I Want To Come Over

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#30 of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special!

Heya, furballs! Welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2013! Five stories are here to tease you through the Christmas period. From the 21stto the 25th, you'll get a series of short stories all focused around a particular song's title or lyrics. In a break from tradition, this year nearly all the stories also contain elements drawn from previous years! And of course, tomorrow's story will continue the tale of Lucas and Taylor from Luka_and _Insensitive in previous years.

Don't forget to keep an eye on my Twitter (@FaoraMeridian) if you want to know what's going up ahead of time, or if you want to be alerted to other stories or otherwise just hear me ramble on about random things!

For now though, do enjoy I Want To Come Over; the fourth story of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special 2013!

  • Ol' Saint Fae

I Want To Come Over

Seven weeks. Seven weeks and three days since Russel Merrik had come around.

It wasn't like Alisha was bored, per se. He had a whole slew of other marks on the hook. There was the lupine painter a couple towns over who was on the fast-track to artistic success; he was an investment Alisha was interested in maintaining and nurturing. There was a particularly droll rabbit that he'd met at a dinner function a couple weeks ago who he was just sinking his hooks into. It didn't say anything of the myriad other guys that the slinky fox took to pleasuring for his own sexual gratification.

Russ was more of an experiment in denial. Russ had burned Alisha, and Alisha didn't like to be burned.

Everything had gone fine at first. The girly fox had met Russ in a similar fashion to the bunny, an upper-class dinner function for a charity event where he'd worn his chosen name and the right dress. Getting in had just been a matter of blowing the right people, and that was a little talent that Alisha had in spades. That he was equally talented in spotting the richest marks in the room was just another little trick the crossdressing fox had picked up in his burgeoning con artist career.

Russ had been easy pickings. Divorced, going through whores like no tomorrow... Alisha knew how to appeal to just that sort of guy. It had taken a little longer than it had with the bunny, but Russ was putty in the fox's paws by the time he was done. A steady stream of blowjobs had helped keep Russ in line.

Until her.

It wasn't love, of course. Russ had just met some girl in the same way he'd met Alisha. He'd stopped coming around. He'd stopped coming in. He vanished. It had been a confusing couple of days work to try and figure out if Russ had been hit by a car or some other such nonsense.

The reality had proven considerably more distressing. A pang of wounded pride mingled with carefully cultivated and controlled vanity when he saw Russ with the slim, young little vixen on his arm. She could have been a double for Alisha, except that her tits were real and she didn't have to wear panties tailored to conceal a cock. He'd ditched the crossdressing fox for a real vixen.

Even as he'd continued to watch Russ - easily the wealthiest male he was working on at the moment - it hadn't taken long to realize that it wasn't going to last. With some help from a local thief Alisha had hooked up with in the past, he was able to get a couple videos and some audio recorded from Russ' house. Modest place for the amount of cash he could throw around, but nice enough.

Not nice was the sex. Alisha reached out over the red leather chair he sat naked in and pressed a button mounted on the end table at his side.Speakers dotted over the room began to play out what he'd last listened to, and he smiled. There were two little problems that Russ was having with his new girl that Alisha could handle in spades. The first and easiest to handle was his equine nature. Alisha was a fox. That was no trouble. The real trouble for Russ came with problem number two.

She didn't do anal, and she didn't take birth control.

Added up, there was only so much that Russ had been able to take. The recording Alisha played back began to go from innuendo and foreplay into the argument that he'd heard over and over and over again. He didn't just want his new girl to suck his cock. Or, he'd added in the recording much to Alisha's delight, just the head of his cock. He wanted something a little more. Something a bit more fun.

The pill this, and condoms that, until the word vasectomy came up and the recording ended with a hiss of static. Alisha's thief friend had said that the lamp he'd hidden the microphone inside had probably been thrown or knocked over or something of the sort, and it was just too much for the little transmitter to take. That was fine, though. There was nothing to worry about anymore. Alisha had known it was only a matter of time, and that recording had been produced two days ago. His thief friend had shadowed Russ for a little while. The pick-up attempts hadn't gone well. Horsey was backed up. He knew where he could go. Alisha just didn't know when he'd come calling.

A text message came through on his phone, and the fox lazily tilted it up to read. It was from his thief friend, and a smile touched Alisha's muzzle.He'd spotted Russ's car while on the way toward Alisha's apartment for a little of the hospitality he was so often afforded. The horse was apparently just sitting in his little corvette, watching and waiting to see if Alisha would come out. How adorable.

One minute was spent composing a delightfully naughty thank-you text for his friend, filled with promises of what Alisha would do to him in exchange for his services. Another was spent making his way to his room and opening up the large, walk-in wardrobe. A third was spent picking out a dress, and a few seconds on glaring at the one another particularly hung equine had ruined one night at a club. As he reminded himself to get that dress fixed, Alisha settled on what almost looked like a single, sheer sheet of red silk and began to dress.

He had to hurry to don the special panties he'd had made; the ones that concealed his malehood but still exposed his tailhole for use. Russ would only wait in his car so long. He was desperate. He needed something, and he could only trust Alisha to give it to him. Without the panties, everything would be for nothing.

He hastily set to work on his face and hair to make sure he could pull off the usual effeminate look, and Alisha barely made his way back into his living room just in time to hear the door knock. Something must have finally driven Russ inside. The horse was desperate enough to come calling.


When the door opened, Alisha had expected the forty-something equine to be dressed in one of his usual business-casual outfits. He'd expected perhaps flowers and an apologetic expression, or a box of chocolates and a bottle of expensive wine; something that played perhaps more to his emptied heart and his loneliness more than anything else. He'd expected something that he could use against Russ.

He'd not expected a disheveled mane, a t-shirt and slacks. He'd not expected the silent pleading in Russ's eyes. He was taken entirely aback when the horse had pushed in through the doorway and all but mashed his muzzle against Alisha's in a hungry, overeager kiss.

Such was the intensity that it took Alisha more than a couple moments to shove Russ back. Another moment was necessary in order to compose himself and affect an expression that mixed jealousy with anger and frustration."Is that all the sorry you've brought me?" he asked as one paw dropped to his hip. The other paw pressed hard against Russ's chest to keep the horse from moving through the doorway.

Russ's lip twisted as his ears twitched. "I made a mistake," he replied after a moment. His chest tensed under Alisha's paw. "I just... I felt like you were just after me for sex, and-"

"Just sex?" Alisha interrupted with a shove of his paw. He neglected to add, No, I wanted your money and the sex was just a nice bonus to the indignant shout, and instead folded his arms across his chest. "So... what? You find a different girl and take_her_ to bed instead?"

At the accusation, Ross's eyes almost bugged right out of his head. "I... oh, god... you weren't meant to know that I..." The big horse sagged almost instantly as the strength threatened to go out of his legs. "You saw Caroline?"

Alisha knew the name, but the admission from Russ now that he knew his was found out was almost gratifying enough to overcome the fact that he'd burned Alisha in the first place. The male was broken on Alisha's very own doorstep.All he'd needed was the right words, the right time, and the patience to discover both. "Oh yes. I saw_Caroline. I don't see why you're here kissing _me instead of her, though."

As Alisha watched on, Russ began to look anywhere around the apartment but directly at the fox. "Like I said, I... I made a mistake," he finally answered. "You were better for me than she is, Ally. You... you made me feel like I was wanted. She's just all about what she wants, and how she'll get it out of me."

And she won't let you put it in her butt, Alisha thought, but he kept that thought firmly to himself for the moment. Caroline might have been an amateur trying to pull the same trick that the fox was, but without being nearly as good.The temptation to point out that Russ had been played twice over was equally as tempting to throw in his face. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and flattened his ears. "Oh? And what... you want me? You ran off with another girl, Russ. You think I want you after that?"

"I think you're a better person than that, Ally," Russ pleaded. He reached out slowly and grasped a gentle hold of the fox's paw. "I don't know what to do. I don't know what to give you. I don't know how to fix this."

It was with a little snort that Alisha gently pulled his paw back from Russ. "You think you can?" he asked as he folded his arms again. The fox stepped in close and looked up into the taller horse's eyes with a frown. "What could I possibly want with a cheater like you? Huh? You think I'll just let you use me?"

Russ just shook his head slowly as it drooped low again. "No... I don't think you will. But if there's something you want - anything at all - just say it! I can get it for you! I can-"

"You're going to buy me off?" Alisha countered with a smirk and a cocked eyebrow. One pointed ear twitched upward slightly for the barest moment before the gesture was taken under control. Now he knew how desperate and lonely the horse was. He was breaking out the checkbook. Time to bind him up the rest of the way. "Am I a whore, Russel? Some fucking hooker just looking for your cash?"

The horse's head tilted up quickly as he vigorously shook it from side to side. Arms shot out to gently take a hold of Alisha's shoulders. "No, of course not! I just want to show you I'm sincere here! I... I don't know how to convince you!"

"Money's not gonna do it, Russ," Alisha told him firmly. He knew that money would do it, but that would just paint Alisha with the same brush as Caroline in the long-run. He couldn't play that game with Russ. Subtlety was necessary. "I cared about you. I shared my bed with you. I didn't know you were just going to grab some other girl on the side. Money doesn't fix that, honey. You tell me what would."

"I don't know... I don't know." Big fingers squeezed gently at Alisha's shoulders before they slid off and back to Russ's sides. He looked absolutely broken from Alisha's point of view, but the fox's expression didn't warm even a degree. "I shouldn't even be here. I just remembered what I lost and knew that I missed you... that I wanted you."

Alisha worked his jaw as he looked the big horse up and down. Genuinely apologetic was the best state he could have hoped for. He was willing to do whatever it took to get Alisha back. It was just frustrating because a fucking amateur had got her hooks in him and ruined everything. Russ might have become a complete loss, unless he played a long, subtle game that the fox wasn't sure he had the time or patience for. He was worth the long game, but Alisha would have to tread carefully.

Still, there were a couple things he could get in the here and now. Or, he reminded himself, one big thing. With a sigh, he tugged the door open a little wider and stepped to the side. "Come in. We'll discuss this further." He carefully hid his smile as the horse's eyes lit up. Idiot.

He only barely entered the apartment before Alisha closed the door almost on him. Russ danced to the side and stayed still until he was told anything else, but Alisha wasn't about to open his muzzle anytime soon. Instead he sashayed across the room to his couch and slumped down into it, summoning just enough grace that it didn't show off his malehood just yet. Some surprises needed the right time to be sprung. "Well, don't just stand there. Come. Sit."

Russ immediately sprang into action. He all but darted to the couch before he hesitated again. It took a couple more seconds to bring himself to sit down, as Alisha carefully folded his legs before the horse. "I... I don't know where to start."

"Let's start with... Caroline," Alisha ground out. He let a note of genuine anger enter his tone. Not enough to scare the equine off, but more than enough to make sure that Russ heard that he wasn't pleased. "What did I do wrong? What didn't I give you? Wasn't I good enough for you?" He glanced down at the horse's crotch and was gratified to see that his bulge was a little bigger than normal. He was already a little aroused. It would have been flattering if Alisha wasn't so frustrated.

With a shrug, Russ broke eye contact and looked at the floor instead. "I made a mistake," he repeated again, slower and with less desperation in his voice. "I loved it when you... I mean, when we... when I, ah... when-"

"When I let you fuck me in the ass," Alisha finished for him. He drummed his fingers against a couch cushion as he cocked an eyebrow. "Let's not mince words, honey. You got bored with just fucking me in the ass, and you wanted some pussy for a change. And Caroline was up for it, was she?"

The horse gulped and nodded slowly. "At first, yeah... but I was, ah... too big for her." Another flicker of pride raced through Alisha at the admission. "But she didn't want to take the pill, just like you, and she wanted me to keep wearing rubbers, and..." He chewed on his lower lip as he ran a hand through his mane. "Shit... fine, no minced words. You were better. So, so much better, Ally. Not just barebacking your ass, but you. You were better for me, nicer to me, kinder and-"

"And so far you've only told me about the sex," Alisha interrupted with a raised hand. One ear perked up while the other lay perfectly flat. "Is that it, Russel? Is it all just about the sex for you?"

Again the horse gulped. He glanced around for something like the captain of a sinking ship looking for a lifeboat. "After the divorce, yeah, it's been on my mind a lot more," he admitted. He quickly added, "But that's not all there is to it! I like you, Ally... I like you a lot. It's more than just the sex."

The fox just snorted as he slowly stood up again. He folded his arms as he looked down at the sad, desperate equine under him. There it was. There was the moment, the angle he needed. "You're lying," he told Russ. "You're lying to me, and you're lying to yourself. After your divorce, sex is all you want because that's the only way you can get close to anyone anymore. That's it, isn't it?"

While Russ had no real answer for it, Alisha wasn't expecting one. He continued anyway. "So, you wanna fuck me in the ass but you wanna keep your options open. Fine. We can do that." He had to fight to keep the smile from his face as Russ looked up in surprise. "But we're doing it with terms and conditions now. You just want me for my body? For my ass? Fine."

"Fine?" Russ echoed as he tilted his head to the side. "But that's-"

"I am not finished," Alisha interrupted again with the hint of a growl. The equine instantly shrunk back into the couch, and another little tingle of pride worked through the fox's body. "You wanna treat me like a whore? Toss me aside when you find another girl?" He settled down on the couch again but rolled to the side, his rump raised slightly up at Russ as he flagged his tail slowly. "We'll negotiate payment later. Right now..."

The eagerness with which Russ climbed across the couch to grip at Alisha's hips was all the fox could have hoped for. The dress was pulled up as the fox murred quietly to himself, too soft for the horse to hear. It had less to do with the cotton-bound bulge that ground up under his hiked tail, and more the fact that the horse was under his complete control again. Caroline's tits might have been real, but Alisha had an ass that could handle anything.

That was why he barely spread his legs wider when Russ began to tug his cock out of his pants. That blunt, equine tip all but mashed against Alisha's hole, and the fox had to remember to arch his back and moan as he bore back against that firming length of flesh. "Did you bring-"

"Just in case you weren't too mad," he replied, even before the question was finished. Alisha didn't even bother to look back, concerned that the roll of his eyes might have given his game away entirely. He heard the tear of a packet and lowered his head to make sure Russ didn't catch his mocking smile. Little packets of lube, just in case Alisha wasn't too mad. Cute.

They mustn't have been too little, because Alisha figured there was a fair bit left over on the horse's fingers. They rubbed up and down slowly through the cleft of his rump, smearing the slick liquid exactly where it needed to go."Why don't you let me work a little magic on your front this time, huh?" he asked, even as Alisha quickly closed his legs and pressed them tightly together. "Give a little thank you for all you've done for me."

He tried. He tried to fight the horse's questing fingers by squirming and writhing and moving away before Russ could get his hand around Alisha's slender hips. He opened his mouth, but what was there to say? There was nothing that came to mind, not with the horse's frankly stereotypical girth pressed against his backside.

All Alisha could do was flinch and freeze up the moment that hand brushed the panties that concealed his malehood. He twitched ever so slightly, tailhole kissing at the head of that equine cock when, almost instantly, Russ's fingers closed around the fox's shaft and gave it a warm, tight squeeze. Then, almost in spite of the obviously male parts that the questing fingers had found, the horse's hips began to push forward. Alisha was so startled that the head popped right in, smooth and quick.


This was different.

He opened his muzzle as his ears pressed flat atop his head. His tail would have tucked low, but instead succeeded only in drawing down along the horse's chest. "Uh... I can explain that," he said slowly. In the confusion of the moment, he barely noticed when his voice lost some of his put-upon femininity.

"What, you think I wouldn't figure you out?" Russ asked. The horse smirked and nickered through a quiet laugh as he eased himself further down.Whatever lube he'd used, Alisha was just glad that it worked so well. He was a big boy, no matter how slick his dick was. "You thought you could hide what you are from me? C'mon, Ally. I'm not that stupid. Give me some credit."

Alisha's eyes widened, but they rolled back into his head a moment later when the horse's blunt cock tip ground up and past his prostate. The smaller fox shivered as he wriggled his hips and eased back, long-practiced muscles taking over for him while his brain was completely preoccupied. "I, ah... oohhh, ah... I didn't think you'd, ah... be back there if you had me figured out," he tried, his voice once again back into the act. Why he held onto it he didn't know. He was discovered. Found out. Caught at last. But if that was so, why was he still being filled up? Did Russ need a lay that badly?

"It's not like I can't understand," Russ continued, and he grunted as he sank down another few inches. Alisha's body arched under him, ground back and helped a couple more slide down deep into the fox. "I just wish you'd been... ah, been honest with me from the start. If you'd told me what you really were, no act and no show... I would have been fine with it. Not just for your ass... not just for letting me take you bare."

There was only more confusion from Alisha, and a little dread began to worm its way through the intense, full feeling that was flooding him from his wide-spread backside. Was it love? Did the horse love him? That would be just_exactly_ what the fox needed; a lovesick pony that wouldn't give him a moment's peace. "That's... gonna be part of it," he replied after a moment, as he felt Russ sink in the rest of the way. Alisha let out another deep groan as a paw brushed down across his belly. There was a noticeable bump there; the horse was big enough to bulge him out slightly.

Russ just chuckled and rolled his hips slowly as he allowed Alisha's body a moment to get used to being so thoroughly spread. "I just want you to know that I don't care about any of that," he said, as he leaned over the fox. "You're a... you're a good person, Ally. And if you want to be a part of my life, you're welcome to it... both before _and_after your operation."

Alisha's head shot up before he could control it, and his eyes went wide as saucers. He somehow managed to keep himself from bursting out in raucous laughter. Of course! His appearance, the whole act, the layers of the deception and his attempts to conceal every last thing _male_about him... Russ's reaction made perfect sense.

The horse thought he was working toward gender reassignment.

If Alisha believed in god, the slutty little fox might have offered that god a silent thank you. Instead, his mind raced in an attempt to take advantage of the situation. "I didn't think that... ah, god... I didn't think you'd want me if you knew that... that part of me was, ah..."

"Male?" The horse just shook his head as he worked his fingers down into the fox's panties. They fished out his shaft and squeezed it gently as Alisha rocked back lightly into the equine shaft buried in his rump. "Maybe once it would have bothered me, but... it's the twenty-first century, you know? Gotta be more fluid about this sorta thing. This," he added as he gave the fox's already swelling knot a tight squeeze, "might still be here now, but you're Ally to me. You're my girl, no matter what body you've got, and I should have remembered that from the start."

It was too late to keep a little giggle of glee from escaping Alisha's muzzle, but he thought that Russ would probably interpret it as joy for being 'understood' by the big horse. It meant he needed to work on a whole new act around Russ for the future, but Alisha knew just what to do in the short term. "Well how about you show your girl a good time," he said, as he allowed a little of his natural vocal depth to shine through.

Russ must have been at least a little bi before he 'found out' about Alisha, judging only by the subtle vocal shift sent a shiver through his body. Regardless, the horse ground his hips against the fox's petite backside before he drew back and bucked forward again. He huffed his breath out as Alisha gasped beneath him.

The fox's writhing was no longer born of panic, but of pleasure as that massive shaft pushed in deep. One paw continued to trace over the section of his belly that Russ pushed down against, massaging it whenever he moved to hilt the fox. The other brushed over the horse's stroking hand and tugged it more firmly against his shaft. If it was going to be there, the least Russ could do was manage a reacharound.

He took the hint almost immediately, as he began to slowly move his hips. Even as experienced as Alisha was, there was no way he could take a hammering from something that massive. Russ knew it too, and Alisha knew he could trust the horse to keep his composure even right up until his climax. He'd taken several poundings from this particular equine lover in the past. He knew how to handle that cock.

Alisha barely needed or was even able to squeeze down around it, so completely was he spread. It was just about his body's limits, emphasized all the more when he felt Russ's shaft pulse and surge inside him. The heat of that equine pre flooded through Alisha's entire body, even as the pre itself began to drool back out again. He'd taken loads from other males who didn't even compare to the volume of Russ's pre. When the horse blew, Alisha knew he'd need a new couch.

That was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Even the absurdity of how Russ was able to come to the conclusion he had faded from Alisha's mind. The room faded away. Even the potential cons and scams he had to work out faded away. All that was left was one meaty hand on his side, one on his shaft, and the spear of flesh that was at that very moment working his insides into a frenzy. Alisha thought he felt butterflies in his stomach, but realized that that too was probably Russ's cock.

Back and forth that titanic length moved, sawing in and out of Alisha's spread hole. It was all the fox could do to just keep his backside raised for the horse's efforts, his head pushed down against the cushions as his tongue lolled out of his muzzle. All he was for Russ was a fucksleeve. He was just a warm, squeezing fleshlight that didn't happen to break when he was used. That was fine for the fox; there was more than enough pleasure in being Russ' fucktoy to be able to accept that position. It didn't help that each long, slow thrust just worked that flaring head across his prostate, pressing hard on it and sending the fox into shuddering waves of pleasure.

He didn't need the horse to stroke him off; Alisha knew he'd blow his load regardless. It wasn't a matter of control or experience. It was simply impossible for the fox to imagine how anyone could take that cock and, assuming they knew how not to be ripped open, fail to enjoy it. Every stretch and every push and every tug on his body added a new layer to the waves that built up inside him, crashing down again and again in greater force. He'd begun to tremble, even his tail limp against Russ's chest.

The fox wasn't the first to lose his load, though. With pre running down his thighs like a river, Russ easily beat him to the finish.His thrusts picked up in pace slightly, forcing himself into sharper thrusts that left Alisha all but screaming into the cushions. The horse's breaths came in sharper huffs and pants as he arched his head back, trying to cram as much of himself as he could into the fox's squeezing depths. There was already more inside than most could take, and Alisha's hungry hole swallowed every inch he provided until he erupted.

It was entirely overwhelming, and Alisha's eyes crossed as that powerful first explosion of seed into his bulged-out belly sent his pleasure to new heights. The fox's legs trembled and shuddered as his whole body twitched around Russ's shaft, squeezing and milking and tugging at that hard length of flesh, silently begging him to give still more. More came, and then still more, and more besides, and the sheer volume of Russ's offering began to push out the first spurts around his shaft. The fox's abused hole couldn't contain the fullness of that horse's orgasm, and creamy streaks wound their way down Alisha's thighs as he shuddered.

It wasn't enough to tip him over the edge, no matter how he ground himself back against Russ's shaft. It wasn't that Alisha wasn't enjoying every surge that ran through that massive cock. The constant drooling of his own malehood all over the horse's fingers was proof enough of that. Years of training himself not to cum under any circumstances when fucked unless he directly allowed it kept him on the edge. The relative shortness of Russ's humping hadn't hurt his ability to hold himself back, either.

But that was the beauty of the horse that was huffing away behind him, trying to catch his breath as he rubbed down Alisha's side. It wasn't his deductive reasoning skills or his active imagination. It wasn't his newly-discovered accepting nature or his ability to compromise. It wasn't his looks or that magnificent cock still pulsing inside the fox. It wasn't the size of his load and it wasn't even the size of his bank account. Well... it wasn't all about the size of his bank account.

No. Alisha was reminded of the_real_ beauty of the horse as he leaned down over the fox with a wide grin."C'mon, girl," he whispered into Alisha's ear, as that ear flicked lightly back against his warm breath. "Let's see if round two gets you off. If not, there's always round three. I got a lot to make up for."

Yep. That was it. Alisha grinned down against the cushions as Russ's shaft began to move again, and a lewd squelch echoed throughout the room as it pushed down firmly into his cum-filled body. Everything else was just nice, but that? That's what made Russ worth his time. Beautiful.

And as a mark, Alisha knew he could do a lot worse.

Listen to I Want To Come Over by Melissa Etheridge with this Grooveshark link!

I Want To Come Over lyrics

I know you're home.

You left your light on.

You know I'm here.

The night is thin.

I know you're alone.

I watched her car leave.

Your lover is gone.

Let me in.

Open your back door,

I just need to touch you,

Once more.

I want to come over.

To hell with the consequence.

You told me you loved me.

That's all I believe.

I want to come over.

It's a need I can't explain.

To see you again.

I want to come over.

I know your friend.

You told her about me.

She filled you with fear.

Some kind of sin.

How can you turn,

Denying the fire?

Lover, I burn.

Let me in.

Open your back door,

I just need to touch you,

Once more.

I want to come over.

To hell with the consequence.

You told me you loved me.

That's all I believe.

I want to come over.

It's a need I can't explain.

To see you again.

I want to come over.

I know you're confused.

I know that you're shaken.

You think we'll be lost,

Once we begin.

I know you're weak.

I know that you want me.

Lover, don't speak.

Let me in.

I want to come over.

To hell with the consequence.

You told me you loved me.

That's all I believed.

I want to come over.

It's a need I can't explain.

I wanna come over.

To see you,

To see you again.