A RedQuest Tale - Chapter 8 (Clean)

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#8 of A RedQuest Tale

A RedQuest Tale

Chapter 8 - Preparations for the Queen's Birthday Party.

King Fleetpaw rested his elbows onto the window sill from his room and looked outside to the open which lay in front of him. He was dressed in fine light blue top, made of the highest quality. Around his waist was a fine belt that held a gold shaped leaf buckle. To the side was a small ceremonial sword, resting in its sleeve. From ahead of him, the king watched out to the view in front of him. Guards were keeping watch on the battlements; children were playing in the garden down below as he smiled to the sounds of their laughter. Twitching his fluffed and well groomed tail about behind, the king gave a happy sigh as he heard the door knock gently. Calling out as he turned his head to the door. "Come in." He turned his head back as he heard someone come in and smiled. "Ah, Rowan, what can I do for you?"

The ferret came in slowly, carrying a tray which she slowly came to the table and placed it down. "Sir, I have brought you your lunch." She paused as she watched the king continue to look outside and slowly made her way over to where he was standing. "Do you wish for me to take it away sire?" She moved her head to the side in question.

King Fleetpaw shook his head. "No, I will come in a moment, let it cool slightly." He gave s sniff and smiled. "I see the cook has made some cook leek and carrot soup and is that fresh bread I can smell?"

Rowan nodded her head. "It is sire. He thought a quick easy lunch would suit his needs before tonight's main feast." She turned her head to look outside of the window and churred softly to herself that slowly turned into a whistle.

The king turned his head to look at the young ferretess and placed his paw on her shoulder. "My dear friend, you have been so good to me and my wife in your duties. Please, take some time off and enjoy the view. You have to admit that it is quite wonderful."

Leaving Rowan at the balcony, the king made his way back into the main living quarters and sat down on the wooden chair, with feathered pillow cushions to give extra comfort. Picking up a fresh small loaf of bread, the squirrel pulled it apart and dipped it into the thick soup before taking a bite.

Rowan leant on the balcony and looked further out from where the far end walls of the castle lay, she started to daydream in wonder of what actually lay out there amongst the trees of the forest on one side and the grassy fields which was led to be believed to something called the sea on the other, past the vast grass hills. Drumming her fingers on the balcony, she slowly snapped back to reality and turned around, making her way back into the room fully. "Is everything to your satisfaction sire?" She enquired.

King Fleetpaw nodded his head and nodded for the ferret to sit down on one of the chairs. "Tell me, do you know where my wife is today?" He gave the ferret a look before dipping in another piece of warm fresh bread.

Rowan nodded her head. "She was last seen eating the same meal as you, sire in the castle library. She was looking for her book that went missing. She should be there all day."

Nodding his head, the squirrel chuckled. "Where did you hide the book?"

Tapping the side of her nose, Rowan gave a sly grin. "If you don't mind, sire, I can't tell you all of my hiding places, sire. They come in handy for when it is your turn for a surprise."

King Fleetpaw gave a hearty chuckle and slapped his belly with his paws. "Yes, how very true. I so hope that she will like the surprise party in honour of her birthday. But please." He quietened down slightly. "Is her present ready?" He looked at the ferret now with concerned eyes. "Please tell me that the present will be ready."

Rowan nodded her head, three times very quickly. "It will be ready. Word from our blacksmith is that the necklace with the pearl that was brought to us a few seasons ago will be made into a necklace."

Leaning back in his chair, the king looked happy and relieved. "I am glad that is so; I would be so distressed if I couldn't get her a decent present. Do you think she like it?"

Rowan answered as truthfully as she could. "I am sure that she will adore it, sire. Do you wish to know more of the plans for the party?" She saw the king nod his head before going back to eating his meal, taking a few stops to wipe his muzzle on a napkin while listening to Rowan explain things.

Looking down at her paws, the ferret began to count everything off as she talked from her fingers. "Well, let's see. The food preparation is going well. Should see the main cook, though down there, if he was able to go bald, I would suppose he would be by now as he's a bit stressed out at the moment."

She paused as she saw the king chuckle and shake his head. "Oh, Benjin." The king patted his side with a grin. "He really does try his best, doesn't he?" He pushed the empty bowl away from him and grinned. "I make a point to give him extra praise tonight if the food is excellent though."

Rowan bobbed her head. "Oh I have no doubt sir. He has been up all night preparing many fine dishes and a surprise for you both. Sorry sire but I have to put my foot down and bar you from the kitchens for today at least."

King Fleetpaw gave Rowan a look and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I am barred from my own kitchens?" Shrugging his shoulders he got up from his chair and padded about the room with paws clasped behind his back. "Oh dearie, dearie me. What is a king to do when he can't go down to his own kitchens for a snack, hmmm?" He grinned at himself while standing with his back to the ferret. Twiddling his paws slightly he coughed. "You do know that this could be classed as treason?"

Rowan swallowed hard and looked about the room as she replied back. "B-but sire. I-it's not treason, we just er." She licked her dry lips and swallowed again nervously. "But it wouldn't be a surprise if you saw it before this evening."

King Fleetpaw was trying very hard on not laughing as he replied back to her. "Rowan, please go down to the kitchens and inform the head cook that I am not pleased with being barred from my own kitchens and that whoever brought up this idea should be hung by the end of the day."

Rowan got up and bowed her head to the king. "A-as you wish, sire." She went to take hold of the bowl and began to place it on the tray but it rattled as her paw was shaking. The king turned around and shook his head as he watched her. "Rowan, I was joking." The king's face was smiling back at the ferret. "I wouldn't want to go down there anyways while Benjin's busy cooking. Even I know that he owns those kitchens, not I." Giving off a soft chuckle, he patted his belly. "And if he continues to make such wonderful meals, he's quite entitled to have that part of the castle."

Feeling relieved, Rowan nodded her head as she gave a quiet sigh of relief and picked up the tray. "Thank you, sire. Is that all?" She stood there, looking at the king while she waited to be excused from the room.

King Fleetpaw nodded his head. "Yes, that is all for now. Could you give Benjin my compliments on a marvellous lunch and while you are at it, if you see that young mouse Mortimer. Could you please send him up here? I need him to help me sort out my clothes for this evening."

Giving the king a courtesy, Rowan turned around and left the king as she made her way out of the door. King Fleetpaw made his way back to a table and poured a beaker of red liquid. Moving to the balcony, the squirrel gave the contents a sip and sighed happily. There wasn't anything like a cool drink of strawberry wine.


Queen Finepetal scratched her head as she looked through another set of books that a librarian had placed down on the table and shook her head. "No, that's not it. Are you sure you haven't had a book brought back by mistake?"

Clover shook her head, making her long ears shake about slightly out of place. Moving a paw up to brush them back to their usual standing position. "No but I wasn't on yesterday, had a lot of chores to do elsewhere in running after Spikenose. He had a few overdue books that he took out and never returned and-."

The queen put up a paw and shook her head. "Please Clover; I can't cope with a long story about what you were doing yesterday." Getting up, she sighed and started to head towards the door leading out of the library. "I suppose the book isn't here after all. I should make my way back to my room."

Clover looked worried and made her way to the door and blocked the way. "Er, your majesty, you can't leave yet. We haven't checked all of the room yet and besides." The rabbit looked about and then saw something that interested her. Before Finepetal could speak, the rabbit made her way to where her desk was and picked up a few scrolls. "Some of the children had written short stories." Clover shook her head slowly, while placing the scrolls on the desk. "I forgot all about it. Spikenose asked me if you or for the king to go through them and pick a winner. There are some drawings as well."

Staring at the rabbit in disbelief, the queen shook her head and made her way to the desk but gave Clover a frown. "Am I not even going to get an apology for stopping me leave this room?" The queen slowly placed her paws on his hips and stared at the rabbit.

Clover shuffled about uneasy and bowed her head. "I am sorry, ma'am. I know that you are sad that you could not find your book. And this only just came back to me as you were heading out. I thought it would cheer you up to read what they have written?"

Nodding her head, Queen Finepetal sat down on the chair and fixed her dress carefully. Looking at Clover, she smiled. "I accept your apology. Please sit down and let's get this started. You are right after all. I like to see how our children our doing, since they are our future."

Clover gave a sigh of relief and handed over the first scroll to the queen as she sat down in her chair and spoke slowly. "The one you have in your paw now is from a young mouse, Joey. As you can see, they had to write about something that they liked about the castle and he chose to write a small piece about the garden."


Rowan came down the stairs and blinked to the heat in the kitchens as she made her way through past the many cooks moving about as she could hear the loud voice of Benjin shouting orders. "Make sure that custard doesn't overheat. It's to go into that apple pie. No, no, no. That's not how I asked for the pastry, it's far too thin. Roll it out again." Pausing in his shouting he spotted Rowan standing by the table and grinned making his way over to her. "Ah, good to see that you are back, how did the King like his meal?"

Rowan grinned. "He said that the meal was marvellous and well done on the soup." She grinned as she saw the cook look proud and coughed. "Is the queen's meal ready yet? I have to go take that up to her and see how Clover is getting on in keeping her majesty busy."

Benjin frowned and called over to one of the voles. "You were preparing the queen's meal earlier. Where did you put it?" He saw the vole turn around and reply back. "It safe within one of the store rooms sir. Shall I go get it?"

Benjin nodded his head. "Yes, go get it so that Rowan here can go take it up to her." Turning his head back to the ferret he smiled. "I have some left over soup for you on your return. It's keeping warm on top of one of the shelves above the stove over there. After that I need you to help me make final adjustments to the cake if you don't have any other duties."

Rowan shook her head. "I don't think I will today. Oh that reminds me, have you seen that young mouse, Mortimer? The king wants him to go up to his quarters." She looked about. "I thought he was supposed to be working here right now?"

Benjin shook his striped tail in annoyance. "I had to send him away. You should see him sulking outside." Quickly moving his paw to jerk a black thumb in the general direction of the door. "He was just getting in the way. Go out there and pass your message on. I be glad to get rid of him. Don't worry about rushing back too quickly; the queen wanted a salad today."

Nodding her head, Rowan left Benjin to go back to giving out orders to the others in the kitchens, pausing to grab two scones from a cooling plate before opening the main door to get out into the fresh air. Closing the door behind her, she looked down the steps and saw Mortimer sitting on the bottom step, sulking. Coming down the steps slowly, she spoke calmly. "Mortimer. Are you okay?"

Mortimer sniffed and wiped his nose and eyes on his sleeve before turning to face Rowan and nodded his head. "I am fine. It's just Benjin's such a control freak in there. I couldn't do anything right in there. I don't want to be a cook or a servant you know."

Sitting down beside him, the ferret nodded and placed a friendly paw around his neck. "Shh, it's okay. It's just a bad day that's all. Benjin's just too busy to actually teach you anything." Bringing up her paw, she winked at him. "Here, let's have this to eat and stop crying. You don't want to see the king see you red eyed, do you?"

Mortimer blinked. "The king? He's asked for me, I should go." He started to get up but Rowan pulled him back down again and shook her head. "Eat this first as it give you time to calm down." Watching him take a bite of the scone, she turned to look at her own and picked it up. Brushing some dirt from the bottom, the ferret took a bite as well and chewed while she listened to her friend.

The mouse sighed and spoke. "I just wish I could get a chance to learn more and become a teacher. I read books every night under the candle light and what light the moon gives me but for some reason I am stuck to being a servant and having to put up with him who probably agrees that I am not what it takes to be a good servant anyways." Raising his paws in the air, Mortimer shrugged. "I can't win but I want to become a useful part of this community, you know?" Turning to face his friend with sorrow eyes.

Nodding her head, she popped the rest of the scone into her mouth and swallowed. Patting his back, she got up and stretched, sniffing the air of the fresh pies and bread cooling down on window sills or on nearby tables by the windows inside. "You get your opportunity Mortimer. I don't know when but I know that someone will give you a chance once that opportunity comes. However, I think its best we got on with our duties. You have to make sure the king is looking splendid for tonight. I know you have the skills for that. Meanwhile I have to see to the queen and make sure that gets dressed for the occasion without knowing the full facts. Want to swap jobs?" Holding out her paw to help pull the mouse up.

Mortimer took the paw and got up with the help of the ferret and dusted himself off. "I think I leave that one to you. I know when I am beaten on that one, besides I don't think anyone would agree me helping the queen dress."

Rowan gave a hearty laugh and nodded as she went back up the stairs again. "No, maybe that's not such a good idea. You're a bit late, cross over the courtyard and make some time up. I see you later." Without another word, she disappeared into the kitchens and was lost to sight as the door closed with a clunk.

Taking a deep breath, Mortimer smiled and then hopping off the step, the mouse began to jog through the courtyard as he blinked at the guards who were marching about to change shifts. Pausing to let a few otters pass, he looked up at them and gave a mock salute before seeing the two lines go in opposite directions. One back into the castle and to the guard barracks, the other heading to the outer walls of the castle itself. Looking around him again in the empty courtyard, he looked up and saw a small figure looking over the balcony and came back to his senses and turned to run into the castle itself.

As he came inside, he saw a large crow look over a scroll while speaking to a raccoon. "Now, the guests should be arriving soon, so make sure that the head guard knows to let the drawbridge down. Where is Skipja by the way?" Mortimer continued on his way past them but his large ears caught the reply. "He's in his office right now making sure that security is up to scratch for tonight." As Mortimer made his way up the stairs he could hear the crow faint voice. "Well, get him down here, he doesn't have time for that. We have guest's com-."

The mouse got to a point that he couldn't hear the two talk anymore as he continued to make his way up the stairs towards the floor that the royals lived. On reaching the top step, the mouse stopped and moved aside as two maids went past him, carrying some small bed chamber bowls. Nodding his head to them, Mortimer continued on his way after they had past him and reached the door that led into the king's living chambers.

Two large otters were standing beside the door as they both nodded to Mortimer. The otter on the left side of the door spoke in a soft churr. "He's been waiting for you? Where have you been?"

Mortimer fixed himself. "I had to finish a chore. I will apologise to his majesty for my tardiness though. Can I go in?" He saw the guards nod their head and he slowly knocked on the door.

The sound of the king's voice came through the thick door in a muffled voice, but Mortimer's ears caught the words and he slowly opened the door with a cough. "You called for me sir?"

King Fleetpaw nodded his head as he had turned to face the door and using a paw, he beckoned in the mouse with a finger. "Yes, come in please. I am so glad that you have arrived. I need your help in choosing a suitable outfit for my wives birthday feast."

Mortimer nodded his head and closed the door behind him. Coming into the room, the mouse smiled. "Will you be wearing your blue ceremonial robe sir?" He enquired as he made his way towards the large wardrobes. Opening the doors so that he can see the clothing, he turned to look at the king for his response.

The king had moved over to a chair and sat down, resting his red paws onto the arms and looked at Mortimer. "Hmmm, what about the yellow instead, that should go well with my red fur, especially in the evening."

Mortimer nodded and shoved a few items to the side until he got out the yellow suit and red cloak. Moving towards a stand, the mouse placed the items onto the hook and then turned to face the squirrel. "I will go and let the others know that you wish to get a bath sir."

Mortimer turned around and headed to another door and went into another part of the royal's living quarters and saw a hare cleaning out the fireplace. Coming over, Mortimer stood near to the hare and tapped his paw against the stone floor impatiently. Waiting until the hare had noticed he was there with a jump. "Mortimer. Please don't do that." He pulled his head from out of the fireplace and coughed, some soot falling from his whiskers. Trover was covered in a fine black powder all over his head as he shook himself, grabbing a small cloth to begin to wipe his face and paws clean of the stuff. "So what can I do for you?"

Mortimer replied back. "The king wants to take a bath for tonight, so if you could get this room ready right away, light the fire and make sure that the bath is filled up for him. Knock on the door when you are ready. You don't have long; he will want to come in as soon as I have undressed him."

The hare nodded his head as he got up. "Right. The fireplace is as clean as it can be." Making his way over to where a large metal pot was, the hare called out to someone else. "Samson. We have to get this room ready for his majesty. Come in here please and bring water with you."

Samson came into the room while carrying two large jugs with each paw. Mortimer smiled at the rabbit. "Afternoon Samson. How's Trover being with you?" He saw the rabbit look at the hare for a second and replied back as he poured the water into the large pot. "He's been teaching me quite well." The answer made the hare smile as he coughed. "Actually he's been quite the apprentice. I can actually leave him alone now for him to make the royal's bed." Watching the hare leave the room again to only come back again with another two jugs of which was emptied out into the big pot, the hare continued. "So anyways, you available for a game of hooks later tonight?"

Mortimer thought for a moment and rubbed the side of his chin in thought. "I suppose so; it all depends on when I can get off though. Not sure if the king wants me down in the dining room tonight."

Trover nodded his head. "I don't think he would, would he? I mean that he have his other servants to serve food and all and not exactly need to get changed or that." Mortimer smiled. "Maybe you're right but I best get back in there. I let you know nearer the time. But if I can't, don't wait for me."

Trover watched as the mouse made his way back towards the door and gave a reply back quickly. "I wait all I want to, besides I want to win back what you won from me a few nights ago."

Mortimer chuckled, grasped the door handle and his face went back to his usual seriousness as he slipped back into the king's living room. "Sir, your bath is being prepared as we speak." He moved towards the squirrel and bowed his head slightly. "You will look wonderful for these evening activities."

King Fleetpaw nodded his head as he stood up for the mouse to place his paws on his hips and slowly began to lift the light blue top up and bent his head down as Mortimer carefully removed the top from the kings head. Moving over to the side, Mortimer carefully laid the garment on the table and began to fold it up neatly making sure that there were no creases in the fabric.

Fleetpaw watched the mouse, placing his paws to go behind him and spoke. "I would not know what to do without you or Rowan to make this day special for my wife. You have my thanks."

Mortimer turned his head around as he walked over to where the wardrobe was and placed the light blue garment on a shelf and came back. "We only wish to serve you well, sir." Moving back to where the king was before kneeling down in front of Fleetpaw as he began to undo the belt.

Nodding his head, the squirrel just smiled. "Do you? And here's me thinking of the rumours of you wanting to be a teacher?" He looked down and saw Mortimer had paused with fiddling with the buckle and smiled down at the mouse. "Did you think that even though I wish to be served like other kings that I do not know how to undress but more importantly that I wouldn't know what lays in my subjects hearts? Especially those that I have got to know very well."

Mortimer slowly removed his paws from where they were resting on the king's belt and swallowed. "No disrespect sir, but I felt like I should be doing something else. I like this job and I don't hate it. I just feel like I could do more. Do you understand, sir?"

King Fleetpaw placed a paw on the mousse head and nodded gently. "I do understand. Therefore I have arranged for you to take a test in a few days time with Spikenose. If you pass that and teach another your job to my own satisfaction then you may start to learn to become a teacher."

Mortimer grinned. "Really sir, thank you sir." The mouse was grinning as he kissed the kings paw in gratification. Going back to the belt again, the mouse carefully unclipped the buckle and began to gently pull it away from the waist. Getting back up again, he made his way over to where a chair was and gently placed it down to not damage the delicate buckle.

Fleetpaw watched Mortimer and replied back softly. "I have only given you the chance to change your path. Call it lighting up another way for you to travel on. I have only shown you the way; it is up to you now to take that path. But if it isn't for you then you will always be welcomed in the services that you have given in the past. I trust you and Rowan as you both never broken that trust."

Mortimer slowly came back to where the king stood and nodded his head again. "I thank you sir for the opportunity that you have given me." Moving behind the king, the mouse fingers carefully brushed over the thick red tail as he went to the base and began to wrap his fingers to where the button was and slowly pushed it though the eye in the fabric. Feeling the pants come loose, the mouse got up and pulled over a chair to rest just behind the squirrel and moved to the front again.

Still keeping his paws behind his back, the king watched Mortimer continue in his job as he felt the pants being pulled down by the mouse. Having nothing on underneath the king slowly sat down and placed his paws to cover up his groin area. Mortimer didn't look as he lifted one leg up and gently pulled the fabric clear from the squirrel's footpaw, repeating the same act with the other paw. Getting up, he turned around and heard the knock on the door. "Ah, they're ready for us." Making his way to the door, he opened it while letting the pants rest on his other arm. "We be there in a moment." Closing it again, he made his way over to the wardrobe and carefully folded up the pants before pulling out a large towel. Making his way back to the king who had got up now, Mortimer wrapped it around the squirrel's waist and slowly led him into the other room.


Rowan was watching the queen eat her salad as she looked down to one of the drawings that the youngsters has done and made a comment quietly. "Hmmm, this one does look like you, you're majesty."

Finepetal stopped for a moment and looked over to the drawing that the ferret was looking at and nodded her head slowly before picking up a sliced tomato. "Yes, it would seem that we have a new artist that will do great things when he grows up. Perhaps one day we will get a portrait done of me and my husband." She looked at Clover. "Isn't this one a good sculpture as well?"

Finepetal nodded her head. "Yes he is, ma'am. Sam's currently doing apprenticeship with our current artist. Had good praise so far in his work or so I have heard." Getting up from her chair, she picked up a book, bowing. "If you excuse me for a moment, someone wanted this delivered. I will be back shortly." Leaving the queen and Rowan by themselves, the rabbit left the room closing the door behind her.

Rowan waited for the queen to finish her meal and coughed. "Will you be getting ready for tonight's meal? I heard that we may have guests?"

Pausing, the squirrel looked at Rowan and blinked. "Oh, do we? I suppose I have to head back to my room and get ready after I finish this. I take it this will be a formal dress thing?"

Rowan nodded her head. "It is but I would wear something nice. I don't think the ceremonial dress. It's just close friends coming around for a visit." She watched as the queen picked up a napkin and dabbed her muzzle slightly, before perking up her ears. "Ah, I remember now, my husband spoke of it a few days ago. I had completely forgotten. Getting up, the queen gave a slight stretch just as Clover came back in. Rowan gave her a look behind the queens back as Finepetal turned to face her.

Rowan spoke, mouthing the words so that only Clover could see. 'I be taking the queen to her room, take these dishes down to the kitchens." It was then that Finepetal spoke. "Ah Clover, those names we spoke of before. They are the winners. I have to head to my room since I need to get ready for this evening. Rowan?" The queen turned to face the ferret. "Could you take that lot back to the kitchens and make your way up to my room please."

Clover piped up. "I can do that for her, ma'am." The rabbit said picking up the tray. "I am sure that Rowan wouldn't mind going up with you now so that you can get started on getting ready." Rowan grinned and spoke as well now. "Is that alright, ma'am? We won't have to rush if I have to make my way all the way down to the kitchens and then back up again. It would save a bit of time."

Finepetal thought of it for a moment and nodded her head. "So be it, let's get going then. I think I were that nice yellow dress tonight." Rowan turned to face Clover and whispered. "Thanks, I owe you one." She quickly made her way off and opened the door for the queen and both of them went through. Clover smiled and shook her head. "No, no problem at all. Librarians do this all the time." Giving a soft chuckle, the rabbit made her way out of the library, closing the door behind her.


Skipja was sitting down on the desk with a feather in paw, slightly blue tipped paws and he frowned as he looked at the mouse in front of him, standing there in full castle guard uniform and shook his head. "Tell me, Gav. Remind me on why I have to go through this report thing again?"

The mouse kept standing at attention. "Sir, because you are the head guard and need to send a report to the king." He saw the otter drop the feather onto the desk after he signed the last scroll and rolled it up. "Right, this is to go directly to him. Make sure that no one else reads it, although it's nothing exciting." Sealing the scroll with some wax from a candle the otter put a small stamp onto it and then handed it to the mouse. "Go, you're dismissed."

Waiting until the mouse had gone out of the room and closed the door behind him, the otter got up and walked over to a bowl of water and began to wash his paws, muttering to himself. "Fight well, gain in rank and you have lots of paperwork to do. I should've stayed with my brother but oh no, that wasn't enough for me at the time. I had to come to some castle and join the guard."

Looking down at his paws, the otter sighed and began to scrub at them with some soap and a wire brush, watching the water slowly turn blue in the white bowl. He heard a knock on the door and he called out. "Yes, I am in. Please come in."

Mortimer came in quickly, panting. "Sir. The king has informed me to remind you that you have to foresee the guests that would be arriving for the queen's birthday." He looked at the otter for a moment. "Sorry, sir, I have to get back. Duty calls." The mouse turned and left quickly, closing the door behind him.

Skipja gave a soft chuckle as he watched the mouse disappear and began to close his paws. "Hmmm, forgot all about that actually. Formal dress as well, ah well." Moving to the other side of his room, the otter pulled open a chest at the edge of the bed and began to pull some stuff out. "Hmm, did I get my top fixed?" He pulled out his blue jacket and began to examine it carefully.

Turning it around in his paws, the otter saw that the uniform had been fixed and he nodded his head on the skilled work. "Hmm, wouldn't know I had been stabbed there." Placing the top down onto the bed, the otter slowly pulled his top off and flung it onto the bed. Slipping over to his desk, he grabbed a mug and picked up the jug with the other paw and poured himself a drink from a yellow coloured liquid. Placing the jug back down onto his desk, the otter moved to look outside of his window to the courtyard below and took a small sip. Placing an arm to rest on the side of the wall, he watched at the goings on happening down below, before moving his gaze up to where the guards were at the top of the walls. Tipping the entire contents of the mug down, he smiled and then turned around to head back to getting dressed.


Mortimer arrived back to where the King quarters was and knocked on the door before entering back in again. "Sir, Skipja has been informed." The mouse closed the door behind him again as he turned to face the king, sitting on the chair with a few towels wrapped about his body. The fire in the room had been lit as the king sat near it on a chair, who turned his head to face Mortimer.

"Oh good, I am glad to hear that, I trust him fully. He should have all the necessary security sorted out for this evening. Do you know when the first set of guests are to arrive?"

Mortimer moved over to the window and looked outside. "Sometime in the afternoon, we have had our scouts out into the local area announcing the party and to invite our subjects for this evening meal and dance. I wouldn't be surprised if we had a visit from the magical play tonight?"

King Fleetpaw smiled. "Oh I do hope so. I so like their routine. They come up with a new story every time they perform here. And the kids love them." Shifting about slightly in his chair, the squirrel smiled.

Moving back to where the king was, Mortimer smiled and nodded his head. "Do you want something to eat or drink? I won't be able to get you ready until at least another hour or so?"

Fleetpaw thought for a moment. "A glass of Dandelion wine would be nice." Leaning back into the chair, the squirrel placed his feet onto a stool and then relaxed back more into the chair as Mortimer moved off to the table, picked up a glass and then popping a cork out of the bottle, he slowly poured out the wine. Padding back, he slowly gave the king the glass. "Would that be all sir?"

Fleetpaw nodded his head. "Yes, that will be all for the time being. I see you later." Having been dismissed, Mortimer gave another nod of his head and made his way to the door and slipped back outside.


Rowan slowly and carefully continued to brush the queen's tail slowly. "Yes, I think the king will love how beautiful you look this evening." The ferret smiled as she gently placed some fragranced oil into the brush, before returning back to grooming the slightly damp fur gently.

Finepetal smiled, while looking into a large mirror. "Do you really think so?" She tilted her head slightly to the side, still looking at the reflection from a side glance. Rowan chirred. "Absolutely. By the time I have finished with you, everyone will admire your view, especially the king."

Finepetal looked pleased as she leant over to the table and picked up her glass and slowly gave a sip of the dark red berry wine. Slowly swirling it about in the glass she gave a happy sigh. "What would I do without you, Rowan?"

Rowan smiled as she carefully took care of a knot in the fur. "I wouldn't know ma'am. As far as I know, you've always had me by your side." She paused and then continued to groom the tail. Finepetal blinked and looked at the ferret from the reflection waiting for the answer back from Rowan. Seeing the ferret blush slightly in the ears, she smiled more. Rowan coughed. "Well, thank you ma'am."


Skipja closed the door behind him as he stood in the corridor for a moment. Feeling the heat from the lighted flame beside his head, the otter moved away from it and made his way slowly down the stairs. Passing a guard, the otter nodded his head as he made his way through sunlight corridor which led to the outside inner courtyard. Seeing the tents being put up for the evening activities he was met up by another otter which came to his side as they both walked through it. "Sir, nothing to report except some scouts have said that they have guests coming only so far behind them."

Placing a paw on his sword handle, Skipja nodded his head. "Very well, how is the roster for tonight?" The other otter beside him replied back. "Sir, we've gone to your earlier plans on having several on the inner walls while the outer walls will have a mark up there as well."

Skipja nodded his head. "Very well, you may go now. I will be at the main gate letting in the main guests. Oh and would you go and fetch Jerome. He be entertaining the guests until the main party starts. He should be around here somewhere?"

The otter nodded his head. "I know where Jerome is; I go get him right away." The otter left Skipja as the head guard continued to make his way through the thick doors and into the outer yard which was mostly cement under paw. Making his way along, the otter continued to hold his sword in place as he saw guards walking past and giving a salute. Nodding his head, he reached the main gate which was still closed. Looking to the side of it, he nodded his head to a mouse looking out from the small hut. "Okay, lower the main bridge and get these doors opened?"

Several otters made their way and began to pull the doors open in two groups of five. Slowly the doors began to open as it showed the drawbridge just behind it as the noise of it slowly being lifted down by the chains rattled as the whole thing came crashing down. Skipja nodded his approval. "Right, I want a mark down here in the main ground with others on standby. I will not have anything get through here that shouldn't get through here and disrupt the peace. Do I make myself clear on this point?"

Getting nods from some of his guards, who made their way off. "And get some of those squirrels down here as well. I want good archers as back up." Turning around to look outside, the otter made his way to the front and looked about. Skipja took a deep breath and placed both paws behind his back as he stood there on the drawbridge in full uniform and armed. To him, it was going to be a long evening.