Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 10

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#10 of Text adventure

The idea of this choose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Well Here's the next section and Runo's tale, well assuming you believe him.

A 11111111

E 11111111111

Close run thing this time but the E's have it

The bear paused for a second and then smiled as sincerely as he could. "Yes that would be wonderful, the more the merrier." His eyes flicks across the cave floor, looking to find his robe and magic tome. He spotted them behind the naga, fox and pony pile.

"Chilly in here", the bear mumbled getting to his feet and moving towards the tome as nonchalantly as possible. He could see a hint of suspicion behind the naga's eyes. Runo still had his wrist daggers equipped and Kenia was axeless and knotted inside Jarus, and they were both nestled inside the naga's coils.

Aleoric tried to hide his fury; he'd been used, fucked under false pretences and lied too at least twice. He'd not even told Kenia about the map to Kafta, the naga must have been following him for a while. His natural bear emotions were screaming at him to attack, but with his defences still wiped after the goblin fight he needed his tome, a sleep spell or a holding spell was his best bet. Something that would take hold quick before the naga could hurt the other two.

Just another couple of paces and he would be at his book, as he got to his robes he breathed a quiet sigh of relief. However, before he could bend down a rather tried fox yawned and asked. "So what's the temple of Kafta?"

The naga's head jumped and he and Aleoric exchanged glances, the naga knew that he'd made a mistake and the bear knew that Runo knew what he was trying to do. The bear moved first, diving for his tome and trying to open it.

Unfortunately the Naga was just as quick and as Aleoric found the sleep spell he needed the Naga had both Kenia and Jarus trapped in a vicelike crushing grip and a dagger at each other their throats. The naga gave the bear a sad smile. "Should have kept my trap shut about Kafta huh?"

Jarus was whimpering loudly and the bear couldn't help but notice that the naga's dagger moved away from the equine's throat just enough to let the horse relax a little.

"How did you know about it?" Aleroic asked quietly, his eyes flicking at his tome, it would take at least three seconds to complete a sleep spell, probably not enough time for the naga to stop him, but more than enough time for his friends throats to be slit.

"Oh I've been searching for it for years now, there's something there I need." The naga hissed softly and looked down at his two hostages. "We seem to be at a bit of an impasse. I don't suppose you'd consider just walking away leaving the map, I promise if you do no-one gets hurt?"

"Says the naga who has already lied to us all at least twice." The bear replied evenly easing a little further back in the cave. "I see no reason to trust you."

"I could slit their throats and be out of here before you... " Runo's speech was interrupted by a fireball landing scorching right by his head.

"You do and swear you won't make it out of this cave alive." The bear snarled loudly his teeth showing in full, he'd never been so angry.

"I don't suppose there's any way I could get you to trust me again?" The naga asked, the fireball had been really close and his face scales were dry, he would need to shed some skin after this.

"You've lied to me twice, fucked me under false pretences, have take my two friends hostage and clearly planned all along to steal my map." Aleroic summed up in a snarl. "I really can't think of something you can do to gain back any trust."

"They weren't under false pretences, I really thought you were sexy, all three of you. I liked you and I didn't want to steal the map, I just wanted to go along. One thing that's all I wanted from a temple stuffed with riches." The naga looked at the two furs trapped and silent in his coils. The fox was glaring at the naga's throat. While Jarus was whimpering and had his eyes closed. Runo reached down and stroked the equines cheek lightly. "I guess if you are to believe that, I need to give you some reason to trust me."

To everyone's surprise the naga unclipped his wrist daggers and they fell harmlessly to the floor. He uncurled his coils from around the fox and horse and then held out his arms. "No weapons, no hostages, no defences, I am at your mercy. Kill me if you want, or let me speak and then decide if you... should kill me" The naga hung his head, lowering his last possible defence, his eyes.

Kenia made a run for his stuff grabbing his axe and turned snarling, Aleoric was still in a state of shock and was too far away to stop the fox should he chose to strike. "Talk fast snake." The fox growled holding his axe threateningly.

Runo lifted his head a little, surprised by the fox's restraint, given everything he'd seen of the barbarian he had figured the bear would have had to put the fox down to let him tell his story. Quickly the naga began to tell his tale.

'I'm not just any naga thief, I'm the son of King Runa head of all of the naga clans. That's right you didn't just fuck a dashingly handsome naga, you fucked a prince. Heir to the throne, for what that's worth when your father is immortal. My father didn't really have much time for me growing up, I was raised mainly by servants. I didn't want for anything, other than companionship.

You have no idea how easy it is to be alone when surrounded by servants and sycophants. My only friend was my elder sister, Leia, we used to play together in the halls, gardens or our rooms. She made every day an adventure and she would sing me to sleep every night. She was beautiful and charming, even more so than most naga's.

Then on her fourteenth birthday my father showed up, a surprise to say the least. I had seen the man less than half a dozen times in my ten years. Anyway he joined us for her party and said that he wanted to take my sister for a walk. Said she was old enough to go outside the castle. I wanted to go to and begged to be taken along. My father told me it wasn't my time and that my turn would come.

I wasn't happy but my sister told me that she would tell me all about it when she returned. So I waited for her to return, waited and waited. All night I sat up and she

never came back. The next morning I started looking for her at breakfast asking all the servants They told me she had been betrothed to one of the naga lords a male called Diel and that she would never return.

I found that hard to take and asked to see her, I shouted I screamed. I threw a petulant tantrum in the way only a spoilt princeling can. None of it helped the servants refused and when I tried to go to see her on my own they caught me, dragged me back to my room squirming and screaming.

Eventually I gave up after weeks of trying, I returned to my life or so my servants thought. I hatched a plan a way to escape, it took me months of planning of learning every way in and out. to find a map of the city which showed the house of Diel. Then one night I just slipped away and made my way to the house of Diel.

Only Leia wasn't there, all that was their was an ancient naga, Diel, he must have been hundreds of years old. His scales were so old and dry, his skin was cracked, brittle and he could barely move. He only had one servant and when I burst in it was the servant that restrained me from killing the old snake.

It was a good thing too, for the old snake was able to tell me the truth something no-one else ever would or could. My father wasn't born king, he was born a thief and an adventurer. Diel was one of his companions and the two had many adventures, one of which was to the temple of Kafta. He was not able to tell me much, his mind was dying on him and his memories were not intact.

However, he told me how my father had become immortal. It was in the temple of Kafta, somewhere in there is a shrine to the naga god Tuul and he prayed at that shrine, they both did. Immortal they returned to the naga kingdoms and gathered an army, they ousted the old king and took his lands for their own.

However Diel could not bring himself to do what he needed to do to keep the blessing of Tuul. He could not sacrifice a child of his own every ten years and so the blessing slipped and he began to age again. My father on the other hand had no problem in slicing the throat of my sister, like he did to dozens of my brothers and sisters over the centuries.

Diel bid his servant to take me to be trained by my fathers old thief masters, a group he knew could keep me hidden. While I was training I started looking for the temple. Every night I studied book after book trying to find the temple, to destroy the shrine and render my father mortal and revenge Leia and the others, whose names I do not know.

I eventually got a lead, a map to the temple held by a clan of polar bear barbarians. Well imagine my surprise when I arrive in town only to hear the chieftains' son had stolen the map before me. That's why I came after you, but I didn't lie when I said I would not kill or steal from you. I may have not told the full truth either, but I honestly did not mean any harm. I don't want for a share of the loot, I will do everything in my power to keep you all from harm. However, I must stop my father.'

His story finished Runo stood still awaiting his fate.

Vote by commenting below

A You can't trust him, he's lied to many times and he's a naga kill him.

B You can't trust him, put a sleep spell on him and leave him there

C He might be telling the truth, let him come but take his weapons and bind his hands.

D He might be telling the truth, let him come, but be on your guard, have sleep spell readied in case of betrayal.

E He has bared his soul, trust him and take him with you.