V-Pos: Q&A

Story by gwydion78 on SoFurry

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A virus sweeps humanity, leaving most unaffected, but a few physically altered in fantastic ways. One of those few humans, now a real live wolftaur, hosts a webshow where he answers questions about the virus, living with it, and ends it with a different kind of show for his loyal viewers.

Freebie, mostly done to set up a "commission setting" and give exposition on its rules and how it works in case you've got someone you'd like to see get the virus in the commission, as well as some porn because wolfcock. Note me if you're interested.

V-Pos: Q&A By Gwydion78

The screen faded in to a room relatively devoid of furniture, no chairs, plenty of natural light from windows implying that it was on a higher floor, as well as during the day. The floor is cheap looking carpet, though large pillows are in a pile in front of the screen. The chatroom attached to the webstream is already at capacity of 50, multiple comments remarking about the lateness of the show starting while others remark it usually starts a couple minutes later than usual.

"Sorry! Sorry! Shit, I forgot the time difference again. Sorry, guys!" The voice is young, maybe later teens, early twenties at the oldest, though there's a gruff edge, the owner leaning into the shot his hair black and shorn close to his skull, his eyes golden and ears coming to a sharp, inhuman point. He chuckles nervously, waving to the camera, showing teeth with sharp canines, and his face is covered in stubble. He's wearing a gray t-shirt with no logo, baggy, but his arms appear decently muscled, his fingers having only a suggestion of claws at the tips. "Just need to check a couple things first..."

He appears to tap at a keyboard, his eyes clearly scanning something. "Shit, full house again. Okay, uh... Wow, already a bunch of questions. And uh, thanks uh..." He squints at the screen. "PuppyLover86, yeah, these are my real eyes. No contacts. So I guess I'll get us started. I'm Raleigh Winters, and yes, cringe all you want, but that is the actual name on my ID, and no, I have no idea what my parents were thinking, and uh..."

He puts on a wireless headset, and backs away slowly from the camera, it first becoming apparent that he's not wearing any pants, though the thick coat of black fur on his waist would preserve his modesty if there were anything to preserve there, his crotch featureless, a thin border between his lightly tanned skin and the dark fur. His legs are thickly muscled, though strangely bent at the knees, and as he continues to back away he slowly turns in a circle, his profile widening as his back shapes into a L, his lower body similar to a rather large wolf, his human torso where the lupine head would normally be, a heavy sheath visible, and a thick ebon tail wagging gently as he completes his turnaround. "And as you can see, I'm a V-Pos." He pads back toward the cam with an easy natural gait, examining the screen.

"Yep, this is real, I'm not doing any sort of... Uh. Okay." He hopped in place, lifted a front leg and awkwardly waved it at the camera, wagged his tail in a specific rhythm. "Okay, hopefully fulfilling all those requests will convince the new guys that yes, this is a real stream. So we'll start with the easy questions, and guys who've been on before, no complaining if they're repeats from previous show, okay?"

He nodded at the screen. "Awesome. So first question is from Moonhowler, and..." He chuckled to himself. "End of the show, dude. Don't worry, we'll get to *those* questions. This is always just to answer some stuff about... Okay, BransfordBoy20 asks, 'So are you a natural, or an inject?'

"Couple of you are already asking what he means, it's totally cool to ask that. I'm a natural, and I'm into dead strain, so don't even bother asking. Anyway, I got the virus like everyone else did, got the nasty head cold and the rash so I thought I was in the clear, y'know? Then, day after the rash went away and my sinuses cleared up, I felt... off. I've gone on some forums since I the change, and I guess the sensation was like phantom limb syndrome, like when people lose an arm or something but they still feel it?"

He turned in profile and wagged his tail deliberately. "See that? That's the phantom limb I was feeling. For about a day no matter what I felt emotionally, my brain was trying to wag a tail I didn't have, then I kept tripping over stuff because my nerves were sending two sets of impulses to my legs, one for the front and one for the back half, only I only had the two legs, y'know? Then I got hungry as hell, ate practically everything in my house, eventually I fell over in my kitchen because my spinal cord just... shut down from the waist down. I was panicking, definitely..." He rolls his eyes at the screen. "No, Trappy, my dick was not on my mind at all. ...Actually no, KrystalTwist, you'd think it'd hurt like hell but no. It was scary, though, no lie, watching my new legs push out of the front of my body. Naturals weren't really a thing at the time, I was among the first dozen or so worldwide, so I had no idea what was going on.

"Timeline's accurate, yeah, it takes about three weeks, and most of those twenty-one days I was in and out of consciousness, probably my brain sparing me the shock. The weird thing was how *right* it all felt when I woke up like this, flicked my tail around and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Oddly the thing that threw me the most was the muscle." He flexes in front of the camera, and lifts his T-shirt to reveal an eight-pack set of abs. "Didn't even exercise. Just slapped all that muscle on me. Would've been nice to see it. I know some guys have the wherewithal now to get a cam on them the second the changes start, but no, no record of my change. Long winded answer, Bransford, but yeah, I'm a natural."

Raleigh takes a drink from a large water bottle, draining the whole thing on camera. "Okay, next quest- Yeah, body this big, I gotta drink a lot of water to keep it running right. I don't know if you guys noticed, but..." He takes a deep breath, his chest and lower body filling with air, the inhalation longer than ten seconds before he starts to speak again. "Got two sets of lungs, two stomachs, two hearts. My head actually grew a little, no lie, because my *brain* actually grew, mostly to handle all the new traffic. Didn't seem to make me any smarter, but I can run like a motherfucker with his body. If you wanna see that, I've got some vids on the website."

"Next question... Yeah, GrayClaw, probably about 99.999% of the world is V-Neg, or as I like to call you guys, 'normal'. It's just a weird hit on the genetic lotto that makes the virus mutate and make us naturals. ... Nope, never sold my blood, well, except to the CDC to make vaccines. The dead strain is really effective for that. Guys, you gotta realize that the virus itself is weak, to most people it's just a head cold, you've probably already had to be truthful and just thought it was some one day thing. Even if I had a live strain I probably wouldn't sell it, no, but you probably saw on my website right at the top that I'm dead strain. Just got sick of all the e-mails asking me about it."

"Okay, WolfBottomFan6 asks, 'How'd you get started doing this?' Well, you can take one look at me and guess that I can't hold down a job. People tend to freak out when they see me out there in the real world, so I had to do freelance stuff to try to make ends meet, and I spent a lot of time in the US V-Pos chatroom, which, if you've ever been in one, usually have about 300 people in channel with 299 of them claiming to be V-Pos, which I find hysterical because there's only 140 of us registered here in the States. I mentioned I was actually V-Pos and got a bunch of guys telling me to prove it, so I set up my webcam and a webstream and crashed the server since everyone told their friends and tried to log on. So yeah, I kinda sold out, guilty, and charged access fees to the server, and it turned out a lot of the guys just wanted to know more about us from someone who was a real live V-Pos instead of someone with a Photoshopped avatar pic, y'know? I'm really grateful to all you guys, that's the truth. ... Yeah, yeah, I came up with the handle after the change and didn't stop to think about the other connotations of going by WolfBottom. Received some really explicit e-mails about it, but we're still in the 'clean' section of the show."

The wolftaur gently settled himself onto the pillows, stretched his upper half. "Okay, what's next? DarkDragon asks 'You probably guessed I'm a fur from the screen name, if I got injected, what are the chances I'd turn into a dragon like my character?' Yeah, I've got a LOT of fans out there in the furry community. Some of the art you guys have drawn of me..." He visibly blushes, wriggling his back legs on the pillows. "Honestly? I wouldn't try it, dude. One guy was going through the change, strain was live, and he was turning into a minotaur that would make a bodybuilder cry in envy. Some poor bastard paid him seven figures for the live strain and shot up, thinking he'd get the same, and he's currently a giant slug living at the National Zoo. The virus is completely chaotic and random, there's no way to tell what it'll do to you, what it'll make you into. I've got a buddy who wants to remain anonymous, he had a friend who was changing, his friend gave him a syringe, he shot up, he turned into a rat with a serious metabolism problem. Like, the guy can eat a Saltine and gain five pounds, but he also grew a vagina and a fully functional uterus. There's still a lot we don't know about being V-Pos. I mean, it's only been what, four years since the batch I was in? All I'm sayin' is be really careful and make absolutely sure. It's your humanity you're giving up for this."

A plate is picked up from off-camera with several rare-looking hamburgers on it, which he proceeds to eat. "Two stomachs, remember? Lots of muscle means lots of protein. If it weren't for you guys buying into the streams I'd probably starve." He scanned the ongoing conversation. "Okay, I guess I gotta answer that. 'WolfBottom, how do you use the bathroom like this?' I'm a little ashamed to say I don't really use my bathroom anymore. I take a freight elevator down to a vacant lot, and well, you get the idea. I won't go into details 'cause that's a little gross. ... You're making a joke, but uh, yeah, yeah I am kinda marking territory. You see, the lower body, it's all wolf, y'know what I'm sayin'? It's got instincts and needs and hungers, and for the most part it's either assimilated into my behavior or generally suppressed, but when I piss, yeah, I usually find myself sniffing around a bit to make sure everyone knows that's my spot. ... It was a little embarrassing at first, yeah, but then my instincts kick in and I actually feel pretty damned proud when I mark a new spot. "

The wolftaur continues to eat, chuckling at a few comments in the chat before resuming the session. "Okay, FoxButt is asking 'Can we ask questions about sex yet?' I guess you guys have waited long enough, yeah. I'll get the easy stuff out of the way first, it's about seventeen inches, a pretty deep red in color and it is lupine. I do have a knot when I'm really hard, and my volume's about six to seven pints. ... Yup, wolves normally only mate in the Spring, but..." He taps his head. "Human brain, for the most part, and humans can go at it all year, it's one of the ways my upper half influences my lower half. As a result, I have the same libido as before, only a little more urgent because my lower body isn't so much horny as demanding I fill a tight hole. Because I'm a 'taur, getting off is a trial most days, and in the beginning I had a *lot* of wet dreams. Seriously, you don't want to smell my bedroom, it's pretty rank to a human nose but to me..." He blushes heavily.

He finishes another burger and checks the feed again. "Well, I kinda thought this was covered on the website, but yeah, I'm gay. Sorry, ladies. I was gay before, and no, the lower half doesn't get all randy when I see art of female wolves. Remember, I've got two hearts, two stomachs, two sets of lungs, all that, but only one brain, it's not like my lower half is a different person with a different personality. When I dream about hopping on top of someone, it's always a guy. Some of the influence it's had on me though is that I feel like an alpha most days, which is why some of the art you guys send me of be getting mounted by all sorts of things doesn't really do anything for me, honestly. Unfortunately, I'm big enough that I could never really be with a guy unless he's just stroking me off or sucking the tip, and no, my cum won't give you the virus, so don't ask. ... Oh, yeah, should probably answer this one. KnotLicker asks, 'Have you ever thought about mounting a regular wolf, or something that could take you?' Doesn't matter if I have, 'cause I can't.

"You see, real wolves can't give consent, and since I'm sentient and sapient and still a citizen, if I tried to mount a wolf or a horse or something, it'd be bestiality and my furry ass would end up in jail so damned fast. The V-Pos community already has a bad rep, and I don't want to do anything that'll damage it just to feel a tight hole, you know? Besides, as good as a horny wolf smells, I more get off on the sounds. When I'm trying to unload, I usually listen to porn to get me over the edge. ...Okay, next question is from Anonymouse, 'You mentioned you have a lot of wet dreams, do you remember what you dreamt about? And if you do, were you human, a wolf, or your sexy 'taur self in the dream?'

"I haven't dreamt I was human in about... three years? So yeah, when I'm dreaming of humping, I'm myself, usually on top of someone else like me, but like the guys I was into before the change, namely the bearish types. More often than not it's a wolftaur with an upper half that's hairy, tattooed, built, maybe a little bit of a gut, thick beard..." The wolftaur gets a faraway look in his eyes for a few seconds, grinning and showing teeth while he licks his lips. He then chuckles nervously and turns his attention back to the stream. "If I wasn't lying down you'd be pretty aware of how much I like that image. ... Nope, no other wolftaurs in the world. Trust me, I've checked around. There are two other 'taurs that I've found, one is a liontaur in Germany, but he's... very straight. You might've seen some of the vids he sells. The other's a centaur in Brazil, real nice lady, she's got a webshow too, but it's more to raise awareness about Brazilian culture, like how Rio is not the capital of Brazil and there's more to them than Carnival and soccer. The G-L-B-T V-Pos community is actually really really small, maybe 45 of us worldwide, and about 40 of them are lesbians or bisexual women. The gay guys, I'm the only one in the US as far as I know, and I didn't really hit it off with the other 4 in the world, one of them actually kinda hates my guts because he's a furry and his character's a hung alpha wolftaur, and he turned into a tiger-striped rabbit with goat horns and his dick actually *shrank* a couple inches.

"Okay, next question. LupineLover asks, hopefully, as he emoted it, 'Do you ever let any of your fans visit you and maybe give you a hand, or a mouth?' I tried doing that once, but the guy wouldn't leave after. I actually had to call the cops and he kept claiming he lived with me. Sex wasn't even that good, and I wouldn't let him do anything he wanted because I probably would've torn his throat with my dick or ruptured something in his ass. I'm just too big for humans now, for the most part. Mostly I stick to private cam sessions with people I trust when I'm looking to do more than just get off. ... 'How doggy do you get during sex?' Wolfy would be more accurate, but I guess you're asking if I bark or whine? My tongue lolls a bit, I pant, and when I cum I will make some noises through the whole climax."

He checked the clock, bit his lip and looked at the screen. "Sorry guys. Gotta cut this short. Those of you who paid for the special login won't be cut out. Just gimme a second..." He taps at the keyboard, and then laughs. "Wow, didn't lose anyone. Guess you all wanna see it, huh? Okay then..."

He stood up, and turned in profile, the wolftaur fiercely erect, his penis a deep red and a bit veiny, coming to a lupine point, no glans. The thickness is of a two liter bottle, with the base swelling out with twin symmetrical bulges to form the already full knot, making the thickness nearly a foot wide. His balls are heavy, the size of milk-gallons in a stretched furry sack. He simply stands there a few moments, his cock occasionally twitching to shoot a stream of watery pre onto his carpet, the 'taur grinning lecherously as he does so. "Big, huh?" He squints at the screen. "Well, don't worry if you already came. I know a lot of ya are already pounding your meat, and for some of ya, this is the first time you've ever seen a dick like this. Seriously, guys, it's too big to fit in a guy but I my cock now." He swayed his body, letting his dick wag back and forth in front of the camera, flexing his legs to gently thrust at the air, squirting his pre. He backs up enough to pick up a doused pillow and sniffs it deeply, literally growling into it. "Fuck, I smell like a stud. And yeah, you can send me private messages with your bids if you wanna buy the pillow."

He scanned the chatlog, and nodded. "Okay, KnotLicker's got another question, 'This is my first time watching your adult stream, so is it okay to ask how you're going to get off for us?' Well Knot, firstly, getting my knot licked does feel pretty good, but it's nothing compared to it getting squeezed. Also, I have, well, I wouldn't call it a toy, truthfully..." He leaves the shot for a moment and drags in a heavy looking apparatus similar looking to a couple sawhorses with heavy padding on the top, and a Plexiglas tank underneath, along with a fur covered pillow at the rear of it, which he turns to reveal a ten inch wide hole with a pink rubber slit. He turns it slowly and sniffs at the hole. "This... is my artificial wolf ass. Had it custom made to hold my weight and my volume, and be tight enough to tie without damaging my dick. God *damn* I make this thing smell amazing. Seriously, the thing's just soaked in my musk. I mostly have you guys to thank for it, as I paid for it with all your donations and login fees. The good thing about it is that I've marked it so heavily I know it's mine, and my lower half gets to feel like it's topping another alpha. I've found out that triggers an extra release of those happy hormones when I do that."

The 'taur leans down enough, awkwardly, pushing his face against the padded leather "tailhole" of the apparatus, audibly sniffing at it, his cock squirting a watery liquid several times as he does so. "Aw fuck. *FUCK*!" He sniffs it deeply, growling, baring his teeth before catching his breath and reluctantly pulling himself away, his cock throbbing as he remains in profile for the camera, the audience viewing his wolfmeat streaming his pre onto the floor and whatever pillows are in range. "Holy fuck, this thing smells like a stud. Y'see, there are a couple other wolves or canine-types in the V-pos community. No gay ones, but the couple guys remarked how awesome the scent of a bitch in heat is, how it riles them up, and how the smell of an alpha, well, pisses them off, because it's competition that needs to be shown its place and..."

Raleigh runs his fingers over the apparatus. "Oh god, do I want to show this stud his place. I... I know it's just a bunch of wood and leather and Plexiglas, but as far my body's concerned, it's a big ol' dire wolf that I just defeated in combat and needs to be shown who the alpha is, and since I love cocks ramming into asses, my body ain't got no problems with me mounting it to show it who's boss." He chuckles as he scrabbles his front legs forward to get on top of the padded sawhorses. "Took me like... Well, some of you were on the day I got this. Remember? Took me ten minutes to get in there while all of you were crackin' jokes in the feed. I think one of ya made a meme of it and..."

He wriggles and hops and pushes forward, the weighted bottom of the apparatus keeping it from sliding out of the shot as his cock pokes at the leathery hole, making its way in. "Oooooh... Yeah, but I've figured out how to hit on the first try over many, many uses of this thing. It's not as tight as the first day, but they can't be virgins forever, y'know?" A big toothy grin shows on his face as he forces himself in a few inches more. "That's right, I'm the goddamned alpha of this pack. Me..." His chest heaves as his front paws hug the fake-wolf, his lower body starting to thrust, his upper body leaning backward, grunts punctuating every pump and breath. "Holy shit, I can't describe how good this feels. It's like... it's like fulfilling the purpose you were put on this earth for and your body knowing it and... Aw fuck, I wanna tie this fucker."

The 'taur catches his breath long enough to look at the camera. "Sorry I'm not answering questions, guys. You understand, right? Just hard to, well, think when I'm doing this. I just wanna *mate* this thing, make it smell even more like me. Oh shit..." His tail raises high. "Aw fuck, I just cleaned the damned carpet and..." A mist puffs out of the base of his tail. "Yeah, grew musk glands, guys. They never shot until I was humping this thing for the first time. I was all, 'What the fuck is that smell?' And then..." He sniffs the air. "And then..." He chuckles lustily. "God *damn*, I'm a stud."

His thrusting grows more insistent, more erratic, until the fat ball at the base of his cock crams itself into the artificial ass, the 'taur yipping at the influx of sensation. "Oh shit, I'm tied. I'm tied. I'm fucking tied. I'M TIED! Oh shit, my knot, my knot! Oh shit, I fucking love my cock! I'm... Gotta... Gonna..." His eyes roll back as a long undulating sound, a mottled mix of a carnal shout and ecstatic howl, emerges from his throat, the clear sides of the apparatus being suddenly hosed down in off-white liquid as his climax takes over his senses. For almost a minute only the sound of panting, shooting liquid, splashing, and sloshing is audible to the watchers.

When he finally gives out, the tank is half-way full, his cocktip submerged in his semen, the level just above a series of hash marks on the side. It takes him another minute to catch his breath before looking over at the screen, giggling in the afterglow. "I uh... If you guys wanna buy any of that, it won't make ya V-Pos, but a couple guys e-mailed me to say it tastes better than they thought." He rubs his face slowly. "I'm gonna be stuck up here for the next fifteen or so while my knot goes down, only downside to it, really, but I'll do the time if it means feeling like *this*. I don't think there's a drug in the world that can touch cumming like a wolf, guys, no lie." He strokes the apparatus with his front leg. "Thanks again so much for getting this for me. You don't want to know what sexual frustration is like for someone like me."

He reaches down to pet his furry side, give himself a couple scritches. "It'll be about a week until I'm riled up enough to go again, guys. Guess this means I'll see you next Friday, leave any bids or ideas for the next show in my inbox. Thanks for watching!"

He then taps something on his headset, and the camera starts to fade out. Just before the feed cuts, the mike picks him up muttering, "I know I won't want it in an hour, but *damn*, would I like a cock up my ass when I'm cummin' in this thing."