Unseen love- Chapter Two

Story by yumiwolf on SoFurry

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Story is about how one couples love stands strong through a lot.

Chapter 2

By the time Hiroto came around I was already out of my hospital attire and back into the plain clothes I brought last night, he came on foot with nothing but his phone and the clothes on his back. "Hiroto..." I greeted as I walked past him to my car unlocking it before getting in, he got in the passenger seat and before I could put the key in the ignition he grabbed my hand "Lets just sit here for a while..." he whispered before letting me go. I played with the long key digging it into my hand so I could feel something other then his eyes on me "Are you ever going to tell me what happen?" he asked, more silence as I sat shaking my head trying to keep the tears from disobeying me. My mind began to wander back to the day in question, I always wanted to forget it but there was no forgetting the death of people close to you. "Please...I need to know!" he begged as he placed his hand on my arm, his voice seemed to echo throughout my head, silence once again as we sat there me on the edge of tears the sensitive subject always got to me "tell me...please!" I could hear the tears in his voice as he banged the dashboard, I struggled with the words wanted him to just hold me, I wanted him to be my big brother again.

"C..can we please go home and talk?" I asked my hands shaking as I fumbled with the key

"Fine...let me drive" I nodded before he got out, I moved over in the passenger seat and buckled myself in whipping my eyes on my sleeve. I always looked up to my brother, admired everything he done but I was upset with him when he left to join the army and left me behind, I don't know why but it hurt me but I felt....betrayed. With Hiroto behind the wheel it didn't take us long to get home, he helped me into the house sitting me on the couch before going into the kitchen and grabbing a water from the fridge, he walked over to me handing me the bottle before sitting down. He waited till I took a sip of the water "Well?" he asked lightly, I nodded a few times and collected my thoughts.

"I was at school...in the middle of class I gotten a call from the next door neighbor" I sat the water on the table and turned to him

"Its alright Hiroshi...I'm sorry I yelled I just need to know" he said as he reached out for my hand, the action I wanted but it was too little too late. I pulled away from his touch before going on with my story

"they told me our home was on fire...I pushed the GT as hard as I could but traffic was wild..and..." I tried to hold back the overwhelming tears "I didn't get there in time...they said mom and dad were in bed and...the fire broke out in the kitchen..." I was now over the edge, Hiroto then yanked me into his arms holding me, and hugging me like I always thought about. Giving into my big brother I held him back, cried on his shoulder finally letting the pain go, the pain I felt from loosing my parents. He patted my back and allowed me to stay like that for as long as I wanted, we didn't move for a while until he sat up and rubbed my head "Come on...I'll treat you to breakfast" he mumbled as he stood up grabbing the car keys and looking at me. I told him I would meet him in the car, I needed to collect myself and wash the tears away, I walked into the kitchen turning the water on hot splashing some onto my face. As I stood washing my face I heard my phone ring Kitty was calling me. I always put customized ring tones for people so I didn't always have to look at my caller ID, I dried my face waited for the ringing to stop before walking out of the kitchen. I was torn between wanting Hiroto to act like a big brother, and for him to just leave me alone. I walked out of the door getting in the passenger seat of the car and looked at him "Hiro...Um...so now that you know what happen" I looked down into my lap "What are you going to do?" I asked him. Hiroto said nothing as he pulled out of the parking space and heading out of the city, he drove toward the small town our parents use to take us too. "Onii-chan" I mumbled as I sat back putting on my seatbelt and watching the traffic and people as we pass them, my phone rang again I once again ignored it not in the mood to hear Kittys meows for help and purrs for sex. Hiroto sighed a bit "Listen...I am gonna find the truth of what happen alright?" he said as he glanced at me before looking back to the road.

"Truth of what Hiro? it was an accident!" I snapped I looked away from him fighting the new tears at the corner of my eyes

"Alright, just calm down...lets just go eat and have a good time huh?" he said as he pulled into the family diner. Before I could get out my phone rang, it was the hospital I told Hiroto I would meet him inside I answered my phone "Doctor Kataro" spoke one of the nurses in a frightened tone

"Yes, what's the matter?" I asked as I sat listening

"Um the Patient Hikaru...he um...vanished..." I sighed and smiled

"Did you look under the desk you're standing at?" I asked with a slight chuckle, she gave a slight gasp

"Hikaru! Get from under their!" I heard the scream

"But I'm stuck!" he yelled back, I laughed a bit more to myself and waited till she came back to the phone

"Put him on will you?" I asked politely, I waited for the phone to be transferred to Hikaru

"Hello?" he answered his voice low and soft

"Remember the deal we made? You don't make any more escape attempts and I bring you something sweet" I told him as I stepped out of the car

"I know I'm sorry but...she tried to get me a needle" He whimpered

"I'll let her know how to do it like I do alright?" hikaru whimpered out his answer before giving the phone back to the nurse, I told her quickly the instructions while walking inside the diner. After I was done explaining it to her I hung up and sat at the table with Hiroto the waitress came over offering coffee I looked up and nodded before looking at the menu.

"Whatever you want, you just order it" Hiroto said as he sat back in the booth playing with his hair, I patted my pockets

"Do you have a cigarette?" I asked. Someone tapped my shoulder holding a pack to me, I looked back to a woman who looked like she was ready to pop

"my boyfriend doesn't need them anymore" she said with a smile. I smiled back thanking her watching as she walked out the door and climbing into her boyfriends ready car,

"When are you going to settle down Hiroshi?" I looked forward ignoring his question as I took out a cigarette, lighting it with the lighter on the table. The waitress came back over taking our orders before leaving, Hiroto and I sat there talking about everything between the future and the now we left the past out of the conversation.

I loved my brother we spent nearly that whole day together until I needed to go home and get sleep for work, he came home with me telling me he was going to sit in the house. we had a short conversation about his home life before I dragged myself upstairs to sleep for three hours.

Later I was sitting at work again working the ER and the Intensive care unit, my last stop was Hikaru's room, I walked into the room seeing him trying to color a page the nurses gave him to be quiet. I laughed a bit he looked just like a five year old, "having fun?" I asked as I walked in grabbing his chart and pulling the chair next to his bed taking a seat. He glanced up without saying anything before going back to his coloring page "Its alright...I know you still don't trust me" I told him as I read the chart finding a little sticky pad note ~He won't eat~ the note stated giving the date and time, I looked at my watch and sighed sitting back.

"Why won't you eat?" I asked him as I sat back watching him

"Because it doesn't taste good" he mumbled back, as he colored the crayon snapped I watched his reaction as he threw it and started to whimper.

"Calm down" I told him as I got up picking up the crayon and showing him it was still good before checking his leg. He stayed quiet for the most part but started to whimper when I had to touch and move it, Changing the bandages was hard enough without him squirming and trying to pull away. "If you don't stay still I won't get you cake" I told him, it made him stay still really quick, "now tell me what kind of cake you want?" I asked him as I rebandaged the leg and walked to the medicine closet taking out some pain killers for him to take later.

"Chocolate cake " I heard him mumble before walking out as a patient came into the ER, Yuyuko was back in the ER I greeted her with a smile before following her to the room she was assigned. "So your back huh?" I asked as they set her up, I washed my hands and put gloves on putting in an IV for her she was such a little soldier. She asked if I could sit with her for a bit I told her I would try but I was doing so much tonight, as I set her fluids up I told her about Hikaru and how he behaved. She laughed at my stories and jokes, I told her I would be back before walking out. The night was still young and I felt like dropping, I took a bowl of stew into Hikaru's room waiting until he ate it all before giving him his medication but before I could walk out he spoke. "Is it alright if I walk around?" his soft voice barely audible,

"Uh...you can walk with me I don't want you dropping with that medication in you" I told him before helping him out of bed. When he was on his feet he moved out the door quickly, I sighed and followed after him to keep him out of trouble, he stopped at a huge window that showed a Zen garden. He sat on the window seal and keeping his gaze out the window, it gave me time to read my book so I sat next to him pulling the book out my coat pocket and opening it to the page I left off. The peace didn't last too long before he suddenly stood up and started down the hall way, I quickly put my book away before getting up to follow him "Hey wait...what's the rush?" I asked as caught up to him and watched him

"I need to make a call" he mumbled as he walked to the phone picking it up and dialing a number. I moved away to give him some time to make his call while keeping a close eye on him, I set my watch to make the next rounds I really felt like going to sleep I had no energy left. I pulled out an energy bar opening it and taking a bite hoping it would keep me up for a while, I watched as Hikaru slammed the phone before moving away back toward his room as fast as he could. As I walked past Yuyuko's room I could hear her cries of pain, I walked into the room looking around before walking beside her "Are you alright?" I asked as I watched her grip her arm

"I wish...feels like my joints are being crushed" she said through clenched teeth. I took her chart and looked through it

"You parents never signed this paper..." I sat the energy bar aside and sat beside her on the bed trying to work her through it.

"They're...coming" she whispered as she closed her eyes, I turned on the TV and gave her the remote

"Watch something, it will take your mind off it i'll see what I can do without your parents signature" I got off the bed grabbing my energy bar and walking out. I walked to my desk getting out the contact sheet for Yuyuko contacting her father, I had a long winded talk to him about her and how she was before he allowed me to treat her without a signature. I got a strong painkiller for her before walking back into the room, she was still in a huge amount of pain, I flushed the IV before injecting her with the painkillers and telling her to get some sleep. I cut out the lights leaving the TV on at a low volume before walking out, I shut the door before making my rounds to other rooms.

By the time I looked down at my watch I was shocked at the time, it was already Nine in the morning but I couldn't tell because I was in the stockroom taking a break. I yawned before walking out of the stockroom and back to my desk sitting down, a cup of tea was sat down in front of me I looked up to the person. "Long time no see...Hiroshi" the male smiled, I squinted my eyes before smiling

"Keita! How ya been?!" I asked as I got up giving a brief but firm hug

"I'm alright and how about you?" he asked as he looked me up and down.

"Ah these hours are killing me" I explained as I rubbed my shoulders a bit "But you still look great" I told him. He nodded a bit as he stood tall and confident, "how did you find me?" I asked as I sat back in my seat taking the tea and sipping it.

"I heard your name over the loudspeaker, and asked a nurse she told me you been here all night" I sat the cup down.

"I was just hiding out in the stockroom, your lucky I came out when I did" I told him "so why are you here?" I asked before more files were sat in front of me

"Someone called out...can you take it?" the head nurse asked. I looked at her like she was brain dead, I felt like saying some not kind words to her but instead I nodded my head before looking back at Keita

"Well my little sister is up stairs getting a check up...so I told her I was coming to see a friend." he stated. I nodded and looked through the files shaking my head

"I have been up for three days now with only four hours of sleep..." I grumbled under my breath

"Thats not good...you should get some sleep" he said as he rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Ya...Hey are you still a host?" I asked as I watched him nod his head

"Yup I'm at Club Relish you should stop by sometime" he smiled before turning and walking away.

"Wait! I don't have-"

"Its on your desk" I watched him walk away before looking down on my desk seeing his card with his name and number.

"Still cool as ever Keita..." I smiled before going back to reading the files.

It was noon when I was able to take a break I was still the only surgeon on call for the day, the other Surgeon was called away to help at another hospital. As I walked back and forth from patient to patient my strength began to weaken, well my human side anyway. I didn't like to let on that I was also part animal people never understood and treated people like me like an outcast. Only the people I trusted enough knew about me like Keita, I had to use it I stopped at my desk taking a breath before letting half of the animals power overtake me. The cheetah's strength renewed me I was not able to move a lot better, I sat in the chair but not only was my strength back to full power I was faster also. My reading became faster, my reflexes, movements, and typing. I had kept this secret for a long time not really depending on it until now where I was pushed to my limits, since it was forced to the surface of such a public place I knew it was a matter of time before people began to notice something different about me. I sighed softly before standing back up and grabbing my note book heading into Yuyuko's room, I pushed the door open knocking softly before entering fully. When I walked in she was half awake staring at the wall, I smiled softly as I approached her pushing her hair back softly "Morning sweetheart" I said softly as I began to check her vitals and enter them in her charts. I sat next to her as the food service came sitting down a tray of food, I opened the lid to reveal french toast and sausage. I adjusted her bed helping her sit up to eat, "Once you are finished chowing down, then you can get more pain killers alright?" I asked as I watched her. She nodded her head a bit as she picked up her eating utensils, I stood up making a note in her file before walking out and finishing things I had to do before I left.

It was about 7am and I had finally finished my shift at the hospital, I collected my belongings from the break room before walking out to the employee parking lot. I dug in my pocket for my small car remote pressing the button to unlock the doors as I got close. I opened the back door throwing my bag and coat in the back before shutting the door and opening the door to the driver side door and getting inside. I rode in a Mustang GT series, My parents bought it for me as a graduation present when I finished high school. Little after I got accepted to medical school, they were so proud of me. I shut the door with a yawn before sticking the key in the ignition and turning the car over as it roared with life. I sighed softly as I backed out of my parking space and made my way out of the lot and onto the road. As I began to drive I turned on my phone to check my messages, not even two seconds after my phone had been turned on and I was already getting a call. I pushed talk putting the phone to my ear as I kept a steady speed of 20/MPH "Hello?" I said speaking into the receiver.

"Hiroshi! I've been trying to call you since yesterday!" she said with a slight whimper,

"I'm Sorry baby I had my phone off while I worked my shift at the hospital" I told her

"Well...I need to see you, can you come over?" she asked. I sighed thinking if I really had the energy to go over to Kitty's house

"Kitty baby I wish, but I've been working since 8 last night...I need some rest." I told her as I fought back yet another yawn

"Please Hiro...you can sleep over here I won't try and rape you I promise" she pleased. I had to admit the offer called out to me, to be with someone in the same house again felt nice I gave into Kitty and finally accepted her offer after thinking it over.

"Fine fine...I will be over in a few minutes" I told her, we said our goodbyes and hung up I switched lanes picking up the speed heading right over her house. I still had things over there being Kittys only lover was a perk for a while. I had broken up with her when I got my acceptance letter to college, but she wasn't angry she was happy for me she went on and did some things of her own. We sent each other pictures for the 4 years I was away, to my surprise Kitty went to the military and looked damn sexy in the uniform. She sent me photos of when she was in training, when she was messing around with her team and when she was alone wearing nothing but the sexy ass combat boots. God damn I loved this girl but I never saw myself with her after College, I just kinda saw myself alone, but no matter how much I said no, kitty was true to her word.