A Decisive Victory

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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This is a gift for the awesome thedecisivepanda on FA he has some really awesome art you should check him out :)


This is my story of his alt fursona Ika a sexy rubber panda finding a sleeping guy and well he has some fun with him xD

I also seem to be getting more dommy in my stories funny considering im very submissive lol.

Hope everyone enjoys :)

It was a cold dark and bitter night, funny considering it was May and spring was upon this part of the world. Still even though spring meant the return of warmth and lovely long days in this country it wasn't always the case this was the UK after all, the home of rain, Dr Who and a type of weather called grey. Despite the cold outside a young nineteen year old called Josh slept soothingly in his bed as he dreamed of his wishes and fantasies. Josh had soft curly black hair and beautiful brown eyes, he was a lovely guy and always liked to talk to new people. He was also a furry, he loved transformations and was an artist for an awesome site called Furaffinity. His art was lovely usually involving transformations or anything else that took his fancy on a given day.

The previous day Josh had received a package from an unknown sender, it was a large box and had meant to open it but he was tired when he got home and forgot. He left the package in his room meaning to open it hours ago before he fell asleep on his bed. The package itself was ordinary and boring and you wouldn't really give it a second glance. Still Josh while was dreaming his subconscious had remembered the box and decided to use it in his dream as some form of magical doorway. In his dream he stepped through the box into a wonderful and amazing world filled with furs everywhere.

Each one looking a little different, amazing and sexy in his eyes, it was then he noticed he wasn't human anymore, he was a panda. As he looked over his sexy panda form Josh gave a happy shout.

"Oh my god, I'm a panda. I'm really a panda. I'm must be in heaven." Shouted Josh as he looked his new form over and smiled happily.

Josh felt his new black and white fur it felt very sensual as he rubbed his new panda paws over his new body. The warmth his new fur gave him made him feel all cosy like he was walking around with a quilt around him. As he walked around on his new paws he marvelled at the feel of the grass beneath his paws as his pads made walking around an entirely new and amazing experience for him. His hand paws and feet paws had lovely claws on them so he could defend himself and get into hard types of food easily.

As he looked around this amazing world he found a small pond with crystal clear water that the sun made sparkle and shimmer. He sat down and looked at his reflection in the clear water he was amazed and happy like never before and just grinned happily. Looking back at him was the face of a cute panda, he had black rings around his eyes and mostly white fur on his muzzle. On top of his head were two long pointy furry ears that had black fur and brown shaggy hair on top of his head. His nose was also different his boring human nose having been replaced by a lovely black panda nose. As he looked into the pool he was lost in like some form of trance as he just enjoyed his new body and the feelings it gave him.

Back in the real world all was not quiet in Josh's room there was a stirring in the night as he slept and dreamed of this wonderful world and new body. Inside the large box in his room it sounded like something was moving inside as a faint rustling could be heard. It then sounded like cardboard was being slowly ripped apart as a small hole started appearing in the side of the box. If you looked inside nothing could be seen but blackness, still something had made this hole and it was about to make itself known to Josh as he slept blissfully unaware of the goings on in his room.

Slowly a grey/black rubbery substance began to flow out of the hole in the side of the box, it flowed like water but it seemed to ripple and move like there was some form of intelligence behind it. It crept along the floor closer and closer to the prize it so very much wanted, the sleeping Josh in the bed as it moved along the carpet it didn't speed up it seemed to be moving at a slow speed almost as though it was being patient. As it reached the bed it seemed to defy gravity as the rubbery substance slowly climbed up the side of the bed, it looked like liquid was flowing upwards as the substance gradually pooled on top of the bed as Josh slept.

Tonight had been a night where Josh had decided to sleep naked, he just had a shower before bed and it left him feeling rather nice so he decided to have an early night and not get dressed again. As Josh lay under the quilt the rubbery substance began to flow underneath closer and closer to the unknowing Josh. As it reached his left foot it began to flow onto his body and spread itself out across his foot and ankle leaving Josh's foot coated in the slick substance. Meanwhile in Josh's dream his foot started to feel weird, he thought it was weird anyway as he had fur all over his body and was warm all over but his left foot seemed to be cool. It felt a bit like he had dipped his foot in water but he hadn't and couldn't think why his foot felt like this. Still oblivious to what was going on in the real world he continued to enjoy the sights and smells of this new world as he walked along the grass smiling at the other furs as he went.

Back in Josh's room the substance now coating his left foot slowly began to climb more and more up his leg leaving Josh's left leg from the knee downwards encased in a tight slick black/grey substance as it went. As this happened Josh began to stir in his bed as the cool rubber seemed to be affecting his sleep more and more as it covered more of his body every second. Back in Josh's dream he was getting more and more confused, if he wasn't mistaken it felt like his left leg was slowly being submerged this was a surreal experience for him considering there was no water near his leg. As the substance crept up more of Josh's leg it flowed up and over his knee and started to cover his thigh leaving his whole left leg and foot now covered in the smooth squeaky substance.

It was at this point Josh started to wake, he felt a bit groggy having had a long day the day before and it was now 2am as he looked at the clock on his table and sighed.

"Damn what a stupid time to wake up, I was having a lovely dream too." Thought Josh as he then realised his left leg felt funny, it felt like it did in the dream too and he thought that was weird. Was he still dreaming? In this half asleep state he couldn't really tell properly so he decided to jump out of bed and flip on the light and see what was up with his leg. He thought he had lay on it funny when he slept and attributed this weird feeling to some form of pins and needles so getting up would probably help then he could walk it off.

As his eyes started to focus in the bright light above him he looked down at his leg and a wave of shock came over him as he saw what was wrong with his leg. In a panic he tried to remove the rubbery substance that now clung to his leg tightly, it was no use the rubber wouldn't budge. All that could be heard was a squeaking as he pulled at the rubber which strangely made him blush. Thoughts raced through his mind, what was this stuff? Why was it attached to his leg? Where did it come from? What's going to happen to me?

It was then he saw something even more shocking as a wave of fear washed over him, the rubbery substance moved slightly then part of it jumped to his other leg and began to work its way up and down slowly covering Josh's naked skin in more of the rubbery substance. As this happened it felt weird to Josh it was more pleasurable than anything, having his body slowly covered inch by inch in this strange grey/black substance. His legs actually felt nice now he came to think about it, having both of them from the top of his thigh to the bottom of his feet covered in skin tight rubber was actually quite a turn on. But part of him was conflicted with the fear of what was going to happen. He couldn't stop it, it was then he decided I need to go to the hospital quickly. He was scared of what the doctors would say but he didn't know where else to go and not knowing the intentions of this substance scared him so he made up his mind, right I'm going to the hospital he thought to himself.

Just as Josh was about to move he found he couldn't, he was now scared and didn't know what to do.

"You're not going anywhere Babe, your all mine now." Said a sexy voice playfully. The voice sounded like a male in its early twenties and had an air of confidence to it as it spoke.

"What who was that? What's going on?" Said Josh confused and a little shocked.

"My name is Ika Babe, what's going on you ask? Let's just say something fun." Said Ika playfully and quite giddy.

As Ika said that he moved more of his rubbery form up over Josh's bottom and covered his cheeks with his slick squeaky form. Flowing over Josh's groin, Ika took care to cover this area carefully as he encased Josh's cock in a deep red colour of the rubber covering the other parts of Josh's body and hid his new length in a cosy sheath. As Ika did this Josh was moaning in pleasure from Ika's delicate and sensual touch. Josh looked down at what Ika was doing and was shocked when he saw he now had a rubber sheath attached to his groin and inside was a slick rubbery member. What he found even stranger was the feelings from the rubber it was starting to feel like a second skin and he could feel the cold air on it and it made him shiver slightly. It was starting to feel different then before too less cool and warmer instead as more and more of Ika covered his body, the big change was his member which felt very warm and cosy in its new home.

"Ika what are you doing to me? What are you doing to my body?" Said Josh gasping slightly as Ika was adding the finishing touches to Josh's new form down there.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm making this body better for when I'm in control babe. I can't be walking around in a human body now can I?" Said Ika happily and playfully to Josh, he loved telling his hosts what he would do.

"Wait no, you can't have my body Ika. It's mine not yours." Said Josh shocked at Ika's answer hoping he miss heard him.

"Correction, it's yours for the moment. It will be mine soon enough don't you worry. Besides you will like your new home babe." Said Ika a bit giddy and confidently to Josh.

"Please let me go Ika I don't want this. What do you mean, what are you going to do to me?" Said Josh even more shocked and a little scared.

"Hmmmmmm let me think, no." Said Ika giggling.

"Don't worry Josh, it will be fine you will see. I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to put you in your proper submissive home. Don't fight its useless anyway it's just a matter of time now. I'm going to make us both very happy." Said Ika playfully as he began to slowly spread out more of his form over Josh's skin. Ika slowly moved up along and across his belly and back as Josh watched the shiny grey/black substance cover him and cling tightly to his body. All the while Josh tried to pull it off but it was no use it was stuck firm and wasn't budging, it was even feeling a bit painful to pull now as more sensations came through the new rubbery skin. As more and more of his body was covered the less and less Josh was able to move as Ika gained more and more control over him.

As Ika slowly consumed Josh's body he was getting increasingly more giddy it had been a long time since he had a proper submissive to play with and Josh would fit that role perfectly whether he wanted to or not. Somehow Ika knew Josh would come around after all he would show Josh it was better with him in charge. Ika continued to spread over Josh's chest covering his pectoral muscles and making them firm and shiny as he flowed up Josh's back and over his shoulders joining with the now sexy rubber chest. Josh moaned out in pleasure as more and more of his body was lost to the shiny grey/black substance that was Ika. Josh was conflicted it felt do nice having Ika slowly cover him and the loss of control was sensual and strangely erotic, but why was he not fighting more. He didn't want this did he? To lose control to this thing and let it take over.

Josh just continued to fight this substance still trying to pull at its edges but it was no use, so much of his body was lost already to the shiny substance and it seemed only a matter of time before Ika had a new body. Josh didn't notice but Ika slowly flowed down his arms covering them in his sexy skin as he went while Josh's pulling and tugging slowed down and stopped as he lost his arms to Ika's slick form. As the rubber flowed down his arms Josh felt more and more pleasure from the sensual substance as it reached his wrists and started to cover his human hands.

"No, no this will not do." Said Ika chuckling as he covered Josh's hands and Josh watched on as his hands morphed and changed into something more resembling paws with sharp hard claws emerging from the rubber. As his hands changed Josh felt no pain considering all the crunching noises being made from his bones being reshaped by Ika.

"There we go much better don't you think babe, sexy panda paws." Said Ika giggling playfully.

"Oh my god paws, ive always wanted paws. They are amazing!" Shouted Josh as he looked at their new paws, he couldn't move them but that didn't matter he enjoyed the feel of them as Ika moved his new arms and paws and rubbed them against his squeaky skin, it felt very sexy and sensual to both of them.

"Time to get rid of these boring human feet I think too." Said Ika happily. Slowly Josh heard a crunching again but no pain as he looked down and saw Ika converting his feet into lovely paws like he had with his hands. His feet looked like they got squished and spread out more at the sides so they were more circular and paw like as pads formed on the bottom. This reminded Josh of his dream and walking on his paw pads across the grass, to have paws instead of hands and feet was a wonderful experience for him and he was beginning to enjoy Ika's forceful conversion and takeover of his body.

"Ika just what are you turning me into?" Said Josh curiously and strangely a little happier, but still anxious over what was going to happen to him.

"Were going to be a lovely sexy rubber panda babe. I can't wait to try this new body out." Said Ika very happily and giggling to Josh.

"Oh wow, I've always wanted to be a panda. You have no idea how excited I am now, I want to be a panda so much. Please get rid of my humanity and make me a sexy panda." Said Josh as the happiness overcame his anxiety.

"Don't worry I will babe, time to finish up I think and put you where you belong." Said Ika giggling playfully like some crazy James Bond villain. As he said that Josh felt Ika's form move up around his neck as he covered more and more of Josh's last remaining traces of humanity as he succumbed to Ika. The only thing that was left was Josh's head but this didn't last long as Ika moved up covering his chin and jaw with his shiny grey/black form. As he moved over Josh's black curly hair it was flattened down under the rubbery Ika as finally Ika make one last push and covered the remainder of Josh's face and eyes and left him in total darkness. Strangely Josh could still breathe even though he had been totally encased by Ika.

As Josh stood there unable to move, he felt his face begin to reshape and heard the familiar crunching of bone as it was warped and shifted by Ika again with no pain. It felt as though his face was being stretched forwards slightly into some form of muzzle while his ears seemed to disappear. He felt a weird pulling on the top of his head as two large circular objects formed there which he assumed where new ears having looked at numerous panda's before. As Ika worked away the last of Josh's humanity, Josh began to slowly see again as Ika shaped his new eyes. It was blurry at first but slowly became more and clearer for him.

It was a strange experience his body was moving but it wasn't him Josh was there but just watching as Ika started to get used to his new body more and more. He felt his head move and look at things around the room it was like someone had a hold of parts of his body and were moving them like he was a puppet on a string. It was a weird thing to experience but strangely Josh was accepting Ika more and more after all his fighting didn't help any. He was conflicted still he wanted control back, but Ika did change him into a panda so he both loved and hated him.

"Let's have a look at this new body shall we babe." Giggled Ika happily as he walked over to a mirror and looked at this new form.

"Nice babe we look sexy and shiny don't we?" said Ika enjoying his new acquisition.

"Oh I nearly forgot." Said Ika giggling as he looked at his sexy new bottom. Josh heard a pressure and then a quiet pop as a new stubby panda tail formed just above his bottom. Josh just looked on amazed at his new body or rather Ika's new body. He was the same grey/black colour all over and the light shone and reflected across his new rubbery skin. His hands and feet were now the same amazing panda paws Ika changed before and Josh was still amazed at the sensual feelings of his paw pads they were do much better than hands and feet he thought. He saw he still had his sexy sheath and new panda meat as Ika looked down. Having his cock encased in a rubbery home was something that felt very sensual and amazing to him.

What amazed Josh most of all when they looked into the mirror was his head, it had completely changed from what it was. It was covered in the same black/grey rubber that had the rest of him but his hair was also gone. He had two large round ears on the top of his head which made him look rather cute, his old human face was gone and now had been pushed out so he had a roundish muzzle. At the end of his muzzle was a cute panda nose that just added to the overall sexy look of their new face. Josh's old brown eyes were gone, looking back at him were Ika's eyes they were beautiful. Their colour was a golden amber which seemed to glow from looking at them.

"Let's get you home shall we babe." Said Ika playfully to Josh. With that Josh felt his body begin to tingle and get really hot, slowly Ika merged with Josh more and more as his hold human body was replaced by Ika's new sexy rubber panda one. Josh felt the feeling of his skin start to fade more and more as a new slick rubbery skin became his own and merged more with his body. The heat seemed to permeate straight through him as his human body succumbed to Ika's transformation and merging with him. As Josh felt his hold human body disappear he thought he would too but he didn't, something even more strange happened. It felt as though he was pushed back into the background. He could still see, feel and hear but it was like he was no longer in the body's driving seat and more just a passenger along for the ride.

"There we go babe all done, we are one now and I hope you like your new home. You're going to make a lovely submissive pet, I do love my new body." Said Ika happily as he flexed his muscles and giggled.

"What did you do to me? Where am I?" Said Josh confused.

"I took control from you totally, no more your body my body, it's just our body now. You're in your proper submissive place a voice in my head babe. Trust me you will like it there, I care for you and I will always be here for you." Said Ika happily.

"But I want control too, that's not nice." Said Josh a little sad.

"Awww don't be sad babe, I'm your dominant I hate to see my submissive sad. I will always protect you and look after you, just trust I know what's best for you and this really is. Just enjoy the feelings that come from no control." Said Ika confidently and kindly.

"But Ika why wo..." Said Josh before he was interrupted by Ika.

"Hush now babe, I'm in control now and I'll show you why it's better for you." Said Ika happily giggling, he was enjoying having a new submissive to play with. Josh watched as Ika started to move his paw down towards his sheath and began to rub it sending waves of pleasure through them both. Josh was about to object but with the pleasure flowing through them it melted away his fears and questions and started to enjoy the ride. Slowly there was a stirring in Ika's rubbery sheath as his slick, pink panda meat slowly slid out from its home proudly as it throbbed and begged to be touched.

As this happened both Ika and Josh moaned in unison as the pleasure washed over them stronger and stronger. Ika began to massage his sheath and balls sending shocks of euphoria through them both as there was a familiar squeak, squeak sound as the noticeable sexy sound of rubber on rubber began to grow louder and louder which made the experience for them both so much more erotic and fun. With his panda meat standing proud from his sheath Ika slowly grabbed hold and started to slowly paw off revelling in the pleasures this new body gave him. Both Josh and Ika moaned louder and louder the more their member and balls were worked by Ika's tender touches.

Josh was amazed he didn't think he could feel so much pleasure, it felt like he was being pawed off by another person in the room and in a way he was. Being out of control was quite the experience the feelings that were being encouraged in him by Ika's playful dominance seemed to soothe him and keep Josh calm in his new home. The faster Ika pawed off the more Josh was lost in euphoria as the squeak, squeak of their rubber body continued to grow louder and louder in the room. As the speed of the pawing increased so did the waves of sensual bliss as it washed over them both in waves. It seemed as though the squeaky rubber was amplifying the feelings across their whole body as Ika felt his balls churn filling with potent hot panda seed.

Ika was loving his new body more and more he revelled in the pleasures and erotic feelings it created as Josh looked on waiting to see what he would do next. Ika had always loved being dominant, he wasn't nasty mind you I guess you could say he was misunderstood. Yes he took over people forcefully but he liked it and on some level so did his hosts. Besides it's not like he hurt them he treated them nicely and cared for his submissive pets. He was a loving dominant but he did have a fun personality some say he is evilly playful which makes for an interesting and usually enjoyable experience for the host.

Josh was shocked out of bliss when he felt Ika stop paying off, he wanted to know why but he suddenly found out why when Ika got onto the bed and brought his slick panda member to his mouth and took a deep breath as he started to suck hard and lap his cock with his tongue. Ika was moaning though his mouthful of panda meat while Josh was screaming in pleasure as Ika sucked their member like a pro and began to massage their balls again. Through all this pleasure both of them felt the churning in their balls begin to get even more noticeable as their sack was filling with more hot sticky panda seed. Josh felt like someone else was sucking him off and Ika was giving himself some of the best autofellatio he had ever done before.

The sounds coming from the room would have made anyone stop and listen, there was the squeak, squeak as Ika's sexy rubbery panda form moved around on the bed and a pleasurable happy moaning could be heard faintly as the sucking and panda cock play was increasing in intensity. There was also the odd occasional slurp that could be heard this was usually when Ika was out of breath and was gasping for air. As the new rubber panda's speed increased further, both Josh and Ika were lost in the moment as they felt their balls churn loudly again and felt them also pull up to their body as their first orgasm as a squeaky rubber panda washed over them.

Ika was sucking harder and harder as his new member pumped load after load of hot rubbery panda seed into his mouth as he swallowed. He loved the feeling of the hot sticky seed coat his throat as it went down and he just moaned in pleasure and enjoyed the wonderful sweet taste of his first new batch of panda seed. Josh was surprised when Ika didn't stop and swallowed his load but he was surprised he actually liked it, it was such an erotic feeling only being able to watch while you're forced to swallow your own seed and savour the taste. Ika's hot throbbing member fired load after load down his throat and there seemed to be no end as he swallowed and swallowed every tasty drop.

"Oh my I didn't think seed could taste this good." Said Josh happily as he began to really enjoy Ika's favourite pastime. Finally their orgasm seemed to slowly fade away as their sack was now empty with seed, Ika let his member slip from his mouth as it finished shooting its last load into his mouth and he swallowed greedily.

"Awww, someone seems happy now. See you're in the place you have meant to be your whole life." Said Ika playfully as he watched his sexy panda member retreat into his sheath after his fun. This was a really strange feeling for Josh having his cock or rather Ika's cock move in and out of a sexy sheath but he loved the feeling as it rubbed along the sheaths walls.

"It is nice where I am I guess and that was amazing, but I still don't like you forcefully took over my body." Said Josh a little annoyed.

"Babe just accept it, I'm your master and you're my pet. I will take good care of you, you don't have to worry about anything again. I love this new body and you do too, we are a sexy panda now after all." Said Ika happily with a grin as he looked in the mirror when he spoke to Josh.

"I guess it is fun with you in control, I'm probably going to regret this but fine. I'm your pet and you're my master." Said Josh softly as he started to accept there was nothing he could do here but enjoy the ride.

"Yay I'm happy you're starting to see it my way babe, now let's get some sleep. You shouldn't have woke up at a stupid time. " Said Ika giggling.

"But you woke me... Oh never mind." Said Josh as he gave up mid-sentence realising arguing wasn't going to solve anything.

"Good pet, if you're really good and please master well maybe we can give you a treat. Maybe I'll let you have control for a little while. But for now my pet let's sleep." Said Ika giggling playfully as he lay on the bed where Josh was sleeping a while before and drifted off.