "Oh very well... Here!" With that the cover was whisked off to reveal an extremely beautiful and highly ornate full length mirror.

"It's... wonderful," Luna said, but I already have a mirror. How is this one unique?"

"Well... let me show you," the professor said excitedly. "Just repeat after me... Aperiesque ostium." Luna repeated the phrase. As she finished speaking the reflection in the mirror seemed to ripple like the surface of a lake. As the ripples faded a room became visible in the surface of the glass.

"Is... is that my private bedchamber?"

"Yes..." Professor Pony said. "Isn't it perfect? I took the liberty of having the mate to this mirror set up in your room for the purposes of my demonstration."

"Thou went into my private chambers... Without my LEAVE?"

"Well, it was necessary, and besides, you and your sister were otherwise occupied here. Be that as it may, what you see before you isn't simply an image of your room... it's a portal," explained the professor.

"A portal?"

"Yes... the two mirrors are linked, providing a doorway from one to the other, no matter where either one may be. They open on command and are monitored to allow only two individuals to pass through them. You, and your intended."

"This is very generous," Luna smiled, suddenly understanding the implication. "With this, my love can continue to work his family's farm yet never be far removed from his duties as Royal Consort.

Professor Pony grinned and looked over at Celestia. "By George, I think she gets it." The brown furred unicorn was so pleased with his efforts that for an instant his eyes flashed from gray on white to red on yellow, then back again.

"Focus... Professor," whispered the Sun Princess.

"Ah, well, um, yes!" muttered the disguised draconequus. "Perhaps it's time I were off. I'll just leave the second mirror here for now and when he's feeling better Sir Macintosh can take it home with him." He turned and nodded at the two doctors. "Splendid job here, Doctors. Thank you for your efforts. You're a credit to your profession." He turned to face Celestia one last time. "Your majesty, by your leave..." There was a small pop and the unicorn vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Well... uh, he certainly was a character," observed Dr. Bluestar.

Both the princesses chuckled. "You don't know the half of it," they said in unison. Luna looked at her sister. "Do you think this 'gift' of his might be another joke?"

Celestia shook her head. "No, he actually talked the idea over with me first. I believe he's sincere, at least about this item. Though I wouldn't put it past him to prank us both tomorrow at breakfast as payment."

Applejack looked all around the mirror as if searching for a button or switch. "Ain't this something. Now Sweet Apple Acres is gonna be an annex o' Canterlot Castle."

"Yes," said Celestia, "but only for Big Mac and Luna it would seem."

There was a commotion in the hallway outside the Intensive Care Ward. Before anypony could react, the doors were pushed opened to reveal Sir Silver Lance in full armored regalia. "Your Majesties!" he said, bowing deeply in the presence of the two alicorns. "We've just received word that Ponyville is under attack."

"Attack?" Celestia asked forcefully. "By whom?"

"Changelings, your majesty. Thousands of them. Initial reports say they are coming from the vicinity of the Everfree forest!"

"Commander... Assemble all available troops on the parade grounds within the next thirty minutes; Full rig and 48 hours of water and rations for all. I want you to immediately dispatch the Guard Wing to Ponyville. Tell the flight leaders not to engage head on, but harass the attackers, keep them disorganized until I can arrive with the 2nd Lancers and the 14th Regiment of Hoof."

"Right away your majesty."

Celestia turned to her sister. "Luna, with me! "I'll need you to assemble your Night Guard!"

"But what about Big Mac?"

"Leave his care to Applejack... She's his sister. She'll watch over him for you."

The Princess of the Moon nodded once. "Right behind you Tia." With that, the two alicorns stepped into the hall and vanished in a puff of air


The first wave of changelings over-ran the city hall and the sheriff's office within a matter of moments. Mayor Mare was able to elude the creatures by taking refuge in Sugar Cube Corner, along with about a third of her staff. Fortunately, forewarned by a combination of ear flops, tail twitches and rattling teeth, Pinky Pie had closed the shutters on every window and blocked every possible access point to the building, including the chimneys. When Chrysalis's minions actually were able to break down the front door, they found the Cakes had taken their foals and led everypony into the basement. The door leading in was steel because it doubled as a dry stores room. It would take a lot more than mindless pounding to break it down.

When she saw the changelings invade the town, Rarity shifted from Prima Dona mode to that of Equestrian Knight. She scooped up Fluttershy, threw the terrified pegasus across her back and charged towards the Library tree, screaming the whole way. Hearing the scream, Spike opened the door and jumped back to allow the two ponies, along with several other Ponyville residents to take refuge. When he saw the changelings he quickly barred the door, then ran around the tree slamming every window closed and locking them.

Once the tree was secure, he dashed into the kitchen and raided the icebox, pulling out a large bottle of root beer. Going back to the front room, the dragon peeked out a window and saw a group of eight to twelve changelings milling about. As he watched, they were joined by four more creatures. This group was carrying a long, heavy log and as they gathered the others about them, it became obvious they planned to batter the front door down.

Spike ran over to Rarity and dragged the fashionista towards the front door. "When I give you the high sign, I want you to open the door, but be ready to slam it shut if those things try to get past me," he instructed.

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"What I do best," the dragon replied. With that he took out the bottle of root beer, uncapped it and guzzled about half its contents. When he finished, he put the bottle aside and began to vigorously jump up and down for about thirty seconds. He stopped, and held a hand up as if signaling the unicorn to standby.

The door trembled from the first impact, shaking dust off it as one would beat a rug. Twice more it quivered under the blows of the battering ram, then Spike took in a deep breath, swallowed it and held up both thumbs. Rarity used her magic to lift the bar and fling the door open. Before the changelings could react, the small dragon let out a belch to rival that of an ursa minor. Green flame enveloped the creatures, vaporizing them in an instant. When the last bit of flame had dissipated, Rarity slammed the door shut again.

"That should hold them for a while," the dragon grinned, hands placed dramatically on hips.


Princess Luna watched as her sister led four-fifths of the available Palace troops south towards Ponyville. As much as she longed to be by Celestia's side, she knew that one or the other of them must remain in Canterlot to assemble and organize the local militia, just in case the main Guard regiments needed reinforcement. She had already alerted and dispatched most of her own Night Guard to fill in where necessary around the castle.

The alicorn was in the middle of signing orders for the militia's call-up when there was a very large green glow. Without warning, eight changelings and a huge log materialized out of thin air. Unprepared, they all dropped to the ground with the log landing on about half of them. Luna immediately cast a spell, trapping them in a large sphere of energy. Stunned as they were, they didn't put up any fight.

One of the younger guard-ponies, a newly-minted lieutenant, stared at the creatures in disbelief. "How the devil did THEY get in here?"

"I believe Ponyville's resident dragon is putting up a bit of a fight." The princess responded, a rueful, knowing grin on her face. "Hopefully some of the other citizens are being equally resourceful." She looked at the fledgling officer. "Restrain these creatures, then have them taken to a holding cell in the dungeon."

"Yes, your highness," the unicorn responded. Within moments the changelings were in shackles. Four of the six guards present were dispatched as escorts to ensure there'd be no trouble.

Luna returned to the small pile of papers which had to be completed so reserve troops could be mobilized. Signing the last one, she passed them off to a steward for immediate delivery to those who would oversee the call-up. It was at this point that one of the castle chamberlains entered the throne room and bowed to the princess.

"Your majesty, Prince Blueblood and the Emerald Cloud are waiting in the antechamber. They say they have important news regarding the current situation."

The alicorn pursed her lips for a moment. She truly hated dealing with the stuffed-up unicorn and she had a suspicion that whatever he had would not be relevant to the attack on Ponyville. The fact, however, that Emerald Cloud, one of the Royal Librarians, was with him gave his claim a level of credibility that could not be ignored.

"Very well," Princess Luna said. "Show them in."

The chamberlain bowed again and left, returning a moment or two later. He stepped to one side of the door, tapped his staff twice on the tiled floor and announced, "Prince Blueblood and Emerald Cloud."

The two ponies entered and walked half-way to the dais before bowing.

"It is my understanding that you have important information on the invasion of Ponyville."

"Yes your highness," Blueblood responded. He pulled a tightly wound scroll from his saddlebags and levitated it to the Princess of the Moon. "Emerald Cloud found this in the archives last week but didn't understand its importance until today. She brought it to me for a second opinion and asked I help her present it to you."

Luna took the scroll and broke seal, then opened it. An instant later a blast of arctic wind swept outward from the scroll catching the alicorn full in the face with its icy breath. In less than a second she and the dais were encased in a thick sheath of ice. The two remaining Night Guards charged Blueblood, intending to avenge their princess. Emerald Cloud spun on her left front hoof and whipped her wings across her body in a slashing movement. The wind blast she created was violent enough to tear some of the Guard's armor off and send them hurtling into a nearby wall where they were knocked unconscious. Two of the princess' courtiers tried to escape the throne room only to be paralyzed by a bolt of energy cast by Blueblood.

The white furred unicorn scanned the scene before him. "That was easier than I thought it would be." His statement was punctuated by a momentary silence, followed by the sharp cracking of ice. Within seconds the frozen sheath surrounding the throne shattered, replaced by a nearly blinding, silver-white luminousness.

"WHAT ARE THOU PLAYING AT, IMPUDENT FOAL?" Luna's voice shook the rafters.

"Who said I was playing, Auntie Luna," Blueblood challenged as a blast of lightning shot from his horn and struck the princess. She raised her wing, using it as a shield. Nonetheless, she was still forced back several paces by the intensity of the attack. He repeated the attack, but this time she was ready for him. She caught the energy bolt in the curve of her other wing and spun, flinging it back at him. It landed at his feet, blackening the marble floor and causing the prince to jump to his left."

"CEASE THIS AT ONCE!" the Princess of the Moon ordered, pouring both force and will into her voice. She still could not quite believe that Blueblood was attacking her. It made her more vulnerable that she should have been.

This time the unicorn reared up on his hind legs and slammed his fore-hooves into the floor. It cracked, sending a ragged split in the marble straight towards Luna. From it rose a wall of black crystal, sharp and nearly opaque. One edge of it caught the princess along her shoulder, gouging a bloody tear that ran up and across her back.

Luna saw the crystal and hesitated, recognizing the shards for what they were. She whirled on the Unicorn, white fire raging in her eyes. "THOU! THOU WERE THE ONE WHO TRIED TO KILL MY BELOVED!?" A bolt of energy lanced outward from her horn, catching the prince as he threw up a shield spell. It knocked him to his knees even as it was deflected upward, blasting a large hole in the ceiling of the throne room.

"Surprise!" Blueblood mocked. The black crystal next to Luna abruptly exploded, sending hundreds of shards outward in all directions. Several of them were imbedded in her, drawing blood as she was thrown from the dais, tumbling downward to its base. The alicorn's right foreleg twisted under her and there was an audible pop, but there was no accompanying pain. Anger drove all such sensations from her.

She lifted herself into the air, gathering the ambient magic which surrounded her. Again, she hurled it at the unicorn. This time however he did not meet the attack with another shield. Instead, he teleported out of the way, leaving behind a dark cloud of soot that spun in a vortex when struck by the bolt of magic. The princess side-slipped, turning to search the room for her foe.

Something struck her from the flank, clinging to her and dragging her back towards the ground. Luna had a brief impression of pale green fur as she struggled to throw off the extra weight. She was astonished that the librarian was throwing herself into the fight on Blueblood's side. "WHAT DOTH THOU THINK THEE ARE DOING, FOOLISH MARE?"

A wicked smile caressed Emerald Cloud's face as she suddenly misted out of existence to be replaced by Queen Chrysalis. "Me...Oh, merely conquering a new kingdom for myself." She bit down, driving her fangs deep into Luna's neck. The alicorn could feel the burning sensation of the venom as it began to spread through her body. She twisted in the air, rolling hard to her left and slamming her attacker against one of the columns supporting the roof.

Momentarily stunned, Chrysalis slid free. The princess crashed to the floor and skidded for several feet. Dizzy, she closed her eyes and turned her magic inward, burning out the poison before its effects could spread further. In the distance she could hear the sound of magical alarms going off, triggered by the presence of the Changeling Queen in the palace. There was a pounding of hooves on the throne room door, but they were silenced as a wall of black crystal sealed every portal and window from the outside world.

Luna pulled herself to her hooves, balancing on three legs as she opened her eyes. Shock raced through her as she was confronted by the face of an ancient enemy... "KING SOMBRA!"

He smiled wickedly. "I'm touched you'd remember after all these years." Before the princess could react he slipped what looked like a black ring onto her horn. It slid to the base and burned itself into her forehead. The last thing she heard as the world faded from her senses was the unicorn's evil laugh and triumphant cry. "WE HAVE HER!"