Early Retirement: Chapter 3

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#3 of Early Retirement

Chapter Three of Early Retirement

Written by: Blackfire Editing assistance by: Guri *and * Slothdog

Less than twelve hours from the point where his life took an unexpected turn, Chris stared mutely at the wooden tray before him. Kneeling on the ground, hands fully covered in supple leather bindings and legs protected by dark semi-flexible knee guards, the pitbull blankly peered into the bowl of eggs and bacon that rested on the tray. Beside that bowl sat another nearly identical bowl, this one containing lukewarm unfiltered tap water.

From a few feet away and slightly above, the bull spoke encouragingly, "Don't just stare at it, boy -- Eat up. If I spend time cooking for you, it's only respectful that you spend the time to eat it. Plus, I ground up and put your viagra in there, along with some other vitamins and supplements. Its got everything a growing pup like you needs."

The young man now referred to as 'omega' reached out with his balled-up, padded hands, and clumsily tried to get the container up towards his mouth. It was his fervent hope that he'd be able to simply pour the meal into his muzzle, rather than be made to go through the humiliation of leaning down and eating it directly out of the bowl, like a feral dog would do.

Alpha grinned and took a big gulp of orange juice before giving a belch. "Eat it however you like, mutt, but if you spill anything your ass is getting a tanning. Don't say later that I didn't give you fair warning!"

After a couple more minutes of this and a couple near disasters, Chris was forced to admit that without the use of his fingers eating his breakfast this way was just unworkable. Unless he wanted half of it to end up on the floor and get his ass cheeks reddened. His very bare, very exposed ass cheeks. The boy's face flushed and to his intense shame, his arousal, which had started to wilt, firmed up and bobbed about.

Smiling, the retired bull said nothing more, basking in silence at the glory of this morning. A morning which saw the pair, Alpha and omega, taking their first steps together. With the sunshine blazing through the kitchen's half-open window and a wonderful breeze wafting in alongside it, this was already shaping up to be one of the best days the man had enjoyed since purchasing this land and having this house built.

Watching his pet submit yet again pleased the bull, and he felt his half-hard chubby thicken a bit in his pants as the pitbull leaned over and ate his breakfast directly from the bowl. It was also seasoned with a few other items, including mood enhancers and mild steroids, but Alpha decided not to share this detail with the anxiety riddled boy.

Rubbing himself lewdly through his blue jeans, Alpha felt a thrill run through his body when he heard the distinct sloshing sound of the canine slurping out of his water bowl.

Wanting to make sure he was giving his new pet plenty of positive encouragement, the man said, "That's it, boy. You're a natural. And don't worry -- you won't have to wear those mitts forever. Just for the first month or two, till you get settled in. See, when puppies are adopted they often find their new environments strange or menacing. Young mutts like you can't really be blamed for acting out or making messes in their new home. But you and me? We got all the time in the world. Everything going to work out great, you'll see. I'll prove it to you. So relax, take a couple deep breaths, and just stroke that toy poking out from between your legs a few times if you get anxious."

Chris blushed, and and kept eating as the bull gently patronised him, cock bobbing in time with his gulps. When the bull was done was done he stared at his half-full dog bowl, face hot and flushed. Finally, he turned and glared at the bull. "I'm not some feral dog you can keep chained up in your yard, you know. Sooner or later something will happen -- I'll break free, escape, turn the tables, and report you to the police. Why would you risk jail time when you could just pay an escort to come out here and roll over for you? You can afford it if you really own this much land!"

For a moment, the bull was still. Chris could hear every single crunch of the bull's breakfast as he chewed, and when the bull turned towards him, he flinched. But even as he sat there, wincing on the floor in preparation for the pain that was surely about to rain down upon him, the bull just kept eating his breakfast with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He swallowed. The bull picked up his fork and took another bite of his eggs. He didn't look at Chris, who swallowed again. His throat was dry. Finally, after a nervous minute, Chris went back to eating. He had nearly emptied both his bowls when Alpha finally spoke up.

"I don't know that I can rightly say, to tell you the truth. The simplest answer is that it can get a bit lonely out here at times, and you look like good company. Could I get into trouble if you ran away and reported me? Maybe, I suppose. But I'm gonna work real hard to make sure that never happens. You and me are in this together now, whether you like it or not. You're probably angry at me for the moment -- I get that. But give me a few days I'll prove to you that this is where you belong."

"I don't want to give you a few days! I'm through with this game, dude! Can't you understand that?!"

"Aye, I hear what you're saying. Now hear what I'm saying: Too bad. I like you. A lot. And I'm not letting you go. We're gonna spend today together getting to know one another, having fun, and then later tonight I'm gonna slip my cock between those sweet cheeks of yours. Then I'll kennel you up and we'll do it all over again tomorrow. And the next day, too. And the next. You'll find that life out in the country has a bit of a routine to it. Just give yourself some time to get use to it, and you'll find yourself a measure of peace once you settle into its cadence."

Beyond annoyed, Chris fumed as he stood and shouted, "What part of 'I'm done' aren't you hearing, shit bag!"

The bull frowned. There was just a twitch of his captor's hand before a wave of indescribable pain coursed through the lad's body. Chris screamed and crumpled to the ground, reaching up with his useless bound hands to his neck. If he had been in any condition for rational thought the pitbull would have pieced together that the collar he was wearing was no ordinary ring of plastic and metal. It was a shock collar capable of delivering a potent and prolonged electrical discharge. For several long, terrible seconds the slave felt the horrible current wash back and forth across his body, leaving excruciating pain in its wake.

But then, just as suddenly as it had started, the pain stopped. It didn't just merely fade away, or pass. It instantly evaporated as if it was never there, leaving only a very unpleasant memory behind.

Laying prone on the ground, Chris blinked his tears away and stared up at Master Alpha, who was hadn't moved from his place at the table. The boy couldn't help but notice that at some point in the conversation his right hand must have reached into his jeans' pocket, where it still resided.

The bull turned to Chris and spoke, softly. "I never want to have to do that to you again, bitch. But I will if you make me. This conversation has gotten a bit out of hand. I'm figuring that you're not quite mature enough to truly understand your place in world, and maybe it was too early to try having this discussion. That said, don't worry: In a couple months we'll talk about this again, if you like. But for now, this is the last I want to hear this kind of talk. To be explicitly clear: You threaten to run away, I'll punish you. You threaten me with the police or about jail time, I'll punish you. You turn your nose up at my cock or act like you think you're too good for me, I'll punish you. I know you can't appreciate it right now, but this really is for your own good. As I've said before, you'll understand in time."

The shellshocked pup could only nod his head mutely, not so much in agreement as in acknowledgement that he heard and understood. Two things was now extremely clear to Chris: The man who referred to himself Master Alpha was deadly serious, and this most certainly was not an elaborate hoax or practical joke as the pitbull had been hoping.

Just then, the dog realized the big bull was pointing at him. More specifically, down at his crotch.

"And I hate to do this right after I just disciplined you, but rules are rules. You got soft enough that your cock-ring fell off, puppy. Guess that viagra didn't have enough time to kick in. That's a tough break there... I feel for ya. But there's no helping it: I'm not going back on my word. Your prick has a date with the chastity device. Don't worry, though -- it's not as bad as all that. You'll get used to it, sooner or later."

This was a small fib on the bull's part, because in truth he knew that prolonged orgasm denial was not something a young, hormone driven slut like omega simply got 'use to'. And personally, Alpha felt excited at the prospect of 'kenneling the pup's pup,' as he liked to think of it. The powerfully built Master hadn't decided how long he was going to keep his puppy cock caged for, yet, but he already knew that he wasn't going to let the boy out until the mutt's attitude improved drastically. Inside the confines of his underwear, the man got rock hard thinking about how desperately his little slut would be aching for it before he finally gave in and began actually considering the possibility of pulling the key out the zipped pocket in his billfold.

Chris, for his part, wasn't about to back talk as the man waved his hand dismissively and said, "We'll sort that out later today. For now, finish your breakfast. I'm gonna hit the pisser."

Watching the man stand up, adjust his trouser snake and walk out of the kitchen and around the corner, the pitbull told himself it was now or never. If he could make it into the forest he was semi-confident he could keep hidden from the bull long enough to hike however many miles he needed to until he stumbled across some form of civilization. But first he'd need to sneak out of the house.

Moving quickly but quietly, the twenty five year old pitbull did his best to recall the floor plan from last night. Only making a single mistake when he rushed into the washer/dryer room, Chris managed to find the front entrance. Here he spent several nerve wracking moments trying to get the door unlock and the knob turned, but, heart pulsing and hot with nervous energy, he eventually managed to get enough torque applied to it and--

"Hey, wait!," the canine heard the bull bellow out from down the hall behind him.

No longer attempting to keep stealthy, Chris slammed the door open and flung himself through the now open portal before leaping off the patio and dashing across the grass as fast as his legs would carry him.

Though Alpha continued shouting at him, the kidnapped dog didn't listen, hearing only the sounds of his own pulse racing in his ears as they flopped due to his momentum. He ran and he ran. Soon he neared the forest.

He risked a quick glance over his shoulder. The lad worried he was doomed when he saw that the bull was still trailing behind him in pursuit. But no, the older man's build wasn't especially suited for sprinting and he was trailing farther and farther behind. In his hand the office worker could make out what looked to be a small garage door opener, which the the man held out towards Chris, practically crushing the device apart he was squeezing so hard.

The shock collar remote control. The boy felt a surge of relief and mentally told himself, 'I must be too far away for the signal to reach! I just have to keep him from closing the distance!'

Determined to escape, a grim smile spread over Chris' face. He could do this. He was going to make it! The treeline drew closer and closer.

Behind him the huge, currently panting, bull stopped running. Cupping his hands over his mouth to form a crude megaphone, he shouted just loud enough for his escaped puppy to make out, "Stop! You're about to run through the electric fence!"

As he debated himself on the odds that the man might not be bluffing, Chris' thought processes were interrupted as his world exploded in agony for the second time in fifteen minutes.

This time it didn't stop after just a few seconds. Mercifully, he passed out.

Groaning softly, as the pitbull slowly woke up he made an unconscious decision to keep his eyes closed. Feeling around a bit with his hands he noticed he was laying on a sheeted mattress. In addition, the boy could tell his head was laying on a plush pillow.

Exerting his all willpower, he valiantly attempted to disbelief the last twenty-four hours, and instead did his best to pretend he was home in bed, safe in his apartment.

Eventually Chris opened his eyes to see to if his magical thinking had been successful in changing his circumstances. Immediately spotting the worried face of Alpha peering back at him from his bedside seat, the canine knew then that magical thinking was bunk, that placebos were only sugar, and that fairies didn't exist.

He groaned again in half-hearted protest.

Seeing that his boy was conscious, the bull scooted his chair a bit closer and leaned over towards omega, placing a hand on the collared boy's exposed shoulder.

With concerned sincerity in his voice, the ripped dominant explained, "Listen, pup... I'm really sorry that happened. I have to apologize... I should have realized what would have happened the first time I took my eyes off you and prepared for it. I didn't prepare, and I wasn't prepared, so you getting knocked out was entirely my fault."

Chris felt like he was too worn out to be mad at the loony man. Closing his eyes again, he grunted and turned around on the mattress, now facing away from the bull.

This proved to be a mistake as Alpha simply stripped out of his clothing and hopped into bed alongside the canine, taking the pet in his arms and spooning him, pressing his mostly limp cock up underneath the boy's stubby pitbull tail.

"I replaced the batteries in the Discipline Disher controller too, so next time I'll be able to stop you before you hurt yourself. But for now, I don't want you to think about any of that. Just relax and let me your Master play with your bone for a bit... I'll make you feel good so you can forget all about that electric fence..."

Still keeping silent, because really what was the point in arguing with the man, Chris knew the viagra had taken effect while he was unconscious when he felt Alpha's hand reach around his hips and squeeze his knotted erect flesh.

Understanding all too well he was being kept prisoner by the bull, the pitbull still couldn't help his bodies reaction to his kidnapper's insistent touch. The man's hands roamed over every part of his body, cupping balls, tweaking nips, stroking cock, and rubbing increasingly less tense shoulders.

"That's it, pup... just let yourself melt against me. See? I really do care about you. You and I are going to have so much fun together. I know it's hard to see that now, but just take my word for it. See how I'm making your little boy dick feel so good? Your Master knows what you need. The less you fight me, the better you'll feel. Why resist when this is the reward for being a good bitch?"

Beginning to pant heavily, Chris was starting to think there must have been something more in his breakfast than just some ground up dick hardening pill. He heard a throaty moan that sounded like it was made by a bitch in heat coming from somewhere. With shame in his heart and written across his face, omega knew that he was the one making that sound.

"What did you... what did you give me...?"

Now grinding his own hardness between and against the boy's cheeks, the man answered, "That kind of stuff isn't for you to worry about anymore, mutt. Do this for me: Make a box in your head, using your imagination. Now, take a mental marker and label that box: 'Not My Business'. No, seriously. Do it. Picture the box in your mind. 'Not My Business'. Now, put that question in the box, close the lid, and push the box away. See? Now you don't need to think about that sort of thing anymore. Don't worry if you haven't got the hang of that mental exercise yet, though. You'll get plenty of practice as we fill that box up with all kinds of stuff."

Chris wanted to debate the point further, but the bull cut him off at the pass by gripping his pre-dripping arousal in one hand and his hard knot in the other. While applying firm, constant pressure to the knot with a strong grip, Alpha jerked the boy off using fast, not-too-gentle strokes. Whatever the pitbull was going to say was cut off yet another lust-filled groan.

Overflowing with conflicting sensations and emotions, the pitbull whimpered, "This isn't--, we can't do this. You don't have my--", pausing to grunt for a moment when the bull gripped down tighter onto his knot, he continued, "... permission!"

Taking one omega's floppy ears into his mouth, the Master nibbled it on it sensuously before explaining, "Who needs a pet's permission to do anything? That's just silly, pup. I'm the one who owns you, not the other way around. ...And now I'm gonna prove it to you."

It didn't take the slave but a few moments to comprehend the man's meaning as he felt a bulbous, pre-slicked press up against his puckered backdoor. Using his arms around the lad's waist as leverage, Alpha began apply a substantial amount of force, quickly overcoming the resistance of the tight ring of muscles.

In short order dull ache became sharp pain as the insistent bull breaches the boy's anal defenses, which in turn made puppy hiss out, "Ahh! Stop! You're too big, dude! Fuck!"

Trying to help his boy through the discomfort by keeping his mind off what was happening to his rear, the Master tried his hand at a joke as he continued to press his fat pole deeper into his mutt.

"You know I once got ticketed for parking my big truck into a space meant for compact cars only? I'll tell you the same thing I told the cop: I've managed to fit it into tighter spaces. ...She didn't think it was all that funny. How about you?"

With half the bull's well endowed prick embedded between his cheeks, and the rest coming along in short order, Chris could only respond by taking deep breaths in and out to cope with the discomfort. Helping to take his mind off the pain was the fact that his new owner was still making sure to play around with his own needy rod.

"Almost there, puppy-slut... stay with me now. You'll never be this tight again, so you should try and hold on to this memory, if you can. You and I, well, we're gonna be putting a lot of miles into this hole -- ten inches at a time. Ten inches in, ten inches out, over and over. Hey, you listening? Don't block this out. Stay with me, bitch."

Eyes clenched shut, the former office worker only grunted a wordless reply as the gruff alpha male pressed the last inch in, his pendulous bull balls squishing up against the collared and mitted boy's mounds.

Alpha kissed the back of his pet's neck and said, "Touch down, babe. I'm really proud of you. Way to go. You're squeezing down me real nice... you feel that too? It's like your boy twat is kissing the base of my meat, all sweet like, just like this." At which point the Master proceeded to passionately kiss Chris' neck several more times in rapid succession.

From the lad's perspective, their coupling wasn't nearly as romantic as the randy bull was making it out to be, but his libido couldn't help responding to what the possessive male was doing to his body. He was at least he horny as Master Alpha was, and the pitbull wanted to get his nut just as badly.

A few second later, however, Chris felt the man loosen his grip considerably around his knot and shaft. Even with his blood hot with a strong dose of aphrodisiac, the prideful canine refused to debase himself by beg the man to continue stroking him off. Instead, he brought his own hand to his crotch to finish the job -- only to be be unpleasantly reminded of the fact that his hands were still bound in leather into roughly the shape of spheres.

Giving the twenty five year old a minute or two without thrusting to get use to his considerable girth and length, the man decided to address a point that was beginning to irritate him that he wanted to settle before it really got under his skin.

"Hey, omega, you're being way too quiet over there. I'm starting to feel like I'm long dicking a blow up doll or something. You better get chatty quick or we're gonna have a problem. Don't think for a second that I won't lock your puppy-dicklet up without giving you a last chance at relief."

While wanting very much to tell the self-deluded asshole to go fuck himself, Chris understood by this point that the bull was serious. He knew Alpha would do exactly as he threatened: Get him horned up and desperate, then leave him hanging.

"What the fuck you want me to say, dude? It feels like you crammed a phone pole up my rear... I'm not exactly feeling like making small talk."

Roughly gripping and yanking the slave's balls instead of his knot, the retired country man said, "What did I say about respect, bitch? Well, good news, you don't need to worry about what to say because you just lost speaking privileges tell I say otherwise. That should make things nice and easy for ya: I want to hear lots of happy puppy barking while I give you your very first ass pounding. And in case you need some motivation, the louder your bark, the gentler I go. But if you go pouty, sullen, and quiet on me, I'm gonna ruin your boy pussy, slut. Here we go, sweet cheeks!"

In the span of a second the bull who called himself Alpha used his strength to yanked all ten inches out of the dog, only to cram each and every one of them mercilessly back in. To Chris it felt as if he might have suddenly becoming the lead porn star from that fisting video he'd watched only a couple weeks back. Worse yet, before he could gather his wits the massively endowed Master was making good on his threat, treating the boy's tight anal ring without care or consideration, all for the sake of his own exquisite pleasure.

The property owner knew that, in the end, his pup wouldn't be too worse for wear. Plus, it taught the bitch an important lesson: Mess with the bull, get the horn. And in the end, it just felt so damn good to really let loose and not have to treat his partner like they were made of glass, for once.

Within twenty seconds Chris gave up all pretense of pride or stubbornness, instead humbling himself by barking exactly like the bitch puppy the man constantly accused him of being. To his immense relief, his submission was rewarded quickly -- the man's fucking went from world-crushing to merely forceful.

"Good bitch... See? You're trainable. That's a great sign. I'm gonna loosen my grip now, and I want you to start fucking my hand as I fuck you and -- Hey! No one said quit barking. Louder and more excitable!... That's better. Anyway, you go on and fuck my palm like it's a hot date you're dying to knot. Since I'm not about to let you at my own hole, it's the only action your prick's ever gonna see, so you might as well learn your way around and about these fingers. They're a bit thick-skinned and calloused, so my grip might not feel as comfortable as your downy-soft pussy, but you'll just have to make your peace with that."

Already having degraded himself this far, the yapping, sex-addled pitbull felt the body-builder's warm hand held still just at the tip of his erection, and did what he had to do to get off. Even though a small part of him was telling him to stop playing into the man's hand, the drugs coursing through his system won out. The bull got what he wanted when the boy began participating in his own deep dicking, working his own moist boy hole back and forth over his captor's cock, just so his own misused and abused pole could settle for a simple handjob, slipping into and out of the man's unyielding grip.

Appealing to the possessive and dominant aspects of his personality, it made the Alpha happy to know that, when his pet was lucky enough to get off at all, he'd almost always have to settle for a boring handjob. He himself, on the other hand, would patiently and methodically instruct the boy on a hundred different ways to use his mouth, ass, and hands to painstakingly worship all ten inches of the Master's thick meat.

As he fucked his property's buns for the first of what was sure to be countless times, the man contemplated how he'd delight in teaching the mutt an ever expanding catalog of sexual positions, which the boy would need to memorize by both name and number.

'Begging Dog', AKA 'Position Four', where the lad would sit on the ground between his legs and worship the bull's length with long licks, hands held behind his back.

'Lean Over and Present', AKA 'Position Nine', where omega would bend over and grip his own ankles, under orders not to let go until told to do so.

'The Happy Bitch', AKA 'Position Twelve', which primarily involved the slut doing most of the work by bouncing up and down on his cock as Alpha sat on the couch watching TV.

'The Thankful Mutt', AKA 'Position Twenty-One'. This one was unique in that it would be a reward for the slut. The bull would hold out his bare foot to the dog. Then the puppy would mount it, rutting himself over and between his Master's large toes until told to stop or given permission to cum. Needless to say Alpha was sure the pup would be well trained enough by then to know to lick up his mess without further prompting.

'The Shameful Mutt', AKA 'Position Twenty-Two'. This one was just like the one before it, except the bitch would need to fetch the man's boot first, place it on the bull, and lace it up. Afterwards he'd have to fuck the sole and toe of the worn leather boot until permitted to stop or ordered to continue until he came... regardless of how long it took.

Master Alpha knew that within a year his permanent live-in pet would know over one hundred unique kinky sexual positions, acts, and routines. Many of them as simple and straightforward as deep throating the bull while doing his best to smile back up at him in pleasure. Others so bizarre and complicated he knew the boy would make mistakes, tripping up over them giving him plenty of opportunity to justify a bare-handed paddling of the mutt's stub-tailed tush.

Not that he'd ever hurt his boy without good cause. The older male hated animal abusers with a smouldering rage. The only just reason he'd ever lay a hand on his pitbull was to teach it right from wrong -- punishment solely for the benefit of the dog. To make it ultimately happier and to improve its life.

Thoughts such as these crossed the Master's mind as he worked omega over. Chris' thoughts were much more focused than the bull's self indulgent mental vacation. Hopped up on the potent aphrodisiacs and mood enhancers that Alpha had slipped him with his breakfast, the lad's attention was on the two erections in the room: his very sensitive and needy one and the bull's length, which was impossible ignore as it worked his hole open like nothing had before.

As the two males thrust, sighed, panted, and moaned, only one of them had an idea about what the future would bring for the pair. Now that he experienced the true joy of taking his pup, the Master had arrived at two life-changing decisions about his pet.

The first was that he was going to take whatever steps were necessary to convince the boy that he was now property. Property that was loved and valued, yes, but still very much property and certainly not people. Alpha had many ways in mind he'd prove that to the canine, but he'd start with a special chastity device he'd commissioned years early but had the occasion to use.

The second was that he'd continue dosing his pet with mind and mood altering drugs to get the pitbull in the right frame of mind to accept his change in status. Alongside omega's water and food he'd already given the dog an extra strong dose this morning, but the bull knew that convincing the lad that he was no longer a person in the legal sense of the word wasn't something that was truly accomplishable in a single day. By keeping a close eye on the mutt and adjusting dosing levels as needed, Alpha planned to fundamentally change the lad's equilibrium and outlook as the medications built up in his system.

Things that seemed entirely unreasonable before would soon seem to be just another minor issue to the dog. Being forced to memorize new sexual positions, participate in self abasement and dirty talk, and to lose the privilege to speak with anything but barks for days on end -- These were all things the Master knew his puppy would learn to not only accept, but to cherish, given time, medication, and training.

And it was due to these delightful thoughts and to the wonderful sound of his bitch's enthusiastic barking that Alpha began creaming the boy's rear. Seconds later, the smell of the man's cream struck Chris' sensitive nose. This combined with the porn-quality grunting noises the man was huffing into his ear, the former office worker ejaculated too, all over the man's hand and across the bed's sheets.

This went on for a bit as the two entwined together on the mattress as they made their musky mess, twisting about as Alpha's hips drove every bit of himself into the slave.

Afterwards they lay panting, the Master's sated length still resting in his pup's rear entrance. In bliss, he rested for a couple minutes and reflected on what a blessing a dog is in a man's life before he again kissed Chris on the back of the neck and said,

"That was perfect, mutt. We'll have to do that again real soon. But for now, well, honestly you're a complete mess, aren't you? Okay, let's get you leashed in the front yard for a few minutes while I take a shower, then we can hose you down again. Then I'll dig through the attic and try and find where I put that chastity device."

The pitbull had no response as he laid there panting, wondering just what the hell he had gotten himself into by knocking on this man's door as the bull's fingers continued to play over his shaft and cock head -- the man's fingers pulled and squeezed to work the last bit of cum out from his piss-slit that he'd be allowed to shoot for an undecided length of time.