Sammy 12-9-13

Story by SlutFreak on SoFurry

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#1 of Dear diary, Sammy here.

This is the first in a series that follows a sexy femme fur on her earnest efforts at traveling the path from perverted to principled.

You are planning to read a story, so I know you can read tags. You should do that before continuing (should have done before even getting this far). If you read this and are surprised by something unpleasantly, please re-read the tags before ranting or doing anything else. If the thing you got bothered by is listed in the tags, slap yourself. A bunch of times. If it is not, feel free to fix my tag failure and then E-slap me. A bunch of times.

The characters in my stories are all my own unless otherwise specified, bla bla bla, feel free to repost this if you want to, bla bla bla, just don't steal credit or post it where kids can see. Bla bla bla, I've been drawing forever, but this is technically my first porn story. I don't write much, therefore I don't know how I am at it yet, so please give me some feedback. It would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy it.

"Oh... Oh, oh.. Oohhhhh~ Tsssssss....." Sammy moaned and hissed, barely daring to taking the breath to do it, through her top teeth as they bit down on the small, soft moist lip; tongue flickering rapidly at the lip trapped there as if it had a mind of it's own. With the twitchy little movements Sammy looked wired from way too much coffee... Or like she really had to pee, after having purposely having downed an entire pot of coffee, by herself, inside half an hour. Wiggling her tight, high little butt from side to side, knees pressing together, ankles crossed, Sammy squirmed, her thighs squished together tighter, then reopened.

"Eeek!" She exclaimed as she felt something soft, wet and cold poke at her tailhole. She let out a frustrated sigh and pushed away her pet dog, scolding him for interrupting her and almost making her lose control of herself. As he trotted off, she focused again on the task at hand, getting back control of her bladder. When she had it again, she went back to clenching her legs, teasing her clit. Again and again, hard and fast, causing her soft warm lips to smush into her twitching, swollen, desperate little nub and making tingles of pleasure to run up and down her spine like electricity. She clenched inside, squeezing her abs in as well and the pressure felt so amazing, she could hardly think straight. Somehow she managed, easing ever closer, feeling that familiar fullness nestled just behind her pelvis, and the flaring need along her urethra, almost all the way to it's tiny exit. She quickly slurped at her fingers, leaving a generous amount of saliva behind and slid her hand down, found her little pleasure button and began to tease it sorely. She pressed it down, then slid her fingers on each side and stroked it's short length, musing that it might be like what a man feels when he stroked his cock. The thought of a cock made her throb hard, and with her index finger she rubbed into the top length, pressing down and feeling the little nub putting up it's best fight against her to keep pushing upward. In a quick movement, she slid her middle finger down and teased the 'head', making colors flash behind her eyelids as she over exited a million tiny nerves, almost purring while she did so.

Her breath came in short, jagged gasps and shuddering sighs. She clenched inside again, working her fingers all around her clit, the top, the bottom, a quick slide over the head, grinding gently into it's 'base' she worked herself up more and more. As the sweat began to bead on her head, she brought up her tail and began trailing just the tip of it against her entrance. Sliding along her lips, up to where her fingers worked her clit and back down again, just teasingly dipping inside for a moment. She rubbed it against her tailhole and pressed, feeling her virginal-tight pink pucker protest against the intrusion before she slid her tail forwards up her perineum and into her slick passage, already clenching with need. Sammy let out a moan and then a whimper as her tail invaded her, stretching her open and adding to the already tremendous pressure. She new she was close to having an accident on her bed, but she tempted fate anyway. Taking a small breath, she gently released hold on her bladder, but only just enough to feel that glowing tingle-causing feeling flare inside of her as she repeatedly clenched every muscle and then allowed it to relax, all of her pelvic muscles and her tail were squeezing in on her poor abused bladder while mimicing the fluttery clenches of orgasm. And just as it almost breached the exit, she clamped down internally and that deep, pleasurable feeling of the hot, golden wetness just begging to get out and let out a shuddering sigh of delight as she slid a slick finger pad over her clit head, again, causing it to pulse with her heartbeat, and her need.

But the other need was getting worse, too. Dangerously close to making a mess, Sammy released her pelvic muscles, and slid out her tail, but clenched shut her bladder and her thighs before quickly, but carefully, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. She reached down and rubbed her throbbing nub again before carefully taking small steps to the bathroom, moving her legs only below the knees. She then carefully scaled the side of the tub and stood there, rubbing her clit in the blind chase after her orgasm.

She readjusted her thighs and let out a sigh as she released her bladder, expecting to feel the hot yellow river to rush down her legs. But this time, it didn't. "Wha? Oh! Oh... Ooohoooohhhh....." She intoned, first in surprise then pleasure. In her singleminded race towards release, Sammy had left her legs clenched tightly together, tightly enough that the stream of pee, unable to escape, been redirected, and the only place it could escape was inside her. As she released her bladder, the pressure didn't dissipate as expected, but instead moved into a more intimate place.

"Oh, God.. Oh, oh! Oh! Yess..."She moaned, abusing her poor clit now, rubbing this way and that, slipping repeatedly over that sensitive little head. She moaned again as she felt herself being filled, felt her insides stretching to accommodate the gushing heat. Lost in the daze of her pleasure, she brought her tail up and slid it up into her mouth, sucking and slurping obscenely, letting it slide out and rub on her cheek like a cock before she she sucked it back in one more time for a quick lube, then moved it down to her tailhole. She slid it up and down her crack, getting herself good and slippery before slowly easing it in, wriggling it to slide it past the first barrier, then past the second and began a slow rhythm, pushing it deeper with each stroke. The pressure reached a peak and she felt the first hot trickle run down her right thigh, slide along her knee and then down her calf to begin a golden puddle at her feet. She was getting close, the sweat beading and then sliding down her , and as her eyes half-opened and her gaze glazed over, her mind took a back seat to her impulses. Her tail pumped away at her ass, sliding in further than she had ever allowed it to go before, and then the switch flipped.

Her eyes almost rolled into her head, her forehead crinkled in a grimace of ecstasy and her mouth gaped in a silent scream of pleasure as her body fell into the wall as her knees gave way to the strain. Her internal muscles were fluttering, frantically grasping to stroke the liquid hot 'cock' inside of her, sending a wide spray of pressurized urine all over her thighs and the shower wall as her fingers worked her bruised button relentlessly. She slipped then, luckily not on her head, but instead landing on her tail forcing it deeper inside of her than she thought possible and catapulting her over the edge of her release, her slick hole now spraying the shower with rest of the pee, along with the forceful, translucent-white gushes of her orgasm. She screamed then, it was a delicious, delirious sound of animalistic pleasure and pain rolled together into a single sensation that numbed her mind and made her body shudder with release.

She lay there, taking shuddering breaths in recovery until passed out. Her tail sliding out of her stretched hole slowly as it relaxed and unconsciousness overtook her. There she rested peacefully, her breathing slowly returning to normal, her used holes glistening from her efforts, her body relaxed, her legs splayed, one out over the edge of the tub, in slumber. She made adorable little huffs and snorts, her normally snore-free sleeping altered by the angle of her head along the curve of the bathtub. Though it was quiet, it was echoing off the walls, and irresistably drawing her puppy into the bathroom to search out the source of the new sound and interesting smells wafting through the air...