Workin' for the Weekend

Story by RingtailedFox on SoFurry

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After the Lylat Wars, Fox and Wolf reconcile their differences and grow closer. They even decide to merge their teams together and operate from Wolf's base on Aquas. However... things change when Katt announces that she's carrying Fox's kit. Without any jobs immediately forthcoming, Fox decides he has to do anything he can to support his new family. With Wolf's guidance, the two dating males become "working fathers" at a burlesque house in Corneria City.

Workin' for the Weekend

Story is (c) 2010 Ringtailed Fox and Ringshadow Cat

Star Fox characters are (c) 1993-2010 Nintendo

Writer: Ringtailed Fox

This is based off of a role-playing session on June 23, 2010 on AIM, and is

situated within the StarFox canon-based universe written by Ringshadow Cat in

her "Cards" series of fanfics, on (if you have not read her

works before, go there NOW, and read them here:, then come back and

read this one. I'll gladly wait! :D ). And for those not used to this style

of writing, I've decided to try writing it from Fox McCloud's point of view.

Fox enters the kitchen. He opens the fridge, and grasps a can of tomato

juice. He opens the can with a clawed finger-tip, and drinks some of the

smooth, reddish liquid.

"I still don't know how you can stand drinkin' that stuff, Foxie." Wolf speaks

as he concentrates on dicing some vegetables to make into a side-dish for that

evening's meal.

"Well, it helps maintain my energy and build. I'll never be a buff male like

you, so I try to remain slender, stealthy, and speedy." Fox replies, sneaking

up behind Wolf, wrapping his arms around the larger male.

"You seem a bit tense, hun." Fox whispers, nibbling Wolf's left ear.

"Tense? Well, I have this place to pay off with no jobs lined up, plus you got

a kid on the way... I'm not about to kick you out of my den. Just not gonna

happen." Wolf replies, slowing down the chopping motion on the vegetables as

his hand nears the sharp blade of the knife.

"Aww, you're so sweet." Fox smiles, kissing Wolf's cheek.

The older wolf sighs, nuzzling Fox softly. "You know, if you keep doin' that,

I'll never get these veggies done."

"They're not the only things that need to be done." Fox giggles, petting

Wolf's sides.

Wolf smirks. "Don't worry, Fox... we'll have some fun in a bit."

The wolf then gives Fox one of his surprise kisses. Fox instantly melts,

closing his eyes and lowering his ears as his lips touch Wolf's. His tail

stays still. He murrrrs lowly as his lips part, lightly touching Wolf's tongue

with his own. A few precious seconds pass before the two canid lovers part

from the kiss.

"That should tide you over for now." Wolf winks.

Fox blushes and nods. "You're like a drug. I always need my daily fix."

Wolf chuckles. "Vitamin Wolf: Required for a healthy diet!" He jokes,

playfully flexing and kissing a bicep, much to Fox's amusement.

Fox smirks, grabbing a small bag for the left-over chopped vegetable bits.

Wolf places the unusable bits into the bag, watching as Fox places the small

bag on the table.

"You want it here, or should I compost it?" Fox asks.

"We'll just compost that, but there'll be more, so we'll just put everything in

the one bag." Wolf replies.

A few seemingly-long minutes of silence pass, only broken by Wolf's chopping,

or the sound of water rinsing off his sharp cutlery. Fox decides to break the


"You said you were in debt... how badly?" Fox asks.

"You don't wanna know, Fox."

"Are we talkin' 'Great Fox' bad?"

Wolf chuckles and shakes his head. "How much did the Great Fox cost James?"

Wolf inquires.

Fox thinks about it for a second.

"Well... dad was supposed to pay it off in eighty years, before he was declared

dead and gave you his inheritance... so.. carry the four... four-hundred-

eighty-two-thousand credits."

Wolf simply chuckles. "Multiply that by three. That's what this place cost

me. I poured my savings into this place. At least you were able to pay off

your dad's debt. No such luck here..."

Fox leans against the counter.

"If you're that worried about your debt and losing this place, we could always

ask Katt if she'd be fine with us getting jobs as male strippers." Fox


"You think she'd really let her two husbands do that?" Wolf raises an eyebrow.

Fox shrugs. "Sure! We'd say it's to pay down your debt. My job easily

supports us and dad, but it alone isn't enough to put much of a dent in your


Wolf nods slightly. "Well, give it a shot. If she says yes, we'll be in

business. And if not... it's not like we'd be any worse-off than before. I

dunno if I still have the old magic like I used to, though."

Fox tosses his now-empty can of tomato juice in the recycle bin, when he sees

Leon entering the kitchen.

"Hey, Leon." Wolf speaks as he cleans off the table's surface.

"Good afternoon. Have a good nap?" Fox asks.

Leon nods. "It was... typical, I suppose."

Fox then stands up from leaning against the counter. "Know any high-class male


Leon is a bit confused by the sudden nature of Fox's question. "A couple,


"Wolf and I were thinkin' on earning some extra money by moonlighting as a

tag-team pair of male strippers." Fox replies.

Leon nods his head, looking at Wolf, and then back to Fox.

"Really?" the chameleon inquires.

Wolf fuzzles Fox's headfur and ears. "Fuck. Well, I did win an amateur

contest at a strip club once upon a time but I was like your age, sweetness."

Fox blushes, wiggling his ears. "I'm sure you still got it... besides... we

could have a theme... strength and speed... sherriff and outlaw... athletic

stripping, or even go outright into pornography..." The vulpine wonders out

loud to his husband.

Wolf blinks from Fox's ideas. "Wow. Now, that's exhibition. Never knew you

were that kinky, Fox. This is a side of you I might like." Wolf chuckles.

Leon simply watches the two closely, wondering why they'd want to exhibit

themselves that way. He certainly never thought his own superior officer,

Wolf, would even consider the idea, let alone do it in the past. He decides to

himself that the reason isn't that important. If two married males want to

do what they will with their bodies... why should he care?

"I know a club if you want to go try it." He speaks, catching the

attention of the two affectionate males.

"I'm somehow not surprised, Leon." Wolf chuckles, patting his shoulder.

Fox holds Wolf's paw. "You wanna give it a try, big boy?"

Wolf smirks. "It'd be by *far* the kinkiest thing we've ever done... but I'm

up for it if you are. We'll have to clear it with Katt, though."

"Of course... and no... I think the kinkiest thing we'd ever do is invite dad

to join us." Fox winks.

Wolf shakes his head. "Your dad would, and he'd invite the audience up."

Fox laughs at the idea. "So true! And we'd never make money that way..."

Leon leafs through his wallet and produces a business card between two fingers.

"Now, you realize... this place is very, very upscale. Very select. They are

very picky about who they let in, let alone who they let on the stage. If I

were you, I'd be very careful about how you look when you show up, or they

won't even let you in the door." The chameleon explains.

Fox nods. "Real ritzy, then... do we show up in Georgio Armani suits?"

"Well, that's your choice. I just thought I'd warn you about their strict

dress code." Leon replies.

"Thanks for the heads-up. That eliminates at least one nasty surprise for me."

Wolf grasps the business card for the strip club, and grins at Fox. "Uniforms

with sidearms. Functional ones. That'll get us some fuckin' notice."

Fox grins. "I like that idea!"

Wolf looks a bit closer at the card before passing it to Fox. "My god. The

place is actually called 'The Voyeur.' Check out the card, Fox."

Leon explains a bit further. "It's mostly strippers, occasionally live

erotica, from what I understand. I've never been there. When I go out to a

club I go to another friend's establishment, The Glass Shackle."

Fox looks over the business card, before looking back at Leon. "Do they allow

actual sex, or is it limited to just stripping? 'cause... I'll go all the way

to help my wolfman." He smiles at Wolf.

"I've heard they *do* have sex shows on stage, but you might want to ask for

clarification there. Someone may have lied to me, or it might be outdated

info." Leon speaks.

"Naturally. Don't wanna get thrown out on our first visit." Fox nods.

Wolf rocks a bit on his heels. "So... if Katt gives us the green-light... when

do you wanna peruse this place?"

Fox earperks. "Well, whenever you'd like to. I'd prefer we go as a team,


"Sounds good to me... but I'd like a bit of advance notice. May as well hit a

stylist before going, even if we go in uniform."

"Mmmhmm." Fox hums to himself. "But first... i think we should clear it with

Katt, like you said..."

"Who knows, she may come along and watch." Wolf snickers.

He then adjusts his belt slightly. "and... sadly, this is starting to sound

almost hot... which I wouldn't have figured for myself."

Fox caresses his husband's hand. "You need to let off some steam?"

Wolf shrugs. "I have no idea, actually. Not overly hot-and-bothered... but I

could be..." He winks at Fox, grabbing his shirt gently, walking towards

their bedroom, quickly.

Leon sighs. "Mammals..."

Later on that evening, after a quick round of love-making with Fox, and dinner

with the crew...

Wolf nuzzles Fox, smiling at him as he hugs the smaller fox gently, wearing the

outfit from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. "Like the outfit?"

Fox smiles, murrrling warmly as he nuzzles back. "I love it... is it a new


Wolf nods. "Yeah, pretty new. May be a bit over the top for a uniform, though,

I dunno..."

Fox looks over his own uniform from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. "I think I look

well-equipped for anything comin' my way."

Wolf steps back, looking over Fox's uniform. "Good lord, babe. That's cut


Fox smiles. "Thanks... I did my own modifications... had this one for a while.

Never saw action in a tournament like Super Smash Bros., though..."

"Hey, it's new for both of us." Wolf replies. "I wonder how we'll appear in

the club, though... I wonder how often *real* soldiers walk in."

Fox pets Wolf's ears and headfur gently. "I'd say more often than ya think."

"Hmm. Good point. Probably quite a few in the audience." He grins, nibbling

one of Fox's ears, causing the fox to murrrrl lowly and wiggle his ears.

Katt walks down the hallway, when Fox and Wolf notice. They follow her into

the kitchen.

Fox decides to bite the bullet and ask the question. "Oh, Katt, sweetie...

Wolf and I were discussing something, and we felt that we needed your input and

permission on it..."

Katt lifts an eyebrow. "Nice outfits, boys. And for what?" She starts the

coffee maker, preparing some decaf.

"You know Wolf's loaded with debt right now from building this place, and we'll

have a family of our own soon enough... Wolf and I were thinking on becoming a

male stripper duo-team-thing at this very high-end strip club to bring in money

when we have no jobs to do, like right now... and who knows? If we get lucky,

we could even become porn stars."

Katt looks surprised from her husband's question, and thinks it over. "Huh...

I dunno, babe... I mean, I'm okay with stripping. Hell, knock yourselves out.

As much as you two work out, show it off. I don't mind other people looking.

Porn, though... I may have to think about it."

Fox nods. "That's alright. As Wolf and I already planned, it would be just us

together, no one else. Even you if you wanted to join... but no one else. I

may be willing to strip, but I'm still a married man."

Katt nods thoughfully. "Alright, then. I trust you boys. But if you see

anyone hot, you *have* to take pictures." She grins.

Wolf laughs at the order.

"Sounds like a plan!" Fox laughs with Wolf.

"Okay, you two have my blessing. Have fun, huh?" She smiles, pouring herself

some now-ready decaffinated coffee.

Fox adjusts his uniform jacket. "We will. We're gonna go down to the place and

see if they'll even accept us, first."

Katt tilts her head. "Somewhere on Corneria, I assume."

"Yeah, the Uptown district of Corneria City." Wolf speaks.

Katt takes a sip of her warm decaf. "Sounds pricy."

"I'm sure it is." Wolf replies.

"It's no big loss if we don't get accepted. Might try a second place." Fox

speaks, feeling he should let Wolf and Katt know his backup plan.

Wolf smiles at Katt and Fox. "Foxie, I'll cover any cover charge and buy you a


Fox murrrs softly. "Aww, you're so sweet."

"You guys should get going... the Orbital gate tends to get busy at this time

of the evening on Corneria." Katt reminds them.

"She's right!" Fox replies.

"Shall we?" Wolf asks, offering his paw.

"We shall." Fox replies, holding his paw as they two walk out of the kitchen,

and towards the craft loading bay.

Katt calls out to them as they walk out. "Have fun, hotnesses!"

The two males approach the loading bay.

Wolf walks towards his Wolfen, waving to the raccoon mechanic in the control

room. "Hey Zak, heat 'em up for us."

Zak replies through the overhead radio speakers. "Certainly, sir!"

With the push of a button, the cockpits on the Wolfen and Arwing pop open, and

their engines start up. Wolf sighs happily. "That will never get old."

Fox chuckles as the canopy to his Arwing cockpit opens, and climbs in. "Always

the rebel leader, right Wolfie?"

Wolf swings into his cockpit and buckles up, the cockpit sealing up around him.

"You know it, Foxie."

The two pilots buckle up as their cockpits re-seal above and around them.

"Ready." Fox speaks over the communicator.

"Let's hit it." Wolf replies, launching out of the base, with Fox right behind


The two craft clear the atmosphere of Aquas within 30 seconds. Wolf checks his

craft's status.

"Alright, I've got a warp solution... want me to send it over?" He asks.

"Ready to recieve. All data channels are open." Fox replies.

Wolf sends the warp solution program to Fox's Arwing, and kicks back as his

Wolfen's autopilot program kicks in. Fox enables autopilot in his own craft

upon recieving the data, letting his craft closely follow Wolf's.

A few seconds later, Wolf brings up the video communication system over their

cockpit fiberglass. Fox chuckles as he sees Wolf reclining, fingers laced

behind his head.

"You realize what we're about to do, right? If they let is in... we're

seriously discussing banging in front of an audience." He speaks.

Fox relaxes a bit as well. "Yeah, I'm dead serious about it. We need the

income. Besides, it's just us... not complete strangers. They would be


Wolf ponders that for a second. "I think we need to make this more about us

and exploration, than the idea of money. I mean, that'd officially upgrade us

to prostitutes. And while I respect 'em, they work hard, I don't need that job

title on my resume." He cracks half a smile.

Fox chuckles. "You're right...'the great Fox McCloud, reduced to

prostitution!' I'd never live it down... though, we're only stripping with,

and yiffing with, each other.. would that really be prostitution?"

Wolf smirks. "Good point. 'The great Fox McCloud, reduced to being a porn

star!'" He chuckles, then sighs. "Let's be honest... my public reputation

still sucks. No one would even blink. My professional reputation... I'm not

so certain."

"Well, then... would being called 'Fox McCloud's main squeeze' in the tabloids

bring up your public image? If Katt and I can snag you and stay with you...

then you can't be *that* bad." Fox ponders out loud to Wolf.

Wolf laughs. "Yeah, yeah... You're a bit of an exception, baby."

"Likewise, Wolfie." Fox winks, blowing a kiss to Wolf through the video

communication system.

Wolf smirks and returns it, relaxing until they arrive at the Orbital Gate.

After a few minutes of delays, Fox and Wolf are cleared for landing on

Corneria. Fox watches his controls carefully as they land. Upon landing at

the Corneria City Space Port, Wolf cheerfully hops out onto the tarmac and

stretches out languidly, followed by Fox, who gives a big yawn.

Wolf hugs Fox with one arm. "You take a nap?" He smiles.

Fox blushes as he hugs back. "Nah... just got a bit bored on the way over,

with nothin' to do until landing... no steerin', no dogfights..."

Wolf nuzzles the younger male lovingly. "Sorry, sweetie. Should we take a

taxi there, or get my BMW outta storage?"

Fox nuzzles back, smiling at Wolf. "Let's see your car."

Wolf nods. "Alright. May take a bit."

Twenty minutes later, the slate-gray luxury sedan is brought around, and the

keys are handed back to Wolf by the valet.

"Very nice." Wolf speaks, handing the valet a tip.

Fox looks around the car, almost like a trucker performing a "circle check".

"Whoa, Wolf... this is NICE! Gotta cost you at least 50 or 60 credits..." Fox

exclaims, being quite impressed.

"I keep my baby in heated storage by the Space Port. It's not cheap, but I

love this thing." He replies, opening the passenger door. "Get in."

Fox hops into the passenger-side front seat, while Wolf walks around to the

driver's side. After buckling up, he pulls away from the Wolfen, looking at

the address on the business card Leon gave him.

"This is way uptown. There are apartmens in this neighbourhood with yearly

rents as much as your ship debt, if not double."

Fox blinks. "Crap, that's a lot..."

Wolf nods as he drives, pulling onto the freeway. "Never spend much time

uptown? I know you're a native there..." He gives a puzzled stare as he


Fox watches the road with Wolf. "Nah... I may come from a well-to-do family,

but dad's not rich by any means. Hell, I was only able to pay off 2/3 of the

Great Fox's debt load. Still a good 5 years of payments left on it at this


"My family's middle-class, but I still explored, ya know?" He shrugs in his

seat, pulling off at the next approaching exit.

"Here's your chance hotness." Wolf speaks as they exit the freeway and drive

down the main avenue towards the strip club. Wolf then pulls into a parking

garage, pays the entry fee, and turns the car off.

"You ready to do this?" He smiles.

"As ready as I'll ever get, babe." Fox replies.

Wolf climbs out of the car, and steps around to open Fox's door. "Shall we?"

Fox steps out and nods.

Wolf takes Fox's hand, grasping the smaller male's paw with the gentle strength

that only a protector could give. The two males walk back towards the entrance

of the parking garage, and down the street.

Wolf grins as something catches his eye. "See that red carpet ahead? That's

where we're going."

Fox smiles, holding his lover's hand in his own. "I see. No turnin' back


Wolf's ears twitch a bit. "Hey, if you're having second thouhts, we can just

go to dinner or something..."

Fox shakes his head. "No way. We can eat later. To me, this is do-or-die

time. I always wanted to set foot in this place... and now I'm actually doing


Wolf blinks. "You've heard of this place? Leon mentioning it is a first to


Fox walks with Wolf, noticing the guard is eyeing them. He responds to Wolf's

question. "Yeah, I've heard of it, but never had the money or reason to walk


The doorman stops Wolf and Fox from entering futher. "Nice outfits. Those

sidearms real?"

"Yep." Wolf answers.

The doorman smirks and opens the door, stepping out of their way. "Have fun."

Wolf grins as he walks in with Fox. "Awesome."

Upon entering the building's lobby, the two males become stunned from the

ornate details and rich architecture within the building.

"Oh wow. Sheer fuckin' class, man." He says, looking around at posh art deco

design, and grins at the stage. "I've been in strip clubs but that.. is

fucking EPIC."

Fox nods as he looks around at the red carpets, brass handrails, and

wainscotted walls. "This is probably where people like George Lucas and Rupert

Murdoch hang out..."

"Yeah, if they were gay and liked stripclubs... they probably would frequent

this place." Wolf replies.

"Just gorgeous. Want to get a drink and find out how to get on stage?" Wolf

asks, after a few seconds.

Fox nods. "Sure. It is a bit *hot* in here." He chuckles, undoing the top

button on his uniform shirt in a strip-teasing manner.

Wolf rolls his eyes and fuzzles Fox's headfur. "Save it for the stage, Romeo."

Fox chuckles and follows Wolf. The larger male walks over to the bar, leaning

on it and hooking and eyebrow at the bartender. The bartender lifts an

eyebrow in return as he serves someone else a martini, before walking over.

"My friend and I would like to get on stage." He speaks.

The bartender nods. "Really. Well, you realize we don't allow just anyone up


"Naturally not. But we're not just anyone." Wolf replies.

"Mmhm. Well, our stage is coed... you're strippers?"

Fox nods. "Sure."

Wolf quirks an eyebrow, looking at Fox. "Are we just stripping, or ar we also

considering doing a live show?"

The bartender watches the two males interact. "You two don't strike me as

typical thrillseekers..."

Wolf nods. "Sadly, we are. Little bit of an exhibition fantasy... and who

knows... we may make some money."

Fox faces the bartender. "Well, let's start off with a strip show... and if

they like it... wel'll go from there. Depends on how much they're enjoin' it."

The bartender nods. "We don't have the live shows on the main stage... there's

a select stage in the VIP room. That allows us to discuss the matter with

people, and allows them to come or go depending on whether they want to see


Fox and Wolf listen closely.

"But... if you want to strip as well, I could get the manager for you. You'll

have to take it up with her. I do filter the idiots out, but you two seem like

you could be serious." The bartender offers.

"Any limitations or things we should know that we can't do?" Fox asks.

"You'll have to take it up with the stage manager." He says, stepping away to

serve some drinks, and then makes a phone call on his cell phone afterwards.

Fox smiles as he pets Wolf's ears gently.

"Wow. They're serious about this. This isn't the sort of place that allows a

bunch of coeds up for amateur night." Wolf chuckles, leaning into the nice


He then looks at the other bar patrons. "Our outfits are being eyed."

Fox smiles, continuing to pet Wolf's ears. "Let 'em watch, babe. Just

relax... you're with me, and I won't let anything bad happen."

Wolf gives a fond smile from hearing that, sighing softly.

A stag is drinking his glass of wine at one of the nearby tables. He seems

well-groomed. He watches the fox and wolf at the bar closely, before moving

his glance to the bartender, getting a nod from him in return. He gets up and

walks towards the entrance of the room, returning shortly after with the stage

manager, a brown-furred wolverine female.

Wolf turns in his chair to lean back on the bar, surveying the room as he

relaxes. When the deer and wolverine appear, he cocks his head at them and

waits patiently.

The wolverine approaches wolf. "I'm Andrea. My associates told me that you're

interested in performing some adult entertainment in my lounge..."

"That we are. A friend of ours gave us a business card to the

establishment... I have to admit, this is fairly new to both of us. I've

stripped before, but it's new to him." Wolf nods at Fox.

Andrea smiles at the two. noticing the rings on their fingers. "Well, normally

we cater to high-class guests and only allow experienced or well-known

entertainment in the lounge..." She looks them both over. "But... it's not

every day that we get a pair of legends like Star Fox and Lord O'Donnell in

here. So, I'm going to give you guys a try out if you're serious about it."

Wolf raises his eyebrows. "Hah. You saw us come in on camera or something and

looked us up... Nice. Very nice."

"It's just for security reasons. Keeps the troublemakers out." Andrea


"Perfect. You don't have to call me Lord O'Donnell, though. for the record.

That said, I think we're serious." Wolf replies, before looking at Fox.

Fox blushes a bit. "I'm confident that we have what it takes to put on a

reasonably good show for you."

"Oh, that I'm sure of, as much as we work out."

Andrea smiles at the two males. "I can see that. I like your outfits as well.

Now, on any money you do make... we take a ten percent cut. I know it might

seem a bit steep, but it's not cheap to run this place... surveillance cameras

and high-quality service aren't free. If you're still up for it, my assistant

Karl will prepare you both."

Wolf shrugs. "Pffft. My art gallery takes twenty percent. I'm good."

Andrea shakes hands with Wolf and Fox. "Well, alright then. I hope you guys

put on a good show. I'll be watching ya." She smiles as she walks back

towards the entrance.

Wolf turns to the deer stag. "Would you be the assistant?" He asks.

Karl the stag nods his head. "Yes, I am. What did you two have in mind for

tonight?" He asks.

"We're open to options... it started as a stripping discussion, and turned into

a public-banging discussion." Wolf half-smiles. "Fox? Any particulars?"

Fox blushes a bit more visibly. "Well.... I'm fully up for stripping. Have

you ever fucked in public, dear?" He asks Wolf.

Wolf shakes his head. "Nope. But I'm open to new things... might be hot."

Fox swishes his tail a bit. "Let's go for it, then."

Wolf grins. "Alright, then. She said you needed to prepare us?"

Karl adjusts his tie. "Yes. I'l be leading you backstage, where you can don

any of our many costumes if you desire, as well as show you our array of props

like poles, chairs, and so on."

Wolf smirks. "Props? Wow. Leon would be in heaven, I'm sure. Let's go."

Wolf stands and follows Karl backstage, with Fox walking beside him, swishing

his tail all the way.

"This is a bit of an adventure." Wolf says as he pops his neck. "How do you

want to do this, Fox? I could totally see play-sparring and stripping while

doing so..."

Fox faces Wolf, grinning. "Sparring? I like that idea. Sure beats a

'strip-off' competition by a LONG shot."

"And you know I a good fight." Wolf gives a big grin."

Fox pets the grinning Wolf's ears, getting a happy murr from him. "Oh, you know

it, big boi."

Karl notifies them from the side of the stage. "Alright, lovebirds. You're


Wolf grins as he walks towards the stage with Fox. "Ready if you are, baby."

"Sweetie, I was born ready." Fox grins, walking towards the other end of the

stage, behind the curtain.

Wolf grins and follows him, tail lashing.

Karl walks out into the middle of the stage, and grasps the microphone pole,

announcing onto the intercom. "Alright, patrons. We have a special treat for

you this evening. Wolf and Fox McCloud are going to put on a little show for

you. Now, you can look, but you can't touch (as tempting as it may be)."

The stag quickly parts from the stage as Wolf appears on the same side as

Fox. He takes a few steps and runs before leaping into a roundoff, launching

off his hands towards one of the poles, and hooking a knee around it. He turns

the momentum into a spin and leaps, tucking and rolling to stand on the

opposite side of the stage, coming to a mixed-martial-arts fighting stance and

grinning wickedly. He lets off a loud wolf howl to assert his dominance.

Fox grins, leaping and grasping one of the poles, flipping over it once,

before landing. He crouches low in a defensive stance. "Fancy footwork can't

save you anymore, Wolf."

Wolf grins, shaking his head slowly. "Big talk, baby." He charges in,

coming in with his normal wide-range blows, but deviating at the last minute,

dodging past and grabbing Fox's jacket, yanking it down and holding his arms,

licking his ear once before yanking it the rest of the way off.

Fox growls, murrling softly from the lick as his jacket's pulled off. He

quickly slides back a couple of feet, quickly looking Wolf over for any

potential weaknesses. He then charges at Wolf, moving swiftly behind him,

grasping his jacket carefully, pulling it back to slide off him.

Wolf cheerfully twists out of his jacket, having discarded Fox's back toward

the curtain. He looks at his gloves as he takes a few steps back, licking his

lips, and beckoning to Fox. "The problem with doing it this way is... there's

only so much clothing that's easy to rip off someone..."

Fox smirks. "Well, then. I should make this a bit easier for ya..." He

undoes his own shirt, exposing his slim, yet toned, soft-furred body to

everyone as he takes it off, casting it to the side. "There's your freebie,

mister confident."

Wolf chuckles. "Well, if we're doing it that way..." He undoes his own

shirt, and slides it off with a practiced contortion that makes his defined

muscles ripple, tossing the shirt over his shoulder. "Heh. So, we gunna


Fox swishes his tail steadily. "*Now* we are." He grins, grasping Wolf's

hands with his own, trying to push him back, levereging his clearly

less-massive body agianst the wolf's. Wolf merely digs his toes in and shoves

back, his boots skidding on the stage surface. He grins hungrily as his larger

mass takes over, and he begins shoving Fox backwards.

Fox growls as he pushes his weight into Wolf, clearly losing. He growls

lowly, pushing his nose to Wolf's. "Gonna give up, outlaw?"

Wolf laughs. "Hah!" He braces and yanks Fox in, twisting and using his grip

on the other man's hands to hold him a few inches off the ground. "Never."

Fox squirms a bit in Wolf's grasp, but gets an idea. He grins, catching Wolf

off-guard with a forceful kiss.

Wolf is startled, then growls as he pulls Fox back up, returning the kiss and

using the moment to relieve Fox of his belt.

Fox murrls lowly from the kiss, growling at Wolf as his belt's undone, but

basically powerless to stop it.

Wolf chuckles, breaking the kiss in favour of moving away, cracking the belt

in a practiced motion, the leather biting the air as he snickers. "Now, now.

We can't start that part of the show on this stage, sexy."

Fox growls, reverting back to a defensive stance, even with his beltless


Wolf snickers, tossing the belt aside before getting rid of his. He then

reaches behind his back, shedding several weapons as well. "I don't think

these are needed."

Fox shakes his head. "Never one to travel light, i see?"

"What can I say? The contents of my pants are weaponized." Wolf replies


Fox chuckles. "Mmm. Indeed they are."

Wolf smirks as he invites Fox to try to pounce him. "You want a piece of me,


Fox chuckles, shaking his head. "Why go for a piece when I can get the whole

thing?" He charges at Wolf. The larger male tries to dodge, but misses, and

Fox pounces him, pinning him to the floor. What Fox may not have in muscle

mass, he more than makes up for with his speed and agility. The smaller,

golden-and-white-furred fox male swishes his tail triumphantly as he pins Wolf

with his knees on Wolf's forearms agianst the stage.

"Game, set, and match?" Fox asks.

"Not on your life, foxboi." Wolf grins, grasping Fox's hips, lifting him off

with relative ease. As he lifts Fox, his partner's pants begin to slip lower.

Wolf smirks, using a clawed toe to carefully tug Fox's pants lower without

ripping them.

"I think it's safe to say you're at my mercy, young Fox." Wolf snickers.

Fox blushes. "Oh, woof, mister Wolf." He chuckles as his pants slip down past

his waist, exposing his slightly-tenting underwear.

Wolf snickers, petting Fox's soft body. "Someone's enjoying this." He grins,

reaching down to grope Fox's stiffening shaft through the fabric of his

underwear, causing Fox to moan softly.

"What's that, boi? I couldn't hear you becuase you were moaning." Wolf

chuckles, caressing along Fox's sheath and balls on his underwear.

"F-feels good..." Fox blushes hotly.

"It *does* feel good, doesn't it... I wonder if this feels good, too?" Wolf

asks, slipping his paw into Fox's underwear, stroking his lover's stiffening,

knotted cock, keeping Fox pinned with his free paw. Wolf decides he may as

well go all-in, and begins to remove Fox's underwear with his teeth, gently

tugging along the waistband of Fox's underwear. "Lift yer hips up a bit, Fox."

Fox groans softly, lifting his hips up slightly, allowing Wolf to tug his

underwear down, passing them back to Fox. The wolf then allows Fox to sit up,

but positions himself so his own hips are at eye-level with Fox.

"Remove them." He growls dominantly.

Fox nods slowly, looking up at Wolf as he begins to do so. Wolf winks at him,

reassuring him that he's in control, and won't force Fox to do anything he's

uncomfortable with. Fox smiles, swishing his tail a bit as he begins to undo

Wolf's pants, helping the larger male escape the confines of his polyester


Wolf briefly looks back to Karl, wondering how they're doing.

Karl gives two thumbs-up. They're doing just fine. The crowd's pretty

focused, watching their every move.

Wolf then looks down at Fox. "Your choice... strip me down... or do we go all

the way?" He whispers.

Fox looks up. "They lovin' it?"

"They're hooked like a rainbow trout durin' fishin' season." Wolf replies.

Fox bites his lip, looking back at the audience, then back at Wolf. He can

tell the females, and even some of the males, in the audience are enjoying

this a great deal. "It would be tough to top a live sex act... especially on

the first time... so let's just give 'em a strip show..." Fox answers.

"Alright." Wolf speaks.

"--with a blow job." Fox winks.

"You kinky son of a vixen." Wolf grins.

"Hope your legs are steady, big guy." Fox grins, slowly tugging down Wolf's

pants, followed by his underwear.

He murrs as he exposes Wolf's sheath and balls. "My, mister wolf... what big

bits you have..." He smirks, caressing Wolf's sheath and furred sac.

"Mmmh. All the better to fuck you with, foxyboi." He grins, caressing Fox's

ears as the vulpine caresses and strokes his swelling sheath.

Fox then begins to lap along wolf's balls, stroking his own stiffening cock.

He closes his eyes, giving each of Wolf's large, cum-filled orbs a gentle

suckle, caressing his unsheathing cock with his free paw.

"Mmhf... f-foxie..." Wolf murrrls lowly in pleasure, watching his friend as

his tail swishes steadily. Fox then licks upwards along his plump sheath,

kissing Wolf's cocktip before going down on his throbbing cock, caressing and

massaging his balls.

Wolf groans hotly from feeling Fox's tongue lapping gently and slowly along the

sensitive tip and underside of his cock... "Mrrh... not gonna last at that

rate, Fox..."

Fox smirks, simply doubling his efforts to bring his husband to climax, keeping

his own legs spread as he strokes with his free paw, giving the audience a good

view of his own bits. "T-that's it, boi... show 'em what yer daddy gave ya..."

"Mhrrl... f-fuck! Oh... Fox!" Wolf pants, growling as his shaft throbs hotly,

spasming and spurting his creamy wolfspunk into Fox's muzzle. Fox pants

through his nose as he goes down on his lover, massaging his cumming cock and

balls as he strokes himself, climaxing with Wolf, cumming all over his own

furred chest and tummy.

Wolf pants raggedly as he looks down at Fox, who keeps his muzzle on his

lover's cock, looking up at him, rubbing his own sticky cream into his fur.

"W-where'd you learn to suck cock like that, babe? So fuckin' hot..." He asks

his lover.

Fox smirks as he slowly pulls off of Wolf's spent, dripping shaft, licking his

own lips clean before answering. "I had a few hunches on what you might like,

and just went with 'em. Instinct, I guess." He winks as he starts to stand.

Wolf then caresses Fox's ears, giving him a deep kiss, hugging him tightly as

he wraps his bushy tail around him, feeling Fox's cum-slickened fur pressing

into his own, tasting his own seed on Fox's lips and tongue, and not caring one

bit. Fox closes his eyes as he returns the hug and kiss, wrapping his tail

around Wolf in return. The two lovers embrace each other on stage as the

audience showers them with approval, and credits, for their little act.

"How was that for a first-time stripping job?" Fox asks as he slowly breaks

the kiss with Wolf.

Wolf simles down at Fox. "Was alright. With practice, I'll show you how to

really *wow* them."

Wolf grins, noticing Fox's tail wagging a bit.

"Sounds like something fun to learn." Fox replies, touching Wolf's nose.

"It can be." Wolf smirks, touching his nosepad to Fox's.

"You wanna get dressed, Wolfie?" Fox asks, noticing they've been hugging each

other for about a minute.

"Nah... let 'em watch for a little bit more... they seem to like yer tail." He

murrrs lowly as Fox blushes, swishing his tail a bit for the audience.

A few minutes later, Fox and Wolf get dressed on stage. They're met by a

slightly-sweaty Karl.

"Boys, that was pretty hot for your first time together. I think you have

potential." He speaks, helping them back up onto their feet.

"Glad you think so." Fox speaks.

"Would you be interested in coming back sometime?" Karl asks.

"You mean as regulars?" Wolf asks. "I dunno..."

"Well, if not as regulars... on a 'whenever-you-feel-like-it' basis." Karl


"I'll definitely have to think about that... but if Fox enjoyed it, I'll side

with him. He's my man, after all." Wolf says, hugging a now-blushing Fox


"I understand. However, before you leave, you should pick up your pay in

Andrea's office." Karl reminds them.

Fox and Wolf agree, and follow the stag back towards Andrea's office.

Karl leads them in, and they sit down at Andrea's desk. She leans forward,

towards the two males.

"You two were fantastic. Cute *and* erotic. I know this isn't your first

time, Mr. O'D--err... Wolf, but Fox, you seemed like a natural. Both of you

were quite impressive. Did Karl tell you about my offer for you to return here

any time you wanted?" She asks.

"Yes, Ma'am." Fox replies.

"You can call me Andrea, and good."

Fox is blushing heavily at this point. "I didn't think I had the talent for

this type of work."

"Well, believe me, the audience LOVED you. Fox, you're right when you said

you make a great team with Wolf. It's perfect. Polar opposites that just mesh

so well." She smirks. "I'm sure with his experience, he'll be willing to show

you a few tips and tricks of the trade."

It's Wolf's turn to blush. "I will. He's just too sexy to keep to myself."

Andrea giggles. "Well, anyway... would you two like to know your haul for

the night?"

"Sure. It's not so much for the money as it is a physical experiment, but...

pulling a small profit would be a perk." Fox replies.

Andrea nods, grabbing her calculator. "After we take our ten percent cut for

operations and overhead... you two hauled in a total of...." She blinks.

"What?" Wolf asks.

"Over four grand. Maybe it's your celebrity status, or maybe the audience

just really liked you... that's the biggest haul we've had all month." Andrea

smiles as she hands Wolf and Fox their credits.

"Shit... if we did this twice a week, we'd have the Great Fox and your base

paid off in no time!" Fox pats Wolf's shoulder.

"That's still a couple years, bud... but yeah. Not that bad at all." Wolf

sighs happily.

The next morning, Fox wakes up, yawning and stretching in his bed, next to

Wolf and Katt. He smiles at them as the morning light shines through the

bedroom's window, illuminating his sleeping spouses. He looks at the clock.

06:22 AM. Too early to completely get up and make breakfast. Fox looks over

the side of the bed, and finds his mini-laptop. Now would be just as good of a

time as any to add to his little diary files. He grasps the small device,

turns it on, and opens up his diary files. The young fox male begins typing up

some of his memoirs on his laptop's diary program.

Diary, you don't know just how much I love Katt and Wolf. Something about

them makes me feel warm and wanted inside. They make me feel confident in

myself... like I can do nearly anything I put my mind to.

Hell, take last week's barbecue, for example. I heard a knock on the door.

"Fox, Panther and I are gonna barbeque some of the meat we caught from spear-

fishing earlier. How do you want yours done?" Wolf asks.

Just hearing his sweet, low-toned voice makes me melt and blush. Even to this


"Ahh... Medium-well, I suppose. I'm not picky with how you guys make meals."

Wolf nods his head. "Alright. We'll be servin' dinner in about thirty


I smile back at Wolf, blow him a kiss, and resume typing into my laptop's diary


The smile Katt gives to me is enough to drive any man to do anything to win

her affection... and yet, she says I already have, though I feel I would move

Lylat itself if it would please her.

I know it's only 06:23 AM as I write this, but I would hate to wake either

of them. They've been there for me through good times and bad... they need

their sleep. They work so hard. We all do.

I suppose I'm up at this early hour of the morning because I can't sleep,

either. Ahh, writing. A suggestion of my lovely wife Katt's to keep my mind

sharp whenever I find myself bored, or with a few free minutes. It's a bit

ironic, too... I started off writing to get my mind off of a traumatic event a

couple years back, with my first sexual encounter with Wolf. Some would call

it rape, but I look back and call it snapping in the heat of battle. I've

forgiven him for it, and ever since, he's been a gentle giant to me... aside

from when I want him to be rough, that is *evil grin*.

Wolf keeps telling me that he's the luckiest lupine in the entire system to

have someone like me to be with... I tend to believe I'm lucky to have a strong

protector-type like him, too.

In a way, I also feel that I owe him, since he saved my dad's life. I don't

know how I'd cope if my father was murdered on Venom as planned. Sure, my dad

and Wolf have had their own ups and downs, including dating (!), but I'm just

glad we've been able to remain friends and grow closer because of it. He may

be an asshole with a heart of gold, but he's all mine.

He has an almost cute demeanour about him that he rarely lets anyone else

see, and I can understand why... his reputation's at stake. However, what made

me worry the most from him was the day Katt told me that she was pregnant with

my pup, and he was sitting across the room. My poor Wolfie's ears drooped, and

he looked concerned, like I was going to cast him to the curb and settle down.

As the captain of my fleet, I told him that no soldier is left behind. I never

saw his tail wag that fast before as he squeeze-hugged the life out of me.

He's been my husband ever since, and been "Uncle Wolf" to our pup.

I'm not only relieved, but glad that Wolf and Katt get along so well. At

times, my military contract drives me far from Lylat, but I'm glad I can trust

Wolf to protect and comfort Katt and our child while I'm away. Katt and Wolf

were so happy on the day the three of us were married.

Hell, the sweetest and most unselfish thing he ever did to help Katt and I

a few weeks after learning she was going to have a child was his offer to strip

with me at a high-class gay bar he and Leon know about. He was concerned about

his finances, for both his base, and my family. That day, I learned he did it

a few years ago (probably as a teenager, perhaps? Teen Wolf? MURR!), so, we

gave it a try (with Katt's blessing, of course)... and what would you know?

The audience loved our first little exhibition! We'll probably give them more

in the future. ;)

And to think this was all from Wolf's idea of having my team, Star Fox,

teaming up with his own team, Star Wolf about a year back... hell, moving into

Wolf's recently-constructed base-slash-home on Aquas might've been one of the

best things that ever happened to all of us. Plus, Wolf's little beach home

has the best sunsets in the Lylat System. It's been such a strange trip over

the past couple of years, one as strange as it is fun... one that I hope never


Ohh, dear... I think they're stirring and starting to wake up. I hope my

typing didn't disturb their sleep. Until next time, diary... this is James

"Fox" McCloud, Jr., signing off.