Silverback Episode 8

Story by Jazcal on SoFurry

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#8 of Silverback

I finally found the time to write and edit. I am glad at how this turned out. As always, please let me know what you think, all comments and critiques are appreciated.

Sure enough, the king demanded that Roarsi join the nation and forfeit their ruler to the justice of our glorious nation. Naturally they declined and a war ensued between the Roarsi and an alliance consisting of us and the small nation of Ave. True to my word, I enlisted. I got my orders to go to boot camp immediately the next day. I packed my things and said goodbye to Snow and Felix with a couple of smug paw shakes. The train ride to the camp was uneventful. When we arrived at the training camp I finally saw my first automobile! It was amazing! Granted it was a medical truck, but it was still pretty cool with the engine and how much it could carry, truly amazing. I hoped I would be able to drive one of those while I was here. We went to the command building where we were issued our dusty green colored combat uniforms and our black dress uniforms. Our equipment was standard soldier equipment with survival gear and our helmet reminded me of a soup bowl with about an inch or so of lip to attempt to try and cover our shoulders. There were also ear holes where the rim began for our comfort. They didn't issue us our weapons though. Said they wanted to arrive to the front with everyone in one piece.

We were also assigned to a unit; turns out that I signed up for the all canine, Royal Fang Guard. It was the last segregated battalion in the whole armed forces being comprised of only canines. I was assigned to 2nd Company, 1stPlatoon, Section C under the command of Sergeant Dilis, a border collie who had earned his way up the ladder through a plethora monotonous trainings and the old one retiring. My Section was assigned a barracks to live in. Again, as I surveyed who I was going to die with, I noticed I was the only Jackal and, oddly enough, the only one that wasn't from a "domesticated" heritage as the infamous "they" called it. As I arranged my bunk, I overheard some talk from some of the others. From what I could make out, they were largely drafted and there were maybe only a few enlisted in the Section.

"Attention!" called the Sergeant suddenly from the doorway. We all stood at attention, not a sound was made. "Silverback, you come with me" he called.

"Yes sir!" I said.

"Don't call me sir soldier. I work for a living. I am your Sergeant. Understood?" he said.

"Understood Sergeant" I replied heading for the door.

"Everyone understand?" he called again.

"Yes Sergeant!" everyone shouted.

"Good, equipment on! We train in 5!" he ordered.

He took me outside to speak with me in private. I was shaking and wondering what I could have messed up already.

He faced me and spoke, "Recruit Silverback, if you haven't noticed yet, you are the only enlisted anthro in C Section. As such, the Lieutenant has deemed it necessary to have another anthro ready to take my place in case things go sour. He has decided that the anthro who signed up for the war should be the one to get the promotion immediately. Congratulations Corporal. He has also ordered me to tell you to meet at the Battalion HQ every evening after I am through with you for some extra training. Am I understood Corporal?"

"Yes Sergeant" I replied.

"Very well, return to the barracks and get dressed. You will see the rank is already sewn onto your uniform."

"Yes Sergeant"

I returned and sure enough, the insignia was already there. The others glared a bit, but they got over it once the training began. We ran and marched for the first week. We ran three miles uphill and three miles back down; we marched for ten miles rain or shine, night or day. The rest of the time was filled with class time, hand to hand combat training, and firing rifles. Sergeant Dilis wanted us to be the best section in the entire battalion. Discipline was instilled and we both upheld it to the highest standard. We as a Section learned to trust each other and rely on one another. The Sergeant and I became friends because we were supposed to not form close bonds with the soldiers under us. Learn their names and a little about them and even then, you were a little too close.

The Lieutenant recognized the Section's "exceptional performance" and promoted the Sergeant to Staff Sergeant, and me to Sergeant. My pay was about the only thing that was affected, the guys were still the guys and I was still second in command.

We finished training when the Lieutenant thought that I was capable of doing my job correctly and efficiently since I was thrust into second in command of the section. The battalion was told it would be on standby for a couple of weeks. With only further training in the future until more orders trickled down from command, I thought I would take some leave and talk to Snow in person. Sure I wrote to him and everyone else back home, but I wanted to brag a little in person; show off my new skills, my uniform and most importantly, see him. My leave was approved for a few days and off I went. I gathered my black dress uniform, with my white insignias and stunning white contrasts that were part of the uniform, my matching cap and left for home.

I arrived by train in a matter of hours and went home to see if it was still there. It was still standing thankfully and it looked like Snow and Felix were taking care of it for me. When I entered, my heart filled with relief. It was good to be home. I never realized how much I missed it until that very moment, seeing my old house that suddenly seemed all too new and exciting. I stayed home despite my desire to go and see Snow. But why should I worry? I asked myself. I have a few days and I should enjoy them, I told myself.

So I stayed home and relaxed. I took a shower without a ton of other guys around. Not that I minded, but I also didn't want to get discharged for being gay. I slept in my own bed without having to worry about sudden drills interrupting my precious slumber. Life was heavenly.

The next day, I dawned on my dress uniform and set out to say hello to everyone. I planned on seeing Snow last in order to ensure that this leave ended on a good note. So naturally I went to see my stepmom first. She tried her hardest to be proud of me, but it wasn't like any other time she tried to be nice to me. It felt like she actually tried instead of putting on an act. I think it was because I was actually going, and possibly going to die. We had a pleasant breakfast and I left to go hang out with Felix since he had the day off. We told each other stories about what was going on that didn't fit well in a letter. He was impressed by how fast I climbed the ladder in a matter of a few weeks. I asked him how the war was going since command liked to not tell the soldiers anything, except about huge victories over a squad of the enemy and how we were always rescuing our avian allies.

"Jazcal, it has only just begun. The paper says that we are winning even though if you map it out, the line is constantly pushing back and forth with us making slow progress" he told me.

"Figured the Roarsi would be ready for us" I spat. "Anyways, do you know if Snow has today off?"

"You mean you haven't talked to him yet?" he asked a bit surprised. I shook my head. "Good, I kind of wanted to talk to you first. Listen, I think that before shit starts to go bad and you get deployed into combat, you should open up to him. Tell him everything you have ever wanted to tell him and get it out of your system" he said sincerely.

My ears dropped and my tail followed suit, "I... I don't know Felix. What if he rejects me? I couldn't-"

"No you can and you will. Think about it, would you want to die without ever knowing if it could have been a possibility?" he said cutting me off before I could continue.

I was stunned. I had never thought about it that way and in reality, he made a good point. But I wasn't quite ready in my heart to be rejected. I still wanted to hold on to the hope that it would never happen and that Snow and I would live together forever.

I broke out of my daze and said, "I... I will think about it. Seriously too, I promise."

"Ugh, sometimes you are a little too cautious Jazcal, but I can't get you to do it and I know that you are the only one that should do it" he said as he made to leave. "Oh, and the answer to your original question is, I don't know, but I would at least stop by the gym and check."

"Alright, thanks" I said as we parted ways. Walking down the street towards the gym, I was conflicted. I wanted so badly to tell him, but I also didn't want him to hate me either. Felix was right about one thing though, I had to make the decision. No one else could do it for me, not even Snow.

When I arrived, Serio was glad to see me and have a chance to see what the army was doing from the inside. We were just starting to talk when we were cut short by a military runner entering and handing me a sealed letter. I opened the letter and all I could say was, "Oh no."

"What's the matter Jazcal?" asked Serio.

"It says that I am to report to the train station in less than two hours. My battalion is getting deployed to the front tomorrow morning" I replied slowly, still shocked by how fast everything was happening.

"You had best go talk to Snow right away then. I think he is in the locker room."

I nodded and started walking towards the locker room. My head was spinning like a tornado. I had to decide what I was going to do in less than 100 steps. Then, a thought came to my head,I wonder if Wolf could help me delay this? So I said a silent prayer in my head, Please Wolf, I know you can hear me and I desperately need your help. You thought we were a cute couple but I still need more time to figure things out. If you could please give me one last meeting with him after this goodbye, I would be forever grateful.

"If that is what you wish, then you must take a risk for me" Wolf murred in my head.

"What risk are you asking for? I already joined the army. Please I will do anything" I pleaded.

"Take the risk that you are the most afraid to take" he instructed.

"No, I can't. Not now. That is the reason why I am asking for one guaranteed meeting" I countered.

"Fine I cannot make you do it, for it is your decision. But if you want your wish to be granted, that is the condition" he replied firmly.

Oh know, I could see the door to the locker room and Snow was at it talking to a bull. Time was running out.

"Make your decision" said Wolf as I could feel him leave my head.

As I got closer, Snow finished talking to the bull and opened the door to the locker room.

"Hey Snow!" I shouted after him.

His ears perked up and his tail began to wag as he turned around. When he spotted me walking towards him his tail went ballistic behind his back. "Hey how's it going? Didn't expect to see you for a while!" he said happily as we shook paws.

"Snow listen, I have to go soon. I am getting deployed tomorrow and I had to come and see you" I said.

"Well of course, I would have strangled you if I found out you hadn't" he said jokingly.

"No Snow listen," I said grabbing his shoulders. This is it I thought to myself I hope you are happy Wolf. "Snow, I had to see you because... because I love you."

He didn't respond. He had a stone cold face as we stood there staring at each other in the eyes, his jaw was left open ever so slightly as the shock set in and his ice blue eyes showing no emotion. I could tell they were searching mine. Looking for lies or jokes, but instead they found that there was no ruse, only the truth that had welled up inside me. As he stood there, emotionless, I could feel my eyes start to tear up as I knew it was over. He took my arms and freed himself from my gentle grasp. He gave me one last hard look as he turned to the doorway and left. The door shut like a prison cell with its cold, pitiless click, never to be reopened. I hung my head down low and began to cry. I leaned up against the wall and slunk down with my snout in my knees as I cried silently into my crossed arms.