Kitten's Submission

Story by Lucy Macabre on SoFurry

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This was something I wrote within a few months, having writer's block. Starts out in a different format and ends with a personal perspective on the corruption on a submissive's mind, but I hope it catches the reader's attention just as well.

I'm open to suggestions, critiques, grammer correctons etc. I can use all the help I can get as I'm still fairly new in keeping to the emtinal and mental seductive aspect of illustrative writing.


Part 1

She was tired. Just that. Tired of being used, tired of the divas at the office. My god what a headache that was throbbing in the back of her head. She sat at the bar in the barn where her old stash of hard liquor was tucked away.

"My old friends...", She mumbled spying a very dusty shot glass and bottle of rum. She remembered when she first had rum. It was years ago at a party where she was being bored of the childish drunk anthros stalking about the place. Bored and yet somehow she managed to get by with a drink with another feline. She smirked as she thought back on that night. Sweat and stamina. All it took was rum. "Rum by dearest, why have I neglected you so for so long...", she asked whiole talking to herself, then swung back the shot of brown bitter liquid.

Her back ached, her limbs were like gelatin melting down from not having any cool air around her. Didn't help her small barn was dreadfully small. Damn contractors couldn't do a thing right anyhow, let alone take instructions from a bossy female. Men and their macho attributes. She stared at the bar top, making a grim face not thinking anymore on it. Hearing footsteps, she turned her head perking an ear.

"Hello, darling." A tall shadowing figure entered her silenced environment. She couldn't tell if he was smiling or not, but she sensed it. My my, seems she had trouble brewing already. "Hope I'm not interrupting," he stated walking to where her seated self was and brushed the loose strands of hair behind her ear. Such soft masculine fingertips, a girl could fall under his spell like you could drown under an ocean. His scent was strong and musky as well. Her eyes tried desperately not to be clouded by his sensual hovering, but sadly had to give in. She got up to stand behind the bar trying to maintain her composure.

"Samuel. What drags you to my bar,?" asking him with a smirk on her lips, while wiping down the counter. She knew better than do nothing around him, and knew only one quick move could send her tumbling over his whim. "You are not allowed to be here."

He simply smiled. That stupid sly smile he always had on. Goddamn him for being who he was. Even when she swore she would never see him again, he could still seduce her with that forbidden smile pf seduction. She kicked herself each time he came straggling in, clenching the edge of the counter with her claws making deepening markings. His eyes called to her. His deep fiery eyes that spoke of abduction and pleasure. His expression was a menacing ravishment all on its own. While she turned her head away to grab a cleaner, she turned her backside to him, but that did nothing. She still felt those eyes wander over her, being stripped of her clothing as it was only a couple of thin layers. She had to stop this. She couldn't bare it any longer.

"Sam, please. You have to leave...," she stammered closing her eyes as she had little to calm herself down with.

"Come now, Natasha. No need to be all rejecting towards me." He leapt over the counter pinning her to the mirror that was hanging on the wall behind the bar. A soft gasp escaped her throat as she closed her eyes again, her body and paws flat on the reflecting object. Her breath hovered on the glass, and he knew he had done what he had come for.

He leaned in forward to whisper in her ear naughty sweet nothings, filling her head with the most ultimate fantasies that ever dreamed of. Allowing his fingertips to glide along her garter, he unhooked them one by one. Slowly and ever so gently he snapped her stockings with a loud snap. Her body jerked up from the sound her lingerie made, sending shivers up her spine. He began again whispering to her again only this time telling her about his darker secrets. "Do you absolutely have to fight me, dear girl?" His voice like silk drove her mind mad, making her eyes roll in the back of her head. "I will make you mine, Kitten. In time, you'll never obey anyone else. Just me adoring my touch, my voice, my seductive control. All yours to enjoy no matter how many cunts I've had in my bed. Tell me what you want Kitten. Confess to me what you've missed."

With that she awoke. Covered in sweat and breathing heavily, she whimpered trying to get ahold of herself. Damn him for waking her up. Her body trembled, still remembering how he was with her.

She hated him. She needed him. She damned him to hell, making herself go to bed. Maybe things will be different in the morning.

Part 2 She stirred in her sleep. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tossed in the bed, the sheets soaked with the nights she suffered that evening. Voices haunted her every thought. Voices, moans, screams of the dark secrets she didn't want to admit and face. She suddenly awoke with a shudder. Turning on the light quickly, she panted and caught her breath so wouldn't panic. Panicking was something she wasn't used to. She never would do such a thing. Her body was flushed with heat, her face warm to the touch. Maybe it was just a hot flash. She was just under stress from work. Yes, that's it. Just under stress. Then in the corner of her eye, she screamed seeing a figure. The love seat was never occupied. It couldn't be. She took cautious steps toward the love seat, her footsteps silent even on the wooden flooring she had just installed. She could still the smell the fresh mahogany scent from underneath her toes. The moonlight hit her profile making a simmering glimmer along her purple fur. Her stripes becomes more apparent in the daylight but now they seemed to blend in almost like they wanted to be found by a pair of fingertips. She came to the lamp turning it on with a flick. She saw nothing. Sighing with a soft smile she stepped toward the bed side again. "Just a bad dream. Nothing at all," she told herself. "I wouldn't say that, my dear." She stopped. Lifting her head up, she peered around the bedroom starting to feel anxious. No her mind kept saying. He couldn't be here. Just can't be. She reached for her robe putting it on as she felt chills running through her. Yet she still felt naked underneath the covering. She doubted that would stop him from taking what he wanted. She tried to distract herself from his tone as it was once again leaving it hard to keep calm. His tone. Remembering his words just a moment before, she sighed, her breathing heavier than normal. She turned her head to finally see him sitting in the love seat as she suspected him to be. It wasn't him she normally knew, but someone else. His eyes still spoke of the same abduction and of his sadistic sexual appetite waiting for his next victim. Yet this time she could feel his paws ache to touch. That burning need to feather across her breasts and nipples as he eyed her deeply with a dark seeping passion for his erotic skills. What would he do with her? What could he possibly want with such a feline who hasn't experienced anything like this before? The questions scattered through her mind as she panicked. As her panic swam through her nerves, he stood up keeping a close on her. She jumped as she watched. As she clenched her robe tightly around her, she pulled her legs up hoping it would be some protection from his grasp. Little did she know what would happen if she would let herself into submission. With that she awoke. Once more in a confused daze, she found herself clenching the sheets. "Goddamn it...," she cursed. She was indeed under his spells. It was frustrating to admit that know one could do that to her. How many men that would try and not succeed to seduce her with their charms. Charming flattery was only a cliche after all. A true master's seduction...Was only the beginning of one's journey to submission.

Part 3 I shouldn't have came. I knew it was only trouble, but how can i refuse? I promised myself it was only a simple arrangement. But He knows I still rebel. Knowing I couldn't defy any order was just the beginning. Little did I know what was about to be cast upon me.

There was a look in His eye. I knew what it meant. I cried, I resisted. I cried out again, trying to escape His possessive grasp that held me against such a manly form. He molded so perfectly behind me. I quivered and shuddered at His words being so captivating in my ear, feeling his breath tickling down my neck. No amount of begging could save me from under his seductive spells, and yet I didnt want to be saved.

No. Not again, I cant, I wont, I dont want anymore. How can He pull me in deeper?

I lifted up my head, seeing Him lift up my skirt above my thighs. His fingers inspected every inch of them, and all I could do was wait for His commanding voice to control me. He moved toward my garters. His favorite as He stated. Black lace with roses sewed onto the belt and hooks. Lightly tracing them, he moved then to my corset. The bodice was low enough i could feel him breathing down my cleavage. I closed my eyes as He leaned in to whisper "You knew I always favoured this set. You wore this to torment me or please me I wonder..." He paused and gave me a smirk. I couldnt see it, but I could sense He did. How much I dreaded being next to Him, Let it end, please let it be ending soon.

"I didn't wear for you..." I so boldly replied. Looking at Him, I gave a defiant proud expression. I was groped at the throat for that close moment. I could only close my eyes tighter letting out a mewing gasp. I reached up to grip on His wrist but was stopped. No, I thought. Not again, please.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't make you mine. you dare try to rebel against me, my sweet?" He turned my muzzle to make me face Him. My eyes were clouded with a submission I didnt want to accept. I didnt want it, and I still dont. How is this possible? Why?!

"You can't help it can you,?" He whispered once more. He leaned in closer to pin me up against the bed post. My arms were pinned, wrapped around where i couldnt get free from the bed. Tying me securely, He then reached for a remote. I watched as a light shined over me, leaving me as the only object glistening in the room with the other lamps turned off. He stepped to close the distance between us again. I looked away shutting Him out.

He gripped my muzzle again to make me see His eyes. "Tell me," he commands me. "Tell me you want out of this. That you hate me, and never want me to touch you ever again. We both know you cant, even as fiery as you are." He began to undo my attire. First the corset laces, then the hooks to make it difficult to dress after. Kicking it across the room, He returned to me to slip down my skirt. Before I could cross my legs to hide my panties, it was too late as it was to my feet already. He quirked an eyebrow almost surprised I had such tastes. "Crotch less, and laced. Who knew such a slutty thing could make my night any..brighter"

Before I knew it I had almost given up. He kissed me in a way where i could only respond. I wanted to reach for Him and cling desperately where I had no choice but to enjoy Him. I felt His tongue slip inside my mouth to dance with mine, murring against my lips. He grinded up against my hip, as I arched my breasts forward to provoke Him and urge on the pleasures.

The final breaking was where He stood bare for me to gaze upon. So masculine and beautiful. He stepped forward to tease my opening, then I felt Him. Oh was this how it felt? I moaned a slow moan leaning my head back, tightening my legs round His hips, My heels dug into his cheeks, gripping as m,uch as possible not letting go. I could feel Him penetrating deeper and deeper and my god could it get any more intense? Deeper and deeper He thrusted where I cried out, cumming with a wrath of orgasmic rage. Then what I longed for was what He gave me. I felt His fangs sink in, marking me as His as long last I almost fell from what I knew was what I craved and denied myself.

He penetrated me yes, but most of all my heart making me love someone i denied and resisted. He found my desire, my emotional breaking point of becoming His submissive. A journey of where submission is full of sinful sin.