Dracara Chapter 1

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#2 of Dracaria Novel

This is a Novel written based on RPs, Individual ideas, and my own work, using characters from myself or others in the SF community at their request. A collaboration and a novel of fantasy and scale.

This novel, Dracara, contains furries, anthros, various creatures, magic, little to no yiff in some chapters (some may have an extreme yiff session), young and old characters (cubs and adults are fair game for anything, adult or sfw), gay and straight relationships, slavery, dominant and submissive relationships, bad language, death, violence, and so on. That is to say, this is a fantasy based novel, in a made up world, with it's own time frame. It will not line up with anything in the real world, and any resemblance to real world events is purely coincidental. You've been warned! This novel will be produced chapter by chapter and released to you as it is created. It uses original characters, created by me, as well as characters of others in the sofurry community. Recurring characters will be credited the first time they show up if they belong to someone else, but not each time a chapter is posted with them in it.

Some of the story is based off of certain RPs I have, others off of original writing, and combinations of all of these things. If you want to be part of it, either through character or an RP that gets used, message me.

Chapter 1

" The Boys"

The smell of fresh baked bread and cooking meats filled the air, the wonderful mix of aromas drawing all types from all over. It was a yearly event, marked by banners flying high above the small village homes and businesses. The wooden wagons that rolled in and out of the village on a consistent basis paid homage to the idea of the festival, which was quite simply to gather from near and far, eat, and celebrate another year of successful trade among the small network they had created amongst themselves. Survival of the village people had become much easier since, and the new generation had it much easier than those of the past. Except for a few.

A small, brown wolf cub, in clothes dirty enough to match his fur and tattered enough to show plenty of it through, ran through the edge of town, clutching the bread he'd stolen. He had hoped the bread he was clutching in his arms would not be enough for the vendor to call the guards. It was a day old, after all, why would they care that much? Well, as it turned out, they did...probably because this was the third time in the last week, and his thievery was adding up. This of all weeks was a week where the value of the town's wares was clear to the world, and they couldn't afford to have such a boy running amok. He may have only been near twelve years old, but he was more than capable when guards didn't take part in the chase.

Adrenaline could only take the half-starved pup so far, and he had to get away. If he didn't, he'd no doubt be caught and beaten, or sold to the slave market, or thrown in jail. He'd never been caught, and no boar was going to change that today. He darted quickly past a group of furs, who leaped back in surprise, and into an alley. He scrambled up a crumbling wall and rolled onto a covered patio and out of sight as the boar rounded the corner. The boar hollered in frustration, his voice rumbling through the alley. He stood there, watching carefully for the pup to expose himself. He wore an official looking vendor outfit, which consisted of a red tunic paired with brown pants, and had a large scimitar resting at his hip. He was a bit large for such an outfit. The pup couldn't help but smirk as he lay on the wood, eyes looking up at the ceiling.

After a small amount of time, a bit of speaking can be heard from behind the boar, a low voice inaudible to the pup causing the creature to turn and leave, only to be replaced by the new figure. He was hard to see at the opposite end of the alley when the pup craned his head to see, his brown eyes studying what he could see of the figure, until he spoke, which caused him to snap his head back to it's spot on the boards.

"Awful lot of work for such a small payoff, puppy." The voice rang, causing the smaller creature to stir only a little. It was boomy, low, and betraying of his youthful appearance in it's experience. He peeked over the edge again, taking in what he could see. As the larger male stepped further into the alley, his image became clearer.

He was a tall, youthful wolf, appearing to be in the twenties in age. His fur gleamed a gentle blue hue in the sunlight that sneaked in between the rooftops, which also exposed a black uniform. It was loose fitting like a martial arts training outfit of sorts, but it was quite evident the frame beneath it was well toned, even if it wasn't all that bulky. His ears twitched this way and that as he listened for any noise the pup may cause, though it was evident from his crossed arms and calm demeanor he knew exactly where he was.

"Go away!" The boy's voice retorts, echoing loudly through the alley, frustration overwhelming it's tone. "I didn't do it!"

"Sure kid." The man responds, his voice remaining even tempered and low. "So then, I suppose I should ask the boar who just pointed you out? I thought you'd be smarter than that."

"The boar lies!" The pup responds quickly, trying to catch his breath from the previous chase. "He just eats it himself and gets mad and blames it on me!"

A hearty laugh filled the alley as the wolf stepped closer, now standing directly beneath the landing the pup was on. "Why would he eat his own food and hurt his business on a week like this?" He asked, an almost mockingly perplexed look upon his canine face, which was now more visible beneath the sunlight, blue eyes looking up towards the pup. As he spoke, the shouts of commands could be heard behind him. A group of guards had piled up at the end of the alley, ready to run in after the pup. They were trying to get the wolf to move. "Tell you what kid, I'll give you a way out. Come down from there and come with me, and I can clear this up. You'll get easier food too."

The boy scowled and leaned his body over the ledge of the patio, yelling back down at him. "Go knot yourself!" He shouted in a youthful growl. "Nobody is catching me, and I'm not going to some work house, or being some slave owners pet." He snapped before standing up. He watched the man below shrug and step aside, and the guards blasting their way into the alley.

The pup's ears twitched and then lay flat. He tossed a pot that was on the patio down toward the other end of the alley and snuck his way into the house. Wolf or not, he would not be taken easily. He ran quickly through the building...a kitchen, a livingroom. Thankfully nobody was home, or this would be a difficult task indeed. As he came out the door at the bottom of the building, an alley away from the guards, he turned to run to the road, only to have his path blocked by that same wolf. He dashed across the alley and into the next house. Inside this house, however, a large horse stood from his rest and growled at the pup. He gasped and let out a little squeak, blasting his little feet up the stairs to get away from yet another pursuer, only to find himself trapped on a street-facing patio. He leaned over the edge, and found himself paralyzed by the height. This was way too high.

His thoughts were quickly finished, though, as a massive blast of wind somehow came blasting out of the door behind him, forcing him over the railing, sending his tiny flailing body sailing through the air, lead only by the loaf of bread. Below, he collided with one of the boars, knocking him over with the impact. The malnourished pup scrambled to his feet, looking around desperately for the bread. A guard had already stood in front of it, with another on his way to make the capture. Behind the boars, the wolf approached, watching carefully and waiting.

A growl escaped the young wolf's muzzle, ears flat against his head. His breath was fast, body tense as a spring. As one of the boars reached him, he scooped a paw full of dirt and threw it hard against his face, causing him to real back, swearing along the way. He scurried beneath his legs, escaping, only to slam into the wolf, who grabbed him by the scruff and lifted his flailing frame up.

"Pity you chose to go to their jail, puppy. You could have had plenty of food, and I could have used your skills." The wolf quipped at the pup before turning him around to face the pursuers, paw still gripping tightly on the scruff of his neck. "Last chance."

"Let me go, cur!" The pup yelled, flailing desperately, body squirming and running in the air. After only another moment, the boar was upon them, and his jerking and twisting ceased. His ears flat, his body hung angrily from the paw. "Fine. I'll take your option...it has to be better than the cells."

"Good." The wolf responded, looking to the guards. "No need, I'll be taking him with me." he said, the guards growling a little in protest. "I understand he has caused you plenty of trouble. Here are some rupees to give the shop keeps who he robbed." He smiled, a paw extending with a small back, which one of the hogs took quickly. "You'll not see this one around here ever again."

The pup was set upon his feet, but only with a firm paw gripping his shoulder. The wolf could catch him again, but the effort was not desired. Around the pair, a crowd had formed. They were right in the middle of the festival after all, and had created quite a spectacle.

"I'm not going to like you." The pup growled up at his captor. "And I'm no slave."

"You don't have to like me." The response came almost instantly. "You have to respect me, and you will." He clarifies, watching the pup. He started to move him, using his shoulder as a guide, moving him toward the woods. "Now, move."

"I don't respect anyone, old man. Not you, not some guy with swords pointed to me." The young creature growled, his own bravado beginning to wear thin as they approached the outskirts of town. He'd not left this place ever, and the tales of beasts in the forest came to mind in a flood. "I ...I'm only staying with you until we reach the next town, then I'm gone."

"Fine." The taller of the two retorted, pressing the pup into the woods. There was only a small semblance of a trail where they were, clearly where the man had come through before. "When we reach town, I'll set you free. And you can run right into the hands of the slave trade. Being a young boy such as yourself, on your own with no owner and no legal guardian, that's going to work well for you."

The boy shut up, his mind racing. His face was no longer angry so much as sad, his body only moving along because the man was forcing him along. The afternoon grew older, getting ready to become dark at any point, and there was no sign of the walk ending. He just had to bare it, for now.

The site was beautiful, to most. The night air swirled gently in the clearing of grass set between a circle of trees. A small fire pile sat at one end unlit, with a small pond on the other. Beside the pile there was a cliff, the only break in the tree circle, overlooking the valley below. It was a beautiful view at this time of night, because the lights of all the villages, distant and near, lit up the valley like fireflies.

The pup, however, was not enjoying the view. Instead, he sat curled up on the opposite side of the wood pile. He was terrified of heights, especially after today's go round with something even just a little high. He shivered in his ball of safety, watching the wolf with an eye between paw fingers. The wolf looked at him a bit baffled, having only let go of him upon entering the clearing. It was pretty clear he wasn't going to run.

"What's your problem kid? The cliff?"

"N...no!" The boy tried to lie, but he could not stop shaking no matter how hard he tried. "Fine...I'm afraid of heights." He admits. "It's real bad...I feel sick even being as high as those patios I was on earlier."

"Well, stay on that side of the fire, and I'll make us some food." The man stated carefully, watching him. He walked toward the water, where a small hand-made tent sat. After reaching in, the wolf re-appeared with a couple chunks of meat, which he skewered and placed over the pit expertly.

The wolf cub said nothing, just sat on the ground holding his knees to his chest. Gods this was terrible. He wasn't even sure meat was worth leaving his village...a city to him...now. Not with that cliff looming just behind the fire. Fire...there was fire now.

"What did you just do?" He asked, suddenly entranced by the fire.

"Made fire."

"Yeah but...You didn't use flint or tinder or...anything!"

"Well yeah, I practice elemental magic." he said somewhat bluntly. He knew little towns and scattered cities weren't as in tune with that sort of thing. It'd probably seem far fetched. "I'm not so good with fire yet, but that's pretty basic." The meat sizzled, causing the smell to really fill the air. "If you want to clean up you could hop in the spring." he said, pointing at the water behind the pair.

"Magic..?" The boy replied, staring. Then it dawned on him. "The wind! You cheated me! I knew there was no way I'd ever be caught by the guards!"

The wolf laughed a little. "Believe me kid, they'd have caught you. The next step would have been calling in the pros from the big city. This is much better."

"Nobody calls pros for someone stealing bread...cheater." The boy mutters, stomach growling loudly, causing him to blush just a little and look down at it.

The man reached into the fire and pulled one of the shanks out of it, looking at the meat closely. It was cooked for the most part, dripping just a bit from the fresh juices within it. He passes it over to the boy, even though it was very large for someone his size. After he took it, he lifted the other, taking a massive bite from it.

A burnt tongue was of little importance compared to eating freshly cooked meat, and the boy nearly cried as the taste of meat burst in his mouth, moaning shamelessly as he bit and chewed like it was going to vanish if he didn't eat it quickly enough. As the older man ate, he looked at him a moment, before chewing again. He would never understand how good this tasted to the pup, any manners that would have existed in a normal boy was non existent here. He wolfed it down as quickly as he could. After four years of being on your own, you don't eat slow...you eat when you can.

He cracks to the bone when he gets to the end of the meat, sucking out the marrow before tossing it into the fire, sitting back and placing a paw on his belly. He laid back, tired now, having had way too much excitement for one day on an empty stomach.

"If you're tired, crawl into the tent." The older male spoke, causing the young creature to jump. He had already finished his meat, as well.

"I can't run easy if I'm in a tent."

"No, but you'll be less likely to be sniffed out, or picked up if you're in there with me. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead, so obviously you don't need to run from me."

"Just use your cheater magic to keep stuff back. Not like the tent will stop them anyway."

The man smirked at the snarky puppy. "Alright, fine then. Sleep outside alone in the open. I can't keep magic going while I sleep. But if you're planning on staying up, you should probably get washed up while we have water nearby. Especially hot water."

"Whatever." The pup mutters, a bit of his spunk returning to him. He stood, removing his shirt carefully, revealing what was not already revealed up his malnourished upper body. He then pushed his pants down and off, his lower body quite small as well. It was clear he'd be an attractive pup if he was fed regularly. The older male watched carefully as the pup stepped into the water, removing his lower body from view as the warmth of the water took him in.

"Look kid...don't be so up in arms around me, it'll make our trip much harder."

The pup stayed quiet for a moment, using his hands to scrub his fur out in the water. He moved to look at the wolf, one brown eye open, the other covered in water. "I stopped trusting long ago."

The man shrugged, standing up and giving a large stretch, his muzzle opening in a yawn and revealing a great set of teeth. Afterward, he lifted a hand, causing a breeze of air to blow out the fire quickly. The pup startled a little, finishing his cleaning, and sat in the warmth of the water, watching his captor closely. He took in his looks, and couldn't help but feel a tinge of jealousy. He'd never have tone like that, or looks like that...or anything else that was beneath that looked as good. He crawled out of the water, shaking water off of him.

The man watched the dripping puppy, waiting for him. "We'll have to get you new clothes in town tomorrow...do you like boats?"

"Never been on one." The frail voice came, his exhaustion in his voice. "Are we going on a river or something?"

"Across the small sea." The response came.

"A sea?" He'd only heard about them in passing when sailors happened into his village. Those were good days, because drunks didn't pay attention as they should. "How big is it?"

"The sea? It's the smaller of the bunch, so probably 2 days sailing across." He said. "The port is in the town we're headed to.

The bugs of the night had begun to chatter away as the cool of the night air set in. The wind, what little there was, had died, and it was turning into a beautiful night for sleep. The boy was definitely feeling it. In the distance, wild ferals could be heard howling, along with chattering of many animals off in the distance.

"Great...wild ferals." The boy sighed, giving in and crawling up into the tent. City ferals were bad enough, but at least they knew more often than not to leave the two legged furs alone.

The man climbed into the tent, laying down and climbing beneath one of the wool blankets within, getting himself comfy and prepped for the night. He looked over, seeing the pup sitting him. He stayed that way for several minutes.

"Get some sleep pup, you'll need it for tomorrow."

The boy looked over the the man and nodded a little. He'd never make it through the forest at night if he ran, especially with hungry animals, but he still didn't like being here. Finally, he gave in and climbed under the cover next to the larger male, keeping distance between them as best he could, ready to sleep. Like he'd get any.

"The name is Drake." The man said carefully, looking over to the pup. "What's yours?"

The creature kept quiet, looking over at his "companion".

"Jare." He said. No point in hiding it from him at this point.

"Well then...goodnight Jare." Drake said, rolling over and closing his eyes. The pup stayed awake a bit longer, laying there and taking his entire situation in. His life had just changed drastically, and who knew whether it would lead to anything good, horrible, or even his death. Either way, he was stuck here for now, and that thought stayed with him right up until he fell asleep.

Thanks for reading! Make sure, if you haven't yet, to read the preview chapter I posted to get an idea of some of the places the story is headed, and like I said above, if you want to be involved, shoot me a message! Comments are loved and will drive me to do more, and do better.

Characters used in this chapter include Drake, which is my character, and Jare, which belongs to Jare Antair (https://jare-antair.sofurry.com/).