The Seeker

Story by TheCat on SoFurry

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She woke up to a steady 'thump thump

thump' against the door. She rubbed her eyes, peering at the door in

the dim pre-dawn light, as the steady thumping continued. Slipping

out of bed, the young horse slipped into the outfit she kept by her

bedside table - bright blue shirt, loose-fitting shorts - before

turning to face the door. The relentless beating had not stopped.

"Okay, already, come in!" she called out. The pounding

increased in speed and force, but the iron doorknob was untouched.

She walked towards the door slowly. "I said, come in!" Her voice

was shrill, in the cold gray light - but there was no answer, only

the sound of fists hitting the door. She reached out and took the

knob in one hand, but an odd, prickling sensation on the back of her

neck made her stop. Dark-skinned nostrils flared as she sampled the

air - and caught the sickly-sweet scent of rot, combined with the

scent of mud and spoiled meat.The hinges gave way, crashing

inwards. She leaped backwards, grabbing for the stout club she kept

beside her bed. Bringing it up, she swung it at the figure that

shambled into the room, catching them a stout blow alongside the head

before she even recognized it. "G-geoff??" She stared in horror

at the prone figure of her bother. His left arm had been chewed to

the bone, but he was supporting his weight on it like the pain meant

nothing - and his eyes were milky-white, reflecting the light from

the window by her bed as the sun slowly rose. He scrabbled, his movements clumsy and

unnatural, and climbed to his feet. "Geoff, what's wrong? Why were

you pounding on my door?" Her brother's mouth opened, and he let

out a long, numbing groaning wail, both of his arms reaching for her.

The dark-nailed fingers opened and closed, and his long, equine jaw

began to open and shut hungrily as he shambled towards her. She swung

the club again, and felt one of his legs snap under the blow. Moving

past him swiftly, she reached the door - then felt the cold, hard

hand grip around her ankle, and saw the floor rush up to greet her. The world swam as she struck the

hardwood floor, but she managed to bring her eyes back into focus as

she felt her brother's other arm come up to grab her leg, pulling her

back towards him. Her eyes rolling, her breath coming in hysterical

sobs as she struggled to make some sense of this - Geoff, the

gentle brother, trying to grab her like this - she lashed out in

ancient equine instinct. Her leg muscles flexed and released, though

she didn't even notice until the hand had let go of her and she'd

jumped to her feet, and run, sobbing, down the hallway, that she was

trailing red footsteps, and that the long wail her brother had been

letting out had ceased. She paused, then, outside the master

bedroom. Two bodies lay there, their heads shattered and a scattering

of holes in the wall beside them - wounds that she recognized as

the effect of her father's shotgun and his favored grapeshot, which

she'd only ever seen used on the assorted natural predators of the

area. She couldn't identify the two fallen individuals, and didn't

want to. Taking a deep breath, and ready to shout in case her father

mistook her for another of those behaving oddly, she opened the door

  • and let out a shrill scream at what she saw. Kneeling on the bed, above her

father's open stomach, was her mother, hungrily scooping out viscera

and biting into it with what seemed like an almost vicious glee. At

the scream, however, the mare stopped her feast and fixed her

daughter with a piercing glare. A wail escaped her, not unlike the

one her brother had made earlier, and she lunged. The creature that

had been her mother was much faster than her brother hand been, but

she managed to get the club up in time to smash aside the creature's

first charge. Her mother was faster to recover her balance, however,

and charged her again, and again, forcing her out into the hallway. Eventually, however, she simply

sidestepped one of her mother's charges - sending the mare

careening down the long hallway, while she ran into the room, and

started digging under the bed. She felt the long, round barrel of the

stock under her fingers - and then she was being pulled backwards,

out from under the bed. Swinging the gun around, she felt flat,

herbivore teeth sink powered by her mother's powerful jaw sink into

her ankle. Bringing the barrel into line, she fired, just as her

father had taught her - gave the trigger a squeeze, and felt the

roar of the gun, the kick against her budding breasts - and watched

as her mother's head disappeared into a bloody haze, leaving only her

long nose and lips. Fleeing the ruins of her mother, she

fled up onto the bed, shaking her father. "Please, please, please,

Daddy, wake up, please, don't leave me, don't be dead, please.."

she babbled incoherently, shaking his body. He was cold, and still -

and she felt the bite on her ankle throbbing, the room swimming

around her. She tried to stay upright, kneeling on the bed, but

eventually the spinning got to be too much for her, and for the

second time that morning, the floor rushed up to meet her. When she woke up, she was alone in

darkness. She was sitting on something - could feel a hard, cold

floor below her - but she couldn't see it, or anything else. Then,

abruptly, there was a white rat, clad in flowing silver-white robes,

standing in front of her. "Who are you?" she demanded. The

bite on her ankle was gone, as was the wet sensation of her brother's

blood on her foot, and she was -angry- as she faced the silent figure

of the rat. "Who the hell

are you?" The rat looked at her. "Is this it?" The voice

was soft, and it took her a moment to realize that the rat's lips

hadn't moved. "What?

What do you mean, 'is this it?'" Her voice grew shrill again, as it

often did when she was stressed.An image of her struggle with

her mother appeared in the air beside the rat, as though being

watched. She saw herself get pulled out from under the bed, saw the

gun swing around, and saw her mother's head disappear into a crimson

haze. "This happened. You are dying, becoming like her.""What

happened? Why did they become like this?" She found herself on her

feet. Even at her age - barely thirteen years old - she stood

taller than the rat, who was really quite short. "An

old curse. A virus. The random cruelty of fate. However it happened,

girl, it is happening, and it is happening to you." A sleeve rose,

and from it a single hairless claw pointed to her chest. "But is

this it? Is this how it ends for you?" "Do..." She paused.

"Do I get a choice?" The

rat nodded. "Yes. I am dead - my power is gone. It can only

belong to one who lives." The rat reached into their chest, and

pulled out something dark, and angry, and cold. "If this is not the

end for you - if you would survive, and live, even though all the

world crumbles around you - then this is for you. If not, you have

only to walk away." The dry voice in her mind spoke smoothly, and

evenly. She

looked at the image again, then reached out, taking the dark thing

from the rat's hand. It flowed into her fingers, and she felt it flow

into her. Utter darkness, the cold between the stars, and the fury of

everything that could never be - and then she was sitting on the

floor beside the bed. She

could feel, like an

itch against the back of her neck, her father's body sit up, and

stare at her with the same empty hunger as her mother's had

possessed. Her hand moved on it's own, striking out against his

throat - and his head, still chewing and gnashing angrily, rolled

onto the floor. She picked it up, and sat it the chair beside his

desk, then sat and stared at it, leaning against the wall and trying

not to cry. She

lasted about five minutes at that, then broke down in nearly-silent,

terrified sobs while the head of her father gnawed and mouthed at

her. She was still sitting against that wall, staring at it, when her

oldest brother came home and found her sitting there.