The Making of a Wasteland Pt. 2

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#2 of The Making of a Wasteland

I know it's been quite a while since I posted Ch. 1 and that this Chapter isn't quite as long, but I'd rather not keep anyone who actually reads my stuff waiting any longer. I really have a hard time to bring myself to write, especially on weekdays (School kinda drains me). I hope it's worth the wait and I'll really try to bring myself to continue.

Anna and I walked down the long unpaved road, with our fingers intertwined and her pressed closely against my side. On occasion I glanced at her, and it just tore me up inside, tears streaming from her and the smile I remember oh so well probably long gone. The worst part about it was I couldn't do anything; I couldn't just tell her it was gonna be ok, or just hold her and hope that she might get over it. That wouldn't happen. I wasn't the best off either though; I couldn't really explain it, but I felt like such a different person. Aside from the sadness I felt, I felt contempt for myself. I knew I had done one of the worst things a person could do, and even worse than that didn't phase me in the slightest. I'm not saying I regret it, but even so spilling blood shouldn't be so easy, I should have been in tears, crying for the bastards that I killed; I should have fell to my knees

Her and I walked for quite a while, and after what seemed like forever the shady wooded path broke into the unfamiliar road we walked last night. I led Anna to the right and we headed back to the car; hopefully to get a change of clothes and anything else we might need. I remember the sun shining bright in front of us, it was an early morning sun, the kind that doesn't really blind you. I don't really know why I'm taking the time to mention it; it didn't matter then and it matters even less so now, but it's just something I remember, quite plainly at that. Since it was day we could see a lot more, and it seemed like a pretty decent amount of cars passed by us. It made more worry, what if the car had been moved, or towed, or something? I was covered in blood and the idea of walking into any type of city like this would surely arouse suspicion.

The road met an incline and slanted upwards and we walked up it, when we got to the top it evened it, and from there I could see our blue car, a yellow jeep (probably the one we hit), and also a very obvious path through the grass that went around the carnage. I didn't really run but I sped up quite a bit, making Anna nearly fall before she caught herself and sped up to match my pace. When we got there all the doors were open, as we left them the night before, but the trunk was also open--I assume someone ransacked it, searching for anything of value. When we got around to the trunk, my suspicions were proven true; all of our suitcases were open, and clothing was scattered everywhere, all in the trunk and on the ground surrounding us.

I let go of Anna's hand and sifted through all the clothes and found a viable outfit, before stripping down to my underwear in the middle of the road. Just as quickly I was dressed again (and the loaded handgun was yet again in my pocket)--now I wore deep blue jeans, and a plain red shirt. After that I dug out a few more outfits for both Anna and I, but I wasn't done yet. I proceeded to climb in the backseat and reached in the pocket in the back of the seat, and pulled out a map.

After a decent amount of searching I found the name of the road we were on, I don't remember it offhand right now, but I think it was named after someone or something. Me and Anna (A/N: I know it's grammatically incorrect, but the other way pisses me off so much) looked at the map for the next few minutes trying to pinpoint our location, to decide whether Greenville or Newport was closer.

"We could be right here," I suggested pointing at a general area on the really small line on the giant map.

Anna shook her head, before pointing to an area maybe an inch or so away, "We're definitely here."

Me and her debated it for a bit, and I finally gave in. Me and her looked at each other, and we both cracked tiny smiles at the other, and things felt like they were back to normal for a moment, but as we climbed from the open doors and walked back down the road the way we came, the emersion was broken, and we were back in the hell that was all to real.

We were on the way to Greenville, and I'll spare the details of the long journey; it was a good hour or two of walking and nothing really interesting happened. When we finally got to the point where we could see the cluster of small buildings we were both pretty happy. I walked forward Anna's arms wrapped around my neck and her head lay on my shoulder, I couldn't really see her, but I'm pretty sure she was close to asleep (I kinda forgot to mention that she sort of collapsed, so I kinda had to carry her the rest of the way... well now you know). By now the majority of my body was kinda sore; my legs still so from all the running I had done that day at school, and my arms now from carrying her weight--Which isn't all that easy for an eleven year old.

I stopped at the first motel I saw; just barely holding myself up. I pressed through the door to the reception area, and a middle aged fox sat there reading the news paper. I walked up to the desk, my eyes barely above it, and said, in the most grown up voice I could, "I'd like a room sir."

The guy lowered the paper and looked at me for a moment, before going back to his paper, "Don't rent rooms to kids, go get your parents and come back."

That made me pretty angry, so I quickly reached in my pocket--nearly dropping Anna in the process-- and pulled out a big wad of money and slammed it down on the counter, "Can I have a room now?"

The bastard didn't even look this time, and responded, his tone being extremely snarky and condescending, "You got money, so? You're still just a little kid, and I can't give you a room."

At that point my hand rested on the gun in my pocket; the scariest part about it was that I would have actually done it. I would have killed someone for such a petty reason as denying me something. Luckily for me before I could do anything, a female fox sweeping the floor interjected, "Phil, Just give the kids a room. Look at 'em, they both look tired, and If you don't they'll probably end up in an alley somewhere."

The fox known as Phil climbed to his feet and grabbed one a key card from below the desk, put it in a machine, pressed a lot of buttons and put it out on the counter, "Your room is 203, you go outside and it's upstairs."

The man sighed before sitting down and going back to his paper. Before I even tried to reach for the card, the fox lady had already picked it up, "I'll take you to your room, after all you seem to have your hands full."

The fox lady opened the outside door for us and then led us to our room. Our room was on the upper floor, and the trip up the stairs was a nightmare; I'm not the most physically fit fur, and that along with all the other strains to my legs left them in a constant burning state. Even so I didn't mention it, and the lady opened the door for us, "Well here's your room. If you need anything just dial 0 and either me or Phil will answer. Oh I almost forgot my names Rose."

"Thank You... Rose." I responded, a bit coldly, but even so she said goodbye her face still in a big smile, and then she left. I set Anna down on the bed closest to the door as gently as I could in an attempt not to wake her, and then I bent back, stretching out my tired back. When I turned back Anna sat where I left her but now she sat there rubbing her eyes just like she always did when she woke up. I walked over to her and hugged her gently, before taking the backpack off of her and sitting it on the TV stand, and then proceeding to help her take off her clothes for bed.

After Anna was down to her panties, I did the same, taking off my jeans and shirt before laying them in a pile beside the bed--and I swiftly concealed the gun in the backpack. I threw the covers back and fell down onto the cool bed sheet. I looked over to see Anna crawling in beside me. I turned to face her, and saw her fighting to keep her puffy red eyes open. I brought my paw to her face and gently caressed her cheek, while in the process clearing the hair from her face. I don't really know what brought me to do so--it definitely wasn't the mood--but I slanted my head slightly and pressed my muzzle to hers, kissing her deeply like the main guy always does in the movies. She jumped in surprise, but soon after she was relaxed again; She pulled herself closer to me, obviously enjoying the stimulation we shared.

Neither of us had really any experience kissing, so we did nothing more than just sat there with our muzzles entwined, staring deep into each other's eyes. The moment eventually ended and me and her cuddled close to each other and I whispered, "I love you, Anna. I know it's just us now, but I promise we'll be ok."

After that Anna held me tighter, it felt so nice having her soft white fur against mine, and then she planted a sloppy lick across my cheek, before giggling and responding, "I love you too, Miles"

A few minutes after that, I went to sleep and I assume Anna did the same.

That afternoon I had a nightmare, as cliché as it may sound, I was back in the cabin reliving the entire experience yet again, but this time I did everything, I killed everyone! Mom, Dad, and even eventually Anna! She was the worst of all, staring at me, talking about how great of a brother I was, and then... And then my hand raised, gun in hand, It shaking as I did it; every part of my being resisting, but it wasn't enough, and I looked onward in horror. My little Anna lay there, her blue eyes open wide and her face expressionless. There was a noticeable hole in her forehead, and now blood covered my hands and stained her once perfect white fur.

The last thing I remember before waking up was me crying, surrounded by the bodies of everyone important to me, and knowing that it was all my fault. That was the first of many nightmares, all dancing around the same theme, and it eventually got to the point that it was expected.

I awoke completely mortified, don't you know sometimes how when you awake from a dream it takes a second to realize that you were dreaming? I was panting, and sweating, and even crying; my mind went into overload. I sat there slumped over, until I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked up not really expecting who to see, remember I was still pretty messed up, and I released a sigh of relief upon seeing the little wolf I adored greatly. At that point I repositioned myself to where I could get my arms around her too, and she ended up kinda on my lap, and she nuzzled her head against my chest. I stroked my hands through her hair, I was still panting pretty heavily, and tears still poured from my eyes, but I was calming down a bit.

After quite a while of that my eyes had dried, and my breathing was back to normal, but we still sat like that. Neither of us had said a word, and although the silence wasn't uncomfortable, it just wasn't ideal. Anna was the first to speak, "Miles, what happened? Was it a bad dream or something?"

"Yeah, it was... about... Umm..." I stopped for a moment, not really sure what to say. I wouldn't have been the easiest thing to say that I dreamt of blood and murder, especially of Her and and our parents, and what would she think. I thought she might be scared of me, or that she might worry about me more than she probably was, so I didn't tell her. Instead I told her, "...I really don't remember."

She accepted that answer, and we continued to hold each other for quite a while before I decided to take a shower. I may not have made it all that clear, but we checked in to the motel at around noon, and now that we had slept a few hours it was only about 6 or so. I let go of Anna, and started to walk for the bathroom before I heard her scuffling behind me, and then felt her paws grasping my left one, "Miles, wait!"

I stopped and turned to look at her, she stood there for a moment, her face in a deep blush. At the time I was busy wondering what she might be embarrassed about, and I was completely caught off guard by the feeling of her muzzle against. I was about a foot taller than her at that time, so she had to stand on her tippy toes for our muzzles to be level. That only lasted for a few seconds, before Anna got a bit wobbly--that's something I forgot to mention, at times Anna can be clumsy, it's adorable--and she nearly fell, but luckily she fell against me rather than away.

Yet another of those moments; the ones that seem so unreal, and over fantasied, but were lucky enough to have happened. We stood there like that for a while before I slowly pulled away from her. I gave her a gentle pat on the head, "Hey, after I take a shower we can go get something to eat... If you want that is."

She nodded in agreement, and we embraced again before I entered the bathroom. I adjusted the water, making sure it wasn't too hot or cold, and then removed the only article of clothing I was wearing, my boxers. I climbed into the shower and groaned as the water ran through my dark gray fur. I stood there for quite a while just like that, the trance of the hot water only broken when I heard the bathroom door open and then closed. I didn't really pay any mind to it, after all it had become a normal thing for us.

I heard the toilet seat being sat down, and nothing else; no water splashing, or flushing, or anything. I didn't say anything, instead I just stood there letting the water run through my fur. After standing there for quite a white I finally parted the shower curtain, and I saw Anna sitting on the seat; she was looking around, like when you're bored and you look around just because. It took her a few seconds to notice me looking at her, but when she did her face formed a tiny smile. I smiled back at her, "Whatcha doin in here?"

"Sorry, I... I didn't wanna sit out in the room alone," She responded, still sitting on the toilet and now she kicked her feet joyfully, that was something she did quite a lot; I never understood why. At that point I got an idea; whether it be of genuine love or inherent lust you can decide.

"You wanna get in? It wouldn't be much different from when we used to take baths together." Anna's face flushed, turning a bright red, before she nodded and quickly slipped off her panties before climbing into the tub. We stared at each other for a brief moment, only a foot or so away from each other. I don't know what triggered it but water started to run from her eyes. She wasn't really crying--not wailing or anything--but she looked just as pitiful as if she was. It seemed all the embarrassment went away, and at that point as she wrapped her arms around my mid-section, crying softly.

I wrapped my arms around her also, and all the while my paws gently stroked through her hair. We did that for quite a while, neither of us saying anything. She finally broke the silence, recalling something from a few years ago, "Do you remember when we were little, and Mom used to give us baths together? I always liked it, mommy used to wash both of us off and you used to blush when she got to your bottom, and your thingy. You were always cute..."

I didn't respond nor did I know where she was going with this reminiscing, but I still held her as I had been. She continued a few moments later, barely missing a beat, "And also when daddy used to read us bedtime stories. It was always about a beautiful princess being saved by a knight in shining armor. I always thought about what it would be like if I were a princess, and I always knew if anyone it would be my big brother Miles to save me. I knew I really shouldn't, but I always used to imagine you taking my hand and kissing me, and then there would be a big wedding. I always wore a pretty white dress and you wore a black suit, and we'd say 'I do' and the old guy would say 'I now pronounce you man and wife'. I know that's weird, but... "

In the midst of her talking I had loosened my grip around her allowing our eyes to meet. Hearing everything she said really surprised me and there got to be a point where I couldn't help myself anymore. I kissed her, a bit forcefully, cutting off her sentence and causing her to release a short, high pitched squeal. After just a moment she relaxed, and now we held each other just like that. All the while water ran down our bodies, and my sheath pressed tightly against her tummy.

We were like that for quite a while, and I only pulled away when I started to feel light headed. She wasn't crying anymore, and now held a gentle smile. It felt so much better than when I kissed her the night before or even just minutes before in the room. I assume it's because of what she told me, because of how she felt; I knew it wasn't just me, it was me and her!

After we separated I looked at her and just so happened to notice a bit of dirt (more like mud); I picked up the rag I'd brought and the generic bottle of hotel body wash, and squeezed some of it on the rag, rubbed it together, and then I brought my paw to her chin. I held her face still and brought the soapy rag to her fur. I scrubbed gently getting rid of the impurities. I didn't stop there; I started with her face and scrubbed every bit of it, before moving down to her chest.

She murmured a bit as I cleaned over her undeveloped nipples, the thin rag allowing my paw to feel everything. She didn't protest, or really respond at all, only with slight groans as I stimulated her young body. After cleaning her chest I transitioned to her back and did the same, and my hands scaled down her back, and quickly approached her flank.

Even though the rag separated my hands from her body, I could still feel all her slight curbs and eventually her fluffy bottom. She jumped slightly when the rag met her sensitive area, and I let it rest there for a few moments, allowing myself to indulge in the feeling. By that point I was rock hard and when I felt her tiny paw massaging my package, I knew she had realized it too. I moaned and kissed her gently. She continued to stroke me and I continued to wash her, and our muzzles only parted when oxygen was absolutely necessary.

Neither of us really knew what we were doing (based on what's happened I assume you thought we might), but instead we were ignorant to the meaning of most of it. Of course we knew kissing was a big no-no, but everything else we did, we did because it felt good. Speaking of feeling good, it was then that the rag reached her sensitive cunny, she moaned even louder than when I was fondling her rump. I did it again, bringing the rag across her slit yet again, and yet again she moaned, the hot air resulting from it going into my muzzle.

After a few more strokes I discarded the rag; It fell with a splash into the tub, and now instead my bare paw caressed her slit. It felt so smooth and exotic and as I pressed my paw against it, the two folds of skin parted and my finger started to enter her. I was sort surprised and at that point I felt the familiar feeling in my crotch, my body stiffened, and the familiar feelings drifted over me. When it happened I jerked my paw upward, hilting my finger inside of her, and she howled loudly. Her tunnel tightened, locking my finger inside of her, and I felt the sharp pain of Anna's claws digging into my flesh.

We both rode out our respective orgasms and afterwards Anna collapsed on me, and if not for the tile wall we'd have been on the ground. We rested against the wall for quite a while, both of us panting from our releases. I slid my finger from her and brought it up to the shower head to wash it off. The once hot water eventually became warm, and I finally mustered the energy to stand and then turned off the shower. Anna still rested against me, and I helped her out of the tub and helped her dry off. I remember being really eager to do that kind of thing again.

After we dried off, her legs were unsteady, so I helped her walk into the room and we collapsed on the closer of the two beds. We lay side by side now and stared at each other lovingly. She smiled and licked my face playfully before giggling, "I love you, Miles."

I smiled back at her, even after everything that had happened I could be happy, and moved in to kiss her nose. Afterwards I pulled her close to me, "I love you, too... More than anything."

We nuzzled and rubbed against each other for quite a while, both of us completely forgetting about going out for food, and instead we went back to sleep pretty soon after that. When we did our arms held the other tightly, mine rested slightly above her bottom, and neither of us had the slightest thread of clothing on.