Behind the Mask part 2

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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#2 of Behind The Mask Universe

Curtis, the rhino coach from the first part, has been trying to deal with the fact he'd fucked one of his players. He wants to just forget the whole thing happened, but Billy the bull has other plans.

Commission for: malice999

Also, I know a "steer" is a castrated bull, but in this context its merely being used as a humiliation and training tactic. The boy is very much intact.

I was a total wreck. I had been all morning. The past few days had been nothing but a slew of panic attacks and a sickness to my stomach. I honestly don't even know how I pulled myself together for work this morning, more so knowing the root of all my anxiety would be there waiting for me, and its name was Billy Barker. I dreaded seeing that boy again so much. Thursday night had started out so smoothly, I was deep dick in one of my students and I didn't have a care in the world, because I thought he didn't know who I was. I was so stupid. I should have known better than to think a stupid Zoro mask would be enough to hide my identity. It worked for superheroes, I didn't understand why it didn't work for me.

I'd been a zombie at practice. I'd thought about calling in sick, but I had already done that on Friday, so I wouldn't have to see the kid until Monday. I know he was legal, but there was something still so wrong about a teacher fucking a student, my life would be ruined if anyone ever found out. I already have to hide the fact I'm gay and married to another man, which was hard enough as it is, but now I have this looming over my head. I still don't know how I'm going to tell Jack all of this, we do have an open relationship, but I have no idea what he's going to do when I tell him that I fucked one of my students.

The day seemed to go by in a flash, my mind was so lost in thought that I barely even noticed what the guys were doing at practice. I decided I'd just make them run laps while I slipped out and ate an entire box of ho-hos in my car trying to eat away my worries like I did when I was a kid. By the time I came back, most of them were goofing off, and I just didn't feel like doing anything. So I had them do some more laps, and sent them home 30 minutes early. I also made it a point to avoid Billy like the plague. I didn't know what to say to him. The car ride back to the club had been nothing but awkward silence, I know he asked me to take him to school, but I made up some excuse about having to get my blinker fluid changed and I wasn't going in today. I just could not deal with him.

So after my players had all showered and went home I slipped into the locker room, doing a quick sweep to make sure everyone was gone and there was no gear or personal items laying about, before slipping off to take a shower of my own. I'd hope it would clear my head and let me think a little bit. I sat down on one of the benches in the locker room, my mind still racing as I took off my clothes piece by piece, the smell of those young jocks still hanging in the air as I did. I could feel my dick twitch between my legs, that large grey appendage responding to the smell of all those young horny males... Though, I can't blame it. Friday night had been fun, and now I think I'd always have a link in my head between that smell and an amazing round of sex. I stood up, my shaft aching as I walk towards the green tile floor of the shower.

The cold floor feels good against my feet as I walk towards the showers on the adjacent walls. I twist the knob on the shower, and a steady hard stream of hot water beat against my flesh. I lean forward, letting my ivory horn tap against the tile in front of me as I stare at the wall in front of me, just thinking of all the ways fucking that kid could come back to bite me on the ass. I feel the water running along my body, finding its way to the drain on the floor as it worked its way over my hairy chest, back, and stomach.

Between the water and my thoughts I never heard the rustling of clothes or the sound of footsteps behind me. I didn't notice until I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of skin, my body snapping around as my eyes locked on a familiar face, one that made my blood run cold. I let my eyes trace down his body. Everything was just like before, strong arms, a muscled set of pecs and a slight belly that made him look so cute naked. Without thinking I blurted out, "What are you doing here?" It wasn't the best question at the time, and I probably already knew the answer somewhere in my mind, but it came out anyway.

I could see the nervousness on the young bull's face as he processed my question, looking for the words to say, he looked down at his feet as he answered. "Well... I just thought that after all the stuff you said Friday night you'd wanna... maybe keep messing around or something." He stammered cutely. The shy behavior making my dick pulse against my will.

Shit. I'd forgotten about all that crap I said while I was still drunk the other night. Oh god... this was like a living nightmare-slash-fantasy all unfolding at once. "Look, Billy. It was fun, but I don't think it'd be a good idea for us to keep messing around."

He looked back up at me, and I saw the hurt in Billy's eyes. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked, a sadness to his voice that made my heart twinge. "I thought I was a good steer for my Farmer..." He said, barely a pause before he added, "Please, Sir. I want to be a good rut steer for you. I've thought about you every single night since you had me in your barn." He finally stopped to take a breath, an almost desperate look on his eyes. "This is some kind of test, right Sir? You just want to see if I know my place..." The boy said.

And before I had a chance to stop him, he was on his knees with his lips wrapped around my dick, which hadn't softened since I walked into this shower. I grabbed his horns preparing to shove him off, but as I felt those soft warm lips slide down my needy shaft I found myself frozen, gripping his horns with all my might. He did everything just like I'd taught him. He was making sure my cock felt every ounce of pleasure his muzzle could give. I felt my arms move as he began to bob up and down on my dick, his hands coming up to cup my large grey balls, squeezing them as they churned in my heavy sac.


This was a bad idea and I know it. Anyone could walk in right now and I'd be caught, I'd lose my job, and I'd never be able to work at a school again. But that only fueled the flames of desire inside of me.

Damn it.

Why do I have to be such a kinky bastard? This was going to end badly and I knew it... I glanced at my wedding ring, and that just made the feeling of guilt worse. But my little head over ruled my big one. I squeezed those horns tightly, and held his head still as I began to fuck his muzzle. And fuck was the best word to use here. There was no gentleness to it, I wasn't "making love" or doing some other pansy shit like that. I was fucking his muzzle like it might be the last thing my dick ever got to get into. I could hear that little slutty bitch groaning around my dick as he took every single ounce of lust I had. "You're right, steer." I rumbled as my fat grey balls smacked against his red furry chin. "It was a test, I wanted to make sure you'd come back to your Farmer if I let you out to pasture, and that's just what you did. Because I own you now. You're my steer. My seed has been sowed in you. I milked you. And now you'll always come back to me because you know nowhere else will be better. And that you aren't better for anything but riding my dick and making sure your Farmer is happy, because you know what happens to steers when they don't..." It wasn't the greatest speech I'd ever given, and I'm sure I could have structured it a bit better. But hey, my dick was in someone's mouth.

That boy moaned so sweetly around my dick. I watched as his free hand slid between his legs and he began to stroke the dick that had gotten him and me into all this trouble in the first place. If he hadn't of followed it, I wouldn't be here right now putting my life on the line to fuck his slutty muzzle. I was going to have to make sure that dick of his never gets me in trouble again. It was my dick now after all. If I was going to risk all of this, I was going to make sure he knows I own him body and soul.

I pulled my dick out from that boy's mouth and I put my foot onto his chest and pushed. He fell backwards, his head smacking against the tile floor with a soft "thwack". He adjusted himself rubbing the back of his head and shouted, "What was that for?"

Before I answered him I just pulled my hand back and slapped his face as hard as I could, before my foot came down to rest on his balls. My eyes narrowed, "A steer doesn't speak unless spoken too. I am your Farmer, you are my property. How I treat you isn't any of your concern. You said yourself you wanted to be a good rut steer, so you're going to have to learn what that place is." I started to add pressure to that big red sack filled with all those pesky hormones that had helped put me into this situation in the first place.

I watched his eyes start to fill with tears as I pressed harder on his sac, his young dick pulsing in the air, even now he was enjoying every single thing I did to him. But then I realized something. I can't do any of this unless he consents. I don't want him saying I raped him. This had to be consensual. I back off, letting my foot slide from his balls. I crouched down, and looked into his tear filled eyes, grabbing his muzzle to make sure he stared into my eyes. "You have a choice to make right now, just like the ones I gave you the other night. This is just a sample of what your life will be like if you don't walk out the door at this very moment and forget any of this ever happened." I stood back up, and turn off the water that had been running this whole time. Steam wafted around me as I looked down at him, my still hard cock throbbing as I looked at the rut steer on the ground beneath me, where he belonged. "Or you get on all fours and kiss my foot and grovel for me to take you on as my steer. I want you to tell me just how much you want me to control every single part of your life, and be your Farmer until you go out to pasture for the last time."

Billy sniffled and he used the back of his hand to wipe some of the tears from his eyes. He glanced behind himself for a moment as he most likely pondered leaving, but in the end he made the right decision. He got onto all fours, and he crawled over to me as he kept his head down. He leaned forward, and he kissed the top of my foot, before he spoke. "I chose you, Sir. I want to be your little rut steer, and I want you to be my Farmer. I want you to be in charge from now one. I want you to make sure you use me for what you please just like I've always fantasized about in my dreams when I play with my hole at night and stroke at my dick. I want to be yours in body and soul, Sir."

In the back of my mind I knew this was one of the stupidest decisions I'd ever made... well, besides fucking him in the first place. But fuck it. He's an adult. He can make his own decisions, even if those decisions are deciding that I should make them for him from now on. "Good steer. We'll talk about what that all means later, but right now the only things you need to know is that you're my property and that includes that dick between your legs. You only get to play with it if I say so. We'll make sure of that later. But for now... I want you to crawl over to the bench and get onto your back and show me that hole I will be getting very familiar with from now on." I said sternly as I watched him turn around and begin to crawl over to the closest bench, his tail swayed back and forth as he moved, and that wonderful round rump showed off just how ready for my dick it was.

As I watched him crawl up and get ready, the thoughts of how wrong this was got pushed into the deepest darkest parts of my mind as my dick lead the way. I walk forward, going to my bag and pulling out a bottle of lube. I walk to where his head was, my hard dick bouncing right near his head. "Kiss my dick, and thank me for what I'm about to so."

I saw a little bit of hesitation as he looked at my grey length, before he leaned forward and kissed the tip, licking off the bead of pre that had formed their. "Thank you, Sir. Thank you for taking the time to fuck your needy rut steer with this wonderful dick."

"You're welcome, boy." Part of me wondered if he'd been researching stuff like this. I'd never known of guys fresh into dominance play to so easily take to it. Normally there is a massive learning curve, but he seems like he was made for it, and that thought only excited me more. I walk over to his shapely teenage ass that I now own. I give a lustful snort as a flash of sexual desire surges through me as I look at the hole I would be training to take my dick at the drop of a hat. I squirted some of the lube over my fingers and I reached down, letting my fingers slide across that pink pucker. I watch as it clenched up at my touch, but soon relaxed as I slowly rubbed at it. I slid a finger inside of him, it going in easier than the first time we met, clearly he was still a little stretched out after our session on Thursday night. I work my finger around inside of him, sliding up and pressing into the pleasure knot locked inside of him. I watched as his dick drooled as I stroked at that little walnut.

"Good steer. You like feeling something inside of you so much more than touching that useless dick of yours, don't you? You'd much rather have your Farmer riding your ass and playing with this pleasure point that stroking your dick, wouldn't you?" I say as I watch his dick throb and those big balls churn above his cute rear.

I glance up for a moment to look at his face as he nods, and a "Yes, Sir." escapes his lips, that's soon followed by a long drawn out groan. I look at his face, and I can just tell he's blushing under his fur. He looks so cute. And he was all mine. He was my steer to fuck, and have ride my dick as he moo'd like the animal he was. My life was going to be so complicated after that, but I didn't care. The thrill makes the risk worth it.

I slide my finger from his ass, and I press my dick to his ready hole. I rub it up and down, teasing that pucker as he moans and squirms in front of me. I can see the need in his eyes as I let the head of my dick kiss his hole, he was silently begging for me to fuck him and remind him of his new position in life. I obliged. I thrust forward letting my dick slide into that tight pink pucker that I'd soon be filling with my seed, and branding him with the scent that would mark him as mine. I grabbed the backs of his knees, and I held on tight as I look down watching as my dick slides in and out of the tight anal ring that belongs to one of my players. I watch as I broke one of our society's greatest taboos and my balls slap against that fine red ass. I watch and love every single second of it.

I lean forward, shifting my hips, letting my hairy grey ass stick out as I forced that young bull into a deep kiss. My tongue finding its way into his muzzle as I rut him like the steer he was. I could feel him shuddering against me as my cock made sure that little sub button inside him was constantly teased. I could feel his young cock grinding against my belly. I could only imagine what was going on his mind at the moment, but guessing from how hard his dick was they were thoughts related to pure joy in having finally found someone to help make his life complete by showing him what he was.

I can hear him moooo softly as his Farmer rides him, just like he'd done when I milked his dick for every single last drop of cum that he had. Watching him drink it had been so thrilling, but that was just the tip of the iceberg for what I was going to do to him. I was going to make sure that dick of his stayed locked up nice and tight, until his once monthly milking. I could already envision it, spanning two days of building torture, until nothing but air shoots from his dick. Then I was going to make him drink up every last drop to remind him that cum belonged-- inside of him.

I can feel him suckle on my tongue, groaning as my hips slap against my ass, and my fuzzy belly grinds against his dick. I pull back and keep up a steady pace as I fucked him. "Steer, grab the dick between your legs and start to stroke it." I saw as he reached down and obliged. He stroked his dick, letting his foreskin turtle neck over his pink shaft as it throbbed in his hand. "Good boy, now I want you to cum for me. But know that this is the last time you'll ever get to cum by your own hand. From this point on the only way you'll get to cum is when I say so, and odds are it will never involve your own hand. So enjoy it. Enjoy this gift that your Farmer is giving you because this is the last time I'll let you pretend you're anything other than a steer." I glanced down at my bag and I saw my jock strap sticking out, the one I'd worn all day long and an idea popped into my head. I reached down and snagged it and tossed it onto his chest. "Oh, and cum into that."

"Yes sir." I looked at his face, he looked nervous, scared, and so turned on all at the same time. He stroked his dick as fast as his hand would let him as my cock drilled in and out of his depths. I watched as pre ran down his cock, groaning and squirming around my dick, until finally I felt the wonderful bliss of having a guy squirt as you fucked him. He holds my black jock over the head of his dick as he pumps his seed into that cotton fabric as his hole begins to pulse around my shaft. I give out a loud grunt, thrust forward one last time, and sow my seed into my steer.

I watch him pant, his arms falling to his sides as my his spent orbs softly churn between his legs and his dick twitches against my white stained jock. I can feel my cum around my cock as his ass gives the odd twitch here and there. I grab my jock strap filled with his cum and my musky sweat that had been ground into it after a very long and stressful day, and I grab his muzzle with my other hand, forcing his jaw open. "Now suck on this until every last drop of your sissy cum is drawn out of it. That's where it belongs. Inside of you, and nowhere else. The sooner you learn that the better." I say as I shove my jock into his muzzle, using the strap to lock it around his head.

The bull boy nods softly, and begins to suck on my jock strap. I pull out only when I see the boy's tongue starts to lick off his own cum. Some of my fresh seed dribbles down the cleft of his ass as I snag a gym towel from my bag and start to clean up. I give a sigh of relief as some of the worry I had melted away. This kid was already so wrapped around my finger that there was no way he'd rat me out. I had nothing to worry about, and I'd have one fine rut steer to train to be a prize winner. I wonder if I could have him ready for the local BDSM farm animal competition that took place in the summer...

"What and the fuck, Curtis?" I hear from behind me, the blood in my veins turning to ice as I recognize the voice instantly.

I turned around to see the clydesdale I'd fallen in love with staring back at me, his eyes filled with rage. He was still dressed in his sweaty coaches uniform. He must have just finished with the basketball team, and he was coming to find me to ride home with him. "Jack! I can explain, it isn't what it looks like." I blurted out.

The horse slams his fist against the closest locker, giving a loud angry snort. "Oh really, and I guess your cum just magically appeared in his ass. How dare you do this... " He yelled as he walked towards the boy on the bench. "Without me!" He snorts angrily as he wipes out all 8 inches of his throbbing horse dick from his gym shorts, grabs the boy's legs, and shoves his dick right into the kid's cum-lubed hole. The boy's eyes go wide and he looked on in shock, before groaning around the jock strap in his muzzle.

I looked on as I watch my husband fuck my student, his wonderful ass rising and falling as his gym shorts pool around his ankles and his dick pulsed against the elastic band of his own jockstrap. I smile and snap the elastic of his jockstrap, before walking behind him, and yanking it down so his balls could slap freely against our slutty steer's ass. I slid my hand along his back as I watched him rut that boy. "You always know how to remind me of just how much I love you..." I say softly as he lets out a loud whinny.

"You're damn, right I do!" He said in his gruff voice as that steer boy squirms around his dick.