the shadow cloud

Story by Helban on SoFurry

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The shadow cloud

As I walked into my house, I felt like something was off. It was like when you walk into a dark room, and you can't see a thing, but you can tell there is someone else in the room with you. That's kind of what this was like. And it was really creepy.

"Hello?" I say into the darkness of my house.

I was greeted by a whooshing sound. It didn't last long, only about 3 seconds. But in that 3 seconds 2 things happened. 1, the lights came on. 2, I was scarred for life by the sight of dead bodies, guts, and blood everywhere. I nearly puked right then and there. Then I did puke. The most revolting then happened. A very large ogre like creature came in and began eating the guts and the bodies. After the fifth body was devoured, I knew I had to get out of there. And fast. I looked around for an exit when I saw a large doorway just to my right. Just when I started to move toward it, a stream of black dots launched from the doorway, heading straight for the ogre like thing. Then a sight to remember took place right in front of me. First, the ogre looked in the general direction of the incoming cloud, and then screams and terror and pain as the cloud hits it. At which point, he begins to flail like crazy in an attempt to ward off the black cloud of specks. Just then, some weird evil voice comes in and shouts

"DIE!" and then the ogre is completely enveloped.

But the black specks didn't stop coming. They kept coming from the doorway, apparently in a hurry to get to the ogre. When I looked back at the ogre, the black cloud was moving off, and then I saw the creepiest thing. First, the ogre's hand came out of the cloud, which was completely bone. Yes, pure bone. Unbelievable. When the rest of the cloud left the ogre and goes back into the doorway, there were only bones left. It had eaten a twenty-foot tall ogre in 10 seconds or less. Then I thought

'Well why the hell don't I just turn around and walk away?'

When I turned around, I got my answer. And I didn't like it at all. There was a wall where the door was. My next thought was

'Oh sweet dear baby Jesus I am so screwed'

Then I looked behind me. I wished I hadn't. The black cloud had formed into a massive ball, and then it shrunk. It morphed itself into a creature. A wolf that walked on two legs. Mostly the same features as a normal wolf. It was a female. I could tell because it had its breasts hanging from her chest and a vagina at the waist. Then she looked at me. Looked me straight in the face. Then she slowly started to take some small steps towered me. I began to walk into the wall, praying to every god that they're ever was and ever will be that I could just walk straight through the wall. But, as I feared would happen, my prayers went unanswered, and I smashed into the wall. I then began to try and run right up the wall. Nothing. I then tried climbing the wall. Nothing. Then I resorted to turning around, and running like hell. I went right for the doorway. When I got there, I turned into it, and hit her. And she didn't even flinch. She didn't look surprised in the least. I looked behind me. She had somehow beaten me to the doorway. That was a fifty-foot span between where she was and the doorway. It was a three-foot span between the doorway and me. Did the laws of physics somehow change in the last 30 seconds? Because I should have beaten her to the door by a good 27 seconds. I mean really. Well, no use wining over it now.

When I look back at her, she's kneeling in front of me. Im a little worried at this point. Either im about to be treated fairly well, or im going to be her next snack. Im really hoping that im going to be treated well. When I looked at her again, she just keeps on staring into my eyes. I swear, I lay there on my back for about twenty minutes as she stares into my eyes. In that time, I feel like she is probing my soul, which is really awkward. At this point im thinking

'Oh my freakin god! Are you going to eat me or stare into my eyes all freaking year long?!' then I got an answer I didn't expect. She spoke.

"No, im not going to eat you. And no, im not going to stare into your eyes all year long, either. Im trying to decide whether or not to do something to you." After about ten seconds I say, " can read my mind?" "Well, yes" she replied. "Well then, what are you going to do? Send me home, keep me as a slave, eat me, or freeze me to death and use me as a couch?" I say, a little more spitefully then I was going for. "Well, when you put it that way, eating you sounds pretty good. You do look like a nice ending snack to the ogre I just ate."

At this point, I get up, turn around, and bolt. I ran like bloody hell and there was no way a brick wall could stop me at this point. Then I feel it. A nagging in the back of my mind. It hit me like a hammer to the dick. It hurt too. My mind was trying to bring my body back to her. I was slowing down. I was turning around. And now I just stood there while she calmly stood up and walked to me. Wow. That was one hell of a brick wall. And then I kind of space out. Then I black out.

When I woke up, it must have been hours later, because I was in a large cave on a bed. A fairly hard one too. But surprisingly comfortable. And then I notice something odd. Someone, or something, tucked me into the bed. Yes, I was under a fairly large amount of covers. Then I hear the scratching. Then a whooshing sound. And then the black cloud fly's in front of me and then morphs into the same female wolf as before.

"Hello. I see that you have finally awoken" it/she say's

"Err...hello." I reply

"I am truly sorry about this, but I had no other choice."

At first im just confused. And then I see that I can't move. At all. Now im starting to get REALLY worried about what im here for.

"Oh shit... would there be any chance of you letting me go back to my house and pretend none of this ever happened?" I say.

"Not really, no. You see, I need you. It's my heat season, and my heat has come full swing, but I have yet to find a partner to satisfy the urges." She says.

At this point im kind of worried about what she meant by the words "heat season" and then it hit me. Heat. Oh man. Most female animals go into heat to raise their young. This could be bad. She meant that it was her time to attempt to raise young. This could either be the time of my life, or extremely hard and painful rape.

"Oh dear god. Please say your not going to do to me what im thinking." I say.

"I am sorry, but I have to. This is the first time a male has been even close to me in the last 20 years. I need to release the urges."

Wow. 20 years since she had someone in bed with her? I almost felt sorry for her. But then again, im just hoping she will keep her womanhood and cant change into a male. Otherwise, if she days, im screwed. Or, more accurately, im speared.

"Ok." I say. "But your not going to turn into a male and rape me are you?"

"I male turn into a male, but I assure you, it wont be rape." She replies.

'Well. I might be able to actually enjoy this' I think as she steps forward. And then I gasp in horror as a very large cock comes in place of her anal hole.

"I get the bad feeling that your going to be using that cock for more then just looks." I say.

"Well yes. Did you really think that I would just let it hang there?"

And with both horror and pleasure, she begins to crawl into the bed, and I feel a bit of pressure release off of my chest when she takes the covers off. And then I notice that all my cloths are off. And suddenly so are the covers. Luckily, it's fairly warm in the cave.

And with an evil grin on her face, she slides down. When her head is at my cock, which is still soft, she lightly grabs it, and then begins to lick it. I instantly arch my back at the pure pleasure. Then she turns around and twists, making it to where we are in a 69 position. And then she takes my semi-hard cock into her mouth, licking it to get it hard. Im about to start licking her slit, but then I think. I just don't know which one to take in. I look at her slit. Oh man, its just so inviting. But then I look at her cock. Large, thick, and would probably bring her more pleasure.

Then I decide to take in her rock hard cock and finger her slit both at once. When I start licking her cock and fingering her, she moans very loudly, almost a scream. Then I moan as she continues to suck me off. Within thirty seconds max I peaked. Then she peaked as well. Its odd, having your mouth filled with cum from a male, and the juices of a female covering your hand. Then she lifts herself up, turns around again, and the sits on me, just out of reach of my cock.

Then she lowers her chest to my face, and I begin to suck on her surprisingly large breasts. They taste near perfection.

"Mmm...that feels nice. Keep doing that!" and Im happy to continue.

While im rubbing one breast and sucking on the other, my cock gets hard again, and she gets wet and hard again. Then she asks me to stop, which I do very reluctantly, and she starts to move lower and lower down my body. When her cock brushes my cock, and then I feel her pussy at my shaft, I know what she plans. And then she slowly slides down. Sweet as heaven. We both moan as she slides down. It's driving me nuts. And then im as deep as its going to get. Then I feel her cock at my anal hole. It's already surprisingly lubricated. I thought it would be fairly hard to get it in, but it slid in very easily. And the strange thing is, I love it. I thought it would be horrible and that I would just have to bear through it. But it only added to my stimulation. Then I start to thrust in and out of her, and she dose the same to me. I feel like I could go on forever. But, I already felt myself hitting the peak. I came hard into her. And then that caused her to cum as well. First time that I had ever had my ass filled. And I loved it.

Then she just collapsed on top of me, leaving my cock in her cunt, and hers in my hole.

Three hours later she woke up. Upon waking she says

"That was the first time I slept well in 19 years. Thank you."

At this I was kind of surprised. And guess what? I never left. Never even wanted to. I just stayed with her. Helping her through the heat seasons.