Let's Play A Game

Story by Fiskerton on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains gay furry sex. If you are underage or are offended by this, turn back now before it's too late!

"Let's play a game."

He grinned a sadist's grin, sharp teeth flashing in the light of the single bulb softly illuminating the small bare room. I groaned in reply, incapable of doing anything more as I hung there limp from my hands tied above me. The coarse thick rope tied tightly against my wrists chafed the skin to a ruby red, showing through the short grey fur. My naked body looked like hell as several scars and claw marks streaked across my torso and back. The fur was disheveled in all places and seemed like it hadn't been washed in weeks. Despite being six feet tall, my footpaws just barely touched the cold floor where a small puddle of sweat was forming. My eyes were shut tightly so as to not have to see my captor. I've been hanging here so long that the ropes don't even turn in place anymore.

His silky voice grated against my brain. "What game would you like to play, my little wolf toy?" I heard him walk towards me, claws clicking on the floor. I turned my head away, but he grabbed my muzzle and forced me to look at him. Opening my eyes, it immediately locked with his green vulpine ones and I groaned again in response. He grinned, satisfied, and let go of my muzzle.

"Oh," he purred, "I know what we can play." He stepped back and snapped his fingers. Immediately, I felt a change under me, literally. I looked down and saw that a high stool appeared under me. My feet were tied to its legs with the same coarse rope but at an angle so that my knees bent. If I tried, I could just barely sit down on the stool, but the rope pressed me back up to a more vulnerable position.

The Fox circled me, inspecting the handiwork and found it satisfactory. He walked behind me and snapped his fingers again. I gasped as I felt the point of a canine cock poking against my bum. Steeling myself for another rape, I was mildly surprised when only the tip entered and stayed there. Sighing in relief, I was ecstatic for the moment's respite. I straightened my legs as far as I could, but I was too restrained in that direction. The tip of the cock stayed inside me. I lowered myself back to a comfortable position, if it could be called that.

But the best surprise was yet to come. I felt the base of my tail being shackled by a metal cuff. When I tried to wag it, weakly with my current strength, it wouldn't budge and was held firmly in place. Whimpering slightly, I was too afraid to ask what was next, so I just shut my eyes and waited as the Fox did some final inspection.

"There, all ready my little pet."

Opening my eyes again, I looked down and saw that the cock in me was a dildo in perfect replica of the Fox's cock. I knew it well enough. How egotistic, I thought. The metal on my tail felt cold and uncomfortable. I didn't mean to struggle against my bonds, my body just did it on reflex, but it drew a short barking laugh from the Fox. My face turned red in humiliation.

"Now then, shall I explain the rules of this game?" He snapped and a digital timer display appeared floating in front of my eyes, set to a green digital zero. It dominated my vision. It followed my sight when I turned my head and when I closed my eyes it remained vivid, as if it was programmed into my brain. "I am now going to test your fortitude." Ugh, I thought. He made it sound like I had a choice in the matter. "If you look down at the floor, you'll see a button." I saw it. It looked like one of those remote controls that launched rockets into space in TV shows; a big red button set in a small white box. "The button is attached to a string that goes up between your hands and back down behind you. The string is attached to a ratchet spool. And the ratchet spool," he paused dramatically, "is attached to your tail." My eyes widened as I realized what the tail cuff was for. If I could speak, I would curse him inside and out. Instead I howled loudly, howled in loathing, howled in humiliation.

He grinned that sadist's grin of his. "Quick learner I see. And I'm sure you feel that dildo under you, too. It's secured to the stool so it will never fall off. Every stroke up and down will bring the button that much closer to you."

Fucking bastard. He was forcing me to rape myself for his own amusement. How the mind of an immortal psychopath never seems to run out of ideas to torture and debase, even for a god. I felt tears welling up behind my eyes, bitter with rage and shame. I blinked them back, unwilling to let him have that satisfaction.

He snapped again and the timer set itself to the number 3600. "If you press the button within an hour, you win the game. What should the prize be, I wonder?" He paced back and forth. "I know, how about your freedom?"

My eyes lit up. Freedom?

"But if you don't..." The Fox placed a paw on his chin, musing. "Well, let's not worry about that for now." He licked his lips in anticipation. Nothing like a little hope to make an impossible situation more interesting.

"Ready, my pet? Remember. One hour."

Snap! The digital timer immediately started to count down: 3599. 3598. 3597.

Wait! I tried to shout, but it only came out as a bark. I was far from ready; I could still feel the tears welling up. I had to make a decision quickly. Do I force myself to this humiliation? Looking back up, the Fox had summoned a plush armchair and was sitting to watch the show. He had a paw on his groin and a little pink was already poking out. In his eyes, I could see the malice and spite that built over eons of rage and bitterness. This torture wouldn't be the worst thing he could come up with, and I dared not see what a punishment for failing would be. Steeling myself, I closed my eyes. I began to bend my knees and prayed silently to whatever other God might be listening.

  1. 3570. 3569.

The dildo wasn't lubed and chafed against my hole. Yet another torture. My only respite is that his previous rapes have left me loose. Groaning, I pushed on, determined to beat this psycho. Lowering my hips was a tiring effort in itself for my worn out legs, and the latex of the dildo seared my anal ring as well. Eventually, the pain became too much and with a gasp I pulled back up to my original position. Gritting my teeth, I began the descent again, and again, and again, and again.

I heard the Fox snicker and opened my eyes. He was looking down at the button, so I did too. My eyes widened as I realized that the button hadn't moved an inch. Panting with effort, I looked back up at the Fox. He flashed his sharp white teeth. "It doesn't move unless your ass hits the stool."

Gasping, I refocused my vision on the timer: 3002. 3001. 3000. I wasted so much time, and for nothing. The tears threatened again, but I refused to cry. Gritting my teeth, I shut my eyes and focused on the task at hand. Fortunately, my sweat had lubed up the dildo somewhat and my hole had gotten used to the stretching. The descent this time was slightly easier.

Then I sucked in my breath as I encountered the knot. In perfect replica of the Fox's cock, it was nearly twice the width of the already imposing cock. Groaning, I pushed myself, aware of the pain and trying my hardest to ignore it, to get past the knot. I almost passed out at the widest point, but I made it through. I was rewarded by the sweetest sound in the world: the ratchet turning. I could've jumped from the sheer joy of it. Looking down, I saw the button suspended maybe half an inch from the ground. Panting hard, I almost smiled, stopped only by my exhaustion at the effort. The puddle of sweat at the base of the stool is steadily turning into a lake.

  1. 2939. 2938. The timer ticked on. Breathing deeply, I prepared for the return trip across the knot.

Soon, I got into the rhythm of it: shaft, knot, knot, shaft. My progress was slow at first, halting each time before I passed the knot. Thankfully, my bum began to adapt to the constant forced stretching and the pain eased up a little. With each round trip, I got a little faster. During my braver moments, I didn't go all the way back up to rest my aching legs and chose to take the knot again without a break. The sound of the ratchet turning was coming through to my ears more and more frequently like an aria from the most beautiful harp in the all the universes. I was panting hard and felt like I was about to pass out, but inwardly I was grinning in joy, motivated further by my success. Looking down, I saw the button steadily rising. It was around my knees now, about a third of the way there. The timer read 2500. I can do this. I can definitely do this.

Of course, this was the cue for the Fox to interfere. I heard the clicking of claws and his glorious red erection soon bounced into my view. I looked up at his muzzle, inches from mine, a black paw under his chin as he tried to decide the best way for me to not win. As I continued my self-rape, I followed his paw as it traveled down his chest, brushing through the fur of his perfect rusty red pecs, then white-furred abs, finally ending up on his bulging cock. He spread his legs a little and began to masturbate right in front of me. And to my surprise, I could not take my eyes off his paw. I couldn't even close my eyes. I saw it right through the countdown tattooed to my vision. Up. Down. Up. Down. The sound of his precum squishing as he stroked his cock mixed with the turning of the ratchet. Seeing him jack off in front of me made me flush in heat in a way a thousand hot women would never have been able to. I was fully erect in seconds and aching to get my hands on it to jack off too. He began stroking slower and slower, and my own strokes on the dildo slowed to match his pace. I couldn't help but whine.

The Fox snickered. "Aw, poor kitten. You want to get off? Here, let me help." I thought I had seen it all. But imagine my surprise when, without breaking eye contact, the Fox dropped to his knees and started licking my cock. The sadistic deity that's been determined to make my life a living hell for what seemed like eternity was suddenly giving me a blowjob. I almost came when the first hot breath hit my raging erection. His broad tongue slurped the underside every time I went down on the dildo and he teased the tip mercilessly when I sat on the stool. I slowed my pacing just a little to savor each and every moment, all the while panting hard. It was almost enough to make me forget the pain in my bum and legs.

The next time I went down on the knot, he started suckling the tip, and it knocked the breath out of me. Testing the waters a bit, I slipped my cock into his muzzle. Inch by inch, the Fox let me in and, gods almighty, it felt amazing. A God's mouth is...indescribable. His smooth pink tongue danced on my cock, igniting ecstasy in each nerve. Each hot breath enveloped me in rapture. He never took his eyes off mine as he swallowed more of me, let me further inside. I almost passed out when my tip hit the back of his throat and my balls slapped against his chin. I was balls deep in the muzzle of a god! Was this what they called heaven?

Wasting no time, I started to pump into the Fox's muzzle at a reckless pace. His eyes shone green, encouraging me to go harder, faster. It's been so long, eternities, since I came. There was something poking me in the bum and I couldn't really move my limbs, but I didn't care. His muzzle felt so good, and I was so desperate to ejaculate again. I was whining and panting with each thrust. I felt my sack slap his chin over and over. He blinked and I closed my eyes to focus on the pleasure building up in my groin. I was so close. So close.

So close...

  1. 336. 335. 334.

The green numbers dominated my vision. At the moment that I closed my eyes I came to my senses again. The warmth on my cock disappeared. It hung erect and bobbing as I humped the cold air. Looking up, I saw the Fox was back in his initial position sitting on the chair. Or did he even get up during that entire time? He was stroking his own cock leisurely, watching me with amused eyes. A wicked grin reached from ear to pointed ear. Panting hard, I felt cold sweat drip down my naked body in rivers as I watched the Fox.

Then, in a sudden rush, my situation came back to me: the ropes, the dildo, the button, the timer.

Fuck! The timer! It counted on: 290. 289. 288. There were only five minutes left. Looking around, I saw the button hovering around my chest. Where did all my time go?! Frantically, I started to fuck the dildo again. My panicked brain watched as the button rose up, not nearly fast enough.

I couldn't go any faster. I couldn't go any further. The pain was just too much. The ratchet stopped turning; the only sound in the room was my panting. My bum was twitching around the dildo, feeling its weight and thickness. The button stopped just above my muzzle and my breath fogged it up a bit. It seemed so surreal that such a little button determined my fate.

I hung my head in resignation. My entire body ached. Focusing on the timer, there was less than half a minute left. 24. 23. 22. I heard the clicking of claws again. The Fox was walking towards me, but I didn't even bother looking up. Tears were welling up again. I blinked them back, but it was getting harder and harder to do so.

Weirdly, I couldn't help but think about the first time I met the Fox. How long ago was that now? It was a typical rape case, really. I was broke, having been fired from my job and could not find another. He came up to me, offering money if I did something for him. Looking back now, He seemed like such a normal, innocent fox. Is there even such a thing? I probably thought I could take advantage of him through superior strength. Actually, it was more likely that I was under some kind of spell. But then as we walked down the cliché dark alley, I got jumped and was instantly bound. I remember thrashing around and trying to throw off the guy on my back. It didn't take long for them to exhaust me and have me lying on the ground. I remember the Fox reaching for my muzzle and I bit his hand. It was my last act of defiance, then something conked me on the head and I passed out. Next thing I know, I'm the sex toy of a god. Who would have thought even gods can be sadistic rapists? Ancient Greeks that's who. I opened my mouth and closed it again. I was so weak I couldn't even laugh at my own joke.

That's when it hit me. I remembered the rules of this sick, twisted game. My eyes lit up with insight. Well, if the Fox can cheat, then so can I. The timer was ticking: 11, 10, 9, 8. Home stretch, now or never.


Claws clicking, he was walking towards me.


I saw the button, shining in the dim light.


I summoned the last of my strength and willed my muzzle forward.


I opened my muzzle.


The clicking stopped. My heart was beating so loudly.


In my last act of defiance, I bit down.


The lone green number was flashing in my vision, but it didn't count down anymore. Oh my god. I did it. I beat the countdown. I beat the game. I just wish I had the strength to express my joy beyond panting.

It was only for a split second. A searing wave of heat hit me and I thought I would die right then and there. The Fox's rage was unreal, equal to the sun's intensity or even more. It was only for a split second, but I was shaking violently afterwards. The stool I was still tied to threatened to tip over. I didn't even dare to look at him.

His voice was calm and even, yet you could hear the latent anger dripping from his words. "If I am nothing else, I am a Fox of my word. You pressed it, you win." He snapped his fingers.

In an instant, I felt the environment change. My limbs didn't chafe anymore. The cold oppressive air of that small room was replaced with a warm night. Moonbeams shone through the open window, landing lightly on me. The ground I was lying on was soft and fluffy and felt distinctly like a bed. I looked to my right and there was my alarm, staring at me. In digital green numbers, it read 3:43 AM. I'm back home. Through hell and back, I made it home.

Only now did I let the tears fall. It was a quiet celebration. The breeze caressed my wet cheeks, as though the world was welcoming me back. I missed you too.

As my mind was on the verge of passing out, a silky voice whispered to me.

"Let's play again sometime."