The Pathways of Life - Prologue

Story by Reks Syph Hatake on SoFurry

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Heyyyy Everybodeh! Long time no see! So I'm sorry I've been away so long, had a lot of things to deal with, but I'm back now! and I've got a new series I'm working on! This is the Pathways Of Life, a series in the Perspective of Shane from the Road of Life series as well as a few stories from some of the other less worked with characters. I really missed ROL and wanted to write more about Shane and his connection to Max, so here's his story! It's been awhile since I've written anything so let me know how I did, what I need to work on and if you have any ideas for this series I would love to hear them! This is a M/M story and will contain sexual scenes later in the series, this chapter is clean. Enjoy!!!


The Pathways of Life

Prologue ~ Back To The Beginning

Cold, everywhere. As I lay there dying the bitter cold of the autumn air consumed me, was this it? Was this all my life had meaning for? I mean, I was happy to lay down my life for the one I loved, for Max, but I felt like it was a life unfulfilled. I felt like I still had so much more to give, and so much more to learn. As the life drained out of my shivering body I saw my life and the events of it flash before my eyes like a DVD stuck on repeat.

So, who am I? I am Shane Harken, there's not really much to know about me other than I'm a Coyote and I've just been shot by my old friend Alan. When did this all begin? When did this crazy tale all start? I was pretty young when I realized I might have feelings for Max, it was all the way back in Junior High. We had even been friends once... but I don't think he ever remembered we used to be friends before I joined up with Alan. I wish I had remained his friend instead of joining Alan, maybe then none of this would have happened, maybe it would be me that was engaged to Max, maybe I would still be alive and have a life with the Fox I loved.

~Many Years Earlier~

"Welcome to English class, I'm your teacher Mrs. Costa, let's get to know each other a little bit, when I call out your name please stand and introduce yourself and tell us something interesting about yourself." The cow at the front of the room stated. She held a clipboard with a list of names and one by one she called out the names of her students. I listened intently as one by one the students introduced themselves to the class. I was the new kid in town, my mother and I had just moved here, so I was eager to make friends.

"Maximus Reks Dreeker?" silence filled the air and the Cow looked down from her clipboard, not expecting the awkward silence. "Maximus Reks Dreeker?" she called again only to be answered by the silence once more. Then there was the soft snoring that came from the back of the room, everyone looked back to see a Fox who seemed to have fallen asleep. Mrs. Costa did not seemed pleased at all and walked back to the sleeping Fox, nudging him awake, "Wha-huh!? O-oh! Er..."

"Care to join us Mr. Dreeker?" Mrs. Costa asked in an irritated tone. The fox sheepishly stood up and introduced himself, then quickly sat back down, seeming a bit embarrassed by the fact he had dozed off. Mrs. Costa walked back to the front and continued down the list of names, "Shane Harken?" I jolted up, a bit too quickly, which ended with me somehow managing to trip sideways onto the floor. The class erupted in laughter as I stood up again and quickly brushed myself off, "I-I'm Shane Harken.. and I just moved here." I stated, a blush of embarrassment plastered on my face. The class quickly quieted down when Mrs. Costa shot out a glare, "Welcome to the Class Shane."

The rest of the day went on with people making snide remarks about me, I became known as the "class clown." due to my clumsiness earlier. Around lunch time I accidently bumped into the Fox who had been asleep in English Class earlier, "O-oh! I'm sorry.." The Fox gave me a tired gaze and shook his head, "Don't worry about it." he stated. "Hm.. you're the new kid right? Shane?" he asked. "Yeah.. Me and my mom just moved here.. so I don't really know the area very well yet. " His eyes were so... captivating, though it seemed like they had a dark history I could see there was so much he was destined for. I could feel the heat in my cheeks building, what was this feeling? I had a strange attraction to him, something I didn't understand yet, but I wanted to get to know him better.

"Hey.. Listen, I was wondering if maybe you could show me around a bit? After school?" He seemed shocked that I wanted to spend time with him and honestly he looked a bit confused. "If you're too busy though, I understand..." I stated, a hint of disappointment and the fear of rejection in my voice. "N-no! Not at all! I'd be glad to show you around." he said with a slight smile.


I gazed up into the eyes of Max, a blush spreading across my face as he kissed me, probably the last kiss we would ever share. Tears had been falling from my eyes, and my heart slowed it's beat. The light faded slowly into darkness and I felt the cruel hand of death pull me away from the love of my life. It seemed my story had come to an end... but there's still so much of it to tell. He had to know, I wanted him to know what I had gone through. How could I let him know my story now that I was dead? I heard panicked voices in the background, heard the sounds of the ambulances sirens, was I dead? Or was I merely sleeping?