The wolf king ch. 3

Story by Kendrick on SoFurry

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#3 of the wolf king

Please leave comments below, I love to here what everyone has to say whether it be good or bad.

I think you all may want to beet the next chapter out of me by the end of this one. Enjoy! :)

"Very good I think Red will at least find what you can do acceptable." Kilyne sounded rather smug as if getting Cedric to 'acceptable' in Red standards was a good thing. "know I must go." With that Kilyne picked up her bag walked to the door and left.

"Goodbye to you to." Cedric muttered, walking over to a large marble bath tub that the maids had brought in ten minutes before. Reaching down Cedric quickly put his right paw in the water and drew it back. He had expected it to be hot, but it was actually a rather nice worm temperature. Cedric once more removed his pants and stepped into the tub, sighing as he sunk into the water.

For a while Cedric just allowed himself to relax, but it was not to last as soon the water began to cool. Grunting Cedric leaned over the side of the tub and picked up the soap bar that had been left for him. As he began to work the soap into his fur Cedric heard the clinking of armor in the hall followed by a knock at his chamber door.

"Cedric, it's Aiden. May I come in?" Freezing Cedric looked toward the door and then looked back down at himself. He couldn't tell Aiden to come in because he was naked in a tub of water, but he also couldn't send him away. Half of the day had already gone by, sending him away know would be denying his duties. "Cedric?" Aiden called a little louder this time. He sounded slightly worried which made Cedric wonder why. "Cedric!" Aiden was definitely freaked out know.

"Yes Aiden?" Cedric called, he thought he heard multiple sighs of relief from outside the door.

"Are you alright? Why didn't you answer me?" Cedric smiled lightly, Aiden sounded relieved but he still wasn't sure why.

"Yes I'm fine I am just in the bath." There was a small pause, followed by the clinking of armor. Shrugging Cedric went back to cleaning his fur. Aiden and the guards must have left to give him more time to bathe. Just as he finished the thought though the door opened. Cedric whirled around causing water to splash down onto the floor. "Calm down Cedric I can't see you." Looking toward the door Cedric found that the voice was coming from Aiden.

"Wha- what are you doing in here?!" Cedric starred at Aiden stunned that the taller wolf would come in, despite what he had told him.

"I can't see you it's still pitch black in here. I can't even see my paw directly in front of my face!" Cedric watched as Aiden than brought his paw up to his face and looked intently into the darkness as he attempted to see his paw. Cedric began to calm down a little and let his arms drop back down into to tub as he relaxed his shoulders. "Besides is really that bad if I see you naked?" This made Cedric freeze, he was just about to climb out of the tub and put on a new pair of pants.

"Wh- what?" Cedric could barely speak as he stared at Aiden. He saw Aiden smile lightly, but there was something else in his eyes. Something that Cedric couldn't explain.

"Well I mean friends right? So is it really a big deal if I see you naked? It's not like we are going to have sex right?" Aiden's smile changed a little to a smirk that matched the look in his eyes. That smile and those eyes sent a shiver down Cedric's spine. Suddenly Aiden just burst out laughing and doubled over. "I'm... sorry... Cedric... I... just... couldn't... resist!" Aiden said braking between words as he continued to laugh. Cedric just starred at Aiden dumb founded. 'This was all a joke!' He thought. He almost felt betrayed, as if some part of himself actually wanted what Aiden was insinuating.

When this thought passed through his mind though Cedric quickly shook his head. He wouldn't be having anymore of these thoughts. He was straight! Although he would admit that if he were gay Aiden would definitely be the guy he would want to be with, but that was if he was gay. Sighing Cedric looked at Aiden who was starting to calm down from his laughing fit.

"What do you want Aiden?" Cedric asked wanting to instantly slap himself for how bitter he sounded.

"Cedric you know I was only joking right? I didn't mean to upset you." Cedric's ears flattened out against his head. Aiden sounded surprised but also a little hurt.

"I know Aiden. I'm really sorry it was just the training." That sounded believable right? He didn't want to tell Aiden the real reason why he sounded irritated.

"Why what happened? Was Kilyne to hard on you?" Aiden asked staring in Cedric's direction, although he didn't seem to see him. Look of worry in Aiden's face made Cedric blush lightly. The training was great, he just said the first thing that came to mind. Know Aiden was worried, and from the little that Cedric understood when Aiden wanted to know something, he would find out one way or another.

"What?... No the training was fine. I'm just a little tired... What was it that you wanted?" Aiden starred at Cedric, his eyes boring into Cedric's. He just hoped that Aiden would leave it at that. Sighing Aiden just bowed his head.

"If you say so." Lifting his head Aiden once more looked in Cedric's direction. "The reason I'm here is to help you get ready." Cedric blinked. What would he need to get ready for? All he ever did was train with Red. Than train with Aiden to learn the werewolf politics. What else could there be?

As he was contemplating this Cedric failed to notice Aiden walk over to the wardrobe by his bed and start rifling through it. "So, what would you like to were?"

"How am I supposed to know? I don't even know where I'm going." At this Aiden turned to him and cocked his head.

"What do you mean you don't know where you're going?" For the first time Cedric actually heard Aiden sound confused. It would have been funny seeing the big strong deep voiced wolf sounding confused, but at the moment Cedric was still wondering where he was supposed to go. "Didn't Kilyne tell you?" This time Aiden sounded slightly annoyed.

"No she didn't. Now can you please tell me where I am going?" Cedric asked in an exasperated tone. He didn't like all of the surprises he had gotten within the past 24 hours. First he found out he had an aunt who would most likely try to kill him. Than he had these fantasy's about him and Aiden. Which was followed by Kilyne showing up, and now he had to deal with whatever this was. Cedric hoped this wasn't going to be his day to day life from this point forward. He had always hated not knowing what was happening around him.

"Well I will have to have a talk with her." Aiden replied and a low tone. He looked like he did when he had berated the guards last night when they let the light in. Suddenly he brightened up and turned around reaching into the wardrobe. Within a moment he was facing Cedric again holding a pair of black dress pants, a gray under shirt, and black vest with purple embroidery and a similarly designed trench coat. "You are going to a party." Aiden smiled at Cedric as he lay the clothes out on the bed.

Cedric stared at Aiden dumb founded. "What is the party for?" Cedric asked not moving from his spot.

"The party is to celebrate you Cedric. The fact that despite your father being killed you are still here to lead us. Most thought that when you father died it was the end of the alpha lineage. Yet here you stand as our king." Aiden smiled and this time he stared right at Cedric, like he could actually see him. Looking into Aiden's eyes made Cedric's fill with butterflies despite that he was across the room. "It's also a custom to throw a party whenever a new alpha takes charge. By the way before we get started I suggest you dry off. I can smell your wet fur from over here!" Aiden smiled light hardly at him.

Blushing Cedric turned toward the table by the tub and grabbed the towel that was folded neatly on it. "So the party will start at around noon. That gives us just about two hours to get you already... Do you mind if I light the torch so I can see?" Cedric still wasn't sure what to make of all this but walked over to the fire place. bending over he picked up a lighter match and struck it in the stone wall. The spark soon turned into a small flame which after a moment of steeling himself Cedric moved to the torch.

The room was quickly bathed in a faint light, causing Cedric to wince but he was soon able to open his eyes fully. Aiden seemed to have noticed the wince though because Cedric heard quick steps only to have Aiden step in front of him, his paws in Cedric's shoulders. "Are you alright? we can put out the torch if you like." Cedric smiled, the butterflies were back but he couldn't figure out why. Could it have been the concern that Aiden had for him? Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind Cedric concentrated back on Aiden's question.

"Yes I'm fine, it just takes a moment for me to get used to the light." Nodding Aiden moved back over to the bed. While Aiden laid out his clothing properly Cedric took the torch off the wall and walked around the room. Lighting the rest and the candles and torches so that Aiden could see.

When he was finished Cedric went back to the fire place and placed the torch back on the wall. He then turned and walked over to Aiden who had been waiting patiently. Cedric looked over the clothes once more. The article that caught his eye the most was the leather trench coat. It was long enough that it would come down to his hind paws, and the purple designs seem to flow with the leather when Cedric picked up the right sleeve.

"It was specially made for you, ever since you have arrived the tailors have been round the clock to make you a complete wardrobe for every occasion. In fact they are still at work."

Cedric turned to Aiden a confused look on his face. "Wont they be coming to the party?" The question seemed to surprise Aiden.

"No why would they join the party? The only other's that will be at the party are upper class citizens, the lords and ladies. Members of the royal court, and a few of the army generals."

"Why? Shouldn't everyone be able to come? If this is a celebration about a new alpha than shouldn't all who serve under the alpha be able to come?" The questions once more seemed to take Aiden by surprise.

After a few moments Aiden asked, "Would you like everyone who is available to come?"

"Yes, I would." This seemed to be exactly what Aiden wanted to hear.

With a smile he said, "You remind me of your father, he thought the same way you did. Always hated being in a higher status than others, and would act just like you do when people call you 'your majesty.'" Aiden than walked to the door and opened it. "Guard I want you to tell lord Sif that King Cedric would like everyone to be able to join the celebration. Whether they be middle, lower, or upper class citizens. Anyone who wishes to attend may do so."

"Yes sir." Aiden than closed the door and walked back over to Cedric. A smile on his face.

"So shall we get you dressed." Before he could reply Aiden reached forward and grabbed the string holding Cedric's pants up and pulled it, causing the pants to fall to the ground. Cedric blushed, and quickly moved to cover himself.

"A-Aiden what a-are you doing?" Aiden just smiled in that mischievous way again.

"What does it look like I am doing? I'm getting you dressed for the party." With that Aiden then handed Cedric the pants sitting on the bed. "Well hurry up... or would you like me to help you get into them?" Cedric's blush deepened and he hastily lowered the pants so that he could slide his legs into them.

Once the pants were on and the laces tide Aiden reached over into the wardrobe and pulled out a brush. "Go and sit in the chair over there so I can comb your fur." Cedric hesitated for a moment but complied. He decided that the butterflies in his stomach was just him getting nervous about the party.

Cedric gave a small yelp when he sat down. He still hadn't gotten used to his tail yet, and ended up sitting on it. Blushing he turned back toward Aiden only to see the taller wolf trying to contain his laughter. Which in the end failed miserably and Aiden burst out laughing. Blushing Cedric tried to ignore Aiden and sat back down, this time being very mindful of his tail.

After a minute of laughing Aiden spoke up. "I'm... so sorry." He gasped out trying to catch his breath. "That was just too funny."

"Just get over here so that I can finished getting dressed." Cedric replied in an exasperated tone. What was with Aiden today? Normally he was all business. He rarely cracked a joke, let alone attempt to embarrass Cedric. Then again Cedric had asked him to be his friend and not his servant. 'Could this be Aiden trying to be friendly?' He thought. Turning he saw Aiden walk over to him and smile down at Cedric.

"Turn your head forward so that I can get your back, than we will move to tour arms. Your chest want really need to be done except for your neck, but we will save that till your fully dressed." With that Aiden began to comb Cedric's fur. The comb running through his for made Cedric want to moan. He kept on telling himself it was because of the comb and not because of Aiden's hand on his shoulder, pushing him to lean forward.

"That should do it." Aiden put the comb down and motioned for Cedric to follow him. Together they walked back to Cedric's bed were Aiden handed him his under shirt. When he had put the shirt and vest on Aiden picked up the trench coat. Cedric slid the coat on instantly noticing how light weight it was. It was obviously made for his comfort.

Aiden than walked back over to the chair Cedric had just been sitting in and picked up the comb. Coming back over Aiden had Cedric face him, his back to the bed allowing the light to hit Cedric's face. Carefully Aiden than began to comb Cedric's fur watching as the midnight fur became sleeker, and smoother. When he reached Cedric's muzzle Aiden looked into his eyes as he brushed his fur. It only took a few moments for Cedric to become entranced in Aiden's golden eye's. For some reason they seemed to be getting closer. Then Cedric realized he could feel Aiden worm breath on his muzzle. Cedric watched as Aiden closed the distance between there muzzles. Each second feeling like an hour before their lips finally connected.

Cedric stood stunned as Aiden kissed him not sure what to do. His mind was screaming this wasn't right. That he was straight and shouldn't enjoy this, but his heart said this is what he needed. Someone to love, and care for him. His heart won when Aiden pushed his tong against Cedric's lips asking for entry. Giving in Cedric opened his muzzle slightly and returned the kiss, allowing his tongue to glide along Aiden's.

After what seemed like an eternity, Cedric felt Aiden's paw push against his chest off balancing him slightly, allowing Aiden to lower him to the bed. Their muzzles still locked in their kiss.

To be continued...