Chapter 19 - Unfortunate Revalations

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#20 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

short but sweet chapter... the Hunt begins...

New York

Early Morning.

The next morning would bring cloudy skies to the home of the GeneCorp conglomerate's headquarters, giving the daylight an exaggerated hue of depressing shade of grey to the world in the early morning hours. Mr. Norwood liked this time of day, specially with the depressing hue. He never was truly content with anything he had, and wished that same feeling upon the world at times. He lay in bed nude with his so called daughter, Mind Flayer on the left side of the bed. He hadn't slept from the previous night of debauchery he partook in with her. The scratches of her "punishments" were still fresh with red now tinting the fur on her back from the blood drawn. He didn't want to admit that he loved her, perhaps it was because of the last bit of decency in him that keeps him from expressing his true feelings. He loved her, but it was a sick, twisted and sadistic sort of love he harbored for her, and perhaps his subconscious knew it was wrong. He gently ran a paw lovingly over her lithe frame, almost admiring the work he had completed the night before.

After a few moments, he finally brought himself to turn on the television. It always soothed him when he changes the channel to the many business channels to see his stock rising. But he would stop short of said channels for something that suddenly caught his eye. On of the Early Morning news shows was covering an incident that occurred the previous day in a city in Georgia. The talk show hosts were a man and a woman, with the woman reporting the activities.

"As those of you may have heard yesterday, we have our first ever recorded occurrence of mutanimals, or beings who were born half human and half animal, using their powers for the good of our kind! This report comes in from College Park, Georgia from our sister station down in which they actually obtained one of the many eye witnesses' recording from their phone!"

As the screen turns from the reporters to the video mentioned in the report. The video followed a speeding tractor trailer and cab heading towards an intersection. As user tracked the truck as he sped forward, he stops suddenly right in front of the camera at the crosswalk just past the red light. He caught the massive amount of damage to the truck, along with it's cause. A lone brown kodiak bear, standing tall and proud at the truck. Behind him was a young boy with his mother, clutching each other tightly as though they were going to die. The Lion's eyes widened at the sight. a smile crept over his muzzle at the sight, a light chuckle made it's escape through his lips.

He quickly picked up his cell phone and hit the fast dial button. After only a few rings, he got an answer.

"Yeah, boss?"

"Spectre... when the Red Fox escaped, did you not report that one of the escapees who came with him was a Kodiak did you not?"

"I did, sir" he replied, "I take it you saw the news this morning too then."

"Was that him?"

"Affirmative Sir, exact power set and everything according to the downloaded file from Mind Flayers mental download."

"Center your search for those brats around College Park then... This will make our search so much more easier."

"Yes Sir, I'll call the electronic search party right away sir..."

Without saying another word, he clicked his smart phone off and smiled, laying it back down upon the nightstand. He chuckled lightly to himself as he clicked the rewind feature on his T.V. to once again watch the video of the bear stopping the speeding semi. That laugh caused Mind Flayer to moan softly from the laughter. She sleepily opened her eyes to see her father sitting up, watching the video over and over again.

"Daddy?" she murmured sleepily as she slowly began to sit up. "What is it?"

"We have them baby... we have them..."