Undisclosed Desires Chapter 2

Story by Mojotheomegawolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Undisclosed Desires

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: When Dreams Become Reality

Kodi woke the next morning to find his mother's basket empty and upon a quick inspection of his surroundings, found himself himself to be all alone. He cocked his head to the side, wondering momentarily where she may have gone, then brushed it off on the probability that she had gotten an early start or had prior obligations that would have required her presence. With a dismissive shrug he yawned and then began to press himself to his paws, now more grateful than ever for a day off as his muscles were so stiff that he felt as though his tendons would crack each time they snapped into action.

He stretched his stark body carefully, to whichever levels of pain forced him to arrest his motion, then began to walk toward the door, feeling the need to empty his bladder.

He found the space where the door met its frame and began to nuzzle his nose into it until the door began to open then used his neck and shoulders to widen the gap until he could squeeze himself through it and once outside pushed it closed behind him.

For a moment he stood, breathing in the crisp morning air, then moved around behind his mother's shed, nose to the ground in search for a place where he saw fit to urinate, and upon discovery, lifted his leg to it and sighed in content as he felt his bladder emptying.

"Ah, much better," he mused, lowering his leg and turning to regard his mother's shed.

He found himself wondering at this point what his next course of action should be. Should he wait for her to get back or would he be overstaying his welcome if he were to remain here, especially since he had no real idea when she would be back? He stood, contemplating his next move, then resolved that he would remain for another fifteen minutes on the chance that she would return, and if she still remained absent, he would take his leave.

With this decision made, he turned and began to pad around to the front of her shed then entered, closing the door behind him. He took a deep breath, filling his nose with her scent then stepped forward and laid himself down where he had slept the previous night, but he lay tumultuously for his disability to remain still refused to allow him to obtain any sort of rest.

Stomach, back, side, whatever obscene position he found himself in, he found that any comfort present when such a position was acquired would leave him mere seconds later and would cause him to shift again, and so the cycle continued.

But then he grew bored.

Five minutes seemed to him like five hours while he awaited the possible return of his mother and in that time he had considered many things, counted knots in the wood on the floor, sang songs, whistled tunes, watched the dust as it danced in the thin rays of sunlight which bled through the gaps in the walls, but nothing seemed to pass away the time quick enough or maintain a hold on his attention long enough to alleviate his boredom.

He sighed and looked around the shed for another object to occupy his attention and that was when his eyes fell upon the bandana.

It was odd to him, for she never went out without her bandana about her neck, but at the moment such a thought and what it might mean was shoved to the back of his mind, being replaced promptly by his desire to smell it, for he knew that something so frequently worn would be a gold mine for his sniffing pleasures.

Taking a precautionary moment to listen, he rose to his paws and moved quickly toward the bandana and paused, his nose just above it then took in the first whiff.

To him the smell was bliss as it slowly crept into his nostrils, teasing them, enticing them with its subtle perfection. He took another waft and another, for this was something that he could never get enough of, and pretty soon found himself entirely enchanted by it. He allowed it to control his every move, his every breath, his every thought, and before he knew it, he felt his doghood beginning to poke out of his sheath, but he did not care as he had grown familiar with the effects that the scent had on his body due to the consistency of contact with his mother.

He sniffed the bandana greedily and all the while his little bastard slipped further and further from out of his sheath until he felt the knot throbbing against its inside, forcing its way out.

But then the door began to open.

Like a roach fleeing for the cover of darkness at the flicker of a light, Kodi darted away from the bandana, distancing himself from it as far as he could, but as he reached the middle of the room and sat down he realized just what kind of problem he was about to have, for he just now recognized his erection and knew that there was no way he could make it go away.

Acting quickly, he wrapped his tail before his paws and as his mother entered the shed, he turned to her, trying his best to act as though nothing were out of the ordinary.

"Well somebody got an early start," Kodi commented as Jenna entered.

She turned to him, noticing immediately his rigid posture.

"Had to go get some stuff," she replied, thinking hard on the reasons why he sat the way he did, "but I forgot my bandana."

"I figured," Kodi replied casually, "you never leave without it."

"Come on fucker, go away," he thought, cursing his erection.

Jenna smiled and began to walk past him, but as she did, she realized exactly what was going on, as she had seen this before.

She knew now that Kodi was more like his father than she had ever realized, for he had sat exactly the same way as Kodi sat now on the first night they had ever made love, nervously trying to cover himself up as he, a timid virgin, watched her.

Jenna smiled upon realizing this and knew that she was about to have him right where she wanted him; all he needed was a little push and he would be sold.

With a concealed smirk, she put an extra sway in her hips and swept her tail enticingly behind her as she neared her bandana.

Kodi was freaking out, for he did not know if she was actually doing that or if he had allowed his imagination to run wild again, but either way, his erectile situation grew worse.

Jenna reached her bandana and slipped it on, sweeping her tail slowly up, revealing her folds for only a split second before she lowered it and turned to Kodi, acting as though nothing had happened.

Kodi was sweating noticeably, for he was not sure if he could control himself any longer, but was well aware of the fact that he could not leave, for as soon as he got to his paws, he would reveal his erection and the jig would be up. And to make matters worse, he feared something similar if he stayed, so either way he looked at it, he was screwed.

Jenna looked to Kodi, portraying to him a guise of concern.

"Kodi, are you alright?" she asked him, stepping closer.

"Y-yeah," he replied with a hard swallow, "just fine."

Jenna shrugged and allowed her eyes to drift toward Kodi's feet, seeing them shuffle nervously behind his tail.

"Whatcha got there?" she asked him, "anything I should know about?"

"N-not that I know of," Kodi replied shakily.

"Come on you bastard, go away!" he screamed in his head, but it was not going anywhere.

Jenna scowled.

"Now don't you dare lie to me," she said to him, "this wouldn't have anything to do with what happened last night, would it?"

Kodi gulped and his face began to heat up beneath his fur.

"Wh-what do you mean?" he asked her nervously, for he feared he already knew.

Jenna moved her eyes down toward his tail for a second then lifted them to his once again.

"I mean that you put your dick in my mouth last night," she replied, and could swear that she could see the skin under his fur go pale.

"I- er-uh," Kodi stammered helplessly, his eyes darting around the shed anxiously.

"It's okay," Jenna replied stepping forward, "because to be completely honest," she leaned in close to his ear and wrapped her tail around his side, "I kinda liked it."

Kodi felt his stomach drop right out of his body, for he had never in a million years expected to hear that come from her mouth, and felt his excitement begin to grow.

"R-really?" he asked her in disbelief.

"Uh-huh," Jenna replied, stepping away and brushing her tail under his chin, "so what'dya say we get a little knotty?"

It was at this point that Kodi realized how badly off balance he was for as Jenna rounded his body, he fell hard onto his back, exposing himself to her.

Quickly, though, he covered himself up once more, nervous.

"Oh come now Kodi," Jenna crooned, rubbing his stomach with her paw, "don't be shy. Show mamma what you got."

Kodi conceded to his mother's wish, though hesitantly, for he was still in the throes of shock, and lowered his tail to the ground, revealing to her, his massive cock.

"Wow," Jenna said in disbelief, "you sure you're your father's son?"

"What do you mean?" he asked her confused.

"Your cock is huge," she replied in amazement, "compared to yours, his is like a pup's."

Kodi didn't know what to say, so he said the first thing that came to mind.

"Uh... thanks?" he said hesitantly.

Jenna smiled.

"Don't thank me yet," she crooned, lowering her mouth toward his member, "not until I've shown you what your momma is capable of."

Kodi lifted his head to look at her, but lowered it once more when he felt her mouth begin to slowly engulf his tool. Her lips were soft, just as he had imagined them to be, and her muzzle capacity was beyond his wildest dreams. Without so much as a cough or uncomfortable scrape of her teeth, she sucked the whole thing into her mouth, stopping only when her lips touched his knot, then went slowly back up to the tip. Kodi's tongue hung limply from the corner of his mouth, for he was completely lost in an ecstasy that he had always dreamed about. Jenna went down on his cock again, turning her head at the knot so as to intensify the pleasure for him, then straightened her muzzle yet again and forced her head further down onto his cock. Kodi felt his head poke into her throat then felt an unexplainable clenching sensation when his mother began to swallow at it. The sensation was incredible and caused him to moan softly as she moved her lips up to his tip then repeated the process.

Drool was rolling off of Kodi's tongue and onto the floor by this point, but he lifted his head when he felt Jenna remove her mouth from his cock then heard her speak.

"So tell me," she began, licking his cock once, "what is your greatest fantasy?"

"Drilling you in every hole while you scream my name," he panted, " and hearing you beg me to make you cum."

She smirked.

"I think that can be arranged," she purred, licking his cock one more time then turning around, lifting her tail to the side, "come get some big boy."

Kodi smiled, shaking with excitement, and rolled over onto his feet, never taking his eyes off of what his mother was presenting him.

He stepped closer, his stomach twisting into excited knots, then slowly inched his nose closer to her folds.

Jenna shuttered with excitement when she felt his cold nose brush against the outside of her pussy then moaned softly when his tongue gained entrance.

She tasted just as he had imagined her to: sweet and rich, with just a hint of fish, but this did not bother him, for fish was one of his favorite meals.

Though he wanted more, for the taste was intoxicating, he decided to pull away, for he had more pressing matters to attend to. However, he still felt as though he shouldn't just take what he wanted. He still felt as though he should ask first.

"Um... may I?" he asked her timidly.

"Do it," she panted, "give momma all you've got."

Kodi needed not to be told again.

With excitement in his step, he moved until his chest was nearly touching her rear then pressed himself up onto his hind paws and deposited his chest and stomach along her back.

Jenna, having never had a body so large mount her before, found herself struggling beneath his weight. However, with a quick adjustment of her paws, she was firmly braced to handle it.

Kodi hugged her waist tightly with his forepaws then slowly began to push his cock toward her entrance. He missed the first time to the left, then the second time to the north, causing Jenna to gasp, for he had penetrated her tailhole slightly, but on the third try, he hit pay dirt.

His head slowly pushed its way into her tight hole, being squeezed and engulfed in a sensation of warm moisture the likes of which he had never felt. He cursed under his breath and groaned from the pleasure and Jenna nearly screamed in ecstasy, for never in her life had she been so full or so satisfied with a cock, and still there was more, another three inches more.

Finally Kodi buried his cock into her up to his knot then slowly pulled out before pushing forward again, going slow at first so he could enjoy the sound of his mother's moaning.

"God yes!" Jenna moaned, biting her lower lip, "oh yes."

Kodi smirked and slowly began to pick up speed, but made sure to not overdo it because he wanted this moment to last as long as he could possibly make it.

"Mm," Jenna whimpered in pleasure, "fuck, oh yeah!"

Kodi's knot slapped against the outside of her walls a final time then he took a moment to pause. He shifted his hind paws so that he stood on a wider base and gripped her waist tighter with his forepaws, then went back to work, ramming away at her tight little hole.

Jenna, having never experienced pleasure like this before, quickly lost control of herself and, with a shrill shriek, came hard, squirting her juices violently from her pussy, but since she was so tight and Kodi was so big, they had nowhere to escape and henceforth filled her further.

Kodi grunted upon feeling her orgasm and nearly crested into one of his own, but with a quick bite to his foreleg, his mind focused on the pain and his orgasm slowly died, a trick that, ironically, his father had advised to him the first time Kodi had confronted him about a girl he liked, but of course, he had never had the opportunity to use such a trick until now. With the suppression of his climax successful, Kodi continued on with his work, though going slow now as a means of preventing a relapse.

Jenna rather enjoyed the slow rhythm of his thrusting and moaned softly, flexing her claws into the wood beneath her paws.

"I love you so much, Kodi," she crooned, tilting her head back.

"I love you, too," he panted, pulling out.

As he pulled out, her cum and other vaginal fluids dripped out of her folds and onto the floor, splashing Kodi's hind paws. For a moment Kodi paused then pushed his head into her a brief distance, but pulled slowly out then aligned himself with her tailhole.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"For what?" she asked him, turning, but gasped as he began to slowly push his way into her ass.

"Oh shit!" she cried, feeling it stretch her walls, "oh fuck, Kodi it won't fit! It's too much!"

"It'll fit," Kodi assured, continuing slowly into her, "trust me."

Jenna nodded and gritted her teeth, allowing him to enter her the rest of the way and once he had gone in up to his knot, he paused, allowing her time to acclimate to his size.

She whimpered for a while, almost feeling sick, but after a moment, the pain subsided and she turned to him.

"Okay," she said with a nod.

Upon receiving the go-ahead, he began to thrust her softly, slowly.

Jenna whimpered softly from a new spell of pain, but after a while her whimpers softly transformed into moans of pleasure, signaling to Kodi that the time was right to engage.

He picked up his pace, drilling her at half speed, but thrusting hard so that he could really reach inside of her.

"God you feel so good inside of me!" Jenna cried, "you're so... Oh! BIG!"

Kodi grunted, feeling the intense clenching sensation engulf his cock as her anus constricted around it.

"Fuck, mom," he panted, "you're so damn hot."

"Good to know you still think so," she crooned.

Kodi's mind was set on the pleasure he was receiving, a pleasure that his virgin cock had never experienced before, so the true meaning behind what she said escaped him entirely.

"Of course I do," he said, pulling out and aligning himself with her pussy yet again, "I've thought so my whole life."

As he finished, he entered her yet again, pushing slowly into her pussy until his knot touched the outside of her walls before he pulled out again.

She panted hard, moaning softly, then began to scream as he pounded her faster, harder, driving her mad with ecstasy.

"I want your knot!" she cried, having been pushed over the edge yet again by the sensation of it slapping against her walls, "give me your knot!"

Kodi grunted and thrusted her harder still, trying to force it in, but he had little success. Taking note of her son's struggle, Jenna began to rock against his thrusts, attempting to help him along. She slammed her hips against his again and again until finally it came.

With a pop, his knot shot itself into her and locked into place, causing her to scream in joy, but Kodi wasn't finished.

As he felt himself enter, he began to climb up the mountain yet again, but this time he would allow the course to be run, for he could not stand it any longer. He pinched his eyes together and continued to thrust to the best of his ability until finally he couldn't take it anymore.

"Fuck I'm cumming!" he cried and shot rope after rope of his hot cum into her pussy, coating everything with the sticky substance.

Jenna howled with joy when she felt his cum force its way into her body and shivered with content as it filled her to the brim, for never in her life had she been more happy.

"Kodi.. that was... amazing," she panted, turning to him.

The last of Kodi's cum fired into her and he opened his eyes.

"You're amazing," he panted, "thank you."

She leaned her head around and closed her eyes, asking him for a kiss, which he granted, leaning forward an pressing his lips against hers. The two took turns sliding their tongues into each other's mouths then separated.

"Kodi, swing around and tie me," Jenna instructed, then laughed, "that way we can lie down, you've worn momma out."

Kodi nodded and did as he was told, swinging his forelegs then placing his paws properly on the floor.

Once he had done this, Jenna slowly began to lay herself down, as did Kodi, for he had no choice in the matter, but he offered no protest, for he was quite tired himself.

The two of them laid tail to tail, bound together by Kodi's knot, laced in silence save the pounding of their hearts and the panting of their breaths. However, as the silence droned, Kodi began to think, then began to become worried. He had came inside of her, which could only mean one thing.

"Mom," he asked hesitantly, "you're not gonna get pregnant, are you?"

Jenna lifted her head and turned to him.

"No, son," she replied exasperatedly, "I'm not in heat, so it's highly unlikely."

Upon hearing this, Kodi's fears were quickly alleviated and he laid his head down on his paws, waiting for his knot to deflate so he could disengage.

He closed his eyes and a smile crept across his face, for never in his life did he ever think that his dream could ever become a reality, but it just did; all of his dreams were coming true. Never before had he been so happy.