The Beastridden Part 3

Story by KnucklePuppy on SoFurry

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#4 of The Beastridden

The next part to The Beastridden.

The Beastridden

Part 3

Jonas awoke in a place recently familiarized to him. It had a bare dirt floor, barely ten feet in either direction. It was early morning, so early that the sun itself wasn't awake yet. There was very little inside, save a firm cot and uncomfortably stiff wool blanket. And a metal cup, with traces of the otter's last "meal". Every second he spent here bred great stress and worry, for he was alone.

After Knuckle was felled in battle against the swordsman Senryul, the otter and his bodyguard were brought to a camp far out in the waste. Knuckle was shackled and brought elsewhere in the camp, and Jonas was given his own quarters. Occasionally someone stopped in to provide for him, a bear named Futoranda. He was stereotypically pronounced, with a gut and a large frame. He wore an open robe with baggy leggings adorned with an open-front skirt of armored plumage. Along with this, he had a short yellow pipe and a grin. Jonas was immediately wary of the large figure whenever he approached, regardless of his gentle demeanor. But for the sake of simply staying alive, he made no fuss and was cooperative.

"Good MORNIN'!" Jonas jumped in place as a loud voice preceded the entry of...

-Speak of the furry devil...- he thought as the bear entered his tent.

"Gotcha some breakfast gruel kiddo!" Futoranda gleefully boomed as he held out a bowl filled with some stuff that probably smelled better than it tasted. Jonas held up his cup and some was poured into it. Futoranda produced a spoon and handed it to the otter, which was used to stir up Jonas bashfully smiled up at the tall bear.

"Do you have any..honey? To sweeten it.." Jonas meekly asked. The bear gave a short chuckle and reached around behind his back, revealing a glass, honey-filled sphere with a short neck capped with leather and wrapped with string. The bear opened the ball and handed it off, and the otter poured some, then more, then much more into his bowl. Futoranda chuckled at the sight.

"Tastes like garbage, but it's good for you.." he said, and sat down across from Jonas on a box he'd brought in.

"I gotta hand it to your friend... I've NEVER seen the boss so steamed! I mean, WOW! When he wakes up-"

"He's alive?!" Jonas cut in, the dieing embers of hope he had instantly bursting into a blaze. The bear nodded and scratched his chest.

"Yeah, he is. We can't be bea-"

"We? You mean... You're Beastridden too?" Jonas asked, fright slowly settling on his shoulders.

"Yup yup yup, me too. When we brought your friend in, the boss demanded we find his mark. You bet we were surprised though, when we found 'em. He's got one on the back of his left shoulder, and another on his..." Futoranda cut himself off with a stifled chuckle, and then fully-blown laughter.

"The other one's on his pair, smack-dab in the middle! I bet THAT one hurt!" he howled, his cheeks burning red with laughter. Jonas was beside himself.

"Tell me, how did it..happen to him? And you?" Jonas asked, concern overriding his already diminishing fright.

"WE came to be..." Futoranda rubbed his chin as he began, looking almost reverently at his memories.

"When the old and ferocious beast god Garro-talgar was sealed, and killed. Upon his death, his power fractured and scattered his essence through his children. US." he said solemnly.

"This had to wait until after the humans came and went, but when it hit... Lots of us were lost, killing each other if they could, and roaring across the world with godly power. But that power came, and comes at a cost." the bear continued. Jonas was entranced in the tale, his thoughts silent as he absorbed all he could.

"Each Beastridden being can wield tremendous power, but it drives him wild with lust, and later pain. Terrible pain. Each piece of power the beast god scattered attacks the bearer at first, more or less. And THAT guy's got it bad." Futoranda chuckled once more, and fell silent. Jonas was still, his mind racing with thoughts, things he wanted to ask his friend.

"Senryul said something about...a vessel.. What did he mean?" Jonas asked, his mind slowly rippling to stillness.

"A vessel huh?" the bear asked, blushing a little at the question.

"A vessel is...someone that takes the Beastridden's power when..they..uh..." The bear fell silent with smile.

"Yeah?" Jonas continued. The bear nodded.

"A vessel is...what you call a mate of sorts, or at least someone the bearer... Screws. When a Beastridden being has an..orgasm, that is to say, their power drops as they pass it back to the environment. The vessel can keep a measure of that power, and can use with with much lesser chance of insanity." Jonas nodded in comprehension, a few more things about Knuckle clearing like a gust through fog.

"What's going to happen to him?" Jonas asked.

"Boss is gonna make him fight. We're packing up in a little bit, and we're heading to Burnstrom. Yer buddy's gonna fight for his life!" the bear said with glee.

"Is there anything you can do? He saved my life, and fought for my honor. Please, let him go..." Jonas pleaded, his sincerity apparent to the bear.

"No can do little guy, sorry. The boss is feelin pretty...anxious about him. And I honestly don't wanna get involved in that." Jonas's round ears flattened in disappointment, but he and the bear sat straight up when Senryul entered the tent with them.

"We're going. Take the runt to his cage, and make sure he's the first thing that hairy, drooling, soon to be highly aroused mistake sees. If he breaks his bonds, we'll have good music for the trip." the swordsman said, coldly glaring at Jonas. And Futoranda jumped right up, ushering the otter out with a smile.

"Sorry, you're still a prisoner. But think of it like this: You get to see your buddy!" the bear said, as he gently shoved Jonas into a tall, dimly lit metal box. The door shur behind him, and he strained his eyes to look into the darkness.

While he saw nothing, he could hear a faint plip-plip of liquid onto the floor below.

Jonas gulped as he once again feared the worst for his friend, and took a quick few steps. The darkness quickly obscured everything around the otter, but concern and happiness guided his feet until the otter fell against a welcome and familiar chest.

Knuckle was breathing. But his torso was soaked in his blood, from a-

"He left his SWORD in his chest? Why?" Jonas asked in disbelief as he grasped its hilt and pulled. At first, the sword didn't budge, but a second tug made it slip free. Its blade clattered against the metal floor, and a voice made him jump.

"Bring that here, runt. It's much too heavy for you to even hold upright." Senryul said from the entrance. Jonas shook his head, but had the idea to lunge forward in an attempt to run the swordsman through. But the idea was futile, as Senryul simply sidestepped the lunge and easily snatched his weapon from the otter's small hands.

"Unfortunate for you that he will awaken soon, as I imagine that healing would rouse his power, and his..affections. I hope to see you in Burnstrom." he said with a smirk, and a slam of the metal door. Shortly after a force from outside lifted up one end of the box, and Jonas fell back to the door. Then he fell to his knees as the other end was lifted level, and his stomach lightly churned as he felt the box move forward.

Jonas finally found his footing, and once again found himself in Knuckle's chest. He hugged his friend gratefully, and found his arms were shackled level with his head.

But he wasn't bleeding anymore. The wolf was breathing normally. But despite the otter's efforts, he remained unconscious.

"Knuckle, speak to me..." Jonas whispered.

***** ***** *****

Jonas sat in the metal cage with Knuckle all day. He found his height disadvantage prevented him from sharing, so he reluctantly ate himself sustained.

The trip was a long one, at least for Jonas. Being inside a metal box in almost desert-like heat didn't make the trip comfortable. But he held on; he had to know that when they were able, he and his friend could make their escape.

After much longer, Jonas could feel the cage come to a halt. Once again Jonas fell to one end of it, and then stumbled to about center as he realized they had stopped.

"We must be in Burnstrom.." he whispered, and soon after the door opened. Jonas instinctively shielded his eyes. But to his surprise, it was dusk. And cool.

"ALL RIGHT little guy, time for you and your bud to dis-EM-BARK!!" Futoranda shouted happily. Jonas looked on as he took meek steps toward the bear, and finally exited the cage as a few more furs went inside. Shortly after they all returned, carrying the unconscious Knuckle like a couple of heftly logs. With little effort they carried him away, as Senryul stood nearby with crossed arms and a frown.

"Make sure to keep him restrained. I don't want anything to get in my way this time." he grunted, while casting a poisonous glare at Jonas.

"I commend you runt. Either you managed to make it here...unmolested by sheer luck, or HE has greater control than I imagined." Senryul groaned angrily as he turned away to follow the others, his left elbow making his scabbard stick out behind him.

***** ***** *****

The Next Day

Jonas awoke on the stone floor of his holding cell, cold and alone. The last moments of his waking dream were of Knuckle, calm and gentle, holding the otter in his arms in the cold air of the waste. He sat up with a jolt, remembering that Knuckle was taken elsewhere.

"Where are you now?" he asked, worry gently draping his mind. When suddenly..

"Up and at 'em little guy! Time to watch your buddy scrap out there!" Futoranda threw the door to the dark cell open, and held out a gruff paw to help the otter to his feet.

"The boss said to let you sleep. He figger'd you'd be all bawly if you knew what was gonna happen, but.. Well, come on!" the bear said, and Jonas followed shyly. They walked through the slight maze of dungeon cells, slowly making their way to what Jonas though was an all-out riot.

"Brace yourself.. This is where it gets rowdy!" the bear said as he threw open the door, and light and sound poured in hurriedly. Jonas shielded his eyes, and from what he could tell, the incomprehensible screams were cheers. He looked at his escort who nodded, and they stepped out onto a high up platform, in a coloseum-like stadium. Just past the door on a stone bench was Senryul and his woman, and a few others that Jonas didn't recognize.

"Sit. Watch." the swordsman said with cold enthusiasm, with a finger pointing to his designated spot. Jonas sat down nervously, and found that he could see the arena quite clearly. It was pretty spacious, and it had a classical dirt floor with scattered armaments, and a single door located on either side.

But no Knuckle.

Gathering a little courage and clearing his throat, the otter addressed his captor.

"Where is he?" he asked, and Senryul only flicked an ear as he looked on.

"He is preparing. He requested persistently that I do you no harm, so DO NOT give me a reason." he said, and nuzzled his woman before he pointed at one slowly opening door.

"Here he is." he said, and sure enough, Knuckle stepped through. The audience cheered.

"He has done well to utilize his power to survive, so I spoke to the proprietors and convinced them to up the stakes in his case. Normal fighters fell in scores; I simply gave them the idea to use more formidable beasts in their stead." Jonas was relieved to hear his friend was having no trouble here, but curious as to what he would face, now that he had to fight stronger opponents.

***** ***** *****

Knuckle stepped out onto the dust and looked across the arena, to the much larger door. While he wasn't surprised by now at the size of the door, when it slowly upened with a grumble, he saw his next challenge and his ears fell. It looked similar to a dinosaur, with six trunk-like legs that ended in opposable fingered claws, a large mouth lined with yellowed teeth, a long and thick tail, and was covered in dull blue and green scales. It roared, and Knuckle rolled his eyes.

"WOULD make a nice set 'o bracers.." Knuckle said, and the beast roared before charging him with great speed. Knuckle drew his arms up and waited. The beast drew near, mouth opened wide and tried to engulf its prey with a strong bite...but stopped as it found itself halted. Knuckle grabbed it by the front of its mouth, baring against it with a short grunt. The beast was immobilized by Knuckle's strength.

"All right then.." he said as he wrenched the beast's mouth shut, and jumped up with one hand. The creature's mouth pointed skyward as Knuckle let go to fall and stomp hard at the base of its skull. He quickly rolled off and away from it, evading a swipe from its tail as it then charged him once more. Knuckle sidestepped a bite, then another, then another which placed him close to one of its front legs. He grabbed it, and with a twist flipped over it to savagely dislocate it at the joint. The beast roared in pain briefly, and made a snap at Knuckle but the wolf grabbed the beast's mouth once more, from the side. And with a hard grunt he flipped the beast onto its back, with a hard and dusty "THUD".

On its back it slowly stopped struggling, its five good legs flailed around madly until it slowed to a stop and went limp. Jonas was frozen with happiness and relief, Senryul was silent with rage. But he smiled.

"Oh, no matter, win or lose he lines my pockets. If he continues to win, I may kee-" A sudden explosion in the stands cut off the swordsman's speech, and another went off much closer. Stone flew through the air and the audience scattered in floods.

"What's going on?!" Senryul roared in confusion. Jonas looked around as another explosion went off, much closer this time. He looked down and saw the last traces of his friend vanish into the darkness of the larger door. Senryul grabbed his sword and belted it, eyeing the bear.

"Watch the runt." he said, and leapt from their private balcony to the stands below. Jonas watched him land easily and enter the arena, dashing towards the door Knuckle used but another explosion cut him off.

Unbeknownst to those on the balcony, the door behind them opened and Jonas found himself surrounded by smoke, and then a familiar hug that lifted him off his feet. Millions of ideas went through the otter's head, but he settled on the sweetest one of Knuckle coming to his rescue. The smoke was mild in scent, but lightly stung Jonas's nose as he felt himself move in his rescuer's arm as they fled. He was gently flung this way and that, rounding corners to his knowledge until they finally exited to the outside of Burnstrom. Jonas was elated, and turned to look at his fri-

"Ah say howdy!"

Jonas was shocked. He stared at the wolf with a familiar accent, but he looked completely different. He was shaggy, and had glossy black fur, save for his equally shaggy and white underbelly. He had blue eyes and an alarming, but otherwise perfect smile. Even his shorts were different, themed with the full moon and clouds against an otherwise black sky and mountains.

Jonas was silent with surprise. But he found his voice when a more familiar form arrived.

"Hey bud. Miss me?" Knuckle said as he stepped between the newcomer and his friend, kneeling down to hug him. Jonas happily returned it. Knuckle turned to the other.

"You REALLY had to take so fuckin long?"