Street Sweepers Part III: The End

Story by TheXenoFucker on SoFurry

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#9 of Science Fiction, Space and the Far Future

Bloody hell that's a big one. For any who have been waiting, I do believe you'll enjoy this last part.

A man stood amidst a dark room, pitch black, waiting for the signal to connect. Sure enough, the signal connected to the world so far away from which his client was situated on. Sunlight filled the room, over a large beach in the evening, the red star sinking below the horizon. From all around, a confident, strong voice filled the room.

"It has been six months since I first hired you. I've paid you a lot of money to keep you on the job. It's time for answers now Mr. Devreaux."

The man smiled, the glint of happiness from under his tinted glasses.

"You won't be disappointed this time, I can assure you."

"Very well then, let's start at the beginning."

The man pulled a smoke from out of his coat pocket, lighting it.

"Okay then, I assume you already know what happened on Raxus Prime. A police officer was convicted for the murder of a very wealthy, powerful trade baron. This was, essentially the beginning of the Raxus Rebellions, which of course led to the eventual second Harccadian Revolution."

The voice sounded pleased.

"Yes. Good. Tell me more about what happened on Raxus before this all started."

"I couldn't find much, other than a few connections. This officer, whose only name I could find, Benny, had some dealings with the now deceased Mr. Roland Carnagey. That same day, records show that Benny transferred everything he owned to his friend and colleague, Malcom "Riggs" Humes."

"Interesting. Tell me more about the officer, Benny."

"Well, as you can guess, Carnagey's high up friends weren't happy. The court was a rigged setup. But Benny seemed to know exactly what he was doing. He pleaded guilty, but also let something else slip buy. Carnagey was in the business of trafficking species. Although he had no evidence, this one little reveal started up a frenzy in the media, and most importantly, delayed his case."

"And what would delaying his case possibly help him?"

"The Chief of Police, Donovan Malchovich, stepped up to the plate, presenting some form of evidence, or at least an odd paper trail that linked back to Carnagey and his shipments, further delaying the case. The crowds were wild. Benny had the people on his side, and the media playing along for the ride as well."

"Yet you and I both know this was a failure Mr. Devreaux. Donovan Malchovich was found dead not even a day after he stepped up in court, deemed a heart failure."

"That is true. But the sudden death of Malchovich exposed something else. The curtains that hid the higher ups of Raxus were suddenly thrown wide open. Benny still had the people on his side. But, ultimately, he was convicted, and sentenced to life in prison for manslaughter, abuse of authority, and many other smaller charges. However, he never made it to his cell."

"Reports say he went missing?"

"That's right. Word got out to the public, and things went from there. The Raxus Prime Rebellions started, which eventually turned into full scale war. The resistance on Raxus called for aid, and they got it. Out of nowhere, Harccada and her respective allies were suddenly marching to war again, not even 30 years after they were put down in their first uprising."

"I hear that Malcom was the leader of the resistance."

"That's correct. In fact, he was the one that got things started. It turns out, Benny transferred his terminal to Malcom the day he killed Carnagey. Due to an error in processing speed, the locks Carnagey placed on the data were bypassed, as the terminal belonged to Malcom. Malcom found this out a year after Benny went missing, and only helped fuel the fire of civil unrest. He even united the police force of the entire planet, and when the time came, the police stood by the people."

"Although this is interesting to hear from you Mr. Devreaux, and you've shown to me some other perspectives I'd not known about, what I really want, is the officer, Benny. So, where are we today?"

"Well, sir, this is what took me 6 months. I found what I just told you in a matter of days. But the trail of Benny was practically non-existent."

"But you have found a lead, have you not?"

"I have."

"Let's hear it then. I want to know everything."

Devreaux smiled, putting his smoke out.

"It's been five years since Raxus fell to its own unrest, along with the aid of Harccada and her allies. The slaving unions have long since been wiped out. BUT, this does not mean they are all gone. I was sure there was someone in hiding. So that's where I started looking."

"And what did you find?"

"With the help of the data from our very own favorite man to find, I got some good insights on how the slaver unions work. See, Benny killed one of the more powerful members of the union, and I found there's a strict policy, an agreed upon set of terms. Anyone, and I mean anyone, caught killing a member of the union, or freeing an "indentured servant," will be subjected to effectively take the place of freed merchandise or property damage."

The red star continued to dip below the horizon amongst the sandy beaches and crystal clear water. The voice in the room sounded displeased, almost worried.

"Don't tell me this is all you've discovered."

"Not to worry, I found more. It might even be the key to the whole search."

"Go on then."

"About a week ago, the head of a large automotive company passed away on Raxus. There's going to be a sale of his entire estate and his company, everything he owns. Thing is, it's a closed buyers auction. Only the very rich, or very powerful could get in there. But I did some searching and found some VERY interesting names on the guest list. For starters, Roland Carnagey is on the list of bidders."

"Carnagey has been dead for over five years Mr. Devreaux. I watched the feeds. What that officer did to him, no man could survive."

The man smiled, lighting up yet another smoke.

"That's not the point. The point is, I think Roland Carnagey is just a façade. A fake name. I think even the real Roland Carnagey had a different name, one he never used. It would make sense, in a union like that with the slavers. If anything ever found its way back to you, and you slipped out, you could always fall back on your original name, slip into the shadows, under the guise of a normal person. That and we'll never know who the first Carnagey really was, further hiding potential evidence."

"The name can't be a coincidence. But you'll need more proof than that."

"That, I can do. I've got a long list of names of confirmed high end slavers, all killed during the Harccadian and Raxus rebellions. They're all here on the guest list. Now, I don't know about you, but that's a lot of buyers. I went ahead and bugged some key systems, tapped into comm lines, stuff like that. I got actual camera evidence of our man. I can pass it along your channels."

"You have my attention Devreaux. Have you found any more data?"

"Yes. Benny was bought by a powerful corporation. Leads point that he was then transferred off world and taken all the way to a lonely little world called Eos. Eos isn't talked about much, because it's an ugly part of society. Criminals beyond saving and responsible for horrid crimes are brought there to be used as research material."

The voice paused briefly.

"You're absolutely sure?"

Devreaux nodded.

"You can check all my data. The proof is right there."

The voice paused again, before speaking.

"This carries a lot of weight Devreaux. Thank you for your services. I'll send the last of the payments your way."

"Hold the phone there! If you don't mind sir, since I've worked through thick and thin on this case, I think I deserve some questions, and some answers."

"I think that's a reasonable request. Ask away."

"Why do you want to find this man so badly?"

"A man like that is a hero. It takes guts to do something you know will get you into trouble. And I think he knew what he was walking into when he started it all. I never believed he was killed, like the media and splinter groups surmised. It's my belief that he stood up for everyone on Raxus when everybody else was too afraid to. And we, as people, whoever we are, should show him some respect."

"That's oddly noble of you sir. I never figured you to be so, "soft."

"And what gives you that notion Mr. Devreaux?"

"You're wealthy, for one thing, in order to have hired me and kept me on this case for six months. You're definitely ruthless for another, for searching for one man for so long. And your trademark desire to be kept anonymous reeks of the wealthy elite. To be honest, I thought you were only after this man because, well, I wasn't sure. But I didn't think it'd be good."

"That makes two of us Mr. Devreaux. You're honest for a man of your line of work. You have me curious now. If I had bad intentions for our officer here, and you knew of them, what would you do?"

"I'd try my hand at changing the game up sir. I've got contacts too. I'm sure I could fiddle with your plans discreetly if I wanted to."

Devreaux's client laughed.

"How do you feel with sticking around, for just a bit longer? There's fireworks coming. A man of your caliber might have quite a few avenues to explore in the coming days."

Devreaux dropped his smoke on the floor, smothering it with his foot. He smiled, removing his tinted glasses.

"What kind of, "avenues" would there be to explore?"

"Imagine cracking open a whole vault of knowledge on one company. All their dirty little secrets up for grabs, and since you played your hand right, all the strings are tied to your hands."

Devreaux smiled.

"I'm up for it. Tell me where I can start."

And so, in about a weeks' time, Devreaux found himself space bound, traveling on the legendary flagship of the legendary Malcom Humes, as his entire fleet had grouped together, and was now in transit to Eos. Devreaux had met the man personally, a giant of a man, had welcomed him aboard his ship, and had several long talks with him. The man was surprisingly easy going and simple, for one who was infamous for his naval brutality and his tendencies for extreme actions.

Things worked out quickly, and in a day's time Devreaux had his own lab of sorts set up deep in the core of Malcom's ship. He was impressed. Malcom had some serious backers to get a hold of such high quality tech, and further still, command a continually growing fleet that needed constant repairs and maintenance. Even though they were in transit to Eos, the fleet had already come under fire in two engagements. This was the time Devreaux found out one of his new tasks.

Even though Malcom had impressive, anonymous backers, fantastic naval skills, and enough manpower aboard his fleet to easily take a planet over in several days, he had little to no luck with men of technical abilities. That of course had now changed since Devreaux was here, and he had gladly tested all his new equipment out in both naval engagements. He understood completely what was going to happen when the assault on Eos began.

The silence of Devreaux's lab was broken as doors slid apart and Malcom stepped in, looking all the more imposing in an admiral's uniform. He spook in his booming voice.

"Mr. Devreaux, we've arrived. We're on the far side of a planet near the edge of the system. I've sent scouting parties to probe planetary issues we may encounter. Anything you can detect?"

Devreaux smiled.

"Well, Malcom, if you give me a few seconds I can patch into the comm relays and we can go from there."

"Please, call me Riggs."

Devreaux's fingers danced across multiple keyboards as he watched the various screens and the information that scrolled across them.

"Okay Riggs, pulling up juicy stuff right now. Let's see here, we've got a basic military fleet always on patrol in the upper atmosphere of Eos. Light ground defenses and, oh well look at that, schematics for hidden orbital cannons."

A red light flashed on one of Devreaux's screens.

Riggs was quick to point it out.

"Those were my scouts weren't they?"

Devreaux smiled.

"You're a man with some background Mr. Riggs. Yes, those were planetary defenses groundside, gave one warning and fired 60 seconds after."

Another red light flashed on another screen. Devreaux swiveled over to it, typing on the screen.

"We've got fleet movements in the system. Eos's network is staying put, but you've got a heavy fleet approaching from another planet in-system, and comm chatter says you've got one incoming from an outpost beyond this system. Two way attack inbound in a few minutes."

Riggs stood up straight, already making for leaving the room.

"Good stuff Devreaux. Keep me updated on important stuff. Priority is getting into their bases on the ground of Eos. Second is getting into their fleet networks. I can fight this, I've got the ships, but now that you're around, things go a lot smoother."

Riggs was already out the door before Devreaux could say anything, quickly spinning out commands as he left across the ship's comm system.

"All hands prepare for battle. We've got two incoming heavy military fleets, I want three formations, with a smaller battalion of ships to break off and flank. Communications deck, broadcast a signal to every open channel in this system. Let them know who they're about to go up against, maybe they'll change their minds. Power up the main guns on our destroyers. Let's move it people!"

Devreaux watched on the sidelines as he rooted around deep inside the huge complex established on Eos. Right off the bat the military fleets had several deserter ships upon the announcement that the legendary Malcom Humes was bringing the full might of Harccada, Raxus Prime and their allies to bear down on the planet of Eos. Regardless, the remainder of the fleets engaged, attempting to fend off Rigg's fleet. The battle wore on, with Rigg's fleet getting caught in the crossfire. Riggs was putting his best foot forward in a ballsy maneuver, using his flagship as a shield to block the crossfire that would normally tear his smaller vessels apart. His own flanking armada tore into one of the military fleets from behind, catching them completely off guard.

Devreaux turned back to his work, as he rooted around the core systems on Eos. He had already hacked through defenses silently, and had much of the complex's systems under his control. As promised, he indeed had effectively been given a chance to put his hand in the cookie jar, and was stealing copious amounts of data. But something was wrong. Eos was by now well aware of what was going on, but much of their planetary defenses weren't active. There were a few basic orbital cannons and groundside cannons. If a planet was going to have such a heavy military presence, then the planet itself must have been well defended too. Things didn't add up.

Devreaux searched for clues, when suddenly things added up. He registered an enormous power spike across every single facility across Eos. He traced the power lines back to an instillation near the poles, hidden under the ice. He worked faster, wanting to find out where and why all this power was being used. He saw lines of text and coding scroll across the screen, blueprints and plans, construction costs. Devreaux's mouth hung open at what he was seeing before he tapped into the comms of Riggs's flagship.

"Riggs I'm sorry I didn't pick it up before! The instillation was too well hidden until they powered the thing up. They have an inter-system weapon!"

The comms were silent until Riggs finally broke through.

"A what!?"

"You heard me! They've got a sodding weapon that can fire across this entire system from Eos! They fired it a few minutes ago! Riggs, we can't avoid the first shot! I know your flagship is a behemoth, but that gun could clean your entire fleet out and take out even your ship with a few shots!"

"Good work Devreaux! Try and divert its course on the next shot!"

Devreaux was already one step ahead breaking into systems, trying to find out about the weapon. He worked frantically before briefly feeling the floor shake at his feet. Riggs's flagship just took a heavy hit, most likely absorbed by the shields. Devreaux kept on working, when suddenly, all his progress was backtracked. He was locked out of the system. He did a double take, working again. In a few seconds, the same thing happened. He spoke through the comms.

"Riggs I've got a serious problem. They've got an immensely powerful intelligence running the weapon's systems. That kind of intelligence is illegal across the galaxy. It's a thousand times smarter than even the brightest Synth ever known. The only ones that could rival that are the Old Ones. I don't how but I can't get into their systems."

The comms spoke before breaking up as they were hit by another shot again.

"Try again Devreaux! I didn't come so far just to turn around and leave! I'm not going anywhere without my friend."

Devreaux kept working, bringing up all relevant data he could on the weapon system. Those lead nowhere. Had to think outside the box. Devreaux looked up records on recent transfers of things to the facility. Materials and power sources, machines to help construct the weapon, anything. And then he saw it. Out of the corner of his eye was a file so small he might have passed it in his early days.

The file lead to their latest transfer and purchase. Devreaux looked over the files. This was the officer, Benny. What the hell would his file be doing in here with the weapons system? Devreaux changed screens briefly, lighting a cigar in the process. Things were getting tense. The fleet was advancing now, preparing to hit Eos while Riggs's flagship took the brunt of the inter-system weapon. Devreaux back peddled a bit in the files, looking up recent facility failures. Aliens, Humans, even Synths. What were all the death's caused by? Devreaux searched for causes. All he got were "catastrophic brain failures." What could that mean? Another round struck the flagship, and this time things shuddered more violently. Devreaux's cigar dropped from his mouth as he suddenly put the pieces together.

Devreaux keyed the comm systems up.

"Riggs its Benny!"


"The gun system! The intelligence! It's Benny! They've done something with his mind! Fused it with an AI! There's a list here of every failure before him!"

The comms were silent as another shudder traveled through the ship.

"Devreaux. Where's the gun's location?"


"Where's the guns location? I'm going to blast those sons' a bitches outta the fucking water."

"No! You can't destroy the gun! Benny is hardwired into it with the AI! If you destroy it you could kill Benny!"

The silence was uncomfortably long before Riggs responded.

The comms was broadcasted across the entire ship, even to the fleet as well.

"I want the fleet to break off. I'm diverting all power to the shielding of my ship. Weapons systems offline, everything. We're going groundside, hard. I want all non-essential personnel to evacuate the ship and link up with the fleet. Any man, women, alien, or synth that wants to fight groundside, gear up now."

A separate broadcast opened up over to Devreaux.

"Devreaux, do you know where Benny is?"

"I'm not sure, but I can get us close."

"Do it and give me the coordinates."

"Already done."

"Can you handle a gun?"

"My strong suit is tech. But I've survived two assassination attempts."

"Good, meet me in the hangar bay. We're going groundside. As far as I'm concerned, this is now a SaC Op. Scratch that, we're shooting anything that fucking moves down there. No cleanup."

Devreaux watched from the front of the drop ship as Riggs's flagship hurtled past far above them, aimed directly for a facility under it which it was now approaching. The ship tore itself to pieces in the atmosphere as massive gaping holes from the inter-system weapon weakened the super structure. There was an immense bloom of light as multiple sections of the starship crashed into the planet, shattering to pieces, spreading apart like an immense shotgun blast across ground. A shockwave shook the drop ship as it traveled still on course to their destination. Devreaux stepped back into the bay of the drop ship, looking at the group of battle hardened beings that now filled the seats up. These were without a doubt, Riggs's best men. Riggs himself was there, out of place amongst them all in a black suit of power armour that enhanced his already large frame. It was scarred and dented from hundreds of battles, the barely visible words S.W.A.T in various sections having long since faded. Riggs looked over to Devreaux.

"Sook will kill me when she finds out I just trashed my ship. I sure didn't buy that with my own money."

Devreaux sat down across from Riggs.


Riggs smiled.

"A good friend."

Devreaux nodded. Riggs normally had a smile on his face over the short time Devreaux had gotten to know him. But upon finding out Benny's fate, Riggs no longer had a smile. Devreaux found it all hard to believe still. This was Malcom "Riggs" Humes in the flesh. And after five long hard years of fighting, the man, with Devreaux's help, had tracked down his partner, Benny. Riggs was staring off into space. Whatever happened on Raxus Prime that had lead all the way here must have seemed like so long ago. Devreaux spoke up.

"The facility we're headed to. It's not heavily defended because it's so remote. Most of the planetary defense networks are either destroyed or in shambles. Even without your flagship your fleet handles itself well."

Riggs nodded.

"It's something we all had to learn in the early days. I'm just a face. Anyone in those ships up there or down here in the drop ships can fight as well as I can. We don't have a leader."

The crew in the drop ship laughed briefly. Devreaux watched Riggs.

"I have no idea where your friend will be once we touchdown. I don't know what state he'll be in when we find him. But I'm your best chance at sorting this out Riggs. As far as I'm concerned, I've officially joined your cause."

Devreaux held out his hand. Riggs shook it delicately in his armoured gauntlet.

"Welcome to the un-official war Devreaux. I hope you like fighting scapegoats."

Just as Devreaux had said, the overall resistance from this facility was extremely low. Riggs and his men eliminated any and all threats easily and ruthlessly. Devreaux was finally accessing more systems now that he was essentially at the heart of everything. The moment would soon be at hand when they tracked down Benny. Riggs and everybody else had all fit into a cramped elevator, and were now riding it down a long, long shaft. Benny was at the bottom. All sources pointed here. There was a long silence in the elevator before Riggs spoke.

"I'm sure all of you have heard what happened on Raxus Prime. I want all of you to know, that the man we're saving today, never deserved all this. I sat in a vehicle, while a good friend of mine asked a question once. "Why do the many not stand up to the few? They can never hope to accomplish anything by going one at a time?" She was right, and she was wrong. This man, my friend Benny, was the first to go. He went into this alone, and in doing so caused everyone to come together. And now that we're together, we're not letting him rot on his own for what he did."

The elevator slowed to a halt, coming to a stop. Every last entity crammed into the box held their breath as the doors began sliding apart. There was a feeling, as if when the doors parted, everyone would walk into a room to find Benny, simply sitting there, asking what took so long. The horror that greeted everyone as the doors opened quickly, suddenly killed whatever hope was created. Riggs dropped his weapon, opening up the visor of his armour, standing in shock at the scene. Devreaux stepped in as well, taking in the scene.

There was a mass of electronics, wires and devices, power generators. In the center of everything, was the form of Benny, plugged into everything. The man was skin and bones, pale as a ghost. Whatever was left of him was scarred beyond belief. Limbs were regarded as useless to this horrid machine, and so Benny had none. His head was covered by technology, essentially fusing him to the AI. Riggs stepped forward, turning to face Devreaux. For a giant of a man, for one so legendary, Devreaux had never expected to see Riggs in his state. All hope had left the man in an instant, as he saw what had been done.

"Y-y-ou can fix him? Devreaux?"

Devreaux stepped forward.

"I don't even know where to start. He's fused with the machine. He's hooked up to life support. Disconnecting him from the machine would kill him. I don't- I can't."

Riggs fell to his knees.

Devreaux took in the scene. There was nothing he could do technical wise. But he had an idea.

"Riggs. I have an idea."

Riggs sat in silence as the crew of the elevator watched solemnly as well.

"They merged two minds together, threw them at each other until they scrambled together to form, what this is now. I think, if you could introduce another mind to the equation, you could draw both of theirs apart."

Riggs stood back up to his feet.

"I'll do it! Anything to get him out of here. I'm not walking out of here with a body!"

Devreaux stepped forward.

"No, you won't. I saw the list of the dead that tried to fuse to this thing. I'm the only one here who has any chance of coming through the fusion alive. As far as I know, I'm one of the smartest Synths around."

Devreaux stepped forward to the colossal machine, looking for what he needed. Sure enough, there were multitudes of wires traveling to the device around Benny's head. If he could link up to those, that should be enough. He turned back to face everyone at the elevator.

"You'll need somebody here with medical equipment. I'm sure your fleet has a ship dedicated to medical dealings. The life support will continue even if I succeed. But you'll need something to keep him alive if you want to detach him."

Riggs stepped forward, holding a hand out to Devreaux.

"Good luck Devreaux."

Devreaux shook hands.

"My odds are likely pretty bad. I might not even effect the intelligence. I might siphon it into my own mind and die. I have no one I ever cared for, no friends or family. If I die, there's no need to look for them."

Devreaux saw Riggs's mouth begin to move as he went to say something. Devreaux had already pulled a wire from his spinal column under his neck, and hooked it onto one of the many wires attached to Benny's head. The device was already doing its work, merging with the wires, and in a flash of darkness, Devreaux saw nothing.

6 Months Later

A lone figure stood on a sandy beach, watching the red star high in the sky at the height of the afternoon. The fast moving shape of a craft could be seen approaching over the water. The hum of engines could be heard as it drew closer, pushing the ocean waves aside as it flew fast and low. Off in the distance great storm clouds gathered as a tropical storm was beginning to brew. The small craft made its way over, and having spotted the figure on the beach, began slowing its approach.

The craft landed, revealing its back hatch, and powered down its engines, lowering its landing gear as it came to a slow stop in the sand. The landing ramp opened, and out walked Riggs and the simply clothed, silver figure of Devreaux. Riggs held out his hand, speaking as he approached.

"Devreaux, this was your employer before you got dragged into this whole mess. I'd like you to meet a good friend of mine. Her native name is too complex to say. The few people that know her call her Sook."

Sook extended a hand as Devreaux stepped onto the sand. Devreaux took her hand and shook it.

"I'm glad to finally meet my employer for once Sook."

Sook chattered under the wide brimmed sun hat she favored wearing.

"I'm glad I was able to find you Mr. Devreaux. You proved everything right that I could have ever hoped about yourself. I'm glad you didn't turn down my second offer."

"If it means anything to you ma'am, I still do not regret accepting it either."

Sook stood in the sand, both sets of hands clasped together.

"Thank you Devreaux."

Sook walked over to Riggs, giving him a hug.

"It's good to see you Riggs! From the accounts of your people I'd thought you might have died."

Riggs let out a hearty laugh.

"No ma'am. Although I did crash that ship you bought me."

Sook chattered again.

"It's okay Riggs. By today's standards that ship was old. I had it outfitted with the best tech I could. But I've got a surprise for you when you want to get back into the fight."

Riggs smiled.

"Soon Sook. But right now we've got to take care of one thing."

Devreaux had gone back into the drop ship, and was now coming out with a small floating bed, of which Benny rested on. Sook approached, placing one of her hands over him, ruffling his hair.

Riggs looked down at Benny, who had undergone months of physical therapy on the way back to Harccada. His limbs were replaced with prosthetics, of which looked completely normal, and his body had been returned back to a healthy state. But his mind had remained fractured, and he had remained comatose the entire time.

"It's not the happy reunion we were all hoping for ma'am, but Devreaux has some good news."

Sook turned her attention to him, as he looked over Benny.

"No doubt you've heard of what I underwent myself when I fused my own mind with Benny's and the AI, which is now permanently fused to my own. But in light of recent events, and now that I have restored myself, I know there is a way to revive your friend. Which is why we brought him here today Sook."

Sook and Riggs both watched as Devreaux spoke.

"I pulled every last bit of the machine from Benny. But couldn't undo the damage done to his mind because I was now the one in the same state. I can't risk connecting to him again, as I or the being inside my head could all merge together. His mind is all there, but fractured. He needs someone to unite him, in essence, make him whole. Riggs was the first to volunteer. But I couldn't let that happen."

Sook chattered away, her large antennae going low as she tilted her head.

"Why not?"

"This technology is essentially the first of its kind. Allowing Riggs to connect leaves too many windows open for problems. But I talked to Riggs, and I know about your kind. You are adaptable, mutating your bodies to suit their environment and the species around you. Riggs said, that when they first found you, their scanning device picked up a large traces of Human traits in you. That means you not only have the most adapted mind for the situation, but have to potential to adapt to the harsh conditions you would be exposed to. And, overall, I believe that you would have the most pull with Benny."

Sook took it in, watching Benny as he rested on the life support device.

"You said harsh conditions."

"When I merged with the two of them, it was the most painful thing I have ever experienced. I am by my nature, non-organic, just a mimic, even though I may look like one. The concept of pain isn't well known to me. But when I connected to them, it was overwhelming. Benny's mind was on fire, screaming inside. The AI was rejecting the process as well, fighting to break free. Letting any normal mind into the connection would most likely kill them or put them into the same state. When I say harsh conditions, I mean, that it's going to hurt."

Sook nodded.

"There are only a handful of beings that know what I went through before coming this."

Sook pulled apart her ornate clothing, briefly revealing herself, and all the scars and marks etched into her carapace.

"Benny never even asked what was done to me, apart from why. He was the reason I'm here now. He was the reason I'm alive today, and why him and Riggs never turned me in. I owe him more than I can ever say. Pain accounts for over half of my lifespan."

Riggs nodded in silence. Devreaux nodded as well.

"I take it you want to help him then?"

Sook looked out to the coming storm.

"Even if it kills me."

Sook sat down on her bed, watching as Devreaux worked to set up everything. Sook had already sent down a bottle of booze, as Riggs watched from the corner of her room.

"Quite a nice little home you have here Sook. Nice small island on the rainy coasts of Harccada to manage your system wide business. Didn't figure you'd still drink so much."

Sook placed the bottle at her feet.

"Not as much as I used to. Some habits never go away."

Riggs chuckled.

"You still like noodles?"

Sook nodded.

"Very much so."

Devreaux returned from his work, looking at the two.

"I think we're ready. Take it away when you're ready Sook."

Sook took a long breath, sliding her ornate shirt down. She held out a hand to Devreaux as he approached with a small cutting device.

"Is there anything you can give me tips on Devreaux? What should I expect?"

Devreaux stopped briefly.

"For one thing, there will be immense pain. The world around you will disappear. Everything you see in this room will vanish. Memories will flash by, some slow, some very fast. You'll see yourself in them, watching from the sidelines. But take note, your two minds are together. I believe if you have the strength, you can break through the barriers and interact. If you're even stronger, you could reverse the flow, play your own memories. You two will share feelings. If Benny is feeling the pain, you will too. If you're in a good memory, then he should be too. If you can do this, you have a chance to reach out to his mind."

Sook nodded to Riggs. Riggs came over, leaning over top of Sook while she laid face down on her bed. She spoke to Riggs while Devreaux waited.

"You know without your suit I could probably push you around pretty easy Riggs."

Riggs chuckled.

"I trust you Sook. Just so long as you don't toss me around like your old pack."

"I'll try not to Riggs."

Sook nodded to Devreaux, as he approached a small cutter and a bundle of wires.

"Where should I cut Sook?

Sook twisted her head almost all the way around briefly.

"There's a scar in-between my shoulders. It should be softest there. That's probably your best chance to get to my spine. The wires will do all the work right?"

"These are the same ones that connected Benny to the machine. The nano-machines will bind to your system as well."

Sook took another deep breath.

"Okay then. Do it."

Sook winced as Devreaux used the low powered plasma cutter to cut into her carapace. An all too familiar feeling returned to her, but she held back her urges to flee or fight. This time it was different. Devreaux pulled the cutter away, inserting the bundle of cables into the opening, and in a few seconds, they began to do their work, seeking out the right nerves. Devreaux spoke, shocked.

"That shouldn't be right. The connection is almost instant."

Sook spoke with some effort.

"My nervous different from others......give them some time.."

Everyone waited anxiously, and then, Sook felt it. Fire traveled up her spine and through every part of her body, a pain foreign even to her, as she struggled, her nerves on fire. Riggs struggled to hold her as she wanted to convulse. Devreaux helped hold her down too. Sook clawed at anything in reach with all her strength, and then, everything went black. The awareness of everything around her vanished, leaving only her in the darkness with the feel of fire in every essence of her being.

Sook looked around, down at herself in the darkness. She tried to remember what Devreaux had told her, but an immense pain filled her head, as all of a sudden screams echoed all around her, consuming everything around her, and in a flash, there was Benny. She was there with him, in a dark space, cramped and tight, and everything was on fire. Needles poked and prodded, and filled his veins with new concoctions that only made things worse. Sook felt the fire travel up her veins, and she found herself screaming into the void with Benny.

Another memory flashed. Benny was out of the dark space, and brought out to the light. The light was bright in his eyes, and he could barely hear anything. There were figures, people. They were watching, and all of a sudden, something cut into him, and he screamed. Voices filled the background.

"As you can see, the loss of Mr. Carnagey's subject can be made up for by her savior. With the right drugs and alterations, the same effect can be replicated, for any of those that so wish."

Another memory flashed by, one of fire and burning. The feel as it consumed everything it touched, devoured what felt like everything. Sook was alongside Benny, trapped in the same feeling, but it was one she had come to know before. She fought, her system adapting to the pain. She had to reach out before the next flash.....

Benny was held down as multiple serrated objects cut into him, tearing with the maximum amount of difficulty, leaving great jagged gashes. Benny watched as the wounds began closing. Sook remembered watching as her own carapace was capable of regenerating, only to be cut again. She remembered the cruel laughter of the man that had done it to her for so long. And suddenly, the memory shifted. She was restrained herself now, and felt the pain in her nerves as electricity was exposed to her form. She screamed out to the void, remembering. A voice called out in the distance.

The void shifted again, and now she was alongside Benny once again. He was held down, strapped to a medical table, while multiple people stood over him. Voices returned now.

" far the odds are good. The man endured great amounts of pain in his time with some of the more devilish members of the union, both mental and physical."

Another voice.

"We've already discussed this. Now then, we'll start with the limbs. Those aren't necessary for the procedure. If he survives, it will be a good sign of things to come."

Benny was drugged, far off, but on seeing what was coming, struggled with whatever strength he could summon. He was already weak from spending years in the service of the union, and never had a chance to get his strength back. Sook, however, remembered what she had done to Benny upon first meeting him. The cutter came closer, just below his shoulder, and likewise, Sook's. Sook pulled with all of her strength, and watched, as things began to change. Straps broke, as first one arm was free, and then another.

Sook reached out with her free arms, grasping the oncoming arm that held the blade, and then, the memory shattered. There was darkness all around, and silence. Sook called out, reaching for something, anything. She yelled and screamed Benny's name, and then, fell into another memory. She was perched precariously on two long poles, all of her arms bound tight, with a tight fitting rope around the joints of her neck. Carnagey liked testing her like this, watching to see how long she could balance herself before slipping, and then watched her inevitable struggle as she slipped and the rope tightened.

There was a scream in the distance, and in a bright flash the memory faded. She was watching Benny, inside the same suit she had first met him in, pointing a gun at Carnagey, who was bleeding profusely, laying against the glass of his office.

"Tell me one thing, Mr. Benny, you holier than thou officer. Why? Why go to all this trouble, for one, simple Roach? Why go on a crusade, when even you know the odds are against you?"

Benny kept his cannon leveled at Carnagey.

"I'm not a white knight Carnagey. I haven't been remotely close to one since I got my job on this shithole of a planet. But if I can do my job, my real job, to stand up and protect those who can't do it for themselves, like I'm supposed to, then I can go through with this a happy man."

Sook remembered the word, the feeling. Happy. She was at the back of a truck now, a large carrier. Benny was undoing the cuffs that kept her arms locked in place, as Riggs stepped around the corner with a big smile on his face and a hearty laugh. There was a leap of happiness in her, as they brought her around to the front of the truck, letting her get in the front with her pack.

The feeling dissipated, as pain returned to her limbs, her spine, and her head, her head hurt so bad, it felt like there was another inside, screaming to get out. Sook fell to her knees, holding her head. No! She had to remember! Think about the feeling, happy. Think about the happy feeling Benny! Things shifted once more as Benny got back into the truck with Riggs, after dropping Sook off at his home. Riggs was eating doughnuts happily when he turned,

"Hey boss, I think the lady likes you."

Benny took a doughnut from Riggs.

"Not my type Riggs. Can say she is kind of cute though."

Riggs laughed.

"Hehe, especially when she's trying to get away from you with that one ton pack of hers."

The memory began fading, and Sook struggled to think of something as pain began to return. Her first day on Harccada. The ship arrived, and she was greeted by so many people, and found someone broadcasting a holo-sign with her name. She found him, and the man introduced himself. He was a good friend of Benny's when he served here on the police force. Sook had handed him a letter, one that she opened on the flight there. One letter was for a "friendly man." And the other was for her. The man took the letter, and nodded as he read it. He looked distant, but returned to things at hand. He took Sook for a ride, showing her the city, explaining things to her, and then a great rainstorm showed up. The man brought her to his home, to his family, and she spent the night there. His wife was very friendly, and for some time, Sook stayed up with the man's kids, playing games with them. They liked wearing her big hat, and so when the time came for her to leave, she left it for them.

The memory faded away, and yet again, pain began to return, the screaming voice in his head, numbers and theories, trajectories, influences from gravity wells, the necessary adjustments to make over such great distances. Sook shook her head. No! Benny had to have more than that. She reached through her memories back to her second year on Harccada.

A mountain of a man saw her on the streets, and approached her with a huge smile. Riggs laughed as she ran over to hug him. He had a fresh scar across his face that she noticed right away. Riggs waved it off, and the two talked for most of the afternoon. The rebellion on Raxus Prime had come to an end. The entire planet was rebuilding after a long and bloody war. Almost the entire police force and the citizens had fought against the military and the government. Riggs had long since made what he discovered in Benny's computer public, and names were released. Riggs was talking about a ragtag fleet that was forming over Raxus Prime, and Sook said she was willing to help fund them if she could. The day ended and Riggs had to leave. Before he left he broke the bad news about Benny and what happened after the trial.

The feeling, sad, washed over her from the revelation. Things shifted. Benny had been on Raxus for a week with Riggs. The two were watching various videos of events that had transpired before they arrived. Benny felt a deep feeling wash over him as he watched the recording of a Shoot and Clean Operation. Sook spoke, almost automatically, leaning over to Benny, confused as she did.

"You don't have to be said Benny. Think about good things."

Benny turned to face her, and she felt a feeling of sudden joy.

"Good things are nice and all, but when there's bad like this, why doesn't anyone try to stop it?"

Immense pain washed over the both of them as things faded once more. Benny was once again plugged into the machine, the AI screaming in his head, just underneath his skin. Everything was dark. There was no feeling in his limbs. There was cold metal against him. Sook staggered at the sight of it all, the feeling just underneath her head, like she could pull her carapace apart. She looked up to the form of Benny, and with all she could muster, walked up the small set of steps to him. She practically fell against him, holding on to him with all four arms. She pulled herself up, brought herself up to his face. She spoke, as hard as she could, to make the sounds from her mandibles and tongues.

"You don't have to go here anymore Benny! You're not here anymore! You have friends waiting to see you! You're safe!"

Benny turned his head in the helmet that covered most of his face.

"Who's there?"

Sook placed all four hands across his cheeks.

"Remember these? One thumb, four fingers. Like Humans."

Benny stirred, looking around.

"Where am I!? What did you do!?"

Sook held him, draping her hands around his neck, bringing him close.

"Ssshhhhh. It's okay. I'm here now."

She remembered the last thing she told Riggs before leaving Raxus Prime. He probably never even got to tell Benny. She opened up her mandibles, pressing them against his lips. She held it briefly, before breaking away. Benny acted as if there was no helmet there, as if he was staring into her beady black eyes.

"That was for you Benny. You're a good man. It was only after I'd lost you that I realized I needed you back."

The pain disappeared, leaving a void behind. Benny was there, like he used to be, whole, and alive. His face contorted as he saw Sook.

"What are you doing here!? Oh my god did they find you too!?"

Benny was on his knees sobbing in an instant. Sook rushed over to him, wrapping her arms around him.

"No, we're all safe, except you. You need to wake up now."

Benny looked up from his sobbing.

"What do you mean?"

Sook stood up, pulling him up gently to his feet.

"I'll show you."

Sook remembered her home for the past two years, the sandy little island paradise she had bought with her wealth when she had taken control of a small business and skyrocketed it.

The red sun of Harccada hung low over the ocean, casting a deep glow over everything in the ocean. Sook walked along the sand of the beach, feeling the warm waters wash against her feet, in between the joints of her carapace.

"This is my home Benny. You made this all possible. This is where we are right now. Riggs and a very special man brought you back here after they saved you. We're in the same room together."

Benny looked at her.

"Prove it. Prove this isn't some trick."

A lance of pain traveled up both of their backs, as Sook turned to reveal a hole cut through her carapace into her spine, with a bundle of wires tucked inside. Sook Struggled to stand, as did Benny.

"You feel that weight? That's Riggs, Benny! He held me down while Devreaux did the operation."

Benny looked skeptical.

"Who's Devreaux?"

"I hired him almost a year ago now to find you. He was very persistent, and eventually came through. He went above and beyond what I thought he would do and ended up joining Riggs's cause, and saving your life."

Benny shook his head.

"Not buying it. This, all of this here, just a complete illusion."

Sook chattered away.

"How can I show you then?"

Benny shook his head.

"You can't. I know I'm too far gone, too far out of the way for anyone to find me. No trails at all. You're just a figment of my mind, or an illusion being used by them. God only knows what kind of shit they can do."

"What about all the things I showed you?"

"Fabrications. I sent you to Harccada. I know those beaches, those sunsets, in my memories. Copy and paste is all."

Sook chattered angrily.

"You think so? Okay. Okay. How about this?"

Sook thought back, deep in her memories, to the earliest thing she could remember. She was tied up, completely exposed in every way. Various aliens surrounded her. They were using her for sex, taking advantage of her unique form. One was preoccupied with her abdomen, which was much larger than it was now. Another was in front of her, thrusting between her legs. She had small breasts at this point, and had just started to develop them, losing her third pair of arms as a result. The aliens would take turns as they pleased, and when they were done, if they wanted to, they could carve something into her carapace. Benny watched as one took the opportunity, carving some language into the softer material that was slowly changing from carapace to a hybrid of something else across her stomach. She winced and screamed from the pain, coughing up yellow blood.

Benny shook his head.

"No No No No! I don't want to see this! Make it stop!"

Sook continued.

"You think this is a fabrication Benny!? Do you think I'm a trick?"

Sook's screams continued, to the complete disregard of the aliens as they had their way. Benny shook his head back and forth, falling to his knees, puking from the sight. Sook let go of the memory, returning to the rainy streets of Raxus Prime. She was wearing what she was the day they first met. Benny suddenly found himself in riot armour. Sook approached him, bending down to his level as rain poured down across them, cascading off her wide hat.

"Do I need to convince you anymore Benny? Trust me, there's lots more where that came from."

Benny shook his head, still sick.

"No. That's not me. You never told me what you went through in detail. My mind wouldn't make that up! Nobody would know that except you!"

Sook chattered happily.

"Yes! Good. What does that mean?"

Benny looked around, sliding the visor up on his suit, letting the rain splash across his face.

"It's really you. You're here, right now, in my head!"

Sook hugged him.

"Yes! Riggs and another good friend is here too. We're all here for you. All you have to do is wake up."

Benny looked out across the crowded streets.

"But how? I want to wake up."

Sook twitched her antennae. That could be a problem. Devreaux had the mind of a machine. He was put into a comatose state when he interfaced with the Benny and the AI, but due to his vast intellect, he put his mind back together himself, and woke up several weeks after. He never said how he broke free though. Sook shrugged.

"I don't actually know Benny. No one has ever done this before. I was told what to expect once I came in. I didn't even think I would succeed."

Benny stood up.

"You mean we're stuck here?"

Sook part ways nodded.

"Until we find a way out, yes."

Benny looked around, shrugging.

"Well, if we're stuck here, can we talk about what's happened?"

Sook stood up.


The two spent what felt like hours doing just that. Sook told him about everything that had transpired since she saw him last, and what she had learned from others over the years. She was one if only a handful of backers for Riggs. In a few years she had turned her business into a system wide empire, and become one of the most powerful people on Harccada. Naturally, she returned all the good fortunes to those she had met along the way, and helped immensely backing Riggs up in his engagements. Both Harccada and Raxus Prime became heavy supporters in the un-official war against The Union. This time however, things were different. Outside forces from other arms of the galaxy came over to put down the skirmish, and this time, there was proof backing them up. The other peacekeeping forces had no choice but to join in the crusade.

The two covered a lot of things, but eventually, they ran out. Sook and Benny walked down the mist filled alleyways of Raxus Prime, soaked from the rain. Benny was the first to speak up about it.

"What do we do now? I mean, we share each other's memories right? Anything you want to show me?"

Sook chattered under her hat.

"The only good things I'd have to show would be everything from meeting you and afterwards. The rest would make you sick. What about you?"

"Already been there. You've probably already seen glimpses of what happened after I met you. Not much happened before that. I served on Harccada for a good stretch, met Riggs, and then got transferred to Raxus."

The two walked silently in the rain filled alleyways for a time, before Benny spoke up once again.

"How did you do it Sook?"

Sook turned to face him.

"Do what?"

"How many years of your life was, what I saw what you showed me?"

Sook shook her head.

"I don't remember."

"The pain and misery, the suffering and torment, for all that time, practically day in and day out. How could you stay sane? How did you even climb out of it all?"

"I'm not sure Benny. The pain and suffering became common, natural. I was okay with being abused. It was my life. But then, when I saw something, and there was something in me, like a great fire that couldn't be put out. I went from there."

Benny stopped, sliding down a wall, sitting in the gutter.

"I snapped in under a year. I could hardly remember anything. I was just, misery, screaming for help until I couldn't. My mind tore itself to pieces long before I was plugged into that thing."

Sook sat down next to him.

"Don't you say that Benny. What you went through in those 5 years was twice what I went through in my entire life! What I saw in your memories, what I felt would have broken me too. I was born into misery, and it became my life. You weren't. For you to walk into that, without so much as a fight, to sacrifice everything you had..... I don't even know how I could do it."

Sook thought about it for a moment.

"I never knew why you did it. Why in almost one night, you had set up a plan, and knew what you were doing. Why all that, just because of me?"

Benny shrugged.

"I don't know anymore. When I saw you, heard what you had to say, the weight of the place, the things that went on, all added up and culminated into you. When I saw you, you seemed so innocent, like a flower, in the middle of a warzone. And then when you told me a little bit about yourself, I died a little inside. How could someone like you still remain so pure after god only knows what horrors were done to you? I was angry, disgusted that anyone would let that happen. You were beautiful in a sad way."

Sook nodded, leaning in close.

"I think you're beautiful too."

Sook kissed him again before he could say anything else, parting as she stood up.

"Come on, let's go somewhere else."

Everything faded away and was replaced by the sandy beach from earlier, the red star slowly dipping below the horizon. Sook was wearing what she normally would nowadays, and Benny appeared in basic clothing. Benny sat in the sand, watching the sunset. He seemed quiet now. Sook sat down behind him, sliding a pair of her arms around his neck. Benny turned to get a look at her.

"You look good in big hats."

Sook pulled her hat off, tossing it into the sand.

"You look good when you're back together again."

Benny smiled.

"I loved you."

Sook rested on his shoulders.

"I know."

Sook leaned in close.

"I still do."

Benny smiled as she pulled him back in the sand, resting his head on her lap. She pulled out from underneath, sliding herself around so that she was resting on top of him. She ran a hand across his cheek.

"I'd like you to undress me."

Benny raised his eyebrows.

"We don't need to go there Sook. If you're feeling like you owe me something, you don't."

Sook shook her head.

"It's not that. I just want to be with you. You were the only person I've ever felt safe around. The only person I felt I could get that close to if I dared."

Benny nodded.

"Okay. If it makes you happy."

Benny reached up slowly, very cautiously, to the first button of Sook's clothing. He watched as her antenna quivered and her mandibles rubbed together. The first button done, Benny traveled to the next, and the next, until the top portion of her clothing was opened completely, free to blow in the wind. Sook slid her main pair of arms out of the sleeves, letting her shirt fly off into the wind. She wasn't wearing anything else at all, and was exposed completely. Benny looked at all the carvings made into her carapace, the various piercings that adorned her softer parts, burned images, and even a few tattoos.

"All that money and you never fixed yourself?"

Sook shook her head.

"All the money in the world, and all the operations to make me look normal never would. It's not the marks all over me, it's what goes on in my head that determines that. When I look at myself, the marks are just a memory, nothing more. I carry them because I can. I'm free. And any who see them know that I am."

Sook opened up Benny's shirt.

"You didn't go through your experience unchanged either. When and if we wake up, your body will be different."

Sook roamed her hands across his chest, feeling all the scars that he had since been given. Benny looked downwards. He was filled with as much of the same things as Sook. Sook grabbed his hands, trailing them up her waist. Benny felt the grooves in her carapace from all the carvings as she trailed them up, past her stomach, all the way up to her breasts. Even in the softer material, there was still carvings. Benny winced, shaking his head.

"I can't Sook. This doesn't feel right."

Sook nodded.

"That's the point. I know, for you, it doesn't. You haven't moved on. While we have the time in this space, I can help you."

Benny sighed.

"Help me with what?"

Sook let his hands back down as she rested on top of him.

"I want you to think about it Benny. Your mind was shattered. Your body was broken, completely. That doesn't leave you."

"But I was hardly even aware of it."

Sook shook her head.

"That doesn't matter, because now you are. It'll eat you, even if you think it won't. Why do you think in the time that you knew me, I was always a little tipsy?"


Sook nodded. She grabbed his hands again, bringing them to the lower portion of her ornate clothing, making the motions necessary to undo everything. Sook pulled the ornate fabric away, tossing it into the sands. She was completely naked on top of him. She slid his hands along the protrusions of her reddish brown hips, letting his fingers roam across the marks. She looked at him as he remained apprehensive.

"See what I mean? I'm right here. And you're frozen. And we're not even awake or aware. When you wake up, you'll go through the same state as I did. Except that you'll probably be able to kill yourself easier than my attempts ended."

Benny looked at her.

"You tried to kill yourself?"

"All those bottles in your fridge would have killed any other species. Alcohol poisoning was my best chance, since I had become almost immune to everything else. I adapted too fast though, and got addicted instead."

Benny shook his head.

"I still don't see what I could possibly do..."

Sook put a hand to his mouth.

"Look past the scars. Don't look at them and think who or what caused them. Don't think about what happened to me, and how you feel guilty about what you're thinking of doing. I know that whatever you could possibly do to me, would have no bad intentions or meanings behind it."

Benny nodded. He looked at Sook. Tried to look past all the markings on her that meant she was someone's property. There she was, right there. They had peace and quiet, and she had genuine feelings for him. And he had to admit, she was kind of pretty. He tried, and looked into her beady black eyes. The way she often chattered her mandibles together. The antennae were used for facial expressions she couldn't make. After everything, she bore no weight on her mind about anything that happened. There was no desire for revenge. Just for life. She was still as pure as the day he had met her.

He leaned up, watching as her mandibles parted, as she knew what he was going to do. Her antennae held their position halfway, as he pressed his lips against her mandibles, feeling as they willingly parted for him. He pulled back gently, looking into the dark beady orbs of her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Sook pulled him close.

"Don't be."

When she let him go, Benny looked at Sook, to find that the gouges and marks, piercings and tattoos were gone. She looked exactly like he believed her to be. Untouched. Sook looked down at herself.

"Good! You're doing good Benny!"

The two shared the tranquil time together, staying close. Benny slowly grew more comfortable, eventually starting to do things on his own, letting his hands slide across the smooth carapace of Sook, becoming latched on to the softer parts of her, feeling the smooth contours of her breasts, and then her hips. Sook had long since removed his clothes, and as the dual moons rose above the ocean, the two moved towards the slow tides. Sook lay on the sand as the water washed back and forth around them gently.

Sook wrapped her curved legs around Benny as he closed the distance drawing him in close. Benny was slow, still taking his time, slowly feeling every curve of her frame, when she gave him encouraging nudges with her legs. At long last, Benny slipped into Sook's first opening, as she chattered about happily. She grabbed his hands with her main set, using her smaller secondary's to play with her breasts as she began to rock back and forth as Benny slowly began to thrust in and out, Sook using her legs less often. Sook's mandibles hung open as Benny thrusted harder with every passing minute, with Benny getting caught in the rhythmic motion of her breasts bouncing back and forth, the feel of her legs grating against his own hips as he sped up.

Benny kept his hands wound tightly in hers as he leaned in close, practically kissing Sook as both of them climbed to the top of their peaks, crashing down together as Sook pulled him in for one final thrust, tightening her legs and using her secondary's to keep him pressed against her. In the time it took for the two for the two of them to stop moaning into each other's mouths as their ride seemed to last for an eternity, Sook had flipped her position, placing Benny on the sand. She kissed him, using several of her tongues in the process, separating after the two finally slowed down, leaving a deep trail of mixed saliva's in her wake. She rested on Benny briefly, before commenting.

"One advantage to this place. I'm not tired. Are you?"

Benny shook his head.

Sook kissed him again, pulling away reluctantly.

"Then let's keep going."

Sook wasted little time, turning herself around, before plunging back down onto Benny. Benny watched the show Sook was putting on from her backside as she began to bounce on him, catching glimpses of her breasts from around her backside as she used her smaller secondary's to help move them around, while she held her main arms up above her head, using only her legs to bounce on him. Her antennae bobbed up and down, occasionally coming into contact with him. Her abdomen bounced every time she went up and down, and Benny quickly realized that she had two sets of sexual organs. Her abdomen looked like it contained everything else too, and she had grown another set over time in the standard spot that Humans had theirs.

Benny took the opportunity to do something, placing his hands around the bobbing part of her body, steadying it with both hands. He found that as soon as he put pressure near her folds her carapace separated and pulled away, leaving everything open to him. He watched as her head was held back in pleasure as she continued to bounce back and forth on him, and watched with intent as her mandibles splayed wide in a moan as he leaned close, pressing his lips slowly against her entrance and then slipping his tongue in, simultaneously spreading her with his fingers. He toyed with her sensitive folds, continually using his fingers to either spread her or tease her further by slipping one in.

The two continued on for what seemed like forever, eventually, changing their environments as they continued to explore one another with abandon.

Sook stood amidst the rain soaked streets of Raxus Prime, wearing her trademark heavy overcoat stuffed with trinkets and her enormous backpack. The various heavy crowds shifted through the rain, passing by in a blur, some stopping to check out what Sook was selling. A potential customer came over, noting the various gold trinkets hanging from her many pockets. She welcomed him, motioning with her hands at the various pieces. Every now and again, Sook would chatter and lower her antennae, creating mixed reactions from others.

Beneath the heavy overcoat, Sook wore nothing. The coat was large enough to hide her form easily, so much so that Benny sat underneath it. Benny was focused primarily on her first set of soft, moist lips, which reacted the same way as her abdomen, parting parts of her carapace to reveal them. Benny wrapped his lips around them, sucking intently, as Sook pushed her abdomen between her shaky legs, to which Benny used both hands to toy with once again, casually putting two or three fingers in at a time, sensually rubbing them back and forth, in and out. In the downtime between various people coming to talk to her, Sook placed her main hands down below across Benny's head, urging him to continue, while her secondary's massaged her breasts. It was a good thing she wore such a large hat, as her constant chattering's and the need to lean her head back and moan was muffled and stopped by her rain soaked hat.

Another potential alien wandered over from the crowds, and Sook spotted him coming. Sook knew she had to either poke her secondary's out from under her coat or slide her main arms back into her sleeves, but the more she waited, the more arousing it became. Eventually, when time was up, she slid her secondary's out, and held Benny's head close as she came simultaneously, leaking all down his mouth and pulsing around his fingers.

Eventually, secret public displays in the streets below lost some of their appeal, and the two decided it was time to move on.

It was rush hour in the middle ground of Raxus, and almost everyone in the police building had cleared out for lunch. Multiple skylanes were in view of the windows, and the office was almost empty, save for two.

Sook pressed her open mandibles against the glass, feeling the cold of the pane as her breasts squished against it. She was chattering very loudly, as she pressed her secondary's against the window, while her main set of hands was preoccupied down below. Benny was behind her, sliding in and out relentlessly of her abdomen, watching as she bounced back and forth against the glass, pressing the smoother parts of her carapace against it. A constant stream of fluids was coming from her first set of organs as Sook played with herself while Benny continued to ram her without mercy, gripping her abdomen tightly.

On occasion they would see traffic diverting closer from the skylanes, or floating out of them as drivers did a double take at what they were seeing. Eventually, it was time for another change of pace.

Benny followed Sook amongst the immense crowds in the refugee ship, hand in hand as she led him to her destination. Going in first to see if anyone was inside, Sook went into the bathrooms for typically female gendered species, giving the signal for Benny to follow suite. The two removed their thick clothes, making sure none of them slipped out from under their stall, and slipped into the basic stall for humanoids. Sook's legs were long enough that she could rest her claw like feet on each stall wall, effectively presenting herself for Benny whenever he was ready. The two teased each other during idle times, and when there was activity, Benny let loose.

Benny pressed a hand over Sook's mandibles as she chattered almost constantly, likewise with her doing the same, pressing a reddish brown hand over his mouth as he relentlessly pounded into her first set of organs, the two growing increasingly louder. Sook's curved legs shook back and forth as Benny showed no signs of slowing. The two rocked back and forth, moaning as quietly as they could into each other's hands as the chatter in the bathroom persisted, keeping the sounds of their activities almost unheard. In other cases, Sook rode Benny, playing with herself as she bounced on him, her main hand dedicated to keeping her balance and her other for keeping her mandibles tight for minimal sound.

Benny drove down the calm skylanes of Harccada in his patrol vehicle, keeping any eye out for any traffic problems. As it turned out, the vehicles had a fair bit of space in them, more than they let on, designed to fit fully armoured officers as well. Benny had just turned on his sirens upon finding someone speeding, and watched as they started going even faster, breaking free of the skylane and heading across the ocean, Benny sped up in pursuit.

Sook was more flexible than her carapace eluded to, and was crammed tightly in the space where Benny's feet rested. She felt the sudden increase in speed as Benny sped up, and, having a bit of fun, sped up the motions of her four arms in stroking, watching with satisfaction as he seemed to be having a little bit of trouble concentrating. Things really got interesting as she slowly slid his shaft into mouth past her mandibles.

Benny stood on a beach with Sook, watching a sunset as the red star of Harccada traveled below the horizon. She leaned against him, as the two watched the sun travel down. Sook chattered happily.

"I think you did it Benny. There's no scars even on your body."

Benny looked down happily to her.

"Thank you, for making me understand Sook."

Sook rubbed a hand through his hair.

"Thank you for listening to me."

Benny watched the sun as the last rays of light vanished under the waves.

"You think either of us will remember what happened?"

Sook chattered happily.

"I'm confident we will."

Benny stared off at the ocean.

"Okay then. Ready when you are."

Sook nodded.

"Here goes nothing."

Pain shot through both of them as a hole was suddenly present in Sook's carapace, with a long bundle of cables tucked inside connected to her spinal column. With great effort, Sook twisted her arm behind herself, and grabbed the cable. Benny and Sook both fell to their knees as fire traveled up their nerves, and Sook pulled with everything she had.

Benny and Sook both stirred, as voices could be heard in the background.

Riggs looked up from his silent vigil over Sook and Benny, when he saw Sook moving. He woke from his near slumber, yelling to Devreaux.

"Son of a bitch Devreaux, get over here! She actually did it!"

Devreaux was quick to show up, coming into the room just as Benny and Sook rose up from their positions. Riggs stood up from his chair, watching as without effort, Benny rose from the floating bed that was his life support machine, ripping wires and monitors off of him as he opened his eyes. Devreaux was even stunned into silence, as Benny slipped off the bed, landing on the floor in perfect control. Benny stretched his arms and twisted his neck, as likewise, Sook watched the show.

Benny smiled, walking over to Riggs.

"Riggs! Long god damn time, no fucking see!"

Riggs was too stunned to even laugh, instead all he could do was start crying. Devreaux stood tall amongst the group, watching Sook with the light of amazement in his eyes.

"Sook, How?"

Sook chattered away happily.

"You were right Devreaux. Again, I thank you for your services."

Sook got up and shook his hand, as Riggs started laughing hysterically.

"God damn it Benny Boss, you sly son of a bitch!"

Benny laughed as he patted Riggs on the back.

"It's good to see you again Riggs!"

Riggs took a step back, marveling at Benny. Benny spotted Devreaux, and walked up to him.

"You must be the Mr. Devreaux Sook told me all about. I can't thank you enough for what you did. And neither can Sook."

Devreaux shook Benny's hand.

"It's an honour Officer Benny."

"The pleasure is all mine."

Benny walked off and out the door, peeking his head back around the doorway.

"Come on Riggs, help me find some clothes that fit."

Riggs turned to face Sook.

"How'd you do it? He's completely normal! He didn't even notice that he was missing limbs and had them replaced, and his body is still technically recovering from what those fucks put him through."

Sook chattered happily.

"Time in that place works differently. I had a long time to talk to him. It was hard at first, and extremely painful, like Devreaux said. But I found a way to get through to him. He understands now."

Riggs hugged Sook for once.

"The both of you are something else."

Devreaux stopped working on shutting down the life support machine.

"That they are Mr. Riggs. Truly something special. I don't think we'll ever see a set of circumstances like this ever again in either of our lifespans."

Devreaux finished up, stepping beside the two.

"I suppose we should all go have a long chat with each other about some things shouldn't we?"

Devreaux lit a cigar and promptly left the room.

Sook motioned to Riggs.

"Come on Riggs. I never did show you the new ship I've had under construction for you."

Sook walked off with a lot of energy in her strides, the first time Riggs had ever seen her truly happy, ever since he'd known her. He chuckled at the notion of it all.

"Yes ma'am."