Revenge with a taste of sweetness

Story by Sandraya on SoFurry

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Mark and Rita sit down for dinner at a nice restaurant. While waiting for dinner to be served, Mark finally expresses his feelings towards his girl friend.

Revenge with a taste of sweetness

Mark and Rita sit at a table for two in a fine restaurant. The ambience is low, there are scentless candles throughout the room, and on each individual table, providing a subtle glow. Red curtains drape partially over the open windows, where just beyond the night is coming.

Mark keeps himself occupied with his kitchen utensils as they wait for their order, half listening to what Rita is saying. He checks his watch. They have been seated for about fifteen or so minutes, all the while Rita has been talking about her day. It first started with work, moving on to gossip, and how a co-worker of hers mentioned jerking off her feral dog on a daily basis because it was very horny all the time. It felt like hours of listening to her despite the reassurance of it only being fifteen minutes.

Mark finally speaks, saying quietly "Rita, I have something to tell you."

Suddenly all the gossip stopped flowing from her lips that had been like water from a broken dam. "Oh what is it Mark?"

"Do you remember the night I was out celebrating my fathers 54th birthday? How you called me up, telling me that you had just given oral sex to another girl. Brought her to orgasm, played with her breasts, and thought you should tell me about it? Even tried to convince me it was my fault?"

Rita remains quiet, unsure where Mark is going with this.

"Well you know it has hurt me, and I have thought a lot about it and our relationship."

"You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" Rita asks. "You know we'll just get back together next week."

"Shhh, shh... Please let me finish." Mark says, and waits to see if she will remain silent. Surprisingly her hole is not flapping wildly with chatter, so he continues. "Since that night I have wanted to make you feel as hurt as I do. I told you I could never cheat on you. I made a promise I never would. I just can't get it out of my mind how you think you didn't cheat. These past two years it has just torn me apart. Whenever you read something, or watch tv and are disgusted by hearing or seeing someone cheat, saying you would never do that, and its so fucking hypocritical of you.. So I went to a bar to get a drink. I ended up going home with a guy, and I sucked his cock. It felt so good to feel his cum flood my muzzle. But I felt nothing for him. He meant nothing to me, so therefore it wasn't cheating by your standards, right?" Mark stops, as he can see the hurt starting to appear on Ritas face. It starts with a tear from the corner of an eye, rolling down the fur of her cheek. Mark continues. "I thought about you a lot while I sucked his cock and licked his balls. But I felt nothing for you. Nothing at all. I was cold, dead inside. I wasn't even drunk. This is my revenge, and it feels so good to tell you. I can't help but smile from seeing you hurt."

"You are such an asshole." Rita says, standing abruptly and throws her napkin on the floor. She grabs her bag, and starts to walk away. As she does she hears him say "Now you know how I felt. I hope it hurts for a long time."