Meryle's Story

Story by Meryle on SoFurry

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#1 of Book Bunny Stories

This is my first attempt at a story like this. I wrote it on my spare time over seas and I really have no clue how others with think of this..but I am interested in thier honest opinions. Hee, if it goes well I will finish my second story. ^.^

It was about nine in the evening, the sun had long since set on this cold, windy day. Most people of the small town had already went in for the night to avoid the frosty bite of an early fall, and yet traveling alone down the empty streets, guided by the dull, dim glow of the town street lamps was a young, grey, anthro bunny girl.

"W-wow..I-I guess I took a little too long.." The young bunny's name was Meryle Springs and though she was a fully developed young woman, she was afraid of the dark and was very small for her age, only about four feet tall and very petite. In fact the only thing large about her was perhaps her ears, which usually hung floppily before her face, hiding it from view. Many of her friends considered this a shame, for many found her very cute. A fact Meryle would usually blush softly about and deny. She never found herself very cute in her own eyes, with large glasses and a very flat chest she never felt she had much to be confident about. So she hid herself away, behind her ears, baggy plain oversized clothes, and her very beloved books. "M-maybe I should not have brought so many books..I-I would not have had to travel in the dark if I did not.." Meryle owned and lived in a small secluded book shop left behind by her grandfather. Running the shop "Silent Haven" was a lot of work for one young woman all on her own, but the shop and the books within were Meryle's entire life and she really knew about little else. When ever times became hard and books did not sell well, Meryle would travel up the nearby mountain and gather wild carrots, her favorite food. This was what she had been doing this windy night. But, she had spent too much time reading and was now alone and frightened.

"A-ah?...I-is s-somewhere there?" Meryle stared down a dark alley way, one of her occasional paths home. Right now the alleyway was pitch black and empty but for a few trash cans. Still, something about it seemed very uninviting "U-um...m-maybe I will just take the park path back home tonight.." She quickly turned on her heels and hurried further down the street. Far too much in a hurry to notice a glowing pair of nocturnal eyes open in the alley's shadows.

Another few blocks down the street and the little bunny reached the park, and to her immense relief it had decently lit paths. She did not fancy making her way through the woody park in complete darkness. The park was actually little more than a small woods and lake that the town had been built around. Meryle had always loved the lake side, one of her frequent reading spots, and with the brightly lit lamps around she was tempted on sitting for a short while and finishing one of her books. She was still considering this as the light post nearest to her suddenly broke with a shatter.

"E-eep!" She stepped back hurriedly as shards of glass fell down upon the now dark dirt ground. "H-how..a-ah!?" As she was back stepping she abruptly ran into something in the middle of the trial, and as she turned she could only see the outline of person standing in the center of the path, silhouetted by the lamp posts that were still working a little ways back.

"O-oh..u-um..h-hello.." The little bunny was now back stepping the other way, further into the darkness as the figure before her followed idly, closing in slowly. "C-can I h-help you..?"

It was a kind, cool, female voice that answered her. "Actually, yes. I really could use your help with something dear."

Meryle smiled and held a hand to her chest as she sighed with relief and answered the woman. "Y-you scared me a little...U-um how can I help? Are you lost?" Meryle peered into the darkness, trying to get a good look at the woman; since she was not even able to even tell what race she was. But all she could make out was a shake of the woman's head.

"No, I can get my way around in the dark pretty well, unlike you it seems. You did not even see me down that alley back there. Though I am not surprised you heard me a little. With cute ears like these.." The woman reached forward and with the back of a hand stroked down Meryle's ear, a very sensitive weak spot of hers. She had gasped softly and blushed lightly as she pulled her ear away from the hand.

"Y-you followed me all the way here?...w-why?"

The woman grabbed Meryle's hand gently and pulled her against her own body. "Because when I saw you. I knew you were he perfect person to help me." Meryle's face quickly became a soft pink as her face was brought up to the strange, taller woman's chest. She gently pressed her free hand against the woman's abdomen as she tried to push away.

"U-um..I-I don't understand...h-how am I perfect..a-and for what?"

The stranger murred softly as one of her hands held the bunny's hand firmly, and the other hand delicately lifted the bunny's face to hers. "You are perfect because you are so cute, and as for what...You will figure it out soon enough.." She pressed her lips to the soft trembling lips of the bunny's.

"Mn..?!" Meryle's eyes widened slightly as the kiss was forced upon her, but as the kiss lengthened and the woman forced her tongue into her muzzle, she gradually fell into it. "N-nmm.."

By the time the kiss had finally broke, the woman had moved Meryle onto her back and was laying over her. She whispered softly into her floppy ear. "Just try to relax dear, you will start loving it.." The woman's hand let go of Meryle's and slid tenderly down her side until it griped her beneath the leg, lifting and opening it slightly.

"Ah! W-what are you doing?" The woman shushed her quietly placing a finger to Meryle's lips as a finger from her other hand rubbed at Meryle's most sensitive of areas through her jeans, bringing out another soft gasp past the bunny's lips.

The woman laughed softly "Oh, so sensitive...I wonder how you would react if I did this." She suckled her fingers softly, moistening them slightly before skillfully slipping her hand under Meryle's oversized pants and shifting aside her panties. At this, Meryle gave a small scream of both protest and pleasure as a single digit tip entered into her.

"Oh're a virgin aren't you?" She slipped her finger in a little deeper, causing Meryle to reflexively close her legs on her. "Aww..won't you let me in? You are really fortunate that your first is a woman. A girl your size could get really hurt by a guy. It is tight on my finger in as it is." She leaned down close and nibbled on Meryle's long ear as her free hand slipped up her shirt. " don't even wear a bra? You are not all that small sweetie." A tongue slide out from the woman's muzzle and flicked playfully at Meryle's small nipples, before giving each a long lick.

"Ah..d-don't." The younger woman's wet nipples quickly grow cold with the chilly wind and stiffened.

"Don't worry hun. I can keep you warm." Her lips took a nipple into her mouth and suckled gently, bringing out another soft moan from the reluctant bunny. " you like that?" She quickly does the same for the other.

"N-no..." The shy bunny turned her head away and bit down hard upon her lip as she fought to hold in her moans, but her body had already given in and her legs had relaxed, allowing the woman to finger her freely again.

"It is okay hun, give in. I will treat you gently. I promise." Her finger began to stroke slowly into her, coaxing the bunny into feelings she has yet to experience. "Come on now. Open up. I can make it even better you know."

Meryle's body trembled powerfully as she tried to fight it, but she was quickly finding it difficult to concentrate, her moans seemed to her as if they were coming from another person, and she felt certain she would go mad as the woman's finger began to increase in pace. "Mnn!..o-oh..p-please..!"

The woman giggled as she watched the bunny squirm adorably under her, her finger in inside feeling the bunny's inner muscles begging for more even though she was pretending otherwise. "Hehe..please what baby?" She pushed her finger deeper, just short of tearing the young virgin's veil. "Don't tell me you want me to speed up already, and here I thought you were all sweet and innocent?"

This caused the bunny's face to pinken even brighter. "N-no! I-I did not m-mean it like...l-like" She lost her breath as the woman moved her finger about faster, careful not to rip her hymen just yet.

"Ooh...are you about the cum honey bunny?" Meryle could only gasp a soft squeak in response as her back arced off the ground and her body trembled with climatic pleasure. "So cute.." The woman held her finger still during Meryle's orgasm but used her other arm to pull the sweet bunny into another long passionate kiss, one of which lasted until the very last waves of pleasure eventually subsided.

^.^ Hee..

"O-oh..." Meryle awoke short time later, having fallen faint from her first real climax. "I-It is so dark..where am I?" She sat up shakily as she looked around, completely blind in the pitch dark world around her.

The kind gentle voice of the woman answered her from the dark. "We are deeper in the park woods Honey Bunny." Meryle jumped slightly as a match was lit and used to light a array of candles set onto the roots of a nearby tree. "I thought it would be more comfortable for you if we continued our fun here where it's more private."

By the romantic light of all the candles Meryle was finally able to see the woman clearly. She was a black haired, anthro, cat that seemed only a little older than herself yet looking far more physically developed. This was easier to tell than usual, due to the fact she was completely with out clothes. She was also very exceptionally beautiful, enough so that Meryle caught herself staring for a few moments before realizing it and quickly looking away, her long ears hiding her blushing face. "u-um..w-wait...d-did you say...c-continue?"

The cat woman grinned in a cat's mischievous way "Why of course my sweet little sugar bun!" She crawled over on all fours towards the bunny, pushing her back down on her back again gently as she got over her. "We only just got started afterall..and besides." She leaned further over the bunny's body, so that her considerably larger chest loomed over her face. "I though you would like the have a chance to repay me for earlier."

Meryle's face only kept brightening pink as she tried to gently push her away while trying to look anywhere other than pair of breast right before her face. "N-no..u-um..I-I am sorry but p-please..I-I couldn't..I-I am not like that.."

The female feline faked an over exaggerated frown. "Aww..I didn't know you were like that." she sniffled as she dabbed at her eye. "To think that there really are people in the world who want nothing more than to take and never to give. You're such a bad bunny."

Meryle shook her head quickly. "No, no! I-I ment I-I am not comfortable doing this with a woman..n-not that I w-would never..u-um..w-well..' She hid her face with her hands. "y-you know..return love.."

The cat grinned again. "Oh? Is that so? Well I am a woman, and you seemed comfortable enough before. You even came all over my hand."

The bunny whined softly into her paws as she tried her best to shrink away and hide. "I-I am sorry..b-but please..I-I just...can't."

The cat gently stroked her paw down the bunny's ears. "Oh..but I think you just need more encouraging.." At this she slowly slinked herself down the bunny's body, being sure to rub her chest against hers as she did, causing another soft gasp and tremble from the sensitive young woman. "And I know just the way to make you so very, very eager baby bun" She continued to slip down until she was lying over the smaller woman's legs. " lets take a look shall we?" She hummed happily to herself as she started to strip the ever the more nervous little bunny from the waist down, doing so with the air of opening a birthday present. "Oh how cute!" She broke into a wide toothy smile as she discovered the bunny's lavender, flower-patterned panties.

"N-no..p-please do not stare!" Meryle simply could not bear to lower her hands and show her face and so could only cross her legs in attempt to protect her modesty.

"Aww..but they are so cute! Oh, and wet too.." She gently touched a growing wet spot showing though the panty's lavender color. "oh are very wet..such a naughty little bunny."

Meryle kept her paws tight over her face as she shook her head and sobbed. "N-no! no I am not! P-please do not say that!"

Her crying voice brought about a sincere look of alarm upon the molestful woman's face. "Oh please do not cry my bunny babe. I am sorry; I was just trying to tease you a bit. Actually I think you are very sweet and very, very cute."

Meryle sniffled softly as she peeked out from behind her ears and paws. "...T-thank you..b-but I-I r-really am uncomfortable with this..c-can you please let me up?"

The cat's face grined widly again and even blushed slightly as she looked down at the too adorable, shy little girl. "Oh no honey bun..I just can't see myself letting you go...not until I at least leave you feeling good about all this." She then quickly slipped off Meryle's panties, catching the little bunny by surprise. "Aww! And what a beautiful little cunny you have! I am so jealous!" She pulled the bunnies legs on either side of her body so that the mortified little girl could not close her legs again and block her view.

"E-eep! D-don't look!" Her hands finally left her face to cover up her most private of areas.

"Aww..okay hun bun..I would much rather see your adorable face anyways." She smiled and stared up into Meryle's eyes lovingly, a look that caused Meryle to pause and stare back into hers. Her hands unconsciously rose to her chest as she felt her heart thumping hard, and her face blushing again from an entirely different reason than embarrassment. She was very inexperienced with the feeling, but she felt love deep within the dark stranger's eyes, and she was awed by it. "Please relax my love bunny..I really do want you to enjoy this.." The feline eyes finally left hers as they closed and the feline's head dipped slowly, bringing her lips gently to the bunny's soft cunny. Meryle's gasped deeply and flinched at the first touch, but otherwise, to her own surprise, did nothing to resist as a rough feline tongue began to lap gently over her private lips. "Mn..That's it me.." The cat began to purr softly as she continued to lap over the bunny's sweet folds, the growing sounds of Meryle's soft gasps of pleasure becoming a great source of pleasure for herself.

"A-ah! O-oh my...!" Meryle's soft pants became cute little squeaks as she squirmed on her back on the woods floor. "T-this...this is...s-so..mnn!" She tightly gripped the exposed roots of the tree behind her as the cat girl moved on to her exposed clitty.

"Oh...I think someone is beginning to enjoy herself." The feline purred louder as she gave the little clit one last lick before taking it between her lips to give it a long hard suckle.

"Ooooh!" The poor little bunny just could not take anymore. Her back arced off the earthly floor as she came all over the cat's whiskers with a loud shameless moan that she never would a thought herself capable of.

"Oh, I liked that! You cum so easily and taste so sweet my little honey bunny." The older woman was still purring as she licked her whiskers and climbed back over the ex-virgin. "Are you still awake baby bun?" Her paw gently held and caressed the bunny's face, as the little girl panted heavily and fought to retain consciousness. "Oh good..because I would like to give you a little something." She paused a moment as she stared down at the adorable young woman below her, then smiled lovingly as she leaned in slowly to share a long passionate kiss.

"Mn.." Meryle was still mostly lost in her ecstasy and had barely even registered the kiss at first, yet she returned it instinctively. Her arms rose to hold in her lover weakly as she murred softly into her muzzle. "Mmn?" She then blinked a little more awake as she noticed a bitter, yet almost sweet like taste in the cat's mouth. Her first thought was that she liked the taste and did not mind it, but as her head grew clearer it began to dawn on her that what she was tasting must be her own juices. "E-eep!" She squeaked wide eyed and broke away from the kiss with her face a brighter pink than ever.

"Hehe! are just too adorable!" The Cat nuzzled herself tightly against the bunny's soft, blushed cheeks. "Don't be embarrassed honey bunny. There is nothing wrong with liking the taste of a woman."

Meryle's ears covered her face as she whimpered and shook her head. " was mine!"

"Ooh..I see.." The cat sat up so that she could grin down at the bunny as she brushed her ears aside with the back of a paw. "So the fact that it was cunny juice does not bother you? Only that it was your own? Even straight woman has tasted themselves while giving oral you know."

"A-ah!?" Meryle's eyes blinked then quickly looked away as she rubbed her ear between her paws. She muttered softly. "T-that is not what I meant...I-I am straight."

" are a bad liar bunny." She poked the bunny's nose playfully. "I just made yourself realize you like woman and you know it." She then carefully climbed off the top of her so that she could lay down close beside her. "My name is Irene by the way." She leaned in to give her bunny one last kiss for the night. "and I think I am going to really enjoy making you realize so many things about yourself from here on out..My little bunny toy.."

^.^ To be continued. ^.^