Diaper Days: Episode One: Mark the Wolf

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#3 of Diaper Stories (Various)

The first episode of diaper days is here!

This episode was written by Zephyrlot

Diaper Days features Josh the skunk as he embarks upon a diaper odyssey meeting a different playmate each night. Each of these nights is a septate episode and you the readers get to decide who our little skunky plays with!

Here is the introduction chapter if you missed it: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6225317/

This series is in hibernation for now but I refuse to let it die!

Diaper Days

Chapter 1 - Mark the Wolf

Joshua sprawled out on his bed, infinitely bored. His class books already lay over on his nightstand, he had slept as far in as he possibly could, he had already eaten, and he wasn't quite horny enough to jack off yet. The albino skunk had a good while until his classes started, and moving into his solo apartment early on seemed like a worse and worse decision. Sighing, he adjusted his position for what felt like the twentieth time. His gaze went over to the books. Maybe some pre-class reading would do him some good? Nah, instead he dragged himself to his computer chair.

Just the other day he had put a personal ad up on a fetish site, hoping for a response. He occasionally relentlessly mauled the refresh button, as he was doing right now. After an endless stream of clicks, his computer screen lit up with a single response.

"Hey there, it looks like we've got a lot in common. I'm a six foot wolf, brown hair, blue eyes, and a MASSIVE dommy streak if you want to dab into it. If you're free today, want to meet up at five, maybe at the library coffee shop? I'll be there anyways. Hope to see you there if you get this in time!"

Josh was stunned. Yeah, he was looking for a kinky hookup, but this guy seemed almost...normal. He turned the situation over in his head, ignoring the forming tent in his crotch. His mind was a storm of indecision. No one knew about him yet, he had made sure of it, so it couldn't be an elaborate joke... He read it over again, just to make sure he hadn't hallucinated out of boredom. It was there alright. In the end, he reminded himself that experience was better than regret, and with a little help from his libido, decided he's respond. He clicked the "Reply" button and began typing his e-mail.

He chose his words carefully, trying his best not to betray his emotional state. "Hey, thanks for replying. I'm free all afternoon, and would love to meet you there and maybe get to know you better. I'll be in the red shirt and blue jeans. Hope to see you soon..." Near the end, Josh let out one hinting little peep of a word to show how interested he was, and tagged the end with a "...Sir!"

The clock read 4:30. Mark was probably already in the library by now, on one of the computers. It was ten minutes away from his flat, more if you felt like taking your time. He quickly got up and began going through the normal procedure, putting deodorant on, making sure his hair was nice, and making himself presentable. He was visiting a dominant after all. Right as he was pulling up his jeans, his computer beeped at him, signaling a new email. Hoping Mark didn't suddenly cancel, he quickly hobbled over to it, to read a short but concise response.

"You'll also be wearing a diaper." Joshua gulped, slowly letting his jeans fall back to the ground, pulling his boxers with it before walking over to his cupboard and gingerly pulling out the infantile garment. A fantasy of his was coming true for real, right this very moment, and he thought if his breaths came any faster he would hyperventilate. He carefully unfolded the garment, laying down on it and getting himself nice and hard before sprinkling baby powder on his crotch and taping it up, shutting his eyes against the temptation to just cum right then and there. He was saving it for someone...

Josh lost some of his masculinity on the walk from his apartment to the library. He was constantly pulling his shirt down, tugging his pants up, afraid his diaper would show. Much worse, he could do nothing to stop the crinkling. Paranoia danced up and down his spine, the skunk constantly thinking everyone was looking at him and knew his secret under his pants. It was his first time diapered outside, and although he hated a lot of it, there was a small thrill in it. It seemed to last for much longer than the ten minutes, but as he checked his phone entering the library, he noticed it was just one minute till five. I'm going to have to do this again, he thought as he timidly walked over to the coffee shop.

Before he could even look around, a paw clasped on his shoulder, belonging to a body behind him. "Josh?" Joshua nodded, turning around.

"I take it you're Mark? How did you recognize me so quickly?"

"Well, your diaper is showing, so that kind of shouted it out to me."

Josh nearly jumped out of his skin, he was tugging his shirt down so far it almost ripped the shoulders. His diaper was showing the whole time! Those were actual stares! Oh fuck! His ears splayed, and his cheeks flushed red while he wished nothing more than to shrivel into nothing and vanish.

Next to him, Mark rubbed josh's back, trying to calm him down while stifling otherwise roaring laughter. "Oh, come on, I was joking. I just recognized you from the pictures you sent. Just calm down, no one knows, you're fine, and no, it isn't showing at all. Heh...

Josh spent a good ten seconds standing there beside the door, cooling off, and realizing that it actually was a pretty good joke, albeit at his expense. His hotheadedness at Mark vanished as soon as it appeared, and he began to feel a bit sheepish. Still blushing, he managed to crack a smile, which Mark quickly noticed. "Good one, ha-ha. You actually had me there..." The two walked over to one of the tables, a small two-person, and sat down.

After a few moments, Mark opened his maw, a warm smile on his face. "I'll start the introductions. I'm Mark, one of the few wolves around here. I've got a nice well-paying job up north, but I live down here since I get to work from a distance. I'm actually finished with college, but I come down here every once in a while for some freehand research. I had just finished some of it, actually and was getting ready to wait for you when I saw you walk on in, shoulders hunched and shirt pulled as far down as it'd go. In any case, I'm not one to judge, for all I know this could be your first time wearing it outside the house."

The skunk gave a humble smile, finally relaxing fully. His shoulders fell back down, and he let out a sigh of relief. "Actually, it was. I had never even taken out the trash wearing... one of them, so this was a good first experience. In any case, I'm Joshua, and I live about a ten minute walk from here. I attend the college as a freshman, and I'm majoring in math. If you have any questions, well, feel free to ask away."

Mark rested his muzzle in a paw, gently stroking his chin as he turned over possible questions in his head. Finally, mumbling an assuring but inquisitive "Hmm!" he grinned and cocked an eyebrow. "How far do you want to go?"

Joshua almost laughed. He was already quite horny, his diaper crinkling with every shift in posture despite his jeans, and he gave a small grin "As far as you want to take me."

Mark gave a bit of a bigger grin, one with all the intent in the world behind it. "You didn't have any plans tonight, right? Well, why don't you come to dinner with me, just the two of us? I would love to get to know you better over some actual food, I'm starving."

Josh let out a defeated sigh and his face fell a bit. "Sorry, I can't really afford to eat out right now; money's pretty tight, unless you consider ramen to be real food."

Mark's grin grew almost predatory. He placed his paw on top of Josh's. "My treat."


Josh sat down at his table with a slightly audible crinkle, making him clam up just the tiniest bit. He wasn't used to having his chair pulled out for him. He also wasn't used to the crimson silky table cloth, the comfortably dark atmosphere, or the appetizers being a decimal place too expensive, for that matter.

He felt it a crime to disassemble the origami masterpiece that appeared to be his napkin, but his silverware was in there somewhere and he eventually found it. Josh was still absorbing the atmosphere and still felt a little scared to make a wrong move, although he did observe that Mark felt right at home.

"Um, don't you think I'm a bit underdressed?"

"Yes, a bit, but your shirt and jeans are dark so I really doubt anyone's going to notice." Josh looked down, and Mark was right. There was enough of an ambience to leave his clothes relatively shrouded but the lights that were actually on kept his eyes from adjusting.

"Yeah, I guess." Josh's horniness had faded now, and was replaced by an acute embarrassment. "I wasn't expecting somewhere so..." He had to search his financially impaired for a bit to find an appropriate and polite word. "Nice. I guess I just need some time to adjust."

Mark smiled, his eyes glinting. "Just take all the time you want. Browse the menu, it'll help you calm down. It's not going to bite, so stop looking like that; remember: I'm treating."

Josh opened the menu and put a paw over the prices - That seemed to make it more bearable. Eventually, he had it down to two dishes based on personal preference, and decided that his usual decision making coin flip would be inappropriate in such a posh setting.

Removing his paw off the prices and quickly closing the menu, he decided to confide in Mark for assistance. "I'm actually having a bit of trouble deciding between the Coho Salmon and the Moulard Duck."

Mark opened his mouth, but the waiter piped up before he did. In casual evening dress he had all but snuck up on them, appearing on first glance as a floating head. "Are we ready to order, sirs?"

Not one to be beaten twice, Mark was quick to the draw. "I'll have the 16oz ribeye and my friend here will have the Coho Salmon."

"What an excellent choice, sirs." The waiter tottered off, and Josh was left with his mouth hanging open. Mark seemed to pick up on it.

"I know a friend who works here, the duck arrives frozen but the bus boys buy the salmon fresh from the market every morning."

"But I mean you could have at least..."

"You'd rather have the frozen duck?"

"No, I mean, uh, thanks." Josh was a bit flustered and not quite sure what just happened. Mark had just ordered for him. He was a dom after all, and Josh wasn't sure what he had expected but by now it seemed almost natural.

The food was, in fact, delicious. Josh was torn between stuffing his face and savoring every bite, but even with his normally fast eating Mark finished ahead of him by a few bites even though he had a lot more food. The odd part was, he seemed to go even at a relaxed pace. They made small talk, and Josh found out the Mark actually had a bit of Doberman in his bloodline due to his blind great-great-grandpa Ted as well as his rather expensive taste in, well, everything.

Small talk, however, gets boring fast and Josh was running out of small things to pretend to have a meaningful conversation about. Finally, he decided to cut to the chase in-between bites of salmon.

"This feels a bit more like an actual date. I'm sorry if I got you pegged wrong, but is there any chance we could, maybe, talk kink or something? Not that I'm not enjoying this, I really am, but I'm not sure what else to talk about. Maybe we could just discuss some common interests or something?"

Mark cocked an eyebrow inquisitively, but he nodded. "Alright, I'll go a bit faster, but it's going to cost you."

"Not in money, right?"

"No, but I have another idea. Anyways, how long have you liked the kink?"

"Oh, quite a while but only recently I was able to get my hands on some after I moved into my apartment..."

The kinky small talk commenced and went well for a few minutes. Josh was actually really enjoying Mark's company and sporting a bit of a tent as well, but he realized two things all too late. The first was that his food was getting cold. The second was an urge to go to the bathroom.

"Hey, I'm going to be right back, I think I need to use the restroom."

Mark widened his eyes. "Wait, what? No, sit back down. Use your diaper, why not."

Josh flushed red, noticeably due to his white fur. "Don't say that word!" He hissed. "And besides it's a more bowel-related bathroom need!"

Mark gave a simple mirthless grin. "Well, you wanted kinky, you get kinky. Shit yourself."

Josh balked, still speaking in a hissing whisper as his ears splayed. "What! No!"

Mark kept a cool face against all this persuasion. "You're the submissive, I am the dominant. You wanted me to quicken the pace, so here we are. You shit your DIAPER right where you sit, or this date is over and we go Dutch."

Josh didn't need much time to decide. He might as well not even have had a choice. After some grunting, he was still blushing bright red and his tailhole started to expand. Pushing against all the pressure that sitting down gave, he slowly pushed out inch after inch of shit that did nothing but mush up the insider of his diaper warmly, pressing up the back and between his legs as he let every last bit of mess out. Around the same time, his cock released the pressure and piss flooded the front of his diaper with a mild hissing sound, bulging out the front and also warming up his crotch in an uncomfortably lukewarm manner. Josh's tail curled around as he soiled his diaper right where he sat, in the middle of a fine dining restaurant and at the order of his very unfairly powerful dominant.

"Are you all done soiling yourself?"

Josh flashed as much of a glare as he could for talking so openly about his fetish, but ended up just looking pitiful. He nodded. "I just want to get out of here."

Their server appeared again, courteous and interruptive as ever. "Would you like your bill yet, or perhaps the dessert menu?"

Mark snuck a peek at Josh, and decided to have mercy on those pleading eyes. "Just the bill will be fine. I'll pay for the both of us."

Josh wasn't allowed to view the bill, nor did he think he wanted to. They paid and were out, although just as they got up Josh caught a whiff of himself as he happily left the restaurant.

"Now Josh boy, what do you say for the food?" Mark said as they both entered his car; he had driven the both of them there.

"Thank you, sir..." Josh felt as though he had tumbled into the deep end as he stepped into the passenger side of Mark's modest car. The seat of his diaper squelched and gurgled as he re-mushed the mess in Mark's car seat, cooling off a bit as his diapered ass shifted one way or another.

"You're very welcome, boy. It was a pleasure getting to watch you soil yourself in public."

Now that they were in more private quarters Josh's humiliation began to turn into arousing short-term memories. He found his cock stirring in his pants and as Mark started up the car, he brought his paw down to re-adjust himself and maybe get in some rubbing. Unfortunately, his paw was intercepted on its way by Mark's firm paw.

"Did I give you permission to touch yourself?"

"Well, I guess not but I didn't know I needed it. Sir."

"You do now. I, however, do not and get unlimited access." Josh moaned as Mark reached over and pressed down on his padded crotch. He humped the firm paw, a little too lustful for shame, and whined helplessly as Mark removed it, still a little too cautious to replace it with his own.

"Well, what do I need permission to do, now?"

Mark grinned. "I'm glad you asked. Use your diaper, touch yourself, cum, and dress yourself to start with. Now, to make sure you know and don't accidentally invite punishment, I want you to repeat what you need to ask permission for."

Josh rolled his eyes, feeling a little underestimated. "I need to ask permission for diaper use, touching and cumming, and dressing, sir."

"Good boy." Mark started up the car and began the drive to Josh's apartment.

Unfortunately, old habits die hard.

"Hey stinky diaper boy, I think I can also SMELL you touching yourself. What did you just repeat back to me?"

"Oh FUCK... No touching myself. I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't thinking."

"We're here already. Stay in the car, boy, I'm going to get your punishment from my trunk."

Josh's heart was pounding up until mark opened the passenger door to the car and slipped some odd handcuffs on him, locking his arms around his back. They were extendable, only extending them past a foot or so required more strength than Josh had and tired him out quickly.

"Don't worry; I'll get your stuff. Let's head up to your apartment." True to his word, Mark carried Josh's backpack up all five flights of stairs and was only barely breaking a sweat after lugging the thirty-pound monstrosity.

"Jeez, you really do load up like a packhorse. You stink, too, but I kind of like it since I made you stink yourself. Where's your apartment key?"

"Um, it's just in my pants pocket, sir." Mark unlocked Josh's room promptly and set his backpack down, thankful to be relieved of the weight.

"Sir? I need to pee..."

"Permission denied. I have to as well, so you will be escorting me to your bathroom posthaste. Lead the way, boy."

"Hey, um, thanks for treating me so well aside from the public soiling thing..."

"I tend to, when you don't rush me."

Josh blushed red and didn't say anything until he and Mark entered the bathroom. By now, Josh actually had to pee quite badly, having overestimated his bladder capacity. Mark grabbed Josh's upper arm and led him to the commode. At this point Josh got a bit confused and piped up.

"Um, am I going to watch you piss? Or what?"

"No. I dislike aiming myself. You're doing to aim for me." Mark seemed to understand Josh's confused expression as a coherent thought, and spoke while removing Josh's pants to reveal his soiled sagging and wet diaper seat. "With your muzzle," he added as an afterthought. He neatly folded Josh's pants and balanced them on the commode.

"Um, that sounds really reckless and you run the risk of pissing on my jeans. I'd rather not."

"It sounds like someone wants pants less walkies."

Josh got to his knees, chin trembling.

"There we go. I do love my reasonable submissives." Mark unbuckled his pants and turned towards the commode. "Don't put the whole thing in your mouth. Just put the side of it in as if you were holding a pencil between your lips, and then guide it to the commode."

Josh did his best and Mark's scent was strong but clean. He got hard again, despite having to piss, and pretty much kept Mark's stream inside the commode. For some reason, despite Mark absolutely refusing to guide his stream and Josh compensating for it, he felt a combination of humiliated and useful. His stellar performance however, earned him a paw on top of his head.

"You did well, boy." Josh was too absorbed in the blissful head scratches, nearly falling over. "Let's go back to your dorm." Mark stood him up and unlocked his cuffs with an easy key, giving him back his dormitory key. "Let's go back to your dorm, go ahead and put your pants back on."

"Um, may I have permission to wet myself yet?"

"Of course you may."

Josh didn't need any further motivation, he let loose right then and there. He was pissing as soon as Mark finished talking, the warmth coursing through his nether regions now. Unfortunately, he had been holding it for so long that the flooding made a small temporary trickle down his legs.

Once they got back into the bedroom, Josh collapsed onto the bed ignoring the squish that accompanied him. As with most post-humiliation, he started getting hard too and had to keep reminding himself not to touch.

"Come on boy, you did well. I think you've earned permission to touch yourself." Josh's paw shot to his diaper, burrowed, and started rubbing away. The pleasurable sensations were so intense, he was already close. It was coursing through him and getting him so pent up he wanted nothing more than to finally orgasm into his thick, wet, soiled padding.

"Permission to cum, sir!!!"

"Denied," Mark began, but it was already too late. Josh moaned and spasmed as cum spurted thickly into his messy diaper. His paw rubbed the load of mess in the back, and his tongue lolled out. He was in pure heaven until the tables turned on him when he saw Mark's expression.

"I... I'm sorry. Please punish me, I deserve it." Josh's ears splayed and he sniffled a bit as his erection died away at a racing pace.

"I'll go easy on you. It's your first time subbing and I know how hard it can be to keep on edge. It helps that I'm also flattered that simply making you my stinky diaperbitch got you THAT hard, so your punishment is to sleep like that. You are forgiven."

"Oh, thank you! Is there anything I can do for you? I could maybe even suck you a bit, I do love the smell of your musk!" Josh seemed as excited as a puppy, bouncing up and down in his soiled padding making his mess squish all around inside and stink up the entire apartment.

"No, I'm afraid not. You were a wonderful diaper bitch, but it takes a lot to earn my orgasm. Just as well, I'm due back at work tomorrow morning, so I need to be heading back home. However, I expect a picture of you changing out of your messy diaper tomorrow morning, with a timestamp from your phone." He started to head for the door, then turned around and grinned at Josh. "By the way," he said, grabbing a sharpie from Josh's desk, "Here's my number. Send me a text if you ever need to be made someone's bitch for the night." Josh looked down to the black number scribbled on the front of his soiled infantile garment, and blushed.

Mark left the apartment, and Josh was all alone. It was pretty late after all, and Josh wanted to be up pretty early tomorrow anyways to get ready for classes. He figured he ought to sleep as well.

Leaving his pants in the bathroom, Josh climbed into bed in just his shirt and diaper as the soiled diaper squelched more and more against the bed padding without threatening to leak yet. His mind recounted the day's events, but seemed to center in on him making a complete baby of himself at the nice restaurant, shitting his diaper like a helpless kit at the order of the more dominant figure across from him. His mind circled around it like a planet in orbit until his cock emerged yet again from the sheath. He was beginning to realize he really liked that, as well as everything else mark did to him, or for him.

Josh let out a half-defeated and half happy sigh as his paw reached back into his diaper to stroke himself off again, just before bed this time, to the wonderful evening he had just experienced.

Story by Zephyrlot. Sorry it took so long!