Naruto ep.69 - Attack on The Caravan, Troubles in the Night!

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It was a bright but cold winter in the Hidden Leaf Village. Casual on goers were doing what ever they needed to make a living. Because they were so caught up in what they did in their daily lives, they had no idea about the teams of Ninja that protected the village that they loved and made a living in. One such squad was squad 7. It consisted of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and the knuckle headed ninja himself, Naruto Uzumaki. We join them as they are finishing a mission capturing one of many small smuggling caravans.

"Naruto watch out!" Yelled Sakura.

"Stop fussing Sakura, I've got this under contr..." Naruto could not even finish his sentence as one of the thugs sprang out of the caravan, nearly taking his head off with a Windmill Shurikan. Luckily Sasuke was there and he shooed him off with a quick fireball jutsu. Naruto reeled around just in time to grab the Shurikan.

Sakura sighed in the background. "That was too close for comfort."

During the maneuver by Naruto, Sasuke was still suspended in mid air, flipping gracefully. On one of his rotations, he notices that there were three leftover smugglers quietly but quickly making they're way behind Sakura. He quickly grasped 3 Kunai and; with the precision of a bullet from an expert marksman, smite all three of the leftover criminals in the cranium.

Sakura, who was just used as, bait without her knowing it (well, se did now,) was royally pissed.


By that time, Sasuke had landed and was looking at Sakura with an annoyed and frustrated expression. After about 10 more minutes of senseless ranting, Sasuke quick-jumped next to Sakura.

"Wha..." She was interrupted when Sasuke lifted up his arm and pointed to the three now incapacitated criminals.

"What are you poi..." the voice drained away as she turned around and saw the 3 smugglers that were literally inches away from killing her. At that, she felt very stupid. She didn't say anything for the rest of the mission.

"Well were done here. Might as well head back to the village and get a pick-up crew out here to get the supplies." Said Naruto while putting his arms behind his head in a relaxing manner.

"No, we're about 7 miles from the village. Did you not hear Tsunade, you knucklehead? She said that if we catch them before sundown, to signal the village by smoke." Sasuke said with obvious dislike in his voice.

"YOU THINK YOU ARE SO SMART, SASUKE, BUT I'M NOT FALLING FOR IT!" Naruto said, even confusing himself, not meaning to say something that stupid.

"Whatever loser, lets just get camp set up." Sasuke said, starting to unpack his camping supplies.

For the next half hour, they set up camp and got a fire going. Sakura got a blanket and with the help of Naruto, started sending up the correct signals so the Hokage would know that in the morning to send retrievers to gather the stolen supplies.

"I'm going to get more firewood." Said Sasuke, walking down the path to the woods.

After he left, Sakura and Naruto were left on their own, sending up the last of the fire signals.

"I think I might go look for some food." Sakura said, standing up.

"Good, I'm starving. I'll come too." Naruto exclaimed, rising up.

"No, actually I would rather go alone. Thanks though."

She left there, leaving Naruto standing alone, just like always.

"Ok, I guess I'll just stay here then." But Sakura did not catch it, because she had already left the camp, far enough to where she could safely turn and head the way that Sasuke went. "I'm such an idiot," she thought to herself, following Sasuke's footprints. "I should not have yelled at Sasuke like that. It was so rude of me. I hope he forgives me."

She had drifted so far into her thoughts, that she didn't even see Sasuke, even thou she walked INCHES away from him.

"Umm, Sakura, are you feeling ok?" asked Sasuke, generally concerned, for she did not even acknowledge his presence.

That snapped Sakura out of her trance, making her spin around, embarrassed because she did not even know what happened. "Ugh, y-yea I'm feeling fine, just thinking."

Sasuke closed his eyes in frustration, "that's Sakura for you, always dazing..." His thoughts were interrupted as, without warning, Sakura thru her arms around him. He decided to let it slip for now, wanting to know what she had to say.

"Oh Sasuke, I'm so sorry I yelled at you. I was just so scared and confused," she said sobbing into Sasuke's shoulder.

"Not this nonsense again," groaned Sasuke, rolling his eyes. Then something happened that he would have not anticipated in a thousand years. Sakura had broken the embrace partly, but had put her mouth up to his. He was so surprised, and longed to break the kiss, but something inside him kept going. He hugged her back and then started to kiss back. The connection between the two was almost magical. He could feel as there tongues met in the middle, little sparks of chackra flowed between the lovers mouths. It heightened the pleasure so much; he longed now to just be inside her. He restrained himself, though, gently breaking the kiss.

"Sakura, I..." Sasuke was interrupted when Sakura put a finger up to his mouth.

"This is my apologies for yelling at you," Sakura said in such a gentle voice, that Sasuke was almost unable to hear her. He was surrounded in so much bliss right now, because Sakura had bent down and unzipped Sasuke's pants. His half hard 7-inch member now being stroked moderately hard, slowly reaching is full 7 1/2 inches. As soon as he was fully hardened, Sakura started to take him in to her mouth.

His cock was so huge that to get the whole the whole thing wet, she had to bring her mouth around the sides. Signaling that it was time for the real thing, he shot a long stream of pre- in her mouth. She eagerly slurped it up and then started feeling her way up Sasuke's chest; her petite cold hands along his rock hard bicep's, feeling his chest and giving the nipples a little lick. That surge of sexuality sent shivers down his spine, and made him shoot another thing of pre-. She slowly rose up her legs to take Sasuke, but just as she descended, something huge and furry tackled her.

Sasuke was of no help, now almost unconscious with bliss, his vision blurry and filled with ecstasy. Little did he know that Sakura was not pleasuring him then, much less screaming his name for help.

Sakura was helpless. She had no idea what was on top of her right then, but it was an Anbu, the local monster in this part.

"Please get off me! You're going to...AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed, suddenly being stuck with what she realized as a giant dick. She realized that it was helpless to struggle, because the Anbu was twice as big as her, and more than 3 times stronger. She could feel her pussy starting to rip, it not being able to take the huge member in so quickly. The Anbu went faster and faster, deeper and deeper in till' his almost foot and a half long dick was all the way inside of her. It's sheath banging into her tight hole. She could feel the Anbu start to tense up.

"No please don..." She was too late. As she tried to yell this, the Anbu gave one last eruptive shove and then she felt the insides about to bust. The cum, having nowhere else to go, sprayed out till it showered all over his lower abdomen and all over his balls.

The Anbu, obviously not satisfied, made his way over to Sasuke. Seeing that Sasuke was pretty much unconscious, the Anbu decided to play with his fresh play-toy when he realized that he was still aroused.

He grabbed the back of Sasuke's head, bringing it closer and closer, till his close mouth was resting on the Anbu's tip. With a few unsuccessful shoves, He brought his hand up and opened Sasuke's mouth. He slowly started to push his huge member into the little boys mouth. He soon found, though, that it could not accompany his whole cock.

He decided on shoving what ever he could in and out of the boy's mouth while jacking off. The Anbu found this very pleasurable. He probably only lasted about 5 minuets before reaching his climax, filling the boys mouth with warm, musky cum. After about 10 minuets of letting his afterglow wear off, he pulled his now receding member out of Sasuke's mouth. He found a large-leafed plant and started to clean himself. After clean, he walked away proud, not having been that satisfied in a very long time.

No one ever found out about that incident. When Sakura and Sasuke woke up, they had no idea what happened, and they made a pact to never tell anyone on pain of Death. When they went back to camp, they found Naruto asleep in his sleeping bag. And that concludes the episode; Attack on The Caravan, Troubles in the Night!