Chapter 8 - I Smell A Rat... Sorry, Snake

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#8 of Lawrence's Lament Rewrite.

Chapter 8 - I Smell A Rat... Sorry, Snake

I walk into the room ginger boy is face first in a pile of sacks of some description. Looks grey, probably mailroom bags. Where the hell do these guys recruit from? I know I can be inept sometimes, but this ginger boy is currently extracting himself from a pile and sacks in a room where apparently, there's a rampaging fire spirit. Which funnily enough, I don't smell any burning, yet anyway. In fact, the room appears to be quite empty. It's some kind of storage room, with boxes that I can smell paper and ink around the room. My ear twitches at a sound and I trace it to a grey box that seems to be spewing out paper, there's a smell of something warm from it and something else that's like a warm and burning smell.

I scowl and move closer to it, looking at the slot where the paper keeps churning out. I can't smell any heat anywhere else in the room. The smell of naga is also in this room still, but I can't narrow it down just yet. I have to keep scanning around the room and make sure to look up at the ceiling, there's a lovely selection of metal beams across there. Very much a good place for anything that's nice and small to crawl or hide along.

"Errr, it was here." says the ginger guy.

I roll my eyes and walk over to him, grasping him by the scruff and hoisting him up onto his feet with a growl.

"Well it's not now. You're not exactly the model of employee of the year. Where the fuck was it supposed to have escaped from?" I growl deeply.

He runs over to a metal cabinet I didn't see before and pulls it open. I follow him over and peek inside. There's a few weird and wonderful bits in here, I'm pretty sure that a few of them might have spirits in them. I had better, 'appropriate' them for later. Need to take care of this idiot first though.

"This thing, it's got a fire spirit sealed in it, it's used to create fires." he holds up what appears to be a glass with sparkles in it. I look closer and I realise it's literally a piece of glass with glitter in it. I give ginger a withering look of disgust, naturally it works better because I'm in my manabozho form. He gulps as I take the glass piece off him and turn it over in my claws.

"Okay, so it appears to still be here, so you want to tell me"

"AAAARGH!" he suddenly squeals and jumps back, pointing behind me.

I whirl around and jump to the side instinctively. Then I frown as I don't see anything behind me, looking quickly towards the ginger guy who's still waving his finger at the wall. I scowl and start scanning over where he's pointing. There's just a few boxes which appear to have fallen over and a small gap between the wall and a girder support where there appears to be a pair of small eyes looking out at me.


I just found the naga and this ginger guy is waving manically at it. It looks like it's trapped in there with the way the boxes have fallen an it can't quite get enough of a reach to slither over the top of the boxes, just enough to poke it's head over the top. The gap is barely big enough for the snake's head, so I do wonder how the hell it managed to trap itself there. I look carefully and realise that the boxes look like they've toppled. I bet ginger here got spooked by something he saw, ran out of the room, knocking all the stuff over and trapping the snake. How unlucky can you get?

"It's just a snake, fuck sakes. Stop being a pussy." I lie. I'd better take this guy out for now then do something about the snake. Not exactly sure 'what', but need to do something.

"I'll deal with it. But before I do, where are the detonator's for this explosive? It just occurred to me I can't set the damn thing off without them."

"Whu.. Wha? Oh! The blasting cap should be in there with it." he says.

I look inside the bag again and there's something else in there that I'm guessing is the blasting cap. I nod and smirk at him.

"Didn't see it there earlier. So, what kind of bane are you possessed by?"

He actually grins at me this time.

"I've got a speed bane in me!" he stands proudly.

"Oh good. Just wanted to make sure." I say, just as I backflip and ram both claws into his chin. As I land I see his head bounce off the wall and roll across the floor. Looks like I over did it a little, but oh well.

"Right, problem one, now for you little one. I certainly hope you're a good guy and not another one of these bane infested creeps." I turn and look at the snake's head still poking above the boxes. A sigh escapes my lips.

"I always wondered why naga's were so rare, I certainly hope it's not because you keep getting caught like this." I look around and then shrug, swiftly booting the bottom box and jumping back, letting the whole pile come tumbling down and freeing the pipelined snake to crawl over the boxes.

Which it promptly does, getting very big along the way. Arms sprout from the body and the head growls larger with fangs extending out and down. The snakelike lower half growing larger and most of the room in this room is now taken over by a giant half human half snake. It's tongue flickers out over its silvery grey scales and its eyes were a brilliant amber. I can't lie, I'm a little bit on the scared side.

"Why did you kill him?" he hisses.

I blink at him and apparently my head doesn't manage to process what he said.

"Whut?" I look confused and tilt my head, frowning as I begin to process what he just said.

"Why did you kill him?" it hisses again, this time it's tongue flickers a lot faster, I'd swear it was getting pissed.

"Ummm, he was wyrm infested and that's my job." I cringe back a little.

The naga stares at me. I can feel my fur standing on end. The look it's giving me makes me want to run like hell, but at the same time, I'm sure I've seen a similar look before. It's almost like when I saw elder vampires use one of their disciplines that lets them read a person's aura.

"This is... Disturbing. We need to talk, but first we must leave." it hisses.

I barely restrain a sigh of relief as it doesn't seem like I'm about to have some epic battle in this pissing storage room.

"That's fine, but first I need to shove this C4 somewhere it'll do a fuckton of damage, don't suppose you know how to set this stuff do you?"

"Give it me, slowly." he holds out his rather large hand.

I gingerly pull open the bag and reach inside, scooping out the lump of plastic and daintily handing it to him. Then I reach back into the bag and rummage around until my hand hits something I don't recognise. I pull it out. It's like a metal pen, with a wire sticking out of the top of it.

"I'm guessing this is the blasting cap?" I hold it out to him by the wire and he firmly grasps it, taking it from me.

He shifts form again, this time he's a rather interesting looking human. I say interesting because I can't decide if he's handsome or not. He's got black spiky hair with a slightly darker complexion. My first instinct is eastern Asian, but my gut says that's not the case as his eyes are rounder and a rather stricking blue, plus his nose is just that little bit bigger than you'd expect. His body is nothing to chuff at though. The damn guy looks like he could a few body builders a run for their money. I can only tell this by the fact he's wearing a plain white t-shirt that is pulled very nicely tight across his chest. He's wearing a lovely pair of black trousers, they're a brand I myself and quite fond of. Well, back in my world anyway, they're not cheap though.

"What's the layout of this place?" he asks.

I blink and erm. "Unfortunately I have no idea. I've only been in one of the interrogation rooms here. They think I'm the Lawrence of this world, so I've been doing the hardass act to get around. So I was led down here to find the 'fire spirit' that had escaped. Which reminds me, one moment."

I turn around and return to the box I had spotted that had weird items in. I motion and the thing pops open for me. I do love that little trick. There's quite a few different items in here, all of them seem to have some sort of spiritual essence attached. Better take them with me, that's also part of my job.

"What are you doing?" asks the naga as I start putting the assortment into my bag.

"I work for Uktena in my world, so I'm doing my job here too, I must retrieve any items of a mystical nature. Plus I'm about to go meet up with the local garou again, so I'm betting they'd like this stuff back." I say as I bundle the last of the items into my bag. I don't really have time to pay attention to what they are right now.

I turn back to the naga. "Right, so how do you wanna do this? I need to hurry out as the garou I'm 'supposed' to be following has one hell of a head start now and I'm gonna need to rush through the umbra when I get out of this cesspit."

"Is this station layout the same as other stations?"

I frown and think. From what I've seen, with me actually have been to a few different police stations in my time, then I can honestly say that yes, it was similar.

"From what I can tell, yes. It's similar to most police stations I've been in previously."

"Then you need to keep people away from the boiler room for a while." he says.

"Okay, I'll tell them I trapped the fire spirit down there and waiting for the fire to burn out."

The naga nods and starts to shift again, I move to the door past him and open it. Heading back on up to the desk area. The fat brigade are still loafing around and that's when I realise I haven't shifted back down. Whoops! I release my form and shift into human again, brushing my sleeves dramatically.

"The kid is dead, fire spirit got him before I could do anything. But I chased it and trapped it in the boiler room. It needs to burn out the shit I left in the box I trapped it in before it'll get sucked back into the fetish that the little twerp let it out of. Keep everyone away from there unless they want to set it free again." I growl at sweaty and fatso.

They both gulp and nod rapidly at me.

"Good. Now I need to follow a garou, so bye." I stride past the officers and straight out the door. Not looking back for a moment but soon as I get out of sight of them all and away from the public eye, I'm running like a bitch on all fours. Gah, I hope I can catch up to them!

As I'm running hell for leather down the road, not exactly worry about things because currently I look like a dog that's got away from its owner, I nearly clear the nearest wall in a jump of surprise as there's an almighty explosion from behind me. A glance over my shoulder and I see smoke rising from where the police station is. Or rather, where some of it is, there's one hell of a hole in it at the moment. A big chunk of the eastern corner is missing and parts of it are starting to fall down. Where the hell had that naga put the explosive to do 'that' much damage?

I shake my head and spin, running fast as I can until I get closer to the motel. Slipping behind the nearby dumpsters of the cafe, I shift back into my human form just in time to see the guys starting to get into a taxi. A quick sprint later and I'm opening the other side and hopping in besides them.

"Sorry I'm late." I say as I flop into the seat.

"Lawrence!" exclaims Alex with a smile on his face.

I smile back, I can't help it. "In the flesh, if a bit singed. Shall we go?"

Soothing gave directions to the driver and we're on our way somewhere. I take this time to open the file in my bag and start leafing through the pages. I'm not liking what I'm seeing though. From what I can gather, the Lawrence of this world had been a busy little coyote. He'd managed to infiltrate many different areas of the were community and betray them, getting them inducted into what was dubbed 'Project Chimera'. The subjects who were unsuitable for the programme were then moved into another side project which was titled 'Project Reserves'.

There was information as to how to locate and drop off subjects who were to be inducted into the programs. My eyes light up as I find the location of the Project Reserve warehouse. That can be where I start, though judging by the pictures, I'm betting I don't like what I'm going to find. The photos show were creatures all trussed up in what appears to be futuristic bondage gone over the top.

I rub my eyes and stifle a yawn. I've been up nearly 24 hours now. This shit and the little tussle today has well and truly drained me. Fuck only knows how I'm going to start tackling this shite. It doesn't help I haven't even finished going through this file yet. I can't even get through the other project, 'Project 5'. Bit of an unimpressive name, but according to the beginning, it's already proven successful with werewolves. Not sure what though.

My eyes are blurring and I have to stop reading for now. Better leave it for now until I can get some rest. It's a good job really because at that moment the taxi comes to a halt and Soothing motions for us to get out. I do so and my jaw drops as I see one of the most futuristic arcades I'd ever seen. It was filled with games, at least I'm assuming they're games, I mean, there's people putting money in a slot and using joysticks and game pads. But some of the screens were like watching a video, the images were so crisp and clear. I had to wonder if it was just because I am tired that all of this looks so real?

The others walk in and I trail along, looking around and fighting back the tiredness as best I can. Have to admit, still not used to this getting tired m'larky. Though I do like the fact I can drink coffee, how did I survive two hundred years without such a delight? I realise that as I was talking to my inner muse, we'd arrived in a room that I was guessing is a break out area. Some rather rough and tough looking dude was making a coffee. That would be great right about now.

"Nice, you got him." says the guy. Judging by the way he stands and how he's the first to talk, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this guy is the alpha.

"Yeah, with a little help from my friend Lawrence here." says Alex.

Without thinking I give a little salute in his direction.


Then my head decides now is a great time to kick into gear and remind me that if this is the alpha, I'm supposed to show some respect or I'm about to have my ass bounced off several walls. The look on his face is a lovely amused pissed look.

"Oh shit, manners yeah."

I sigh and step forward, bowing in front of him.

"Greetings alpha, I am Loki Dances through forms, Ragabash and Keeper of the Cairn of the pack of the Lost."

Christ, I hate that title. Sometimes wolves are worse than vampires for wanting to keep track of their endeavours. Or it could just be that I'm tired and grouchy.

"Greetings Dances through forms. I am Wyrmripper the fang breaker and foe of fomori, alpha of the pack of the City Dancers. What brings you to this city?" he replies.

Unfortunately, brain decides now is a good time to switch off again.

"Wizards did it." I reply.

Wyrmripper blinks a couple of times and then laughs. Thank goodness for that.

"Subtle, so you're one of Alex's old friends?"

"Yuh huh." I manage to reply. Christ, I'm really flagging.

"So what you planning on doin whilst you're here?" he asks.

"Wasn't planning anything, but I got to join in on the fun of getting Mr Riyada back here. Oh and blew up a Fomori nest." I jerk my thumb in Riyada's direction.

The look that comes across his face reminds me of the time that Tyr found an excuse to tear a vampire's head off because he'd revoked his protection. I'm pretty sure that kind of happy glee is only usually saved for ones who actually have a serious hate of a certain kind.

"Now THAT I like! You're welcome to hang around for a bit if you want, we'll call that your arrival gift." He grins widely and I can't help but grin back. I like pleasing the alphas. Hrm, thanks for that thought brain.

"So that explosion was you? Why'd you blow up the police station?" says Alex.

"That station was a fomori base. The whole place was corrupt as hell, so badly even I could see it through the umbra. I don't know how they were hiding their true forms but apparently the Lawrence from this dimension was pretty high ranking and they were scared shitless of me. So I found some C4 in the evidence room and stuck it in basement next to the gasline." It's a bit of a lie, I know the naga are supposed to be keeping their existence a secret. At least that's what Shakira mentioned to me.

Wyrmripper laughs and claps his hands. "Nice one! So, we need to worry about the other Lawrence turning up then?"

"Maybe, but he won't be a werecoyote. He's a vampire now." I say.

Wyrmripper's frown vanishes. "The fuck, were's can become vampires?"

Ooooh, fuck. I look at Alex, he looks back and we've got the same look on our faces. We need to explain about the nasty little effects vampirism has.

"Yes and no. I'll be more specific. I have the body of this world's Lawrence, he has mine. So he has all my old powers." I say.

"You are fucking kidding me Lawrence! You switched bodies with the nuwisha from this world and gave him all the power of your blood?!" growls Alex.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I was tricked, ironic I know. Apparently they tricked him too hence swapping our bodies. They used Tyr as an anchor for me in our world. Why do you think I'd been working so damn hard to actually be a decent were?" I growl back and fold my arms.

"So you're telling me it's okay just because you got tricked? That it should just be overlooked because you didn't see it coming?! You sacrificed two people JUST to get what you wanted!" He snarls at me.

My brain must have been running in slow mode because all I got through me was a bolt of blinding anger. That's the only thought I can have as what comes out of my mouth next is pure Toredor programming.

"Who the hell made you judge and jury?! You're hardly mr high and mighty considering I got tricked out of love, you chowed down on that gangrel's soul without a second thought to who you'd betray!" I shout at Alex.

Okay, seriously wrong thing to do right then. All I can say is that I was being highly defensive over a stupid mistake. Granted, I was tired and yes, I had made a huge mistake, but there was no need for Alex to assume I hadn't already thought about it. However of course, my shot hit home a lot harder than his did and so next thing I knew he was charging at me.

My brain might not have been in gear, but my instincts certainly were. He jumped at me and I caught his arms, rolling back with the attack and shoving my foot right into his stomach, tossing him clean over me and into the wall. He was up pretty quick and came charging right back at me. I knew he wasn't stupid enough to try the same trick twice, so I waited until at the last moment he sidestepped and tried to tackle me sideways.

I grabbed his arm and turned into the charge, my right foot hooking behind his foot and then with a push, he lost his balance and started to fall backwards. My body on pure auto pilot as I jump up and place my knee into his stomach, riding him down into the fall and driving the blow home. All the air rushes from his lungs in a wuff as I grab his upper arms and pin him to the floor. Still enraged by his comments and actions, I let my anger out in words as I had done for the past two hundred years.

"I'm not the golden child who's fallen on his feet! You've been spoon fed this garou life where as I've had nothing but blow after blow! How dare you judge me when you get the out clause of taking a trip to some mystical purification land!"

I could feel the tears streaming down my face at this point. They were hot and my entire body was aching with rage and sorrow. I looked down at the face of the only other person I had deemed worthy of being called a friend and felt that stab of betrayal through me again.

"You left everyone's lives a bastard mess and I've had to clean up as best as I can but all I get each fucking time is looked down on. They took Tyr from me and gave me a life. I can't believe you of all people can dare to judge me when I've been through all this..."

I can't hold it back now. The tears are great wracking sobs that choke me, the thoughts and feelings all coming together in a painful mix. The only other man in my life that I could trust was telling me how incompetent I was, yet he was judging me on how I had been tricked for love. He'd left everyone behind without a second thought, he'd left me too. I had no one anymore and he was telling me it was my fault.

I felt his arms close around me and he pulls me down into a hug, holding me tightly against his chest as each burst of crying shakes my body.

" I'm sorry Lawrence, I am so so sorry." he murmurs against me. But it was too much, I hurt so much and there was nothing more for me but to try to build a new life. But who.. Who would care about my life now?