Shadowfox Null 08

Story by Nathan Cowan on SoFurry

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#8 of Shadowfox

Chapter 8

08 Shadowfox -- Null

The title screen of the first movie came up.

"He kills on a dare!" Silverfox shouted.

Chuckles spread. Technofox glared at Silver resentfully. Doubtless she would have said the same thing if her mouth weren't full of popcorn. Firefox grinned and rubbed Tech's head to console her for her loss.

Shadowfox nestled against Firefox, who put an arm around her. Her arm was strong and comforting.

The riffs were the kind that were only funny among friends, but they were all friends, so that was all right.

The couch was only big enough for three, Silver and Jerry had grabbed the two easy chairs. Silver made the lion's share of riffs, probably because she was taking notes and so was paying the most attention. Shadowfox didn't mind. She squirmed against Firefox and was rewarded with an affectionate squeeze.

Shadowfox was glad everyone had brought robes. Walk about in lingerie and you were committed. A robe was multi-purpose. Worn the way it was designed, they projected a proper modest decorum. Worn with nothing underneath and a loose knot, they provided gaps that seemed to invite a friendly hand. Shadowfox considered Firefox's gap.

Shadowfox could have taken it further, but didn't choose to. She told herself it would be better not to distract Silverfox, which was true enough but the real reason was that she was feeling warm and comfortable just sitting there, halfway paying attention to the video.

Silverfox leaned forward and took a drumstick and thigh from the bowl on the coffee table. She bit and ripped, pulling a slab off the bone. It dangled from her mouth before she snatched it into her jaws and slurped it down, followed by a swig of Sierra Nevada Pale. Add a gun, and she would be in Silverfox Heaven.

"Oh, that's fine. That's fine... Now you just keep that up," said an exasperated codger. "By next year, you'll have the finest figure in the cemetery."

"How many can we fit on a king-sized bed?" Silverfox asked abruptly.

"I don't get it," Technofox confessed.

Silver grimaced. "I mean it literally."

"Five is too many," Jerry answered.

"Dibs," Silverfox immediately announced. "And Shadowfox."

"I say we draw straws," Technofox chimed in.

"Doesn't Jerry get a vote?" Shadowfox asked.

"No," Silverfox shook her head.

Jerry raised a bemused eyebrow.

"By relieving him of the burden of choice, we can help him relax during his vacation." Silverfox tore another chunk of meat off her chicken leg.

"I'm the only one here who doesn't need a vacation," Jerry observed.

"Fire and Tech shouldn't be split. Also, neither Shadow nor I have had our loins tapped by Mjolnir today." Silverfox raised and lowered her eyebrows. "If you get my meaning."

Jerry sighed and shook his head. "It's not that I don't appreciate the buildup, but --"

"Uhm. Neither have I had the loin tapping. Not that the head wasn't great -- Silver's right -- but still, if ... " Technofox trailed off.

"It is his bungalow, his bed, and his Mjolnir," Firefox decided. "It's only fair he gets to decide."

"This is one of those Judgment of Paris things, isn't it?" Jerry asked.

"Choose wisely," Firefox said darkly, and grinned. "Let's see. Last time we did this we just slept in our living room."

"You have a carpet in your living room." Jerry tapped the hardwood floor with a toe.

"Then tonight your bed will be fur and womanflesh," Silverfox wheedled.

"Womanflesh?" Firefox winced. "Someone's going to be on the bottom, and--"

Technofox's ears were perked and alert. Her eye was measuring, estimating, calculating. "Or we could move this table, and put the mattresses on the floor. There's enough room for the King and one of the Twins. We'll have to be careful about sand. I thought I saw a couple of spare sets of fitted sheets." The little fox looked enquiringly at their host.

Jerry laughed. "It sounds like something kids would do on a sleepover. Like building a fort out of cushions."

"Is that a problem?" Technofox's ears drooped to their dismayed position.

"Now that I think about it, no," he assured her. Technofox's ears brightened. "I'm sure there's two or three extra sets of fitted sheets for the king. And there's got to be at least one set for one of the twins."

"Two is enough for a daily rotation. I'll wash the bedding every day," Firefox volunteered.

Silverfox frowned. "Damnit, I missed a plot point. Who's synced to the remote? Go back sixty seconds."

After the movie, they brought the mattresses into the living room. They were the same height, so one king and one twin gave more than enough space for the five of them.

Shadowfox ended up in the middle, between Jerry and Firefox. Firefox was on her side, her back turned, her arms around Technofox. Silver was on the far side of Jerry; he was on his back, head turned away from Shadowfox. He was partly erect. Silverfox was dozing.

"Do you have any idea how hard it's going to be for me to go to sleep?" he asked.

You're embarrassing me, but I like it. She blinked and gave a hesitant smile.

He put his hand against the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss. She was expecting a polite peck, but it turned into something strong and forceful and hungry, something that reminded her they were naked on a mattress together. His kiss went down her neck, and then down further, and he was suckling at her breast.

She made soft sounds of pleasure, encouraging him. He bit, and it barely had time to turn to pain before he stopped and turned his attention to the other.

He was taking the lead, and he wasn't taking it slowly; gradually building on her actions. But the truth was, he was exciting her. He was sweeping her off her feet, making her feel desired. Was he confident because of his time with Silverfox? She hoped he'd be more slow with Technofox. She kissed the top of his head and wished she could bring her lips against some other part of him.

He embraced her and rolled onto his back, pulling her atop of him. Wordlessly, he pushed her into a sitting position.

Silverfox and Technofox were watching her. Silverfox smiled encouragement and waved; Technofox blinked. Shadowfox felt their eyes on her and without thinking, she began to perform, pushing her breasts out, stretching slowly, and running her hands along them. She touched her nipples to show how stiff they were. Technofox swallowed, riveted. She reached out to touch one.

Shadowfox's breasts were being fondled by two different people, and it was almost too much for her. She ran one hand over Technofox and with the other she reached behind her to guide Jerry into herself, but he stopped her by holding her buttocks, and pushing her up, bringing her groin closer to his mouth.

He licked each side of her vulva and then her vagina before bringing the tip of his tongue to her clitoris. It sent a shock through her and she gasped. Firefox grinned sleepily.

Each was as silent as though there was someone they didn't want to wake up. Shadowfox found herself muffling her own moans. Silverfox ran a hand down her back, and along her tail. Technofox stroked her belly.

Firefox got up, and knelt behind Shadowfox. She pushed her large breasts into her back, and then took Shadow's breasts into her hands. Jerry was working between her legs, and Shadowfox knew he was watching her, that he was seeing her breasts fondled by another woman.

Shadowfox's breathing became faster and more ragged, and Firefox's teeth closed on her shoulder and neck. It was overwhelming; Shadowfox cried out and lifted her hips. She heard Firefox laugh and kiss her fondly.

Shadowfox turned and kissed Fire's face. Firefox lowered her hands and hugged Shadowfox on her waist.

"Uh, Shadow?" Technofox stared at the wall. She sat up, and looked briefly at Jerry, and looked away. She scratched her nose, unable to form the question.

"I think Tech wants to cut in," Silverfox said.

"Uhm, yeah. If it's okay."

Firefox took Shadow's ear between her teeth and bit gently. "I want you," she whispered.

Silverfox rolled out of the way as Firefox lay Shadowfox on the mattress next to Jerry. She sat next to her, running a hand over her body.

Technofox rolled on top of Jerry and gave him a quick, shy peck on the lips. He kissed her back, but she broke it off and slid down.

"Let me do this, please," Technofox apologized. "Uhm, don't move your hips."

Shadowfox gritted her teeth. She hoped he wouldn't start joking around, or going too fast.

"All right." Jerry rested his hand on the side of her jaw and turned her head to meet his eyes. "I love your face. Your eyes are so mild."

"Uhm," Technofox looked away, and he let his hand fall. She was shy about complements, but at the same time she reached for his penis and positioned it between her legs. She didn't meet his eyes while she tucked him in, and moved experimentally to spread her lube on his tip. Slowly, she impaled himself on him, and slid down his shaft until he was entirely inside her. She sighed and leaned forward, resting on his chest. She shivered slightly. "I'm not very good at this."

"You feel amazing," he told her. "If you were any better, I'd be finished already." He stroked her back, staying on her shoulder. Technofox smiled bashfully and glanced away.

Firefox's hand didn't stop. She rolled over on top of Shadowfox and kissed her firmly. Firefox cradled Shadow's head with her hands. Shadowfox felt Fire's size and mass and muscle on her, and she shivered.

"You know something?" Firefox smiled down at her. "Right now I'd like to get something inside of you."

There was an unspoken challenge in her tone. Think you can handle it, girl?

I can take anything you dish out, Shadowfox thought, and more.

"I packed my strapless strap-on," Silverfox got up. "Let me get it."

"It's in Tech's bed stand," Firefox told her.

"Uhm," Tech laughed nervously, and glanced at Jerry. What ever would he think of her?

"Be right back," Silverfox promised.

"And don't bring the camera," Tech pleaded.

"Spoil sport," Silverfox muttered. While she was gone, Firefox kissed Shadowfox and lifted her head out of reach after each kiss. Shadowfox wanted to kiss her back, but Firefox wasn't letting her. Shadowfox knew she couldn't wrestle the big fox; part of her wanted to struggle helplessly under her, while Firefox held her pinned.

Silverfox came back. "Fire, lift your hips."

Firefox held Shadowfox under her, almost pinning her to the floor. Silverfox licked one end of the J-shaped two-headed dildo in her hand. The big fox sighed as Silverfox slipped it into her, and then positioned the other tip against Shadow's lips.

Push it in, Shadowfox thought. She tried to lift her hips, But she didn't have the leverage. Firefox was in control. Shadowfox knew one word would get her off her, but she didn't want to say it. She was feeling helpless and she liked it.

Firefox began to apply pressure slowly, looking into Shadowfox's eyes. Shadowfox trembled as the big fox slipped it in, careful not to push too hard.

Technofox lifted herself up to a kneeling position. Jerry's hands moved to her breasts, and with one finger on each hand he teased her nipples. She licked her lips. Her hips began to move.

Firefox thrust into her. The shock and pleasure drove the wind out of Shadowfox's lungs and Technofox out of her mind. Before she could get her breath back, Firefox pulled out and thrust back in again. She wouldn't let Shadowfox move in response. Shadowfox gasped, and embraced Firefox with her arms and legs, abandoning herself to the inevitable.

She couldn't move her hips; she lay there helplessly as Firefox pushed into her, strong and fast. Shadowfox couldn't resist calling out every time Firefox moved her hips. Silverfox was lying down on her side and touching herself.

It was exciting to Technofox, Shadowfox could tell. The little fox was moving faster now, watching the man under her, and watching Firefox give it to Shadowfox.

Technofox climaxed first, and dropped to embrace Jerry. She squirmed as he came into her. Firefox's teeth closed on Shadowfox's ear; it pushed her over.

They held one another a long time.

"That was pretty wild," Shadowfox said finally.

"I'm glad you liked it," Firefox kissed her. "I could look at your eyes all day."

"What's stopping you?" Shadowfox grabbed her hair and kissed her back.

"We have a bus at seven hundred," Technofox answered.

Silverfox rolled her eyes.

"It's Cape Canaveral," Technofox said defensively.

Firefox shook gently with mirth. "She's right, you know," she said with mock gravity.

"Do you need a car?" Jerry asked.

"No, there's a tour that picks up a few blocks away," Technofox explained. Her eyes were slightly wounded, offended at the suggestion she didn't have it covered.

"In that case, I better start breakfast early," Shadowfox squirmed. Firefox held her down for a moment until she giggled and let her go to go to sleep.

Technofox put bacon in her mouth.

Tomorrow's breakfast, Shadowfox decided, would be biscuits and gravy. She might even try her hand at grits. Something with a Southern feel. She could get the fixings ready this evening.

"For me, today will be a day of guns," Silverfox announced. "I have a lot of catching up to do."

She did indeed. Silverfox typically fired a few hundred rounds a week at the range, more than the rest combined. She would probably do poorly by her standards, get frustrated, overdo it, and hurt her left arm.

"Work up to the ten millimeters," Firefox ordered. "Just bring the nine-mil today."

Silverfox grimaced. "Okay, mommy."

"Actually, I'm a bit behind in my range work," Shadowfox lied. "Mind if I tag along?"

Jerry smiled at his plate. "Sure," Silverfox snickered.

Okay, Jerry and Silver obviously had something cooking, and it involved Shadowfox. She wondered what it might be.

The town proper was a long walk, but it was doable. Shadowfox wasn't in the mood for a taxi anyway. Jerry and Silver each carried a pistol case. The gun range was a cinderblock structure and Shadow could hear the soft pops of pistols. Silverfox's ears were erect and scooping in the sound.

"Good morning, Jerry." The woman behind the counter was short and plump and tattoos on her forearms. "Nice to see you're in town again. The pop-up range is busy right now, but you've got it for an hour starting at ten."

"Sounds good," Silverfox nodded. "I want to start off with static targets anyway."

"And you must be Silverfox," she grinned. "I've heard about you. Hope you don't mind if I watch."

"Don't expect much," Silverfox warned her. "I'm out of practice."

That was half true. Silverfox had snuck off to the range a few times. But for her, that was slacking.

"Sadie," Jerry said, "I'd like to rent a pistol."

Shadowfox lifted her eyebrow. Jerry and Silver had brought five guns to Florida between the two of them, and he wanted to rent another?

"Take a look at this." Sadie brought out a gun case and opened it. "It's a Heizer Double Tap, in titanium."

"What do you think, Shadow?" Silverfox asked with the studied casualness of someone who had been rehearsing.

At first glance, the tiny thing looked like a toy stamped out of sheet metal. It was a double-barreled Derringer, barely wide enough to hold two .45 rounds. The barrels were in the loading position to show they were empty.

It was, Shadowfox knew, an expensive weapon. It wasn't the sort of thing a shooting range would have sitting around, waiting to be rented. She was suspicious. Jerry had a history of buying expensive presents, but he'd want to make sure it would be appreciated. Shadowfox hesitated. That couldn't be it.

Jerry could barely suppress a grin and Silverfox seemed to be reading from a script. All signs pointed to a surprise present. Shadowfox felt an entirely girlish excitement, one that was out of proportion for the potential gift. She tried not to get her hopes up.

"May I?" Shadowfox asked. Sadie nodded.

Shadowfox peered through the barrels to make sure they were empty; only then did she swivel them to the firing position. It was light as a toy but at the same time it had the indescribable authority and solidity of heavy duty machining. The butt was narrow. She imagined the kick of that frame with a .45 round and winced mentally in preparation.

"There's a reload in the butt," Sadie took the gun from Shadowfox and opened a tiny door. Two .45 rounds, clipped together, slid out into her hand. Sadie then gave Shadowfox a five-minute introduction to the pistol.

Silverfox took the first turn, with her Glock 9mm in her right hand. The static target was ten meters away. Her ears flattened over her plugs and she emptied the ten round clip in seven seconds. She exhaled and a smile crossed her face. If one were generous about hanging chads, she had made one large hole almost obliterating the smallest ring.

"Now that is grouping," Jerry said admiringly.

"I am having a good day," Silverfox nodded, satisfied. That was an understatement. Shadowfox felt glad for her; a good start like that would put her in the right mood. Silverfox cast a rueful glance in the direction of the front office, doubtless wishing she had a bigger audience and imagining herself shaking her head dolefully because the hole was off center while the others gushed about her prowess.

The target came back to them on a motorized clothesline, and Silverfox circled her hits with a colored marker. "Let's see if you can make the hole bigger," Silverfox challenged.

"Out of practice, she says," Jerry muttered. He took the position, pushed a magazine into his Ruger, assumed a Weaver stance, and held his breath.

As its name implied, his .22 rimfire Ruger Mark III Competition was intended for use in pistol matches. It was a bulky autoloader, twice as heavy as Silverfox's Glock, almost thirty centimeters long. Its size and the low powered round would give it very little recoil. Shadowfox suddenly realized Jerry had brought it in case the Glock 9mm was too much for Silverfox's left thumb. Silverfox didn't own a .22 pistol.

Jerry fired deliberately and slowly, taking his time to aim between shots. Jerry was pretty good for a civilian, and he managed to put two rounds into the hole Silverfox had made. One blew off a dangling bit of paper. Still, he grimaced while the target came back on its line, and he circled the eight new bullet holes with a red marker.

"Nice, especially since you're not warmed up," Silverfox patted his shoulder.

"Thanks. Shadow, do you want a new target?"

"No, I'm taking the challenge." She hesitated. "I want to try reloading it. Mind if I fire four rounds?"

They agreed that was fair. Jerry pushed the button that sent the target back to its original position.

Shadowfox aimed carefully. With four rounds total she would need to make each one count. She fired and the target jumped as a new hole was punched into it. She pursed her lips. It was the furthest from the bulls-eye so far. Neither Jerry nor Silver giggled; it was her first shot with an unfamiliar pistol. Her next shot fell inside Jerry's beaten zone.

Shadowfox dropped the reload into her left hand. Immediately, she saw she had made a mistake -- she had to fumble to break the pistol. It would be speedier to break the pistol, and then get the spare out of the butt. She shook the empty casings into a plastic bucket.

Shadowfox fired a third time, closer. She ignored Silverfox's excited squeal. She was getting her eye in and the fourth round went through the hole.

"Very nice," Jerry patted her shoulder. Shadowfox tried to suppress a smile as she lay the Double Tap on the stand and brought the target back so she could circle her holes in blue.

"Silver, do you want a new target?" Shadowfox asked.

"No, I want to compare right against left. Jerry, I'd like to borrow the Ruger," Silverfox took the Ruger in her left hand.

Silverfox went through the ten round clip quickly, and frowned at the results. There were five new holes in the target. "All over the place," she muttered, even though her grouping was the second best of the day. Silverfox was competing against herself.

"It'll get better," Jerry assured her.

Over the next few hours, Silverfox's left hand improved, and then she suddenly got worse. She didn't complain of pain in her hand, but she kept to the .22, so her thumb probably was bothering her, or she was just over-practicing and getting frustrated. It was getting close to lunchtime, and that might be a suitable pretext for cutting the session short.

Golly, I'm so hungry! "What do you want to do for lunch?"

"We passed a steakhouse on the way here." Silverfox fixed Jerry with a steady look and narrowed her eyes in a way which would accept no backtalk. "My treat."

Shadowfox was in the mood for Korean, but she nodded enthusiastically.

"You mean that Australian themed place? Sounds good to me." Jerry looked at Silverfox expectantly, waiting for her to deliver her next line.

"Shadow, how do you like the Double Tap?" Silver asked.

"It's pretty nifty," she said. "The barrel's so short it's a little hard to aim, but I think that would settle out with practice."

"Do you want one?"

I hadn't considered owning one. "I don't think it's in the budget." Shadowfox's equipment allocation mostly went to her looks.

"It's yours," Jerry said.

I totally didn't see this coming! "What? No, I can't accept that."

"No, please. It's a thank you." He grinned at her, happy that he was able to give her a nice present.

"For what?"

"I'll tell you when you're no longer armed." He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Silverfox snickered.

"Hmm," Shadowfox gave him the hairy eyeball and he laughed out loud.

The platter of fries looked really good, but Shadowfox focused on her G'Day Mate Strip Steak.

"How do you think you'll use the Double Tap?" Silverfox asked.

"Carefully," Shadowfox replied immediately. And then, for Jerry's benefit, "I don't use guns very often. I've got a Taurus Judge, but most of the time I just carry a knife."

"That's an interesting choice," Jerry considered. "Doesn't the Judge take shotgun shells?"

"Right, .410s. There's some special ammunition available in that gauge." Shadowfox decided not to elaborate. "But the real advantage is that it's an ugly looking five shot revolver. Like a cheap Saturday Night Special. That's the sort of gun Ebony would carry -- nothing sleek and expensive. Unfortunately, it's a little hard for me to conceal."

"I thought the Judge was designed for that."

"It's designed to be concealed by a judge. My costumes are smaller," Shadowfox reminded him.

"Oh. Of course." He looked thoughtful. "If you don't mind my asking, you don't always work undercover, do you? What do you carry then?"

"That's right. If I'm working armed security, I usually borrow Silver's Glock 19."

"I'm a little worried about a two-shot pistol for self-defense," Silverfox took a French fry, dripping with chili and melted cheese. "It seems like just enough firepower to get you into a fight and not enough to get you through."

"I was thinking the same thing," Shadowfox mused. "But two .45 rounds should be enough if it's one on one. Besides, a pistol's intimidating."

Silverfox laughed. "So why do you keep sending me those studies?"

"Studies?" Jerry asked.

"Tueller Drill. Every so often you see people do a knife versus gun study. Paintball gun versus rubber knife at a range of six meters. Even Jamie and Adam did it." Silverfox nudged Shadowfox. "The knife usually wins, and then Shadowfox sends me a link. With a 'Nyah-nyah' picture."

"Usually the gun's handicapped," Shadowfox added. "If it's holstered and safed, the guy with the knife can usually close and get in a stab or two. But that's kind of a rare situation. In the real world, the guy with a knife probably runs when he sees the gun."

"It's all for the best," Silverfox declared. "Too many people get guns for self-defense and don't learn how to use them. They think it's a magical talisman of protection."

"And I'm not going to find a more concealable gun out there. So thanks."

"You're welcome."

Shadowfox lowered her voice. "What shameful things will you ask from me in repayment?" She fluttered her eyelids.

Jerry shook his head, not answering.

I'm so disappointed. "I was kind of looking forward to it," Shadowfox shook her head sadly. Jerry's smile back wasn't entirely comfortable. Was he upset with the suggestion he was buying her favors, or did he have something in mind he didn't want to talk about?

Shadowfox couldn't help but wonder what it might be. Dominance play, maybe? Knowing their history, she could understand why he wouldn't want to mention that.

Yeah, I'd let you tie me up, she thought, looking at him. Or I'd tie you up.

At any rate, he didn't seem in the mood for teasing about it.

"I've seen some interesting third party accessories for the Double Tap. You know how your laptop's made with modules?" Silverfox fought to liberate her fry from the long threads of cheese connecting it back to the plate. "Technofox was saying she found a compatible battery designed to conceal a Double Tap. It only provides a couple of hours of power, but it'll go through an airport sensor."

"I've never had to smuggle a gun onto an airplane," Shadowfox laughed, "but maybe someday." It was obvious Silverfox had given this a lot of thought.

"And there's this really nifty holster that clips to your bra."

"Sounds risky," Jerry shook his head. "I'd think that your bra gets a lot of scrutiny."

"It's like a springy clamp. It sits under your boobs. You reach into your shirt and draw it straight down." Silverfox mimed the action over her chest. "So the shape of the holster's concealed."

"I know the one you mean," Shadowfox said. "But the Double Tap's got very flat sides -- would it really be secure--"

Shadowfox's phone flashed an incoming call on her implant. It was calling one of Ebony's "personal numbers": the one she only gave out to crooks. The number had never called her before. AT&T's records listed the number as prepaid.

Shadowfox rolled her eyes. She held her thumb to her ear and pinkie to her lips to show she was on a call.

"Hello!" I'm so glad to hear from you! There was a slender chance it might be a legitimate business offer for Ebony -- someone might have shared the number -- but odds were it was someone who thought she was his girlfriend. She wished she could afford to give every contact a different phone number, so she could identify them immediately regardless of the phone they were using.

"Hi, baby."

That was awkward. Someone calling Ebony 'Baby' probably knew her intimately. That wasn't much of a clue. She was pretty sure it was Bill, but it would be risky to recognize him. What if she were wrong? She hoped he would identify himself.

"It's Bill. I'm in Orlando and I was hoping we could meet up." His voice lowered. "I've got something hard in my pocket for you."

How did you know where I am, you piece of--?

No. Don't think that. Don't think at all. You're wasting time. He needs a fast answer.

Shadowfox squealed excitedly. "That sounds great! When?"

"This evening. I'm working tomorrow."

"I'm free this evening."

Jerry looked curious. Silverfox folded her arms and gave a grimace of disgust.

Once she was over her understandable excitement at the prospect of Bill Tang, it was reasonable she'd wonder. "How did you know I was in Orlando?"

Silverfox's face turned wary.

"Babewatch got you in the airport. I can pick you up at five. Where will you be?"

Babewatch? Obviously, she didn't want to lead him to the bungalow. Shadowfox hadn't spent much time in Orlando, and what time she had spent wasn't Tourist Time. Silverfox's placemat had a map. Shadowfox grabbed for it; understanding immediately, Silverfox lifted her plate and glass. Her flatware bounced, and her fork fell off the table.

"I can't meet you at my hotel," Shadowfox said to cover up her delay.

"Your bitch boss?"

Thank goodness they had set that up. "That's right. I'll be at the ... Croc on the Barbie at 8195 Vineland. Got that?"

"Wait, I don't have a pen..."

"Never mind, sweetie. I'll text it back to this number."

"All right."

Shadowfox lowered her voice. I'm so looking forward to your cock in my mouth. "I'll leave my panties in the hotel." She blew a kiss and broke the connection.

Silverfox and Jerry looked at her pensively. It was obvious that the fun of the day had just vanished.

Shadowfox let her head slump theatrically to the table with a thump. "ICON's buying me a cab."

"Bill's data stick's been uploading to the cloud," Technofox said over the phone. "Most recently in Montana, two days ago. It's a copy of 7.62's original, unedited key."

Firefox couldn't suppress a sigh. "So much for finding every copy of that. All right, Bill's probably trying to get back in touch with Fischer."

"Probably," Shadowfox agreed. "That makes this worth doing."

"How did he find you?" Firefox asked. "Something about a website?"

"Here it is," Jerry tapped his laptop screen.

Shadowfox stopped fussing with her gold hoop earring and leaned over Jerry's shoulder.

There were three pictures of Shadowfox in Orlando International. They weren't of the best quality; Shadowfox guessed they were phone cameras. One showed her with Jerry, but they were looking in different directions so he appeared to be a bystander. Silverfox wasn't in any of them.

"'The best piece of black ass this week has fur,'" Silverfox tapped the one where Shadow was picking up her luggage from the belt. "Classy. What is this, some sort of stalker website?"

"Sort of. News and gossip, it looks like." Jerry looked thoughtful. "See how we're not connected to you in these pictures? I'll bet that's because they don't want to be nailed with invasion of privacy. Ebony's a public figure, so they can use her."

"Shadow, this might be an alibi and you might be walking into a trap." Silverfox was shifting nervously. "I think we need to hold off."

"For what?" Shadowfox asked. "Fire, I think this is pretty routine. If I blow him off, it's going to look suspicious."

"That's true. And he's our only real lead to Fischer." Firefox hesitated. "Okay, let's do this."

Silverfox muttered.

"Are you muttering about something concrete?" Firefox asked.

Silverfox frowned. "No," she admitted.

"Silver," Shadowfox was just a bit impatient. "I do this all the time. Why is now different?"

Silverfox gritted her teeth, and for a moment Shadow was afraid she would cry.

"These guys scare me," she said reluctantly.

There was an awkward silence at her admission. Firefox broke it. "Silver, stay close to her, but out of sight."

Silverfox nodded, mollified.

"If it's not giving away any trade secrets," Jerry said without looking up, "do you guys have a way to track Shadow's location? Can she send an alarm without endangering herself?"

"Yes." Shadowfox sent Silverfox a guarded glance. SOP was to track her cell phone. She could send a manual heartbeat to confirm all was well. If the cell phone were shut off or it lost connection with her brain implant, an alarm would sound.

Jerry pressed his lips together. "All right then," he said brightly, "let's both go with her. We'll monitor her location, and if something happens, you'll be right on top of it."

"I don't want you getting involved," Firefox said.

"I won't get in any gunfights or anything," he said. "But I can sure as heck watch a laptop monitor while Silverfox catches a nap."

Silverfox looked at him for a moment, impassively. She raised a finger. "You're staying in the room."

"Scout's honor." He raised his hand solemnly.

Logically, that raised the question of why he was going at all, but Shadowfox knew the answer. The hours to come would be hard for Silverfox, and she needed someone to tell her it would all be all right.

"You guys mind taking another cab?" Shadowfox asked.

"We'll rent a car for the three of us," Jerry shrugged. "It'll probably be cheaper. We can drop you off a few blocks from the rendezvous, and you won't need to find parking."

"Hmm. Okay," Shadowfox agreed. Her earring fell out.

"All right," Firefox said. "Shadowfox, we need to establish an address for you in Orlando in case he pushes you about that. Tech can set something up with a Marriott..."

Shadowfox stood on the sidewalk, trying to look like she was waiting for someone. She was wearing a red cheongsam, a favorite of hers because it packed well. A black town car pulled up to the curb in front of her, and the passenger door in front popped open.

For an instant Shadowfox didn't recognize him. He was in a tailored driver's uniform, and the car was obviously a rental limo. Bill grinned at her. "Come on in, babe."

What a cool car! She grinned back and bounced into the shotgun seat, knowing that every passerby assumed she was a hooker being driven to a client.

"So, what's with the car?" Wouldn't it be ironic if he had taken a long look at his life and decided to go legitimate? Then she wouldn't have to sleep with him.

"New job," he said, obviously pleased. "And before you ask, the boss asked me to drive around Orlando to get used to it."

"That's awesome!" Shadowfox thought how satisfying it would be to tell him off and walk out. She had better not; with regret she realized he might still be an information source. "I hope you don't mind," she pointed to the earpiece she was wearing, "I might have to take a call or two."

"No problem," he was watching traffic and driving carefully. That was a good sign. If this were a trap, he would be anxious about when the call was expected, who it was with, and so on. "I thought we could just drive around until six, and then have dinner before going back to my hotel."

Why, it's the dream date of every vixen! Woo hoo! "It's a shame the front windows aren't tinted. Then I could start sucking your cock right now." She considered patting his crotch, but it seemed like a bad idea in traffic.

He obviously liked the idea, so she decided to elaborate. "I'd lean over so my head's in your lap, and then I'd open your belt and your pants. I think I'd start with your balls, so I could feel them getting tight with my tongue..."

She looked around the driver's compartment. Orlando Airport Limos, an unimaginative name for a company but it got the point across. The destination loaded into the GPS was 6107 S. Orange Blossom. He was ignoring the GPS directions and it kept recalculating a new course.

They spent an hour driving around the airport. That seemed to support the idea that this new job was legitimate; despite her enthusiastic description of what she would be doing to his penis, Bill was only half-listening to her. Most of his attention was on driving. She was actually impressed by his ability to focus on the job. Shadowfox imagined Silver and Jerry watching a dot on their laptops, wondering what was going on. Were they in a hotel? No, they'd follow Shadowfox to Bill's hotel and try to get a room there. So they were probably in a coffee house.

At almost exactly eighteen hundred, he started paying attention to the GPS, leaving the orbit of the airport and heading northwest.

"I've got reservations," he explained.

That set off a small warning alarm. Reservations were usually made for the hour or half-hour, and he would leave beforehand to get there on time. Was it a short drive to the restaurant, or half an hour, or was he was following a schedule that said to keep her in the car until 1800? That was ominous. She made sure she knew where her knife was.

A few minutes later, they pulled into a steakhouse. She relaxed slightly. It was her second steak that day. Shadowfox liked steakhouses as much as anyone who wasn't Technofox or Silverfox, but this was overdoing it.

"Hope you like it," Bill said, parking.

A steakhouse was the easy, obvious choice for a date with a chimera. She was seized with doubt. It was a safe choice for a date with a chimera. That would imply he was actually thinking of what she wanted to do.

There is no place I'd rather eat. "Looks great!" she enthused. She looked at him slyly. "A steak's my second favorite thing to put in my mouth."

He grinned and took her arm, pulling her out of the car.

The restaurant had a good reputation in its price class of $40 a meal. The steak was a cut above the steak she had that afternoon. She tried to focus on what he was saying, to cull that for hints about what he wanted from her. She was having trouble tonight; she kept distracting herself with thoughts about how much more she'd rather be back in the bungalow.

All she had to do was throw her soup in his face. She could spend the evening with Silverfox and Jerry. It was tempting.

"So are you moving to Orlando?" she asked when she was able to get a word in.

He shook his head. "No, the new job has me based in Miami."

Shadowfox touched her leg to his. "I'll have to drop by some time." She wondered why a job in Miami would have him learning the roads around Orlando. Miami. She didn't know any ICON ops in Miami, but there had to be some. She'd need to drop them a line. She still wasn't sure if the job was legitimate or not. He certainly had a job. He wouldn't be driving around in a town car and dropping a Franklin on dinner for two unless he expected a paycheck.

"So you're a driver?" she asked.

"Yes, that's right," he nodded. "That's just my first job. Hopefully that'll lead to something better."

That didn't sound particularly legitimate. She had never worked for a limo company, but she imagined they had pretty well defined job titles. Or maybe he was just trying to impress her. Should she string out dinner, ask for desert and a coffee? It would delay the inevitable and that appealed to her, but then she thought of Jerry and Silverfox sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for her to go to a hotel.

"Coffee and dessert?" the waiter asked.

"I don't think so," Bill said.

I guess there's no need to involve me in that decision, Shadowfox thought.

Bill paid the tab and drove them a few kilometers north, further away from the theme parks and pricey hotels. They stopped at a place where a night was cheaper than their combined meals.

Ugh, listen to the snob, she thought ruefully. The fact was she'd rather spend her own money on a good restaurant than an expensive room, and she knew the chain was clean enough. The problem was that gaining access to his computer would be easier in a suite.

He misread her expression. "I know it's not the best place in town, but you know how expense accounts are."

"Tell me about it," she laughed. I am impressed by your willingness to save money.

He took her to his room, and pulled her into his arms. As he kissed her and she made appreciative noises, she looked around the room. There wasn't much there; a queen bed, no microwave, no fridge. He had a laptop on the desk. He cupped her buttocks and squeezed. She choked back what she wanted to say and moaned softly. He lay a hand on her breast and squeezed. She stiffened and pushed him away.

"What the hell?" he frowned.

Why did I do that?

"I was thinking --" Make this good, little black fox -- "-- how good a beer would go down." I want to be your little servant. "Let me go out and get some snacks."

"Well--" he looked dubious.

"You paid for dinner and I want to buy you breakfast," she pouted. "You go get some ice, and I'll be right back."

The pout sealed the deal. She took the stairs to the lobby.

"That didn't take long," someone muttered. She ignored them, and called Silver on speed dial.

"Hey, Silver," she said. "I'm at the Motel 6 at 5409 American. Room 432."

"Right," Silverfox said. "We're getting a room there. How's it going?"

I want you to pick me up and take us back to the bungalow. "Fine. No worries. I'm out shopping for tomorrow's breakfast."

Silverfox would get the hint: if he let Shadowfox go out shopping alone, it was very unlikely this was a trap.

"That's good."

"I'm going to see if I can crack his laptop tonight." Shadowfox hesitated. "And don't worry about me, you silly fox."

"We'll be monitoring you."

"And I'll sleep better for it. Thank you."

To someone like Bill, the ultimate woman was one who would have sex and then immediately turn into chips and beer. Shadowfox couldn't manage that, but she could have chips and beer ready. What sort of chips, and what sort of beer? She hesitated over the decision. Or was she just stalling?

Shadowfox gritted her teeth and grabbed four small bags for variety. That seemed like a good idea, so she selected a cheap light beer for herself and five other bottles that looked like they might have more impact. She also picked up a bottle of a good whisky. She put them on the counter.

"Do you have a list from your owner?" asked the cashier.

"A list?" Shadowfox asked, blinking. "No, why?"

"We can't sell chimerae hard liquor without a note from their owner," he apologized.

"Oh. May I?" she pointed at a pad of Post-Its. Taking a sheet and the customer pen, she scrawled 500ml Whisky -- Shadowfox, added her ICR number and presented it to the cashier.

"So you're self-owning?" he asked with a rueful smile.

"Yes, that's right." She was a little annoyed that he immediately got it.

"My apologies, ma'am. I just need to scan your ICR chip." He hesitated. "And if it's any consolation, humans need to show photo ID."

"Fair enough," she admitted. Florida was a slave state, but tourist dollars had no fur. It was a step in the right direction.

She returned to the motel with a plastic bag of clinking bottles. Shadowfox could hear the peephole cover open, and she winked at it salaciously. The door opened.

"Welcome back!" Bill seemed surprised to see her. She kissed him once on the lips and took the bottles over to the table, where three buckets of ice stood. At least he had gone out to fetch ice.

"Why don't you sit down?" she picked the three warmest bottles and set them in the ice. When she heard him sit down, she took a deep breath, and undid her dress. "And take off your pants."

Contrary to what she had promised, she was wearing panties. She had gone braless, which he would see. Shadowfox took her time folding her dress and placing it on the table. She picked up the coldest beer and turned.

He was in the pressboard easy chair, his eyes on her breasts. His penis stood at an angle, above his thighs. She licked her lips, took the bottle and touched it to each nipple, the cold making her flesh pucker and harden as though excited. The bottle was sweating and it soaked into her fur, making it lay flat against her breasts. She twisted the cap off.

She went to her knees in front of him. She put the bottle between her breasts to dry it, and handed it up to him. Here is your beer, my lord.

Shadowfox licked him experimentally, his testicles and his shaft. When he first sipped at the bottle, she took him inside her mouth. He moaned in pleasure and she echoed him.

He stroked her head and reached unsuccessfully for her breast as she moved her neck, felt the length of him against her tongue.

If she took him inside her, she knew she'd enjoy it. The pleasure would blind her, take what should be lies and make it real. Doctor Walton had seen to that. If she used her mouth, she could fake the passion instead of feeling it. She had spent months on her knees in Blue Diamond for that comfort.

Bill didn't take long. He surprised her, and she almost gagged; that would be a terrible mistake, she knew, so she turned the sound into a squeal of joy, forced herself to swallow, and smiled at him.

"You give incredible head, baby."

When Silverfox said that about Jerry it sounded different. It was amazing how much context mattered for things like that. I'm so flattered! Shadowfox grinned more widely, and she tried to look like that was what she was hoping to hear.

"I think it's the shape of your mouth." He got up and took his shirt off. He then lifted her to a standing position and pushed her panties down.

He patted her mound, and put a finger in to see if she was wet. He took her by the shoulders and maneuvered her over to the bed. His weight pinned her down, and she wanted to escape. He squeezed her breast a few times for foreplay, and he put it into her.

He began to thrust. She held him tight in feigned passion, holding his head so he wouldn't see her face. I am not going to enjoy this, she thought.

But she did. Kill the mason, the wall endures.

There were four dead soldiers on the table, and Shadow's light beer was half empty. It was 0207, and Shadowfox was slipping out from under the covers. She picked her phone off the nightstand, and the cord that led to a USB adapter. The phone was one of the latest models, and the micro SDXC card inside it cost more than the phone, and probably more than Bill's laptop.

His laptop was sitting on his desk, powered off. The room was small and the bed was less than two meters from it. The bathroom was probably the safer choice. She took the laptop under her arm and padded onto the tiles, toes lifted so her nails wouldn't click.

Shadowfox balanced the laptop on the sink, plugged the phone into it and brought up the intrusion package. She then touched the power button on the laptop.

Once the login screen came up, the intrusion software went to work. Ostensibly, it was a package which allowed system admins to back up a computer when the user wasn't available. She supposed some of the people who used it might fit that profile.

The laptop was cheap but new. Would a limo company buy a laptop for a new driver? She could imagine their paying for a smartphone.

She picked up her phone and checked the progress. The backup would take half an hour. She hesitated, and composed a message for Silverfox:

All is well. I am backing up his computer.

Her claw lingered over the SEND button. The message didn't contain any actionable information, so it was a waste of time to send.

No. Silverfox would appreciate the words, something more than an automated heartbeat. She sent the message, hoping it wouldn't wake Silverfox up.

Shadowfox half-closed the lid on the laptop, in case the battery settings were to hibernate when the screen was lowered. She turned off the light and opened the door. She then lay the phone atop the computer, face down, and carried both out to the desk. If Bill woke up in the middle of the night, it would probably be to use the toilet. The computer was quiet, and only four glowing LEDs the size of pinholes and the soft glow of the screen betrayed that it was turned on. She lay her dress over it.

Bill stirred in his sleep. He moved his arm, as though looking for something.

Shadowfox returned to the bed, lying down atop the covers. She took his hand and pressed it against her breast. He woke up, looked at her groggily.

She took him into her arms. You turn me on, you sexy beast! "You started groping me in your sleep," she whispered, voice low.

"Sorry," he blinked.

"You don't get off that easy." Shadowfox went to her knees and lifted the covers off him, pushing them aside. His hands were on her breasts and he made to kiss her, but she wanted to get this over with as quickly as she could, so she mounted him without a word and went to work. Nature's best sleeping pill.

"Mmm." He rested his hands on her breasts and pinched her nipples.

His laptop clicked softly. Bill frowned. "What the hell?"

His head moved to look past her. She moaned and shifted to block his view. He pushed her roughly to the side.

"Honey, what is it?" I'm bewildered at your behavior!

"Get off me," he ordered. He rolled to toss her off. "My laptop's on -- you bitch!"

He lunged off the bed. She stayed with him, riding his back, grabbing his wrist with one hand and pushing his head down with the other so his face would break their fall. There was a loud thump and he gasped in pain as they hit the floor. She took advantage of his surprise and shock, and twisted his wrists together.

"Let me up, you bitch," he said, his voice low. He wasn't panicked enough that he'd risk attracting attention. "Let me go. I'll fucking kill you, you fucking whore."

"That's incentive, dumbass." Shadowfox's eyes glowed softly in the night. She could see his face, could see the fear and anger, and something more. She knew he had panicked, and he regretted it now; that he, like her, was wondering what he could do or say to convince her that he didn't suspect anything.

He looked over to a chair. His pants were draped over the back. Shadowfox's clothes were on the other side of the bed. She braced, expecting him to go for whatever he had in his pocket.

He twisted in the opposite direction. Surprised, her head smacked against the corner of the nightstand. He was up and his foot caught the side of her head, slammed it against the wooden table again. The impact made lights flash in her brain; she tried to stand but couldn't. He lifted his foot to kick again, throwing all his weight into it.

She caught his foot in her hands. It drove her shoulders backwards into the corner formed by the bed and nightstand. Shadowfox twisted. To spare his ankle, he flipped into the air and down, pushing his hand out for a landing. He hit the floor hard and she was on him, driving her knee up between his legs.

He gagged and thrashed so violently she lost her grip. The pain in her head was suddenly overwhelming. It seemed that nothing was more important than cradling her skull. Instead, she forced herself to her feet. The guests below them pounded the ceiling and cursed, and she hoped it would go no further.

Bill would be out of it for a while, she realized. She staggered to her feet, picked up his pants, and threw them across the room. She made her way around the bed, and stumbled. This was bad. Her head felt like it was split open. She might faint. The thought frightened her.

Shadowfox stared at the canned messages she could send Silverfox, and settled on Require assistance, maintain cover. Otherwise Silverfox would come in guns blazing, considering how keyed up she was.

Shadowfox took her knife out of her dress and flicked it open. Bill gave no sign of noticing; he was gasping for breath still. The blow had been so effective that Shadowfox was beginning to wonder if he was faking it. He hadn't made it closer to his pants. They were on the floor, and she knelt to pat them down. There was a gun in his pocket.

It was in his pocket, not in a pocket holster. A P-3AT, an inexpensive compact .380 with a six round magazine. She checked; the chamber was empty and the safety on. She stood and the room seemed to wobble.

There was a sharp rap at the door. Shadowfox jumped. Bill looked up for a moment.

Shadowfox walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. Silverfox grinned and waved. She was in street clothes and wore an open jacket. Shadowfox knocked at the door twice to show it was her opening it, pulled off the chain and turned the handle.

"Hey, Ebony," Silverfox said brightly. "Thought I'd join in." she closed the door behind her and scanned the room, before settling an unsympathetic eye on Bill. "Just this asshole?"

"That's right." Way to maintain a cover, Silver. Well, it was blown anyway.

"I'll cover him while you put something on."

That reminded Shadowfox she was still naked. She was glad Silver didn't leer at her; the grey fox knew when to pull it in.

Most of the ice was melted, but there was enough for Shadowfox to make herself a cold compress. Bill was breathing more easily.

"Mind if I stand up?" he rasped.

Silverfox glanced at Shadowfox. The black fox nodded.

"Go ahead," Silverfox said. "But I've got a gun on you." The lights were out and he might not notice. Shadowfox hesitated and made a second ice pack for Bill.

"Thanks." He took it and held it to his groin, wincing. Either the pain was distracting him or he didn't realize Shadow and Silver could see him in the dark room; he made no move to conceal his genitals. "I need to sit down."

"Fine with me," Silverfox moved her head. "On the bed. Shadow, I think we need to call the boss."

"Good idea," Shadowfox agreed. Her phone was still on Bill's laptop. The copy was finished, and she held the phone thoughtfully. "Where's Jerry?"

"Out in the hall with 911 on speed dial."

"Good," Shadowfox nodded. "Bill, you're wanted in Canada."

"You brought me over the border," Bill shifted his ice.

"What are you talking about?" Shadowfox asked, pretending to be puzzled. "Why would we do that?"

He groaned slightly and looked away.

"Firefox," Shadow's phone said. Shadowfox put it down and turned on the speaker phone.

"This is Shadowfox. I'm here with Argent. Bill saw me copying his computer to my phone."

Firefox hesitated, just a beat. "How is he?"

"Had a bit of a bump, but he'll be fine."

"All right," Firefox paused. "I think he's outlived his usefulness. Let's turn him in."

Bill started. Silverfox went into a Weaver stance.

"If we do that," Shadowfox looked at the laptop, "then the bad guys will know his laptop is compromised." She looked at him. "And if he tells them, they'll know he botched it."

"There are no bad guys," Bill objected.

Silverfox snorted.

"You've got my computer, right? Look at it. There's nothing on it." He frowned. "Shit, what's my crime? I picked up a girl?"

"The way you fuck should be a crime," Shadowfox muttered. Silverfox laughed once.

"I thought you liked it."

"Jesus Christ," Silverfox scoffed.

Bill gasped in mock horror. "Gee, I'm sorry," he apologized. "When your girlfriend here licked my cock and begged for more, I thought she liked me. I don't know how I got that impression."

Silverfox set her jaw and her eyes narrowed.

"The Canadians are offering a bounty for you," Firefox said. "Why shouldn't we collect?"

"I'll work for you," Bill answered.

"Don't need a chauffeur," Silverfox shrugged.

"Do you need Fischer?" he grinned.

"You know where he is?" Firefox asked.

"Well... no, but I can get in touch with him." He pointed at his computer. "It's all on there, but it's encrypted."

"You just said there wasn't anything on it," Shadowfox shook her head.

"Nothing that'll stand up in court."

An email from Technofox popped into Shadowfox's head:

I think we may have the key.

Of course, Shadowfox thought.

"All right," Firefox said slowly. "Let us make a copy of the key, and keep in touch with us. If you give us anything worth knowing, we'll pay you for it."

He smiled. "All right. I keep the key on the data fob you bought me. I'll keep your number, babe," Bill patted her arm. She endured it.

Shadowfox sent the CRC128 number of what Bill said was the key to Technofox. After a short delay, Tech said it probably matched the key inside the quarters. So that meant he was probably telling the truth.

She looked at him and he smiled at her. She felt she could read his mind: operative or floozy, she would always be one of the girls he had fucked. She felt nauseous again. She must have hit her head pretty hard.

Shadowfox closed the door behind them. She squinted in the bright light of the corridor. "I need to lie down."

"You need a doctor," Silverfox contradicted her. "You're bleeding. I smelled it in there but I didn't want to bring it up."

"I am?" Shadowfox looked at her ice pack. The towel was stained with red. Scalp wounds always bled like crazy but it startled her.

Jerry was around a bend in the hall. He wore an overnight bag on a strap over his shoulder. "Everything okay?"

Silverfox nodded. "But we need to take Shadow to an emergency room. There's one a couple of kilometers from here. I'll send it to your phone. You mind driving?"

"Emergency room?" Shadowfox asked.

"No problem." He looked at Shadowfox, worried. "How bad is it?"

Silverfox stopped, and took Shadow's chin in her hand. She turned Shadow's head and Shadowfox lowered her ice pack.

"Not bad. Looks to me like you slipped in the bathroom and hit the edge of the sink," Silverfox suggested.

Shadowfox considered. She was reluctant to go to a hospital, since that might get the police involved. But if they could pass it off as an accident... "Sounds good."

"I'll get the car and pick you up at the front door," Jerry said. "Silver, can you check us out?"

The desk clerk pretended not to notice her; Shadowfox guessed that it wasn't the first time an injured chimera woman had left the hotel early in the morning escorted by a female friend. Within a few minutes, Jerry pulled up. Silverfox followed Shadow into the back seat. The grey fox sat close, and wordlessly pulled Shadowfox into a tight embrace.

At the emergency room, Shadowfox got some stitches and a pamphlet about shelters and possible legal assistance for abused slaves. By the time she left it was almost four.

Jerry buckled up. "If you don't mind my asking, why don't we want the police involved?"

"We're releasing a minnow to catch a shark," Silverfox explained. She was almost in Shadowfox's lap, but it felt good. "Do you think he was telling the truth about going straight?"

"Who knows?" Shadowfox shrugged. She tapped her phone. "We'll have a better idea once Tech takes a look at his hard drive."

"He's dirty. I just know it," Silverfox waved a hand, acknowledging that she didn't have facts to back it up. "But I'll bet there's nothing incriminating there. He practically dared us to find something on it."

"I think you're right about his hard drive. He's a diesel mechanic, not a career criminal." Shadowfox felt argumentative.

"If he doesn't have something to hide, he wouldn't have an encrypted partition on his computer," Jerry checked his rear view and pulled into traffic.

"Also, he might have been bluffing about his computer. He might be running to Arizona by now."

"Yeah, maybe," Silverfox shook her head. "Well, we'll see if he stays in touch."

"As long as we're out, is there anything you'd like?" Jerry asked.

"A hot bath," Shadowfox answered immediately.

Shadowfox had brought her favorite soap. Jerry had some aromatic candles. The bathtub was surprisingly small; only big enough for one occupant, probably because the hot tub would satisfy any group bathing requirements.

Technofox owned an A4 format ruggedized tablet computer that could survive a dunking in hot bath water. With that and an inflatable pillow, Shadowfox stretched out in the hot water, smelling slightly of peppermint. She brought up her copy of Phoenix: Sun but the soothing water made her too drowsy to concentrate for more than a few panels. She rested the computer against her breasts for a moment, and her last conscious thought was wondering if Kuchi'Inu would taste of peppermint.

The door opened and she snapped awake. The water was cold, but the tablet computer was still above water. Jerry had opened the door.

"Sorry," Jerry apologized. He was wearing a robe. "I was just going to shave. I'll take my razor to the other bathroom."

It was strange, but one of the things she had said earlier to Firefox turned out to be true, not just spin or persuasion. She didn't mind him being there, and she liked that she didn't need to get dressed in front of him.

"No, go ahead," she told him. "This is your place and you've seen me naked."

"Best part of the trip so far," he grinned at her.

She smiled back. "Just looking at me? You can subscribe to my website for twenty dollars a year. I'll send you a free subscription, of course."

"Thank you." He touched the top of her muzzle and trailed a finger down to her nose. Shadowfox chuckled, and didn't have to force it. "Can I get you anything?" He turned the razor on. The motor's whine was ultrasonic, impossible for a human to hear but it set Shadowfox's teeth on edge.

It was 0812. "Breakfast," Shadowfox said in a panic. "I forgot to set up breakfast."

"Covered," Jerry told her. He turned off the horrid little razor and extended a hand to help her out of the tub. "I got up early and bought some instant cinnamon rolls. We saved yours -- want me to get them for you?"

The bath water was cool and Shadowfox's head was clear. She wondered if the stitches were a dream, and gingerly touched the side of her head. She could feel them, artfully concealed under fur.

I could just stay here. But that wouldn't fit, would it? She had instigated the others; it would look strange if she didn't do a job with him.

"I'd rather get something else from you." She pulled the drain plug, reached out and clasped his wrist, letting him pull her gently to a standing position in the tub. She stood there as the worst of the water ran out of her fur.

He met her eyes, and then looked down. The air was cool and her wet fur pulled heat from her body. She trembled slightly, and the cold stiffened her nipples. Or maybe it was the way he was looking at her. Confident without demanding.

Would she be doing this if Doctor Clayton hadn't told her to? Perhaps. Jerry was attractive.

She stepped out of the tub and looked at her robe, hanging on the door. She knew she could wrap it around herself and talk about something else, and he wouldn't press. The escape route made it harder.

She could decide. She could do what she wanted. She couldn't, not really.

"Best part of the trip?" she asked. "Did you say the same to Fire, Silver, and Tech?"


She touched his robe, and when he didn't step away she opened it and stepped against him, his skin pressing against her wet fur. She flowed into his arms. His penis grew hard against her. She pushed her belly against it, strained to rise slightly, rubbing against him. She licked his shoulder, and he kissed her.

"Is looking at me better than when Silverfox took you inside her? Better than Technofox mounting you?" As though a single flattering fib made up for her own lies.

"Do you think I pushed her too hard?" Jerry asked, suddenly serious.

Oh, she loved every second impaled upon your magical cock, she thought. That was what he wanted to hear. She thought better of it. He's actually worried about her,she thought with a sort of vague discomfort. She decided to be honest.

"I don't think you pushed her at all. You know how you never approach a strange cat you want to be friends with, you let it approach you? Tech's a lot like that. You did the right thing, letting her take control. At the same time she wants to feel attractive, so I'd really appreciate it if you could flirt with her a bit, complement her looks, and not just before you have sex with her." She hesitated. "But I get the feeling that you know that already. I think you've got good instincts about what a woman wants."

"Do I have good instincts about what you want?"

"What do I want?"

He held her tighter and picked her off the floor. She lifted her tail out of the way as he parked her butt on the edge of the sink.

"You are beautiful. I know you know that, but it needs to be said." He tapped her nose. "Beautiful." He held her tight, pressed his face against her breasts. "I want you."

"I want you," she answered, because he wanted to hear that.

He had brought her breasts to his mouth level for a reason.

Shadowfox felt the words tingle. She should, she thought, go to her knees and work on him with her mouth. Work on him. She liked him enough that work on him was distasteful. She didn't have the I have to sleep with himurgency she got with Silverfox. She would almost rather he was Bill, so she could despise him.

And he was kissing her face, working down until his mouth was on her nipple and he was caressing the other breast. She closed her eyes. Doctor Walton's modifications were working; she felt the excitement building in her. She knew it was for any man, but it was real.

But not in the bathroom. And she was too wet for the mattresses. She handed him a towel. "Want to rub me down?"

She turned her back on him, and he draped the towel over her shoulders. He started on her back, where her fur was thickest and water would be trapped. He pressed harder, and she had to put her hands on the wall to balance herself. He pushed the towel hard against her shoulders, pushed it down to the small of her back with the lay of her fur, brought it up and went again. She was reminded that he had been Silverfox's lover for months. It wouldn't be bad. He'd take the time she needed.

He wrapped the towel around her and pressed it against her chest, lighter than on her back. She felt his hands through the towel on her breasts. She gasped, and he pinched one of her nipples.

He took her shoulders and turned her around. He knelt down, and rubbed her legs. While he was drying one calf, his head moved and he kissed her between the legs. When she trembled, his lips brushed her clitoris, and then he licked her there gently.

She reached down, took his arm in one hand and pulled him up. She switched her grasp to his hand and led him out through the bed room and into the living room.

Silverfox was sitting on the couch, watching a black and white film set in what Shadowfox guessed was the Crimean War. She took one look at Shadowfox, glanced back at the screen, and hit pause. She stood up, shrugging her robe off.

"I hope we're not interrupting anything," Jerry kept his face straight.

"Ten minutes ago I was annoyed that Fire and Tech were only able to find two sets of roller blades." Silverfox kissed Shadowfox. As she pulled away, she had a delighted smile. That was typical of her; every time Silverfox kissed you, she was as delighted as the first time. "Now I'm grateful."

Silverfox took them by their hands and lay down on a mattress. She pulled Shadowfox on top. Shadowfox kissed her face twice, and Silverfox pushed her up so she was on all fours. Silverfox pushed herself down, to bring her mouth to Shadow's breasts.

Shadowfox gasped as Silver's sharp teeth closed on her nipple. Silverfox patted her between her legs, slipping a finger into her. She took it away, and for a fleeting moment Shadowfox wondered why.

Jerry knelt behind Shadowfox. His hands ran down her sides, onto her buttocks. Then he stroked her shoulders, trailing his fingers lightly on her breasts. He took his left hand away, and covered her right hand with his. She gripped his hand, encouraging him. Shadowfox licked her lips, guessing what he was doing with his left. She nodded, just once.

She had guessed right. He guided his tip into her. Silverfox was kneading one of her breasts, sucking at the other. He paused, barely penetrating her as he shifted his left hand to the ground. Shadowfox pushed her hips back, impatient to feel him inside her.

His teeth closed on the back of her neck; she swallowed and moved her hips, but he stayed with her, keeping his length inside her, frustrating her attempt to make him thrust.

"I'm not sure how long I can last," he said.

"It's okay." She lowered her head and licked his arm. She felt a moment of relief.

He shifted his weight back and began to thrust. She moaned and folded her arms, lowering herself down. Her face pressed against the pillow; she couldn't see Silverfox enjoying her breasts or Jerry move inside her. She closed her eyes and let the feeling wash over her.

She needed her hands to stay up and her mouth was nowhere near them. She knew she wasn't supposed to do that; she was there for them and --

No, she wasn't. Silverfox was making love with her, Jerry ... thought he was. She moved her hips faster; he kept the pace. She felt him tense and the pleasure gathered inside her, until she was sure she would climax at the same moment he --

She had a mental image of Bill, holding her down and pumping in her until his seed splashed into her, and Jerry's climax mixing with his in an indistinguishable puddle; driving her to an indistinguishable orgasm; as she made sounds that were indistinguishable; lover and whore indistinguishable and her love for Silverfox and her disgust at Bill and --

Jerry came and she called out. She lifted her head cried, and fell to her side. Silverfox embraced her, smiling and pleased. Jerry snuggled her from behind, and Shadowfox smiled, faking a post orgasmic glow.

Rape wouldn't keep her from climaxing; guilt could.