Project Guardian: chapter 3: project Excalibur.

Story by Convexity Reborn on SoFurry

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He sat in a cage, approximately 24.7 feet for width, 24.8 feet for length, and 25.2 feet for height. The roof of the cage was a 3 inch thick plate of hardened steel, and the bars were 2.5 inches thick in diameter.

553's observations were interrupted as a group of scientists walked into the room, they were led by a male wolf that reminded him of the wolf that was in the room when he had encountered rose. The wolf walked up to the edge of the cage that they were keeping 553 in.

The wolf stared at 553. "I spoke with Rosanna, and she told me about you." The wolf walked over to a console next to 553's cage. "She said you can adapt to any situation, and that you were faster and stronger than anything we could throw at you." A large door at the far end of the room slid open, revealing a covered cage twice as big as the one they kept 553 in. The wolf stepped away from the console and turned towards 553. "If what I heard is true, then you will make a worthy test subject for my latest project." The cage began to slide into the room and the wolf walked over to it. "I present, Project Excalibur."

He pulled the cover off the cage, revealing a sleek female lizard that was 5 feet tall and completely naked, in front of her was a male fox dressed in an orange prisoner uniform. The prisoner was backed up against the bars of the cage, he began screaming for help as the lizard walked over to him. She crouched next to the man. She spoke in a soothing and seductive voice. "It's okay, there's no need to scream, all I want to do is make you feel good." She turned the man's head towards her and looked into his eyes, the man stopped screaming. The prisoner seemed to be in some kind of trance as he stood up. The prisoner looked at the female lizard's naked form and a bulge formed in his pants, in that moment, a barrage of blue tentacles shot out of the lizard's back and grabbed the man, tearing of his clothes in the process, one of the tentacles wrapped itself around the man's member and began sliding up and down it, the other tentacles wrapped around the man's legs, arms, and neck. In only a few moments, white liquid began to spew out of the mans member, but the tentacles didn't stop, instead going faster as the man's moans of pleasure became screams of pain. The tentacles around the man's arms, legs, and neck began to tighten, silencing the man's screams. As the tentacles grew tighter, the man's bones in his arms and legs snapped. The man was brought down to face the lizard, and she kissed him on the cheek just before the audible snap of the man's spine. As the tentacles retracted, the body of the man was absorbed into the back of the lizard woman.

All the scientists in the room had either left or were running out of the room, except for the wolf who was smiling at 553. "She likes to play with her food." He walked to the door and just before the 5 inch steel door slid shut he said. "Have fun." And the door slid shut as the doors of both the cages flew open, and a single thought ran through 553's mind.

"This is not good..."