Pleasing Daddy Right

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#16 of Three Masters

Written by: Teiran Story by: Teiran and Blackstone Editing assistance by: saintajax33

Tom wasn't sure how much time had passed since Feral had been let into the room. The dog mounted him for a while, tied, and then just stood there, butt to butt with the bunny as Tom serviced three more men before he had a break. First the horse who had come in after Bishop left, then a wolf, and then a cougar made a repeat appearance. He had no clue who the men were, beyond knowing that the wolf had not been Missy and that he had sucked the cougar off before. He'd barely had time to meet the staff of Daon's manor house before his vaulted position as house slave trainer had been snatched away from him.

He didn't spend much time trying to identify the men he was servicing though. That time was taken up by worrying what Feral was going to do when the dog's knot went down. The beast was already tugging and shifting about as if bored, and Tom knew that the dog did when he got bored. When the tie ended...

Tom shuddered as the feral dog's attention was caught by something and he tried to go investigate. If his head hadn't been strapped to the wall, Tom would have been forced to shuffle around behind Feral, tied to the mutt in the most humiliating way, but he couldn't do that. Instead the beast's knot jerked hard at the ring of flesh securing him inside the rabbit. As the dog tried to scramble away, the knot started to pull out still fully formed. Tom would have screamed in pain if he could have made a sound as with a sickening feeling, the bunny's ass stretched wide and the feral dog's knot pulled free. Stars danced in Tom's vision as Feral padded away, collar jingling softly.

The white bunny rabbit crumpled forward, muzzle poking through the glory hole as he sagged against the wall, ass gaping and leaking cum. Unable to even look away from the wall, Tom couldn't inspect the damage. He also couldn't tell where in the room the dog had gone. All he could do was kneel on the floor and wait for another man to come use him mouth as a copious amount of dog spunk leaked from his ass. Before long, Tom could feel the dog cum run down to his now bare balls and onto the floor.

Tom had no idea how long he leaned against the wall like that before another man's dick appeared, but the rabbit began to suck it without thinking. The medium sized pink shaft belonged to a young Dalmatian who was using the control strap a lot. The young canine was really fucking the bunny's mouth, and that made it hard for Tom to hear what was going on behind him.

Feral was moving around Missy's room exploring. He sniffed at things, barked once at the door to be let out, and when no one came, continued checking every corner of the room for interesting things. Eventually the sound of sniffling and paw pads came back up behind Tom, and a cold wet nose pressed into his backside. Tom flinched, his chest tight as panic started to rise in him as the dog's tongue began to lick up the spunk leaking from his hole. The warm tongue rimmed him out and then began licking downward, following the trail of cum down to where the rabbit's bare balls hung between his legs. Tom tried to get the attention of the man he was blowing, desperately trying to use his gloved hands or mouth to signal to the Dalmatian what was happening, but there was no reply beyond more face fucking. In desperation the bunny slapped his ass again, the signal for mounting, but Feral didn't respond this time. Tom adjusted his position, sitting down as best he could, but he couldn't, not with the dog pushing his head underneath him. Tom began to thrash, trying to keep his nuts away from the dog, head pulling against the control strap in panic, but the man on the other side pulled him roughly back towards the wall and down onto his cock. That pulled Tom's body up just a little, letting Feral get to what he wanted.

The dog's jaws opened, and drew the rabbit's orbs in. The hot muzzle squeezed down, teeth pushing against the bunny's bruised and tender balls, and Tom tried to scream around the penis in his mouth. The bunny's balls had hurt all day after spending a night in Feral's jaws, but that only meant they were now even more sensitive now. The pain was incredible, and Feral was barely biting down. Tom's paws scrambled, and the only reason he didn't thrash his body trying to escape was because if Tom struggled, it would become a game of tug, and Feral would tear his balls off. There wasn't even a way for him to scream for help around the dick in his mouth as the agony grew.

"Feral, no! Get away from him!" There was a soft thump, and with a startled yelp the dog's jaws were gone. Feral took off, tags jingling as he raced away from the voice and... something that fell beside Tom's hand on the floor. A fashionable lady's shoe.

Tom twisted his head as best he could with the Dalmatian's cock still sliding between his lips, and looked up in shocked relief as Missy came to collect the shoe. She put it back on hastily and their eyes met for a moment as Tom continued sucking the cock in his mouth, but the wolf didn't say anything. Missy moved away, and Tom heard her shutting the door to his former room, with Feral presumably on the other side.

The face fucking continued as Daddy came in the room behind his slave. The bear was finishing up a call on his cell phone, but when he hung up his gaze focused squarely on the rabbit. Tom could tell that he'd seen what had just taken place.

"Who, who was that, Daddy?" Missy asked in a quavering tone. The sissy wolf was acting like nothing had happened, which was a stupid ploy for a slave to use. Tom would have rolled his eyes, where he not so busy sucking cock at the moment. He knew exactly how poorly calling out something you'd done wrong by changing the subject usually went for a slave. As a trainer, he would never have let something like that pass.

But Daddy wasn't looking at Missy, he was staring at Bitch. "Just work, honey. They always call me when the office closes. Final report of the day and all. I'm usually working in my office when they call." The bear continued to watch as with a series of barks, the Dalmatian on the other side of the wall began to blow his load into Bitch's mouth. The dog's spunk was tangy, and he dropped a heavy load on Tom's tongue, which the rabbit swallowed unwillingly. When the anonymous servant was done and had withdrawn his spent shaft, the glory hole cover slid closed.

Tom blinked, and he felt like the world had turned upside down. He sagged forward against the cool metal plate, tears filling his eyes. The hatch hadn't closed all day long. He was no longer faced with a little crotch height window and an endless parade of penises to service. It was over...

"Well, Bitch." The bear said as he unhooked the control strap that had kept Tom secured to the wall all day. "Have you learned your lesson? Are you ready to apologize for what you've done?"

The rabbit blinked, forcing himself out of the stunned daze the closing of the glory hole had caused. Tom sat back on his heels and straightened his back, popping it painfully. Then he lifted his head as best he could and looked the bear in the eyes.

Doan loomed over Bitch in a formal suit and tie, smirking at him. Tom hated the bear completely. A day of sucking the dicks of house servants and male maids had cemented the fact, and Tom blamed him for every moment of humiliation. But Tom also knew there was nothing to be gained in denying him, and everything to lose. He couldn't fight Daon, not now. He had to 'apologize' to the bear, slavishly, especially if he wanted to please Mason. And as much as Tom hated Daon, he feared Mason even more, and wanted desperately to please the boar. He had no other choice. One night under the tender ministrations of Feral's jaws was proof enough for him that he had to debase himself for the boar or things would become much worse.

So, face burning with embarrassment, the bunny nodded vigorously like a good boy would and raised his gloved paws, fumblingly trying to pull the bear's pants down to suck him off and 'apologize'.

The slap in the face caught Tom by surprise, and the bunny fell to one side. He lay on the ground panting, his overused jaw aching with pain from the relatively gentle blow. "Don't jump, dog." Daon snapped. "Good dogs don't jump on their betters. On your paws, Bitch." Daon's voice was full of vicious satisfaction, "All four of them."

Tom's face flushed, but he swallowed his pride and got on all fours like a feral animal.

"Good. Now, you were going to suck me off, weren't you Bitch?" The bunny nodded vigorously, not meeting the bear eyes. "Thought you could apologize to me that way?" Tom indicate yes by nuzzling at the bear's groin. like some sissy boy hungry for more cum. The motion smeared some on the bear's dark pants. "I don't think so, you little slut. You had your chance to blow me and accept your new station without complaint. Now, you have to earn the right to suck my Pride and apologize by swallowing my seed." The rabbit, on his hands and knees, began kissing the bear's shoes. It was the only answer Tom could think to give, but it seemed to mollify the bear somewhat. "Well, a day of chores certainly seems to have put you in the proper frame of mind. By the end of the week I expect you to be very compliant." The rabbit did his very best to grovel at the bear's feet.

Unconsciously, Tom took up slave position seven, lips on his Master's shoes, ass high in the air. "But if you've truly learned your lesson this quickly Bitch, time to prove it. Missy, lift up your skirt."

Missy, not expecting the command to be directed at her, jumped. "What Daddy?" The wolf stammered.

"Lift up your skirt girl," the bear said sharply, and the wolf, paws trembling, reached down to the hem of her short skirt. The soft material was just long enough that when Missy held it up fully, the wolf was in a dainty, girlish pose, paws held up daintily. Edwin felt himself blushing as Daddy looked at him. The bear's smoldered and the slow, wide smile spreading across his muzzle told the blushing wolf that he liked the way she looked like that.

Daon shook himself out of the momentary distraction. "Now Missy, apologies are just like saying thank you, but you have to mean them more. You have to work harder at them, so I want you stay completely still as Bitch apologize to you," the bear's voice was honey dipped as he spoke to the wolf, but when he the bear reached down and clipped a leash to the bunny's collar, his voice full of half contained anger as he growled at Bitch, "Understand?"

Tom stared up at the bear in complete surprise. The rabbit had expected the bear to rough him up a little before forcing him to suck Daon's huge cock, but this? It was one thing to be disrespected and abused by Masters like Mason and Daon, but having to service the damn slave who was responsible for his changed position? This was the ultimate humiliation. Tom glared furiously at Missy, who posed there prettily, skirt up, lavender panties bulging due to her obviously uncaged dick. That made it even worse for the bunny, whose cock was still locked up tightly, even if the chastity device wasn't edging him at the moment. Having to debased himself to a slave... Tom couldn't think of anything worse right now.

Tom also couldn't think of anything else he could do.

His long ears burning, Tom crawled on hands and knees across the room to Missy's feet. The bear holding his leash walked over and stood behind the femininely dressed wolf. When Tom hesitated, Daddy jerked on his lead, pulling his head up to face the wolf's crotch. "Start licking her balls now, unless you want to lose yours."

Face burning, Tom stuck his nose in Missy's groin, and gave her balls a slow lick.

Missy gave out a little gasp when the rabbit's tongue pressed against the lavender silk panties, and Tom rolled his eyes. This little sissy boy had been made to be Daddy's slut. Tom should have been forcing her to do this to someone else... not doing it himself! He was a master he... Daon's paw grabbed the back of his head, pressing his mouth against the wolf's balls. "Take them out. Lick her, suck her." Daon growled, "I want my little girl moaning in the next minute or you'll find out just how creative I can get with your next punishment."

Tom tried, and failed, to pull Missy's panties down with his mouth. It was a motion much more difficult to accomplish without teeth, but Daddy was kind enough to 'help' by pulling his girl's panties down below her balls. The wolf's musky cock and balls flopped onto Tom's face, the pathetic slave's dicklett hard as it was released from its silk prison. The rabbit began to lick the grey-furred orbs as Daddy began rubbing his hands across the young wolf's body, still holding the rabbit's leash.

What followed for Tom was by far the most humiliating oral service in a day filled with an endless series of them.

Oh, he'd gone down on guys all the time before Daddy had caught him and Missy having a harmless spot of fun with Feral. He'd quite enjoyed giving head to the men he had dated. He'd even gone down on slaves before when training them, Missy included. But then, he'd been a free man in control. He had used his mouth to tease and deny the slaves and to please his lovers. He'd make them twitch and buck their hips, almost cumming, and then take it all away. Tom had once prided himself on how good a blowjob he could give. Now, now he was being forced to blow a pathetic little sissy of a slave with absolutely no chance of getting to cum himself.

To make it worse, the damned chastity belt turned on once he had Missy's dick in his mouth. He glared up at Daon, who smiled at him over Missy's shoulder, phone in hand. The damn bear had turned the chastity device on just to make sure that the bunny put on a good show for his girl.

Missy meanwhile, was enjoying the blowjob a great deal. Tom might have spent the day giving head, but that hadn't diminished his ability to please. The wolf gasped, shuddering as the rabbit's lips moved, and once Daddy's big hands began roaming the wolf's body, Edwin was whimpering with pleasure. This was what he'd wanted all day as he'd been teased and tortured, to be touched. To be held and made to feel good. "Do you like that, sweetie?" Daon asked, leaning over his wolf's shoulder and watching as she held her dress up so the rabbit could tongue her balls.

"Yes..." he moaned in reply, squirming in the bear's grip to thrust his hips. Edwin felt the bear tense as his hips moved, and he realized he'd made a mistake. Men fucked with their hips, and Daddy didn't want his little princess to be a man. As Daddy hugged the wolf from behind, Edwin thought furiously about what he could to say to cover the moment up. "But...." Missy whispered, biting her lip. "He's... he's not as good as you are Daddy," the wolf quavered. The bear beamed, and kissed his slave on the cheek.

"Would you like your Daddy to give you your special kiss on your pretty cunt? You've been such a very good girl today, and you deserve release." The wolf nodded, gasping as the bear pinched her nipples through the blouse, paws releasing her skirt so it draped over the rabbit's head as bitch continued bobbing his muzzle up and down her cock.

"Oh yes Daddy, yes, yes, yes," Missy moaned, hanging on the edge of climax as the bear pressed against the wolf's back.

"Good!" Daddy beamed as his paw reached under her skirt and pushed the rabbit's head away from Missy's penis. "I knew you'd rather I give you a proper tonguing than cum in that pathetic dog's muzzle. I'm so proud of you for not falling back into your dirty old boyish ways. Don't worry sweetie, Daddy will make you cum in a ladylike fashion."

The bunny's mouth vanished, and Edwin blinked in surprise as his body unclenched. He'd been on the edge of orgasm, and now... 'Wait..." he thought, "Had Daddy really been planning on letting me get off in Tom's mouth?! No... no way, he wouldn't have... would he? If I hadn't of said anything... Damn it!' Edwin thought furiously, glaring down at Tom as Daddy pulled the wolf's panties back up and caressed the covered groin, fingers teasingly stroking across the silk panties and the eager erection they concealed. "Won't that be better than squirting your pathetic juices, sweetie?" Daddy asked, his voice honey sweet in Edwin's folded ear.

For a moment Missy's face clouded, a pouty look making her even more fuck-able to Daon as she said, "Yes Daddy."

Tom sat back, a slight grin on his face, clearly very glad to no longer be the center of Daddy's attention. Edwin wanted to kick the rabbit. He had been so close! But... there was no point in protesting. If he did, Daddy would simply get mad at him for wanting to be a boy. Besides, the bear would never have let him cum just because it was Bitch that was sucking him off. Right? Maybe Daddy would have just to debase the bunny more.

Instead, Missy would have to cum in the over exaggerated porn way that she'd faked before as the bear gave him blue balls. No real climax would be allowed, just like Daddy had promised.

"You're such a good girl." The bear said as he began unbuttoning his shirt. He tossed it and his suit jacket over Missy's desk chair. The wolf didn't struggle as Daon led her to the bed, trailing kisses down the nape of Missy's neck. The pink collar around the wolf's neck got in the way of his kisses some, but Daon enjoyed the little jingling sound the dog tag marking her as 'Daddy's Missy' made as he kissed her throat.

Daddy began undressing his slave slowly, as if she were a giant present just for him. The bear's thick fingers slowly pulled the straps of her dress off her shoulders, and the fabric fell down, baring Missy's satin bra and leaving her arms slightly tangled in the straps. The tight fitting bra gave the illusion of breasts, and Daddy's fingers began teasing the young wolf's nipples as they began kissing. Daon didn't mind Missy's small breasts, but he would have loved big ones that filled his paws. Ah well, Missy still shuddered and moaned when her nipples were played with through the soft fabric, and the way they got hard so quickly told the bear his girl loved having her breasts touched.

They kissed, staying like that for a while, Daddy's fingers playing with his Missy's nipples. The wolf shivered and trembled under his touch, her nipples becoming two hard points under the bear's fingers. Then, Daddy began exploring her with his paws, touching every inch of his property. He slid a paw up the back of her skirt to grope at her perky rear, fingering and squeezing the perfect round buttocks. Missy jumped and pulled away from his paw, pressing closer into the bear's body as she did. Daddy's other paw lifted the front of her skirt to grope her panties, and Missy pressed herself into that paw wantonly. Daddy kissed her the whole time, until she was so hot and bothered that she moaning his name into their kiss and her paws were clutching at his stomach.

That made Daon's bare chest swell with pride. Daon knew how to treat a woman. If you wanted a woman to cum, foreplay was the key. So it was a good long while before he pulled her dress off, unhooked her bra, and laid her down on the edge of the bed. By the time he did, Missy was panting and spreading her stocking clad legs wantonly, eyes glazed with lust. The bear's paws caressed the slender, youthful wolf's body, fingers tracing up her garter belts to the lavender panties she wore. They looked as good on her as he'd hoped they would when he bought them.

Of course, the panties bulged in a most unladylike way, the fabric straining under the pressure from the erection they were hiding. But that was okay. With the wolf's penis out of sight, Daon wasn't as bothered by it as when she was fully naked and erect. The bulge was alluring in a way, hiding the truth. Besides it was his dick now, right? She'd given it to him.

The bear settled his big paws on her inner thighs, holding her in place. She was his property to play with, and he could do anything he wanted to Missy's little dicklett. Daddy could use it to tease her in any way he wanted. He'd use it and her selfish desires against her, to mold her into the perfect woman.

The bear paused, momentarily taken aback by how intriguing that idea was, but he pushed the thought away. It was a dick yes, but it was attached to a girl. His girl. And it was a dick that belonged to him anyway, not someone else's dick. Nothing to worry about. So he let his tongue brush over the soft lavender silk, and breathed in the combination of her musky scent and the perfume he'd picked out for her.

The reaction he got from her was perfect. Missy moaned at the touch of his tongue, her silk clad legs squirming under his paws as the broad expanse of the bear's tongue swept across the wolf's hidden 'cunt'. The bear repeated the motion slowly, drawing gasps and little barks of pleasure from the wolf with each lick. Doan did that until the silk was wet with his saliva. Then, careful to keep the rest hidden, the bear pulled the wolf's balls free of the silk panties and continued to bathe them with his tongue. Now the wolf was talking between gasps, telling Daddy how good his tongue felt and begging for more.

Daon looked up at Missy's face the whole time, gaze fixed on her twisting muzzle and needy eyes. It was magnificent. She squirmed and thrashed, paws clutching at the sheets. She bit her lower lip and whined, eyes closed tightly as his tongue pleasured her. That expression was his favorite, when her pretty lips bunched in nervousness and need. Missy had the most beautiful mouth, lips that were just made for kissing, but they were just as pretty when she moaned his name.

Daon made her do just that for a while, until the bear couldn't stand the confinement of his pants any longer. He stripped them and his underwear off, letting his pride hang down, and then went right back to licking Missy's 'cunt', and she went back to begging. Daon delighted in making his property gasp and beg for more, and soon the wolf was howling for release, begging him to touch her, to let her cum her naughty boy juices. But the only cock Daon was touching was his own, and he rubbed himself as he listened to Missy whimper and beg. When the bruin's tongue did stray up across the silk bulge, she moaned and howled with pleasure, making music to the bear's ears. There was a significant wet spot in the silk now, and Missy's groin smelled just amazing as his tongue swiped across her 'cunt', making those plump orbs dance. The bear was in heaven, doing exactly what he'd dreamed of for the two years he had waited for his Missy. He was on his knees licking his Missy's cunt and jerking off as she called out his name.

And then a tongue stuck itself in Daon's ass.

The new sensation came as a complete shock. Daon's eyes widened as he felt the blunt wedge of a muzzle push between his cheeks and suddenly a tongue was licking his ass hole. The bear froze, his own tongue curled under one of Missy's balls, cradling the orb in his mouth as an entirely new sensation crawled up his spine as Bitch began to rim his hole. Warm, slick, and sensual, the rabbit's tongue rubbed at his ring slowly. Daon's whole body shivered as Bitch's muzzle pushed hard between Daon's sweaty butt cheeks, spreading them wide as the rabbit's tongue lapped hungrily at the bear's back entrance.

He hadn't heard Bitch come up behind him because of Missy's moaning. His eyes had been locked on Missy's face, who was too lost in her own pleasure to see what Bitch was doing either. Daon had been so intent on Missy that he'd forgotten about the rabbit entirely, and now the bunny's face was pushed into his ass, his tongue lapping at the bruin's hole and making the bear's spine tingle.

The feeling was weird, wet, and so strangely arousing that Daon stayed right where he was, frozen as his ass was eaten out for the first time. Indecision warred in his chest and his heart pounded as the warm tongue caressed his hole. His second instinct was to slap the rabbit away and beat him soundly for touching his ass hole. His first had been to grab the rabbit's head and force him deeper...

"Daddy?" Missy quavered, lifting herself up on her elbows to look down at him. The bear growled and pushed the wolf flat roughly, preventing her from seeing what the rabbit was doing. He couldn't let Missy see him enjoying this! So Daddy began attacking her balls with his lips and tongue, intent on keeping her from noticing anything at all except what he was doing to her. Missy gasped, whimpering as the bear's blunt muzzle resumed its assault on her nuts with renewed vigor. "Oh Daddy, Daaaddy..." the wolf whined her legs squirming as the bear held her down on the bed.

Missy's balls rolled and bobbed under Daon's tongue, her musky scent filling his world as the rabbit's tongue flipped that world upside down. The bear tried to ignore the feeling of the bunny's tongue lapping at his ass, but he couldn't. It felt too good to be ignored. Hell, it felt amazing! Daon's Pride began leaking as he buried his face in Missy's groin, lapping and bathing her balls as his short tail flicked up and he shifted his knees to spread his cheeks wider. The bunny continued his assault on Daon's ass, pushing in deeper; licking at his back entrance so much the bear hardly noticed that the rabbit's tongue began pushing into him. Daon's eyes closed and he moaned, cupping the wolf's balls in his mouth, holding the fragile, musky orbs on his tongue as his own paw worked his pride and his hole slowly penetrated by the rabbit's tongue.

Daon's Pride ached it was so hard. He always got worked up when licking Missy's clit but this... He'd planned to just give Missy her nightly tongue bath and go to bed, maybe jerk off on her chest, but now he had to fuck her. And that would be even better with the tongue. Oh yes, it would.

"Get the lube babe," Daddy said, breath coming in short pants as the bear continued licking, his broad tongue swiping all around the wolf's groin, pushing into the musky crease between leg and groin as the bunny's pushed into his hole. The bear breathed deep, the wolf's musky scent flooding his nose as he licked the space slowly, tongue sliding across to caress the wolf's sack, and then up, brushing over the bulging panties. That made Missy moan, and she fumbled quickly in the bedside drawer for the bottle of lube.

Daon spread his slave's legs, pulling the silk panties further out of the way as he slathered lube across two fingers and pushed them into the young wolf's ass. Missy let out a low moan as Daddy fingered her, her legs spreading even wider than before. The bear smiled, she was reacting just like the slut he wanted her to be. Daon resumed kissing her balls, fingering the moaning wolf, while his own asshole was slowly rimmed. Daon imagined it must have felt akin to what Missy was feeling, because Daon found himself muffling moans with her balls, instead letting his slave vocalize everything for him.

And Missy made a lot of noise. She moaned and squirmed, paws clutching at the sheets as she begged her Daddy to take her. Doan didn't make her wait, climbing up onto the heart shaped bed with her as he slathered lube across his huge dick. Daon lifted one of her legs up and kissed her tenderly, tip pressing to her hole. The big bear's eyes were closing as Missy's eyes widened, as she realized that the bear wasn't going to go slowly. Daddy got his tip inside her as the young wolf struggled, and then thrust his dick into its rightful place, taking her fully with one slow thrust just like their first time together.

Missy cried out loudly just like she had before, and Daon revealed in what he assumed were cries of pleasure that could be heard through the whole house. The bear's eyes were closed, so he didn't see the young wolf's tears, and he was too focused on the way her ass squeezed his dick to notice how she struggled underneath him. The bear didn't even think about giving her the chance to adjust to his size, after all she had been meant for him, she fit his Pride perfectly. Daon simply moaned into his kiss with Missy and began fucking her as the rabbit's tongue returned to his ass.

The bear shuddered, the slick pleasure of the tongue heightened by the way his cock was gripped by Missy's warm cunt now. He shifted his body, laying out over Missy, who struggled a bit before settling into her rightful position underneath him. Daon's only change in the way he fucked Missy this time was that he spread his legs wide and leaned forward so that Bitch could reach his ass more easily. Missy's body was folded beneath his own, her legs lifted up to wrap around his hips, while Daon's hips began making short brutal thrusts. The bear rammed the last four inches of his pride in and out of her, the massive cock plowing deep inside Missy's tight ass. She screamed out in pleasure, or at least Daon thought she did, belting out a series of girlish squeals as they kissed deeply. Missy's legs were squeezing his sides as her paws twisted in the sheets above her head, her body shaking under the force of Daddy's fucking. Daon didn't notice the tears on Missy's cheeks as the bear's huge dick ravaged the young wolf.

The tongue licking his ass did exactly what Daon wanted it too, and moved with him as he fucked Missy. Being rimmed while taking his properties' ass was the most amazing feeling Daon had ever felt. Daon didn't even associate the tongue with Bitch anymore; it was just an unseen force pleasuring him. It dove deep between his hairy cheeks and he drove deeply into Missy. It began pushing against, and then past, the proud ring off his ass hole.

Bitch's tongue was the first thing ever to enter Daon's back door, and he bellowed in pleasure as it did, his own cock plowing deep into the teenage wolf underneath him. He clung to Missy's body, knowing that tonight he would take her fully again and breed her as he had on stage. And it would be soon, he'd never been so turned on before. His body rubbed and ground against Missy as the tongue pushed in deep, curling into a ram that poked in and out of Daon's ass, licking, digging, searching for something just like Daddy's dick did inside Missy.

Daddy eventually broke his kiss with Missy and began panting, staring into his girl's pretty face, which was a mask of pained pleasure. He watched her body jerking as his Pride slammed deep inside her warmth. The young wolf's ass was so much tighter, and more eager, than any true pussy had been ever been through, and it made Daon's spine tingle. The dog tag on her collar jingled, and her chest shook, and Daddy told himself he could see her breasts shake as the bear took her. Daon could feel his orgasm growing close and felt his balls draw up as that tongue invaded him. His dick throbbed as he bottomed out fully in Missy and her ass clenched down hard, milking the base of his dick just the way he liked it. She was an amazing woman to know instinctively how to please him like that.

Daon kissed her again, pounding her ass hard with his dick, letting go instead of holding back, intent on breeding her as the rabbit's tongue danced and licked his ass. The bear stared down at his slave in awe, amazed by how her body fit with his. At the way the little tag on her collar jingled each time he thrust in, forever marking her as his. It felt different to the wolf of course, as the bear's huge dick spread her open rapidly and painfully, but the bear didn't notice that.

All he noticed was the look of growing pleasure on her face. The wolf was gasping and shaking, panting hard as she clutched at the pillow below her head. The young wolf twisted and moaned, biting her lower lip and whimpering like mad. Daon loved that look, and it made him rut her even harder. "Aaah, aaah Daddy! Daddy, I'm going to cum Daddy!" Missy cried out, her muzzle pressed against his own as the bear took her fully, cock slamming deep into her. "Daddy, Daddy stop I'm going to cum! Daddy, I'm going to cum! Oh god Daddy please, don't stop Daddy!" Missy's voice rose in pitch, becoming almost desperate, and she struggled uselessly against him. Missy's paw pushed hard against the bear's chin, trying to force him off, but the bear kept right on breeding her. In fact her struggling made him fuck her even harder. Then, Missy's arms surrounded his neck and she hollered out her second girly orgasm. "Oh Daddy, Daddy, Daddy I'm cumming Daddy! Daaaaddieee!" Her girlish voice peaked as the bear slammed fully inside and joined her, his back arching as he came with a bellowing roar. Daon's whole body shook, hips jerking in spasms as he pounded that last inch of his Pride home again and again into Missy's shuddering hole. His own stub tail was held up as his hole was licked by the tongue rimming his ass hole as the bear came harder than he ever had in his life.

Daddy held that position, his dick throbbing hard as he felt Missy's ass tighten around him. She was squeezing, milking his dick as he finished inside her. Daon roared again, holding himself in the act of that last thrust, balls deep into his property. His dick pulsed as Missy's ass clenched hard around his shaft. He could feel his Pride throbbing deep inside his girl, his Missy as she took him, Daon's huge dick seeding his property's hole as his own was slowly tongue fucked.

The big bear revealed in the moment, his balls draining into his pet, his eyes locked with hers as she stared up at him in that same orgasmic bliss. Slowly, careful not to put any weight on her slender body, Daon leaned down and kissed her, his perfect woman. The bear ravished the young wolf's mouth with his tongue, just like the tongue had ravished his ass. It was still trying to now, but the moment of lust was passing, and now the sensation felt weird and gross. Daon absent mindedly shoved the body connected to that tongue away with one foot. His ears didn't even twitch when he heard the thump as Bitch tumbled off the bed.

All he could hear was Missy as she moaned into their kiss. All he could feel was her warm, tight ass around his cock as he slowly went soft inside her. All he cared about were her slender, yet strong, limbs as they wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him deeper into the kiss, deeper into her.

Missy hadn't done that before. Usually she pulled away afterwards, but this time she held him close against her body as he slipped out of her tight warmth. She also hadn't looked at him like that before, with a happy smile and loving eyes.

The bear eventually broke the kiss to breath, panting hard, just like Missy was. He stared down into her eyes. Eyes full of love, full of compassion as she stroked his face. "Oh Daddy," she whispered, still panting as she held him tightly. "That was wonderful."

"That's right Missy," the bear smiled, beaming as she hugged him. "You love feeling your big Daddy bear inside you, don't you honey?" It felt amazing to have her hold him like this in the afterglow, his dick still deep inside her as she nodded her agreement.

Daon lay there on top of her, smiling, beaming down at his beautiful she wolf, the perfect woman who seemed to have been made just for him. They lay together, kissing tenderly, as Daddy basked in the pleasure of being with his Missy.

Daon didn't feel the wetness until it had soaked through the fur of his belly, and he didn't think anything of it until his arms got tired and he rolled over off Missy several minutes later so they lay side by side. His bladder had that full feeling it often got after he came, and he intended to have Missy help him relieve that pressure. The bear rubbed his belly, saying in a satisfied voice, "Oh, that was so amazing babe I don't want to get up. Be a good girl, and give Daddy Full..."

The bear's bladder was instantly forgotten as the scent of wolf semen hit his nose, and his paw came back from his belly sticky. He sniffed it, just to make sure, but it was cum. There was no denying it.

Daon sat up suddenly, and turned to Missy. She lay there, naked except for her slender stocking and silk panties that were now soaking wet with cum. She was looking at him with a confused expression, and she didn't even try hiding the evidence. Missy's balls still dangled out of one side where they had been pulled free for Daddy to lick, but the fabric no longer bulged with a hidden erection. Daon cupped the wolf's balls with his sticky paw. They felt smaller somehow for being emptied.

"You.... came!" The bear snarled, his paw squeezing the disobedient orbs. Missy gasped in pain, and her ears swept back as her face became a mask of fear. The bear's anger at being disobeyed warred for a moment with his revulsion with being covered in cum as Missy twisted in pain as the bear's paw squeezed her balls.

"I told you Daddy," Missy whimpered, her tail curling between his legs to cover her groin. She put her other paw out in front of her, begged him with her eyes. "I said... I said I was cumming... I warned you-" she yelped as the bear's rage welled up and he grabbed her paws and pushed her down on the bed hard, his weight crushing her as the anger won.

"What did I tell you! You aren't a boy anymore!" Daon shouted, growling like a chainsaw, his rage burning as she cringed away from him, fear in every line of her body. She was petrified of him. That's what made Daon pause, and in that moment of hesitation, the hot knife of anger twisted and stabbed him in the belly. Daon's face flushed with embarrassment at his own stupidity.

She had warned him. She'd warned him! Missy had called out that she was cumming, and she had even tried to stop him! He remembered the wolf's paws pushing against his chest hard, but in the moment he hadn't listened. In a moment of lust he'd taken her, overpowered her, and taken away her ability to obey him. She'd had another of her boy orgasms, hands free this time, cumming all over them both as his Pride pleasured her. Half hard and slick with cum, Missy's cock bounced as he shook her, and the scent was overpowering in Daon's nose.

The bear turned away, paws clutching the sheets as shame colored his face. He was angry at her, furious at himself, and embarrassed at the pride he felt for having made her cum without pawing. He'd never even done that with a woman before, he'd always had to use his mouth to make Rebecca cum, it was why he was so good with his tongue. But... she'd disobeyed him. That had to be punished. So Daddy rolled Missy onto her back, forcing her legs apart, intending to spank her balls soundly for disobeying him.

Missy yelped, trying to scramble away as she was turned over, "No! No Daddy please, I'll be good! I'll be a good girl I swear!" The bear adjusted her over his knee, legs spread so her balls were perched on his thigh for a good spanking. Missy yelped loudly, "I tried not to cum Daddy, but you, you kept rubbing me, and you wouldn't stop Daddy! I did what you said, Daddy! I did what you said..." Missy dissolved into tears, covering her face with his hands, and the bear hesitated again. Missy was so frightened she was crying, and he hadn't even begun paddling her. Out of the corner of his eyes, there was a flash of white fur. Bitch was crawling across the floor to the bathroom, trying to get away from the bed to hide.

The bear's rage flared again, this time turning on the bunny rabbit. "You!" the bear bellowed, and Bitch jumped. The bunny began scrambling away as the bear pushed missy off, leapt off the bed and grabbed his leash, pulling hard and jerking Bitch back to him. The bunny flailed his gloved paws uselessly as Daon slapped him hard in the face. "You! You're why she lost control!" Daddy shouted, his face growing hot with humiliation at the lie.

Bitch and his skilled tongue were why he, Daon, had lost control not Missy. But he was unable to admit that, which only made the bear angrier. "I'm going to show you what happens to people who make my girl disobey me..." the bear growled.


Edwin sat up on the bed, shaking with relief. He couldn't believe it. He'd thought the bear was about to spank him like he had before when Edwin had, just once, told him how he really felt about the bear. Or worse just tear his balls off. Instead, all that anger was now directed solely at Bitch. The rabbit was going to suffer whatever punishment Daddy had in mind instead.

The young wolf had thought he was finally breaking through with the bear when his Daddy didn't stop him from cumming. their lovemaking had been rough, but that was only because it had been passionate. Edwin had seen the look in Daon's eyes as they fucked, and there had been complete and total love in the bear's expression. He'd been... genuinely happy when the bear had finished inside him.

It made Edwin's stomach churn just thinking about it. He'd actually enjoyed having sex with a man who claimed he was nothing but property. Edwin had laid under the bear after they finished and imagined what things might be like if every day ended like this, with the bear finally pushing him over the edge and making him cum after a day of orgasm denial. It hadn't been that horrible an idea. Yes he'd be a slave, but at least he'd be allowed to enjoy all the sex he was having. He might even be able to get Daddy to care about him. Daddy's eyes said they cared, even if the bear's lips spoke words that said otherwise. Then, when he realized what happened, Daddy's face had twisted with rage and his paw had squeezed down, and Edwin had been certain he was in for the worst punishment session of his life.

So he watched in disbelief as the big brown bear dragged his former trainer over to the writing desk and bent him over the girlish wooden table for a punishment that was meant for Missy. The white rabbit struggled as girly fashion magazines were scattered to the floor, but Daddy had a grip on the leash connected to the rabbit's collar and all the muscle in this equation. The big bear pushed Bitch face down on the desk without any trouble, completely overpowering the slender rabbit. Unsurprisingly, the desk was just the right height for the task of bending someone over for a spanking, perfectly exposing Bitch's perky white ass. Bitch's leash gave the bear a handy way to tie him in place, and soon the bunny was tethered to the top of the desk, ass in the air, feet just barely touching the floor.

Edwin winced a little when he saw that the bunny's caged cock pressed into the edge of the desk. If it weren't for the hard tube of plastic around the bunny's cock protecting him, Tom's dick would have been painfully slammed into the hard wooden edge of the table. The bunny turned his head towards Edwin, and the teenage wolf could just make out what the bunny was trying to say. Tom's mouth was forming the words, "No! No! No!" over and over again, and fear filled his expression.

The first slap of Daon's big paw on the rabbit's right cheek was like a thunderclap in the quiet pink room, and Edwin flinched at the rabbit's reaction. Tom jumped, an unfamiliar jolt of pain making his eyes go wide as he tried to grab the desk for leverage to escape, his gloved paws unable to find purchase.

"Feel that Bitch?" Daddy snarled, "This is what happens when you interfere with my Missy." Another slap rang out as the bunny's other cheek was hit, and this time the bear squeezed the cheek roughly afterwards. The bear's paw began spanking Bitch's ass, hard smacks punctuating each word the bear spoke. "You know I went back and reviewed your time with Missy, you know? Had to make sure you hadn't poisoned her against me. I saw your little rimming session with her, and now you do this?" The rabbit's white fur was developing a pinkness to it as the bear's hard spanking continued. "If you're so obsessed with asses, Bitch, I'll have to pay more attention to yours. spread your legs and lift your tail for this. Lift it!" The bear shouted as he jerked the white tuft of the rabbit's tail up, eliciting a look of real pain from the rabbit. "You'll thank me for this once you've learned your place." Daon growled, as Tom struggled like mad on the desktop, eyes wide and mouth open in silent screaming as his balls were struck with powerful blows from Daddy's paw.

Edwin flinched as the rabbit flailed about with renewed vigor. He knew from experience that when Daddy was angry, a ball spanking from him wasn't fun, and the bear was showing no mercy this time. Tom and the other at the training facility had used spanking as a training technique of course, but not like this. Those spanking sessions had been some kind of twisted sexual foreplay, and always led to the bunny mounting him. But Tom had started slow, warming Edwin's ass up over time until the wolf was begging the trainer to stop, and would do anything to make it stop. It had been a sexual game that Edwin was supposed to lose, but Daddy wasn't playing.

"Feel that Bitch?" The bear growled, his paw returning to spanking the rabbit's ass, his palm turning the white rabbit's butt a bright red through the white fur. "Feel it? You finally beginning to understand that your life is nothing, aren't you? All because you dared touch my Missy." Edwin flinched as the bear's paws rained blows down onto Tom's ass. The bunny rabbit thrashed, hands frantically trying to find purchase as his legs kick. He was trying desperately to say something, his silent lips forming unrecognizable words. He desperately tried to plead with the naked bear paddling his ass, but it was useless. Daddy didn't even try to make sense of the rabbit's protests. Nothing Tom tried to communicate meant anything to Daon right now.

On the bed, Missy watched in silence, the wolf's face growing hot as he watched the naked bear dominate the bunny. If Daddy had been spanking him like that, Missy was sure she'd be screaming and begging him to stop. she would say anything to make that kind of pain stop. Tom was certainly trying to, but he no longer even had the option of begging for mercy. 'Not that any of them ever listened to me when I begged.' Edwin thought maliciously, enjoying the way Tom thrashed. How many times had Tom and the other trainers been displeased with the service he gave them and inflicted painful punishment like this? He'd lost count. It had only been eight weeks, but by the end he had stopped rebelling entirely. That had been exactly what the Trainers had wanted of course, an obedient little slave to sell to a dominating master.

Daddy shifted the way he was spanking again and began mixing in slaps to Bitch's balls alongside the butt paddling. The sound of the bare skin of the bear's paw pads smacking against the denuded skin of Bitch's nude sack was louder than the smacks on his ass. Tom's whole body arched when a swing hit his balls, pulling hard on his leash, trying to escape, a silent scream of pain as the rabbit's orbs were trapped between Daddy's firm paw and the wood of the desk. Bitch flailed, struggling in vain as the bear turned the rabbit's ass and bruised balls a deep red.

Missy could see Tom's face as he took her punishment, and the bunny looked like he was absolutely frantic. He looked utterly terrified, in horrible pain, and... no. It couldn't be... could it? Was Tom getting aroused? Was he... yes. Tom wasn't just thrashing to escape, he was thrusting his hips against the desk! The rabbit's caged dick was rock hard thanks to Dr. Stone's edging device, even as his ass and balls were beaten red. he was getting off on his punishment, even though that clearly made everything worse for him.

Missy shifted position for a better view, peering at the rabbit's cock cage, and understood the full extent of the hell Bitch was in. With Feral locked in another room for most of the day as Bitch performed Missy's 'chores' at the glory hole, the bunny would have been unable to stop the cage from staying active. That meant he'd been hard the entire day as he blew all those servants. Tom had endured probably eight or ten hours of slow, endless edging while his mouth was used over and over again. Then, even after he'd been fucked by the dog, Daddy had just turned the device back on.

The rabbit was so horny that he was desperately trying to use the pain of the spanking to force himself over the edge. Tom had just enough leverage to thrust his hips, and with the cage pinned against the desk he was able to shift the cock cage back and forth just a little, just enough for friction on his dick. With the spanking adding to it, the rabbit probably would be able to get off even if the chastity cage stopped teasing him.

Edwin was sure the rabbit was going to succeed and get his rocks off as Daddy punished him, but as the spanking and the rabbit's arousal intensified, Dr. Stone's cleverly designed chastity device had one more trick to play. There was a buzzing sound like an alarm, a crackle, and Tom's face changed from hazy pleasure to absolute pain. He thrashed for real now, pulling hard on the leash to escape, but he didn't shift more than a few inches as Daon continued spanking him. The wolf's nose soon confirmed what he suspected had just happened when the sharp but faint smell of ozone reached his sensitive nose.

The chastity device had delivered a sharp shock to Tom's cock, like a Taser to the dick, which sent the bunny into spasms of pain rather than the ecstasy of orgasm. Daddy didn't even seem to notice, he just kept on spanking, working out all his anger. Edwin watched in horrified fascination and the rabbit collapsed onto the desk unmoving, the bunny's caged dick went soft. The bunny rabbit lay there in shocked pain for a few smacks, and then device began to vibrate and stroke him again. Tom's eyes widened and his face contorted as he whimpered a silent 'Nooooooo...' as his dick was forced to get hard and dripping again as the rabbit's backside was bruised a bright red and his balls were reintroduced to suffering. It didn't matter how much pain Daon inflicted, or how much Tom got into it, Tom was on the edge of orgasm the whole time and yet would be endlessly denied.

Edwin met Tom's eyes, watching as the rabbit took the punishment and was forced to enjoy every slap of Daddy's paw. For a moment, the bunny seemed to be pleading for help, but there wasn't anything Edwin could have done, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. Seeing Daddy being so dominant was... Edwin's face felt hot as he watched the bear's dick growing hard again. The huge shaft was bouncing now as Daddy's paw continued punishing Bitch. Daddy was getting hard just from the excitement of dominating his slave. The wolf didn't want to admit it, but it turned Edwin on too, and he wanted to see Daddy just ram his cock into the rabbit's ass.

That didn't happen. When his anger finally subsided, the bear hauled the sobbing bunny to the door of Feral's room and hurled the slender bunny through it. There was no cry of pain or protest as Bitch tumbled through the door, but only because Daon had already made sure the rabbit slave could never speak out in his own defense again.


Daon slammed the door to the other room shut, his chest heaving as he turned back to Missy. His rage was gone now, drained away by the exertion of beating Bitch's ass and balls dark red. That had been... thrilling in its own way. Dominating someone so completely had revved him up again. At least, until the sheer humiliation of his failure with Missy came rushing back to fill his chest.

Thinking about it made his cheeks hot as he stared at the... girl... he'd just finished fucking in the ass. Missy's jizz was still smeared liberally across them both, and it was entirely his own fault. The scent heavy in the air just like his own musk was. It smelled of his feisty she-wolf, and tickled something in the bear's balls that made his face even hotter.

Daon worked his jaw, watching Missy as the wolf lay cringing on the bed. Even now she looked so god damn fuck-able. She'd scrambled up the bed to the headboard, so that the big heart shaped bed framed her pretty, slender body. Her legs were curled up and twisted to one side, her perky butt stuck out as she hid her troublesome little dicklett from view. The slinky lavender stockings on her legs highlighted her perky ass, her tail curled down over a hole he knew was already leaking his seed. Just the sight of her made his dick hard. "Well babe," the bear said heavily, "I suppose I should have expected you to lose control like that," Daon said as calmly as he could, trying not to breathe the alluring scent of her cum in too deeply. "I'm just too much of a real man for you, aren't I babe?" The naked bear climbed up onto the bed, the mattress depressing under his weight. He loomed over the cowering wolf and gently caressed Missy's cheek as she nodded.

Fear made Edwin's chest tight as he looked up at his owner, who was acting very strangely. "Yes Daddy, you were," the wolf whispered soothingly, trying to placate the man. The bear's attitude reminded him of how Daon had acted after the incident with Feral, all quiet and introspective. Edwin decided this might be an opening to try something. "Your cock is just so big Daddy and it feels so good inside me..." Edwin reached out, only hesitating a little, and began to rub the bear's chest. He wasn't sure that turning the bear on was a good idea, but he did it anyways. He didn't want to give the bear looming over him any reason to do to him what Daddy had done to Bitch, but he had to make the bear enjoy giving him orgasms somehow. "That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt..." the wolf said earnestly, and he wished it wasn't so true.

"My Pride drives you wild doesn't it?" Daddy rumbled as Missy's paws rubbed his chest, and he flexed a little for his girl, moving the muscles under her paws.

"Oh yes Daddy, I can't get enough..." One of the wolf's paws stroked down to rub at the bear's half hard erection. "It makes me feel so good when you fuck me, Daddy. It's natural for a girl to love her Daddy so much she squirts her girly juices like that."

"Well..." the bear said heavily, his paw rubbing Missy's cheek, "I guess it is..." Edwin felt a swell of hope and he couldn't keep the smile off his muzzle. "We'll have to make sure that isn't a problem in the future." Edwin felt his chest go tight again as Daon reached over, pulled open the bedside table drawer, and brought out Dr. Stone's patented chastity device.

"No!" Missy whimpered in despair as she saw it, "No Daddy please, no, no!" The teenage wolf tried to get up, but the bear was sitting on his lower legs, and could pin him down in an instant. Edwin pushed feebly against Daddy for a moment, before realizing how pointless it was. He couldn't overpower the big bear, he couldn't escape even if he did, and trying would only make it worse. There was nothing he could do, Edwin told himself, but his face still burned as he sat there and let Daddy begin to fit the cock cage around his limp dick.

"Please Daddy, don't do this. I'll be a good girl!" Edwin begged, paws clutching at the bear's arms, panic over taking the young man as the ring part was put around his balls. "You... you said I could earn one orgasm a month. That you'd decide when I came with your penis." The wolf began inventing desperately as she begged him not to put the chastity device back on her, and for a moment Daon's fingers hesitated.

Sensing the opening, Missy turned on the charm, saying coyly, "You just decided it should be tonight. You wanted to use both your cocks tonight." She knew it sounded stupid the moment she said it, but Missy was desperate enough to say anything and it was too late to take it back. "It's our first night together, in our bed, with me utterly yours... I gave myself to you, and you wanted everything." The wolf sniffled, tears leaking down his cheeks. "And tonight you had it. Please Daddy, it felt so good with you inside me. I want that every day, just like that Daddy... please Daddy." Daon was torn between her pleading eyes and his embarrassment at having not realized what was happening. Pride at being too much for her warred with his disgust at having her pathetic boy cum all over himself. The sticky seed had ruined what had otherwise been a perfect moment of bliss with his Missy, but it wasn't her fault. The alluring scent of her perfume and musk tickled his nose as Missy pulled him close. He almost gave in...

But the chastity device had already welcomed her naughty dicklett back into its embrace, and it was slowly stroking her, making his girl hard again. The young wolf's legs squirmed slightly as his dick went hard, making the bear look down at...

At a raging erection. A man's dick, that had just cum all over him. That sight made the bear's resolve harden.

"No, princess. You need a firm hand," Daddy said in a cold tone. "You need to learn that you don't get, or want, or need, to squirt your pathetic little boy cum anymore. Ever again," the bear pushed Missy against the headboard and grabbed her muzzle, forcing the young man to look him in the eye. "All your pleasure comes from me now, Missy." The bear turned the key, locking the cage around her disobedient penis.

"I know it does Daddy. Please Daddy, this was just this month's orgasm," the wolf begged, "you just gave it to me early Daddy, please, please..." the wolf broke down sobbing. "Please don't do this," the wolf whimpered, but it was already done. The lock was firmly shut and Daddy had put away the key.

Missy started shaking as her shameful little penis went rigid in the stroking, teasing cage. The bear stayed kneeling over her, watching Missy's face as she cried and began to squirm, her sobbing eventually becoming a harsh panting as her cock was teased back to its full size, and was soon dripping precum. Daon watched her for a few minutes, eyeing his girl as she squirmed and whimpered.

The bear reached his paw down and cupped the wolf's low hanging balls, coming to a decision. "I think, sweetie, that even though I enjoy licking them we are going to have to get rid of these. You've tried babe, and I'm proud of you for it, but we can't have accidents like this again." The bear's fingers played with the wolf's balls, as if bidding them goodbye. "I'll call Dr. Stone and have Bishop take you there tomorrow. Then you can..."

Edwin didn't really hear what the bear said next, because his chest was so tight that the world seemed to dim around him. Edwin stared up at the bear that crouched over him, calmly fondling the nuts he was going to have removed. And Bishop was going to take him to the clinic, to Dr. Stone. Hot tears burned their way down Edwin's cheeks. Daddy had been so sweet tonight, so loving... he'd enjoyed making love to the bear for once. He'd been good, he'd done everything the bear wanted, but it didn't matter what he did, he was going to end up like... like...

He'd been kidnapped from school, pushed around and beaten down for months, his body used and abused as he was trained to be a slave. Since becoming Daddy's property, he'd been desperately horny the entire time as well, and the bear was going to keep him that way forever. Everything that had happened in the last two days swirled in his head, and Edwin couldn't deal with it anymore. His vision was so dark now he could barely see Daddy right in front of him.

Mason arranging for him to be in the same room as his real father to entrap him. Daddy having him perform on stage. A blowjob to wake Daddy up. Having to 'thank' the staff with blowjobs. Then another to say good bye, and another to earn his dinner. Having to endure being Bishop's plaything while Daddy was at work. Was this what every day was going to be like?

He'd been forced to cum, and now that was being used to take his balls away? Something broke in Edwin, like a bone in his chest snapping. No, no more, the wolf thought. His hand darted between Daddy's legs, grabbed the bear's heavy nut sack, and squeezed.

"No!" The wolf snapped viciously, his paw tightening down harder than he'd ever squeezed anything before, let alone a man's nuts. Daddy's eyes opened wide and he made a soft gasping sound as Edwin growled in his face, "You'll lose your balls first, you fucking pervert! Don't you ever threaten me with castration again, you hear me? I'll tear your nuts off with my teeth if I have to!" the wolf snarled in the bear's face, all his fear, humiliation, and despair boiling over into rage.

The bear's body went rigid, his back straightened and eyes went wide as he stared into Edwin's gaze. The teenage wolf didn't let up, didn't relax his grip one bit as Daon shifted forward, leaning in close. The bear's big paw reached forward, and Edwin thought for sure this was it. He'd gone too far, and now the bear was going to ki-

Daddy's paw grabbed Edwin's free hand, and urgently pulled it beside the one holding his balls. "Use both hands," Daddy gasped out, pain making the words strained as he put his paws on the headboard and straddled the wolf. "Whatever you say Missy, just... harder..." Daddy moaned.

Edwin gaped up at the bear in shock, and got another surprise when Daddy's huge erection slapped the wolf in the face. The bear was hard as a rock again as Edwin squeezed his nuts. The wolf started to say something, but when he opened his mouth Daddy shoved his rekindled erection into Missy's throat and went to town, humping like he had never been so turned on before. The wolf squeezed and firmly pushed against Daddy's balls, using them to force the bear to go slower so his huge cock wouldn't choke and bruise the back of his throat so roughly.