Mak 6A

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Temir gets a surprise visit. I am not sure if this qualifies as incest or not.

Mak 6A - May 03, 2014 M/M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Fingering/Shower Wolf/Rabbit/Incest(?)

Written by Afril, Edited by Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association

Blame this one on Chaos again...

Temir sighed as he stood in front of the rabbit's apartment door. One more promotion and he could afford that little house in the 'burbs' - Oh Gods. He would have to put up a privacy fence... He could see Mak laying naked next to the pool. And when the wolf came out with drinks or whatever, the male would roll over and lift his hips, wagging his bunny-butt in the air, asking Temir if he wanted to put some lotion on him - Or in him.

Another image of himself standing in front of a BBQ, the rabbit giving him a long, slow blow-job, making him cum just before the timer went off.

He shook his head. In all the time he had known Mak, they had been to his apartment twice. Not that it mattered, they were all the same. He knocked, just to make sure... One time he had barely gotten the door closed, when his pants were around his ankles and he had a lapful of horny rabbit.

'I have been wanting you all damn day!' They didn't even make it to the couch that time.

* * * *

Distracted by the memory, Temir closed the door behind him before turning to greet the rabbit. "Mak, I've been think..."

The wolf's jaw dropped. Kneeling in front of him was a brown rabbit, wearing nothing but leather straps held together by steel rings - He looked like he had just stepped out of a Goji fan-fic. Everyone had seen the website - Naked males wearing all manner of leather and metal... Gods, there was even a ring around the leaf-shaped tail, tugging it up and out of the way. The bunny stood, rubbing himself against the panting wolf in a very erotic way before turning and walking into the living room, hips swaying just a little, pink tail-star very visible. Temir swallowed a dust-ball as big as his head and walked up to grab his lover's shoulder - Crap! The male even had a collar on with a tag... 'Slave'. Of course he enjoyed playing 'Big Bad Woof' when the bunny dressed up in that harem outfit. Even a simple robe that was slowly slid off of Mak's so hot body turned him on like crazy. But this... This was a bit much.

"Mak, I..." he turned the male around, admiring all the ways the straps hugged his hips and his chest and... Oh Gods. Pink nipples stood out from a ring of bare fur. He had Shaved?! Daring a look down, Temir gasped - The firm ball-sack he had caressed so many times was likewise devoid of fur, pink and leathery and he reached down to touch it, to hold the firm sack, making the rabbit arch and moan as the already erect cock slapped the firm belly. A giggle made him look up... To see a soft smile run across the brown muzzle. Then the male's eyes opened and Temir got the shock of his life - They were green!

"Older brother is still at work, Master Temir."

Older... Brother? One hand was sensuously caressing his face, while the other was teasing the tent inside his pants. A quick *snap* and a *ziiiip* and they were around his ankles.

"Brother would be very angry with me if I let his love get knot-bound." Both hands gently tugged on his sheath until the knot popped out, cupping the balls of flesh. The male knelt, and kissed his throbbing member, then slowly engulfed it, muzzle slipping down the red pole until it kissed the bunched sheath.

The wolf shivered... One hand caressed his balls, while the other combed his butt-fur, making his tail arch. He gripped the brown shoulders, noting how they felt different, yet the same as Mak's. A soft tongue rolled around his knobs, teeth pressed in the flesh just behind them, while throat muscles gently tugged on his cock. Then the rabbit swallowed. Temir exploded, his hips bucking against the male's face. His body turned to jelly and he slid to the floor, both cheeks being cupped by the bunny. The mouth no longer held his knobs. Instead it was sliding gently up and down his throbbing meat, milking his balls, draining them into the hungry maw. He gasped as a long tongue flicked kisses on his tip. He gasped louder as the soft lips seared the fur on his nut-sack, before they opened and sucked the shrunken ovals in to be pampered and rolled around by that same tongue. Gentle nibbles and hot kisses soon had them swollen and ready for round two...

The rabbit straddled his hips, green eyes full of promises as he teased them both by rubbing the dribbling wolf-cock up and down his cheeks, trapping it in between them. Moving his hips, he grunted as the pointed head opened him, sliding into the hot rabbit-ass. Moving his legs, he knelt, grinning at the poor woof, moving his butt back and forth, letting barely an inch slide in and out, squeezing the knobs with his muscular rump.

"Will Master Temir knot his slave?"

The wolf opened his muzzle to growl, "I am Not a Master!" but all that came out was a whimper when that so-muscular ass took him to the knot, a tongue flicked across one of his nipples, soft lips following to suck on the nub. Up and down the brown rump slid on his rigid pole, threatening to engulf him completely, but never quite doing so. Temir came with a screech, digging his fingers into the carpet while the cute tail rubbed his balls, his knobs being gently caressed by slim fingers. The bunny rocked back and forth, making sure he got every last drop of cum from the poor male's balls before he stood and padded over to the fridge, fetching a beer and a cool, damp cloth. The first went into a trembling hand, while the second cleaned his cock off, then was gently rubbed against his aching nuts, while soft kisses and licks kept his erection hard and throbbing.

After a few moments of this the rabbit helped his new lover to sit up, massaging the tense shoulders while Temir gulped the beer. The male took the empty bottle and helped the wolf stand, before putting it in the recycle bin.

"Would Master Temir like a bath before he lays down?"

"It's just Temir and I would Lieeeee..."

The male had turned around, wagging his rump into the woof's crotch, then squeezing his leaf-shaped tail, tugged on the ring that held it up. Temir panted, and gripped the metal, trying to be gentle as he slid it up and off, the rest of the straps sliding over the bunny's head, who then gathered his clothes, putting them in the hamper. He watched the sexy ass sway down the hall, a green eye looking at him over a brown shoulder.

"Bed or bath, Sir?"

'Bed' made the eye sparkle, the male waiting until he caught up to walk into the bedroom, before he slid into the bed in a very sensuous way, making Temir gasp. The wolf quickly followed, undoing the collar and putting it on the side-table. He nibbled on the spot where the fur had been pushed down, getting a giggle and the sexy rump in his crotch wriggling a bit before slipping his erection between the firm cheeks. They lay together for a while before a third body climbed in with them.


The rabbit kissed his lover. "I see you met Calhar... He will be staying with us for a couple of days."

Mak slid in behind the woof, rubbing his butt.

"Care to be the 'meat' in a rabbit sandwich?"

Before Temir could respond, the one in front squeezed his dick, making him yelp, while the one behind slid a very familiar cock into his butt, teasing him with slow, gentle thrusts until the furry sack pressed itself against his cheeks and his prostate was sending sparks up his spine.

"Lover," one rabbit said, rubbing a firm back against his chest, butt caressing his crotch, fingers pushing his dick up and into the so tight hole under the brown tail.

"Lover," the other bunny said, kissing his ear, his cheek, humping him. Feet teased his legs, hands caressed his body... The males mashed him between them, his knot popping into one hot ass, his rump taking the other cock clear to the hilt. He rocketed up past the ceiling like it wasn't there, through the roof and out into the air. He may have bounced off a star or two before somehow coming back into his sweaty, gasping body. And he thought making love with Mak was special...

Calhar squeezed the throbbing dog-meat, feeling every inch of it spasm and dribble warm fluid. The longer the knobs stayed full, the longer that hot cock stayed inside him. He grinned, and squeezed his brother's butt, moving the wolf's hand under the wagging tail. He bent the longest finger, stuffing it on the winking hole, making Mak gasp and arch and from the way the woof was moaning, blow quite a load into the sexy male. He spread his cheeks and carefully stuffed the fat ball-sack in between them. Moving his legs he rubbed them back and forth, getting a half-strangled howl and another long spurt of sticky cum. Calhar gently held the arm that came across his chest, caressing it. He could get used to sleeping like this...

* * * *

Temir awoke - Alone. Gods... He wasn't sure if he just had a wet-dream, or a nightmare. Dragging himself out of bed, he yawned and headed for the shower. He slapped his butt, getting a twinge. So - Bunny was a little frisky last night. Well, he would get even... Yeah, right! He had barely gotten in the stall when hands started caressing his rump, and he grinned.

'And good morning to yo..."

Kneeling in front of him was two rabbits, one with green eyes, one with brown eyes. Both were grinning as they teased his rear, just before they moved closer, to nibble on his sheath. His cock exploded outwards like it was on springs, hands tugging the knobs out so they could be kissed and licked. He almost came just from that. Then they took turns licking his shaft, all the way up to the dripping end. He was gently turned and one muzzle engulfed him, sucking softly. Another pushed his tail up, a wicked tongue teasing his hole open, darting inside, while soft lips pressed themselves against his soft flesh. All four hands were caressing his balls, his thighs, squeezing his shuddering butt. He held onto the guard-bar for dear life and rode his orgasm - Make that a couple of orgasms, as someone's tongue kept flicking across his too-sensitive cock-tip, while the kisses on his tail-hole were replaced by something much bigger. It was fat and hot and throbbing and it slid into him with very little trouble at all.

A hot mouth engulfed his knobs, a pair of balls slapped his butt... And the wolf was gone. One hand toyed with a long ear, getting a grunt and if it was possible, even stronger suction on his dog-meat. The other hand squeezed a bunny's butt, keeping the male sheathed inside him. The muzzle slowly retreated, taking every last drop of semen and pre the penis had in it, then as a hand reached around to tweak his nipples, Calhar came up to kiss the panting wolf, making him moan. Green eyes looked into his...

"I will go make breakfast, and get your clothes ready."

Mak gasped as a hand smacked his butt, making him buck into the wolf.

"Don't wear him out too much, older brother... He still has to work today - And take care of us tonight."

Temir decided now was a good time to pass-out. At least until the water hit him... Yipe! Strong hands rubbed his shoulders, his back, his butt, and he shivered, wishing his lover had left the firm rabbit-meat inside him just a little longer. But even as they kissed, he sighed at how little time they had left. Breakfast seemed almost tame - If you don't count two hot, naked rabbits rubbing their feet all over his legs and crotch. The wolf somehow managed to get dressed, one bunny caressing his sack, the other caressing his butt while they slid his pants on. 'Don't want any hairs catching' was their excuse. And of course his nipples got tongued while his shirt slid over his shoulders. Finally he was dressed and out the door, Mak's rump pressed against his hand as they made their way to the bus-port. It was going to be a long day...

The End