Tales of Furlingas - Choose your own story text adventure part 22

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#22 of Text adventure

The idea of this chose your own adventure is that I will write a page of a story ending in a choice of what action our hero takes next. You can then vote by commenting with your choice, I will then write the next page using the most voted on option to build a story page by page. It will be an adult story with sexual scenes and you get to chose partners, positions and such. I will look to post a minimum of once a week but with the aim of doing it twice a week whenever possible.

Well here you go your weekly furlingas, hope you enjoy

A 111111

B 11111111111111

C 111111

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Every fur just can't wait to invade an inviting hole it seems.

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"The hole in the wall," Aleoric muttered and placed his paw on the pony's shoulder. "When we scouted we didn't see much activity, the hole is probably undefended, if there's even anyone there and..." The bear glanced around and gave Kenia a puzzled look. "Where is your loincloth?"

Glancing around desperately the fox couldn't see it, he winced as he replied, "back in the woods near Runo's old home. Along with my battleaxe!"

"A barbarian with no axe and no loincloth, what are you going to use for a weapon?" The bear asked looking around the cave. They had left plenty of orc weapons back in the camp. However, going back was an unpleasant prospect as more of the orc tribe might be there.

"Weapon? What am going to use to hide my shame?!" Exclaimed the naked fox.

"Oh, I didn't know you had any shame," sniggered the naga his tailtip lightly flicking the fox's naked buttock.

"Of course you didn't, I keep it hidden!" Retorted the fox, his paw batting away the naga tail.

"I don't have a spare loincloth but here," Jarus stepped forward and held out the halberd None had gave him, "You are by far the better warrior you should wield this."

The small fox took the halberd off the horse with a grateful nod and then looked up at the blade of the halberd the weapon was almost twice his height. "Thanks, but I think this might be a tad big for me."

"Here, my spare blade, treat it well," Runo said offering a dagger to the fox.

The fox tossed the blade from paw to paw, "not exactly a barbarian's weapon but hopefully I can find a new axe in Kafta, thank you."

"So, erm loincloth? I could fashion something out of a cloth sack maybe?" Jarus asked looking at their bags.

"Bugger that, I'll go au natural rather than wear a damn sack," the fox snorted in derision.

Aleroic strode to the cave entrance and looked back at his friends and smiled, "well, shall we?"

"Damn right we should, I didn't come all this way to sit in a damp cave." Kenia said walking past the bear, his naked body shining in the light from the cave entrance.

"Where he leads I will follow... you know I haven't had anything on my lower half ever and nobody even commented." Runo said as he slid past the bear and chuckled.

"Yeah, we just enjoyed the view too much," Aleroic replied and placed his paw on the naga's shoulder. "I don't have my eye on you anymore, eyes out towards the enemy."

Runo blushed and nodded before heading out after the fox.

Jarus hefted his halberd and nodded to the bear as he headed out, "Good luck, to all of us. May we be back here soon talking about how we will spend our loot."

"May None be here to greet us when we do emerge." Aleoric said as he grabbed his magic tome and followed his band out.

Kafta sprawled before them a giant city, deserted, it's buildings crumbling and yet some still standing. Aleoric could detect magic in the air and he knew that there was something holding the city together, after all these years not a building should be standing. Yet framed against the sun was the central tower. Their final destination, so close, the temple at the heart of the dead city.

The four kept close as the approached the walls, black stone towering above them. As they reached the hole they couldn't help but feel both impressed and intimidated. The walls were thirty foot tall and twenty thick. It was hard to believe any army had managed to breach them, yet they had. An alliance of humans, orcs, wolves and bears had stormed these walls and somehow managed to breach them. Taking the city and killing everyone in it, before the panda king unleashed his curse.

"I thought you said the city and temple was dragged underground," Jarus whispered as the picked their way across the hole. They could see no signs of anyone, living anyway. Skeletons of pandas and many others lined the streets and their bones crunched underfoot as the band climbed through the hole.

"So the legend goes, maybe it was wrong." Aleoric muttered as the passed the wall and entered the city. It was silent and eerie, the merry sunlight on so many lost soldiers seemed wrong and the four stuck in a tight bunch, no-one daring to move more than a few feet from the rest of the group.

"Maybe... maybe my father did something, undid the magic when he was here all those years ago," whispered the naga as they moved forward through street after street.

"Then there's a chance someone else already found and plundered this place." Kenia observed as they worked their way, picking their path through the streets. Not a sound or sight of anything living was present. The plants all dead, no birds, no rats and not even a spider, although plenty of webs.

The band worked their way through the streets. The lack of opposition bringing only a feeling of growing dread. As they neared the templeJarus suddenly stopped and whispered, "Do you hear that?"

Straining their ears they could hear something, a distant sound on the light breeze. A moan, and a cry of pain over and over again. The group didn't say anything, however they all drew their weapons and gripped them tightly as they continued. The sound growing louder as they approached the temple.

Turning one last corner they at last caught a glimpse of the temple entrance and the source of the pained sounds. A brown bear, large and muscular chained to a table muscular arms and legs bound. A raven sitting on his chest pecking at his, pulling chunks of living flesh out and swallowing before going down to peck for more.

It was Kenia who reacted first, grabbing a stone and throwing it at the raven, cracking it on the head and sending it flying away. The group didn't question it, they all just rushed forward, Jarus used his new found powers to heal the bear's wounds. Runo pulled out his water bottle and lifted the bear's head he gave the poor creature a drink.

Aleoric grabbed the chains and chanted a spell, glowing runes surrounding his paws and then the chains which melted.

The group helped the bear sit up muttering words of comfort, the bear coughed and blinked looking around, "thank you." He whispered his voice so horse and quiet even in the silence of the city he was hard the hear.

"Easy, just rest you've been through a lot. You're going to be ok though." Jarus muttered as he finished healing the bear's wounds. "What happened, who did this to you."

"Kafta... he chained me here, as punishment. I lead the attack, the army that took this city. My name is... my name is..." The bear's brow furrowed in confusion as he struggled to remember. "Carlise, General Carlise of the Bruin Empire."

Runo and Aleoric exchanged a glance, the Bruin Empire had ended eight thousand years ago. This bear had been chained to the table since it's height.

"It was his final revenge, I was chained here where the rats and crows could eat me alive every day. Only when the sun rises again my flesh is healed and the pain can begin anew." Carlise explained and continued, "Thank you, for a moment of relief. I am so sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Aleoric asked.

"For them," The bear waved a paw and the group turned and then they saw it the skeletons of the dead soldiers they had passed all standing, rusting weapons in their hands. "They are going to chain me down again and kill those who released me..." The huge brown bear struggled to his feet and reached down, picking up a sword and shield he gestured to the temple door. "Run! Nine thousand years chained down, I will not let them take me again without a fight. Now run and thanks again."

The bear didn't wait for a reply he turned and roared, anger fuelling his exhausted body, he charged the oncoming line of skeletons. As he crashed into their ranks Runo broke the spell of surprise that seemed to have fallen on them all. "You heard him, run for it!"

As the group turned a few skeletons began to run up the temple steps, Aleoric unleashed one of his prepared spells, a wave of wind sending the skeletons back down the steps, crashing into the ones following and shattering them into bones. However, a second or two later the skeletons began to reform.

With the battle cries of the enraged bear behind them and the chilling skittering of bones on stone following them the group rushed into the temple. The doors were huge iron rusted monstrosities they had no hope of moving them. Inside the floor was cracked and the upper floors of the tower had long since collapsed. A staircase leading down into the dark was their only way forward.

The group fled with the skeleton army chasing them, getting closer and closer. Aleoric turned again and let lose a powerful fireball. Sending the skeletons once again crashing back and shattered into pieces that quickly began to reform. "I cant stop them!"

"Then move your bloody arse!" Kenia yelled as the rest of the group continued running. The bear turned and chased after them, muttering a minor illumination spell to cast light on the dark staircase. Up ahead a long way they could see a set of doors that indicated they were coming to the first room.

A few seconds later the exhausted group arrived in the room, it was a cave, hewn from the very bedrock. A giant chasm covered from wall to wall in the middle, with a rope bridge leading across. The doors were made of stone and if they could shut them the skeleton army wouldn't be able to bash their way through. There was a level on the far side of the bridge. However the doors clearly could not be moved by hand.

"That lever might be to close the door!" Runo shouted as the group turned to check out the room, they only had a few seconds before the skeletons would be upon them.

"There's a tunnel leading down over here." Jarus called pointing to a small tunnel leading down.

Ok you know the drill comment for your preferred option

A Send Kenia over the bridge to pull the lever, while the others fend off the skeletons.

B Send Jarus over the bridge to pull the lever. (Runo and Aleoric are too heavy to stand a chance of crossing the old rope bridge.)

C Head down the tunnel.