We'll Get It Out of You

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#41 of Commissions by Gruffy

*This was a commission to darkkoon *

Commission info here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/611471

Your character here commission info: https://www.sofurry.com/view/693696

Do tell me how you liked this, and have a nice read!


Bradley had spent days in the darkness of the holding cell, only broken momentarily by the opening of a hatch that brought in food or water, but besides that, there had been nothing else to break the endless black. Now that the door was suddenly open and light poured in he could barely make out the dark shapes, feeling rather blinded. He saw the shapes approach and instinctively lifted his paws in defence, well aware that it was a feeble effort, being kept in what he assumed to be a very high security facility. He had been blind-folded and kept in a sensory deprivation good throughout his transport after his capture, and he'd only known this room, every inch carefully investigated for weaknesses while he'd spent endless hours exploring it, but now...now there was life...movement...and dark shapes.

"Prisoner to proceed to processing!" one of the dark shapes spoke in a strange voice filtered by what must've been an electronic modulator built into the gas mask-like cover over the fur's face. Bradley was blinking heavily and noted that both of the furs who had entered wore fully black armoured outfits with masks over their muzzles, with black gauntlets...all black, indeed.

His paws were pulled behind his back and clapped into a pair of cuffs, and before he had the time to struggle any further, a hood was pulled over his head and he was led out of the room by the force of two paws pushing on him.

"Walk, prisoner!"

_ _

He knew he had no choice but to obey his two captors, walking through what felt like a cold place, with a firm floor underneath his footpaws. He walked and walked, occasionally shoved between his shoulders, occasionally told to stop at what must've been a checkpoint or a door...all this he recognized by the feel of air over his furs, and pure instinct as a special operative for the Alliance.

He was pushed and prodded, until he was again showed forward, and then told to stand still.

_" Remove prisoner's apparel!" _

_ _

He felt tugging on the elastic material that formed his prisoner jumpsuit, and a ripping sound even he could hear, despite the hood. His head felt so hot, having panted inside the hood that provided barely any openings for breathing, and the condensation was damp over his features as he felt clothes being torn from his body. Soon all he was left with were the cuffs and the hood.

" Place the prisoner!"

_ _

The gauntleted paws grasped on his now bare body and manipulated him again, to stand how they wanted, and the cuffs were gone, but before he had the chance to move his paws in any manner, they were held and he was pushed down onto something padded...a bench, perhaps...a table? He did not know, but he was held down by the same oddly rubbery paws while something was forcefully tied around his limbs, then his torso and hips, meaning that he was soon immobilized on the strange padded table. The husky found that he could breathe without impediment, but only just about, with the hood still on...but he did feel some tugging around his neck, and it was suddenly pulled away.

He squinted again - a bright spotlight was located just above his head, and it made it impossible for him to see. Bradley closed his eyes tight and waited, hoping to get used to it...maybe that was part of the method...to make him uncomfortable and then talk. Because he knew that it could not have been anything else...just an attempt to make him talk. Interrogate him. And he'd learned so much about the methods that could be used...and had been used on their operatives in the past...he would have to need all his skills and composure to resist.

"Targeting grid!"

_ _

The light above him seemed to dim, enabling him to open his eyes, but now a strange green light appeared...a thin line of it that swept over his body, then his head, and then disappeared again. In the dimmer light he could see the two black-clad forms hovering about, but since he couldn't turn his head or see behind him, he could not see what has going on there. He did hear them move, however, and it sounded like they were shifting equipment.

"Hello, prisoner."

_ _

A new voice spoke now, less filtered but yet afar, which made Bradley decide that it was coming through an intercom but had not been electronically distorted.

"You are being held as a prisoner of war. You are to tell us the location of the rebel base."

_ _

The husky snorted.

"I am not telling anything," he spoke in a level voice, "I do not know anything."

"You have been connected into sensors that monitor your bioelectric responses. We know you are lying. We know that you know the location of the rebel base. We will extract this information from you."

_ _

Bradley's ears flicked at the sound of the voice speaking in a clipped, insisting tone, almost like a robot, he thought, the kind imagined by so many science fiction movies. This was different, though, this was no fantasy.

"You will tell us what we need, and we will extra that information from you. Install the device."

_ _

"Move it!" the distorted voice barked from behind him.

Bradley could hear further noises, and then a strange, double-hooped object was pushed over his face, so that it hovered above his forehead. With the strap placed on his head, he could not move his head, so he found himself staring through the double holes on the strange grey object above his head. He was sure that it was humming, somehow...and he heard and whirl...and a bubbling noise...and somewhere further away, the click-whizz of a pump of sorts...

_" The device is locked in place _ ," the voice barked.

"What is the location of the rebel base?" the voice on the intercom spoke, calmly still.

"I do not know," Bradley replied, feeling himself grow slightly more anxious, but willing himself to breathe calmly while the device hovered above him, preparing to do...whatever it did. Despite his extensive training in interrogation techniques, he had no idea what it could be...it was a complete mystery and that worried him. Maybe they'd come up with something they hadn't even heard about in the Alliance...something that'd leave him fully vulnerable. The husky drew another deep breath.

"I do not know."

"Your bioelectric signature tells that you are lying, prisoner. The information will be extracted from you."

_ _

"I do not know the location of the base of operations of the rebellion. I am not affiliated with them."

"You are lying," the voice declared. "Guards, move to safe distance."

_ _

Bradley could hear the squeaking of armour, and he was sure that the buzzing of the device hovering over his head was increasing in intensity. His ears flattened against his ears and brushed against the firm strap around his forehead that kept him from moving it.

"Where is the rebel base, prisoner?"

_ _

"I do not know about the location of the rebel base. I am not affiliated with them. I am being held here against my will and in violation of international treaties. I demand to meet with a neutral representative to negotiate my extraction into a neutral country," Bradley recited the well-rehearsed speech he had memorized countless of times for this particular eventuality. He did not want to give up the information. The longer he could stall, the longer he could resist whatever method of torture would be put on him. For he was sure that it would be torture...this intimidation would not be nearly enough to get anything out of him. They would be wrong to think so.

Maybe they already had experience. He had heard about so many of their operatives going missing...had they all met their fates strapped on tables such as the one he was currently on...with whatever that was going to happen to him.

"Where is the rebel base?"

_ _

" I do not - "


The noise was loud but not painfully so, but as it happened, his body began to tense, suddenly, his breath caught, and just as Bradley wondered whether he was being electrocuted, his hips jerked against the restraints holding them down, and hot cum filled his sheath. His eyes popped open, as did his muzzle, his scrotum and the insides of his belly suddenly heating up completely as he experienced a powerful orgasm, unaided by paw, a touch, or any other kind of stimulation. His cock twitched inside its furry sheath and spewed cum, some of which oozed out of his sheath, the opening, which he stared with wide eyes, slowly spreading as the pink tip of his cock emerged, bathed in the white, pearly cum that now messed his sheath and the furs immediately surrounding it as the droplets spread into the furs of his belly.

"Wh-what..." the husky rumbled, unable to comprehend just what had happened to himself on that very moment, his head feeling oddly hazy and...and he'd just orgasmed...it was natural to feel mellow afterwards , and even in these circumstances, his body seemed to want to curl down and relax...even if his chest heaved up and down with the deep breaths his body required after such sudden exertion.

"Where is the rebel base located?"

_ _


He wouldn't even be given time to answer. The strange noise, coupled with a slight frowning of his forehead took over his consciousness for a moment before suddenly his hips tensed again, his scrotum pulled back, his body...his body was doing things he could not imagine it doing under such circumstances, ever...but there it was, his cock bouncing against his belly and shooting pearly streaks of cum out of his throbbing balls while his body struggled -

"We may continue this until further notice until you tell the location of the rebel base."

_ _

Bradley caught his breath, trying to make it steady again, even if his cock throbbed heavily, fully hard now and lying heavy and thick against his cum-stained belly, knotted and out of his sheath without anything as much as a brush of air having touched it after he'd been strapped naked onto the table.


The by now familiar noise and the intense buzzing were soon overshadowed by the trembling of his body and the twitching of his perineum, when yet another orgasm suddenly took his body and caused his erection to bounce and shoot a few streaks of hot jizz all over the tied-down husky's body. Bradley let out a surprised bark and a moan, unable to hold it back as he felt his body shake through the climax, unable to resist it while his body shook and his teeth clenched together, the pleasure seemed to go on and on and -



The orgasm ripped through him, really before his body had the time to even relax from the previous one, his nether parts still alight, sensitive skin and muscles that had been put to works several times now to pump the cum out of his body. He felt further hot splashes, and he throbbed, and his knot felt like it was aching, so engorged with blood and arousal that he could not describe it in his brain, clouded by whatever that strange device was doing to him with each of those series of -


His muscles rolled and the next spray of cum went so high it flew over his head before the next glob landed somewhere over his fuzzy chest. His cock pulsed, warm sweeping through his body as the orgasm took him again, inexplicably and powerfully, coursing through him until he laid panting on the padded table, staring at the light above him through the double holes in what he now knew to be an instrument of great power.

"Where is the rebel base?"

_ _

"I...I don't know..." the husky panted.

"This will continue until your body will be too sensitive to handle it, and beyond. Much beyond, I assure you. Then it will be much less pleasant than it has been so far."

_ _


His hips jerked upwards, bound down onto the table or not, his body was doing whatever that devious device was telling it to do, and that was to shoot his spunk all over himself, cause muscles to clench, his tail smacking against the table while his balls ached and expelled even further of his husky cream all over his body.




The next two orgasms came back to back ,one starting just when another was initiated, causing every muscle in his pelvis to contact so strongly it was almost painful. Cum shot out in a sharp burst, like cork of a champagne bottle, before it simply started to dribble out of him, while the muscles inside him continued to pump and work through the commands given to him from beyond, to try and force even further reproductive juices out of his body.

_ _

"I am sure you know by now what we can do to you to make you talk."

_ _




The reflex-like action of his body was once again initiated by the loud noise, and his body pumped, deliriously producing the functions of breeding on remote control, or at least trying to. His balls ached, and so did his knot, and the once hot spunk was coagulating over his furs and started to feel only sticky and cool, not hot like it had been while shooting freely out of his thick, red member -




A few thick droplets of seed ooze out of his tip, and the ever-moving tension caused his belly to clench, on fire with the act of cumming while his reserves had already been expended in the previous orgasm that had drained his balls and his fluids, but yet his body tried to produce more, it had been driven to, unable to resist it any further and -









"We can continue this for as long as it takes. prisoner."

_ _